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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 9:00am-9:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the us defense secretary lloyd austin, travels to israel. he is expected to pressure the government to scale back its military offensive own gaza, the october cry. this is hell just here. a line from the hot also coming up more dead and wounded. another die of is ready strikes on northern cause it kills 90 people. jabante of refugee can in southern guns of desperate scenes as fairly close as a launch attacks across the city of con eunice, causing casualties in a pdf tra cord plus
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the symbolic funerals and the occupied with bank. an endless way to tell us citizens from the bodies of their loved ones comp disguises by as rarely forces the, the us secretary of state, just traveling to israel is cool, is going to put a stop to its war on guns. israel has been stepping off its military offensive despite the rising international pressure. lloyd austin is expected to praise. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, its government to scale back until preparations. austin will head back to bar ryan off to a day long visit. he will also be visiting cutoff as part of his middle east to us . let's really make media say i'm awesome is while i open to tools media, i should buy casa on a new c spot and exchange of captives and prisoners. negotiations sold at the beginning of this month after
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a week long ceased by collapse. floor on this is code ellen fisher, who is an occupied east jerusalem, and lloyd austin's to, to touch down this role in the next few hours. what kind of pressure will he be bringing with him? the quote you have to wonder because it's not as if it's that message that he's bringing that we haven't had from the americans before. particularly senior diplomats like on to the blinking. or just a few days ago, jake sullivan, who's the national security advisor. they all seem to say the same thing, that israel will conduct the war with an international lawyers even when there are examples where they haven't targeting hospitals for example. and also they say that israel will continue to avoid trying to kill civilians even when they're targeting hospitals. so it's hard to see what pressure, lloyd dawson will put on the release at this point beyond what seems to be
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americans spend on the idea that they're putting more pressure on benjamin netanyahu. but these really prime minister is facing pressure from inside the country, off the desk of 3 captives, people who were trying to give themselves up, surrender to these really ami the people who were sent to save them. but ended up being shot dead by the people who should have been the salvation its dominating using israel. what could have been a moment to celebrate no a national tragedy. 3 men held captive in gaza, walking towards those, sent to save them. and then short date, troops cannot do. i like to go down the law. when i was informed about the terrible tragedy it shocked me alone, summer and your tom survived the in for an over 70 days. they were just a step away from freedom and they really touched redemption. and that's when the disaster happened. they broke my heart to broke the whole nation's heart for the
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families of the captives together every day and tell me to be this is their worst nightmare. i don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag ensure that they're just being shot and 2 goals of the war a presented by the government, which is destroyed, come off and i don't know. i owe you a 110 years. i can, we can not continue to fight the us war and keep the company with the lives the military has defended the actions of the soldiers. they've sent you instructions to units to avoid another tragedy. there has been external pressure on israel for weeks to end. the water and gaza, but this will increase the internal pressure with a lot of the criticism aimed at benjamin netanyahu. himself that the males brand has been done in my uh, what is seen as a colossal a security intelligence and strategic feeling on service of um and so with that
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brand, he cannot hold off the power and the past. uh, another election. uh he is taking a new brand and i fix the ticket is gonna run on is opposition to the palestinian authority. returning to god at the beginning of a cabinet meeting. benjamin netanyahu said families of dead soldiers that sent them letters are to him to continue the war pointed response to the going internal pressure and to clean indication. that's exactly what he's going to do. i would say sure, i'll just see that, you know, keep tight east jerusalem. clerk b. they say that the reality is that the majority of people in israel support the war they support the idea of from us being is destroyed and they're still behind these really. i mean, after all that topic. but the pressure is continuing to build on that story of the 3 dead captives still dominates. the news headlines in israel. in fact, there are new pictures showing how deep scrolled s o s on the wall that they had
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looked for help. they told people that they've been kidnapped and they wanted to be freed. just in the last few hours, these really army has put out i video of one of its senior officers reminding soldiers that if people are waving white flags, then they shouldn't be shot. take a 2nd to think about that. the israeli army is no telling its soldiers. people waving white flags should not be shot. that is why that is going pressure continually on benjamin netanyahu. thanks so much ellen, that is ellen session for us and occupied east jerusalem. let's get more on this from the raw flo. he's in washington dc and how much pressure is president bond? and coming on to the point to push back against the as riley's is going to be with you tom. it's just like alan was saying there in the last segment, this is a story of pressure pressure on the united states to then pressure israel to reduce civilian casualties. here at home president buying is under
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a tremendous amount of pressure and from various different directions. on the one hand, you have a escalating attacks against us military personnel in places like a rock in syria. you have escalating attacks against merchant ships in the southern red sea by iranian back, who these in yemen. so the united states, the, the by the administration is under pressure from its own government, from, from republicans as well to both flex uh, us military might as a deterrent against further attacks you and then you also have pressure from humanitarian groups and civil society groups that want the united states to wield its influence over israel to limit the military campaign in gaza to reduce civilian couches casualties, to narrow the zone of combat. and that pressure is translating into the united states. continuing to send a high level officials to try to influence is real and just the way that the united
