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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 10:00am-11:01am AST

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justified the whole story from an international perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm. to hi, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the a hello, i'm sammy's. i them. this is the news. our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes civilians in the line. the file molding 200 palestinians killed and israel lights it strikes one central. gaza is riley metro. he says the teen soldiers have
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been killed in battles in gauls or over the weekend more as riley rides in the occupied westbank columns of almond vehicles. in both those as meets fit for assistance and i've listened to him, cut them as well. invested him where the water and gauze a means christmas celebrations. are looking very different this year. the, it's 7 i m g m t that's 9 in the morning and gaza and there's no sign of is ready for the scanning bank there offensive despite growing international calls for restraint. and for more, a to reach palestinians is riley strikes on guys that killed more than 200 people over night. molding $20000.00 palestinians has now been killed and is ready the attack since october, the 7th. 2 thirds of the women and children,
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palestinian um groups are continuing to put up resistance to israel's ground invasion of gaza. these riley army says, so team of its soldiers have been confirmed, killed since friday, have been mold demonstrations in israel, demonic the removal of prime minister opinion being nothing. yeah. protest is also say the one, the remaining captives in gaza brought home a soon as possible. honey. my move joins us live from bravo in southern gaza, honey, let's start with. what's your hearing about? moves to create the buffer zone today. yes, i am with no signs of the escalating the, those relentless there is tracts. there is a growing concern of the is really government intense and it's been fading military forces on the ground. and just by looking at the a, the, the patterns of bombing at the northern part, then the, the raising of agriculture,
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atlanta destruction of residential land that they use for inside of the, of the gaza strip. old and very consistent with the with day efforts of making it on an habitable by destroying old means of life, fat and all the services of from medical services into age. occasion on other means of life that have been destroyed. the old ties into an, over all the land that was announced at the beginning of, of this war of the creating a buffer zone that will eventually ethics squeeze palestinians into the gall. just ribbon for think, they meant to expose any gradually as the they were looking at the size though no really small in cloud that will become very reduced in size and will not be enough for the the large the, the, the large number of people as we're talking, we know so far i, i, it's a fact that the guy is a, is a densely populated area. so old efforts are tied into, into the,
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from making it uninhabitable. create the buffer zone to squeeze people in the small area and eventually they will be expelled. outside of the gaza strip and had a, a bit of a double tragedy today with more people folding and as strikes and bodies pulling faster than people can retrieve them. take us through that. yes, well this is part of the fact of making, making the northern part and another major parts of the gods for bond and habitable and ongoing constant bombardment for, for weeks and the days rated military presence. just made it very difficult for people to reach out to the remaining 5 family members or those who have been killed in and they're still under the rubble just as these really military started to pull out of some of these areas. they paramedics and civil defense, which one family of them is the rush to those bar did sides. then i do did to see
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a family members who were under a warrant or the rob. busy the met a trap, then to seize. then we're looking at large number of the disease bodies being removed from under the rebels and taking into a burial sites and know what as of now, we're not talking about a formal burial sizes of people who started to bury their loved ones and family members in the streets on those little islands in the middle of the road or the sidewalk, as it's becoming increasingly difficult for people to take them to designated a graveyard. so burial sites across the guise of tributes a double of tragedies, those who, who felt that they, they had the little bit of hope that those family members might still be alive. and, and the fact that they found them dis, these under, under those rubble just to hard to breaking the scenes of from family members who cried their hearts out for the loss of their loved ones. and the honey, it's been a day since the you and security council voted for more aid into gaza at any sign
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of any relief improvement in the humanitarian suffering back the the not at all. unfortunately, we're only seeing a growing a human it's or you can ask for be taken in place them indeed with we look at the amount of the vin allowed him to gather just so little in comparison to the dire needs of people. it trickles a fluid. we're talking about $800.00 trucks per day. that's the rate of the war and the work. we're relatively enough for it for everyone in the gospel. now we're talking about a little bit more than $75.00 days of ongoing, a total siege and ongoing bombardment. and this is the same exact number of one day . it's an hour spread over those $75.00 days is $800.00 trucks. now we're looking at a little over $800.00. within those 75 did the, the, the,
