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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 4:00am-4:31am AST

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the allergies here with the another frantic search for survivors after a day of is rarely strikes on northern garza kills 90 people to evaluate the voluntary johnson. this is all just here a lot from so whole set coming out. pressure is bouncing in israel and the broad prime minister benjamin netanyahu to hold the phone box of dawson, the
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explosions on gun 5 echo throughout garza city with fist fighting in us around residential neighborhoods. the excess of desperation mounts the millions trapped in gauze. 8 agencies say at least lost the population is dom emergency workers and volunteers are searching the rubble of buildings destroyed. and the latest wave of israeli attacks on northern gaza at least 90 people were killed in the giovanni at rescue g kemp, which has been repeatedly targeted since israel began its the sold on the strip more than 10 weeks ago. more than 100 others were injured. patrick assumed begins coverage from rafa and southern guns in the value of refuge account and offering
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cars another day of morning. and these really strong kit residential flow. the hours families have just treat twice the bodies of loved ones from under the russell. the dead receive lost gifts before being taken for perio. in the southern vault, we were sleeping and they attacked us in the early morning. they hit us twice and the killed and wounded were everywhere, including the displaced people, the scenario family with the shop family, in addition to other displays, people from all new. so we're all here. israel has repeatedly targeted the densely populated good that we account since this talk to the conflict, the scenes of destruction repeated in this morning's attack, the coast, whites of great damage. what's the use really occupation forces it targets at the house? does she have families? and to valley out of pocket or a full dead, hey, under the rubber. a large number of killed and wounded people who are in
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a critical condition has been recovered and moved from one of the victims, the young or the most presented a reality that your value of residence to go to comprehend followed. the majority of people killed our children and women. i have no idea why the occupation forces have exterminated the residents and displaced people here. nearly 19000 palestinians have been killed since the start of the war on gauze, on in october, in your value. grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer centuries. tarika by zoom. roughly, how does your wildest arizona sherry for has been speaking to people who are seeking shelter treatment in hospitals in northern garza? he sends this update from the about the stuff in miss medical center in your valley, out about the many dead and wounded people who are both following in his riley
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attack. many others are buried under the rubble and comp erased about paramedics. a as we can see, most of the casualties of women and children the targeting innocent children, we host that's our home for help losing the splits. people who kind of play the police out, the schools. this lady, occupation forces that have targeted all of us inside the house. they target houses that only host civilians. there are hundreds of dead and wounded people. the medical system has collapsed and we can only offer medical services in small centers. the can deal with the large number of victims. this is a genocide or message to the world is that enough is enough. stop sleeping and get up. don't you feel that we are part of humanity? we assuming and staying at home. we never home or heard anyone be there trying to
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find some drinking water for our children and of a sudden they started condition blowing, but at us, my daughter and my son were on the the managed to record the one of those this morning. the sensor receives a huge number of victims do some actually because committed by israel is occupation forces defense account, treat such large numbers of casualties. the health system in north galls or has already collapsed an immediate cease for i will made a stop to the killing of hundreds of people. the medical teams are exhausted and the situation is catastrophic. the anti well must, with a call to reach a ceasefire. we community offer 1st aid for these very critical cases and also that we don't know what to do or where to go with them. we are facing a genocide honey, my fluid is in ralph. i with more on the don needs for age and the deteriorating conditions that people are facing. as we are at the southern west, prince side of rockland city. this particular area is an evacuation zone. this is
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the other side of a laws. evacuation zone where 25000 palestinian displays hungry thursday and more profoundly traumatized. holla city and being displaced into this area. and in the building behind me. that is the category of hospital under construction. 25000 people with only one source of water, 5000 theaters of water available every day for 25000. in fact, we've been displaced palestinian, when we looked at the number of people and the amount of water, we can understand the level of difficulty people are going through this building right here is a still under construction. it lacks the very basic essential the food supplies, the water supplies, the sinus patients and the hygiene facilities that are important for the survival of human beings. the area outside the hospital where people have set up their tents,
