tv News Al Jazeera December 22, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST
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if a conflict continues, are you in security council votes on our resolution, demanding increased, eights of dollars, that is pushed back once again. and at least 5 honest demands are injured in confrontations with his reading forces during another night of grades across the occupied west. the israel is william says bombing of the gaza strip is continuing with more strikes from the north to the south. in the past 48 house, 390 palace, demands have been killed in 734 injured their attacks on neighborhoods in kansas city as well as the giovanni that refuge account is relevant, taxable. so targeted civilian infrastructure including hospitals, gauze, as health industry says, the death toll now stands a $20057.00 since october 7th. so meanwhile, the well food program as well in the gods is at risk of a devastating firm. and if the conflict continues, report by the you and other agencies says at least one in full household's,
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already facing chronic, hung up. that's maybe 577000 people out of a population of 2300000 suffering from an extreme lack of food. the report goes on to say the risk of comedies increasing daily you in agencies say only 10 percent of gauze food need 7, entering the strip in recent weeks, world food program, spokes person to explain the scale of the crisis is this level of uh, this levels unprecedented, so that's uh, more than, uh, it's, uh, it's about 577000 people at i p c. level 5 right now in gaza. that's a sort of population like you said. and that, just to give you a perspective, this number is 4 times more the level of, of, of, of i, p c, 5 numbers that we see around the world combined. so, uh, the complexity,
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the magnitude and the speed of how this crisis unfolded is unprecedented. so we need sustain safe access. we need opening of orders and processing so, so we can come in, we need to be able to deliver that, that a to a food where people need it and we just, we need a ceasefire. we need this fighting to stop because otherwise the suffering will continue normally in order to get into that category, you need to have 2 out of 10000 people die every day because of the food a muscle up because of the hunger malnutrition. and so, um, obviously you can imagine how fast that this could get out. and this is not all including all the other factors that is contributing to the suffering right now. that's a well, i'll just say it was honey masked, move joins us live now from a rough i in southern gaza, honey. so the well food program that warning of a devastating famine in gaza just how bad is the situation they have gone since
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we're struggling every day just to find food of the is there and well, the current, the actions and policies by these really a government including the state of constant bombings across the gods for just keep pushing people into the verge of famine, an eminent to starvation. and within the past few weeks, we waited. there was a statement issued by the general deputy commissioner of honor who with a warrant of admin into starvation, it started to be visible across the gods trip, particularly in gauze and city. and the northern part where no human interior and aided trucks made it to that part of the gods trick that people are hungry there. thursday there, traumatized. but in fact, when we looked at the ground, it's very consistent with the findings of the knowledge that shows $1.00 and $4.00 families are the brink of the family and, and they are, they are push at the crisis level as tar vacation. when we see people at a queue in line just for a little bit of water or some food or q at a soup kitchen,
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a chart to do to get one meals per day. they're also documented cases of valued administrative health about now the nutrition at particularly among the children who died because of the lack of substantial and in nutritional materials that are needed them on good children on infants and babies a as well that the situations in the ground are completely a, a, a very dire, very complicated and it's complex complexity are increasing in each passing data and thinking and thinking of the, the, the analysis a by the i d. c. and, and looking at the situations the ground nicely. they're very, very consistent and, and, and it's, it's only it people hope see, the more human a terry and 8 are going to be coming into gaza at just save the remaining population from going into a famine. yeah. honey, as the hung up crisis grows, is randy as products continue across the gaza strip with hundreds killed just in
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the last 2 days. so yeah, that, that is great. within the past 24 hours we get our works. update this morning from the ministry of health, where the 390 people have been killed with a more large number of people, a work critically injured here and rough. i how there are 2 areas and from rough behind the northern part of the city was subjugated to have the relentless bombardment where more residential homes been. been targeted and destroyed at least 6 people in these 2 residential homes were, were killed. their fear of people are still under the rubble so that we're expecting the number to go higher within the coming hours. and this is always the kids after each, each residential home being targeted in hon units. both eastern and central ton unit is becoming this. the site, the major,
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a bombardment on artist hillary artillery, showing se, but maybe the worst of what happened is the, the constant bombardment last night of older refugee counts in the central part of the gaster. but talking about it's read breakfast, gtm combine does bridge and my as the as well. 3 as it looks like a lot, and this is not the 1st time because you can become a major target of as really bombardment on artillery is showing in the northern part of guys that were weeks the valley of town on giovanni or a fidget camp, along with the the northern ear district of garza city were targeted and destroyed . but we have the, the ministry of health that director general monita bush was filtering in a house if his sister house now is, was targeted. he was a critically and your family members were also enjoyed, but his daughter was killed in the attack on the residential homes. he was with the sheltering and all right to honey my mood life was the in russell in southern gauze
