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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the rocks on the fi as and strikes continue across because at least a $100.00 to means that cable buys really forces in the past 24 hours. the other one down, jordan, this is all 0 life from the also coming up is really is really slow. and i though you many, terry, and pause and additional in your mind, it's aaron a in order to enable the release of hostages. is there any president it's not codes on opens the door to another seems find deal in order to become a captive elvin golf for spot. and again,
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the un security council is now expected to focus on wednesday to try and push for resolution, seeking a humanitarian on rising tensions in the red sea, us considered as branding, humans who would face a terrorist group of the tax on the vessels disrupt troubleshooting the is there any attacks across the, the seems guns that strength of killed at least a 100 palestinians in the last day? that's according to the health industry and gaza in the south strikes of reduced residential areas to rumble. at least 30 people have been killed in rough or in the latest attacks search and rescue efforts. and now i'm going to recover as soon as in rough uh, with more in the southern kansas city of ruffled volunteers and breast care what, cuz all it digging in a crazy homes used to be is really s twice 3 houses here,
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killing thousands of pounds thing it's possible, but we wake up in the morning and there is no such amount. i do not know what to call this feeling. somebody's gone. oh, the most people are trapped under the rest of the system. since we came this morning at 6 am, we have been finding people. we recovered to parties. they're on no tools for this . just all hands. we brought the bulldozer to remove the rumble because they're all around 10 people underneath that son. his father, mother, something daughter. still under the hundreds of thousands of pounds thing, it's worse to from hers in nowhere and goes south. the east bed only has conducted wave after wave as strikes and densely populated neighborhoods in phone units and dropped off the internet that the job has got to do. we ran outside and some people under the house. there were 20 people inside it and around it were homes that
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displays people from guys actually living with one of our relatives, 100 people from guys that were staying with them. you know, what should have been a refute? turned into a muddy i've never seen such people and i was born in 1950. i have never seen anything like this. i witness 1956 was that was not anything like this. i witness 1967th ward and there was not something like this best as a barbarian act that we have not seen before. with the extent of the damage and destruction, more than 60 percent of old guns with the 1st stroke to, according to the united nations. thousands of people cost to missing. many of them believe to be trapped on the amount of pounds to use a wondering what to go next. has their saved stone is 10 to dust. the east barely relentless plumbing of the southern parts of the gaza strip did not stop at despite
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the fact that it had been designated as a save soul. for johnson's to flee too, into aly, initial days of the war and gauze, left behind this destroyed building more than 20 palestinians had been killed. and the dual credit concerns among palestinians that they are no longer safe in gaza, topic adviser, roughly, which is era. meanwhile, the palestine red crescent size and his randy, alternative astride on a house in central dogs. it has killed these people. thousands were also injured in the account. and the city of darrow bella, to the rest of the seasons, looked for survivors, truck under the run, the residence of the southern city of san eunice have described how di, their situation is saying that no matter where in gauze of that take shelter, no way of sight from his randy ass trucks. but i'm done. 1000000. brandon's house is full of people full of human beings. why did they bonus? what's the reason it's full of people? we minister or move somebody's, but we're the rest of them. what did they do? they fled from gaza to die here from the government. we were peacefully sitting in
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our house and then suddenly all of our neighbors windows fell down. we ran out of the house. we sold bodies in here. exactly. we saw a kids body cut in 2 pieces. we will gloves to start removing it. i swear i removed a piece of this big. i swear for living conditions for the space, palestinians are only getting worse with people saying nowhere safe food, clean water and shelter, gas to zeros, honey mike. mood has moved from a soup kitchen in reference to, you know, normal is defined by destruction on display screen on the daily of hardship searching for food and trying to stay dry behind me. a simmering part of lent those 2 of those stories of compassion on a string between those volunteers in this field gets in the many 100 displays hungry and from the tides palestinian we q in line at 8 am to get this bonus to pick up breakfast,
