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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 4:00am-4:31am AST

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a few has even returned, but this still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow. restitution africa stolen or with punctuation on orders. here the we're getting into the are these riley drove and target some residential buildings. they're off hospital in reference, close to where and out is there a team was reporting the don't carry johnston, this is i'll just say it was nice and also coming out many
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of those injured in that's is rarely strike. i've been transferred to bad the functioning hospitals, including an ultra 0 real cost engineering delays. yes. again, united nations security council votes and a suspension of facilities and cost is pushed back for the day. plus, israel does not have to choose between removing the sweater from us and minimize the total on civilians and guys. it has an obligation to do both. the us secretary of state comments on rising and civilian casualties and causes the death toll hits and you devastating milestone 20000 to the health officials and gaza say more than 20000 palestinians have been killed since, as well as well. began millions of people traps in the strip have repeatedly said
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there is no safe place in gaza. one of israel's latest attacks, drones strikes targeted residential buildings near a hospital and the southern city of wrap up. at least 10 people were killed and 60 injured explosions happened right behind the correspondence honey mach mood. as he was reporting live on the near the, to a hospital, this is what happened or the remaining population, the area it gets to be this place then. and this is the, the trash you to be very striking, causing more of problems and forcing more cala city and the displacement which can of course now the pressure on an healthcare facility as well as evacuations on as we're, we're getting into the oh my god, did you hear that the hospital that
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the hospital are you guys here in the us? are you guys here in this old a debris and no, no, i know. i know i wake up its all gone. oh my gosh. no, no, no, no, this is really bad. this is back or you get seen this. this is right behind the house, but the right now. oh my god. i'm gonna have you. okay. let me see. let me see, okay. or just see if yes, as you see, this is a huge,
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huge dark cloud of smoke. this is what we were expecting for 5 business. a drone did not leave this sky of this area. why get a low level out of the what if you was marking a to. 8 a good, a full residential homes. people are rushing to the side just to see if there are people. i guess this was the, we'll look at that a tragedy right now. it's causing okay us to see people running away from, from the side of, of explosion. here's where multiple massive air strikes, right at the vicinity of the q way the hospitality. see people are panicking. we can even lock the. this is really, really bad. this is i is the people are rushing now down the road. this
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is, this is bank of multiple multiple residential homes and rates. we're hearing there were people inside the homes that the were target in their hand. these were the exactly the displays palestinians at this particular location. more than if re, residential homes completely destroyed. the this is, this is exactly what we've been talking about. there is no safe place in god. oh no safe place. they gotta no place more save than the other. even the vicinity of this hospital does a small sized hospital becomes became a target of those relentless areas. right. that's exactly what we described in reward describing these ears strikes be relentless, aggressive, a brutal well, those strikes on residential towers in rafa happen near the to 8 hospital reference
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in southern guns. the way israel has repeatedly told people to move to for this safety, hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians from northern and central air is a currently in the south. and i'll just say with janice and both cost engineer and i was most and that was injured in that strike these amongst goals of people take at the hospital. a distressing video cap to the moment he's injured. the existing existing service existing. 7 0, okay, all right, assume is the photo and developments from rest are in the southern guns, a strip the air strikes become much more aggressive,
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much more violent and separate areas, of course that there are 3 also in areas that supposed to be as a safe zone for palestinians of tart waves and evacuation took place inside this area and tend to be a mass refuge account for residents from the north and central areas of guns and city. russell had been attacked today for a residential building was completely flattened and alongside with the most can agriculture land, where a palestinians have been concerned killed by this strikes. now these strikes in the southern part did not stop, including i knew it. it says with 30 palestinians have been killed during the last couple of hours. were there relentless? is very plumbing. i destroyed 2 sets of a gauze, are residential units with more than 20000 palestinians have been killed with also alongside with more than 50000 others who had been with now these at the death toll is expected to rise within the coming days. as the attacks at continued in the
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north, the middle and the southern parts of gauze, the head of her masters political bureau is smell, honey, ays, in the gyptian capital, colorado. what could signal a new phase of possible ceased phonic associations? earlier and a met ron's foreign minister saying a man of the i'm in the, the meeting in catalyst capital comes off to as well as president said, the government is open to another temporary pause in fighting area. we spoke to gauzy. how about a member of our mass is political be right. he says it's priorities stuck in the wall. i think all of our vision is basically we want to stop the aggression was the war and joshua and the because i think what's going to go out and visit is a because the surveys a whole pause is much destruction unless clinical people last semester goes. we want to stop this, this is our priority. now some people looking for a small pause, a pause here and there for one week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. but i think that was very clear. we want to start
