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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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sir, is the listening close covers how the news is come. watch this space for where the story goes next the witnesses tell, i'll just say arise. right? the full susan, gaza executed 11 on on palestinian men in front of the families. the sam is a them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up the world health organization says there are no functional hospitals left in northern garza to to a like a fuse golf and supplies. a number of palestinians killed in israel's warren garza streets 20000, including more than 8000 children. gulf coast. sam brigade says it's launched a barrel. i shall rocket soon to tell of these responds with swells kidding of
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civilians. news for you and human rights office says it's received allegations of what could be a war. crime buys, riley forces and gone. so it says it's received information alleging is write a full series, exit cute and at least 11 on the palestinian men in front of the families. in the north of the strip is ready for us is allegedly sold, the residential building then separated the men from the women and children. the incident is alleged to have happened that the n on building was civilians. with sheltering the u. n. is cooling for an investigation? palestinians have survived several is riley was on gauze and they say they've never seen this level of brutality in previous was. and i know, you know, i'm with him about sick this. i've been sending me on 7 to 6 year old and have even
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so many was on conflicts in my life. you know, but i haven't seen anything like this model to see a level of destruction and systemic heating the civilians vision. okay. um and what is going on as an adult munition about that? it's something that's really surprising to me that these things are actually, you know, happening. we don't expect this type of thing. and or i feel like you know more, everything should be fair. everything should be accounted for. everyone should be held responsible for their actions. i feel like this story is insane to me that people are being executed in the garden city. uh those are, are people you know it's, it's difficult to hear that's crossover now to thought of cable. i zoom in the office so thought of 1st of all, let's start with these reports of summary executions. what else? so hearing from eye witnesses a yes. the process of executions on the ground by the is really military forces continues in gaza strip and in areas
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that is considered to be a bottle of zone or palestinians are still trapped and that regions on thought is really relentless. plumbing is now during the last couple of days, an execution operation had been carried up by the is very army against on, on somebody were 11 members, had been killed by the is verify us on a known circumstances and, and today they have carried out to a new wave of executions, a field executions for a member of a, for a number of men in for as a, from a say you and the family in a guns was city. now, these operations continued on the grounds and in areas that they cannot even reach and access it by the medical teams to discover the situation. the and with the blank out of communication again involves this trip. this situation is got is getting much more mature rated. now a previously into a value about town, they found out 3, the bodies in different areas. uh,
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they have been bolt off to the usability withdrawal from that area. it seems that the level of the span of crimes in these areas is still on, disclose it due to the fact that no one can reach that location. people are being truck. the and some of the people have been arrested by the ministry, have been executed and others have been released. so the pro session and the operations of executions on the ground. it's like also strict continues as clearly uh, the palestinians in these areas are witnessing more expanded of these really minutes . reparations and baltic. we're also hearing now about crossings being bombs. what can you tell us about that? of yes, it seems that everything in garza has been completely. i talked to our talking about medical facilities, residencia, and houses of governments that i missed the 2 sins and the long side. now it's time for crossing a boat is now come up with sound of coursing board as one of the crossing that is located for allowing for entries of goods to the church where you've had been
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activated during the last couple of days for fed, that humanitarian, a to into the territory. now it had been attacked from the palestinian side. schools with full palestinians have been killed including the director of the boat, which is unused like nations. and the entire attacks in fact will of course of struct and office because of the, the process and the, the conditions of food delivery to the church. we as palestinians are now mainly uh, depending on the humanitarian aid that is getting that are getting from a rough course in boulder. and now with we're out a come up with some of boards and out a clearly these attacks continued on the ground to inside guns that were palestinians now are becoming much more concerned regarding the guarantee of the flow of the humanitarian aid, especially for the private 6 so in gauze of where the majority of guys have been designed, traders are depending on that full job to receive their shipments of uh. busy goods and bro docs to, to be uh, sold in the palace to the market. so this uh,
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tax continues as palestinians right now with receiving more evacuation orders to flee to the south of which are treat. meanwhile, the south had been bombarded with mo, growing seas. got literally where's, where's where to go as policy and you'll see that there is no, any safe place involved or i will leave with that. thanks so much for calling. mazda of it is right. the bulldozers have destroyed the sheriff's shop on cemetery in the neighborhood, an east and gaza images from the symmetry show. recently buried bodies laying among the rubble of tombstones on the 0 is smiling hall reports. now from the symmetry, which is one view is report contains some disturbing images that look to see what a shift shop around and walk off. i'm standing in the middle of the shake shabani cemetery and the i'll show a neighborhood. this symmetry was pulled those by the user id occupation forces. the dad has been exude and crushed under the bulldozers of the occupation forces.
