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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the liquid, at least the piece of the sofa and a be to come to me on the way. and then the last one was over at the deal with that they would have to seats lindsay like put on the corner. they can lift it. okay. then the the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters in delphi and sadie. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the us defense secretary, whole discussions with prime minister benjamin netanyahu officer meetings with is really officials about the war on gaza. tensions ramped up in the red seas,
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more merchant ships are attacked by the whole seas in response to the war in gaza. the girl who lost her family, her leg, and finally her life. sonia of my son who told the world about her dreams of becoming a doctor is killed. fine is really a tough plus the giving birth on raising newborns in a war zone. we hear from new parents who say their children have been born into par, [000:00:00;00] the existing g m t, that's 5 p. m and is real and gaza. and we begin this news. our in tell of eve, where the us defense secretary has held talks with israel's leaders. israel has
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been stepping up its military offensive despite international pressure to reach a ceasefire. deal with austin, met israel's defense minister and prime minister benjamin netanyahu during the day long visit austin had previously warned israel risk a strategic defense in gaza if it failed to protect the palestinian civilians. so that's the light fixture from tel aviv, where we expect to hear from both lloyd austin and the is really defense minister you of go on. and as soon as we see them come out and step out onto the podium, will bring you that press conference live as soon as it begins. but as those talks between us and is really, officials are ongoing. a senior, how must official, has called the united states responsible for israel's war on garza united to this, the solution is total disposable of those most of codes and violation taken place at the hands of these are the efficient army and gaza throughout the u. s.
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and condition the delivery of the whip was to come to the scene and without any form of accountability. let's bring in bernard smith, he's joining us from tel aviv. so bernard, as we wait for that press conference to begin, tell us what you're hearing from your end and what we expect to hear from them. on the, we're on garza a while lloyd austin is one of the parade. the reason for right of us officials and some politicians who have all of them you announced the bucking for israel as a pool as well. not calling for a c spot, but increasingly voice and concerns over the high number of civilian casualties. and lloyd lloyd austin is coming here, hoping we understand that these riley's will be looking to move to a less intense phase of the role. that is what the americans want them to do because of a high level of civilian casualties at austin has plenty of experience of, of and more will 5. he was
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a response of the planning for the attempt to re take mosul from isolate years back in the conflict in iraq. so he knows what he's talking about when he 1st came in a few days after october, the 7th, he told these riley's, then they have too many policies gathered on the board. and instead they should be using strategic as strikes to take out how my senior leadership, israel has like no, but i'm going full ball for this was a ground invasion is in gaza and shows no sign really of fucking down. if anything, these riley is a dumpling down, austin wound in december the beginning of december. if you drive civilians into the arms of the enemy, you replace a typical victory with a strategic defeat. we can save them the latest polls. how much, how much is popularity increased in the occupied westbank? israel is israel going to be willing to listen kind of america while the americans have a couple of screws that concern they are. they provide a lot of funding of pools and military assistance to israel,
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but the americans really hoping that these rallies will change the paysimple bernard sound by for just a moment because we're going to look at what's happening and a young man in the forty's there have said that they've launched an operation targeting to more ships and the red sea that are linked to israel for 2 months before with these have been carrying out attacks on commercial ships passing through to see in protests against the war on guys and, and as a tax and the red, so you're increasing some of the world's largest shipping firms have stopped their vessels passing through with water is the latest one is the british oil company b p. it says it's whole thing for oil and gas shipments. so the u. s. has not reported the planning to establish a new maritime protection for us in the red states accounts for those attacks. and in reaction, a faulty commander released the statements saying, any escalation in gaza is an escalation in the red sea. and any com in gaza is considered a com in the red sea. he also went on to say that any country your party that comes
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between us and palestine, we will confront to. so let's bring in bernard. you're joining us once again from tel aviv. so tell us more about what we expect to hear when it comes to this maritime force and, and what we'd be getting an announcement on that's we are hoping for an hour and announcements on that. yes, austin goes to ball rain after his visit here and tell him, be late this evening. mostly americans want to do is have this maritime force and they want the backing of the gulf states with that as well as egypt and jordan. they want them to help this voice mail idea is to have it in the right seat to act as a guitar and to intercept any who the attacks of the shipping companies will come back to using it. many shipping company, not the biggest ones, some of them are now diverging the ships on a 2 week detour, down down the african coast and up to up to your by the way. it's very expensive
