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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to take the days that another link is taking place, augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0, the is really miss always target northern causes devalue refugee time killing at least 16 hours to me. it's the binary pulse of business. i'll just say we're life from the also coming up. little food and water, we report from the food distribution center in the southern garza forming an international naval alliance. us sector defense isn't best rain, so talks on how to combat the attacks on ships in the red sea. and other headlines,
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a major rescue operation is on the way north in china when earthquake has killed more than a 100 people and a long stretching boat kind of corruption in iceland is on the way skewing lava in smoke, across the launch area. the israeli army has once again targeted the jabante, a refugee camp in the northern part of the gaza strip. garza's health ministry says at least 16 palestinians have been killed and 40 wounded on sunday. more than 90 people were killed in his way the strikes on the united nations run school housing displaced families. while the 19400000 students have been killed, sofa in israel as war on gaza, nearly 85 percent of the population being forced from the hubs. this is what is continuing to expand its offensive and target areas in the south of the strip. at
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least the 2 palestinians have been killed into a tax on residential buildings. and rafa women and children make up. the majority of those killed. one of them was a baby. several of the wounded have been taken to the to 8 hospital. one of the few still functioning is really ami has been bombing southern guns in recent weeks, after forcing palestinians to move the from the north saying it was for the safety . for those displaced by the bombing campaign conditions remained extraordinarily difficult. this was the scene at a distribution center in rough or where a charity was giving out food to hundreds of people. hundreds of thousands of displaced. people have converged on the southern city, which has little capacity to supply them with the food water and mentions that they need. so that's cause now it's a honey, must move. who's at that to distribution point in rough. uh, honey, can you show us what's going on? the
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tire within the past hour displace was fully packed with a 1000 of, of hungry displays then for the palestinian and like the this that particular area in central roof. i had a super good sense where a group of volunteers here from the neighborhoods, in from other charities around a rough i city, they run these distribution points across reference to providing a free meals for people that evacuation centers and people of from where the out that the neighborhoods that we, we see, you know, a lines of hundreds of people around here from a children to young adults, to women and to also elderly in line here. just to get there a small pot or a couple of linfeld soup here on the fact that there is only one kind of food here . is that an explanation why the, the, why the market? why we don't see much in, in the market. it's the fact that the only have
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a one kind of food is provided for people here as the shop in, in, in, in, in dropbox, shops and markets are completely depleted of basic supplies. what people do here, they get to this distribution was the points i trusted by get there one meet and go home. it's unlikely to happen more than one type a d, as there are other in other different areas of growth. the become the next state for their meal. this is considered to be their, their basic and, and main meals throughout the day. the, the, the, the get their breakfast, they own, whatever they can, their hands can read through, but their main meals is around. these distribution points mainly lines just to get them through. how did it most of people who we talked to describe the situation, it's very difficult as the, the, the sleep hungry. there are visible of a star vision going on here, and there is little amount of fluid in market,
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in the market and, and the shots across the roof by city. but when we compared to situations here they're, they're not, they're not great, but they are a little bit better off than the situation. the no, they find not even distribution points available in gaza. and the northern part star ration is started to be the new nor most in gauze. is that the and the normal parts here and, and drop i city, it's a gradual they becoming more visible. okay, honey, in real fast, thank you very much for that update of these ready. i mean, it has also targeted to do and i'll be res refugee camps in central garza can at least $13.00 to the is the yeah, they've been scrambling to pull survivors from under the rubble of buildings in a residential area. several of the injured have been taken to the alex, the hospital to displace public citizens living conditions continue to get worst,
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as including reports from 0 by a allister news continues to are going to find their basic needs to live. we are currently, as you see behind me, a place where palestinians are living, they set up their tents in the street surrounding. ok, so hospital in that and by law we talked to a lot of people. they're telling us that the situation is disastrous. dates in every single morning strive to find water to find food for their kids, and the aids coming is not covering all across the causes trip. another thing policy means told us that it's very hard for them to find medicine. the pharmacies where pain killers and influenza a medicine are not available along with incident and diabetes medicine and a lot of other medicines that are not available anymore in the cause of this thing
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is here are giving their daily lives as you see their laundry on these ropes, searching for sunlight. and this is how the tents have been effected by the rain that occurred in the past couple of days. people are telling us that their biggest fear is rain. they don't want the rain because there has been a lot of kids and their tents are very for dried and not strong enough to protect them from the rain. the situation is catastrophe and people want this to end as soon as possible. calling for seas wire. this is in the city for ada, 0 garza that has been of the us defense secretary is visiting by rain and cuts are