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to give you a clearer picture, you can see. one of the dead bodies assumed by the is rarely occupation forces. the body was crushed by these riley's heavy machinery. it is not the 1st time that the occupation forces hold those symmetries destroying graves and makes you mean the dead bodies and then utilizing them. you can see clearly the traces of the is ready, occupation forces, heavy machinery, and the tracks of the ahmed vehicles. even the data not sped and respected. this is a gross violation of a basic human value. any part of the already dead bodies are clearly visible. exams and crushed and mutilated by the ease, riley forces saw most of them know how this all cuts on malta. this is part of the scope of a deadman quotes to the whole month of the motor. and here is another completely exams, dead body from a grades. so the center for these on on there is no respect for the dead. these
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rays have no respectful human lives, not even in death. the cemetery was totally bulldozed and totally destroyed on purpose. here you can see another dead body of a recently buried. a person shrouded in white, a just as the body was assumed on purpose by the israelis. this is what remains is some of the shrouds and some of the dead. the trucks of the is riley times purposely crushed, the dead bodies that had been exempt from the graves. this is the foot of a dead child. he was killed in an abstract and reason, the buried. now it zoomed mutilated by these riley's example at this to the have that i have on come on the books and i come up with and have a bunch of, uh huh. there is another body of another child over here to respect. we will not reveal anymore checks out button and what we are opposing live from the shakes siobhan symmetry and the alice neighborhood. this was boulders and destroyed by the
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is riley homage. vehicles and bulldozers. the dead bodies were exempt them the mutilated. there is no respect for that. it is. yeah, another wall crime committed by the israelis this mind of the whole medina that has gone up to just the world health organization says there are now no functional hospitals in the north of garza. hospitals have been bombed, they've run out of medical supplies, and they don't have any fuel. as a result is difficult for any of the 2 point. 2000000 people in gauze, though, oil effectively in a was, are now to get any adequate medical care. only 936 of facilities are far from functional in the whole got all of the saw there are actually no functional, so let me know nor oligopoly. what's the last one? but it's not minimal, fresh and still to the patient, but most amazing. it was a lot of people cheap uh and also hospital. so the hospital or she was showing 3
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also thousands of displaced people. a protest signs red cries and says the ambulance center in jabante and northern golf. so it was on the siege. this continuous treading, putting everyone at risk rendering the center useless. unfortunately, this is the 2nd day of our teams at um, the ambulance centrally, the products are under the crescent. i'm getting sent to the engine manager oddison under pcs or centers as completely pcs. and there's artillery showing and sense are still there, he's running that is continuous since yesterday, along with gunfire from is there any occupation forces snipers and there is no way anyone can go out of this filters, that the safety of our team says asterisk, there is an old $127.00 people who are trapped inside our ambulance centers, including panama, of exploding tiers and their families and the $22.00 injured pearson,
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where the center is located as completely the injures. there is no way any one can go out of defensive. anyone is trying to move out of that area is under the target of is there any snipers along with that opportunity, something that is not stopping. it's just continuous. however, we are still providing our medical services inside or medical post, which was established a month ago to continue providing medical services to the wounded people in the area. oh sure bad. yeah. which is under constant bombardments. unfortunately, as you just highlighted, now, there is no lift, overt hospitals in north of casa. now the, i'll cassandra guys how mazda is on wing times to is hit televi with the banner officers overall kits by sites in response to his writing master goods and gaza. sirens sounded in tennessee, but it's very security forces,
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say the rockets were intercepted by the iron dome and the wind no casualties. a rocket side on tele v, briefly shutting down the city for the economic repercussions of fall reaching the smith as no charge rental in central television in the metropolitan area. and about help us 12 local time. it's an area of more than 4000000 people running for shelter, very disruptive economically. so the economy here is rel, already suffering significant economic full out because of its wall in gaza. fragments fell on pots of tel aviv, the, with no reports of any injuries. around 13 all kids we understand for 5, most of those successfully interrupt, intercepted by the window system. one of the rockets fell into the sea, just all just the old ports. 76 days into this was an indication that thomas and the cast number gates have not yet been totally dest.
