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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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cover major global offense that our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man regions. and so many others. we go to them to make the effort. we care straight the and our support for israel security remains unshakable. and it always will us defense secretary lloyd austin. charles is leadership that america will stand by them in gaza, but they must abide by the rules of war. the time about this, and this is all to 0 in life from dell home, also coming up, lloyd austin, also known since the formation of a naval task force, is humans who refuse loans, moto tax on ships, and the red sea,
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the race against time and dead on bulk, survivors day to leveled with their bare hands after is very strikes kill 9 people . israel's, as 2 of us soldiers have been killed in gaza and dozens more of an injured as almost fighters continued to launch its on the ears. it was facing another round of international pressure for a cease fire and gaza in the coming hours. the un security council is going to reconvene to vote in a resolution calling for a cease fire while the u. k. from sunday until they are set to push for a sustainable truce. on monday, the us defense secretary, how talks in tennessee speaking alongside is, is really come to pause lloyd austin, who said washington would not dictate israel's war, but the death toll is soaring. and he says he's ours is really leaders to do more
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to protect civilians in gaza. model austin, also known as the launch of a naval task force to respond to ongoing attacks by human screw fees and commercial vessels in the red sea. the oil john b. p is the latest company to hold shipments through those walters. these attacks are reckless, are dangerous and they violate international law. and so we're taking action to. ready build and international coalition to address this threat. and i would remind you that this is not just a us issue is this is an international problem and it deserves an international response. and that's why i'm convening a meeting tomorrow. administer will meeting with federal ministers and a region and beyond. to, to address this threat that i've seen is one of the world's most important shipping lanes. mach of warranty only is director general of the institute of export and international trade. and he says, the latest assumptions of shipping could have
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a significant impact on the global economy is the reality is that we are only at the beginning of what could be a long period of on such students instability as you've already highlighted. the entry to the uh, let's say the bob out, my dad straight. all right, t transit moves up for about 10 percent of global contain up oil. 8 percent of the world. uh lpg. uh, go through at about 30 percent of the world's container ship that goes through the straits, either on the way to or from sewage. so the implications of constraints delays here really significant for the global economy. thomas monitoring wayne has released a video showing 3 elderly is really captives held in gaza. treating with is very government to secure the release. israel has previously described such videos as psychological warfare. gonna go to all the refresher in occupied east jerusalem. so
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the rumors that are having some sort of negotiations of all these talks about negotiations to release, captives held in gaza. now we've got this, how much video of the 3 is really captive? is there any indication that that might help to pressure these really government to speed up negotiations? well, nothing happens in a vacuum, nor noise when this was failed. but it is clear that the 3 elderly is really meant have been held for some considerable time. the video is not being showing on is really media. i'll just see that as taking the decision, as it always does, in these circumstances, the blood are the faces. and there's a great deal of criticism from us for releasing a video like this at these really are me called in atrocious tetra as these really government has said that it is just the psychological propaganda. but the timing isn't a coincidence. as these discussions are rolling, going with the idea that there could be some sort of new or stage exchange deal.
