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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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viola society taken by you repeat the colonized. this is our experience of the right dentist. in the final pause of the series, museums and collectors still hold precious assets selected. few have been returned, but the still a long way to go to progress is painfully slow. restitution. africa stolen with punctuation on notice here. the job. searching the rubble, 1st of all i have is more palestinians killed in is rose light to strike some central gauze of the engine rushed to hospital the having a life and also coming up cause a civil defense teams,
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berry and identified and decomposed bodies of palestinians. some that have been left out on the streets for 20 days is ready, forces still in the city also caught them in the occupied westbank with bulldozers and military vehicles deployed in the latest rates. and we report from bethlehem, where the war on gauze means christmas celebrations, are looking very different to see the as well as late to strikes on guns that have killed at least 200 palestinians in the past 24 hours a bombing at the elbow, a refugee camp in the center of the strip has killed 8 people and gauze us health ministry says dozens of people died in strikes on jeff value. the civil defense teams have been struggling to are old at the composed bodies left on the streets
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and under rubble. agencies a warning and could raise the risk of disease. sonya is really administers. you'll have glance and been against my troops in northern gaza, where the ministry says it's close to taking quotes. operational control. more than 20000 palestinians have now been killed by as well since october 7th. and the gaza media office says at least a 100 journalists have been killed in the conflict. thought apple assume it has the latest from bluff in southern gusts. these very forces today you had expanded the military types of course, separate areas in garza's trades only today during the last 24 hours. more than 200 palestinians have been killed along side with the 360 others who have been wounded . the attacks to date include the tooth house, the name to the list, which weiss, the impulse palestinians killed, especially among 2 of us to around 100 palestinians doing it was killed by because
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where the forces says october the 7th. the attacks today you concluded separate areas of course the territories including the north, the middle areas, which was the main call center at which with the main course increasing of the east by the attacks. and also con eunice in the fall south of the gaza strip. now these, that tax had continued despite the resolutions that touched me by the united nations in terms of a scaling up the humanitarian a to the territory as palestinian save, you say here military and 8 as a significant to blame of hope for them to survive. and to cope with the off to mass of think he's very disruption insight goal is a strict topic about zoom out just a rough rough off in the south of the territory. i mean was the head of gauze is media office says they have multiple testimonies. that is really troops carried out execution style killings of palestinian civilians. it was set up that you had the validation to fit in to receive testimonies from people who said these read the
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army executed more than 137 postings and gaza. and the north they did because with tens of civilians were buried while they were still alive. then executed others by shooting them at close range and buried in using full dozers. dozens of others were also killed in front of their family members. do a patient for social security, pregnant women, who are on their way to all of the hospital in the north of casa, while carrying white flags. they were shut from close range agencies warning the bodies less lying in the streets in garza, or under the rubble of destroyed buildings. raising the risk of disease. i just need as an assa schafer for some northern gauze when members of the civil defense, i've discovered dozens of bodies moving them for a profit burial. a solemn, initially meals for nothing, shut me out as far as after more than 20 days here in northern cause of civil defense teams were able to recover bodies of tens of people who are under the
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rubble of the houses and on the streets and roads will see a show at a limb to democrat hello. civil defense teams were not able to reach them due to the presence of the occupation forces in occupation vehicles in these areas. so you had the model of on the zillow neck i shot a show had the of course there is still tens of others killed, that the civil defense teams have not been able to reach in many areas here in the north of the strength of vitamin heavy i just, i mean, a large number of these bodies have decomposed on the street, on the roads and under the rubble of homes available, most of these bodies are unidentified. now the teams are trying to bury them here in one of the spaces in this area as to how definitely on one of the should allow shut off the shore dealt with to day. thank god we were able to to cover terms of bodies and they will be buried now in a mass. craven is an indian nation hospital with the help of our teams. of course,
