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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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on surface, far as i said, i'm going, i'm gonna save you the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the is rainy. miguel is targeting northern gauze is valley a refugee camp killing at least 16 palestine. the launch has m. c. k, this is i just need a life from dell are also coming up little food and water that we report full of food distribution center in southern guns. forming an international naval alliance . us defense secretary announces a new force to protect ships from who the attacks and the red sea. and
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a long threatened volcanic eruption in iceland is on the waste spewing lava. 6 smoke across the lawn. jerry, the, these randy army has once again targeted the valley. a refugee camp in the north of the gaza strip. causes health ministry says at least 16 palestinians have been killed and 40 wounded on sunday. move a 90 people were killed in is really strikes on the united nations run school. housing displaced, families move in 19400 palestinians have been killed so far. and israel's warning cause nearly 85 percent of the population had been forced from their homes. israel is continuing to expand its offensive and target areas in the south. at least 30 palestinians have been killed into a tax on residential buildings and buffer women and children make up the majority
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of those killed. one of them was a baby. several of the wounded had been taken to the quite tough so one of the few still functioning is really always been bombing southern gaza in recent weeks off to forcing palestinians to move there from the north saying it was for the safety of those displaced by the bombing campaign conditions remained extraordinarily difficult. this was a scene at a distribution center and roughly where a chassis was giving out food to hundreds of people. hundreds of thousands of displaced people have conversed on the southern city, which has little capacity to supply them with the food water and medicine they need . so let's go to a hunting mood who is at so that definitely distribution points in roughly. so how do you just tell us more about what's happening there right now? is how the more we actually lift the area. but the past 2 to 3 hours we spent,
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they are the scenes of more. and people are of locking into the, uh, the area that the free meals a distribution is better, but no one in the area is that the key or is equivalent to a soup kitchen in central dropbox that offer those premiums for evacuees and hundreds of palestinians, 1000 or palestinians who became displays then hungry, who moved to rep i city within the past few weeks. and there is a good reason why this place is running. the fact that these people lift their home was nothing with them. they have to carry, you know, no food, no water and, and more importantly, no money to buy some of the available stuff that it started to be very, very scarce in, in the market this, the, the distribution point in rough. i all the cool one meal that is only available in the market. in fact, just if we were told by the coordinator of that, the key that the link delays the only and lift the source of food at
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4000 people who come in 3 day and a cube from 8 in the morning to get their ball of suits and the lid on that for the rest of the day and the same thing happens every, every, every day. it is, it's important to point out that it actually more than a food distribution point and dropped perhaps please. we're talking about 4 of them in different areas just to trying to combat the the size of the 5 star vision that it started to, to be more visible across the, across the rub, my city. do you do the extreme shortage of medical supplies? in fact, the, just the if watkins in the, in any of the markets here, you will see empty shops and shelves inside these shops and people are unable to even those who are still have to finance or get capabilities are unable to get their a daily basic supplies that for, for their family and for themselves. yeah. connie shortage of food and what was the
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basic things that you took about there? and if that wasn't enough, there are continuing air strikes in the strip, the latest, the, which advantage of valia and the why, what movies are there is the lesson overnight and says the early hours of this morning, not till the couple hours, the going more relentless there it strikes on the fact that every day of strike has an aftermath and one visible app for math of, of what's going on, not only defend destruction, but more displace palestinians. and this is what we've probably seen the coming days more people will be acute in that line to get there a daily meal. and this is one direct result of the ongoing bombardment. but the jump value is a place that has been targeted repeat. and the more dense, more than 10 times since the beginning of the lower the refugee cabins are valia and more residential homes targeted and destroyed more residential flux being
