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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm 0 venue a, this is the news our lives on doha, coming up in the program. this, our nowhere is safe in gosh, at least 6 palestinians have been killed in the latest is really strikes and rough, almost 400 killed in the past, 48 hours. walking into an uncertain future. israel orders thousands of people in
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central gas have to move further south is really police by a tear gas of how this thing in worshippers preventing them from going to allow us the most for fighting prayers 5 days and supports the un security council is due to vote on scaling up to mandatory an age. the gaza after repeated us injections and said that interval, united states is that something most industrial naval for addition to safe guards, commercial traffic from attacks which companies will participate in this for the shop. and what do they do? have some companies refuse to join and i will keep you updated on the latest demo. the israel is further expanding its ground defensive in gaza, despite the calls to scale back. it has ordered palestinians and central gaza to move further south to the city of darrow, by
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a continuous air strikes and res. across the strip on friday have killed dozens of people in just the past few hours. a card carrying civilians with struck in rasa in the south. that was the after mass. according to the policy and health industry, nearly $400.00 palestinians were killed in the last 48 hours. is really army is also carrying out its most intensive operations yet in gaza. second largest city, that's hon eunice. earlier in the war. israel have declared it a safe zone, but now it has doubled true numbers and is conducting house to house operations there. and as the bombing continues, food and water are becoming even more scarce that you and is wanting of a fam. and if the war continues and humanitarian aid is not allowed in the world food program says that nearly 600000 palestinians, that is a quarter of the population are now starving houses. 0 is honey. my mood is one of the evacuation zones in roughly and southern gaza where displaced, palestinians are living in constant fear of more as rarely strikes
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a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of rough city where it's 1000 of displaced palestinians have arrived within the past, a few weeks seeking shelters of, from the horror of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting at each passing day for these displays. palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human we contract. the thing these rated ministry is saying that we arrived here, but there was no guarantee i had not even a little bit. it's class. it is a safe area for us to set something that had and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point, we could turn into a was a minute and we'll be old enough to say back to where it's again, i know a little bit model solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone one for the past 15 days. i
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haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water. i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis, so no one is helping offering us anything. and we're constantly miserable. i can provide for them personally, i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday at a profoundly terrorized palestinians. this family is trying to set up a town, but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mode of data west run rough. i city that's trying to target capitalism. tar acura and rasa. that's in southern gaza. we saw the aftermath of the top of the show of it is really striking, a car in rasa. what more can you tell us about those impacts? yes, sir, we will be attacked so rough. our district in the far south of victor traits in this area would suppose to be safe as it is where the forces had earlier today. you
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are tens of thousands of palestinians to flee to this. save, so to be protected from the east by the plumbing had been like attacks during the last couple of days were today announced that income had been a tough for somebody. palestinians had been killed. and despite men of truth strikes, now these times continued not only are rough as well, but i will soon separate areas into 2 or 3. in particular, you saw new this, which has been one of the main sinks in areas where these ready for us is trying to expand the military operations only during the last hour around slowly, palestinians have been killed off to being directly hit by the east, very minute 3 in the eastern areas of a 100 is now the situation in, in these areas is very fantastic as move destruction of residential buildings have been, had been made by the, is very military of confrontations. and these areas continue all the ground and it's getting much move boyland and aggressive day by day. now the know that part of the territory. oh,
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so he's very relentless of bombings or did bodies of citizens. how are you this causes with every single day of to the each video with the druids captured with the julie from these areas? now the attacks on the gaza strip and the, the cost of the tertiary issues relate to the various surging rates of the palestinian debt, which has passed around 20000 pounds easily removed, then 50000 others who has been completely killed. and if the, if the work continue to hold the church, remove deter, ration any humanitarian medical conditions should be closed within the coming days . and tara israel has told palestinians that had been seeking shelter in the elbow. rage camp in central does it to move a little further south? well, a lot further south to darrow, but do you know if people are heating their call