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the human atoria needs are, are very, very complicated right now, where there are people who, who, who go it for for days without food, without, without, without medical supplies, without a water supply than any survival lived in the northern part, thank god, script is, is a starving and then for real time because it's very consistent with reports coming in from the honor. what general the deputy commissioner who born of, of this happening within the past week. but as the, as of now we're seeing it's happening on the ground at our signs of it, in the southern part as more people poured into or off by the deep and, but it's still no, no, no, no, no, not food, not enough water and no medical supplies to hold them, surviving these harsh living conditions. all right, thanks so much. have a much load the as well as honey mentioned agencies, a warning de composing bodies less lying in the straits of gauze or under the
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rubble of destroyed buildings are increasing the risk of disease. i'll just say it is an associate, a for, for some northern gaza, but members of the civil defense have recovered dozens of bodies that deluxe all i mean actually neil would that for sure, i'm as far as after more than 20 days here in northern cause i mean, civil defense teams were able to recover bodies of tens of people who are under the rubble of the houses and on the streets and roads will see a show at a limb to democrat hello. civil defense teams were not able to reach them due to the presence of the occupation forces and occupation vehicles in these areas. so you had the model of on the zillow neck, i shot the extra head, the, of course there is still tens of others killed. that the civil defense teams have not been able to reach in many areas here in the north of the strength of vitamin heavy. i just sent me a large number of these bodies have decomposed on the street on the roads and under the rubble of homes. unable, most of these bodies are unidentified. now the teams are trying to bury them here
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in one of the spaces in this area as to how definitely on one of the 11 and to should allow shut off the shore dealt with today. thank god we were able to cover the terms of bodies and they will be buried now in a mass. craven is an indian nation hospital with the help of our teams. of course, as you know, we are working without any technical capabilities or equipment unfortunately. so also we were not able to reach the occupation east and present on the outskirts of the area. and we had great difficulty in reaching the area. the roads and the district homes about a show of the streets are still not safe. it's not really on the east of targeting a many pass or by as well as the civil defense teams. while as you on the show at the show, i do a mass grave for many dead who have not been identified. and there is still a large number of bodies on the streets. and just to show you,
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how does your vehicle tremendously. the members of his rouse wall cabinet, has told knolls and guards are in that sole, just taking part in the ground. defensive on the strip is right. the minute 3 video shows defense minutes tell you. i've got on time emergency administer benny guns talking to troops and fisher isn't occupied east jerusalem. so all of that start with the casualty. tell what are you hearing there in israel as well. you'll remember the old glands and many guns have talked about how this war would be long and it would be difficult. underwood and there was be sacrifices to be made by these early people. and on saturday it was confirmed that 8 soldiers had died while fighting and guys of for the nor for them the size. know these really armies said that in some instances they had worked to try and destroy the tunnels that were being used by him us. but his troops went into that area, palestinian fighters,
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imagine from those tunnels fighting ideas relays all of the 8 that died. a number were killed by what's being described as guided muscles, others by explosive devices, and then others, in spite thing that we're seeing across the gods. a step now add that to the fact that 5 hotels on friday that's 13 over the weekend. that is a large loss for the israelis. $485.00 of the soldiers have actually died since the beginning of the war and guys a and certainly with what we're hearing from the is a lease. but this still has a number of weeks to go before they move on to a more targeted phase where the soldiers on points. so i can reopen, then that number is almost certainly going to rise. and clearly there is a consent among these or at least this number is rising, but still not enough to say that it's time to end the ward. the majority of people in israel continued to support support the assault and gaza,
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and continued to support because of the army, and it's war with some us. all right, thanks so much out of the official the and the phone calls us president joe biden. this what else? prime minister of anybody? nothing. yeah. who to for tank civilian lives in garza, the conversation came a day off to the un security council pasta resolution calling for more a to reach the besiege strip, but it fell short of demanding a seas file browser and jordan has more from washington, dc of the us president spoke with the israeli prime minister on saturday. joe biden told reporters that while the bulk of the conversation was confidential, he did not ask benjamin netanyahu to agree to a cease fire inside gauze up. that's because both the united states and israel, a worry that a ceasefire could allow her moss to re arm and to launch new attacks on his really soil that said or read out from the white house said that the 2 leaders talked
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about the ongoing pace of the war, as well as what the white house is calling phasing. that's a fancy term for how much longer will israel conducted major military operations. the us wants to see those major military operations wrapped up in a matter of weeks, not in a matter of months, as the netanyahu government has suggested would be the case. the white house read out also said that the us is very keen to see that civilians, humanitarian aid workers, and other civilians are protected from the ongoing fighting. especially those attacks launched by the israeli military. and the white house read out says that the was once a renewed focus on trying to rescue the remaining hostages. inside garza, this comes of course, after a week and which is really military admitted that it killed 3 hostages by mistake.
