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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the of the user id is tronics. target homes across guys are killing at least 70 palestinians because they've refused g kept the until the credit. this is, i'll just say we're live from ha, also coming up for choosing the age of heavy fighting between a mazda is military wing,
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and is rarely soldiers in the north of the strip traveling long distances to access clean water and gaza as the celebration ponds and wells come on, that is rarely a tech. we report from that you probably of refugee camp the christmas mess and the time of war from basically we're christians of praying for those on the phone, bob mentioned garza, the, is rarely 5 digits of bomb. the block of houses in the mcgasey refugee camp in central guns or killing at least 70 palestinians. dozens more have been injured, and many homes have been completely destroyed and the strikes people digging through the rubble and hope of finding survivors and run a little con, begins our coverage of massacre on christmas. eve is really air strikes at
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a residential block in the gauzy refugee camp and central guns. and many women and children have been killed in the utah, including a 2 week old baby to get an injured or frantically rushed to hospitals that have been rendered non punctual. barely able to provide the basics and 1st aid the nearest hospital to the camp. is it l also hospital in dare algola? nearly 5 kilometers away is already overwhelmed. following attacks in other places . is that that will do it because they're just a bad model out of either of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. there's no rest, no rest play for palestinians. as many been together throughout the night to save
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the berries trapped under the rubble, we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. we got 5 dead bodies out of my neighbor's house. however, you're trying to rescue those parameters to find the total weight on you know, the part of our little guy. these days, there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the densely populated residential area was also targeted last month, where at least 50 palestinians are killed and it is really attached to the mounting, dest tune gauze. it has reached unprecedented levels with diplomatic channels
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working overtime and the hopes of achieving an immediate cease fire. for many in the world, christmas will be marked with family laughter when enrollments to last a lifetime. you know, you know, when it's up for palestinians within gaza, the reality on the ground is very much different. that it will be marked with white see row by row. and the cries of those not being able to hold the loved ones into the new year. and run a la hon. l to 0 to erica is in has moved from crawford and southern gaza tax on the gauze. this trip today did not stop wave. it is very forces had hosting trades at the military at rates on my guys, the refugee camp were 70 palestinians, half their reports have killed including 2 weeks baby and a number of civilians have been also reported in just as risk to f. it's continued to evacuate victims from under the ruffles. now these attacks continue inside costs
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a strict time. it's a very notable increase of the is really military attacks across the church. we also encourage you to 11 types of things have to report that killed i'm. it's a very detour, rating conditions and times of the number of, of casualties on the ground. as the medical, the 6, the inside garza is just struggling to cope with the situation as the civilian casualties is rising day by day as of the east where the forces did not leave a single corner inside gauze this trip. just to hit that areas with mass after the shooting and aerial bombardment. target composer, how does the rough rough i and the south of the territory from the salute, joins we now from occupied east jerusalem for more on this. and since that report from teracon, they needed more strikes and gaza. this is becoming some of the most intense bowman
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by as row since the will began isn't as of the palestinians. and dogs are reporting that they, these are some of the most intensified raids, specifically in southern, excuse me, and central parts of the gaza strip were looking at the boot age refugee camp and the site up refugee camp and the much as the refugee camp. let's begin in the southern part of the territory in hon eunice, where at least 18 palestinians were killed and continued as really a tax and dozens of injured palestinians arriving at the loss at hospital in the central part of gone. so at least 70 palestinians killed to be as much as the refugee camp because of continued is really bombardment. health authorities are saying that they expect that number to rise as civil defense and civilians and neighbors alike continue to pull people from under neath the rumble. they are trying to pull both survivors and bodies. now the director of the ox or hospital,
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which is the closest hospital to the refugee camp. indeed as baptist 5 kilometers south of the refugee camp is saying that a lot of the injuries they're getting in for dominantly or women, children and the elderly. so is really relentless. come from ford min, continuing all across goza at this hour. and we're also hearing there are more rides in the occupied with span. can you just talk us through the light? is there as several rays across the occupied west bank in frankly too many places to count the we've been focusing primarily on 4 different locations. the 1st in nablus and the ballasa refugee camp, the 2nd in jeanine and its refugee camp, followed by the bus and finally in bought a car. now the raids in both nablus engineering are reportedly over with arrests taking place in jeanine and the jeanine refugee camp. several explosions heard
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there and fears clashes between palestinian fighters and these really occupation forces and 2 of us and bought a car. both of them also arrest taking place there. these really military surrounding the city of protocol on sending and reinforcements as well for what they're calling an arrest operation. several videos showing these really occupation forces arresting, young palestinian men and images also show houses that have been ransacked by these really army as they rated those palestinian homes in the city. these raids have intensified all across the occupied westbank since october the 7th. while these near nightly rates have been going on for nearly 2 years, they have grown in size capacity and timeliness since october. the 7th, you're looking at several 1000 palestinians who have been arrested and it was