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and delays that shipping on east coast in egypt. a lot of money because of egypt takes about $10000000000.00 a year last year in transit fees through the suez canal. the challenge for those gulf states on egypt and jordan is they don't because of this war and gaza because of that domestic populations. very, very sympathetic to the policy mean pools. those countries could be reluctant to look like that aiding is riley in any way. so it's going to be a very, very delicate diplomatic balance of these goals. countries and the ages and jordan will have to take, but the us really needs them to help this for us in, in the red sea. okay bernard, we'll let you go for an hour and we will cross back to you as and when that press conference begins. thank you for the time being. so while all that is happening, the head of the c, i a is meeting category and is really officials to discuss the possible release of more is really captives held in gaza. feel, burns, how broke, or a previous deal between israel of him us. so it led to more than
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a 100 people being freed. we have our white house correspondent, kimberly hostage wanting us now from washington, dc. kimberly, what more do we know about this meeting and where each party stands at this point? yeah, well what we know is that this meeting is going to be more challenging than previous meetings that has been held between the c i a director and the head of it's rarely intelligence. and that's got a lot to do with where things stand in terms of the captives that have already been released and where things stand in terms of these really military operation. what we know is that there have been obviously captors, they've been released already. and there have already been meetings of these intelligence heads. and they've met twice already in the past and have even included the head of really egyptian intelligence. but what makes it different this time is not only where they're meeting this time in warsaw, but also the fact that there is
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a concern. but israel is not willing to stop in any way. it's military campaign, something that how much is insistent on in order to make this deal work. and so that is the impasse that the c i a director is dealing with right now. now, the reason he's been called in again, is because not only the concern about the, the remaining potential to get the american captives out, but also the fact that he has the skills that they believe will help to secure the potential release of any future captives. but the other challenge and all of this and stumbling block is, but israel is pushing for women to be the 1st to be released. and this is something that how mazda is also reluctant to do. we understand, given the fact that they say that the remaining female hostages are,
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is really soldiers, something that is being denied. so this is a cub. these are a couple of the challenges that are being faced. of course, the other big challenges that is real in the united states don't have direct relations with or communications with her boss. that's where the contrary prime minister is coming in. and so this is going to once again, be very delicate in terms of the conversations. but they were successful in the past and the hope is that this is something that can be successful get in the future. all right, kimberly thank you so much for that update from washington dc. at least 200 palestinians have been killed and is really air raids. across the gaza strip and hospitals of come under attack. once again, this is the say that the gates of friendship, a hospital in northern garza where you can see dead bodies are laying about scattered outside the facility. dozens of palestinians have been killed and many more wounded after repeated shelling by is really forced and stationed around that
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area. and there's been continuous shooting near and she fought as well. a 12 year old girl has been killed in and is really attack. and also the hospital in han, eunice donia of my son, died when a shell hit the pediatric board, where she and several other children were sheltering. she had already lost her family on her leg and a miss all attacked on their house. and last month she told out a 0 about her hopes and dreams going into headed in yeah, i hope to be a doctor to help people. you know, my life is changing. they have gone. we are alone now without them. i was connected to this life because i was very much connected to my mother's father and siblings who died. but i must continue despite the fact that i will never forget the mobile alger zeros. while the doctor visit at the na said medical complex and con eunice leprosy and you will have that fee, which i'm not not set up with this obstetrics and gynecology department in austin,
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of medical complex has been targeted and penetrated by as rarely. shells, as you can see on that bad, it was a girl who had her leg amputated after an attack in another area. nissan eunice, the shell, hit her directory and her head and killed her immediately as well. here it did not explode. and if it had done that, it would have caused a real massacre here. says this is the 2nd time the hospital has been sued by a shelter that didn't explode to her. the 1st about early this morning in one of the hospitals, courtyards where displaced people shelter in a large number of tents and 2 people were injured. but yeah, they recommend, i don't have that the, some upfront, outside of the, the, this is the children section. the children were sleeping in their places, including a little girl don't. yeah. the shell penetrated the ceiling and directly hit her. parts of her head and blood are splattered on the wall. as you can see, it's a brutal crime. this little girl had her legs amputated,