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states as being pressured as well. so the bind and you can see this in the changing rhetoric from us officials, not just by the administration officials, but the president himself. we heard him just in a very brief sent the campaign stop where he referred to the bombing of gaza as indiscriminate. so lastly, i would say that we are just a year away. the binding administration is looking for support, which is hard to find, given that the uh, young americans, especially those between the ages of $18.35 upwards of 70 percent of young voters don't approve of the way president biden has been handling the war. these are young folks, the same folks, many of whom help to elect them, elect him, and they're seeing their social media. a news feeds fill up with images of death and destruction. so people are growing weary. the longer that this conflict drags on here in the united states, there's also been a rise in hate crime. so there's a concern whether it be or crimes, anti semitic crimes or crimes against era. but most of the americans,
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the bottom line here is that the by the ministration. yes, it is under a tremendous amount of pressure to bring this conflict to an end. but it is going to be a test as to whether or not the us has enough influence over is real to make that happen. thanks so much many that is one of the flow for us in washington dc. we're continuing this to read honey mac motors in ralph or in southern guns or into i mean, how is austin's visit being perceived the where you are as well since the reports about the secretary of defense, lloyd austin's visit to the region on the within just a few, a couple hours you will be in the region, the gauze and tier are very skeptical about the visits there. and now they're asking a question about and wonder and got like why, what are the defense secretary is doing in the region when uh, the past high level visits of, from us officials have,
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have had no upfront positive impact on, on, on their lives. and if we look at on the ground of alice indiana being killed at a record numbers of particular we looked at it increased then in the, in, in the aerial bombardment, the particularly in areas that have been designated as a safe for this place and evacuation. then and, but they did turn to be a death trap, and then the us hasn't done any things about it. despite the facts about reports that further and bite in his administration were unhappy about it. but none of the not nothing concrete on the ground to prevent it. they're also the palestinian. the goblins here are aware of the ceasefire talks going on, but they haven't seen the u. s. of pressuring is really into negotiations as much as these really public opinion has the, on the, on the, is really government over the, the safety of the houses is the hostages within the past couple of days if it
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actually happens. so not again, not, not no concrete efforts on the ground to prevent destruction of, of palestinians also the one to see if, if the u. s. a, the president and the day administration can a lot can put pressure on the on is read to allow more substantial a humanitarian aid for palestinian to prevent display. busy starvation and despite of diseases due to the collapse of, of sanitation, none of this is happening on the ground. now reports and talks are, are great to read and to hear about, but here in desperate situations, people want to see something more concrete to them. but they is a great, but it needs to be translated into action and date. stay with us, honey. we're going to come back to you in a moment because in southern guns where you are, the is rarely ami loan strikes across the city of con eunice. one child was killed and several other people injured when a shell had a pediatric would light on sunday. hundreds of people have been taking shelter and
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they were bar costs little, which is part of the see it medical complex. when they, she didn't say nothing to been a, we were sitting inside and i was putting my daughter to sleep. my neighbors were being treated for their injuries. suddenly we saw smoke and rumble on us. it was difficult to see anything through to fix smoke. i helped my daughter tight and started screaming and called up for help. i jumped out of bed and rushed outside. oh honey, can you just tell us a little bit more about that striking the the maternity vote there of the the as well nozzler hospitalization. unfortunately, i'm increasingly becoming a war zone right now, as there is a search. and these really are tillery southern guns, not only days, 3 and part of tanya and his buddies is moving toward the central part of the time units where the hospital is located. and by the way, this is the, the part of upon units where we reported for the past a weeks about,
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about the word this particular building is the maternity ward and as part of not their house. but it's believe to be the one of the foundation buildings and in the hospital with a 1000 of evacuating displays. palestinians give in front eh, a parts of eastern time unison. the center of pipeline is just taking a shelter. but this is not the 1st time i had in the, within the past 48 hours, one eh, bomb, just spell a near the building and it was, it did not explode and caused a great deal of cutting. 2 or 3 people were injured as a result of the, the fall of that on the predictable bomb. but as of, of over night, it directly, the building was targeted directly by a, by a missile, a destroyed parts of it and damage in good read deal of it's the equipment and medical medical machines inside of a, there are reports about as well. a girl, a young girl who was killed and several other who were
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a critically injured at which it, it just since that, again, the waves of concert. then one more time we're seeing a hospital and not only work as the as a healing eh, facility, but also show during and get evacuating displays are becoming under direct effects . similar situation and scenario is going to happen. this is what, how people feel about it does what having to ship out and then agent hospital again, all there's one hospital now we're seeing it happening in han, you and it's again, there is no lit up in, in what's going on. we're only seeing an increase of those areas bombardment of, of the gaza strip. okay, thanks so much, honey for all of that. that's an investment for us in rough said northern gaza emergency cruising volunteers is searching for survivors following a wave of as ready as strikes on sunday. at least 90 people were killed in the body of refugee camp, which has been repeatedly targeted since the start of the war. correspondents
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target boone has moved from profit and southern gaza in the value of refuge account and offering cars another day of morning. and these really strong kit a residential flow, the hours families have just 3 twice the bodies of loved ones from under the russell the dead receive last guess before being taken for perio. southern vault, we were sleeping and they attacked us in the early morning. they hit us twice and the killed and wounded were everywhere, including the displaced people, the scenario family with the shop family, in addition to other displays, people from all new. so we're all here is we'll have repeatedly talk to the densely populated good that we account since this talk to the conflict the scenes of destruction repeated in this morning's attack that coast, whites of great damage. what's the use really occupation forces have targets at the house? does she have families and to valley out of pocket or a full dead?