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lunch and dinner on life is harsh. these days. it's food, no water, no money, nothing is left life. it's haldeman you would ever imagine. in the we prepared 10 large pots of lentil every day. each part can feed up to a 100 families of 17 members. people come from you back to ation centers, evacuation zones, and other residential buildings. they have been displaced to, to receive their daily meal of what we cook displaced. families depend largely on this meal because there's no source of income whatsoever other than this free meal . they get here kind of the idea and i mean, i didn't check and this did send, these volunteers are the only back the ones don't live in the market place hungry thursday, march with boundaries around the 5 by this city . israel's prime minister has met the families of hamas captives. the meeting comes
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as pressure amounts on his government to reach a cx, 5 deal to bring them home. it comes as days after these really minute trip admitted to mistakenly coming 3 captives in garza. i'll just say it was brandon smith's report, some televisions. it's taken more than a week of asking, but the families of the gods, the captives finally got that meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. department is the, gave us hope in the meeting and was very intimate, meaning what a small number of families, which we believe is a good way for the 5 minutes to talk to the families and was a productive meanings. or we also asked what we can do more for him, but at the end of the day, the buck stops here. is really media is reporting that the government wants to deal with how much that will secure the release of elderly male and female captives is where it is ready for another humanitarian pause. and additional you don't mind at
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tearing aid in order to enable the release of hostages. and the, the, the responsibility lies fully with a seen while. and the leadership of the home, us officials from the us, canada and israel have met at least twice in europe since friday. and the all reports that the how most representative will travel to cairo in the coming days to meet with the gyptian security officials. that'll be the 1st meeting since the previous si, fi collapse more than 2 weeks ago. as we have found our position off to go to the rejecting to hold any form of negotiations over the prisoners exchange. and the continuing is for any genocide than what we are, however, open to any of the initiatives that contributes to ending the aggression on our people and opening the crossing to bring in to bring in aid and provide the need to or but
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a scene and people both sides blamed each other for the collapse of the last see 5, how much said israel refused to discuss office to release of the captives. israel says how much refuse and obligation to release old women captains, by public opinion to everything solidly behind the wall pressure to get the captives ounce of gauze a has intensified. since 2 soldiers killed 3 of the captives waving a white flag. and the light is missing in wall. so between the prime minister of castle on the heads of must uh, on the c i a was described as positive assaults that i said, but no agreement on negotiations is expected. imminent bonus smith. i'll just say era televi for several 100 right, joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem. sarah suspended was saying there in his report, these writings have been meeting with the c i a m t r e officials. and also what's the latest been on those offices? tools of the yeah,
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that's right. those were the report sun. it seems also that previous to that that had been a meeting in norway between the category foreign minister and the head of these ready intelligence. so a couple of me things that was really interesting in terms of that is that usually the c i a chief wouldn't attend such amazing unless some real decisions. big decisions are being made with hiring those kind of negotiations. all the con, going to be even more tests than the 1st round of negotiations. the demands from home us all different, and also all of this as a smile. how may i wonder how my status is in cairo to hold folks with the egyptians? so it seems that something is brewing, hair is not quite clear, the details, the closer lots of it is still is writing media reporting official, sol says, but it definitely seems like there's something in the making and all the signs are heading towards that when the deal might happen,
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it's not clear what the details will be. it's not clear, but is riley media has been reporting this time around, especially this morning. but how mazda is probably looking to ensure that some of the heavy weight prisoners, some of those that have been senses to very long sentences, those will probably, potentially might be part of the deal to be released in exchange for these things. some of those concepts. yes sir. and how much pressure is the on these rated government from within the country to get the hostages? how it's it's immense. we've been covering this right from day one, and you can definitely see the family members include things. some of those, but what, how kat says before are coming out, they're taking pots in these riley's are happening every single day. and especially those, most of riley's happening on saturday is the votes become known as hostage square in tel aviv. but also interestingly, since that last the slide collapse, very unexpectedly,