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and her family were killed when their house was bound not long ago. finally, she lost her life. the enemy killed donya and killed all her hopes of the enemy. didn't send us any warning or evacuation order. the enemy didn't say anything before showing or departments. it's a message to us that we will always be under the threat of being shelled and bombarded anytime any day. donia and the other innocent children did nothing to be killed. the civilian displaced people in these tents did nothing to be attacked and killed and get injured. israel's military might be intent on committing other massacres in this hospital and knocking out this health institution doesn't want any medical service to be offered to our dead and wounded people in the entire gaza strip. then run a scenario. it is almost the same old scenario used previously by the israeli occupation forces it all she for medical complex. the same method has been used before at the obstetrics and gynecology department in all she for medical complex that prior to putting the whole complex under
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a siege. could this be the start of imposing a total seizure on the hospital before storming in the coming few hours and days give us the answer? well, it will just be a huge amount of sort of the b as well for children who are born and gaza is really occupation and wars have been relentless. let's take a look at what an average 16 year old has endured in their lifetime at birth and is really land air and sea blockade has affected every aspect of his or her life from food to health and education. at the age of 2, that child would have lived through $23.00 days of devastating air and ground to tax. nearly 1400 palestinians were killed. 320 were children. in 2012, when the child was 5 years old, they would have survived in a day as sold, but killed more than 80 people. most of them women and children. at age 7, the child would have enjoyed
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a 50 day is really on slots. at least $2310.00 powers indians were killed in 2014, 551 where children as a young teenager, he or she would have witnessed the aftermath if it's really a tax that last 11 days, 260 palestinians were killed 67 were children. now there's another war more fierce, more brutal and more deadly. more than 19453, palestinian had been killed over 7729 of them. our children. we have with us, hired about the dish, was the director of the accountability program at defense for children, international pals. fine. he's joining us from grandma and the occupied westbank. thank you for time with us on algebra 0. can we 1st speak about the 12 year old girls in gaza? then you will. my son, who now we understand has been killed at last that hospital because of in is really
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strikes after losing her family earlier on. i know your teams on the grounds were caring for her. tell us what you know happens and what your teams are telling you. and uh, basically i think the, the, the story is some of the i would give the, the student to the bus to do it. and this done. and cuz the step, the probability or the target think it was $200.00 plus one months or, or it's a very minimum. but this is what happens with that. and to the, the upstairs to be moved from the north. but it goes up to honeymoon, s and the of the with being displaced from theater as well, for the with, to get that in the left. the place. uh the uh, what's the result that in the killing of 2 siblings and to be honest,
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in addition to the last one will get around the legs. we met that and what uh, and due to the, uh, it to us. and then she informed us that the one that she is dreaming about is just that 2 or 2 missed on a gross good. that can lick want that to be added to the left like norman people at the, at the time that they have for the student to then it goes off busing tool in boys one of them in order to, to resize dance with the impressions in order to fit with this because if they get the unity so we see one was that good. a smokeless simplicity goes up and this is another pool. the to the, uh, there is most explicit and what on was in the, uh, you would have to click and see if this glass,
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which is hospital that's would be predicted and so to speak. stepped about them. uh, uh, we understand that. uh mr. apple says that donia was also asking uh to be evacuated as well. but that wasn't possible. was it? tell us what your teams have told you about that a. this is what it does. that's what she is dreaming. gloves is just to throw it up . it was in order to install it for us. that's a good leg. and that for this was to and this is the, this was here 3 dreams. uh, when we met us and we did the visual lab, she told us about what she dreams for the future. but unfortunately, as it is up to the point anyone, cuz i the office as a guest because she was in the event to a brand categories to, i mean i, they're saying nowhere really highlights the threat to children. then this war on
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dogs are there are no more than 7700 children who have been killed. many more presumably, still stuck under the rubble talk us through the threats to their lives. or yeah, i think of the it doesn't affect just the, the less of temper and what goods it's up to fix the future of children who are bus to it. this experience is the psych, what does it come on to the, to the uh, on the uh, in a, please the, the on the goose then it is, but i got 10 shows. so the, so what is it going to wouldn't even go for the student to them for experience this what i think it would be uh, the 1st step in and do it. and i based my assumption on the previous was that the philistines to suffer from uh, site, but it's
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a kind of problems of the buttons to the set awards that this accusation is severe. then quickly to guess that ones, because this aggression is what i price to cut off on the lines of life. the ad for it gives us through whether it's food or what the house or the organizations like yours or how do organizations like yours. the defense for children, international and palestine. how, how challenging is it to be able to protect the human rights of palestinian children as your uh, organization says that it does, you know, i think, i think it's excellent for not just recently, but it's done. it's a challenge for the one because the despite to the lives in order to put them in to uh uh, this suggestion i guess, but as the mentioned to them,