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clearly listing this video will put pressure on these really government. and if that's what i'm also trying to do, it has to a degree work with one member of one of the, of the family, of one of the main saying it's no time to start dragging their feet. the priority is to release the horses, get the deal done now, even if that means stopping to fight to. so if the idea for how much was to put pressure on the government, they've done exactly that with the release of this video. all the what more do we know about this naval coalition that the us defense secretary has been talking about as well? if you take a look at the list of countries that are openly involved in that, then there is only one out of country which is body. know they talk about how something will be involved and intelligence gathering others will be involved in the red sea. and the intention is, of course,
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that it will detect attacks from the host these. but we've had from a number of companies that already decided to stall that operations through the red sea. this may give them a degree of security, a degree of hope that they will receive, that they won't be attacked by the disease. but it's going to take some time to build the confidence stuff. so clearly, this is an operation that has been in the planning for some considerable time. they believe the acting on it and not even bringing countries together. the issue, it's an international effort, not just supporting israel, but supporting many, many other countries who use the right see as the main conduit, a going avoid doing the red c odds about 3 weeks to every ships journey from asia to europe. so the americans are hoping that this will cause some level of security for companies who use that shipping lane, and fisher and all your bodies to send them out. and thank you, as well as what i've just been talking about. i've ever been indications that the head of the c i a is being meeting cause heavy and is really officials in warsaw to
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talk about the possible release of more is really captives held in gaza, project go haynes, following the story from washington dc. so far we know really pretty much nothing even though. busy ca spokesperson wasn't confirmed that he was in poland. so why are people reading so much into this will because when the principles get on a plane and go some place that's usually an indication that there's potential movement, they can send their under secretaries and to do the basic negotiations. but in washington, any way you don't really see some of the bill birds of stature get on a plane. unless something could come out of that. he was there in the region, doing the negotiations between all of the parties before this 1st cease fire happened. so now there's no indication, as john kirby said that it was imminent, but it is clear at least something to the violent ministration wants to see happen . and bill burns, i want to point out is fairly unique in the, by the ministration in his respect is ability speak in the region. he was long term
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time diplomat. very well respected. so he's been given the charge of trying to make this happen. there's going to be a different calculus when you start talking a trade in just really soldiers for palestinian prisoners. all of that has to be worked out. the fact that birds we believe is in the region, it is a probably could be an important step is where these types of killed at least 9 people in the refugee camp and data ball. and the central guys on the 5 children among the dead residents have been scrambling in the dock to try to pull victims from the rubble of buildings in a residential area. many people have also been injured. that is really ami, says 2 more soldiers have been killed in gaza. it also says $48.00 troops have been injured. they are over the past 24 hours on us military wing has released a new video showing some of the fighting near the northern city of beta here. how
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much fighters are seeing striking is really tying some jeeps with anti tank missiles. a 12 year old girl has been killed and then there's really a tackle nazzo hospital in con eunice. don't you album austin died when a shell hit the pediatric ward for she is several other children with sheltering. she's already lost her family until today. going to miss alex, come to our house. last month she told dr. 0 about our hopes and dreams got into her live in yet. i hope to be a doctor to help people. you know my life is changing. they have gone. we are alone now without them. i was connected to this life because i was very much connected to my mother's father and siblings who died. but i must continue despite the fact that i will never forget the mobile and the raw find the size of guys, the palestinians are struggling to find food for newborns. crucial items like nazis and milk, a lot of become too expensive or impossible to find for babies born into war. it's
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not a cowboy. so of all these babies have been born in tool and political marion family sees for her future. * displace twice and mother and grandmother is roughly cost is we have to be able to get back to wait time. you're most likely. i'm how many i'm heading over to that. it says we came to these tensor while she was still a newborn. that was born into with the on okay. and rough. uh, we had the product of everything and this is all she's seen of the last few weeks old. and we're really struck by towards the day 2 of american express parents have been killed to mother is in charge of the center and don't have the parents have no one lined it was there were sick. the mother was incomplete show when she found herself giving back one my life and losing her family. the other. how is this possible? haven't received perry. i'm just having to survive with legal protection except for