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that would know video is released by any of the groups. and the goal is that we seen or raise the latest video that was released overnight. but it's not meant to have this time, not time us, and that comes just a day off to how mazda has reduced a video of all of the, of a elderly men difference to the videos that had been released before. and this is definitely putting a lot of pressure on those families, especially to push for the government. so make sure that the safe spot happens. all right, is there a higher up live person? i haven't okay, bodies to has been sarah, thank you. well, it's been heavy fine between these ready forces on palestinian fighters during raids across the off 5, west bank. the is there any minutes of vehicles into the northern cities of janine into bass early on, wednesday to palestinians were closing the engine in jeanine with laura con is live for us and remodeled us. so we know these randy ministry has dramatically stepped up,
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rage rights across the west bank since october 7th. and also what's been happening over night they really have down um in size. um, i'm in room all that at the moment is being happening all the way newest. if you go 2 hours up to janine out, we've had rates throughout the night. it happened in a village quoted young moon, and it's quite unusual to see any kind of action that but it seems when the is ready, the army rated the spirits. there was some policy and resistance. we've been hearing gunfire with up racing throughout that finish. now, if he didn't go south by about hoffman now to to boss again, very unusual to see any kind of resistance inside to boss. but that's certainly happened tonight. there was an, as brady army, right. and we had at least a minutes of non stop dumb, 5, revive racing throughout the entire city, and then further south to novice. this is about an hour north of where i am in
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ramallah. this rate army has been writing throughout the night for many hours and it's still going on actually, and instead of just surrounding at, surrounding up as they came into lots of refuge account and all the villages. they made their way from village to village and they weren't met with some resistance. there was some, some have made some explosives at so we've been seeing this resistance happening throughout the north, the westbank. there was also a raid happening in hebron as south of here, which is quite different to the usual rates. it was a punitive measure against a palestinian fighter who was killed out just off to the wolf sausage in gauze. a he with a number of other people attacks and settlers and sold just like killing one soldier . so they use punitive measures usually against the families. they measured his house and then now assessing explosives ready to destroy the family homes under as
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a token to you were seeing some of the pictures uh from those raids. um, let me ask you briefly how significant all these rays and what we've seen them on this scale before what was really, is a psychological tactic. variety is right, ami um on the palestinians just to try to prevent them essentially from rising up. they certainly don't want to see what happened to decades decades ago. another intifada happening. so we all know certainly seeing these raids, thoughts, there's been more than 6000 arrests throughout the occupied westbank. but that also shutting down many of the towns and villages, most of them have these big yellow gates. so when anything happens, they can close often countertop policy, but it's just as erected more of a book that there's been many kind of uh, so i cities costs off, which is way to check points as well. so people usually stopped for hours behind
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these check points when they just going from towns, town, village to village. we've seen this much small. so since the start of the war and gaza, all right, to north on july 1st the amount of laura, thank you. what's on official break here now just here, when we come back, colorado's top corporate moves. donald trump from the pallets for next year's presidential primary and follows the opening of the democratic republic of congo as insecure, which he flips them into a rich country on that statement. the of the, you're just in time for your weather report across the middle east and africa. good to see you and right off the bat, not much to speak of through the radium peninsula. things are looking settled, sunshine, few clouds drifting about here and there. certainly we'd seen it in doha 25 degrees, and some shower is actually not too far away from jet that,