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but insisted on the continuing got it. so it or pensive, and the problem that we believe that that is simple enough impression from international community in order to better so is that i have to stop is equity sent against it. but as the name people among them to the contrary, many countries come to sit and describes that it is that i am assuming. thank you. right. so i think it was google method, political and financially it's all right, so we'll leave it there. we thank you so much for joining us from the occupied westbank i it about dish. thank you. well during israel's, we're on cause a hospital as us you've been hearing have turned into battlefields in violation of international law on sunday is really forced a storm. the allowed the hospital in northern garza and detained its director after days of siege and the tax is really forces are accused of running over palestinians
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including wounded patients with bulldozers in the grounds of the come out nod one hospital and the world health organization says the emergency departments and guys as largest and main hospital shift medical complex resembles a blood bath, hundreds of injured patients arriving every few minutes. a siege on the attack on a ship out by israel's military, last month had left the facility absolutely paralyzed. dr. so law and job, but he works and goes on. this is his story in his own words or the job the because the words and blah blah by the was disagrees. yeoman had been like why and how much she laid on the shopping, because uh, mazda in the box was, you know, how big the boxes uh, was in that aspect and the sub. and then i know how that you'll, me on the video version on hunting. i thought, you know, you know,
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so yeah, the not the, i'm the lead up just talked to somebody for a lot of people, the not going both of us this all the cause is that the, the, the, the, this off the saw be in the, in the gym on the front of the young, the general now use of the how one of the what i should the about or that sadly isn't coming up with this was 40. yeah, i got the job funny, but i know it's not me the nothing down you know something something up on the on how to do. so look similar the yeah, i study, i would have to be doing this. i see it. i love this one hands and all the. 1
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just was for the she did and then what's the use of the one on the rocks and i put them in general was hoping one of them enough especially i have yet to be allowed to was you know, the for the long on the, on the, on the on the, on the one, the one on the charge on the mobile. so now without can pull the, the, the, it would not load it on like, you know, what i'm doing, what, what it was not the didn't specify what i'm. 1 as well, so bring in all the zeros thought of also into is joining us from what i saw in the southern gaza strip. so i thought it's been another bloody day after is really tax, as we've been hearing on hospitals as well as in the sofa because of where you are
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. bring us up to speed with what's happened over the past few hours. yes, the attacks of course, because i did not stop during the last few hours and in particular it had been intense calling during the last hour where the main close integration of these very minute tree attacks had been in the another in central and in the southern parts of the church which, which means that the majority of areas in gauze i had been on the east bailey and relentless plumbing. where these, where the forces that during the past few hours have killed more than $100.00. 30 pounds of things along with more than $300.00 others who have been in debt and the attacks were directed this time towards a complete residential neighborhoods in a central neighborhoods of gauze and city, including those up to 5. and she's your neighborhoods along slowly with the hospitals in the central and northern parts of the church. we are a, she felt hospital this time had been targeted. uh, were more than 30 palestinians have been killed inside the odds of the hospital as
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is body forces of frozen in the military offensive, of course, galls uh as previously uh, tools worth mentioning about these videos we have students come on at one hospital boon, significant parks and the departments of this medical complex and according to the director of the, of the ministry of hills, it has the states that allowed the hospital has witness similar kind of violations with the have arrested a number of men to come work along side. they have also a talk to a number of residents who are taking shots in the arms of the hospital. thought it, we understand the jabante a refugee come, which has been previously targeted. how's, again, the target off is really air strikes. what's when the aftermath of that yes, literally what we've been hearing from people in the nose and injured value in particular
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is completely devastating. as these body forces had to change all the landmarks of living thing, including the destruction of roads, residential buildings and the attacks that they were conducted and carries out that gave hospitals in that area that is very densely populated. and people, despite all of the intense popping these to inside this refuge account, witnessing different kinds of it's very minute treat acts that have been expanded in that region. we've been contracting gump, i'll bring them inside. they told us that people have been a graves and public areas in streets in the basement. so due to the lack of symmetry is on the on ability ability of residents to freely move on the ground does is very forces are targets in palestinians including using military drones that are equipped with gun fires to open only fire against people who are moving in the areas into a value refuge account as, as his body forces before tried to sold the outskirts of different, you know, this refuge account. and it's have been encountered by the palestinian fighters