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a subsection because i think who is i with take they, they called the hostages and dr. that'd be able to start a new order out of investigating done once. it goes again to sort of people, i think we will not be disagreeing, but i think we want to stop it. this will disagree and or people in the should with the oil on the or the come with big compromise for the disease, for the prism, not for the hostages, but the priority. we dealt with the age of chance with a category with different bus stop that vision and goes up the goes, what is going to enjoy this big shame for the international community to keep sort of, especially out of the discussion in do you do not assembling to go to causal that most of the countries 99 percent of the countries all over the world. the world sits by the a lot of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is still intent on wiping out her mass
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reiterating that any possible new truce would be short lived until have asked was eradicate to know is very hostages fried on a home. i'm sure whom i mean come all of us of the will, will continue until we destroy him. us until victory. let me this you think we will see thought, which is not connected to reality. why should we also pricing? how must with heavy fire every what else, including today us, we also striking go to a time us close or fall every how much terrace is best for you? every 2 options and who does a rundown or size the whole of the saw who has more now from occupied east jerusalem. there's a lot of pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu both internationally. and domestically on the international front, you have the americans who are hoping to see these really shift towards a lesser intense type of fighting within the next few weeks. and that position has
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been reiterated by multiple american officials domestically, though he has increased pressure from the families of the captives and the bring them back now movement. and this situation has even become more high stakes after 3 captives were killed inside of gaza by these really military. now egyptian security visuals are indicating that these really are willing to offer a weeks long pause in the fighting. in exchange for 40 captives, they want all women, any remaining children, an elderly man as part of that deal. remember there are more than a 100 captives still being held inside of gaza. but before those meetings, there also meetings with these rallies, properties and the americans in europe twice in one week to try and start these negotiations. and while signs are pointing that these talks are positive so far, there's no indication that there is anything concrete at the moment in the talks in
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kyra with him, us officials, it is worth noting that for the 1st time posting in this number, she had had representation there, they are the 2nd largest fighting force inside of casa, and they're also holding some captives in gaza. so they are part of these discussions. when it comes to whether or not this is accepted within these really society, there is a cautious optimism because they were able to see how many captives were released to several weeks ago during that cease fire period. and they're saying that these really, governments should be doing everything in its power in order to bring back the captives, even if that means some sort of prisoner exchange or swaps where there's been no indication from these really is that they are willing to do that. just yet, how much as position has been quite clear that there will be no ceasefire talks or negotiations about it until there is an end to the war. a soc person. israel have
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agreed to set off a maritime a car. adult garza nonsense funded has a meeting between these rarely foreign minister and his secret accounts of popped and non okay. amount of time car, the aims to boost amount of tearing relief by importing large volumes of supplies by a shit instead of limited quantities by trucks, through the rav for border crossing with egypt. the account is locked for us to enter amount us. oh lord, talk us through what's being proposed, having how much of a difference could this makes a well of the is ready for administer a, a few hours ago said he's completed the visit and it was successful. he posted, posted on accel. he was in cyprus visiting his um his separate counterpart constance not this. i'm sorry constance. notice um come to us. now at the tourism. i went to monica, which is in the south of cyprus, and they have
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a special joint committee that's currently looking at sending a, as i say, as quickly as possible to gauze. and so they're looking through the logistics at the moment. but this proposal isn't new. slight press had presented the proposal to the power piece for an last month. and a number of a you representative did support the initiative and said that they need to send it as quickly as possible. but they did say there are many hurdles in the way of doing this. one of them is a maritime security issue of the concerns about the, the safe passage. all of these ships, the goal is the 2nd one is once they get into goza, whether they will be able to take such load shipments the entire waste in the sending the shipments if they want much bigger shipments and the currently bringing into the south of garza but once they get there, they're afraid that the ports are simply too small and it will be logistically
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impossible. and that also concerns that this will mean the closing off of the rough uh, border crossing and essentially ceiling garza's. so there are a number of issues, but the, it's ready for me to certainly come and says that he wants to see this happening as soon as possible. and so that, that looking into logistics, i'm in law and the code to send, it's very, very quickly. laura, thanks very much. i. this is where the army has released a protestant in prison or from a village in ramallah and occupied westbank. rudolf fatigue was freed due to his worsening health. these all videos of him taken shortly after his release. ruth had already spent 4 years and is really present, but was re arrested 4 months ago, whose later died today is a terminal stomach cancer off the on the gaming emergency surgery as well. so it's a come off to the break. the finder boils open,