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off the holding talks in tennessee of on monday, lloyd austin's visit comes as concerns grow of as well as military actions and gossip. often reiterated washington's unwavering support for israel added security, but he also urged is what do you need us to do more to protect civilians and gaza? and before leaving israel, lloyd austin announced the formation of a multinational naval task force to control the red sea. these attacks are reckless, dangerous, and they violate international law. and so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat. and i would remind you that this is not just a us issue is, this is an international problem, and it deserves an international response. and that's why i'm convening a meeting tomorrow. administer will meeting with federal ministers and a region and beyond to to address this threat. it's sasha,
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i'll bars live here in the on this story. um, obviously austin inbox rain but rain being one of the countries involved in this. but it, is he likely to get broad, the regional support for this task force hayes. this is what, what he's trying to achieve by being here in though, how to convince the consolidate to be part of that task force is also getting to have a meeting, a virtual meeting with defense ministers from the gc. see to tell them that it's about time to join this task force. but i have to say that in many countries have in the past voice concerns about the potential for this task force to create further instability and tension in the region. this is something that they would like to avoid, particularly saudi arabia, which was all of the edge of signing an agreement with the who with these a month ago, that would have put an end to the 9 year old conflict between the 2 countries. and
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now with this new escalation, they really that we can't find, we would like to look a very fine line. we have yet yet to see what, what is going to be the response from the decency ministers of defense and what the gulf countries will be waiting to take. part of that task force bought with the all trades across the space available. most them, well i guess the back to what is happening in gaza. many countries have said who don't want to see another conflict, flattering up in the red sea that would fit the americans along with his task force against the, against the hurt. they still control the northern parts of the country because the general perception, who responds with the well, people don't want to see all of those on countries being part of that coalition. and in terms of, of the point of the coalition, presumably it is to trying to, to, to the who these are and also obviously in the dix attacks. but just in the hours
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off to austin made his speech instead of a that was further such attacks went the and indeed the jose is uh, i have good have i have increased those attacks in bed, but menda, which is a crucial ship, delaying full full, full full uh at n g a tank cuz and also uh or uh, shipped um this is creating consent for the international community and for the americans in particular. but the truth is and says that they would continue those attacks using basically outside of drones. and besides 5 from the coastal areas that control until the is fridays put an end to the bottom end in garza and also allow humanitarian aid into the region. and i've seen that over the last few weeks when they've heard these steps in that popularity has increased in these parts of
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the wells. and they do understand the implications of the bowls of the planes though in this region. and this explains why they are saying that we would continue to target those ships across the minds of the gulf of agent and, and the red sea until there's an end to the will in gaza. now senior for some habit . but i'm just a suite to the while ago that this is not an act of defiance, but by the time of the rights of the jose is to defend what the, who described as the of bites of the policy and people. and he said, and he warned against what he described as the potential for countries to expand the conflict in the red sea saying that if that happens, then they would have to bear the consequences of that move. right. hush them out about. thank you very much from the or the israel. apple is so hard to use, but 600 workers on unpaid lees and thousands more and no longer working full time.
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this comes off to the number of flights out of tentative has dropped dramatically there. only a 100 slides from ben green at port each day, 5 times fuel than what it was before the war. the economic impacts of israel's offensive. a spreading far beyond the port a 5th of his race, say there was made them pull her up and many more expect to suffer economically. let's go to alan fish and now in occupied east jerusalem island. so some evidence really starting to be brought to bear on the economic impact of the conflict of the right before we talk about that, let me tell you news. just as we're coming on near here, that there are a series of a lapse through central israel that is a garage of rockets heading towards the tel aviv lot. and also bush don. this is the 1st time real close to being fired in that area for 8 days. and of course tell of is the area around the airport. and that is why
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a lot of airlines have canceled their flights. as you say, there were around 500 flights a day before the war. now, there are about a 100 because of that, the airport authority is toxic delay stuff, all of 600 seasonal stuff have not been placed on unpaid leave. and about a thousands have been told that their hours will be caught and by extension, that means that their salaries will be cut as well. quite simply, if they're not the same amount of passengers coming in, you can see the larger impact that that has on the is really economy at the moment . this is one of the busiest times of years for to to see if they come to celebrate the christmas in the holy land. they spend a lot of money and what tells and restaurants that's obviously not happening at the moment. they spend money in small stores, again, not happening. and then the why did implication is, of course, that because of the war, it's also impacting the likes of the construction industry and the agriculture
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industry. so you can see that it's costing hundreds of millions of dollars and the fact that the airport is cutting stuff just captures all that in a very small snapshot of an official and occupied histories. and thank you very much. i the still ahead on al jazeera, paramedics and the occupied westbank say is ready. so just are increasingly targeting the president biden says, once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. thoughts providing arms, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate script.