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where this area become completely a battle zone between how to study and fighters and these where the all me, i thought about as soon thank you for that update from the south and the thousands through the still ahead on alta 0, millions are desperate for food in gaza as israel's cubes. diffusing, starvation has a weapon of for the high low that the south america violent storms are being quoting k of across the south of the continent. origin t let dealing with west of those who had exceptional winds of up to a 140 kilometers per hour, downing trees, and causing catastrophic damage. now the phones are still there on monday, rumbling that way, further north, across into uruguay and into power guy. but we'll also see some of those in buenos
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aires, and by tuesday it will be the winds, the i'm more of a problem that went to weather. however, stretching all the way up into bolivia on woods to peru, touching up and to ecuador and columbia. and it's looking slightly dry across the amazon basin, but preserve continues to see the heat, frequent heat wave warnings out for places like sol, paula, but temperature sitting well above the average. they will come down slightly as we go monday into tuesday. and as we head further north to central america and the caribbean, we think something of a cool down across mexico, thanks to the system that's pushing its way further. east red warnings out for low temperatures for the north, west of mexico with those conditions stretching across to the you could time peninsula whether he is across away from cuba and jamaica instead, it'll be pushing its way into his been your like taking the west of that weather to the dominican republic on tuesday of the
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hundreds and then millions. stephens cries, does a delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different trucks with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera and the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, there's a reminder of the top stories this, our, a 12 year old girl has been killed in is really a time after surviving an error strike that killed her parents last month. then you have almost the end was sheltering and a pediatric board and also the hospital and find eunice when it was the us defense secretary is i'll talk to is really leaders load also in his month of defense
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minister and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he says they discussed israel's military objectives on the protection of palestinian civilians. some of the world's largest shipping firms have stopped their vessels passing through the red sea as full with ease increase attacks on ships linked to israel. the british oil company b p says it's halting all oil and gas shipments. and as we've been reporting the us defense secretary is in israel right now as calls grow for a cease fire in gaza. washington has deployed to aircraft carriers and fighter jets to the region during the war, and is reportedly moving more warships from the raven gulf to the gulf of aidan to deter whole seat attacks in the red sea. alex, good top of us takes a look at the us military assets currently in the region. the military and support israel's received from the united states has be massive, giving it free rain as it tries to destroy home us. the united states dispatched to
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aircraft carriers stripe groups at the start of the conflict. the u. s. s. for the world's most advanced aircraft carrier. the largest bullshit ever built is currently in the eastern mediterranean, along with his support fleet. the us always in how it is on patrol in the gulf is, must have compliment a fight which is reinforcing the air and naval assets and the region. a us marine expeditionary unit saving of the coastal human acting is a base, a mobile headquarters for an assortment of high level special forces from the us navy and air force, coordinating regional intelligence gathering and for psych, naples, surveillance aircraft, and high tech global hawk spike drones be flying up the coast of goza, gathering information on how much and is regional supporters. the us is ring the middle east with fleets of ships, aircraft submarines and drones. and this is in addition to the us. so for sending jets to jordan and the colossal military assets already in place in bahrain consecrate,
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and the u. a. american military aid is allowed israel to continue its wholesale destruction of gauze amended ensuring that how much is allies a suit to be intimidated and the tut from taking any military action. okay, we have with us full time, but i talked to as a professor public policy at the time. i've been kindly for university joining us here. thanks for your time. so, so as we wait to hear from a lloyd austin, the last section of defense and the is really prime minister, we expect that the us will be announcing this what's being called as a maritime protection for and to deter, uh, what the full fees are doing. and the red sea and environment of how significant is this, obviously is significant because i think it's premature to be honest. and it is designed to divert attention from that in issue in gaza to somewhere else. the text by the house is nowhere near what the somalis did 10 years ago in terms of acting as pirates hijacking tank, cars and so on. and then it took many,
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many months to react to that situation and to build up slowly. now what do i think the americans are doing there? again, the, the strategy is so high risk that the building tension in the region. what do you mean by high risk? what strategy was to bring more forces into the region? so when you over crowded, the red sea is overcrowded, the administration is over crowded. they have also bad experiences in the red sea. they've been attacked before by outside the in the red sea is on. so it's just building is just throwing more resources or an issue where they should really address that was because someone else is this, does it have the potential to escalates more regionally into a wider war, including the other from of course, i mean the situation and yeah, man has been improving gradually. i mean, yeah, my name's stuff was being humanitarian disaster for a long time. and only in the last few months that people started to see the