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something which the us and many around the world support. but again, the us is very keen to see major military operations wrapped up sooner rather than later. so that the question of how to deal with the political situation and garza can be resolved. rosalyn jordan, elder zara washington of, of thousands of protesters has gathered in tel aviv to express that anger is ready to go and add to the amount the removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. family members of those killed on october. the 7th also attended. they blamed the government for security finally is the head of the attack by how mass active is gathered under a large sign that rad, bring them home, referring to caps is held in garza. then it's miss was that in the demonstration relatives and friends and supporters of the account, it saves in gaza. i here every night, but on
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a saturday night it's the main one. and this is the 12th. sure boxes is riley's coolant, but they have to do this now. clause wants to subsidize all hope and the tool was about the prospects for possibly cease file. we know we were talking about now a category american is really officials and that's on the side. a representative from homicide method, you can security officials in cairo and house and suggested that as well as offering a one week ceasefire and return for about 40 sentences, particular within the elderly and the sick and how, how much was demanding it completes the spot cessation of hostilities before they would go any further, what is going pretty quiet. since then we've not heard much in recent days and the residual, almost frustration from the relatives. and the friends here with people have been talking about how they want been released. now. we've had a one full not ami, i'm role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release time. us will not turn down every day as
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a nightmare for the common safety. and of course, the psychological fear relatives, or friends of dying and guns, at least 6 campuses have been reported dead this week. there's no proof of that death for those. the reports coming from golf unexcused or getting lazy is a column. is that the newspaper hans joins us now live from tel aviv good to have you with us. let's start with the spike and the casualty tall and the desk told of his very soul g as in golf 0. what kind of impact is that having on public opinion that which is growing, but it doesn't have yet an impact on the support of the vast majority drug is res and continuing before when we speak about the culture of these i, i can't prevent saying something 1st and then in this weekend, they were 6 on the scene and kids in augusta so starting, so just use a handle surprise for is right. but let's not use propulsion. 6 of the be pretty
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garza in this. we could it big number. indeed, gideon, we've seen pro testers house on the streets in israel. the pressure no doubt is building on next and yeah, how long do you think it can last? you'll see somebody, the pressure is less than it seems from the outside. i'm quite surprised that the pressure i'm getting now is limited. we're off the a year of the breakfast against that. then you know, i mean those times it was much, much bigger and stronger and more go good and moist. when should there is a certain pressure consuming? there's only one issue. releasing the hostages or the wrist is out of dodge. i mean, obviously the sacrifice of god that doesn't interest anybody. it is way. but even those things, soldiers, which is so or hurtful, every family and every,
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every individual is not leverage right now for a growing process. no kids have brought this going, but there's not yet. the operation hasn't been able to release captive so father and he kept his who have been released were done through a deal. what's your overall analysis of the ministry operation? is it fading to achieve its minute treat objectives that i never saw? so suddenly from the beginning, i saw that 1st opponent isn't. it has to make a choice, is to have its priorities, either correction come us with me and what that means or releasing the hostages. you know they have them both and is, were misled. the deeper the government, the army as a bonus are going and end to end. but that's not the case. we arranging a warranty, which it's very clear that is what he's been bearings now. continuing the war over
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releasing the hostages. and this must be said that it's a very rare choice, but get in when we talk about crushing i'm us all releasing the captive david chief . neither so far, right? they cheated very good for school, relatively to the brightest that needs being that was phasing term. so human lives, destruction, painter, television, over the world. i mean, those always things, we'd be call it the doctor, the war in the video at the doctor, the more the price is so heavy and the shipments go file. oh, so the way do you think overall this strategy will lead? will it lead to a situation where israel will be forced because of eventually build off of external international pressure to end this campaign and goes up without having
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released the captives without having destroyed him? us, i'm having lost a lot of some global support. the 1st of all, i'm sorry, i don't see the same pressure working as you know, because the reason the we and pressure as long as the americans living isn't and continue the war in there. and they think, is there a continuing to do more? there is no, they're meeting for pressure over. i said, yes, the americans pay the live service in terms of that try to keep the civilians as okay. very nice, very human, very liberal, but is always continue hopelessly told, ignoring this advice from the white house. and i don't see a pressure when it will turn into a really pressure is right and we have to stop and it's very clear that the stages go too far. but the question is, tell me what comes 1st. ok,
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just to restore the fighting. and then what is, what are we withdrawn from the gulf stream? i believe it's to become a somalia who is going to replace these where the army, nobody news one has the answers for this. what do you make of the suggestions that is right is working on the stablish thing. a buffer zone that has been discussion about that. does that necessitate israel leaving behind troops along the east and the northern border of garza? drum? believe it or how it is, i have never noticed anything. i mean, we have this by social for us and live on in solid and liberal, not a been, has anything and, and, and it's brought us to more and more was the problem in god's that he's that, or drives a soul and narrow that, you know, a buffer zone of what can be left for the survey of the paper, please. and do we really believe that we would be more effective?