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one is our is 1st major protest against the new residence of steroids. he mentions plus how developers in malaysia trying to review life $3.00 to $1000000000.00 goes to the the, the weather brought to you by visit council. here's your headlines for the america . it's great to have jo long since of quiet down through a good part of the campus to patagonia and windsor shifting around the falkland islands, but still warm enough in port stanley at 12 degrees and we've got our usual storm still coming into the amazon jungle here. quite a bit of rain for that eastern side of brazil as well. oh, speaking and quite
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a bit of rain on tobago island in trinidad and tobago. we had burst of about 50 millimeters of rain here. that was enough to trigger some flooding onto big awhile and once again in trinidad and tobago. but really with the winds, not too intense. right now. we do have somewhat weather coming in to the care of the in coast of central america on thursday. then this storm system will turn rain to snow in newfoundland province in canada. so sunspots could see that a 100 meters of rain followed by 30 to 50 centimeters of snow colder air across the great lake. so toronto just minus 6 for you on thursday. warm are though, off to where the west. it is unsettled though, for british columbia, the coast really up and down on thursday. and then we've got this specific store and feeding quite a bit of rain to los angeles. there is flood alerts in play here and not bad for the southern us, but of cloud cover here on thursday. the west brought to you by visit castles. it is
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a tenant of turn to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of his randy public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors, the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the the book aback reminds the of the headlines now. at least 10 protest indians have been killed and is rarely strikes on residential
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tiles and southern guns that happened that the 2 h costs between the city of ruffled just behind and i'll just do it kind of is the same on the 9th on that number of palestinians killed and israel's foreign garza has reached 20000. that's totally surprising by the hour. i mean, 10 supplies at texas city, texas, mass and israel have received in direct talks easier to buy, cuts on egypt, groups politically, to smell from the travel to colorado. and what could sick to a step towards securing the 2nd monetary and see the un security council has delayed the vote for the day on a resolution that would cause the suspension of facilities and godson. was it for not having negotiating with the united states on the wording of the draft? earlier this month, washington veto the reservation quoting for cease 5,
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knotted or emeralds table. the latest resolution it's, i'm back to the, to the you and voice to hope the security council would come together to respond to the crisis in gaza. to diplomacy takes time, it means evolving conversations and people are giving it their attention at the highest levels of the capitals that have leverage on this. so i think from that sense you have to be optimistic and diplomacy, otherwise we wouldn't, will come into this building every day. and that sense, i am optimistic, but in another sense, if this fails, then we will continue to keep trying because we have to keep trying. there's too much suffering on ground for the council to continue to fail on this and we haven't failed. we have a resolution 2712 we need to build on that resolution, and i hope we will also adopt a humanitarian resolution. the response to the crisis on ground us present, joe biden. his costs doubts on hopes of an imminent cx. 5 deal between israel and thomas. unfortunately, there's no expectation at this point. we are pushing biden's
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comments come off to national security spokes and john kylie said discussions about the potential truths on now in his words, they're serious. meanwhile, the us secretary of state says israel has an obligation to minimize civilian casualties in gaza until the bank and it was speaking as his end of year press conference might honda, as more from washington dc, us secretary of state, spoke as to how the us has strengthened its alliance in various parts of the globe . he was aust directly, to what extent it's continued an unqualified support of israel and its operation in casa, is affecting these alliances. he did not address that directly. what she did say is that even some countries opposed to the united states, still see it as
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a leader in these ongoing crisis. so he's continuing to insist that the us has a role to play, and te insinuates that it is not losing global support because of it's ongoing support for israel. but on that issue, he continued to maintain that israel has a right and indeed a duty to continue its operations against him. us, at the same time, it has a right and the duty and what he calls a strategic need to minimize the casualties that incur during its operations. this is what he said on that subject. we continue to believe that his real does not have to choose between removing the threat of from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys. it has an obligation to do both. and it has a strategic interest to be both were more determined than ever to ensure that out of this or if a tragedy comes a moment. a possibility is riley's for palestinians for the region to live and
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lasting peace and lasting secure that out of the start. this comes like the sick real estate reiterated on a number of occasions that to use his words. it is vitally important how israel conduct since operations. however, he also made clear that is this up to israel to decide how to do that. not the united states. mike kind of, i'll just the era washington, i'm sorry for the cut, some other wells news. now that is why there is set to free 10 us prisoners in exchange for the release of a close. all are you present nicholas and the do? well, these are images. so businessman onyx sob released from us prison and arriving back in venice way that he was met on the time, not by his family and the 1st lady of the country. sotheby's accused of money laundering on behalf of the bureau is government. venezuela will also extra die to