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potential for our resolution. and yeah man, so we just started to get their act together to resolve the issue, the house. these also made some compromises. the son i airport was reopened and so on. and so to me now to bring it again and the focus of this regional tension is not really helpful. i mean, what the houses have done obviously, is helpful too, as well. but it's not of the degree that requires the us to now mobilize its strategy at the level of the desktop you what we've seen, a number of shipping companies say that they're just not going to be passing through that straight anymore. the latest of which is b p. sure. well, for now, i mean, they may not be passing for a couple of days or whatever, but these companies, they're revising their schedule continuously all the time depending on the level of risk. so they'd be passing this week they've been, they'll be passing the week after and, and so, and the delays are not worth the, the regional risk, i think. and it's,
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it goes back to how much they value the human life in our region. i mean, they're very quick on the trigger to come and act violently in our region before even they try to talk. i mean, nobody has talked to the house, he's now until now. nobody has tried to certify when you, when you say they who are who you're referring to, the united states and western allies. i think that they need to understand that this region cannot be a bullet into action. these people go in the house is when they reacted in yemen, they have so little resource and they've done it out of defiance out of pride. do one thing to stand by their posting and brothers and sisters, or they see have been treated in justly for now 7 to one days and massacres, unfolding in front of everyone's eyes. and the west is doing nothing about it. so they act in, in yemen, and so the new way of mobilizing all these forces to try and secure the waterways. i think there's something behind the best and the wrong,
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but the receive us but doesn't, doesn't to show that the, the plan that's been set out by the whole fee use them saying that they'll target any ships heading to israel. i'm doing so is putting pressure on israel and by extension the united states, of course have a it does and any, any other out of control can do the same. and we control all the waterways leading to europe from, from the east. so many other countries can also express their anger in similar ways . unfortunately, the out of states have not done anything. you know, many is, is unique in this context because of the temporary are kind of controlled by the house. he's a buzz to it doesn't really, it shouldn't call for an honest response by the united states before exhausting the political responses and someone has got to go down and speak to the houses about this, understand their grievances, why they're doing it, and tackle the issue. the issue is guys are right, i mean, the house needs to have been there for many years in control. they did not to
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interrupt any of the shipping lines. now someone has got to addressed as an i just as i said before, i think it's really affects the way they perceive this whole region minuses, riley everybody else has to be beaten into submission, which is not a very good strategy. and the us particular as knows this very well, and they've had lots of bad experiences in our agent. okay, so somebody has to leave it there. thank you so much for the time. because now that you are saying that god has become in the graveyard of a population trapped between war, sage and deprivation, israel says it's temporarily reopened the cut them up asylum crossing to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. the crossing has been closed for 2 months. cut them of a sudden, m is located where the board is of egypt, garza and israel meets, and it's used for large trucks carrying goods, fuel and age into gaza. before the war,
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850 trucks entered the strip every day through that crossing with israel, as well as that of crossing with egypt. and that ended when israel imposed a complete blockade on october the 7th. 2 weeks into the conflict, a few humanitarian a trucks were allowed in, a could only enter it through the crossing. the number of trucks delivering aid increased only marginally such a temporary cease fire deal with him ass last month. far shorts of the actual needs of the people in gaza. so families and girls are facing a real dire humanitarian crisis. their desperation is growing. by the day our correspondence smiled at who has more from gaza. 6 i'm, i'm was, i'm not sure that we're in front of all. she's a complex which hosts the biggest number of the space people. everyone is asking how can families manage their livelihood while under see and heavy bombings? i'm not sort of more that can be
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a little bit on this dilemma vision for sure. i'm cookie rice, to sell to the hungry. we need food and water. we want to live without rice, the people would starve to death. we need to work. we only have firewood for cooking the nurse because we only have rice to eat and we have to pay so much more than before. we need to feed our children and we can't even find slower. instead of paying less than a dollar for some slower, you know, have to pay about $8.00. that's it. if we're lucky enough to find this, you can say yes or no, no, no, no, to the situation is very bad. we have children and grandchildren. everyone needs to eat. there is nothing available except the rice impasto. we can have bread because we can't find flour. if you find flour every other day, it will never be enough to god as my witness. children here always climb because they're always hungry. currently, the situation is the worst compared to other wars. i've seen the war since 1967.