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these blankets and take grandmother's own money displaced children in southern guns. spend the formative weeks lane, cold, damp tents, diapers, mail, and even water. hard to come for you. as you can see, these babies don't have shelter, they were not flushed since the day they were born. they are a month old now and if not being based and yet, do you see the space they are living in the 8000 children have been killed since just thought of israel's on the ground, a sense of ongoing well kind of organization for supporting of health risk of diseases, mike diarrhea, but they are fully few functional hospitals in this office cause doctors the struggle to meet the needs of breaking up when you points. this mother is concerned
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for her baby to leave. the sort of said, look, the have visit to asian is extremely difficult. we don't eat enough or so she's not getting breastmilk been and the baby gets scared whenever there are as strikes. she wakes up and cries all the time, the shape 5 years for marion to lead. the future looks very terrifying. and also giving the families only free for a clean room to buy them for a safe place to raise been taught recognize in roof. i would just euro of human rights lodge has accused israel, of using starvation as a weapon of war. the organizations calling on what leaders to speak to us against what it calls on the up hold on more crime. audra 0 has spoken to civilians in gaza about problems that are facing as food and water become increasingly scarce, john home reports the little food there is often has to go
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a long way. the world once was taken for granted has now become a luxury. today a ton into is it that we're facing more than one more. we face the is really are moving all the shelling and bombardment. we also faced starvation. i have a family of 14 members. i'm suffering a lot to be able to feed them. and unfortunately, this in itself is another war of how the new reports by human rights watch accuses these rated government of the deliberate intent to deprive civilians of food, water, and fuel. the government it says, is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the gaza strip, which the group says is a war crime. the mom i've had, well, we never faced our vision, no food shortage in the previous wars. we've never been in tens before. the situation is very disgusting in addition to the lack of food and water, where human beings,
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even dogs and other animals can't tolerate to stay where we are staying now. human rights watch says he's really forced. these are willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, while the 8 agencies report the destruction of bakeries and grey mills agricultural land, water and sanitation facilities. since mid november after his riley forces to control the farm land around noon and northeast and gaza. satellite imagery shows the systematic destruction of orchards, fields, and green houses all reduce to civilian se food scarcity has driven price is beyond the reach of many statements by is really official spelling out in clear terms that their strategy or policy is the start of civilians. as a tool of leverage to achieve political outcomes, whether it be release of hostages, destruction from us putting it all together, you reach the clear conclusion that the israeli government is using starvation as
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a webinar for, which is an important or i know the necessity of life and then if it dwindling results, world food program says access to watering. garza falls well sure to the basic survival level requirement. i think 1st to hung up in a crisis of survival journal, how elder 0 is still the head. and i'll just say that we'll have the latest investigative efforts in north west china. what a powerful earthquake is killed more than a 100 people? plus i and the playboy and the p. m. a politician, i am the media. we hear from them on known as thailand's whistle blower on his last anti corruption, per se, the
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hold on one second. welcome to the look at the international forecast fits set fast as usual across the good parts of the radiant peninsula law. so the sun shine a bit on the nippy side. having said that, 2425 degrees type of just pulling back into the low, 20 some shitty nights ahead for us here. further north, as you can see, lots you try to just around load them, pos, evaluated, based on the side of the med, generally set fast for the time big stuckey i generally try little more crowd up towards the fall. know some salazer just using across the cold cuz he's been trying out over the next day or so. but as we go on to the middle part of the week, the showers extend by way across greece. running in the cross. the bus was that western side took a sing, some went to web that somebody to watch out for, for the 2nd half of the week, we will see rain coming in to the vines as we go through the next couple of days have been by which is a freight thing that eastern side of the law of africa just pushing across our