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. honey, thank you. what a northern gauze and dozens of people have been killed in his ran the strikes on residential homes in the jabante, a refuge account to 0 is not sold. sharif was after seeing shortly after the attack and a warning is report contains some distressing images and they have the of the i'm and so, so i was the was a benefit to you. why that's why i was not sure i do not need the know how the the, the the, the, the who the, the,
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lots of different things about it's related to selling to dozens and ends at the end of the city. if i did the on some of the meanwhile, israel's military spokesman, daniel had already says the armies killed more than 2000 less than the i'm fine. doesn't guns of this month within one ship allow me to get the people to our forces continued to deepen the ground activity in northern and southern gaza. since the end of the seats fight in the ground operation. in garza, our forces of eliminated more than 2000 terrorists from the at sea. i'm blind, we've increased the number of soldiers fights and the northern con eunice. and we'll walk and go with the determination with 5 infantry brigade and making most engineering forces with an emphasis of underground fighting to get the total result sits over them and fight them when they come out and clear that area from the terrorism of how much to because i'm brigades, how much is on the wing has released a video said to show 3 is really captives killed and, and his ran the strike. the men include and his really friends do a national and his ready on time to on national. and then these really,
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any of the custom brigade said israel, subjective to eliminate the group and gaza was doomed to fail. looks out of highlight, joins us live now from occupying east jerusalem. so. so what, what do we know been about this video released by the cut some of the gates of the yeah, it's showing us 3 young men as riley's tourism. jewel nash's as you was saying, one who's a pop front to others. pot odds and pinion. now we know that they are dead bots because the is ray, the forces had brought back to the bodies last friday. so that was a week ago. all for all 3 of them. back to israel from gauze that. but what's interesting about this is that how mouse in this video is blaming that's. and y'all, who's saying we try to keep them alive. and it's because of you, i a because of he is ready as strikes in the constant bombardment and gaza face been killed. now this is the 3rd video in this for a short space of time in less than a week. hamas has released as well as the,
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as long as you had all showing men of the last 2 elderly men, all with messages directed straight away to the public as well as of these ready government. again, saying that's common, save us before we killed in these strikes. this comes at a time when there are discussions of a possible ceasefire, although we're not looking like it's any quite so with how mass apparently reportedly refusing to respond because they said they want a full c spot, us full stop. so the rule, israel says that's absolutely not possible. so we know that the families, hey, all still pushing as much as they can to ensure that sees what happens sooner rather than later. yeah, so and away from that video friday prayers will be getting on the way in a few hours time. the way you are, what can we expect? absolutely. just behind me darn. as you can see in the distance,
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that's the old city. that's the wall around the old sit tables that go ok. so most compounds in every single friday. we have been here. there's been talk and seen by is ready forces with take us with lots of kind of against young palestinians, especially in area code wise the drawers, which is right on the doorstep of all oaks, the most square, they try to go to the friday prizes is a very important day for most things around the world. and i'll ok so most cuz the fed pony is site full muslims globally. now they try to get that and they are pushed by every single time. and that's because these riley forces us stopping and preventing youngsters from going. it's usually over a certain age. and also depending on their address where that from as well, they say that's to avoid any further questions or any problems during a time of war. but some palestinians are saying that this restriction on that movement which already exists, but it's been increased so much. so i since october 7,
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the since the hamas and type as well as the war. and they saying they're not able to live like this. if you aren't able to perform the most basic thing for them, which is the price, then what does that leave for them in terms of the freedom of movement? we're already, obviously, this is easters of it is on the occupation on the is radio occupation and they're saying the palestinians are saying that it's just guessing what sort of funky is ready for. it is a 5 live rounds of palestinians and the city of ramallah in the occupied westbank, enjoying 5 people. the shooting was full of rage, buys rainy, forces across several neighborhoods that forget the confrontations with dozens of young men. they've been more rage and the town of caffeine on the shot records become an occupied east. jerusalem con has the latest from ramallah and the outside westbank as well. that has been an increase of rates across the occupied westbank all day. so say we store is res told to surrounding here in ramallah on old friends the most violent right happened in the village called i'm the spa,