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$303.00 who have been killed since october, 7th alone, and $511.00 killed since the beginning of the year, making it the deadliest year on record for palestinians in the occupied west bank. thanks so much from the honda. so the for us and occupied east jerusalem. the last 5 is have release of new video all of intense funding. in northern garza, the is ready middle truces. 15 of its soldiers had been killed since friday. civilians being ordered to leave, the north wall is rarely strikes, continues to his evacuation zones in the south. his rouse army says it has found the bodies of 3 is rarely soldiers and 2 civilians. and imagine them off the tunnel in northern gaza. it's believe they are among those cap should. on october, the 7th, a spokesman for the army claims the tunnel was uncovered unto the your body of refugee can. and that it contained weapons and emergency rooms. israel says the tunnel network served as the northern headquarters of moss spices,
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as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the board, gaza is exacting a heavy price on the military. he says is ready for us. is it going deeper into the strip and will 5 until the end will un high commissioner for refugees. filippo kirundi says that the humanitarian ceased by remains essential. he wrote on the social media platform x side to reach people in need. hostages need to be released and more displacements needs to be avoided. history just above all that the fear, the devastating loss of lives needs to stop and say that i submitted terry and sci fi and gaza is the only way forward of the united nations is wanting to tell us indians and gaza facing catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from famine is increasing. its children's agency uni service is 1200000 palestinians experiencing emergency levels of acute food and security. children are deprived of
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90 percent of the work that they need each day. just 5335000 children under the age of 5 are at high risk of severe mental nutrition and preventable dis, and the agency estimates nearly 10000 children on the 5 will suffer the most life threatening form of male nutrition known as severe wasting and will need therapies at foods, us. and also sharefile has gained access to northern gaza and reports on the water crisis. there was nothing me a little boss of how the water crisis in garza is getting hard, the lifeline of the displaced people here in jeopardy of refugee comp. these radio basic forces bummed wells, and decidedly nation plants here in north because i live in the museum and i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels water. we live in, come on that one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. you put the hose on to the level to get some of the volts,
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and really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are sim 2 people in our building, and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day at the gym. and as the human had been my, my father sent me from a leeway area to get water from here. i told my father, we have to live and we have to face the dangerous circumstances. altair in order to stay in life, my brothers are with me. the water is sometimes enough for a day, and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my duncan, because i use my duncan to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors . they get that as of them, like we put too much effort. the long distance is to get water every time. and it means what god knows how many kilometers on the walk every day. and to get some more to go to help all the fees and the yeah, them know what the will be as what assume the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diety and will make it is not i'm willing to take them
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to medical center they slightly for us to show the vent, so as not to get the people any chance of getting clean. what we thought was nothing me a place that you know, the, i mean, besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is a lot of electricity and food. when will pet listed in families have been forced to move from northern guns or to day? i'll follow since could ari reports from their on this line is cause unless you add yeah, and this is for a family a booth some of this time. and, and they gifted this area to the refugees and displaced palestinians from the mother and area. so because as you see, they're thinking and they're setting up the 10th because there is a re, new storm and more palestinian families are displaced at evacuating from a place to another in the gaza strip. that is there any forces or speed for living
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in as much as the end to say the other areas in the middle area of the cause of the trip to evacuate to get in. but that's why more people are coming and are evacuating in this area. the schools are parks, the houses are parked. hospitals are packed and there's a lot of diseases spreading according to the policy ministry of has that people are getting rash on their skin. and the situation in the hub situation is victoria. the situation is, continues and people in the gaza strip are devastated. they're telling us that there is no place for us for them to evacuate, and they have no shelter. and specially when it's raining right now, people are fearing brain at their strikes. this is in the pull that a i'll just be to that is the la garza the most delayed hill and l just era place. and so it'd be assigned to gas. it all position, protest is trickling just doing the capital city,
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hold plus the an anxious way out to nations in the democratic republic of congo. some verses pray for a peaceful outcome. the has the chance of a white christmas across much of north america is gonna remain a dream. it's many we have seen some snow across the rockies and the northern plains, but it's very high up in the mountains. instead, it's going to be a width and wendy ones, thanks to 2 storm systems that have joined up bringing this power to the system across. it's moving its way from central to eastern areas. it has got a wintery edge, but not on the lower ground is said is going to be more rain. that's the problem putting into that southeast corner, eventually working its way towards the east coast of the us ahead of that so. so we