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the tragically, this is something that recently happens to the residents in the news and in a sense, in areas of gums of switching over to the st. residential, the newton central area had been informed that maybe she, they used to minutes after those. why the a now there is also goes around the is what it is right now. expanding the admitted truth ration is now in this area, which is in read. it has been shown software for about 2 weeks from the separate parts and did not on central areas of golf. the now, the residents have been now receiving leaflets and messages from the inducement occupation forces to lead, to move safe areas to the south and truck. and these kinds of messages and these kinds of leases loops look completely confusing and contradictory as the is what the forces as will continue to bombard the southern parts of the golf district. now, palestinians now have a kind of
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a growing mistrust in terms what these really forces are informing them. now also, if they got the chance be safe, corey due to the south of the gaza strip, how they can be transported the and the, the is very ongoing. confrontations of the main roads linking the wind drivers by the southern part of the church. right now people also did not find any place to go to russia has very densely populated area, noticed that you had been to a battery j. a policy is now going to become much more the rate of concerns about the coming days. you're wondering where next to go. we don't have any safe inside garza as other places have been the bodies and the southern part of the territory had been now. i'm not sure what's up to a palestinian in the territory. america boys reporting from ross. so thank you very much, start as realize targeted jamalia refugee camp in the north repeatedly on friday, dozens of palestinians were killed in strikes on
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a residential area. there obviously was on us al sharif went to the scene of one of the attacks he sent this report. a bad uh, a lady. uh, i need someone to see shamella about the week of an online intense carpet bombardment on both on the value of a comp and a barrier. but we were finally able to reach inside a good 180 of these really patient folks and destroyed a large number of presidential homes either doesn't work. you look injured on the bottom, makes one not able to come to the rescue. as the bombardment went uninterrupted. i'm uh huh. i show her the as you can see the dead bodies of those killed. as a result of that little shelling, remain line all over the area for members of this family were killed here with the bodies of the father and the youngest go. we were sleeping and all of a sudden we were showered with me files and shows we watch the explosions to find them,
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tilt and buried under the rubble. we were traps these parts of the house to montgomery both must be the unborn. some part of makes us unable to reach this neighborhood, who knows the dead bodies of the line here, including these young gold. this is the one that has your, the mall could be the on the scale of damages must have in this area as we are filming the. so you look a patient for steve fighting a little shells all over the place. count the i be more than 25 members of my family, a buried under the ruins. that's in addition to more than 20 of my neighbors. all of them are buried under the daybreak. we are helpless, we cannot remove these concrete blocks without bad hands. we have been really on the aerial structure all night, followed by ways volatility, selling all my family members were killed, including my father, mother, and my brothers and sisters, and all the children over killed or buried underneath. none of them survived. a total of 50 individuals were killed and buried under the i'm speechless warner. i had a lot of fun stuff. ok, i'm let me stomach and he is the dead body of
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a young child. it's not even his body only body parts. i bought this young chart like many others. we'll stone to pieces. so auto boss or bush or john, nobody like about 4 in the morning. we woke up to the shilling without a warning. miss 1000 shelves fellow, no heads. the roof collapsed on us. this is the fife, little building of our neighbors. it was leveled and all of them were buried under the rubble. we're not able to do anything. by myself, we covered 5 dead bodies. no one can leave or enter the area, no ambulance with civil defense, we are able to come to our rescue. that bodies are buried under the debris and we are helpless. even the injured and not able to reach any medical help. this is unbearable. oh, no. 10 minute, as long as you can here is really patient force is targeting, cause we think that the shells we stayed inside of the neighborhood where we are is
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being pounded into these continue to mount with no help on the horizon. i'm sure you honest. most of guys, a, as a member of how mazda is political bureau, has refuted reports and us media that the group is talking to other policy infections about how to govern garza when the war and i know nothing whatever the heck the years with we are much now speaking of guys, the postwar guys, i guess that is part and parcel of the pennsylvania territory. we are speaking about the bet a senior and domestic affair as a whole. meaning they occupied westbank when guys us through these are boston, boston and take it off part of the palestinian territories. and we must maintain our territorial integrity, we as how best we have been in constant communication with all that postilion factions, and even with the is the site at the end,
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z o is. the purpose of this is to address the out the world as a palace. couldn't have people not one or 2 affections we are seeking a unified palestinian stands not on the basis of this much and we can move forward for now for a 2nd longer. i stated candidly and up into a mode discussing the postwar guys with in the pocket bar to domestic reason or below been gaz that is part of the positive of the palestinian front guys that and the west bank are both that it totally and, and they help to the tories, most of the communications are under one headline, how to run our domestic fed collectively as a whole lot. the guys that allowed a video in union has announced a $130000000.00 a package to the occupied west bank and gaza president. the president of the
