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tv   Witness Weathering  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 4:30am-5:01am AST

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knows that they are now recovering in hospital and now the protect you may find the raid happened into all thought refuge account, which isn't occupied is truth from the for on this side of the is ready will the x rays and tests, but they were met with serious confrontation, so what we're seeing from video evidence, our planes of tear gas smoke everywhere. people driving going about the daily lives and driving or walking through these tear gas who owns even involved in the compensation. and also we saw fireworks being shown back up by the palestinians. living that let's take a look at the days of the stories. now at least 14 people have been killed and 25, others wounded in a mass shooting at a university in check. republics capital proc, the official, say the sheets, it was a student at the university. sonya go reports a russia panic as people lee of the hearings gunfire that perhaps
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charles university this somebody to the shooting police field of the surrounding area and all the people to go indoors from the beginning. it was a couple of uh, uh, bags. i didn't even realize it, so it was a shooting then suddenly your students and teachers running out of the of the building of the, of the sort of thing. so faculty, this is the man who has been identified as a sole perpetrator. 24 year old student david called back, who attended the same university where he conducted his shooting spree and died at the scene possibly by suicide. according to the interior minister, his father had also been found dead earlier in the day. and this is where he struck the full flow of the universities, could see a philosophy and a desperate attempt to escape. students climbed out of the windows and perched on
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the ledge. what student was reported to have lost his grip and sales address. before embarking on his bed, the round page cause i left the series of disturbing messages on social media, describing how he wanted to commit mass. murder is adding to the shop in a country west. such must shootings are extremely rec, so nearby ego, how does era? shutting by russian forces in eastern new crane has killed at least 3 people. the attack hit coal mining facilities in tourette's good town in the done. yet squeaking is seen fist fighting since rushes invasion in february last year. 32 mine as well. the low ground when the attack happened and will briefly trapped. so that's it for me hasn't figured he find lots more on our website. i just need a dot com, witness is up. the
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in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is a question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another if mcclin's ink is taking place, augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission and nothing lead scottsdale without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the interest of the ink. and that it will seem that something is going to transpire and
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events police officers to try so hard. something like let's do much them is a search my call. absolutely nothing. any good was found. however, went out, please may not be released and go hi. i was told by sure moments later on i mean, hancock is quite been in the same time it was a it was, i would put off for me at the same time to know that, you know, high of, of a pen demi, that need to be treated in such a manner and we will also notice but the
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. busy the racism is very common in the hospital environment. it's so common you call really filed to see it when you're a black mass. my experience has been on the front lawn during locked down
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was very unpleasant. seeing so many people also seeing colleagues been taken ill. it was, there's a stay in very scary to the southern interest in the suffering of black people is it brings mixed emotions for me. i feel more confident to speak about the racism. the i've personally experience without being towed as cold chip on my shoulder or i'm china rice called as a result of what medical stuff have experience on the front on during the pen demik and also um the black size of my prior test. we found that some of our white colleagues have actually started to listen to us. so during cove it does,
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he because he said he felt like things are about where 70 or so do you, did you experience more racism? the racism was very, quite clear for black. this is where i worked in a, an area that is predominantly white. and the i've been watching in this a, in a for probably i didn't are you on the agency. and i became acutely aware that i didn't see any black patients, but obviously a full well, you know, is, is, is, is it for, don't many what area. so you don't really expect to see any black patients. what kind of it? oh, my gosh. that was such a difference to what i was used to seeing in that particular hospital. every single patient that come in was like, i guess that kind of hard in my face because there was often times or i couldn't get p p a. and again,
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we found that we was being disproportionately allocated to more high risk areas, especially being like agency. and this is i'm not seeing quite a power across the board. and me and my black colleagues would like to sit and we'd have conversations, the districts of look down of her no, not being able to, to, to be around to family, not being able to, to, to be of work. i'm a, you know, i'm especially working with don frunner, who young people as well and, you know, and not have any direct communication that you've got what they want to on a normal day to day. as a point where as a young black person,
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well it shows you what it means to be black. whereas on, you know, try to be there for them as much as possible, even from a distance. that's what keeps me going. thank you for coming at me. i think it's like, you know, time this afternoon to come and speak with me as you know where we live in an unprecedented times at the moment and a difficult time, but also a time of change as you, as you have you seen in the media, there's a lot of negative perceptions that go hand in hand with us as black people and black people as a culture. how did you take to seeing those incidents, the dog situation that happened? so that one kind of annoyed that form of like being like why should be in this, it doesn't really make sense. and then to have enjoyed fluids, which and kind of this stuff on the back of that. please please call the cops. please call scott, i'm the american that button my life. please tell them whatever you like. they be
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combined and then they just kind of escalated each other so much more than they should have. yeah, and i think they like everything was coming together. so if we can, and then being and look down as well, maybe even less because you can pull the people. what about that? like you normally would now ratford. so we can't do anything about seem comfortable about that face to face and very hard. pre fix skins and we'll say i'm very resilient but we only support sometimes i find a support for my oldest. ready uncle pat. how you doing, sir? good. yeah, yeah, i'm good. i'm good. this. well checking on, you've been a long time long time and yeah,
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i mean i need to check in and see how things are with you. you know, we have this done to take nothing for granted because nothing. oh, that sounds easy as well as having, you know, i'm saying. mm hm. because, you know, seeing things happen previously over and over in america and also in, in the u. k as well. um it was still got through my mind that even at that point i could be the next one. i should teachers privately, what i saw. i only needed to see once that short flight in this situation. i mean, i turned my away every other time the change it wasn't going to change. mm hm. okay . you know, i'm saying and i couldn't, i was helpless in that case. but you saw the kind of nice stuff that i use in the