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is it by josean officer? we've been this say this. i don't believe that the barrier for billions of dollars, which was supposed to be around the g o. the security point is we're not saying we guarantee security buffer zone. and that the barrier under this, this service, the i'm a service i bought the service by the end of the day, me to get to any kind of ability to present to them. and if not to leave and continue from wall to wall. thank you very much. get in leave, if your thoughts on that thanks for sending me is right. emetrius count out more raids and arrests of palestinians in the occupied westbank. palestinian finds exchange gunfire with soldiers in the city of not less than the knoll fairly on sunday palestinians. and he's ready forces also for the city of to cut them. let's go back to alan fisher in occupied east jerusalem. so adam,
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one of those raids doing to the west bank right now on that side, while we're hearing that the rains that are over a very wrong to say, these really military presence is going because clearly it has and it is, they are all the time. but just not. busy obviously in the towns and villages that they rated over night as they were in that list, where as you said, there was an exchange of gunfire and several arrests were made. they would also be a hebron where they arrested several people including a local teacher, but the most intense fighting seems to be around until cut them. it was just around midnight when the is really decided to move in with military vehicles and also with those uh, the stock to, to destroy the mean water line to, to the refugee camp there. that's obviously when people got very angry and there were some exchanges of gunfire. the fighting describe a sporadic but in tens these really surrounded a higher square the by light speaker called the people there to surrender. not
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entirely clear if the actually did, but they also place snipers on the roof, placing people in real consent and the real what are you. but the fighting kind of continued for several hours as i say it'd be and certainly army of no withdrawn. but this is an ongoing scenario since october, the 7th that these really have continued to stage these attacks assaults, the invasions operations, call them what you will. but it is like to $4600.00 plus people being arrested palestinians being arrested since october, the 7th. many of them still helped many without a charge, and more than $300.00 published indians have been killed on the west bank since october the 7th. okay, thanks so much on fisher. of the united states as is shot down full drones, heading towards the us worship. in the red sea. us says they will launch on who is the controlled areas of human and talked in the american destroyer. they also say,
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who is these $5.00 to $90.00 ship ballistic missiles into the sea in the southern parts of the international shipping lane, runs, foreign minister is rejecting us accusations. it helped them and so these are tight vessels on the red sea. washington says to hong is providing drones, missiles and tactical intelligence. the us is leading and naval coalition and responds the u. k says it's sending additional warships to the region as london vows to take a tougher line on to hold on. thank you. yeah, mind resettle, huffman was able to trade on him and his officially declared his position. it's official spokesman repeats their actions daily demons moving the red sea is completely in many move in support of gaza. and this american accusation about involvement is a baseless accusation against the islamic republic. regarding the issue of the coalition of the red sea. i think the americans before trying to create a coalition that will not help the situation should stop genocide or crimes and human siege enforced migration of gaza residents to areas in egypt and jordan in
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the future. as in the dreams of his faith and his real resume at a so a side of the joins us now from both the so looking at a number of incidents and the last 24 hours or so. you start to wonder, we witnessing something of a global escalation in a tax drone to tax on shipping of the indian sat me so the statements of those statements, incidents of their incidents. so this a statement that going sports person said that most center they and iranian drone saw on an oil tanker in the indian ocean. and the spokesperson said that this incident happened to home the new decal miles from the coast of india. and he says that it was a one way attack drawn from directly from iran. so and on the other hand, today we have seen that the deport saying that a drawn was flying, low west sole,
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cruising through the red sea for the off that, that, that's the one that has explored that stuff. this moment you do not know whether it was an attack board. it was conducting the distributions activities. however, the incident happened with the 50 musical miles west of governments or who data and so and on the top of that 1st name is ages to if you ron is quote, the senior member brand new revolution because how much is a knock b, c? and that's the mediterranean sea cooled the shock for the phase. if israel doesn't stop and to attack on guys, and he said that they show, they show soon a way the collusion of mediterranean gibraltar and in other words, a way. so now we're talking about the median ocean, the rad. see the mediterranean sea on this conflict in gaza is now not only a regional complex, but it is having a global impact. and probably, if they is what continues does escalation off, but will keep that,
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that the globe and maritime trade is also going to ask of a and go to the task and talking about the impact will impact is having already russell or some is just close to both of them to the american fact sheets. have you stranded of their stock? this is december 15 for those subsidies own navy just to escort the branch cargo ship, particularly to see i'm able to publish it. so of the rejecting to join the us that international uh, naval quality, sions here. and for all 5 of the was largest shipping companies, namely myers cma group. i thought lloyd, an evergreen that were ready and also they are waiting to stop. they will patients to rach, see, and they are going to visual with the ship from the red sea,