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degraded by these rarely forces because they were able to still send those rockets on calls. last is the disruption here as an indication also of why lines are still reluctant to fly. to tel aviv add for the only a 100 flights a day coming into the above compacts of $500.00. many major outlines come sing that roots. some of them looking to restart at early january with the challenges for them and not just the physical danger from rockets but also the cost of insuring across the flight israel. and these be sort of incidents that make those outlines think twice for an estimate. i'll just tell him is there any falls is continued carrying out the daily rides across the occupied westbank? but other 3 vehicles entered several cities and towns including nablus, investigate how many of the on 1st day they rated homes and detained at least one, palestinian invested him. i'll officiate has more from the line the occupied
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westbank. it's been a day when there have been a number of incidents across the westbank. mine has been shot and killed kalia in a village very close to bethlehem. there was a funeral for someone who was short and killed on wednesday and that the funeral then the there were exchanges between mourners. id is really ami which led to 3 people being short things of calm down. but there's a can sound as it gets dark, because the army are still in the village of sealed off all the roads. then the situation could cleared up. again. we've had the 3 men being arrested in east jerusalem and a number of check points linking the to the rest of them and the west bank being closed out and making it very difficult for people to navigate around there. and the number of incidents where farm equipment and farm buildings have been not done by the is really army. they say that they were not built with permission and
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therefore they had to be removed. and that obviously causes deep concern, but it just gives you an idea of how the cycle continues to perpetuate. we have a 303 people killed in the west bank since the start of the war and gaza, more than 4600 people arrested. many of them still being held without charge. and many palestinians wonder when night comes if their time, if their village, if their home will be the next to be visited by the israeli army. oh i'm so sure i'll just need to know my law in the occupied westbank a. so i have an, i'll just say era, renewed fighting across these right. and 11 and border at least one person has been killed. got the latest, the unsettled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is
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happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission and nothing leaves us out without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without unique perspectives of africans are willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lives of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the,
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[000:00:00;00] the come back to watching out a 0 time. to recap, the headlines with new society forces killed 11 on palestinians in front of the families and full rounding up for women and children. the attacking them you and is demanding an investigation into the electorate attack. on tuesday goest, the city says could constitute the world health organization on the palestinian red crescent, all sounding the alarm about the state of hospitals and gossip w. i chose, says there are no functional hospitals in northern garza leaving a 100000 palestinians,
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deprived of medical service assigned brigades. how much these items when claimed to have hit tel aviv with a barrel issue of rocket se, se in response to his right, the massacre is riley security forces. say the rockets, whether it's a substitute. now, a woman is being killed in southern lebanon, vice riley shedding the said in as many days is riley cross border attacks have increased in recent weeks, striking further inside lebanon, approximately 50000 people from southern lab, and the non displaced as the result of the fighting has the law continuing to fire into northern israel, hating the town of cutting edge mona santa for those said this update from southern lebanon, the cross border explained to fire continues. it is intensifying israel carrying out the series of airstrikes, the lebanese armed boots hezbollah firing salvo of rockets that towards is really
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military positions. the escalation is sporadic, but it's becoming more frequent. and the scope of the attacks are widening. overnights as well as hits a target and it came with the fast that's approximately 20 kilometers from the border quite far from the, from the back to ground in the 3 to 4 kilometer a depth battle ground in southern lebanon. it seems that it could have been in retaliation for hezbollah, firing surface to air missiles. that force is really helicopters to move away from, from the border, from the border area. so both sides really showing their capabilities lot their full military capabilities with showing capabilities, sending messages in the form of the parents if you like. because israel has been stepping up its threat saying that it will destroy beta root the lebanese capital and not just target hezbollah. if hezbollah doesn't move away from the border, but hezbollah is saying that it will not stop it's attacks, as long as, as well as
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a tax on garza continued, no matter what the cost and it has the house lost a lot of men in the past 11 weeks a 114 and just in the past week, 18 man and most of them were hit by drones. and so as well really relying on technology. so the conflict largely confined to the border, but intensifying that they're also sierra southern lebanon. hundreds of health workers have gathered in front of the headquarters of palin theatre in central london. for us, tech giants and spies specializes in a high powered military and civilian and technology is provided services to these rated government used to harass palestinians under occupation. the company was awarded to 313000000 pound contract by the n, a dressings, and last month to create a new 1000 management system. so new guy go has more. i was off
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house at west coast outside the british headquarters of the us tech jones calling to advise me to see the prominent supports all the former us president donald trump, protesting against this company has been awarded a 100000000 dollars and a chest england confidential patient's information in the system to the states, a platform are concerned as the fox is a ministry and intelligent surveillance powered by a i suddenly great questions being off why administrative security company that use this technology and the risks out with using patient information in such a context. also, so problem has been selling it, it's technology so to be is raising government surveillance system. the
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predictive facing question based former technology will be given that the company has to come out in favor of israel in the states is complex. many uses and it will be thomas the needs and thoughts on stock will be the cost of this particular kind of technology. and it's not something for testers. imported into the health care system. how does the human rights watch says meta has silenced posts in support of palestine on instagram and facebook? it says the suppression is demi, can global, amounting to what seems to be the largest wave of censorship, of content about palestine. to date, the rights group reviewed 1050 cases of online censorship from old in 60 countries . launch the ending is nearly all of them featured peaceful content in support of
