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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to take the days that another link is taking place, augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves us out with that as well as permissions allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the the un security council calls for increased de la garza consul gray on the quote for a seas. fine the, i'm sammy's a them. this is i'll just say or live from dell hall. so coming up at least 18 people are killed and then is riley strong come minnesota refugee can. some victims were members of the same family. israel conduct small early morning grades in the
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occupied westbank, detaining several tyler spinning, and hughes and weaver pulled from a veteran village in the occupied west bank, where palestinians are facing daily attacks, sprites from his right, the sap lives. and sol, just the, it's a m g m t, that's 10 in the morning and gone. so way more than $2000000.00 palestinians who suffered more than 2 months of unrelenting is ready a tax, a waking up. so the news, the un security council is finally passed, its 1st resolution on the conflict resolution demands an increase in a to palestinians in guns. i'm off both is route and have us to provide the safe and on him the delivery of supplies into the area. well, there's been no coal for a seas. 58 agencies are criticizing the resolution among the log file whose middle east regional to describe the vote as dereliction of duty by the un to save cod
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civilians. how much says the resolution does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by israel. while the un security council was voting is right, the strikes continued across the gaza strip. 18 people were killed in the silence refugee camp in strong sun residential buildings. women and children are among the dead and injured gabriella. as on the reports now from new york. after being postponed multiple times. finally, the un security council passed a resolution calling for scaled up humanitarian aid, and the guys, a 13 votes in favor, russia, and the us of stain allowing the resolution to pass without a veto. but at the behest of the united states, the resolution went through several drafts throughout the week. long delay behind closed doors, the americans pushed to alter the wording of the resolution to make it more
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favorable to israel. a previous draft called for an immediate cessation of hostilities that was later downgraded to suspension of hostilities. but even that language was removed instead, the final resolution called to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, a far cry from a ceasefire. the previous draft called for a un monitoring mechanism to exclusively over c h shipments that was scaled back to a senior coordinator appointed by the secretary general, who will then establish a monitoring mechanism. but that leaves the door open to a possible coordination with israel and language that explicitly condemned indiscriminate attacks against civilians has been altered to simply call on all parties to adhere to international law. a frustrated, russia tried to add back in language,
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calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the u. s. b towed it started, i knew most report earlier. i said the vote would be a moment of truth and that's what happened. the us once again expose their true face in front of the world, blocking and even extremely weak call for a cessation of hostilities in gaza. there is no disconnect here. we are all working to address the humanitarian needs on the ground and we're working to address those needs immediately. that's what this resolution is about. re admin. sure. the palestinian ambassador to the un city full c spire is needed and there is an emergency to make it happen. we will not present until we reach an immediate cease fire and having the massive amount of humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people and the gaza strip. as for israel, it has ignored security council resolutions in the past, and their early indications that it is prepared to do so. again is really deputy
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u. n. m. baset are said after the votes that his country still reserves the right to inspect all a going into guys as it sees fit. it's now up to the un secretary general to figure out how to get more aid into gaza as the resolution mandates. and he sent it that it could be quite difficult unless is real changes its behavior. the real problem is that what use ratio is conducting visual fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a they'll put ation in gallons. that required security stuff will, can working safety, luxury speak of capacity and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist as difficult as the negotiations were on this resolution.