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european commissioners to live under land says the situation in gaza and the west bank including east jerusalem is very worrying. and the the e. u has already quadruple the humanitarian assistance. the gaza. she added that after careful review. she was also now seeing much needed assistance to the palestinian authority, but it's actually about the reports on this from paris. a. we understand that a financial aid would be used to pay the salaries and pensions of a civil service in the west bank are working for the policy and you know, all sorts of also it'd be used to help vulnerable families. now be you is the biggest donor of humanitarian, financial aid, a to palestinians. it says you will continue with this age and it is looking at possibly another financial package next year, mid to next year, around $60000000.00. but it says that would be contingent on the situation the uses, but it is very keen, of course to try and help pay the way to
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a $2.00 state solution which it sees as a political future for palestinians and israelis. let's talk about the future then of gaza and the occupied west bank, the future of palestinians with nor didn't milady. professor of media and communication guitar university author also of the book global media coverage and the palestine is really conflict your day. and thank you for being with us. thank you for the, for the invites. do you for see how much the top reunification after this war? well, that's really low split for more than 50 years. i should at, i mean, i mean obviously there is a condo for communication for the moment, at least at least between policy and people in different functions, but not necessarily between the, for the and how much. i think the of the most of the war definitely will in my opinion, united for us to new people and learn more. unfortunately for the, for the moment to the policy. you know, sort of the has been so ups and from the but a scene in scene is only the, uh, what are, what are called the resistance movements. so that come out as soon as you had and
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others who are present the scene with the resistance. the city and people, the civilians are present at the scene, they'll look more present than i best himself, the president of the policy you know, 40. so i'm a, i wouldn't expect a lot going on now, but i would expect a lot to go to happen after this war or between the 2 functions. anyway, what do we know right now about the level of support for a mazda amongst palestinians? i think i think it's becoming more and more kind of visible lots of statistics where the from the is where the government or from policy needs themselves or from other observers that the support is, is becoming more and more kind of active and obvious. we haven't seen, for example, from amongst all the palestinians who been suffering in has a in the west bank in jerusalem could decides and come us for example. ok decides
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it gives you hugs work just like any other. we haven't heard any, for example, um, people as showing any form of a kind of criticism about what's happening. although we see as of, as of today, almost 20000 people died almost 50000, been injured from one uh, 1800000 people says the spokesperson of the, of how much today. therefore, they have to have the authority displays, meaning without the whole meaning without even attempt people are living in the streets. so in spite of that, we see a growing kind of support for the resistance itself. and i think the fact that police to the people have decided not to go anywhere else. well, what do you mean decided what, where else could they go? well, i mean, i mean, it was be aware there wasn't, there's no where else for them to go. i mean, they were pushed in the beginning, remember they would push towards towards to us egypt or to us any other coverage of didn't open the board or they didn't have a choice. it's not like they had the option to go to egypt. no,
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that's true. that's true, but, but at least they didn't show any signs of wanting to be displaced anywhere. right . and it has consistently said that they want to stay in gaza. absolutely, up to and this includes women, children, and old people, everybody and they see themselves as part and parcel of the, of the, of the soul, of as, as a sales. and this something, perhaps we should have knowledge and this conversation is we're talking about the day after we have to because all the players in this war directly or indirectly are talking about the day after and they're raising this is a legitimate question. but at the same time, we're still in the middle of this war. we don't exactly know how this ends. this is still a very high intensity conflict right now. israel still has a goal to remove a moss. certainly the military wing from gaza. and it's unclear how much of how mazda is political wing will remain, i think, nobody knows what's going to happen to the after, to be honest. and there is a very clear risk, for example, happening now between within the is where the government themselves,
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both only between the company but also between the president entity now himself, what we read today. for example, the inherits the is ready and use paper is a very clear criticism and disagreement, or from a whole all much where they've gone to the, to no, not being able to achieve the aims of. he said since the beginning and the he said, he said there are only 2 choices you want to go to and how about us. and secondly, you are not going to bring this business. so the, the, the, the, the am now is to remove nothing. yeah. whole and think about how to uh, bring in the, uh, the, the, the, the, uh, the, uh, the business uh, in, in, in, in the heads up. so either way here we are talking about some unclear picture. yeah . i think, i think, how may i ask, who's speaking it's guns, that's very obvious from what we've seen yesterday on the day before. but also the nothing yahoo is picking through his guns by attempting to boot a complete the ability to thomas. and i think even the american government, i don't think they know what he's going to happen the day after the stopping the wor, no, they're pushing for