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just have been above the average for new york on washington dc, but we will see more in the way of cloud conditions coming in on choose day. behind that for the west coast. we have had a pause in the wet and when the weather, but you can see another system starting to pull into british columbia for western canada. that's going to bring some snow to alaska as well. and west windy a condition slipping down into oregon as well as washington state on choose day, but dry a full california at 20 degrees celsius. the in los angeles. in a long while for parts of central america and the carrier being much of the wet weather moving its way across the florida panhandle, putting into cuba as well. we'll see some thunder storms in havana on monday through tuesday, on the, on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue that is of posted to what is happening now. it to the school. thanks. question or professional about 5
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unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta . nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0, the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top stores. the cell is at least 70 people have been killed and this really is trying some of the gauzy refugee camp and central concepts. thousands of people are still buried under the rubble official side,
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the death toll. they rise in the coming out. the most fathers have released a new video of clashes in northern garza. the is randy miller. tracy is 15 if it's so just have been killed since friday. is there any forces? have ordered civilians to leave the north, but it strikes continues to hit evacuation signs in the south. and the united nations has really 2000000 people in cars facing severe shortages of food and also it's estimated 96 percent of the available will supply is on fits, presume, and consumption a phone christmas dice. thoughts attending to basically him in the occupied westbank this way. christians believe that jesus was born more than 3000 years ago . but this, you tell us any insight they want the world to focus on what's happening in gaza and it abraham the points from bethlehem christmas and last time. but it's not like you might expect it to be to thousands of people turning up like
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major square in the city. no christmas carols, no festivities. instead, a display of togetherness might palestinians and bethlehem showing they are one with garza separated by geography and is read. you mean the 3 check points, how the city is of the occupied westbank say they cannot isolate themselves from god's us pain. it's too much, says art, this product sensor, the palestinian christian from best lab. he was inspired to rearrange the traditional christmas major scene to present was buried under rubble. virgin mary in the historical christmas story as joyous as she is tilting down. and the baby is wrapped in a coffin, reminding us of the scenes coming out of cause. it's open for interpretation if you want to imagine the child being dead or alive, the star and the christmas story guides the 3 wise men to bethlehem and has been recreated here,
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but now reflects the realities of israel's bombarding the most. i'm staying home because these are the 3 wise man who of prostate expensive gifts to baby jesus. instead, they are holding white coffins. this represents the world leaders who instead of helping people and garza all sending them coughing for as, as 12 months ago, it was a different seems. this was thought of helping build festive carts for christmas parade. the to a different cities in the occupied west bank, bringing joy to children this year. people in bethlehem want to remind the world their children are being killed, injured, stores, and displaced. this can be considered the most silent and turns of their often pop 3 out of jerusalem to the, to the teachers from bethlehem. usually when he arrived secure. this is basically the announcements of the beginning of the christmas celebrations. today. the assignments can be heard during the patry arc with the coffee,
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radio journalist george. i know, as he says he wanted to emphasize the jesus was native to the land. just like them . we are here to pay, but also to us cannot just because it is 5. this is probably is not enough. we have just these uh uh, these are status and then the to turn the page because virus generates only violence and the message of christmas. he's not violence this piece unless any and say the 1st day of peace will be the last of israel's occupation. to me that for him, i just need a special him the occupied the west bank, the now let's take a look at some of the days of the news now. police into the i have 5 to guys said demonstrate his alleging vocal folds. hundreds of all positions support has gathered outside the city council building in
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belgrade, they broke windows at the entrance of the building where the police had barricaded themselves to purchase the site. the ruling policy rigged last week's general election. but president alexandra for coach has denied the claims to sean. has you nicholas has more from belgrade, and this is the 7th day of protest, the stars that didn't go right out through the alexis on sunday, the 17th of december. because the opposition call ation surgery against violence is claiming that the 4th is committed various election frauds and they broke they, they took all the votes, the opposition was it was supposed to get to for, for their side. and the opposition. now once the, the elections for the parliament and for the problem is found where the devil assumed it to be repeated under the new on the new conditions. the protest this, this evening starts is called me over everything was like any other night before
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this one. but some sometime about hour and a half of the, the process started, the demonstrators came to the building behind me, which is the uh, old town hall. they wanted to be well positioned leaders, $1.00 to $3.00 in the went through the phone calls so that they can make speeches on the balcony towards the protesters. but the, but the police didn't allow them to get inside the town hall. and that's when everything broke out that some people wanted to get inside the town hall violently . so they brought the windows on the doors in front of the windows on the sides. and the police were there. seals prepared to fight the demonstrators to a standing well for about 3 off, 2 and a half, 3 hours now behind those doors, not allowing the demonstrates as to going so far, besides from breaking those laws is nothing more happened this evening. 16 people had been killed in an attack in nigeria, the nigerian army told if pe,