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turned into one of the rebels and people turn into this place homeless without their homes and more of them displays do other areas as the area they've been targeted or not livable because old means of life and they become very, very destroyed in that area. but we're talking about at least 16 people have been killed. there's a fear that there are more people under a do the rumbles, and that's what we're expecting. the number uh to to do right. there are more than 50 of it critically injured palestinians. in the fact there are no functioning hospitals in the northern part. just make mix, it makes people worried to hear that the number will increase a dramatically in the coming out or similar situations happen over night. here in rough work with the 3 residential buildings where the targeted and destroyed completely initial numbers was 9. but as early hours this morning, as people were able to remove some of the rebels, the number has re, it's almost 13 people, including women and children, and a baby as well as
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a journalist who was killed in the overnight air strikes. how do you think you had even moved in before and how the us defense secretary is visiting behind and cuts out off the holding talks and tell of leave on monday. lloyd austin's visit comes as concerns grow of israel's ministry actions in gaza. austin reiterated. washington is on waving. support is all and security, but it also does is really lead us to do more to protect civilians in gaza. lloyd austin announced the formation as well as a multi nation naval task force to control the red sea. let's take a look at the red sea multinational force. the security initiative is named operation prosperity, guardian, and is aimed at the turing attacks by humans who these on commercial vessels. 10 nations, including the u. k for rain fronts and the netherlands,
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norway side shells in spain, all parts of the coalition. they will conduct joint patrols in the southern resi and the golf provides. and it's unclear if countries other than the us will shoot down who the missiles and drones will come to the aid of commercial vessels under attack. the sofa, not of the countries bordering the red sea and go from bad, not part of his coalition, including egypt and saudi arabia. awesome. i bought it is live for us in doha. so has some, is austin likely to get the regional support he's looking for for this new task? this has in the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin is in dough. hi is now talking the holding a meeting with the cuts hobby, minnesota of defense. how does the, how much i'll be on top of the agenda is convincing cutoff, along with gc ministers of defense, to joining this new task force. but as you said earlier,
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this is going to be next to the delicate task housing for different reasons. it means that you would have to have full size bed of time forces deployed along the red sea, particularly in the gulf of aidan and the men to, to, to try to, to control the area. many of the out of the country. as i've said in the past that they don't want to see situation spinning out of control or the conflict for the building in those areas. but the, for the us secretary of defense to having the decency countries on board is a strong indication that she has more of a support in this region. on this attempt to go forward and a pull into place, a robust maritime task force to try to stop the hesitates from targeting the shipping companies in that. but see, it is going to be sunni, that a good one saw the rate via the biggest player in this region. for example, it has been on the verge of planning a significant political supplement with the hesitates to put an until 9 years of
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conflict in the region. and i think this, the saudis, in particular, will be very cautious or how to move forward when it comes to this task force attaching the, the, who these have other ideas they gave, given a very clear message. they're not going to stop this any time soon. indeed they are sending us messages as we speak. one of them from submitted to stop. this meant it was a healthy saying that that operations would continue until the is right is stop the bombardment of gaza. and until he might tell you an age is a log into gaza, the deputy minnesota all folded up as of the jose is saying that is this way to the while ago saying that they have sent a clear message to shipping companies that they are safe and that's maritime activity in the red sea is going to be safe as long as the ships are not,
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or have nothing to do with is while it was the same message that was ready to write to the while ago by the key. jose negotiates on behalf of the saddam, who is also this person of the healthy movement, saying that their health is would have been committed to peaceful activities. but however he bones many countries against broadening the scope of that ministry activities in the right seat. saying that if that happens, the hurt, these will retaliate. passion, thank you. have some, i bought a life 1st there in the home us. now us president joe biden is about to enter an election year as the incumbent. and this is how voters view his handling of the war new york times and see in a college poll revealing that 57 percent the vote is disapprove of abide and that 33 percent approve of the way he is handling the war on gaza. all white house correspondent, kimberly how could joins us live now from the washington. kimberly discouraging