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a 2 state solution. that's their mantra. that's really the mantra, the entire international community. netanyahu accepted netanyahu. nothing's vague. it is vague, it's unclear. it didn't succeed since 1967 because of that as soon as the was thought as soon as the, the worst pups. and then we stopped all has about the uh, the to say solution. then the uh corporation would continue. the settlements would continue and is why it would continue and its uh, colonial colonial policy. so uh, we can't really talk about the 2 state solution because it still states a 2 state solution has only def, i know, do milady. i've got more questions for you, but we've got some time to read to your guy next hour. thank you. now the united nations security council is expected to vote on the resolution calling for increased aid for gaza after several postponements this week. it was 1st due to go to a vote on monday, but was delayed after negotiations in a bid to avoid a us vito. another one of the draft has been amended repeatedly because countries
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disagreed about the language of the text. the us has indicated that it would support now the resolution, as is currently drafted on aid for goza. and the wording of the latest draft calls for urgent steps to immediately allow safe and unhindered humanity or an access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. the united states has a long history of using its veto power to back israel at the united nations is 1st . vito and palestine at the un security council was in 1972. it is blocked. 35 un resolutions critical of israel in more than 50 years. to out of those be those have been during israel's ongoing war in gauze. in other words, in the last 2 and a half months, the us has vetoed resolutions on israel $47.00 times and all including over israel's invasion of $711.00 on as well as its occupation of syria's golden heights
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. gabriel let us onto the joins us from the united nations headquarters. gabriel. so this is it feels like groundhog day talking to you the it's been postponed so many times it looks like today. however, there might actually be a vote at the un security council. yeah, that's right, that is clearly what all signs are pointing to right now. in fact, we have a time for that boat about an hour from right now. it'd be about $1630.00 g m t. we are getting a sense now that this vote will go forward and we are getting a sense now also of some key changes because there were quite a few changes in this. and it's important to point out because what are the words in these un security council resolutions are critical because it's legally binding by international law. let me run through to real quickly for you. the original draft that came out on monday called for a cessation of hostilities. the us said they did not want that,
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so it was scaled back to suspension of hostilities. well, now in the most latest version that they will be voting on in about an hour from now, that has been removed as well. and it now just calls for, as you saw on the screen there. with that graphic, you put up simply the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities that a far cry from a us immediate cease fire a far cry, even from an immediate says that a suspension of hostilities. we're being told that from diplomatic sources that russia is particularly, is not happy with this change in language here, as well as some other security council members as well, but particularly russia also were so another big change in here is that the, the previous draft called for a robust un monitoring mechanism to oversee a, going into gaza and it's distribution that has been scaled back to, to a less clear language. now, it's calling for the secretary general to a point,
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a senior, who monetary and coordinator to oversee a going into guys. so not quite as powerful as the all encompassing un apparatus, if you will. so we believe that the era group is behind this and supports this latest draft. clearly though, there is a, there was some tension in these negotiations and it's very, it'll be very interesting to see what russia does when this vote moves forward. the united states and bastard to the u. n said late yesterday that she is prepared to support this. but would not say if they would vote for it or simply obtain well and, and they're prepared to support it because the language in this draft resolution is now very different from what it was. it went from stopped the fighting to pause the fighting to now just allow in the aid safely. okay, well try and continue to parse those words in detail. this as the hours go on and
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we are expecting that. but what you said, you said an hour from now an hour and a half we believe about an hour from now things can shift here at united nations, but it's tentatively on the schedule now for let's say it's 1030 here local time and new york good so 1130 when they have it scheduled so about an hour from now listen, things could change. things have changed at least 4 times this week over 4 straight days. but it's looking very positive for a boat in about an hour or so. okay, we'll check back in with you. you'll walk us through it. gabriel. let us onto from new york at the un headquarters. thank you very much. it'd be repeated zito details by the us in favor of israel have frustrated palestinian americans in the us state of new jersey. they express their grief as continuing calls for a ceasefire. go unheeded. mental republicans for these palestinian americans. the fighting and gaza may be far away, but the suffering and devastation caused by the war hits painfully close to home.