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their pie as of garbage mounting around the area, causing gonna threaten name, public health, and the, the threats of the spread of infectious diseases around the area. everywhere you look, there are piles of the garbage around the area. there is also the fear of rain and water because it can cause a great deal of a flood in this area. gaza winter can be cold, can be width as well as possibility of blood can kind of care. the living conditions of people in this area are very difficult. and in comparison to where people or where the state before, their livelihoods, one person in a very frustrating tone, describe how his life hasn't changed dramatically. you lived in a concrete home with all, well, he needs all the basic supplies from water, food and medical supplies. found himself here in a make shift, can't
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a nylon and a plastic temp here in this evacuation is on the slide sides that allows a couple of messages. the situation is very difficult. no toilets, no food, no water. we buy drinking water every day. so many people don't have any money to buy anything. our children are suffering from the lack of toilet. and we worry about that how this is how when evacuated in size in gaza, looks like. as you can see, it lacks the very basic sanitation, the very basic highs used facilities. we're looking at a concrete a pallet. then we're hundreds of people, the buildings in different floors, trying to live their life with the basic minimum of living conditions. if they need water, they have to walk a distance away from this building to get there one gallon of water if they need to use a toilet. it's also another journey in the open area to use the toilet. each
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passing the in this evacuation going represents and increasingly very difficult, the for displace palestinians who have the calm. where is the hungry and more profoundly traumatized as the war continues to pound the gauze as for the, from north to south honey, my mode, a loss. evacuations on, i'll just, the euro is, are as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on the intense pressure to agree to a cease fire and gaza. there's been growing anger in israel, off the tree mistakenly killed 3 captives on friday. and fisher reports from occupied these teresa or its dominating using israel. what could it be now moving to celebrate no, a national tragedy. 3 men held captive in guys a walking towards those sent to save them. and then shot date. troops cannot do,
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i like to go down a while. when i was informed about the terrible tragedy it shocked me alone, summer and you know, tom survived the in for an over 70 days. they were just a step away from freedom and they really touched redemption. and that's when the disaster happened. they broke my heart to broke the whole nation's heart for the families of the captives together every day and tell them be, this is their worst nightmare. don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag ensure that they're just being shot and 2 goals of the war a presented by the government, which is destroyed, come off and i don't know, i owe you a 110 years. i can, we can not continue despite the us war and keep the company with the lives. the military has defended the actions of the soldiers. they've sent you instructions to units to avoid another tragedy. or there has been external pressure on israel for weeks to end. the water and gaza,
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but this will increase the internal pressure with a lot of the criticism aimed at benjamin netanyahu. himself that the males brand has been done in uh, what is seen as a colossal a security intelligence and strategic feeling on server settings. um and so with that brand, he cannot hold off the power and the past. uh, another election. uh he is taking a new brand and i think the ticket is gonna run on is opposition to the palestinian authority. returning to god at the beginning of a cabinet meeting. benjamin netanyahu said families of dead soldiers that sent them letters are to him to continue the war pointed response to the going internal pressure and to clean indication. that's exactly what he's going to do. i would say sure, i'll just do that. you know, keep fight, east jerusalem is right, is also facing increasing international pressure to stuff it's offensive in garza from has become the latest country to call for an immediate honest with you of
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a truce. it follows the kidding of a french government employee and then is there any striking rational wednesday on sunday francis foreign minister met? is there any counts of parts from tennessee? she later held discussions of the protest in uniform in the matter or did you see that? so give a shot, i reiterated today the consent of france on the subject of the declaration of the humanitarian situation in gaza. and when i say the concern, the what is weak was because the situation was seeing on the ground is a catastrophe. even more than a catastrophe, it's tragic. a tragedy that cannot leave us in different civilian should not pay the crimes of terrorism and that they did not commit. and so, as you know, francis calling for a new humanitarian, c fox to be brought in as soon as possible, a safe spot that's immediate durable and necessary. that's bringing home. this sounds good now and occupies easter rest. and for us here i have and we understand