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these are the real challenge might be in the coming weeks trying to implement it. gabriel's on though, i would use either like united nations in new york, allowing the fisher standing by unoccupied east jerusalem. but 1st, let's go with the having my moods who's in the golf and solving garza so honey. first will take us through the reaction. that's the un security council. finally, pa, single resolution. what the palestinians make is that of the well, a sammy more and more since the early hours this morning and the spread of the, the news about the of you on resolution to increase humanitarian aid to a civilians and the gossip people are expressing their frustration and depression at this resolution, they were more looking forward to hearing about a complete a ceasefire permanency as part that will protect their life. but practically on the
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ground. busy fox, the fox, the, the reacting to the fact that the, the, the resolution went through heavy tank as well as the board alterations to become largely in favor of, of israel to the point that explicitly to give this really more a license to kill more palestinians. and to reserve that, that right of, of keep attacking them in the, in the gaza strip, just makes it very difficult for them to comprehend the, the practicality of this, the resolution on the ground. things are completely difficult and dire situations. not only that people are in need of those basic supplies, but they also want to make sure that they receive those humanitarian aided trucks and, and support from the international community in time that they feel safe about themselves . in terms of the logistics in terms of a crew member on the ground, there is no guarantee of any safety. so far, there are a close to a 100 members of the owner of
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a workers and volunteer that there have been killed as a result. and direct attacks on the, on the gaza strip and other members of international organization defined extremely difficult to coordinate all that a, the, the work and the delivery of aide, including international organization and their team on the ground. the fact that this is the resolution does not include a call for an interruption to complete interruption of the ongoing constant bombing of the gauze is fritz. the vast majority of people see it as a moment of heard free of similar to the pause that was held up within the past. it's a few weeks where people wins a dock. do a search, do the witnesses search of, of the bombing and, and the, the relentless error strikes for them. it's pointless now. it doesn't live up to the level of, of calamity and miserable conditions are created by the ongoing bombardment of the causes trip. all right,
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so some disappointments then let's take this question to alan fisher then, and he's joining us from one to 5 east jerusalem. how are as riley's reacting to that security council resolution? well, clearly the is really government will see. this is a big diplomatic waiting on tuesday. the one thing of this resolution was going to be much more difficult for them to navigate their way through. but science to the united states, they manage to, we commit to such a degree that they want to we, i agreed the un security council, but please that there was no call for me to cease fire. they are very critical of the un security council. they have pointed to the fact that i don't talk by under the really in the police station or condemnation within 24 hours from the un security council. yeah, the a types by how much of 12 of the 7 still haven't been condemned by the un security council. they say it's not only an old legation,
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it is the right to check any going into gaza. nbc, the problem with getting into guys is of the you ends making the have been cleaning vehicles, but the you and haven't been able to get them in. but we've had some the united nations. they say it's difficult to 1st of all, to have the infrastructure to process through rafa and getting the trucks in to guys. and also there's a difficulty that the routes on in the great estate because of the ongoing bombardment and further because i guarantee the safety of their teams on the ground even in russell. because as we saw a very graphic with edlio this week, that heavy air strikes there as well in the civilian areas where people thought they would be saved by israel site, the united states for standing next to them. a human rights organizations have said that this is absolutely short of what is required to get into guys at this time. and you have to remember the un security council
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resolutions are legally binding. but in the past, israel has ignored the security council resolutions as have other countries, but the circumstances and the consequences for people refusing to follow with the security council resolutions seemed to be much worse for some countries rather than others. all right, good stuff. and from alan fisher on that point of ignoring security council resolutions go bank that hand in hand. the despite all the talk of resolutions a, the killing goes on in guns, a rise in the strikes, climbing more lives, speaking in central gaza to you as well as the palestinians across the gods per bar. disappointed. and this disappointment is justified. just when do you see more bombardment on more artillery, sewing of eastern side of rock behind also, the central part of the gods took, namely the refuge account and all the surrounding neighborhoods and residential blocks and more agriculture land. being raised by these really
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a bulldozer and more areas in public facility being being destroyed, the fact that this is happening at the time of a heated discussion about increased the humanitarian aid is, is an indication that everything is done so far as the security council level or the unwavering support of from the us. it was all in favor of it's very is real and there is just a little bit of attention paid to the suffering, the mounting suffering of civilians across the gulf stream. we're talking about us . this is the 77, the of this ongoing, the slaughter of alice indians across the golf for work 1000 are missing a trapped into the seas under, under the rebels. and, and more people are being pushed here, more displaced people, more tragedies, and more miserable living conditions increasing by each passing the definitely to a stop. it completes the sation of, of, of bombardments and relentless error strikes along with an increase, a flow of
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a human atari. and it ends in ensuring that those aides are those humanitarian ada trucks. i deliver not only to the people it trapped here and a squeeze in the sun and part, but also people who starve to death. now in the northern part in a central body district are the way to move forward. other than this. it's so pointless and solely just it's the brakes of from, from being killed while you are hungry into getting killed while you're eating. all right, thanks so much. hi me. my move for more than 2 months. many palestinians in gauze have been displaced in the living in di conditions and hold the re, reports from a make shift camp and data bella were intentionally despised people, including a newborn, has taken shelter. and today we are in that in bella, and one of the rescue g comes in the south of the causes troop and were visiting