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numbers for the president with less than a year to go until the election the how is the white house looking at this? well this is certainly giving the white house some difficulty in terms of how to move forward. but we've already seen the white house responding as this war on gaza goes into it, sir, is in the 3rd month. we know, given the fact that there's been strong, internal pressure within the body and ministration, specially from young people within the, by the ministration calls for a cease fire. and of course, the global and international outcry, the we seen the white house changing its language. yeah. asking and, and urging is real to be more surgical and precise in its military campaign that the shifting policy has been somewhat subtle at, throughout the recent weeks. but at the same time, we haven't seen
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a dramatic shift in policy. and this really underscores that there is a bit of a dilemma going on for a president that is facing re election and going to the polls in less than a year. and what these pull numbers show is that americans are largely divided and they're divided along one strong demographic. and that's age. young people are favoring calls for a cease fire. whereas over whelming li, older people particularly more talked about the democratic party inviting some porters seemed to be saying that this military campaign should continue. so that's a problem for this president in terms of how to move forward. and so what we see right now, the white house is an awful lot of hand wringing. the other thing to take away from this pull is the fact that there's also a sharp partisan divide. because when you look between democrats and republicans, republicans still seem to be sharply of in support of israel and this military
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campaign. overall, that is also bad news for by them. because not only have we seen his pulling numbers overall plummeting, and that has largely to do as well with economic numbers in the united states has approval reading right now, sitting at about 37 percent. but the bottom line here is that right now if the election were to be held today with democrats, at least most seem to be favoring donald trump by about 2 percentage points. so that's obviously not the news. the white house wants to hear. kimberly, thank you. kimberly how could, in washington for us. so let's bring in the model number shorter. now i just do a senior political analyst. so there's a, there's a lot of reasons you could point you there for why president biden is struggling in the polls right now. but his handling of the war in gaza is certainly one of the reasons and, and he's, is from, from, for one of the, for that reason he's not doing well, i'm on a certain segment of the population in the us. well,
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i mean that the segments we need to pay attention to is, of course, the democrats, right? because we are talking about his actions or re election as an incumbent. and the key would not be those say if i am chuckled questions, who would worked for trump? no matter what i do. in fact the supports for palestinians among them is something like one percent. so what's important about the sport is, what does it tell us once again, about what the democrats are thinking, especially what the young democrats are thinking and young democratic voters, meaning they will actually weigh in. been important states like michigan, pennsylvania, florida, that these so called swing states. that's what i should have decided the elections and they are, the numbers are in fact standing has them. i mean, the majority of the young people think that is right is
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targeting palestinian civilians intentionally. i'm a drunk, something like 3 quarters think they are not doing what they need to do in order not to harm civilians, but and only a small fraction. things that is there is actually serious about peace with the palestinians. he saw the amazing numbers. and so when it comes to biden's handling of this issue, it's stephanie compound is his dilemma in general about him failing in the pools, visit v. uh donald trump, less than a year before that i've been told by the young people there is this, is this a generational long term generational shift to you, or is it just because of the way this particular war is being handled? so this is really important, right? this is really important and this is not just for our discussion here. i think we are going to be talking about this for many years to come right. are wiser, younger generations. of course,
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the new york times being an establishment newspaper, corporate media would like to explain this by saying, well, they are more in tune with exposed to social media. what does that really mean? means also that they are not exposed to, and documented by mainstream media. like the new york times like cnn, like watching them for some other tv stations that indoctrinate, the older generation that don't to be watching cable news. i mean things establishment been stream press. so the younger generation report to the nearest time job as well. you know, they want to talk about pick, talk, for example, and they quoted chinese on but tick tock, right? but this is a bit of a humbug. and this is a bit of a good, responsible journalism on the part of the new york times research financials do not go far enough to fed us why such a majority? a major part of the democratic young and young in america are embracing