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it's been a tool cause another possible captive deal. what are you hearing? this is really media is reporting that the most on chief david barney a has received the green light from prime minister netanyahu to restart negotiations with mediators. it comes after other reports said that barney, i himself was going back to europe to meet with that as prime minister. this would be the 2nd meeting in just under a week was there. i've also been indications, but nothing you all who had previously blocked the most, not you from restarting these talks, saying that military pressure was the only way to bring back the captives. however, when asked about this in a press conference on saturday, prime minister netanyahu said that the captives, the issue of bringing them back was of the utmost importance to these really military and the war cabinet. and one of the main objectives of the war. but after
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the killing of 3 is really kept, is by the use really military. the pressure has been mounting on the prime minister to get back to the negotiating table to do anything she can to bring back the, the, the captives or currently being held in gaza. family members of those captives have been trying to increase the pressure on nothing. yahoo saying that these really, governments should be willing to do everything in its power to bring them back, even if it means at all for all prison or exchange. but these really government indicating perhaps that it is willing to restart these negotiations. but as for the details of it, none of that is still yet known as the government has not yet confirmed anything carry home. the thanks very much for that to the us defense secretary is expected to put some more pressure on israel, the scale back to major combat operations. when he visits on monday,
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lloyd austin is now involved, right. and then we'll also be visiting cutoff as positive as the middle east tool this month, austin ones. these are the governments that it risk a strategic defeats in gaza if it fails to protect posting and civilians. she have a time. she has more from washington, dc for the last several days we've been getting these reports that the defense secretary will be talking to be as riley's about the next phase of the military campaign, which will be apparently these targeted small groups of israeli. come on the is going and try to track down. i'm off, but then when you look down, what was it? the next paragraph it's but it's entirely up to is ro when they, when they begin that next phase in the meantime, as rock and do whatever they want, there are no red lines. so again, it's a bit more about pivot is it's trying to make us all concentrate on what will happen often. what's happening right now. again, it was, oh, it's also still key about about reducing civilian casualties in the next phase of
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the whatever is ro besides that makes phase is, is, you know, it's ready if it's ready for the next day. if that ever isn't even the, the next phase. what coming up off to the break and nothing yet another referendum on whether to replace these dictate to ship the constitution will have the results from santiago and those malaysia. and you see them back track on antiques of back home measures future. moving to stand out, smoking the the, the weather brought to you by visit capital color was thing some violent storms pushing across that southeast and cold of the rest of it was massive. cloud have severe storms for people, storm like conditions as the area of low pressure continues to just run across the
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panhandle out west. we go to another system of significance as well as going to make its way in to the west coast as we go through the next steps. so a lot of frame, they're right. the way across california pushing right up into upwards is colombia . centralized at the us on the other hand, looking logic dry and quite the same is true. it's a central pa, so kind of the cold enough and when it back minus 8 degrees celsius here, we're able tools that east inside of the country, some snow flowers around the lake. she asked me to say 6 has been established with to run. so i'm for also getting into the, the low teams the low to mid teams that from new york ad also full read. they say that will sweet through good deal coding for both as we go on through wed tuesday and know to the board regarding sub 0 that's most been in place for a time. it will drive it will brighten up when the west sunshine sparkling sunshine . at least it will be driving some police guys around. but too much in the way. i please guys. across the western side of the caribbean, we got the semester crowd. that's in the process of pulling away west to weather, coming in across cuba, jamaica as well. rolling its way into
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a hispanic area for the weekend. the weather brought to you by visit castle in australia. indigenous with the missing that disproportionately high rates. 101 east investigates is enough being done to help find missing originally on out just a of a an unsettled time of 1st takes on the biggest phase of context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0 the the