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cycle. so north, east about the area pushing across to nicea. and that'll continue to as a slip, a little further base with some what, when do, whether it's a central parts of the met, choppy voltage to the north of libya then as we go through the next style. so meanwhile, for west africa have a safe to right to pushing away quite nicely. show us the gulf of guinea, all the way to the riff, probably the in australia. indigenous women missing that disproportionately high rates. 101 east investigates is enough being done to help find missing up originally on out to see of a examining the impact of today's headlines. explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you want to go to zeta. reminder of our top story is this are the us defense chief is urging israel to do more to protect civilians and it's war on gaza. not austin's been speaking during your visit to tel aviv is also an on for launch of a naval coalition to respond to who's the attacks on ships. and the red sea is ready strikes of killed at least 9 feet from another refugee camp and dared on by incense and gusts. they live in time to pull victims from the rubble of buildings in a residential area. human rights watch has accused the is there any government of using storm patients as a western of war and gaza saying it amounts to a war crime? the organization that says there's
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a deliberate attempt to deprive civilians of food and water but you and the security council is expected to vote later on tuesday on a new resolution calling for an urgent, unsustainable ceasefire in johnson. it comes days after the un general assembly passed on non binding resolution calling for a humanitarian choose more than 19000 people have been killed since israel begun as warren and tobar following a homeless attack. gabriel, alexander has more on that story the united nations and some of the security council members behind the scenes are doing closed door negotiations. if you will, at this very hour, to try to come up with a different draft or wording that would be acceptable to the united states. the key sticking point we believe, of course, is, is sation of hostilities the united states and israel say that any resolution that has those words and it is a can to
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a cease fire. and they say that would only benefit from us. and so the us would reserve its veto power as it has done in the past. so that is what we really think of the sticking points. and that's really what we're, we're thinking that they're trying to work out some sort of language there. it should also be noted though they're also in this resolution, it calls for the un to monitor all of the aid distribution in guys as well. that's something that's new in any of the previous security council. drafts never had that wording in it. the reforms on the security council or proposal history for and the security council been going on for many years now. but they've really come into focus here since october 7, primarily because the security council is tasked with maintaining peace and security around the world. that's really their mandate, if you will, but because these 5 permanent members, the u. s. being one, china and russia being 2 of the others can use their veto power and,
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and russian, china have used it since october 7th, to veto resolutions by the united states. and the united states has used it at least twice since october 7th, as well to block any sort of un security council resolutions that called per ceasefire. so this is the real issue here. and of course, the general assembly just last week booted over whelming, we a 153 countries, and the general assembly voted for a resolution for a ceasefire. that's the opinion of the mass, the vast majority of the world. however, general assembly resolutions are not legally binding internet international law. however, the ones in the security council are, and that's why we're watching so closely for any sort of resolutions that come out of the security council. and the okay by it was by the city of janine has suffered some of the biggest is really army raids since the start of the war on garza bottles. saying i'm going to stuff and pod emetics. so they're being targeted by israeli soldiers as we try to treat the wounded during danny rains. charles
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stratford has more so brain, so she is struggling to recover after being shot by and he's really soldier. she was one of the only 3 female paramedics working with the ambulance crews in the city of janine and the occupied with bank ma. this is the moment the bullet smashed through the ambulances back door and ripped into the back. now are really missing her spine. i was trying to help the injured and i thought i was safe because i was inside the ambulance. when the 1st bullet hit me, the pain was incredible. as i lost consciousness, all i could think about was my daughter's palestinian medic so endanger more than
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ever before since the beginning of the will do you want to film and slide this medical 6 is way the soldiers who brought these pulse. 6 these very all of us stopping policy need emetics. we jingle transporting wounded and threatening them gunpoint threatening their lives as they tried to save the lives of others, smell. the saudi still suffers pain from the bone injuries you suffer 20 years ago . when this ambulance, he was working, it was attacked by these rarely ami by us telling what the heck of some of the violations are worse now, because they are more file and since the war started, the soldiers force medics out of the ambulances and strip, searched them ordering them on their knees of gunpoint, they trained their guns, laser sites on our trust as a direct threat. and they push the ambulances out of the area by using their military vehicles sob. this ambulance is riddled with bullet holes. you don't get much clearer evidence than this of these rarely armies targeting medical teams as