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as you know, we are working without any technical capabilities or equipment unfortunately. so also, so we were not able to reach the occupation is still present on the outskirts of the area. and we had great difficulty in reaching the area. the roads and the district homes about a show of the streets are still not safe. it's not usually on the east of targeting and many pass or by as well as the civil defense teams. while as you on the show at the show, i do a mass grave for many dead who have not been identified. and there is still a large number of bodies on the streets. and it's a chevy, if it'll show that it has a members of israel's war cabinet, have towed northern gaza and met soldiers taking part in the ground. invasion of the strip is ready, ministry video shows defense must the your glance, and emergency minister benny against talking to soldiers. i'm the son who is live 1st and occupied at easter eastern. so i am the 1st off. what are we hearing from
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is right. the officials about to the military campaign and the will cabinets, and those will cabinet leaders viewing the see the rhetoric from is really officials has been the same for 79 days now. early on saturday, we saw on defense minister and young web gallano and war cabinet member benny gans visiting the northern part of garza in bed had no one word. they say the military has achieved full operational control after taking over the area. additionally, in the south we saw these really army chief of staff. let's see how levy in hon. eunice goes the 2nd largest city there. he said that while the ground defensive was quite impressive, there was a lot of work that still needed to be done. all of this comes as these really army spokesperson, daniel, how god, he announced 5 more deaths among is really soldiers raising the total number of
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those killed since the ground offensive began to a $145.00. he acknowledge that while the military is making what they call dames on the ground, it doesn't come without a heavy price of loss directly. we're offering it to those soldiers who had been killed. additionally, in the last 24 hours alone, you're looking at $44.00 is really soldiers who been injured in different incidents of finding in several parts of gaza. but something the entire military and political apparatus like are in agreement on is that the war on gaza will continue and have that we're hearing as well about several raids in to cat them and, and other parts of the occupied was like, what more do you know, by that several raids across the occupied west bank. let's begin in nablus where there are reports of arrest and armed clashes and bits that him additionally reports of arrest. just north of
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hebron. there was one of us there. a woman who locals identified as a teacher and finally in to got in the largest rate of the evening. it started off with 40 is really military vehicles storming the city. and one bulldozer even knocking off the water line section next to the nude ships refugee camp. additionally fierce fighting reported there between palestinian resistance fighters and these really occupation forces mobiles are also saying but is really snipers have positioned themselves on top of roofs. and that drones are flying overhead. what we're also hearing from sources on the ground is that these really army has surrounded house and are calling on those inside of to surrender several reports of arrest as well in the do to show refugee camp in 2, we've got him raise like this are now common occurrence across the occupied west bank on a nightly basis. these really military raids of several different cities trying to
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crack down on palestinian armed resistance. but they, those rates have been stepped up since october, the 7th, or $303.00 palestinians across the occupied west bank, well killed honda. thank you hon. to sun hoot an occupied east jerusalem. us president joe biden on his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu have discussed garza in a phone call. the white house said it included what it calls the objectives and phasing of the military campaign. most of enjoying is live for us now in washington . so rather than what more do we know about that conversation? a phone call happened earlier on saturday while joe biden was still at the white house. he's now at camp david for the christmas holiday weekend. he talked to the is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, about the objectives and the phasing, which is a fancy way of saying how much longer will the israelis try to go after her malls.