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which is only around 10 minutes will north of where i am. these radius came and begins shooting tear gas in the very densely populated neighborhood which that many people, again suffering from tickets. in hello sion, they also started shooting life bullets and rubber coated steel bullets as people came to confront them. we seen at least 4 people shot and hospitalized off that they also went to show off. but the refugee camp, which is an occupied east jerusalem. but this side of the is ready rule. and we've seen video evidence of the entering into the cap and again, shooting lots of tear gas because it was the only people going about the daily business. and you can see people walking directly through this to gas, people in the camps and came out confronted the soldiers and we've seen them shooting by walks towards them. so that continued out for a few hours. it stopped and then they re entered at around 2 am and confrontations have continued. since then we've also seen conversations happening throughout the
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north of the occupied west by from there it's cold of yeah, bob's in janine to, to boss on calculate here. but this has been going on on a daily basis on the united nations is actually res, can sun while it for a month ago that it's increasing the shadow of the war and gone. so yeah, we're seeing them in increasing on a daily basis to the point or spoken to people instead of just they say they often wear that close to bed at night because they're afraid of these res taking place. i'm full of prisoners, also packing bags and leaving them by the door in case that taken away again. so the stick is really paint a picture of the grim reality here. $303.00 palestinians killed here in the occupied westbank since october 7th, $511.00 in the last year, making it the deputy this year in at least 2 decades. laura count alta 0 ramallah occupied westbank. so that's what's,
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what's coming here and how does air, including, i'm not shooting at a university and the check capital prod, sprinkled the west and the country's history for not stay with the this is the view that no scene has been looking out for the past 20 years to these really separation barrier cuts her family's land upon the village. in august they handed several families and you confiscation orders to expand the wall. the walls length is more than double that of the 1967 borders for palestinians. the wall is an extension of israel system of control as part of a wider network of roads. supplements on check points. bill to give is really the offer had while making their lights on bearable by the day
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on counting the costs. the global rates for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo political white horse. but the widespread adoption of battery powered cars is facing the big challenges. plus how green our electric cars compared to fossil fuel was counting. the cost analysis 0, president biden says, $1.00 to $2.00 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the . the welcome back. you want to now just a record from mind about top stories here. this our families of alice demands
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killed in his rainy aspect on the rough spot in southern gaza. i've been collecting the buddies of a loved ones. official say the nature strikes of taking the desk told to at least 2012 foot program as well in the gaza is at risk of a devastating firm in the conflict continued since $1.00 and $4.00 household's already facing serious on on is ready for the 5 live rounds of palestinians in ramallah, in the upside west fund, enjoying 5 people. following these randy raids across several neighborhoods, the trick of confrontations with dozens. now the united nations security council has again delayed a vote on a resolution calling for more aid into gaza. it comes as the death toll that continues to rise, as well as killed $20000.00 palestinians in $76.00 days. in october the us being towed as security council resolution calling for humanitarian pauses in the fighting. that was off to 11 days of his ready bombing. in november,
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the council finally passed a resolution quoting for a pause, but not a ceasefire. at the time the desktop was around $11000.00 early this month. the us again the to the security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire within $17000.00 palestinians were already dead. well, they just discussions have been about a resolution to increase humanitarian aid and to suspend hostilities that votes been delayed several times since monday, while the un security council is not expected to address the issue on friday of to 0 is gabrielle as onto has more from human headquarters in new york as several diplomatic sources have told out a 0 that many parts of the resolution had been changed 3 parts. in particular, the language about a suspension of hostilities has been changed to creating conditions, leading to association of hostilities. also, the monitoring mechanism is un mechanism that was going to help get into guys that
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has been scaled back to now just a senior coordinator appointed by the un secretary general. that would oversee that . and now this is key part, an entire section about condemning the indiscriminate attacks against civilians that has been completely eliminated apparently from a new proposed draft. now, when to thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un at this to say, we have worked hard and diligently over the course of the past week with the moratti's, with others, with egypt to come up with a resolution that we can support. and we do have that resolution now, we're ready to vote on it. but several diplomatic sources tell out to 0. there are several security council members that are not pleased with the change in this language,
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particularly russia. we're being told things that this resolution is now watered down and loses its primary original impact on getting humanitarian age. the people of gaza that needed the most diplomat say they will be back here at the security council chambers on friday, trying to reach some sort of agreement. gabriel's on the out is either at united nations in new york. the . let's take a look at some of the days of the news. a hong kong quote has refused to drop charges of suspicion against media tycoon jimmy ly lives accused of conspiracy to publish that, it's just publications on the colonial era. low, let's go live now to florence, lily. she joins us live from quality and performance. so this has been a closely watched national security trial. what more can it tell us about the quotes routing the page?