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there are no quick wins and events or research od hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than do something today is, or is it just a different form? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on told to how does era examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the
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the book about you watching out. just a reminder about top stories. this is really on a has to get to the body of refuge account in northern garza. again, the health ministry says at least 16 palestinians have been killed and 70 wounded. well, the 19400 a big deal. so fox and israel's war on cause the food crisis is becoming more acute by the date. hundreds of people have been lining up in rough on the south of the strip to receive meals from charities is rarely a tax relocation. notice of course more than 85 percent of the population from the us defense secretary is visiting by brain on tots are off to holding to wilkes and television. on monday, lloyd austin announced the creation of a new force to protect ships on the red sea. humans who see fighters
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a targeted commercial vessels to protest against israel's war on gauze. you'll spite west bank city of janine has stuff and some of the biggest is really on the rates since the will began palestinian ambulance stuff and power emetics a is where the soldiers are increasing the targeting them as they try to treat the wounded during daily rates. child stratford has been speaking to medics in the city submarine. so she is struggling to recover after being shot by and these really soldier. so she was one of the only 3 female paramedics working with the ambulance crews in the city of janine and the occupied with bank ma. this is the moment the bullet smashed through the envelopes. these bank tool ripped into the back. now really missing a spine. and
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i was trying to help the engineer and i thought i was safe because i was inside the ambulance. when the 1st bullet hit me, the pain was incredible. as i lost consciousness, all i could think about was my daughter's palestinian medic so endangered more than ever before since the beginning of the world do you want to fill them inside these medical and 6 way the soldiers who have blocked his post these very only is stopping contest, any medic, sweet jingle transporting wounded and threatening the gunpoint threatening their lives as they tried to save the lives of others. bahama with the saudi. still self is pain from the bone injuries yourself and 20 years ago. when this ambulance, he was working, it was attacked by the israeli army by us telling what the heck out of the violations are worse now, because they are more file and since the war started,
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the soldiers force medics out of the ambulances and strip, searched them, ordering them on their knees of gunpoint, they trained their guns, laser sites on our trusts as a direct threat. and they push the ambulances out of the area by using their military vehicles sob. this ambulance is riddled with bullet holes. you don't get much clearer evidence than this of these rarely armies targeting medical teams as it tries to get to treat the wounded. there's another hole here. there's a couple here. there's an exit hole here where a bullet is come right the way through the vehicle. and there's another one here on the back door medical teams tell us the despite putting in repeated official complaints to the is rarely all means they have had 0 response. this is, and these really, um, a bulldozer at the gates of one of jeanine's hospitals stopped to say these, where do you all me surround? all 3 of the cities government hospitals joined to will most likely rage hunting
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members at the palestinian no resistance. remember that it's of october that this around and stopped the ambulance from reaching this or leaving the stuff to doctors from doing their jobs. the hospital has been hit by 2 guys during which staff and patients inside suffolk, guys, inflation. sabrin says she wants to go back to work with shrapnel is still stuck close to her spine when she needs another operation. but she says, she's good because the injury means she won't be able to save lives as well as she did before. child, stop it, i'll just era, do you need the occupied westbank as well in the midst of all the desk in gaza, new babies continues to be being born, but palestinian parents struggling to find food for the crucial items like not these and milk by the become too expensive or impossible to find target was doing reports. all these babies have been born in tool and political marion
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family sees for her future. displace twice and mother. and grandmother is roughly cost is we have to be able to get back to wait time. you're most likely i'm how many i'm heading over to the says we came to these tensor while she was still a newborn. that was born into with ok and rough uh we had the product of everything and this is all she's seen of the last few weeks old. and we're really struck by towards the day 2 of american express parents have been killed to mother is in charge of the center and don't have the parents have no one lined it was there were sick. the mother was incomplete show when she found herself giving the best one my life and losing her family. the other. how is this possible? haven't received perry. i'm just having to survive with legal protection except for these blankets and take grandmother's own money displaced children in
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southern guns. spend the formative weeks lane, cold, damp tents, diapers, mail, and even water. hard to come for you. as you can see, these babies don't have shelter, they were not flushed since the day they were born. they are a month old now and if not being base it yet, do you see the space they are living in a 1000 children have been killed since? don't israel's, on the ground defensive own goes all the way with health organization for supporting of health risk of diseases. mike diarrhea are but they are fully skewed functions. hospitals seem to solve this cause of doctors. the struggle to meet the needs of breaking up when you points this mother is considered for her baby to leave the sort of fun, but the, uh, the situation is extremely difficult. we don't eat enough or so she's not getting
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breastmilk been and the baby gets scared whenever there are as strikes. she wakes up and cries all the time, the shape 5 years for marion to lead. the future looks very terrifying and also giving the families only free for a clean room to buy them for a safe place to raise been taught. recognizing roof i would just the or the pets bring you some of the other world news now and at least a 116 people have been killed in an earthquake in north west china. thousands of emergency workers have been deployed to help with recovery efforts. katrina, you reports from badging to emergency teams, worked all through the night to save people trapped under the rubble. the magnitude 6.2 of quick struck just before midnight. most were sleeping the whole day. the epicenter was destroy sean county, and china is northern guns, who profit neighboring sing?