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and how quickly can they wrap up major military operations. the state then from the white house also says a bite and talked about the need to protect civilians, including humanitarian aid workers, and about the need to retain the focus on trying to get out the remaining 100 or so hostages, including fewer than 10 americans from her moss and other are groups inside gone. so now the president is going to be paying attention to events over the holiday weekend because the war still very much under way. that said, the us is very keen to see major military operations wind down sooner rather than later. that was the reason for recent trips by onto the blank and the us secretary of state and defense secretary lloyd austin to the region. but of course, it's all going to depend on how much pressure the us can ramp up in the coming days
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. was on july 1st in washington. thank you. as a thousands of protesters have gathered intel of ease to express their anger at the is really government and to demand the removal of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, family members of those killed on october 7th, also attended. they blamed the government for security site is ahead of the how much the tax activist gathered under laws signed that red bring them home in reference to the captives housing, gulf furnace smith was that the demonstration relatives and friends exporters of the accounting saves in gaza. i here every night, but on a saturday night it's the main one and this is the 12th ship boxes, these riley's coolant, but they have hops to do this now close to us. it's not today all hope and the tool was about the prospects for possibly cease fire. we know we were talking about no category american, these really officials and that's on the side. a representative from how must have
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met the jeep and you can security officials in cairo. and house and suggesting that as well as offering a one week ceasefire, return for about 40 sentences, particularly within the elderly and the sick. and how, how much was demanding a complete sweet spot. a cessation of hostilities before they would go any further? what is going pretty quiet since then we've not heard much in recent days. i'm the original, almost frustration from the relatives and the friends. here. we people have been talking about how they won't release now. we've got a one full not ami, a role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release, but thomas will not turn down every day as a nightmare for the compensation. and of course, the psychological fear, relatives, or friends of dying and guns, at least 6 campuses have been reported dead this week. there's no proof of that death. but those are the reports coming from gauze unexcused. a police have intervened as opposing groups of protests to supporting palestine and israel
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clashed on the streets of new york. pro a stain, demonstrate is paraded in effigy of israel as prime minister benjamin netanyahu with blood on his hands. a smaller group of pro is well demonstrate is gathered in the same place. on the 2 groups met n y p. d. offices stepped in to east tens of thousands have also taken to the streets and european cities in support of policies in berlin, around to 1500 people most through germany's capital to the brandenburg gate. they calling for an end to the war in gauze, protest this introduction to you of interest, march through the streets, stopping a major international businesses including mcdonalds and install bucks, jotting shame on you who demanding the fast food chains, portfolio of israel in response to the cause and in sweden, thousands of protesters braved the winter snow together outside israel's embassy in
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the capital stock home. the crowd using loud speakers demanded israel returns what they call stolen land to the palestinian peoples. is a still ahead on just a wrong response to accusations. it's involved in attacks on commercial ships carried out by humans who teased in the red sea. plus christmas comes out of the for people in ukraine in an act of defiance against most of the had a lot of there was that in south asia, and the skies may have dried up in the south of india. but the flood waters remain for places like tumble. now do we have some very heavy rain? at half launch we cleared up, still some showers remain
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a legacy of charlotte as well. pushing across into carola, we are expecting some heavier rain as we go into the new week. persistent rain continues for sri lanka, but on sunday is the most east of india as well as bung with dish that will see the heaviest showers largely settled and fly across the north with some fault warnings issued for the northeast paces like a do show could deal with bad visibility there on the fault and smoking issues continue for an older pop from the north west india as well as move in areas of pockets done. but it largely sets of picture across the region over the next few days. and long as you settled for areas of east asia, in particular, china, lots of sunshine and settled weather, but basically cold up in the north of beijing and shanghai seem to attempt is well below the average for this time if yeah, the winter weather pushes out further east we're expecting most snow on the west and flank of japan, some heavy rain as well, pushing out east over the next few days. but in terms of temperature, we will see things warm up slightly over the next few days into monday.