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design was the most beautiful little policy, young girl who loved things like k pop and billy irish. her and her sisters only crime were trying to get water when they were shot and killed by his really snipers, 11 speakers, one after the other spoke of their loved ones last since the beginning of israel's bombardment. it's is a very depressing. well, you know, i mean it's, believe me, i, we have the phone with us all the time just sitting, waiting for the good news. even this is becoming we becoming so numb, we just waiting to see if it was next. what's next? a hope is a ceasefire. on tuesday is really president issac hertzog, emptied at the possibility of another temporary cease fire around the corner without getting into details. how did they make it? cleo is intense. and i mean, and is willing to and going to another your mind to turn pauses and,
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and now the responsibility lies in the other side to bind in administration is finding itself increasingly isolated over washington's unwavering support for israel, despite the killings. and despite the protest, what's worse for palestinian americans or the feelings of anxiety and hopelessness over whether or not they're crites to the us government or being heard visits and by then, these people not number, these people are human. but for now, these calls seem to be falling on deaf ears. my name is that i follow al jazeera, so we have is really police fire, tear gas, and pa, this thing, and worshippers preventing them from entering a locks and mosque for friday. afternoon prayers is really forces have been heavily deployed across the occupied east jerusalem area from where it's our high right. has this updates another week on friday, pres? well ok, so most compound has remains virtually and see because palestinian worshippers i've been pushed back. why is riley forces in multiple areas that were crashes,
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you are in front of damascus, gate line, gates and spa the down the road? the in why the jose normally around $60000.00 worship is attend the friday. pres, since the south of the will, only about 4000 have been able to attend numbers, was slightly higher today. box is filled and stopped. these riley forces from using to gas, smoke problems, water cannons, against the worshippers to push them for the back. and not restriction of movement is what palestinians here don't keep white east. jerusalem says also affect things a livelihood. some people are unable to open the shops to lights and also there's a lack of tourist because of the will. we've been speaking to some of those living in the old city on around it. how much of the lemons woman has off? she checks the price for every other item on her shopping list and then explains
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why she's how to stretch her budget. i couldn't afford a sense of how the price is went up since the was so we've had to change her eating habits. if we can't buy fruit this week, then maybe the next we have to prioritize. sometimes the grandkids wants meals that are expensive to make. so i replaced the ingredients based on what we can afford is upsetting. this isn't the only change them and has family has been forced to make since october 7. they've decided that she's less likely to be stopped by as really forces from entering the old city gates. how old's age doesn't make her target. most young palestinian men have been turned away at the entrances, but the duration of the war on garza large scale is rarely police surveillance and audit trio, rest of also been steps up and occupied east jerusalem with movement being restricted, especially that's of workers from the occupied west bank and it's already having repercussions on the local economy. construction is another domain,
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another activity that has been deeply affected with the lack of labor. and this is due to the aesthetic image that is of access digital for them. so investment in the set that has stuff that he did in some of the major sector that was affected, especially in the old city. business is all soft spring, especially shops. i've been forced to close before. don't buy these radio pharmacies. some don't bother writing full time anymore and many hotels have had to put the stuff in fairly. fish should be the busiest time of the year with christmas and new year around the corner. and usually these lanes in these shops are incredibly busy. was terrorist from all around the world, but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but swindle of religious trinkets and 7 is lined. the centuries old cobbled lanes. tourism is the bread and butter of drew. some light families,
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the war and slight constellations of minute taurus on coming. we are next the 1st of all the certificate. very good location for the tutors. a has sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in the famous place for the christian, for the public good advice to come to visit the church of a 100 separate cost. no tourists empty that occupied east jerusalem is mostly made up of small family owned businesses have been postponed for one generation to the next. they seen enough was in a lifetime, but nothing they say could have prepared them to this sort of fight at all. just sarah occupied easterly slim palestinian man has been shot by his really forces and the occupied westbank after what they're calling a ramming attack is really 4th is a female soldier. was injured near the town of the witnesses say the young man was only trying to drive away when he was shot. still a head on l 0 will have more on what to expect from the extended election. indeed,
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democratic republic of congo. now the polls have closed more on that the the hey, welcome to your world's weather update. los angeles has picked up a month's worth of rain over the last 48 hours that shield of rain. now pushing into arizona. so i think much of the same for phoenix flood alerts issued here. this rain has just been parked over this area ringing out its moisture north of this and we've got a disturbance pulling in to the gulf of alaska. that's going to produce blizzard conditions for a southwest, alaska over the weekend, active weather, western canada pacific northwest. but look at those warm through the canadian prairies and the northern plains, edmonton, up to 7, you should be on his 5 this time of the year. rein turns the snow across newfound land got to tell you could see about 50 centimeters of snow in some spots. it