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high was also affected. dozens of people has been killed in hundreds injured children's. yeah, so far we have deployed a 1500 firefighters over more than a 1000 soldiers. and another 1500 policemen to the earthquake area for rescue work . a series of powerful trim is lost in 20 seconds each and could be felt in the provincial capital more than 100 kilometers away. social media video show people rushing out onto the streets in search of safety. the government says more than 4700 homes have been destroyed. telecommunications pallet and water supplies have been caught off. officials, a sub 0 temperatures across smells in china, a hampering rescue and recovery efforts. it's currently don't minus 10 degrees celsius during the day until to minus 14 at night, forcing emergency teams to work as quickly as they can. authorities are distributing tents, blankets, cooking stoves and food to civilians that the government has advocated $30000000.00
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for disaster relief warning residents to expect a magnitude $5.00 off the sho. in the coming days, katrina, you all to 0. they change issues along stressing volcanic eruption is on the way in iceland following weeks of strong seismic activity. iceland sits on the join of 2 continental plates. making volcanic activity wide spread ourselves. i'm of which has more. this is the moment volcano in southwest iceland corrupted spilling lava as smoke in old directions. molten rock and columns of fire poured out of features in the ground. it followed weeks of earth, quick activity and mutual ologist had recorded more than 1000 tremors in the 24 hours before the russian. that's kind of mixed feelings to be honest. so yeah, let's see how it goes and how long it lasts. and it's still amazing to see,
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but yeah, that's kind of a bittersweet feeling at the moment. the volcano is about 4 kilometers away from kind of like a fishing town in the south searing a significant interruption. last month, authorities issued evacuation orders for the $4000.00 residents and close the nearby geothermal spot. the meter, a logical office says the volcanic future is about 3.5 kilometers long. as long as gushing out at the rate of 100 to 200 cubic meters per 2nd, much more than in previous eruptions the, at a cubic international airport remains open. although there are delays to both arriving and the parking flights. back in 2010, a volcanic eruption caused major disruptions across the european aerospace police are in high alert and members of the public had been warned not to approach the
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area axles. i'm gonna reach out to 0. and that's it for me. i suppose that for now whether it is next and then inside story will be asking what can be done to secure the red seat of the commercial shipping came on the fire from the who sees any of the the color of the web as lots each. ryan fine across a good positive to live it boy, is it cold? we are looking at that cold weather continuing as we go on through the next complet, the weather just spilling out into central parts of try to easing away, brushing the fall south of japan and the snow that is coming into japan. modest 5, the top temperature, and so let's go to still in beijing of around minus 6 and well below freezing that
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for the top it does pull them up as we go into 1st, i'd be getting up to minus 20 celsius still a little on the cool side, i'm sure you'll agree that when she, whether that will bring some showers there into that the western side, all calling to kind of sing some wintry flowers as well to just just about getting into double figures a for tokyo, staying dry for much of china as i said on the coast side, cold enough in hong kong are at 80 degrees, now destroyed by the 2 across the south asia. but we have seen some flooding recently into southern parts, so if time will not do, carol is still saying some live you shows along with for lanka. so shy was continuing for so lanka, but it does draw out nicely for a good parts of best southern india as you move into the latter part of the week. but i don't know if it stays dry. we still have to folk and smoke the pool recklessly, you know, the positive india along with focused on the, the latest news, as it breaks off with 40,
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was found down the hill and the only go to being shown in the chest with detail coverage telling you this was where causes palestinians fly to now is ready. tanks of pushed into the heart of southern causes main cities to see this gen and as a great amount of people crowded in very small areas and without any wider. and the last be has no humanitarian, a s o a us complete system, the humanitarian crisis in gaza. and if so, how much? as israel continues its attacks on the strip, the situation for its people are described this catastrophic. washington stands accused of turning a blind died. so what can be done to stop this catastrophe? this is the inside story. the .


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