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hey, under the rubber a large number of. busy and wounded people who are in a critical condition has been recovered and moved from one of the victims, the young or the most presented a reality that value of residents struggle to comprehend. the thought, the majority of people killed our children and women. i have no idea why the occupation forces have exterminated the residents and displaced people here. nearly $19000.00 palestinians have been killed since the start of the war on gauze on in october, in your value, grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer centuries. tarika by zoom roughly out to 0, will still ahead on al, just here i will have all the rest of the dies news, including time security and hong kong, as jones media tycoon. jimmy lie goes back on trial and, and now the, you know, the failed referendum in chile on with
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a to replace it to ship era constitution. the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war oh no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this just showcasing what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a more natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language,
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is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually live in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stores, the salad the us defense secretary will visit as well later on monday. so at austin is expected to pressure the government to scale back major combat operations in kansas in southern calvin,
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gaza v as riley army launch strikes across the city of con eunice. one child was killed and several other people injured. when a shell had a pediatric one of them, that's a medical complex life on sunday. but dozens of palestinian bodies have been confiscated by israel and the occupied westbank since the war began on october. the 7th human rights organizations fear that many more being taken away from cancer relative sphere. they may not be returned for years by is ready to go for these. hold on, they'll how many reports from nicholas lauder home from the show the in life and this is rose occupation besides the fate of palestinian. it's been nearly 2 years since my son has been lost, so their son. so it is courtney was a 23 year old living in nablus, who loved motor bikes. she became a member of the lions. then a group made up of youth,
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rebelling against the occupation. he died in confrontation with these or 80 soldiers. 2 weeks later, they received a letter saying the body had been confiscated by israel. all they had to bury was his hand, a bag and his partially burnt. i must come. how the other fish we i'm going. it's only when he died. did we discovered she was part of the existence? no, no. first, i went to the hospital and his friend told me, my son was that i wanted to see his buddy, but they said it was taken away as symbolic funeral was held. but the thing is really, the family were told that if this man now buried here, had at the time given themselves up, the remains of their son would have been returned. now this policy of withholding bodies and using them as bargaining shift has existed since the creation of the state of israel. actually, it was inherited from the british mandate,
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but it's only says 2015 that it's intensified to. it's a policy that jews fight the against the british presidents in palestine. the cry that the time hundreds of bodies had been confiscated since the occupation of the west bank started in 1967, a subject on that same. so my thoughts that's going to someone else can begin before they kept the bodies of how much support is. so somebody carried out and attacked. then the user id cabinet decided to keep all the parties regardless of how difficult for the extra topic. and sometimes the reason of this can be obscure on the screen and the moose, i know is that the 15 year old son mohammed looked his father's garden evening in december 2021 at the home of the mother. a couple of hours later, this video already on social media and shows the car after the teenager rammed it into a check point. and my mother standing there was
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a soldier injured on the ground level. not to that. we live on to work to patient. you cannot figure out what triggers your child. your waste follows was happening on his mobile phone. i don't know what affected him exactly, but killed him. anyone the suspect of anything. so i don't know how y'all do you all have. i also left the wallet immediately, or maybe they interrogated him 1st. i don't know. it comes to how many hours was he held? was he tortured? i don't know. so many things. this dream had the grave me to give closer to the youngest son who was asking after his brother. but for her pleasure would only come when the body of her son is late to risk. and that's at the will of these wills, military occupation. for that, how many elders, you know, bless less 10 to some other world news now, and a huge fight is banding and they get in capital cannot cree was triggered by an
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explosion that a fuel depot on the color in financial it, in the heart of the city, the facility is near the central prison and residential areas. thousands of people have been injured. there are also reports the fire spitting from the fuel depot to nearby neighborhoods. the cause of the explosion is unknown. as the north korea has 5 volts believe to be an intercontinental ballistic missile towards the sea of japan is the 2nd launch in the past 24 hours up to it by the short range missiles. early on sunday, it comes just dies off to south korea, and the us health nuclear deterrence talks in the trial is media tie came to me lies onto why and hong kong on charges of conspiracy institution. he's facing a potential live sentence under china is sweeping national security law. life is a prominent critic of badging and founder of the pro democracy in use. type it apple daily, which ceased operations of 2021. he was convicted on full charges in