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the pet of seniors or justice or that is ready to or biden and is right. i think this new generation that we've seen is taking the lead on climate change on black lives matter and other issues of social justice. this generation is holding onto the issue of justice and is there any other sun this way? and for this generation is not the logical and they're not influenced by the ends up to the nature of the main street best. they judge issues according to mode or complex, not their logical context, and basically nothing documented by dimensions. and the other bit about this is that i think what happens with the social media. there's a lot of crap on social media. but on this issue, what there is that i think is interesting show is that there is no this, this feeling of the story is coming from guys a strict to the american public, just as fits with a young americans. and i think for the change,
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this is the 1st time in this region. we have young palestinians, young artists, settings, their stories, and their stories are reaching out to their peers in the united states, europe and also where in the world and has for the change. we see store is being sold and that being heard and watched by young americans and they're judging them on their merits. not according so it's the logical constraints imposed on them by traditional media. i 0 senior political analyst model on shawn, thank you. or how still ahead zone as is it a major rescue operation underway in northern china, often us quite devastates. could reach the whole, i would say some pretty impressive sort of stolen was a rumbling away across northern parts of options and it, you see the fund,
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the head, 70 interrupting across the region. the quality defining line here, this weather system, this warm from last the boundary between high temperature of around 32 celsius tablet sense and 10 degrees cooler in point of service to spain still lingering away, pushing into solving part so power of why 3, the remainder choose they could scattering the shells, cross them as advice, know that and we also talking drafts in order to spot still you can see the shower still very much in evidence. is it going into a wedding state? meanwhile, across the caravan, the big rainmaker has been this system here that's been bringing some very heavy right in initially across cuba, jamaica that's pushing across hygiene. now i have a continued to make his way for the race was drifting across dominican republic as we go on through whiteness style. either side of that, not too bad, maybe one or 2 showers into the winwood sleeve which allows you fine and dry. winter weather does stretched down towards the southern end of central america. having said that, they say west of weather. powell storm that's now in the process of clearing away
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from the east disabled of the us. dry, cold weather coming in behind. but it's still pretty unsettled. but california, the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to 2 days the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us, we'll permit, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what? out 0 the
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the hello again, you're watching. i just hear that romando laptop stories this uh these randy ami has talking to vigil valia refugee camping northern gauze and you have to get health ministry says at least 16 palestinians have been killed in 17 golden and 19400 have been killed, some fine israel's food crisis is becoming acute by the day. hundreds of people lining up and rough i in the south of the streets receive meals from challenges is really attacks and relocation orders are full smoothly, 85 percent of the population from their homes. us defense. secretary is traveling to body and i've caught off the holding folks in tel aviv on monday. lloyd austin announced the creation of a new force to protect ships on the red sea given to the font does have targeted
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commercial vessels to protest his wells. war on guns all the israel and thoughts or thoughts, he has put 600 workers on unpaid leave and thousands more are no longer working. full time. my sister warned gauze a number of flights out of tel aviv has dropped dramatically around the a 100 flights have been going on and, and 4th, each day, 5 times less than what it was before. the 5th of is really say the war has made them poor and many more expect to suffer economically. but a smith is life worse from telling me so. but this obviously is, is taking a toll on, on his riley's economically them, not the least of which of apple workers or yeah, as, as well as those that $600.00 employees on being put on paid li. there's a 1000, a got having that pay reduced by a $70.00, i'll send out
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a 1000 jobs that have been held open with full reserve is to con, surprising cause of all those jobs not going to be filled is a big drop off in international travel in and out of israel because of the drop of interest in the tourism because of the threats to the app or look times a swiss outlines and australia the same group. they've said they'll results on january the 8th. we don't need about a 30 percent of the shuttle that pre war shed. your and these riley's are hoping the other outlines will call low suits. but it depends if, as a market for them and at the moment that doesn't say there isn't the demand. and there isn't the market, i'm not having a knock on fact on hotels, i don't tourism destinations. and them toys and destinations, of course in the occupied westbank as well because many people travel hey for christmas and but it places like best buy him and jerusalem. well, it won't be a lot of bucks going on the she, i think the latest to biggest set of 45 percent of his ratings believe that economic conditions in this country will decline on 20 percent of them say they've