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reckoning to all the way down around africa, which is just as good just just extended to deliberate time by 10 days. i'm also most of the value for your company, but it's good for the most to say that they are going to do the same. so whether you've seen this new impact or that the oil prices aren't going off, the price of the crews are going up. and this is coming up very critical time. why nobody's. the governments are trying to handle with the inflation bit high process described. we'll get the prize and that's why this impact, if that is many times thoughts stay close or be below that impact is going to even get bigger and bigger and just remember side and sign me. that's this rat. see the straight, the babel bend up straight is what's the more than 20 percent of the global global many times the rate i know is partially closed. all right,
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thanks so much of a suicide of the still i had on al jazeera, a 100 journalists have been killed in gaza since the war began. was best told among media workers in a conflict in decades the head of the day, if anyone dreaming of a white christmas in europe while it's going to be hard to find. but if it's wet and when do, whether you want, well, we've got loads of that thanks to the storm system. so ready cost floods the cost of most of germany, that rain continuing to push its way further east across denmark, bringing a wintery edge to norway. now that's where you could find your white christmas and also some winter weather as well, pushing off to the east of poland, but it's the windows that are going to be a problem. you can see them picking up as we go into christmas day for britain on
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the island of island. some snow and ice issues could remain for scotland, but it is a bit of a washout there with the winds and the heavy rain across most central areas. places like front we are seeing more of the wave settled conditions with lots of sunshine and bright to sky stretching across the mediterranean, that spring, some festive joy as well to the southeast corner, lots of sunshine and settled weather there. but you can see the weather and the winter weather pushing its way towards the north east in terms of temperatures while it is looking mild. asked me goes sunday in to monday london. so 10 degrees celsius, the button 10 degrees, but it's all slow that continues to feel. robert cheney minus to the on sunday and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions,
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rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another link is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze, and without his real permission, nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. it is a tenant of journalists to produce objective news coverage is true. i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial of the presentation. the listening post covers how the news is the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching out just 0. a time to recap, i'll headlines now is ready for us is showing no sign of scanning back there offensive on gaza. despite growing international calls for strains, at least 200 palestinians have been killed and over night strikes these, right? the army says at least 13 soldiers of being killed in fighting in gauze or over the weekend inside today as well. stuff is one of the worst day of the losses. since the start of the conflict, 8 sold to side, demetrius counted out more raids and the tensions of palestinians in the occupied west bank fights as exchange fine with troops and several locations,
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including nablus. says it's gather testimony, showing is right. the troops carried out summary executions of civilians in garza. last week the u. n. steven writes office called for an independent inquiry into the allegations. it was set up that you had the validation extended, receive testimonies from people who said the easily the army executed more than 137, posting ants and gaza. and the north they did because both tens of civilians were buried while they were still alive, then executed others by shooting them at close range and buried in using full dozers. dozens of others were also killed in front of their family members. do a patient for social security, pregnant women who are on their way to all of the hospital in the north of casa, while carrying white flags. they were shut from close range. come up on the palestinian. john listened garza and not just covering the wall but also living through it. at least
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a 100 palestinian john. this is now being killed in the conflicts gauze and media office says the grim milestone was reached with the death of mohammed boy, the on site today. more than 50 media premises or offices have been completely or partially destroyed, binds, rarely strikes, that includes the gaza bureau of the i s p news agency, hundreds of palestinian gen, listen the families including all colleagues. and now just, sir, i've been forcibly displaced, had to abandon their revolting equipment in offices in the north to live and report on the difficult conditions and frequent communication blackouts. journalists working in areas of um, conflicts how protected under international law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. but as well as being accused of violating rules of law repeatedly and hold that a send this report from a palestinian journalist home in the new site or the refugee camp in central garza,
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which it wont view as the reports contains some distressing images. i am currently handing on the rubble of the house of the journey and of how much time in the service refugee camp. the scene is horrific. here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber. a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in 4 are still under the rebels, including children. and this house was had at least 18 palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the northern parts of the gaza. strip, let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels where they are trapped under here, sorry for the image. it's very hard and unsolved,