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the, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching, i just need a reminder last top stories this out. is there any forces that killed more than $200.00 palestinians in guns or in the past 24 hours as strikes and shelling in the of what age and get value with the g? cancel, kill dozens of people, including children. the kind of thing and fights is i've tried to prevent and is really military convoy from entering the occupied westbank city. of some kind of the convoy has some 40 vehicles into the bulldozers, the used to destroy roads and infrastructure. thousands of protesters have gathered in televi to demand the removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. family members of those killed or captured on october 7th claimed the government for security site is ahead of the how much of the time it runs of foreign minister has
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rejected us accusations get help. humans who with these tank vessels on the red sea, washington says that ron is providing drones, missiles and tactical intelligence. the us is leading a naval coalition in response. and the u. k says it's sending more warships to the region. i think a government settle, huffman was able to trade on him, and his officially declared its position. it's official spokesman repeats their actions daily demons moving the red sea is completely you have any move in support of gaza. and this american accusation about involvement is a baseless accusation against the islamic republic. regarding the issue of the coalition of the red sea. i think the americans before trying to create a coalition that will not help the situation should stop genocide or crimes and human siege and force migration of gaza residence to areas in egypt and jordan in the future. as in the dreams of his fate and his real resumed, hope the attacks have mostly targeted ships and the the bab and mend up straight to
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narrow sea passage between yemen and your booty at that connects the indian ocean and the red sea. russell said, has more frontier booty with several countries, including the us, have military bases, or one has not to officially respond to the accusation coming from the us here. however, previously separately read new officials including the for the minister have said that they have nothing to do with the tax either, etc. i guess the ships passing through the the through the state. but the white house, national security is spoke person have said that they have no reason to believe that iran is trying to dissuade policies from the reckless behaviors. and they said that they believe iran is deeply involved in planning these attacks. later we have seen some articles from the that the us media say that one is for why do real time intelligence weapon to include in the drawings and besides, to hoses that have been used against the ships in the red sea. and they said, that's what these do not have the rate of technology,
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and we don't run any assistance that new size will just look in the water or see that they have the will be on intelligence facilities over the years of regression, a gas them. so there are serious allegation so far serious acquisitions, but very little substantial evidence to, to back up these acquisitions. and do us say say that they're trying to date the war in gaza from the attacks in the right. so yeah, that's it. that's actually the red sea is an international crisis, and that's why this trying to build up. i mean, some national coalition here to handle these crisis. but so far that has been very little commitment from the countries to these international enabled. a naval question here falls easily, that's the pain they have rejected to officially drink this international coalition and several other regional companies even do not want to be named publicly due to the point to go sensitivities. we can see that yes,
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it is really trying hard to form an international law. so for you reality that has been very little progress, especially send that out to 0. with a bethlehem is revered by christians as the best place of jesus christ. this time of year, the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign tours. but the war on gaza means most all staying away either. but he reports from an activity scene which represents what's happening at the moment. it doesn't look anything like christmas here in bethlehem with palestinians and christians around the world believe that jesus has been born more than 2000 years ago instead of the big christmas tree with the lights as well as the christmas carol, we're seeing an m. c, manger square here in bethlehem, and instead of the tree, there is this artwork that has seen the rearrangement of the traditional christmas grow to, to resemble the pain and the suffering of palestinians in the b. c. school district
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. virgin mary holding baby jesus in a way that resembles the mothers in golf the holding their babies. after being bombarded the 3 wise men who have been bringing in the traditional christmas story, gifts through the holy comedy are holding whites coffins. you know, this scene reminds palestinians, a lot of the images that have they have been seeing in gauze of it doesn't look a lot like christmas. i. let's hear more about that from beth lens may are not had any of who's joining us today. can you tell us how you and the community here in bethlehem are feeling in this day? actually you nowadays beautiful. i'm in morning we've we feel so sad. we are as an essential part of the scene and community. so we counsel the celebrations and