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face of the people. yeah. share it out. the pri, this action. and there was there was a side element of enjoyment into paula. yeah. in his eyes that couldn't see that. that was around. yeah, for sure. for sure. i become disillusioned at times and i know it becomes stressful at times and i go home and i'm stressed and i have a headache and i'm i'm tired. i'm just yeah, i'm just at that point and i'm in my time where enough is it is it is it is enough for me to be on right now and tomorrow. i don't care about the so i had my own experience with the place recently whereby i was
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just sitting in my call having a conversation. and unfortunately i was taken back to the station and low top for 18 hours. i ended up being charged for failing to get out of my call quickly enough. the charge, fortunately, was overturned on the 22nd of may. 2020, which was free days before the death of george floyd the
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this is where i was parked. so i'm waiting for the post office to open them as i'm a key worker. and i was waiting to, to go into what should we offer to the police boston straight along here. and we still having trouble, we thought size. um, i know they told me and then i saw them most literally just came back and just the money back out of the call for a few moments. you know, agitators confused. proud to come to the preston decides and i'm just the bed just with my hands in my pocket. just thinking like, okay, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's the, what's that that happened and moments later, i mean, hank of under section 23 of the me see some drugs that because
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they they think that they could see kind of dislikes in my car. and i was like, it's been there for like 30 seconds up initially. i don't know how long they've been here for. you just made the assumption been in it, no physical testing, you know, and i strongly feel i am as a professional and i'm in a high and cost on the side of the road. 9 say in the morning was quite valid. but at the same time it was a it was i opened up for me. is this something cal thoughts about? no, you know, the only one guy for the things. one of my childhood friends was stopped by the police several times during the pulling the break face tire. yeah, i mean, i've probably been, i'll probably, desktops stops more than 40 fit,
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more like of a profile. is it something that you i thought you grow up the instructor especially you just, you end up thinking it's a normal thing. you can go for your phone book right now, and you can get double figures of people that experienced it. starts by sets up, and it's just in the last see if that june got down one, how many, how many friends in the people's around the same age of us to be know the cost up to assess what needs to be in the 1st couple of weeks and a lot on our legal stuff together. you've got stuff to myself. i will stop by myself. the 1st note down when will, when was the move? when was the given was 2nd, i can scheduled good luck videos with you as well. use trying to calm down and stuff up the whole experience. so they do this a word and they just jumped out of the car and had the hon cops already, the cost to me without even saying the words to me. what telling me what they was looking for was searching for and just the, just the way that they, they kind of,
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they tried to do that as i was lucky. so we've got to get my goods on the imagine. imagine if we were, if we were with them and that was kind of that, that, that was an experience he had. so he had to see as well. so, i mean, my thing, it was that was that wrong? don't just to go left. i kind of sense, but things that he was saying, trying to one what, what do you say to me? he said he asked me for my money. my title, let me store wherever i knew. come. i noticed not delta was, i'm sorry. you said i noticed not doctors on for the says i'm the educators something like that one away from your, from the doctor or something that yeah, i mean, i'd overall a couple of degrees on the charts of wines. you know, they try to, they try to get reaction from them so they can have an excuse to service to look you up. what can you do is that every system is against us. you just go hopeless. yeah. and that was, that is to over that, that, that acceptance that you know, it's going to happen just fools that would just
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a waiver in it. the have to watch the georgia footage video a few times. the 1st time i didn't get it really sink. and i didn't really take it in one of those letters one, but just sort of video quickly. and then i switched off for me. it wasn't until i went back to the video 2 hours later. and actually you actually saw the contacts and understood what was actually taking place in this voltage in, in this video. and here in him, models where they can prove. and i'll ask him for his mom and an officers officers still waiting for me. and he's making the end the smoke and, and the,
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and the agent office of protecting the of office of as well. it's just more than day lynch and just leave cameras and it was like, he was just playing, playing, playing a character in a movie. the cameras were rolling, you know, and this was, this was his big moment. i'm going to, i'm actually gonna show you what we've actually feet about but i'm going to do it live on the funny enough for the police left behind us. so i mean, the treatment i can try me, will they want training me right now? a how funny is that? the a,
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a the seen so many videos on black people being mistreated by the place is absolutely devastating. i find it so stressful. being a model and also having family members who could also be the next person who is suffering at the hands of the place when i was handcuffed my mom, my goodness, the premium was imagine if i didn't know how to public communicate and handle my emotions and remain calm wifi,
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but if i did raise my tone on and i did something out of carrots on what i've been in of georgia or montgomery and it took 8 minutes 46 seconds the matter of george floyd to wake up the rest of the well, the the the the
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the the
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so the reason i still haven't seen you before the close it's off 10 round and then when we came on your current page about what we would have done to run them on by midnight tonight the the the the windows that seems to sorry, the chain for search under section one of the places from the web site. the reason being the one lane you have stolen prophesying the call. the
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for structure comes to 3 is to print your sales training. many of more call in the in the. 2 the,
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the, the
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the, the sort of future, the ball concept get into the mode of another preference. similar
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to 1st, to be heard the injection investigations give compelling insights into a new totally storms from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east on out. just sierra a thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. you feel
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like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process facing realities. do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing that and the brakes on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on talk to how does era the
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of the un security council votes on a resolution demanding increased aid for gaza is pushed back once again. the week of this is i just need a license also coming up. the
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gallons of stuff is another day of is really strikes the number of palestinians killed since the beginning process 20 found the world food program.


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