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and this time it's the worst thing in the world. the jimmy use that and you have a can least set that on. everyone is trying to get some rights to feed their children. weiss is now the only food available for more than $60000.00 would display. t is also everything we can find food even for the children. and i have 6 children that this is a situation here in front of all she for complex. people are trying to buy rights for the families and some other people inside the complex can even do the same some help. i mean, i know mine was a month is mainly hold up under the or how much socket is israel and palestine director of human rights watch. and he says israel is using different methods to deliberately limits food and water in gaza. but i think there are about 5 pieces, a very damning evidence that led to this conclusion. one is 2 plus months of uh, blocking entry of food and water. second is the blocking of all the trickle up to
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manage hearing aid from entering into gaza. these have been documented for more than 2 months, but then you add to it some of the additional evidence that we looked at. one is the parent raising of agricultural lands. large percentages of the agricultural green land and gaza turned brown and desolate for the report looks at the intentional destruction of objects necessary for survival. so i'm talking about right, we're taking your life to tel aviv to listen to the press conference between lloyd austin and jo gallano. they have been meeting today while lloyd austin has been in tel aviv. let's listen in the state the united states. and these really have never been more determined and the line and i'll show values i'll show interest
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and i'll show goals. my find general as do you have shown the people of these was and the entire world. what these me, what it means to be a leader and the path. now there is no great projection or fall into my dies, then sitting together with jenner blown in general, already discussing the most sensitive issues on the agenda. inform twice about i see and thrust. thank you, secretary for your deep commitment to as well as security as we stand here 72 days in the door that we didn't want on october 7th from us conduct the both uptake. they mailed the weight and keeping up to and we man saw just holocaust
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survivors. on october 7th, we fall back and immediately set the goals of this was the destruction of homos and the return of the hostages home, with no exception. all common enemies around the world are watching and they know that these while victory is the victory of the 4 year old lead by the united states of america in all, you know, i guess, come us, how much do we still got these ation use a wall not it's not the war against the people of gaza. we are fighting or both on the enemy, the times behind civilians. billions of dollars have been invested in gaza.
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money that should have gone to cvd. i need for us to ask joe. had instead, was used to build a net to out of town those hundreds of kilometers, long equipped by military facilities today, high desktops, operating in from us hot spots across garza, in also in gaza. our troops have eliminate thousands of those destroyed military infrastructure. and this dismantled most of the values, hope everything in the area and sold goes off in con eunice. we all feel size and focus on the lead. mean they come us leadership and military infrastructure detecting and engaging how much leadership and the channels come on,
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span over the phases of the swell. and we'll continue until we fully achieve hall goals. certainly very often we both know the kind of the complexities of well we both felt both of those. so going to zation, we know that it takes time like all enemies. we are defending valuables and we operate according to international law, low the idea of resulting meaning mize, the home to civilian population. we also working with the international partners to facilitate the delivery of your money value in 8. yet any time we discuss you money, tell you on issues. we must remember that 129
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hostages with the husband garza. this is the most you money, diane issue. on october, 8th day of the from us of take his bottle open fire unprovoked. the threats of for walk gets me saws and drones is unacceptable. over 80 to 80000 citizens has been displaced, living as a refuge is in their own country. as we all determined to create a new reality. restoring to a security in the area base on un resolution. 17 o one. pushing back fixed by law. we will bring back the residence of the loss to the homes on the boulder. hopped out for security. will be restored. we prefer to do so via understanding and showing that the boulder region is clear of terrorist and does not allow direct
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threats or policy diseases. if such a process will not be implemented diplomatically, we will not hesitate to act. today. we also discuss the glowing global threat forced by the who these, though is still going these ation their action threat them into national not freedom of navigation and reckless behavior, firing, ballistic me size, close me size, head draws. i guess diesel can drive the region into all the state the. busy values us leadership and we would support international efforts. at the same time, we maintain the right to take all the extra is necessary to defend,
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also variety, and obviously deserves how moss is by law and the whole these all funded supported and trained by one soul. so feel you on and unfortunately, this is only the secondary effort, was made, your fault is acquiring military. no. can you capabilities and this continue, even though as we are aware of directions and we, we, we are ready to defend ourselves. we must take a stand. the world is watching us. now. this includes the enemies from us is by law and do on the image. they say today is powerful. as we stand here, united we are, is helium and determined. and we, we the, we on every front. thank you once, once again,
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we still so great day. thank you for coming and thank you for your support, annual friendship. thank you very much. you have a good afternoon everybody. you have, we've been talking almost daily by phone so it's good to see you once again in person. and it's good to be back in israel, even in these difficult days. especially in these difficult days. this is my 4th visit to israel, a secretary of defense, and my 2nd time since october 7th. and i know that israel has been profoundly changed from where you were on october 6th. so i'm here with a clear message. america support for israel security is on checkable