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but by large mostly starting conditions here on wednesday. central asia fairly quite as well. temperatures have come up in many spots, including the deepest on was back as dawn and kirk is starting off the turkey. we go enjoy wednesday while you can because we've got plenty of sun here, but a weather maker is moving in off the mediterranean, so that will give us saw the forecast for and tally. and here's where that weather maker is on wednesday. in the central emitted training, and it will give us a ring and when condo for that northwest slice of libya, for the rest of africa, it's fairly quiet. there are some weather alerts in play across burke, you know, fast. so we've got these winds. so that's gonna press down temperatures, in some cases below average, by about 5 degrees or so through the tropics, use all showers in storms in the zone, but it's actually south of this around zimbabwe. it's capital herrera's still some solid bands of rain here, but no real surprises. the december and january are your what it's months of the year. and it's quite
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a down in south africa. on wednesday. the israel has no impose a complete fees on god's at. so how do they survive if you have no income, how do you live? costs of living rose sharply after the war and ukraine could something like that happened again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it, us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up, counting the costs on out of their on the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book and back i took them out of the top stories here. there's a dozens of palestinians have been killed and the latest is really strikes across the gaza strip that talk soon. so talk a bit rough in the fall south of the territory with thousands of space. people have sort refuge from israel from bottom. israel's president says his country is ready for a 2nd. humanitarian pause to allow the release of both captives on the entry of page into 1000, says rejected any told smug as well as the tax on the strict and a vote to the un security council and a resolution quoting for the suspension of hostilities and the jobs that has been delayed for a 2nd and then as i'm struggling to agree on the wording as they try to avoid another us feature. well the us says it's reviewing a possible terrorist designation for humans who sees whitehouse. national security spokesman john cubby says washington and its partners will do what they can to protect ships and the red sea. there's going to be a whole lot of hardware in the red sea. now. they will hardware not just from the
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united states, but other ships, other ships from other nations, to counter these threats. so let's see where it goes. i mean, it's all up and running. now we hope it gets stronger and, and is, is we're able to add additional countries and additional capabilities to and i'm certainly not going to telegraph any punches one way or the other. i'll say this though, as i said them, i always statement the attacks are acceptable. we have national security interest at play in the region. there are international security interest at play in the region, including to prep the shipping. we take responsibility seriously. we're going to continue to, to do what we can to protect our white house correspondent kimberly healthcare has the latest us state department, according to national security council spokesperson, john kirby is considering whether or not to designate the who sees as a foreign terrorist organization. this is in response, he says to the escalation in, attacks originating from yemen. this,
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as the united states announced it is part of an international coalition to protect the red sea as specifically commercial shipping vessels from attacks, specifically by the who's he's now already. we know that operation prosperity, guardian, as it's called, is made up of 44 signatories, including nations like written canada, spain, italy, and france, as well as nato b, e u, and the g 7. there is a concern about the cost to the global shipping trade, which currently and the red sea cows to about 15 percent overall. what we know is that because of these mounting attacks already, there has been a halt by some shipping companies operating in the red sea. what operation prosperity guardian will do will allow this international force to now take a defensive past year and action against these attacks. kimberly helped get al
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jazeera, the white house, the spring of some of the world news now, and polls that opened in the democratic republic of congo, the presidential election incumbent felix, just because he is running for a 2nd to he's facing a crowd in fields of challenges promising to bring peace and stability, which they say has been locking under the current president. catherine. so reports in the capital contrasts the bus because the bus of boise has a vote his card, but she would cost top by that she leaves at a comp for the displaced in north cube providence. fighting between rebel groups and companies. troops has been raging for you as a boise is a month 6500000 people who are being forced from their homes. many are unlikely to vote right now, and i guess the government has abandoned us. it does not come, but we are dying. no one even came to tell us how we can vote if we can vote.