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the attack happens in the small village of moose, you in the north central region of class. so the army says classes between who does and farm is in the area. a common to the head of the catholic church and the democratic republic calls the congo, has cooled the election process. enjoy. dan take organize disorder cotton. ola friedland unbundle says, what should have been a great celebration of democratic values as quickly turns into frustration. for many con glaze catherine story reports from the capital constructor. these companies are on, she's here waiting for election results. some to the past to charge, they hope for a peaceful outcome. across the d. r. c. there's a sense of uncertainty. london, i'm wondering, election oil. i witnessed the disorganization and kyle, so there is nothing good that will come out of the election. machines were not working, the polls need to be cancels and they did a lot on the and the, but most of the people in this comp for the displaced in north keith was
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provisional copy to a coma did not get to vote conflict in parts of the eastern region has been raging for many. yes. may i speak, which are who are you at the other 2? i didn't vote because i'm from rich sherry and they excluded me from these elections. i feel very bad if we did vague change. we could have elected our true representatives. now there is no one to protect us. look back on to where the election commission is compiling results and asking for patients. the commission is looking into allegations of irregularity that may have happened in calling stations some who destroyed voting machines and intimidated election was cuz bulk of the charge some more cheapest blame the government for the cables. they witnessed the see any outcome will likely be contentious. catherine, sorry,
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i'll de 0 congested a 7000 migrant state all from southern mexico on christmas eve hitting for the us border of the challenging migrants. and those criminals, the care of it, unless the town of temperature that it's doomed. behind dependent reading x of this from poverty. it's one of the biggest this year and includes people thing violence and insecurity. in more than a dozen countries. they said all the days out to the mexican government reached an agreement with the united states district to controls on migration. nothing about faded and you're thing. well today murphy, i don't have any documents for 3 months. i've been asking for them without any response. i'm tired of being in top of children with my work going hungry and having to pay read. it's know how easy it goes. what news is that would be sent to the united states is using the migration to shaving the fight between democrats and republicans and put pressure on the compliment of president. i'm dress money while lopez overall door, which has
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a different approach where ship is an it's quite stricken southern to kia, get it on sunday for christmas, submit the ruins of one of the oldest churches and the wells. the new york orthodox church collapse when the ground shook across to kit and syria on february the 6 killing at least 59000 people in leaving millions homeless. all that remains of the complex is a pine tree which the surviving faithful. decorated with lights and memory of the lives lost. you're trying to celebrate in christmas day on december the 25th for the 1st time. but the orthodox church of you cried, and the government officially changed the date 5 months ago with this not to russia . the russian orthodox church observes christmas on january, the 7th president for the modem is zalinski said that ukrainians want to live their own life with their own traditions. us around the world. people are celebrating christmas with an array of twinkling lights, costumes and unique performances in russia's siberia, a giant christmas tree,
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made up of hundreds of cars, kinds of life drive as pug mix to one another in turn. the lights on. they brought a new nationwide record with $800.00 cars taking pots and the celebrations. and this year, some 2000 students received a visit of unusual senses in thailand. 5, elephant stressed in reading warrants visited an elementary school jumbo's kind bearing, balloons and gifts for the children and spending thousands of people in santa closed costumes to positive charity rise. participants ran through central majority to raise money for the red cross time. now for look at sports headlines with pay to a british $1000000000.00, a jim red, let's face it to a quiet a 25 percent staking 20 times english champions. manchester united. valued at around $1.00. $9000000000.00 records. picture chemicals company in your group will take control of the clubs, football operations as part of the deal. he will also provide $300000000.00 for future investment into the old trafford stadium. the deal is subject to custom,
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meet regular treat approvals at the club. hopefully it will be completed as soon as possible. we also have beaten chelsea and what is the latest blow it? what is turning out to be a difficult premium league season? the 6 time english champions were beaten to one at more than you on sunday, mario and amena with the opening goal of the game in the 51st minutes. and then after defense of how lane stoppage time method delta t took advantage to double the lead. chelsea pulled it back to to one, but it was not to be they, they, they will taking the standings ahead of wounds on goal difference of crickets. it was meant to watch it has again been stopped. and you say if it's to show solidarity with palestinians in gauze, the straight investment was seen in training with a dub stick on his shoes and baths, which he wanted to display a boxing day test match with pocky stony melvin. but the international cricket council have rejected these requests to show the symbol of peace. colacho had already been prevented by c c. rules from displaying the messages. freedom is
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a human rights and online so equal on these shoes during the 1st test. and this year we saw a south african lift, the rugby will come for a wrinkled full time, but the sport is also growing in other parts of the african continents. as nicholas hoc cripples as they call themselves the panther cubs number 5. and the scrum cap is 14 year old mom. i do see that practicing his tackling skills. no. on the only 2 rugby pictures in san diego, but also on the beach, on the outskirts of the car. he hopes to lift the world cup trophy one day. you can tackle and sort of the rug, the bowl. it's more interesting than other sports people watching us think. so we look crazy, but for me it's a spell that brings us closer. it's actually tim spirit. my mother's favorite player to have played in the tournament is frances kept in in scrum, a house on to when people there are 2 sports that are popular, incentive, golf, wrestling, and football. and it seems, rug. beacon vines,


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