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straight in colder air. so chris, sunshine and halifax at minus 4 degrees showers in store instruction from texas, arkansas, great into missouri. these will really get going on saturday into central america to some showers across the caribbean coast here. so let's go to south america right now. all of ecuador, under weather alerts for how intense this rain will be. we've also got weather alerts, blanketing chilly as those temperatures come up. so santiago at $32.00 degrees and also whether it's in play for this southeast corner of brazil for storms here. the could be severe today on friday, the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta,
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nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale with offers world permission, allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this byron upfront. without 0. a unique perspective for kids, i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement, connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide,
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brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the you watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this. our israel has killed dozens of palestinians in the air strikes and ground attacks across the gaza strip on friday . in the past few hours, a moving car carrying civilians was struck in rough and itself. the health ministry says nearly 400 pounds, 10 units have been killed in the last 48 hours. these really army says it has widened its ground defensive in hon. units of itself attacking hundreds of homos targets. it says it has doubled, the number of troops and soldiers are conducting door to door rates. and the united nations security council is expected to vote on the resolution calling for increased age to dallas. after several postponements this week, it was 1st due to go to a vote last monday, but was pushed back to allow for more negotiations. a large swats of dogs that had
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been reduced to rubble scale. if the destruction is more evident in the north of the strip. also zeros jihad bush on us sent us. this report from northern gaza, or palestinians were trapped in the christian youth association hospital for days. wiley is really military shelves of the building. no hold on. i'm. i'm familiar with the how camera has come to the warm ca, located on our jolly street at the center of causes city. these premises were entirely destroyed by these ready occupation forces. i done then these ready soldiers on the ground storm. what was left to build and some of the many families had taken refuge inside the premises, unfamiliar and more than one. and now standing in the middle of the, the winds here, cousins have come to bury the attachments and those who were killed while taking shelter inside the premises. at the time of the is ready to occupational forces challenge. these reorganization forces kept telling and firing on us when
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we were inside. 8 people were killed and dozens injured. all of us, our civilians, on innocent civilians. we still have this and somebody. this is a mass, great with the victims who died inside the y m. c. a a beret. what are what was left of the premises off to the is ready, occupation forces destroyed. it was eaten by the flames. nothing was bad. does as health direct when you're a bosh was injured in and is really air strikes. a targeted a residential building and jamalia and northern gaza. but his 13 year old daughter jan on was killed in that attack alone and nothing. oh god, this is my daughter, and i gave her to you. this is my daughter. she memorized to the koran. you took the as a my task, so accept to load. my daughter fell asleep in my arms and she died, protecting me. one of the she sacrificed us hold on a tens of thousands of displace palestinians are living in overcrowded shelters.
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and you and run schools across the gaza strip. many families are putting up tents in any empty space. they can fine, including in this camp here in hon. eunice, that there's little or no access to sanitation to food and to water. united nation says the entire population of gauze is at risk of starvation in 6 weeks. one of the argument of the most c, l home was headed with miss aisles and i last 6 family members. even the team 3 puts out for 3 dozen of our extended family, including women and children, and the elderly with shelves. oh, we're here. no, no mom, we push out. this tends to protect us from the elements to maintain the decency of our women and girls. but life is really difficult. we struggle to find voice or food, and we forced to use toilets. we more than 150 people are lining up. a shot, a booster. lama is a british, palestinian activist was recently reunited for their mother who was able to leave
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gaza after the war began. but our father and other relatives are still their shot. you are joining us from barcelona. thank you for being on the program. why don't you start by telling us briefly what happened to your family in gaza since october the 7th? who is colors? the continuing for the 75 day? my family were so the 1st to the display from the order because we're, we're going to so the street the dangerous um and uh they have in this case from the 3 of the 2 and they got to come in uh, insurance and is pretty j. the encounter with the it's it's not available,
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it's not available to watch the other go search the main conditions. um she or there is no the i can do cheese. no access to uh you can trace g water sewage. these oh, is shortages or is the same way. so for, for the sake there's nothing. there's no access to the good care whatsoever. my money is r a g. i don't believe b medical attention and there be or without that. also that's an issue that is due to loss on all of our lender. so my of the, the, i just, i just kind of the companies that they're gone and that's we didn't even have the chance to to the doctor gigi.