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and israel is not alone at a time of warning, a real friend shows up. and i know how terrible these days have been for the is rarely people. and i know that october 7th touched everyone in the small democracy. so let me again extend my deepest condolences to administer guy the eyes and taught who has been sitting shiver for his 25 year old son. and morning, his nephew, after they both fell in gaza on october 7th from us committed one of the worst atrocities in the history of modern terrorism. as president biden said, it was an act of sheer evil. innocent young people at a concert were massacred. parents were shot in front of their children,
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women were sexually assaulted toddlers and holocaust survivors were taken hostage. and for how much that was just the beginning. a mazda is clearly and loudly spelled out in the vision of the future. and it is to repeat october 7th, over and over and over again. no country should tolerate such a danger. and israel has every right to defend itself against the fanatical tal risk group, who stated purpose is to murder jews, and eradicate the jewish de. moss is still holding hostages, including american citizens, a mouse in beds itself, and hides itself behind in
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a sup palestinian civilians. a mazda does not speak for the palestinian people and how moss is determined to doing both is rarely used and published any ends to an ending cycle of suffering and strife. so make no mistake. i should never again be able to project tara from gaza into the sovereign state of israel, and we will continue to work together for a safer, more secure future for israel in a brighter future for the palestinians. united states will keep pushing relentlessly for the safe return of hostages and gossip. and we will continue to help israel give us efforts to bring them all home thanks to the personal leadership a president biden. we helped a broker, a deal that got out more than a 100 hostages to but this remains
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a top priority for the united states from president biden on down. and we will continue to do everything that we can to bring home every man, every woman and every child sees by how much the united states has been clear and consistent since i started this war on october 7th. democracies are stronger and more secure when we uphold the law of war. and i, as i said, protecting proud study and civilians in gaza is both a moral duty and a strategic imperative. so we will continue to stand up for israel's bedrock right to defend itself. and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into. gotcha. that's important. this is real fights to dismantle the come off tara tara is infrastructure in. gotcha. and it will also be crucial for our work with the allies
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and partners after the fighting stops. now we're working to ensure that this conflict does not escalate beyond. gotcha. but as we are driving to stabilize a region, ron is raising tensions by continuing to support terrorist groups and malicious attacks by these are ronnie and proxies threatening the region. citizens and risk abroad or conflict. of course, united states does not seek war and we originally call on or on to take steps to de escalate. now i might meetings today, i also discussed the need to take urgent action to stabilize the westbank. attacks by extreme with settlers against the palestinians in the west bank must stop and
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those committing the violence must be held accountable. now we know that the past 72 days have been some of the most painful days in israel's history. but it would compound this tragedy if all that was waiting for these rarely people in your palestinian neighbors. at the end of this offer, war was more in security, fury and despair. as i've said, israelis and palestinians have both paid to better a price to just go back to october 6th. so i discuss pathways today toward a future of 4 guys or after hamas, based upon the clear principles laid down last month. but my friend secretary blinking israelis and palestinians both deserve a horizon of hope. so united states continues to believe,
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as we have under administrations of both parties, that it is in the interest of both israelis and palestinians to move forward toward to stage living side by side and mutual security. now we know how hard that is. especially after october 7, but ongoing interest ability and insecurity only play into the hands off from us. so we must think together about what lies beyond this terrible season after and or . and as we do the united states war and i am deeply committed to the security and self defense of the state of israel. as john f. kennedy said in 1960 americans, friendship with israel is a national commitment. that was true then and it's even tour. now, united states will remain israel's closest friend in the world,
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as i've said repeatedly, our support for israel security remains unshakable. and it always will. thank you very much and will be happy to take your questions. so um, all right, well starting out with kevin, but send in um, thank you, secretary austin, what companies run um, it's not a secret that there is a gap between israel and the us. so have you set any sort of either the time, table or deadline to the current phase of is ready to ground worried garza? and have you heard any firm assessments from the ideas where the current phase stand. and if i may, with regard to the north a is where it says and, and the minister down on tough just repeated that the toilet club and on. if the want to be an acceptable solution that will include the since about a withdrawal, no stability down the river. jake's all yvonne was here last week and it was quite confident that the such a solution can be achieved. what do they use?
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the us position, if israel attack and we do order the us army to strike and even destroy please bala and be ready and target is required and administered, gallant. and it took the ideas 70 days to reach the tunnel. that was the revealed yesterday. how long do you think it, it takes the, the dismantled the threats of the tunnel in gaza. and if i may ask you separate the separate, the real thing was speaking about the, the day after the american keeps asking is royal how we see is the day after. so why do i tell them who would role will garza and with the idea if be and go the throughout the entire next year. thank you very much. which one of those 12 questions do you want me to ask? i have more regarding the timeline. this is israel's
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operation and i'm not here to dictate timelines or terms are support the to israel's right to defend itself is iron clad. as you've heard me


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