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palestine. the organization says in more than 300 cases used as well, unable to appeal mathis removal of content or accounts effectively. so identified 6 passengers of censorship. contents removal, suspension or permanent disabling of accounts and restrictions on liking, commenting, sharing or re posting sol so found restrictions on tagging or following other accounts. limited use of system max of features and shadow binding uses. that means a significant drop in the visibility of a uses co stories and account. last minute you have a dean as an independent gym to see things. there is a deliberate f. it's a sense of post expressing support for palestine, adding to the media blank counsel, already a coating on the situation. and garza is what is most concern to me is how mehta is and even the applying the vaguely defined community standards to suppress content. frankly, that's documenting is really crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing,
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while at the same time allowing a lot of the accounts from israel's own government as well as media organizations or individuals. these organizations to share posts of themselves, either committing and documenting more crimes. in the case of so. ready drawers when they, you know, bond schools you on studies and hospitals or more troubling is there is this, as you know, deliberate media blackout on the ground. international journal is not being let in and you know, the targeted assassination of journalists and their families and garza so, you know, what's happening here is, is troubling. mostly because meta is not taking into consideration. it seems not only been use wordiness of this genocide, old campaign, against palestinians in gaza, but, but also the conditions with which journalists are operating the funds get some news from around the world. now. voting in the democratic republic
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of congo, the general election has been extended by 2 days across the country with polling stations. now closing on friday, the electoral commission initially extended the pole by a day off the delays at some, posing census, and the capital congest on wednesday and several of the towns. some polls didn't open a tool on the 1st day of hosting are also reports of faulty voting machines and allegations of votes afford opposition. candidates said the extension is unconstitutional and a cold for a rerun of the like. catherine, so is in contrast done, brings us the like this a wheel auto appalling station and can show stuff counting of votes here as going on in many of the areas across this country. voting is still going on. the electro commission has extended voting by 2 days. us, so a polls will close on on friday and this is because of
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a lot of logistical a and a security challenges that send me the electro commission task space in some calling station voting materials did not arrive. and then, you know, there was a lot of frustration by people who destroyed some of the machine. they. 7 send me is investigating that as well, and these are issues that we expected because even the president of the elect, charles commission himself, i talked about this toddler does. he talks to all just sierra about the issues that the commission is facing, especially when it comes from supporting a bottle of materials to different parts of the country. we've also had from a position the dead of opposition. presidential candidates who called this what is
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happening. i assume, and some of them say they want a fresh election. catherine saw you all to 0 can shop. now, that is why that has free 10 us prison is in exchange for the release of a close ally of president nicholas madura. the exchange comes weeks off to the white house, agreed to suspend some sanctions following up flags volume and do it or to work towards free and fair elections next. yeah. and that's why the is also handing over a fugitive defense contract. those at the center of a major kinds of going bribery, scandal, sends them to the reports of stuff i yes, that alex off. this is the moment that really swell as president close ally alex a good off a plane and cut out because i'm wednesday. because i'm getting businessman was freed from us, presenting miami in exchange for the release of the american scale by the venezuelan, redeem mdx rendition of a fugitive defense contractor. wow, that's part of the deal could act as also released at least 13 minutes within
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political prisoners. the deal breaker by could start is the largest release of american prisoners in venezuela's history. it comes weeks after us president joe biden sent ministration, agreed to suspend oil sanctions and venezuela. following a commitment by institute. i'm president because my daughter to work towards free and c and presidential elections in 2024 earlier in the day by the instead, the deal was a step in the right direction. we have no har austin as well of us, far for not over yet home of the many in the region. see the release of alex up as a major concession to my daughter. so have was arrested a money laundering and other criminal charges in 2020 and was regarded as
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a key tool against the redeem standing side by side with the business. when i'm president celebrated his release and could i guess, calling for the normalization of relations with washington. correct? that's all showing respect. everything can be chief with mutual respect, can advance towards the different phrase and our relationship. hopefully. some analysts believe this deal allows both sides to show that however difficult either negotiations or working. i'm not going to be sure that disagreement guarantees that the doha in barbados agreement with made in place, advice, time to maintain the oil and gas licenses. the us that the us had threatened to withdraw from it. there's no doubt that the deal will anger up my daughter's political opponents, but in the end it could prove to be a win win for everyone involved by then just bring safely home the us prisoners. well, my daughter shows that he's still in charge and that he's willing to do anything it
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takes to save those and it's close to circle strengthening his position before next year's presidential elections. i listened that i'm get to adjust the both the french fries then to my new my call is defended. a controversial immigration bill. that split is policy prompting. the resignation of his health minister, the legislation will strengthen the government's ability to default foreigners, critics of slammed it is the most regressive immigration lauren decades. that will more than 20 people have been killed and hundreds of others displaced by floods in the south indian states of coming that do. the major logical department says unprecedented rein dumped mold in 20 times the volume of oil. so usually seen during this time of year and outfit on his reports. ruling


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