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how do we go? i didn't say by the to the how to like very have a call waiting cool. i possible this is, this is the whole state you under, under these sectors passes shot. um, 1st of all that allow me to say that i'm sorry, and we're sorry, deeply sorry for your loss. also while you were speaking, we saw the footage of you and your mother of being reunited. how did she manage to leave guys and how is she doing or who she wants to lead god. because just before all this know care has stopped and she had used to my sister, i have, it was, uh, she do, she much. she gets uh the cation. so for like 2 years i might
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have, rather the process has stopped, is almost 8 years ago. and only before, just before october, they got that and uh they were, we were driving down to, he's not here, etc, but they got stopped me under uh, this uh matches side. um and, and we never since trying to pressure the uh spanish as our cheese dispatcher to take a test page for the last. oh, that's lucky for some right she she ministry because it, she was a dual national and you know what? the story that you're sharing with us. so many people in the apartment. yeah. well
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the, she's oh, i beg your pardon, her daughter, your sister, your sister is a spanish national and that was the fact that my sister is yes. you know what you experience so now, so many people in the palestine diaspora around the world are going through something similar to what you're going through. and that's why we're really interested in your story. are you able to still be in touch with your family that remains in gaza? your father and your sister in law, your brother, your niece? ms. holmes, the hardy. it's been over a week since i spoke to this morning. and we must just use our cheese or was we did it was like i do culture. like for me we were, we were like, oh, i was just like accumulating, i accumulate the she, when, when the cold work we were in here,
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the funding was forced to ration the one came in the shop. there is no key to force the duration in my home. i like that to happen is i understand you like it. and the story that has your ashes you when, when my tv so beautiful couple that had a, a useful a tool going to. ringback she and encouraging the other. ringback to join down and be able to go along with me. that was there is me day more meeting in gaza and they still denied you're in some know hopefully not hopefully they they will be reunited once again. how's her father doing a nice funny yeah. struggling the little child just did fast as much as possible. my dad is
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a 3rd party for 16 years. just captivated students from a 9 to 5 g g 1. 19. when he was due to the started march time and she struggled through so much as i thought she was so much he was going to use after nice. but she, on the side of the israel will do what over to me, but a scene and maybe just from the but uh we see a strong being in our right to exist. and already my knowledge calls, we belong in this land and we have a right to where to have to exist in has time. if we don't do g and shut it and then your, oh so if i, if i can, i'd like to get one last question. i'm so sorry to interrupt you again. i do
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apologize. um, but i do want to ask you one last question because you have a 5 year old nice. you have a 3 month old nice. i know they of course of course have been affected by the conflict. what have been the challenges for them from a health perspective, from a mental health perspective, how are they doing? it's the whole it's, it's unavoidable. the children are holding the wrong to this. how detection side is it's incredible. you have to remember that over to the nation or children and it breaks or hard to see my most is either go to what we serve by the kids even worse. so
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they might do remote over the thing for they are actually on the 21st of august and during the 30 all those to after she was a oh the start of course with the, with the stress we oh, this is and then you in the after school care breathing treatment were, are, are struggling and suffering so much of that uh, the address to, to i she for her child as a child in 1991. so my mom had distribution. that's my sister in law is now having with my, with my so in 1991
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a month after i was born the army has broke into our house to. ringback down eating our diaries and i was probably, i was asking our women and all the way to nothing. my god, how inside our home much strange. i'm the to that's my model for that age. i'm able to present to me. so i, i was, oh, $61.00 love. and now my, my, me, i was born on the same birthday. me on the 24th of over 2023 is sorry for the same conditions. so possible, this is so important to you, but to be sure to part of kind of uncertainty. oh oh sure. let's just stop.