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form a minute she contract and is that then it is linked to a major corruption scandal in the u. s. navy, i sondra around via to use funding developments now from the columbia to capital bogota. a statement from the white house talks about 10 us prisoners, 6 of them. the us says that were wrongfully detained by the venezuelan regina. another 2 were members. 4 of the us special forces that allegedly participated in uh, cliff 10 back in a 2019 and another one which is a fugitive uh on a corruption charges in the us who was arrested in venezuela and will now be extradited. that's the information that we have so far on those are prisoners. now, we know that this deal has been in the works for quite some time with the mediation
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of cuts are it was in many ways expected. what's really surprising is the fact that the us in exchange has a release alex sub like sub is a colombian inter printer and i'm very close ally of uh, nicholas and my daughter, a person that is, seems here as a bagman for the venezuelan rich him, he has been accused of a number of a very, very serious charges from a money laundering to essentially a complete, complete faith in elicit that activities through cypher an outside of the country, some $350000000.00 us dollars. and he's also, he was also seen as a tool in the hands of the us to try and get some real evidence of the charges that the us as the longer presented against the president. the class of
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my daughter, including a charges of a drug trafficking, thousands of demonstrators of reality knowledge and teen is capital against austerity measures announced by noon elected president have yet meaning. the policies include a currency, the valuation of more than 50 percent, as well as cuts the energy and transport subsidies. the governments is threatening to cease public aid payments to anyone looking the streets. i think it's clear that there's a government that's determined to apply brutal adjustment that has already begun, which is crushed wages in a short time. and in order to make this adjustment happen, they are determined to press and restrict democratic freedoms. it's unbelievable. the march cannot take place in peace because these people have taken the political decision to prevent it by violating our cost to show the rights of as well to raise a bo has more now from the demonstration inborn as ours. we're here right in front
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of the presidential product were thousands of people have gathered to demonstrate against the government of have you got to be nice and extremely difficult economic situation in argentina with the soaring inflation that has been made worse, because about the valuation of official currency in the past week, most of the people we have spoken to do you're say they're extremely concerned because of the economic situation in argentina. when taking offers have you have a problem in the population that he will prevent any type of role on the street. and that's why there was lots of tension today. many weren't expecting the protesters to be off the wrong wrong window side as we've been trying to control the government. for example, they couldn't cover their carry 6 or anything that could be perceived as a weapon warrant that those involved in both their welfare programs. something that have been extremely fenced in the situation for many because of the economic situation in the country. have you had any late expected to announce later today
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what is known here? it's got the record thousands of laws, the nitrogen tina, including labor loss, including finance, laws, making money, other things. he says that those laws are necessary to modernize the economies to jumpstart argentina's economy. there exist friendly measures towards rec, investments in arguing tina, however, most of the people that are protesting here today, sir, they are extremely concerned about what would happen next. even though mean a warrant that be he will implement those fairly to measures. and the next few months will be difficult for processing here today say that they're ready to remain on the 3 and that they're ready to $5.00. pretty simple, i'll just see the site is voting and democratic republica comb goes general. elections has been extended by one day in some areas. a soft to delay is at some point in stations in the capital constructs of several other towns. some places
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didn't open a tool. it also reports to faulty voting machines and navigation to vote to fluid opposition. candidates, according for re route, normally election, ponens new governments has taken the public use tunnel t v p of the. yeah. and find a number of top executives from the states, media outlets. the government says it wants to restore balance and impartiality to public service broadcasting comes a week of the communist tasks initially because of from inviting me know, and just as part of china is real estate troubles of being felt in malaysia. that's a development once described as a power dice. a 70 is off to its launch the $100000000000.00 project, and who knows? forrest city is only 10 percent complete. but as far as the report, so the costs are. these are trying to breathe new life into the project, built by developers as
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a dream. paradise for all mankind. forrest city in malaysia is the largest overseas development for china is the trouble of property giant country gotten but more than 7 years off to its launch. only 10 percent of the project has been completed. edit sales gallery more people were interested in looking at the project scale model than purchasing a home is aimed at. chinese bias. demand has been sluggish, especially of the china restricted capital outflows in 2017. now country gardens, financial was and the way to problems and the chinese property set to have increased concerns about the future of forest city, built as a joint venture with a local company developers, a housing the government's recent announcement of designating for us to city as a special financial, so we'll help drawing invest it so we know kind of lead appointed or consultants to really look into what are the at the benefit especially on faxed out to the people from.


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