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it tries to get to treat the wounded. there's another hole here. there's a couple here. there's an exit whole here where a bullet is come right the way through the vehicle. and there's another one here on the back door medical teams tell us that despite putting in repeated official complaints to the is rarely all me, they have had 0 response. this is, and these really, um, a bulldozer at the gates of one of jeanine's hospitals stopped to say these, where do you all me surround? all 3 of the cities government hospitals joined to will most likely rage hunting members at the palestinian no resistance. remember that it's of october that this around and stopped the ambulance from reaching this or leaving the stuff to doctors from doing their jobs. the hospital has been hit by 2 guys during which stuff and patients inside suffolk guys inflation sabrin says she wants to go back to work
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with shrapnel is still stuck close to her spine when she needs another operation. but she says she's good because the injury means she won't be able to save lives as well as she did before. child stop it, i'll just era, do you need the occupied westbank? the way to bring you some of the world news now at least a 111 people have been killed in an earthquake of northwest china. most of the desks ordering guns to providence with others reported in nibbling shanghai. then i pictured a 6.2 of creek struck late on monday evening and knocked out electricity and water lines in several villages. at least 9 officer shots have been recorded, continue, has more from beijing rescue teams. what of the reason my trying to rest of the paper from underneath the rubble? this magistrate 6 point to a quick hits gone through provence as well as neighboring scene,
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high visa bound to this remote, our regions that are not easy to get to inside the mall. they're also quite underdeveloped in pool compared to the rest of china. and that's really reflected in the policy of construction. the government says about 4000 homes were destroyed here and it could this kid just before the night. so many people would have been at home in bed, completely unprepared. everything several videos circulating on social media is showing that the villages have entirely collapsed and many people that onto the streets. after the earthquake took place, the government said it dispatched emergency teams from the region as soon as it occurred, but not only is the location making conditions difficult. ruleset how a telecommunications have also been disrupted a place in this region. i'm not uncommon. in fact, there was a slate in concert problems earlier in october. we'll do this quite minus. nobody was injured the loss made to us like a gone through
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a ship in 1932 and about 70000 people lost and lives here. now for this a quick, the government says a decimal stand at more than 10400 people have the engine, but the government has set out warnings for local saying that in the next few days that could be more after shops. and that's people should name remain a lunch and prepared for this. katrina, you all to 0. thank you. and this is at least a quarter of a 1000000 people displaced by fighting incidents capital call to. i've been forced to flee the states for the took refuge members of a part of military group boxing. the army have entered one mcdonny sedans and the 2nd largest city and the capital are busy in the state. activists say the rapids support forces of killed a several people instead of check points throughout the city. more than 12 sizes and people have died since the war began and april. it'd be 5000000 have been forced out of their homes. the presidential candidates in democratic republic of congo, a holding final campaign that leaves the head of elections on wednesday. thousands
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of supporters of president feeling such as a kid a have gathered and can show us that he's running against $24.00 opposition. candidates among them is martin failed. he says he won the last presidential election and 5 years ago among voters main. maurice are attacked by on groups in the east and sewing poverty, catherine, sorry, reports from arriving in the capital as the can here. you have to be what? 5 years ago. but we've also been to say that they are disappointed about the states as they say that the head of the property that talking about and i mean they,
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they cannot log out of security and part of the country, particularly in the east of the country. they also talk about the runtime corrupt soon. we, i've also been hearing from a position to lead us. they have also been campaigning and they say that the of read the president has failed. now in total, they're about 20 presidential candidates, the painting on the same issues. so that's a boy that's happening. demanding many yes. every time the, the next on the same issue on the table. so will it says out basically that they want. visa is going to provide meaningful change. catherine story, all just sarah collins prime minister says he's withdrawing
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a defamation case against a leading anti corruption campaign of chewing gum, and we said calls themselves the nation's whistle blower. the accused is the prime minister of illegal land deals. toni chang has more from bangkok the also it making a big entrance is something to with come on was, it knows a lot about. it's giving them a platform to tackle what he says is the greatest goods to a sick time man. the call option is part of the pay people life as you can see the culture a way. so when i talk about the the, the call option, i know we feel like a naturally in mcdonough but today's media circus. the focus is the current prime minister and allegations of impropriety and land deals. an accusation that's been vigorously denied. the chain of evidence is long and complicated with much room to


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