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talk about her mind of the headlines that at least 90 people have been killed and attacks on japan. guns as no fest responses are still searching through the rubble said an injured thousands of people with including children. francis quoting for an immediate undoable truth in goss becomes off of the kenning of one of its government employees and in hispanic s. strong. wednesday. crowds in gaza scrambled to grab the aid of trucks coming into the street. israel says it will be open. so then across the east, but it's on clear where the supplies cross the truth and yet you and it says, proof of concept reputation. stone is ready for says have killed 6 palestinians in rage and occupies the west bank. well, they just operation took place into current neighbors, said thousands of his very vehicles during the rescue. jacob accompanied by is
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really food. those is that we used to disjoint roads and all the infrastructure. i was just, there was charles, struck with has more from 2 car. this is riley all me right. last it around 8 hours on the refugee camp of nora shops in the old car and a good time down here. this is one of the storage sides of what local site was, a projects all that was launched from and these riley drive. and as you can see, the damage to the ground is minimal. and that's because this particular westland is designed to throw out thousands of both bearings and pieces of shrapnel at the surface level here. and as you can see, that will is completely peppered with shrapnel locals here. say that there were 2 members of the on resistance that were killed in this attack and one civilian. but it's a complicated story apparently off to the 1st strike, one of the all resistance members was killed immediately. another one was seriously
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wounded and he called over to this house and knocked on the door for help. you can see the block here and it's blocked down there on the steps. and then there was a 2nd to drive and strikes the member of the all resistance was killed immediately, but the son was seriously wounded. and it was for hours that he was hiding, being treated by his family, desperately trying to get ambulance stuff to come and treat him properly. they say that they called the ambulance repeatedly, the ambulance crews was saying that desperately trying to get in to the camp to help them. but these really ministry, they say refused to allow the man and the son died of his injuries actual to ambulance man. eventually go to us and started treating him. they asked me, do you believe in god whom i said, yes. what do you mean? you're giving him, so i stayed on you. then 2 minutes later he said, how,
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sorry you're somehow that copy of a higher set of sod solve the solve. i'm just, it was very hard over many hours there was shooting explosions on bombs, drones destroying infrastructure, destroying or stores. last night was like him. i think as a result of the army right. also, hey, businesses, this is a policy to be installed here on the outskirts of the cap. roseville, i, me, is be completely built off as well by one of those on it is right there at least 5 people killed in this latest attack. the products they needed, so they, they will tell you that they are expecting more rights body is already made. a change in the days and nights have come to us, drop it out just in a notice jumps represent guns. so kind of a mother and daughter taking shelter inside a church in northern garza, i've been told by is very snipers and the statements, the lights in patrick rockets of joyce and says that women it was shot in cold
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blood of the holy family catholic church, one was killed while tearing her elderly mother to safety. a put francis condemned the incidents during his weekly address. so that's a can city on sunday. so no j 30 on monday that come in p. i'm civilians are being bombed in shots that way. so yeah, and this is even happened inside the holy family powers compound ok, but there are no towers, but families, children, and 6 people with disabilities. my mother and her daughter is the heat color unto him and her daughter tomorrow come out until killed. and now there's a wounded by snipers, as they went to the bathroom to the house of mother to raises numbs was damaged, something that generator was hit. some say it's terrorism, it's will, yes, it's will it's terrorism to see that 30 since the
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start to some of that. well, these now voters in sure they have rejected a new constitution to replace the current text that dates back to the dictatorship of augusta. and this thing becomes more than a year off, the chileans reject to the left leaning more progressive draft. the new proposed text was seen as conservative and market friendly on that to the america edits. and the cl newman has moved from santiago where the campaign headquarters of what you could consider in the winters of this referendum. in other words, those who organized the rejected vote against a referendum for a new draft constitution to replace, to these dictatorship era constitution. the current one, now this is the 2nd time in the year the julian's went to the polls to vote in a referendum for or against the new constitution. the previous one was seen as having gone too far to the left. this one much too far to the right. so what you're seeing here are a lot of people who are kind of trying to figure out what to say tomorrow to the