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sensitivities this year and christmas season. and we put this model as you will see, to reflect the reality. it's what's happening and does a step. there is a, the restaurant against our people. there is the genocide and weekends this time. there is a snake cleansing and we are a jet the because this isn't a humidity the, the is the email q fission via lifting the international via and i think the human rights. and from here, from beth line, we are sending a message to the international community. and to come here to stand with us to get an cause and to force as our end to step this aggression against overfeed from this the huge, with the all eyes turned to bethlehem during this time during christmas. do you think people are looking to best land are looking at the suffering of palestinians nowadays, i believe i left a message will receive an all over the world. that's why we decided to have
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a clear message from before him to the hardware. and again, we are going to the international community from bethlehem and this message to step this aggression again out again. so what are people? thank you so much. and you know, as you can see here in bethlehem, it's empty. it's a city that has long depended on tourism as its main income, but instead of christmas instead of celebrations, there is a lot of grief. there's a lot of sore and there's a lot of pain. is that, but he had a jersey to bethlehem. they occupied the west bank, the some of the days of the news now, and the white house has failed to convince congress to appropriate an extra $110000000000.00 for the was in ukraine and gaza before the end of the year. congressional support is will remain strong with president biden bundled his
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request for as well, with $61000000000.00 of funding for ukraine. she had brought tons a report. the president biden failed to get his request for more money for ukraine passed by congress before the drug until next year. the white house of thought it was being strategic in bundling funding for an increasing the unpopular war in ukraine with money, israel. taiwan unable to secure it here. but it was the republicans who sense as a teacher opening, realizing how important funding for keith is to the president congressional republicans of health firm with remarkable unity that will be no additional funding for ukraine without health new immigration policy. from those who say enough, unconditional money has been spent on a failed mother to operation in ukraine. the bite administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win to hook. so i'll give the goal isn't necessarily victory for ukraine,
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but the stand up for what they call democracy and lead rusher dry and the price of we're not losing track of that. it's just that border security applies to us as well. it didn't even seem to matter the age as well, was also being jeopardized. well, the by didn't ministration was already demonstrated. it will bypass congress to get his ro, whatever it says it needs any way public and strategy works. the white house now says that in return for the money from ukraine, it is open to increasing immigrant deportations and reducing their ability to claim asylum clinic. this is infuriated, so i'm in the democratic process. what is on the table? our policy so extreme that is enacted, it would literally be the most exclusionary restrictive immigration legislation since the racial quota laws of the 1920s. but the white house goes into the election. the best thing that however, right towards the administration pivots, in the end, the bays will rally around your bike and due to the fear of donald trump,
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the base is going to have to decide ultimately in 2024. they're going to have a choice between donald trump and joe biden. and the question is, whom are they going to be support? and there are going to be some things that present by did that they really like a lot and they're going to be some things that they like less in the end. there wasn't enough time for a deal on board the restrictions. so i drove by the end of the year, having enraged the democratic party base even further with his capitulation to the right wing on immigration. and having failed to secure annual funding for a war and ukraine with which he has so closely aligned himself. she everytime see elders or washington and one of the leading presidential candidates in the democratic republic of congo says wednesday's general election. it should be a no more say to me. so i took the massive fraud in his words in the poll. other opposition candidates have also called for a protest next week. and as catherine slowly reports, one can show. so there is on these, among the public about what's ahead. presidential election results from the
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dashboard r r e they say by the incumbent appendix just to katy. but it's too odd to gauge a trend to the timing who's waiting these on cited times in the d. r. c. the observers from the car to center have released a statement saying several people were killed in the lead up to the pull on the deal will remind you what the 14 process was says and get this and 21 polling station, i think with serious irregularities, observed and civil and of them this, that the presence of the mid to pick 10 of election, the pro cd. imagine me, the opposition, the, to see the election is a some and they reject the results. people in could show, saw a worried about the outcome was really bad update. the government is to blame. we
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need proper roads to avoid the logistical problems we saw on voting day to the last election was more organized. i know we can't have a perfect collection, but this was not good. many companies are auditors waste and they helped me about what has been going on and some say the feel that the consumer has it has all just they are all in some parts of a roots have been flooded off to the cities river, bust its banks heavy rain full of the lebanese capital lead to the river, spilling over and flooding roads. at least 40 cause was stuck in some drive as had to be evacuated by emergency respond as they was, governor says there were no significant injuries reported ukraine is getting ready to celebrate. the 2nd christmases,
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the soft of rushes full scale invasion and for the 1st time the holiday will happen


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