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we need to be allowed to go to the movie and naturally feels i might, steve. yeah. naturally you feel that? yeah, and history is repeating itself in on so many levels look shut up with selma as i said at the top, go ahead and talk about it because we think we've been sick with worry for the 2 days or cousins post. now sheltering is wrong. um yeah, just just to border in to the north of gaza. so she's, she's trying to is me. i was kind of, there were over 30 people in the house and the whole neighborhood is full of people is really tired. are there? these are patients on top of the building. there are uh,
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one of my cousins. fletcher was looking at the window he was due to me. now he and i may die is 13 months have been shown at this moment to reach the cross for your health to the place because it's just too much or too many to come back in this building age. her child is only 8 years old, and the cars are on the table and the acting. we didn't use. she started shooting cosby. acceptable. that's all you know. you don't work on the side we here used to be so we, i hear your i hear your emotion and i think we all hear your pain. and i wanna thank you for sharing the story of your family,
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which is also the story of so many. so many families in gaza and therefore the story of so many palestinians living outside of guys and members of the diaspora. so thank you very much. we will check back in with you and you know, we obviously wish for the best for your family. thank you very much. i'm sorry, thank you. i hope so. i see people they did 5 when i'm in the car was full. thank you. all right, to more than 20 countries have agreed to participate in the new us led coalition and the red sea that's according to the pentagon. the task force has been set up to protect ships after attacks by humans who fees for so sort or has more from the port of to booty. very nice to say it's has a nice, a broad national naval addition to safe red sea, but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are
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going to contribute to this question by sending the west of the war ships and the person now or a coupon is not clear as of this moment, united states, what visuals they're seeing that each company is going to contribute to this question, the way it can, however, it's not an upgrade to on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been laws that are part of this formation. for example, across the that is ways to send the additional labor force to the right seat cover . bronze forces are not going to produce on this. it's not quite a sion, but rather on the difference command easily says that his forces are going to put it back, is national, national, and international interests. and they're going to only as of the specified request coming from the teddy and she owners, but they didn't concern me yet, whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to the, to safeguard the right seat. however,
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it says that this can only volumes in may too loud emissions, or the force that affords music by the united, by but by the union. i'm says that it's not really laterally act on the part of the body shop. so the other hand receive denmark says that it's ready to contribute to this question by sending one officer. no, they have another line or going to saying they may with officers, but not to provide see above that. so we can see that despite the most we will be the fate of formation of both international pollution actually gives you ality. there's been a little bit is going on here, and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join. this is a national quality sham. this will save that. i'll just the right people to the oppose and closed in the democratic republic of congo is election. that's after
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a chaotic vote that has to be extended for 2 days due to logistical problems. the 1st provisional results are expected later on friday, and voters are choosing a president as well as national regional and local representatives. will catherine solely is in the capital can shasta, catherine, run us through what happens now run us through next steps. it's been pretty messy getting to this now to the pulls of closed. it's time to vote counting, isn't it? yes it is a we are. i've been made presidential tiling center here in contrast, so will expect a vote counting to start in different calling. stay shows across the country now presidential result with this stream on the screen behind me. so people are new to that screen to see what is going on. now,
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all these have been met with mixed reactions because of this delay in voltage because of the logistical reasons that you talked about. we have heard from the government officials were telling people to stay calm and wait for the pro commission to do its job. we've also been hearing from our opposition leaders, particularly presidential candidates who are calling this sean just saying that the election is saying that the the election is painted and it's not credit was some of them off calling for a fresh election. so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens going forward, especially if the election ease of basically if the election ease is not credible. katherine, i'm looking to what's happening in the eastern part of the drc. see there's fighting there. do you think that could have an impact on this electoral process?
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yeah, and um, just about what is going on here in contest. so i was telling you about this. um, you know what positions deeded? who, i mean it's going to be very interesting to see what happens, especially here the election. he's context states now going back to what's happening in that use of the country fighting has been going on since are the morning and despising is between, you know, government forces and a robot called m 23. and you know, people have been leading from the village and this all fighting has been going on for the last 2. yes, 2500000 people in north q would have been displaced. many of them had already been
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boats and we're not just talking about, i am 23. there are hundreds. you know, groups in that region. they have killed many people over the yes. they have displaced people. they have barnes the villages. so people very, i say they just once these, and this is one of the biggest issues when it comes to security in it is uh, this is darcy, catherine solely reporting from contrast to thank you very much. i is the remaining $157.00 french soldiers still in these year have left the country and this ends more than a decade of french operations in west africa. so whole region for us is also closing its embassy in this year. and definitely relations between the 2 countries deteriorated rapidly since the ousting of the country's president mohammed by zoom in a cool in july and a home concord has upheld charges of sedition against media type. when jimmy life
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lies accuse of conspiracy to publish the vicious publications under a colonial era law, we're going to take very short breaks. we're going to be back at the very top of the hour with our continuing coverage of israel's want. the,
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