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but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. they're thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under the rubber, according to the family. there are activities for still dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they're trying to remove them from under the above, the ceiling. besides, the above us is partially damaged. here people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the, the people who live here were taking their clothes their blankets because the
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weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the seed that we have been using since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the of the air strikes continue every single day, people in this area and surround me, this area. it is my guys and in the state off, in other areas in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the whole city i 0 say it out there for g count because of pods time of the war and gaza has sparked global protest both for and against israel and palestine for more than 2 months. but as the. busy continues to witness the spiraling desktop as well as ministry operation. the games come us is losing public support unless say that's putting pressure on western governments to intervene. christina,
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how does and reports it's the time of year when new york 5th avenue is normally bustling with christmas shopping. but for many here the war and the ever increasing did total in gaza is front of mind. more than 2 months of his riley, it strikes underground operation have killed the 20200 people. most of them, women and children. do you when says people in garza also face salvation disease and, and uncertain future research shows those issues a strongly influencing how americans feel about the rules and the bod, an administration ongoing support for his room. it's not just america is questioning this relationship beyond conflict. location and the vin johnson project is found almost 90. percent of protest is globally stand in solidarity with palestinians. if we know if that demo
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bodies disease mass on gun by method demonstration, because i can no longer bear what is happening in palestine, this is the murder of a people. this is genocide. let's say the government, the stresses canada and use zealand, a bending to public pressure and yours is also starting to boss. so they say, washington is key to any change to the cost of the will. is files in unity to political pressure is a function of it's uh, support from the united states. the bought in ministration continues to support as well. there has been some filed criticism. all these rouse actions in guys of all the administration, but it's still finances is route a multi $1000000000.00 package. simple package too as well. plus munitions is riley sentiment could also influence the will plan is welcomed with other. busy internationally,
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but i think also those domestic protests against me at yahoo dot com is that my uh price increase pressure on the go on. is government to actually do something positive towards uh, getting a space for with how much it is unlikely that will happen soon. but these riley prime minister vowing to continue fighting until him off is no more. christina heroism, how to 0 us some palestinian christians in the occupied westbank christmas celebration of the sierra muted because of the war on garza. this is a time when thousands of tourists would normally visit. bethlehem believes to be the best place of jesus christ does need to. abraham reports, instead of celebrating many a praying for peace on christmas wars are buried her throat as he hums along this traditional
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christmas. carol, in the lutheran church and bethlehem, but her sister lee was buried under the revel. she was taking refuge in the greek orthodox church because as old as christian establishment, the church was hit. it is really won't be. on october the 19th, my brothers went to left in church, but the sisters went to the ghost of just the 1st showing was 2 degrees. both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. she was under the descent and they the way of looking for her and she stayed for oh, i understand that he had brothers rage didn't make it. no, it says he needed an urgent medical operation. but he could not get to a hospital. do her comes to church to find sol as she gets support from the community even from those she doesn't know
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a delegation of church the there's around the world travel to the occupied westbank to express their sympathy, unsorted charity. god will not leave us alone. and so it's not easy for me to accept this because all my familiar of this love, this and the i'm not there, but even to go in with a born and raised in garza know, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her and her family need is really me to 3 permits to visit one another. last time she was allowed into because i was 6 years ago. but it in was able to come to the occupied. westbank knew how shows us how they stood in front of the christmas tree in bucklin a few years ago. now has one brother, one injured sister, many cousins and family members in gaza. it's been a week since she lost her. it's from them. i don't accept my since the city but
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a christmas. why my family are facing him on and hello sydney is sick pride that best live is considered the capital of christmas every year. a big tree is little up to welcome pilgrim and to us from all over the world. this year, the lights haven't been turned on. there's no christmas tree. that's put us in and see there's nothing to celebrate. as you can see, the major square is empty and the mood is dr. frustration and sadness. but many here say they refuse to give up on hope, in the midst of the killing, suffering, and pay. it's the one thing left for them. is that, but i am, i just need a bethlehem the occupied westbank. the still ahead on al jazeera, a festival of lights in south korea. organizes say they need to list the documents of the task the,