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people in the chimney. really, there are no windows here. this has been a failure on the part of the collaborative julie, that's certainly how many people are seeing it, the, even some of the people who've been speaking here to chance is not just one to rewrite the constitution to put, to bid the people shake era constitution which 80 percent of julian said 3 years ago, they wanted to replace because they wanted to have one written under democracy one that would guarantee social services, health education, tensions and a whole the array of rights. that apartment one does not guarantee. and then both cases, neither of the options were good enough, so it's not back to the drawing board anymore. now everyone agrees, it's time to start with this attempt to rewrite the constitution and to the political parties kind of breed on ways to reach a middle ground. that might be satisfactory to the people of jimmy c and you've been out to xerox sandfield accompanying leftist rebel group has agreed to stop
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kidnappings for ransom and national liberation. army. yeah, then is in gauge and the practice for decades is reasons of ducks of a famous football styles. father caused a pool and threatened to disrupt the safe spot. negotiating between the government and arms groups. north korea has find the ballistic missile towards the sea of japan, and that's important to south korea is minute treat is the 2nd launch in the past 24 hours after it find a short range. miss sol, just a few area on sunday. it comes just days off the south korea and the us, how nuclear deterrent stokes. so the as president alexandra, the church has declared victory and that's not parliamentary elections. as off, the posts has projected his reading it serving progressive fox. it was on track to when the boat is seen as a referendum on this right mean government, the sense of left or position has rejected the precedence announcement saying it
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has evidence of widespread the food official results. so do you later on monday, the civil defense authorities no stray or urging sizes of people in north queensland to move to higher ground because of the danger flooding from torrential rain deluge from tropical cycling. jasper has already left several suburbs in the city of kent and underwater, full cost, as of one of life threatening slash floods in the region. heavy rain is expected to last until tuesday. so there are concerns that the global anti tobacco movement is losing momentum. it follows the reverse of mattress and you see it and then the laser to ban smoking for future generations. phones very reports. now this is the leading cause of preventable the w h o estimates. tobacco kills more than $8000000.00 people each year,
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including those exposed to 2nd hand smoke. support for the n t smoking movement is growing. many governments are working to reduce the number of smokers, including new zealand, with a number of people who smoke has fallen to 6.8 percent. the country was the 1st 2 possible and a year ago. this is now being reversed under the new administration, much to the disappointment of n t, smoking advocates. i think it's important to recognize that politician come and go . but the polling that we've done shows that during the cust nice ation. reducing the availability of tobacco products in the smoke free generation, the based on very strongly evidence and the very popular and that evidence is never going to go away. melisha to had a plan to cub smoking, but those provisions will ultimately dropped from proposed legislation. public health experts say the opposition to such a bad is misguided. it's felt that it's a bad on existing smoke because as of 8 uses and therefore it is something
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of a deprivation of, of liberty right there. and that's where most of the objection lies. but the fact of the matter is it's actually trying to protect our children, our grandchildren, and those who come off to us from being addicted to nicotine. to begin with and to smoking, advocates find themselves going up against a powerful opponent. the tobacco industry that's estimated to be was one trillion dollars by 2030. the british government has said it's times to introduce a new law that would prohibit secret sales in england to individuals born after january 1st 2009. it's highly likely that the tobacco would stay with the to do things like you just, you'll review a legal challenge as that part of that play that the kind around the well to try and show that directly to reprice fast and slow it down. um, but i, i, i know you the,
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our government has previously stood up to those back to industry and i'm sure that they will talk to them again. england could end up being the 1st to impose a generational ban on secret sales science. lee algebra renewed fighting in saddam's. alex's era region is forcing thousands of millions to fleet for 2nd time. people who are 1st displaced from cartoon in april of now fled the city of what my dani off the buttons erupt to between saddam's ministry and power ministry, rapids support forces and system and food reports already uprooted from their homes, thousands of food and these are fleeing again, after 8 months of conflict and more than 12000 people killed, the number of displacement keeps growing. since friday clashes between 2 bands, army and the power military rapids support forces.


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