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a german, a family, the family that fled from a chest with one neighborhood from the not to been part of the causes due for this area is currently being heavily bombed by these really forces in that is ready. tanks are also stationed. here is their tents here, where they put their clothes. and here is where they cook. they made for themselves a very small kitchen and a very small house as they have been internally displaced for more than 2 months. right now let's go in and see how sydney and his comedy are currently living. let's talk with sydney image image right now, and ask him about everything he has been going through since the day he evacuated from the another and costs. so me and i'm getting that i'm is who has quad selling. can you tell us about your living circumstances and this can see how
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you like the i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do, but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food about the children could be on well on this price is not fit for daily living limits to wherever we live at the start them and, and how do you think affected by the rain? and how did they gave me the thought of the i spent the whole nights carrying my thoughts and like this to sending them to avoid the rain from all these holes. that's why you see the water. life is hot. the baby is congested and at night she keeps saw. this place is not fit for animals, certainly not fit for a new form of the. this is not only send humans a 1000000 to somebody,
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thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who work internally displaced. our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city just either that it is right, a false as of right, and they call them the refugee camp in the north of occupied east jerusalem. several palestinian hughes were arrested before his ready troops withdrew. israel has intensified its rights in the palestinian territories following how much is a tank on october? the 7th is riley sold, is it withdrawn from the janine refugee camp off to a ray that lost it for several hours. they forth with the palestinians in the camp, off the cutting off electricity. others also still in the villages of beta. i'm of you, south of novelist now in the village of why the jobs in the occupied west bank palestinian venue in say they suffering from daily attacks and slides from is right
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. the settlers and soldiers, the sections living in areas surrounding that land and thought illegal under international law. laura con, visited by twins minutes off the site, visit, then to the territory the i'm here in the bed when that age of my auto shots. now this is located between the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here, they said at the end of november. so miss randy settlers entered instep village and started shooting towards the people. they then took many of the shoes, which they burn line for their livelihood, and they destroyed their tents. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. so not a lot of columns, but not the listing. yeah, well what, what was studying? the settlers with masks, they have weapons and they see everything even what decades that they claim that we come with crimes. even with my single child sees the suck those,
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these thoughts screaming. we all know when to present our futures only feed for our children and the community with those. i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal and the hats at now it's just inside here. this is where they say one of the attacks took place. her baby was inside this carrier. when these reset the, they tell me start kicking assets, she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us. and he took our phones, then started joining the books and store or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house. first thing in color from southern as a recent clothes attacked me when i was heading, eating because my hand took me in the stomach through gas and attacked us dying as soon as something shocking. oh, what we shall, we have always had problems when the word got worse,
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they had of the settler's g brains, started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them. they work together, they're all friends. what date this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right? assessments are situated all along the top of the hills. and the policy, the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans having dispossessed from the land since october, the 7th and international. i'm the write scripts say that some of finance is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes, and this is on the rise north on al jazeera, occupied westbank still a hand on al jazeera. well, teddy was behind the surprise of droughts across south east asia that could hits rice, crops, staples, of millions of people in the region. the
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has the unsettled weather, is dominating in the lead up to christmas across europe. i'm afraid we've got a very strong storm system is bringing heavy rain from west to east across central parts of europe. the heavy rain caused the flooding in hamburg and disruption. and the risk is still there. that wet and windy weather pulling its way from the north of the u. k. with a warning salt for heavy rain and winds as well as ice and snow for the likes of scotland. it works its way across the low countries with red warning. so the netherlands for potential flooding, pushing into a jeremy, dropping some very heavy rain and snow is expected on the opposite flight k to be a white christmas and pots of switzerland. the winter weather continues to push its way east as we go in to sunday bits and pieces of snow expected in southern areas of russia, scandinavia, seeing that wintery edge as well,
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a little quiet down in the south of good sunshine, dominating the spain and portugal that southeast corner as well. seeing is dry up as the weather system pushes its way for the east, across to kids. now in terms of temperature, things offset to get more mild as we get into christmas eve, but then coming up to 10 degrees celsius there. but much cooler in the know for places like no way, we're expecting a white christmas. and also on monday, the african countries have struggled to replace many of the artifacts taken by you if you call them nice. this is our experience, most of our identities in the final, of course, of the senior museums and collectors, still hold precious assets like the few have been returned. but the still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow restitution because stolen or
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creation on old is here. the the fall. go back here watching out just to recap now on top stories this out. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an is ray, the attack on the side of this refugee compton. central garza, 2 other counts, were also hits, east and central time units. in the south for heavily bombarded un security council has adopted a resolution demanding as well, and how much enabled a safe delivery of more humanitarian aid to gauze from us as the resolution is insufficient. and does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created