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so to find that that, that well, jimmy, like that was, i think there's no real expectation that the sedition charges against jimmy live. we're going to be dumped. his lawyers had argued that the prosecution had fall discharges too late. now the law states that these charges sufficient charges have to be solved within 6 months of an alleged offense being committed. judges, 3 of them, presiding with the court on friday route. that the time that it starts running from the date of the last alleged offense and prosecution that said that the suspicious articles ran up to, to about a $160.00 articles. so what this means now is that the duty lies tall. well now and continue, it's expected to last a few days. it starts with on monday, friday is the 3rd day of his trial. now he faces 2 other charges on the a china imposed national security law where he's been accused of conspiring to, to lead with foreign forces. he's also been accused of using his non shots, his tabloid,
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apple dates to prevent defense against the chinese government. now this was a time when hong kong was seeing for a many and very large pro democracy protests. now these charges are very serious. they could see like being in prison for life. it is the found guilty of these charges. the live was arrested in 2020, and his son says he's been in solitary confinement since he has also been convicted of other that serious offences. also, i'm taking part in the legal assemblies in hong kong, and i've been fighting others to take part in legal, etc. so he's already 76 years old and at this point that he could very much, he could probably possibly be spending the rest of his life in prison is found guilty. now this case is being closely watched, not just by support as of july, but also by foreign governments, by legal scholars and also business professionals. and this is because it's widely seen as a test for the cities, freedoms, but also as a test of home comes judicial independence. now home home build this reputation as an important financial help, possibly because of investors confidence in the application of the little bit. and
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many western governments have criticized prostitution of all jimmy lies saying that this is nothing more than political persecution. now, beijing, of course, is not taking these criticisms to kindly and says that these criticisms are really go against the norm or international relations. all right, jeff lawrence and every life i stare from beijing farms. thank you. so now the type of public has declared a day of morning off to the countries worst. if i'm not shooting, at least 14 people were killed and 25 wounded. the show to as opposed to the best student at the university in prague, whether she were to place some of the regular reports of russia clinic as people we of the hearings gunfire that perhaps charles university, this somebody to the shooting police field of the surrounding area. and all the people to go indoors from the beginning, it was a couple of, uh, uh,
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bags. i didn't even realize it. so it was a shooting then suddenly your students and teachers running out of the building of the, of the social 6 or faculty. this is the man who has been identified as a sole perpetrate to 24 year old student david called back, who attended the same university where he conducted his shooting spree and died at the scene possibly by suicide. according to the interior minister, his father had also been found dead earlier in the day. and this is what he struck . the full flow of the universities could see a philosophy and a desperate attempt to escape students timed out of the windows and perched on the ledge. one student was reported to have lost his grip and failed to address. before embarking on his bed, the round page caused back left a series of disturbing messages on social media,
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describing how he wanted to commit. mass mode is adding to the shop in a country west. such must shootings are extremely rec, so nearby ego. how does era from says closing its embassy image and definitely due to restrictions imposed by the military genta relations between the 2 countries of soured. since the ousting of the countries president mohammed bond zoom in a 2 in july of the new military leaders of twos, fonts of trying to reinstate by them by force. they owe to the expulsion of the ambassador and cool french troops to leave the country and go to it says it's leading the opec group of oil exporting countries offer a dispute over production quotas. it's minister of economic resources as membership is no longer serving the country's interest. angola is one of our picks, smallest produces the china has bands the exports of technology used for processing, rema,
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2 red metals that vital to the production of weapons and communications technology . analysts say the movers blanket to accelerate plans in western countries to less than that reliance on china for the minutes. well, that's it for me down. jordan can find much more and use of course uh website. i'll just say i'm a dot com there. it is on your screen, the windows up next. the inside story on is that state you have dental, which is the their disturbed weather is rolling across from the live. that's right into a rock that's dropping down into northern and western saudi arabia. i want to take in for a closer look, you know, northern saudi arabia as of late you've had some hail storm. so i think that could repeat on friday, the popular tourist destination of our order that will also get striped with some
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showers. and some of this activity could leak into quite quite windy there as well, but with no real wind around for us in doha, it's going to be a foggy start to the day on friday. so wanted to give you the heads up about that central asia looking fairly common. if we look at buckets time to see our shower coming in here. but really i got to get you to turkey a and the fan because this what weather is now slamming into places like 11 on. so baby roots, i think over the next 24 to 48 hours, we could see one months worth of rain. that much rain all at once is likely to trigger some flooding with these really right across the coast of libya. so there are weather alerts in place for that off the coast. we could see waves up to about 5 meters high, and it has quieted down through central africa. most of the activity is actually south of this. and we're seeing those storms get going. once again for the eastern side of south africa, and we've got that wildfire burning, not too far away, it's from tape town. we'll see you soon. the
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african countries have struggled to replace many of those effects. taken by, you repeat the colonizer. this is our experience, most of our identities. in the final pose of the series, museums and collectors, still hold precious assets selected few have been returned, but the still a long way to go in progress is painfully slow. restitution africa stolen off with punctuation on orders here. 20000 palestinians killed in gaza by israel armed and backed by the us on european allies. more fighting nearby to his butler and loving on the policies in him and among the groups involved. could israel's war trigger a wider conflict? this is inside story the.
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