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the, what constitutes extent. so we generally talk, you're saying i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be in my want, we do, we don't have to leave them in the policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefit. no 1000 service at this point and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust too much that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen, this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth as the war and ukraine rages on. some young russians refusing to take up on the 101 east meets those fleeting to neighboring cars on
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a just the the welcome back to that spring you some of the days of the news now, one of the leading presidential candidates in the democratic republic of congo says, a general election held on wednesday should be an old ways to me. cited massive fluid in the poll, other opposition candidates have also called for a protest next week. and this catherine site and for some contrast to the public is on easy about what could happen next. presidential election results from the dashboard r r e. they favor the incumbent appendix to security. but it's 2 oddly to gauge
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a trend to determine who's weighting these on site at times. in the dra see of the others from the car to center, have really used a statement saying several people were killed in the lead up to the pool, only to deal with emoji. but the 4th thing process was says and get this late. and 21 polling station i think, with serious irregularities, observed and civil and of them this data to present a limited to pick 10 of election the procedure. imagine me, the opposition, the, to see the election is a some, and they re jacks the results. people in could show, saw a worried about the outcome was really bad update. the government is to blame. we need proper roads to avoid the logistical problems we saw on voting day to the last election was more organized. i know we can't have a perfect collection,
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but this was not good. many companies are out of just the way they helped me about what has been going on and some say the feel that this comes through as it you said, i'll just be around in some i agree with him, but on day is claimed responsibility for an attack in a village in the south se, se, okay, so it will be 0 rather say 19 civilians including 12 children, were killed along with a policeman and the group calling itself red. tomato says it kills 10 members of the security forces. the area is near the border with the democratic republic of congo, where the group has a base you cry and says it's shot down. 3 russian fight to jets. the time is not being independently via 5. president of a lot of them is that i see said the air force down for 4050 for almost like this one over the southern region. i,
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let's say you cry and may have used us supply patriot. ms. solve the landscape cold at a success in these 22 months long war. russia has not commented wives and mothers of russian soldiers honoring those killed in ukraine. thousands lived flowers. the 2 of the unknown sold, you knew the kremlin, they say they want their loved ones to return home safely. a recent poll says 70 percent of russians feel anxious about the war. some of those polls demanding it be brought to an end, while others, one victory of the today, we have a peaceful action. we are laying flowers of the a turn on the flame. we're doing this for a reason that our of tory is deliberately gloves over the fact that the special military operation is actually a war. it's not an into painting safari on the territory of ukraine. and people are dying. their child rushing opposition,
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the direction of and the as not being seen for 3 weeks. is family members say they've not had contact with him since december. the 6th is court hearings have been postponed until january and they had been removed from a prison. there must go to an undisclosed location following a court ruling earlier this year is having a 19 year sentence on charges of extremism. at least 19 people of di bounce through abbas crashed and they got all the incident happened on the bridge in the caps of men, iowa 10 children are among the victims. the anti immigrant alternative for germany policy is hoping to build on the electrical breakthrough of to winning its 1st my oral contest and launch east in town dominate came reports from here. now they also have high hopes for regional elections next year. of so
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many germans winter is a times of christmas markets. and in that sense, po now is no exception. but in another sense, it's unique because this town has just a link to those. it's matt tim, last amendment, open links to the far right policy. alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties, but maybe things will change here soon as well. i'm cuz i was, did you decide that this happened? let's see how things turn out to look and i will take office here in the town hall in february representing of moments of trying to him personally. but also for the if day, this is the 1st may oh election victory in this country. it's also a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting from the main stream parties, errors the best labor to day for the if the would be for the entire green or the
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entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this. that's much by a big percentage of german population and being folk is not that are attractive. most germans, eva, on average. the policy is pulling around 30 percent across. what was the old east germany, but in 3 states were important to election. so to you in september, it's a leading stomach all 6. the way out of the crisis is to return to reason, stop mass migration, by closing the borders and ends migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic charge protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled as working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to, to ignore this election so nice. there are many are really will be and really