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by as well. the us is accusing around of being involved in a tax on commercial ships, canada by evans, who is the rebel group. washington says iran is providing drones, the 1000 tactical intelligence to the groups. it's attacked several ships in recent days. the bytes and administration recently announced a naval coalition by suicide of thought of joins us now from booty. so 1st of all, the, so any reaction in the region to the statements from the white house saying iran is basically behind the planning of hope the attacks as well. but hasn't been any state mental reaction from the uranium side regarding this latest allegations, because that's coming from uh do you guys say? but previously your run have repeatedly denied this allegation and they said they're not involved in any way to these attacks. however,
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the said that this is an initiations taken by the forty's and by the own decision. so the, the white house national security spokesperson just said that they have no reason to believe that the ron is trying to dissuade deformities from the reckless behavior. so i'm following this logic, the said that this means that is right, you're wrong, is deeply involved in planning and providing the intelligence to the host these while they are conducting the operations or the tags on the west. so ships that are passing through the threats and so we can say that there is allegations, there isn't the legation real serious allegation, however, very little substantial evidence about later on uh, what's the june that has published an article and they are. so they've been having to do the quoting source west and the regional official. so it's quite a broad,
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the wide general description of the source i've ever said that you was part of military forces, not the official forces are providing real time intelligence and weapons including to drones and missiles that are being used in these attacks. a gas to ships, so, but on the ground who these are seeing that they do not rely on iran when it comes to these matters that they say they have the multi point intelligence facilities to the years over the years of aggression against them. but the us, what piece was that, insisting that forty's, they do not have the, the radar technology that, that can detect the ship. so we dorothy renting assistance who sees me size will just drop it into water. so, but for these are saying that they have that indeed that, that technology. so one of the critical issue here is, is that the sat me so the us or officials are seeing more on guys as in crisis as
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an issue between how much and israel. however, the said that's what's happening in the red sea is an international problem. and they're trying to dissociate that wouldn't guides us from the crisis in, in the, in nebraska. and that's why they're bringing up on international naval quad issues . briefly, russo, some countries don't have one to be named as positive this us naval coalition. is it becoming any clearer who's committed and what hardware has been committed to this as well? so, i mean, as of now, there are very mixed and confusing messages that are coming from the country. so of course, the us, it has already have one of the largest admitted to the basis here, which is forced in more than $4000.00 that submitted to the personnel. and they also across the region have a quite huge network off the basis of our a lot of in the ones and the civilians. patients also enabling them as well. so and also yes, so you have a,
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a paragraph heavier but regarding these latest international naval pollution, we haven't seen that as an additional military force coming to the region. so francis saying that they are ready to contribute the pretty to move the navigation that goes to read about the french forces are going to act under the command under the french command. please visit there. we to only answer the special. this is specify to request coming from these had you uh, ship owners on the has to pay and seeing that. oh, well, they are going to only be a part of the may to a lot missions or the fluids that are coordinated by the european union. but they're not going to be a part of this international cooperation. so many of the companies, 8 countries do not want to be publicly named, even if they are a part of this or not even you bought this year as the company that's hosting the largest us. but it's a base saying that they are going to may not mutual and not being a part of these foundation. so us is, is,
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is pushing hard for them. but as of now very little. busy dress when it comes to these international labeled quality. sure. all right, thanks so much for so sort of out of the the now let's take a look at some of the days of the news. the electoral commission in the democratic republic of congo has started releasing provisional resolved software contested election vote is a choosing the president, as well as national regional and local representatives. housing was extended on the delays in problems with facing machines. international observers from the casa center have a full to do regularities, at 21, posing stations, opposition candidates of cold, the process, tainted of, is a cooling for a re run. a u. s. supreme court says decline to consider why the former president, donald trump, has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time in office.
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special council. jack smith, who's prosecuting trump over his role in the capsule rights in 2021. at off the justices to take out the issue as soon as possible and the appeals cooled well. now here's a case in january. protest is inaji and tina calling for a general strike has demonstrations on continuing against the recently elected government to have you. i mean, they will this protest in the capital one and 5 is, comes a day off to present the light on sale. the sweeping emergency decree includes $300.00 measures aimed at rapidly. the regulating the economy. the drought could significantly impact rice harvests across asia. this season due to be a new weather phenomena. this comes as parts of indonesia, still reading from previous drought conditions. and the one of the wells biggest rice expose is be it 9 farmers that having to adapt to the farmlands shrinking as
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a result of climate change. jessica washington reports in vietnam, southern me come delta region. rice is up to send to us lights and provides of livelihood for thousands. most of the countries rise comes from here, but life is changing. erosion ends drought rested in the sewage have land. both increased the amount of sold in the rice paddies and contaminated crops. a uh to be a hey, i want to say, okay, these being a lot more on seasonal rain. i feel is, is the most challenging time because of climate change? when it rains, always when it's sunny. it's really sunny. this period is quite difficult. you and used to grow rice but like many families in the area, the erotic with the patterns forced him to switch to other crops. despite the el nino phenomenon vietnam's rice exports, he'd record high in 2023 prices.


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