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security remains a big issue in the selection process also want adida who's going to help boost and out of date. the same thing. they be monitored in the last election to say they want less talk and marks the frustrated by the high cost of the, the depletion and rum punch corruption, access to food accepts a shelter, access to education, access to a medical care. this is that inside the business for, for any normal person and the comb with these people don't have this. the democratic republic of kimberly's reach, it means we'll resources in our full land. but it also has point for structure in bodily monday to cities and towns and many votes as see the country's wealth does not reach them. catherine slowly, i'll just see and i can show some democratic group of people come from. catherine
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joins us live now from contrast that catherine. so how important is the selection? and it's going to be a huge logistical challenge to organize this. but it isn't it? the yes sides very significant. and we are one of the paulding stations, and he's a police station here. in contrast to the voting hasn't started yet, but people are coming in the morning touring very closely what's going on, particularly in the east of the country, where there are security challenges we've on the group who are there. and we have been talking to congo leave here. who are concerned about the actual process itself, the saying that the things seemed very dis organize into that. and we did speak to the president of the electro commission who talked about these logistical nightmare . she talked about 1st the lock of money,
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the commission $100.00 off for $1300000000.00 a to run the had an extra one, but they only have a fraction all of that. and then we talk about, you know, transporting a visa voting my materials to different parts of the country. this is a huge country and we're talking about areas where there are no roads for structure is very, very bad. and the un peacekeeping mission, when new school has been helping to transport some of those materials. uh, but it's a huge challenge. so this presidents all send you uh, the electro commission. uh, basically say is that, well, there we are here. they have to walk with what they can and with what resources they have. yeah. category many people asking the question, willing selection, then be free and say, i mean both the government and opposition leaders of want of attempts the tempo
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with the vote a well, that's a big question. and so we have hod, i'm from the president himself. president is a president felix a just to katie. he appeared on our radio talk show, and he made allegations that there are individuals who are trying to come up with the electronic voting system. i'm after that the defense minister issued a statement of collaborating with the president said, and we also had from the interior amenities, so who says that they have arrested 5 people and confiscated materials they are confiscated this. i mean, the equipment that the government believes could be used to read the election now will also hearing from the opposition leaders who also alleged that there are plans to re election. all right. yeah,
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catherine. so i life as the in contrast to catherine. thank you. now the top court in the us state of colorado has disqualified donald trump from appearing on the presidential primary ballot for 2024. colorado supreme court says the former president cannot participate because of the us constitution's close on insurrection . it's related to his role in the attack on the us capital. on january the 6th 2021, the former president accused his opponents have been desperate to stop him running for it's no wonder cricket joe biden, the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. they are willing to violate the us constitutions at levels never seen before in order to win this election. joe biden is a threat to democracy. it's a threat that weaponized the law enforcement for high level election interference, because we're meeting them so badly in the balls. i'll just here as manuel rascal has more now from washington dc and the colorado supreme court ruled on tuesday
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that former us president donald trump is being eligible to run for president. i'll read you a quote from the majority opinion in that ruling that says, a majority of the court holds that trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under section 3 of the 14th amendment of the us constitution, otherwise known as the insurrection clause. the opinion goes on quote, because he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act, under the election code for the colorado secretary of state to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary balance. now how big of a deal is this ruling that's kind of a tricky question to answer. given that this applies specifically to the state of colorado is republican primary election, which is taking place on march 15th. but this does have the potential impact, former president trump, as a candidate on the ballot in 2024. even before the ruling was issued by the colorado supreme court, there were promises by trump's attorneys that this would be appealed all the way up
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to the us supreme court. and that's the scenario that we're watching out for here. so january, the 6th of 2021, was an insurrection, to undermine the certification of the 2020 national election. was donald trump in active, participate in that insurrection? so still legal questions that need to be answered before we can see this developed . but what the big news is here is this very reasonable expectation that this could play out as a show down at the us. supreme court made up a little alger 0, washington dc, a french quarter, sometimes to form. i don't as a 24 years in prison for his involvement in the 1994 rolanda genocide, social studies when you mama is accused of organizing the torch, i'm kidding, of ethnic toots is at least 800000 people were killed by who 2 soldiers and melisha over a 100 days the trial is the 6 conduct and in fonts of alleged participants in the master code. this process, parliament has approved
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a comfortable i shall know that will toughen the rules on immigration. the bill passed off the far right lead the pen said her party would vote for it that will strengthen fonts, is ability to deport foreigners. critics, according at the most regressive integration, low in decades, latasha popular as well now from the french capital hold, pull the fact that there's a migration bell has been paused by uh, fonts as national assembly is a huge relief for the french government. and also a huge relief for the french president emanuel macro, who has made a new immigration new one, also centers of a 2nd time. and it was just a week ago that it looked as if this immigration bill was i'm distracted, looked as if it could be derailed because m p on the royce and on the left in the parliament. many of them said that they would refuse to debate. it effectively locate those on the right. so they,


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