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been severely affected financially as a consequence of the world, and we're getting a full advantage of how much smoking attacks into is what, what more are you hearing on that? i guess the sirens went off here about uh, probably about an hour ago. uh, intel or v. that's the 1st time we've had those in just over a week, and they're all kits were told intercepted with no injuries, although debt free house full and cost of central is right when the police and the military are looking for those positive rookie, every which full and those walk you through into septic, by the endo. but any indication really surprising indication, i guess, but have us see mountains as well is still able to find these rockets and still able to, to threaten israel is main population sensor. there was also an alarm. went off in the northern catalina of 11 on israel board, and israel says that
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a flying objects of a suspicious aerial targets i came over from the border from lebanon inch as well. and that was also intercepted by that. i am the awesome but a thank you, brenda smith, intel a be for us as ready forces have carried out more res throughout the occupied westbank. they ready these for what can south of have wrong. i just need to obtain footage always really forces ransacking a palestinian home. there are no reports of any rest is very forcible. so storms through the columbia camp north of occupied easterly slim is riley sniper teams took positions on the roof tops of people's home shortly before detaining one of the palestinian youths the . let's get to some other world news now at least a 116 people have been killed in an earthquake in north west china. most of the
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depths were reported in guns to provence. thousands of emergency workers have been deployed to help with recovery efforts. katrina, you reports from patients to hush. emergency teams worked all through the night to save people trapped under the rubble. the magnitude 6.2 quick struck just before midnight. most were sleeping the whole day. the epicenter was d. sean county in china is northern guns, who profit neighboring sing high was also affected. dozens of people has been killed and hundreds injured. suited much. yeah, so far we have deployed a 1500 firefighters over more than a 1000 soldiers and another 1500 policemen to the earthquake area for rescue work. a series of powerful trim is lost in 20 seconds each could be felt into for venture capital, more than 100 kilometers away. social media video show people rushing out onto the streets in search of safety. the government says more than 4700 homes have been
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destroyed. telecommunications pallet and water supplies have been caught off. officials say sub 0 temperatures across smells and china, a hampering rescue and recovery efforts. it's currently the minus 10 degrees celsius during the day, and drops to minus 14 at night, forcing emergency teams to work as quickly as they can. authorities are distributing tense, blankets, cooking, stones, and food to survive. it's the government has allocated $13000000.00 for disaster relief. warning residents to expect to magnitude $5.00 off the sho. in the coming days, katrina, you all to 0. they change issues. the north korea has launched the country's most powerful ballistic missile. yet, the fuel young says the west on 18 is capable of hitting the united states, will create a lead of kim jong over, sold the launch she pledged to accelerate his country's nuclear expansion. and
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course in the us against making any misguided decisions. south korea is cooling, the north action, serious publication, posing a threat to international peace unit kim as well from so it's been months in the making. and now south 3 of the united states and japan have a missile data sharing system in place that would enable for faster and more accurate evaluation of north korea's ballistic missile launches, including where they are headed also on tuesdays. so as defense ministry saying the 3 countries have agreed on a multi year plan to regularly trained together starting next year. what did you expect to days, cooperative achievement? for further problems and you your of try that to real security, go corporation. this comes a day after north korea launched a solid field class on 18 icbm more difficult to pre emptive test. 2 or 3 and liter king john presiding over what state media called a drill and not
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a test launch that the us should know what's coming after. it shouldn't make a quote unquote wrong decision with a range of 15000 kilometers when professor, the cost of $18.00 would put the entire continental united states within reach something that analysts this week say we're 3, it appears dangerously closer to which easy scan. so file on the train and bundle dishes capital data has killed 4 people. police on not ruling out sabotaged as a possible cause. countries where a minister accused opposition protest this of setting the train a blaze that comes and made a nationwide strike demanding the government's resignation ahead of an upcoming election. so okay, now is a rough ted in iceland following weeks of us quite activity, no casualties reported as authorities had evacuated to the nearby fishing town. these are live pictures now is volcanic eruptions common in iceland,
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but they are still difficult to predict. expos i'm of which has moved this is the moment volcano in southwest iceland.


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