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a separate case last year. jessica washington is outside with calvin court in hong kong. there is a significant security presence here outside the west, common course, some hundreds of offices on every corner of the cold complex. as the national security trial of jimmy life begins often much delay. the trial has suddenly attracted public attention. some thousands of people queued from the early hours of the morning to secure their seats so they can watch the trial happening inside the courtroom. there are also foreign diplomats watching the trial as well, including those from the british control in general. as stimuli is a british citizen, significantly the u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron met with jimmy ly son sebastian the for the child began and just hours before the trial started, he calls for jimmy lies immediate release, saying that this is a politically motivated prosecution. china is ministry for and it says has dismissed what it sees as interference in
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a domestic nata. and to describe that jimmy light as a destabilize us and an antique china elements. now, as the 76 year old entered the courtroom, he looked calm and he smiled and waved at the court. his lawyer told the court beast as a matter of fundamental rights. the trial has already been delayed twice and the national security law was used initially to block gimme life choice of lawyer and also to block a jury trial, which is the norm here in hong kong. instead home comes leaders, don't leave a pointed, 3 judges the case and the side stimuli space. hong kong, as far as he's a say, the cities legal system is robust and all or equal before jessica washington 0. chileans have rejected it. propose conservative constitution to replace the current one the dates back to the dictatorship of august. to finish i, it comes more than a year to chileans rejected
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a left leaning more progressive draft. less than america it is at lucy and human reports. the choice was simple. all in favor for against in the end, the message was clear. just as the majority of chileans had rejected the draft constitution last year seen as to far left. this time they voted against one that was widely viewed as even more right wing than their current charter written under chiles. former peter shade dictatorship, who saw for like doing, it's better to stay with the disgusting constitution of pino shape for food by to progressive president. them to have this tied to the right wing version, the buddhist on flashes and but some would have preferred this last offer to put the matter to rest, i think, is going long enough. 3 years ago, chileans voted overwhelmingly to draft a new constitution. the widespread demands for constitutional guarantees, education, health, pensions,
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and women's rights. but clearly they feel let down the things that total. and this represents the radicalization of everything that was criticized about the constitution that we currently have. the biggest, i own e is an after not one but 2 tries. julian's will be left with their dictatorship era charter for the foreseeable future. did look technical. i think the tragedy of all this is the feel a little follow up for the people across the way to give them put you on that as to address our problems. and they haven't been up to the challenge. and perhaps that's why many feel that there's been no windows here, except perhaps those who've always refused to put the dictatorships last legacy to rest. see, and human al jazeera santiago. as the columbia enlist, just re eval group has agreed to solve the kidnappings for ransom. the national liberation army or ellen has engaged in the practice for decades. it's recent
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abduction all the time is people's task bother cools down pro and threatened to disrupt the deceased fund, negotiated between the government and the grades. but something they told me to try with us next, then it is inside store the the color of the web is all quads across smart until the middle east. some lovely. when's the sun shine full most of us little bits and pieces of fair weather cloud. yes, but nothing too much to speak of payment though hot temperature is struggling to get to around $24.00 degrees celsius. so i present as we go one through the next carpet i spell, the only thing you see there was a little more in the way of cloud may say some showers just running across the cool cuz he's pushing towards iran, one or 2 showers just around the southern flank of the black sea, but for much of that is the sort of the mediterranean for took the a through i cypress,
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just around the live and it should stay dry as we go through the next though. so i wanted to say i was do move place because on monday, but they should face allows as we go into the middle part of the week, we have got some showers, the full cost of across northern parts of to nature in particular, some heavy rain here much, and these are things, some of that was a web least impact. so for algeria also seeing some ra, the weather, and that is logical, some flooding sites. so it'd be something to keep an eye on. most flooding concerns across the west africa. but as long as you try here, fine, and drive it plenty, a shower has a rod across the hall so of africa and go, this is a big down post to the fish house and to the move of south africa pushing up into mozambie with some showers the also introducing probably the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the israel's foreign minister in the war on guys, i will continue this fight, blowing on her over these really armies of sweet captives this on these are demanding the document to ensure those house by him on our release. so can a deal be agreed to freedom and secure


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