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devastating moment. i think for germany, because we will see that there will be governments which can only be billed by an all party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm, but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's elections will show us how high dominant cane al jazeera p on the. the pots of by roads have been flooded off to the cities river bust its banks, heavy rainfall in the lebanese capital led to the rid of flooding roads. at least 40 calls were less splendid, and some drivers had to be evacuated by emergency work. cuz the south korean capital is staging. a digital life tag submissions alongside the traditional lines in festival during the christmas period. it was kim, the story from saul from the heart of the city to a vibrant design landmark and a plot,
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a light with interactive art south korea's capital is draped and hughes of light. amid the icy weather. this year we decided to create the most visited public festival in the world and prepared the winter fist. it is the sole winter festival sprawls across the metropolis evidently design plaza, designed by iraqi british architect the deed, pedestrians, enter a digital atlantis. before christmas. cookies take the stage, look on palace, the seat of power for hundreds of years, serves as a kansas for a kaleidoscope of media art installations by renown, domestic and international artist dot. the newly expanded qual, i'm in square amid the beauty also stand pillars of iron e l a b to slash the work of dozens of south pre owned digital creators,
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under the exemption titles nearing human and varying nature. the irreverent and at times absurd pieces offering a critique to the state of the world today, creating spaces to be enjoyed by everyone. the events director says she hopes the season no facilities will lift the darkness of the past year old. and then we'll try another little cool. this has been a year of many heartbreaking events from natural disasters to boys. in planning for the festival, we got the lies to feel people's hops with good of hope and love. as we face the new year. tell you how we hope the people who to be miserable can find the strength to smile, clear eyed, yet hopeful up, lifted by the bonds of family and friends, unit skim. oh to 0. so on now it's time for look at the sports with pizza. it also will remain at the top of the premium each standings to split one wonderful against level pool because a lot of cases mean actually took the lead and feel resilient defended gabrielle
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with that goes beautiful. who could have gone to open sales with a victory here we're able to equalize do they tend to spend well, how much summer? and so it ended in the state and history was made in the for the match when we pick a welsh became the 1st for them to referee a primitive match. the 40 year old 1st rate for reading 20 teen before going full time 9 use late to she. rick reed at the women's world cup and australia and zene and earlier this year as well. but in the one this context to know and just so you might as well as are continuing. the latest pacific is a to move the seats to west ham, jericho, and finish this slick causing me to put the whole slide in front of the 72 minutes with them and go to 2nd. shortly off, the 3 mohammed crews were holding results for david moiz,
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who was once in charge at old trafford. if means man united have now gone for games without for when they when controlling the game and didn't give them united anything and recreated 3 good chances. and we didn't take them and then one moment though, switching off and we are down, we are losing the game. and i think that is how i see the performance. yeah. saw who else go to for school could have probably won the game. and thankfully, if we go to we didn't, we didn't stop particularly well, but we, we kept myself in the game. never go. she also became much more aggressive after the 2nd half in the science. we got those, those moments with lots of, of these even school day low as they have a total against bangladesh as they were thrashed by 9 wickets in the 3rd and final o d i it is. bangladesh has 1st ever odeo victory in new zealand. tenzing house on 2nd story with 3 wickets. and i'm be some 50 from knowledgeable who's saying center
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then helped bangladesh to victory. he's even already had the series wrapped up to what it finished. and those who use both headlines for the time being you can go to l. just see where the come from. what was what was checking out our social media channels us? well, that's it from me for this news um, but i'm back with another full show. so stay with the this is the largest only bowl processing punch in the occupied westbank. 50 full promised in uniforms. bring that home is to, to be pressed into a product. this in a good you generates around $200000000.00. each of these tanks contains around 200000 liters of olive oil with a market value of around $300000.00. gives you a sense of just how we pull from the industry is to the productivity of economy. the productivity in agricultural ministry estimates around 15 percent of the
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harvest, including colleagues groaning calls will be lost because of an illegal is really settled. a white fence comes through trying to stand in olive grove as well as old, but still to be sure in comments to policy reform is to harvest the crumbs the the settlements this year. pharmacy as well as war on garza is damaging the only the industry like never before. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, fails of life scorched fine for you real like accounts rising from beneath the rubber. best put stories salvaged on the high seas,
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brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. the on al jazeera, the civilians in the line has filed more than 200 collar stands killed. and as well as the latest strikes on gauze, the semi them this is out just here,
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a live from del how so coming up these really minutes recess, at least 13 of its soldiers have been killed in battles and gauls are over the


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