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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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yes, good, yes, good. the good to match the hook up with you. what do we do in the us? ready? it strikes target homes across guns are killing at least 70 palestinians because you've refugee camp the ultimate try. this is out. is there a lie from the hospital? so coming up, which is image of heavy fighting between a mazda of the military wing and is ready soldiers in the north of the street. the
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reports of clashes and the occupied with the bank as is fairly full system of the cities of janine and nablus. at least one palestinian has been to times plus the christmas mess and the time we're in basically him. we're christians, praying for those on the phone. bob mintz and garza the this is riley, 5 digits have bombed a block of houses in the miguel as a refugee camp and central cancer killing at least 70 palestinians. dozens more have been injured and many homes have been completely destroyed and the strike people of digging through the rubble and hope of finding survivors and run all the con begins a coverage of massacre on christmas. eve is really airstrikes at a residential block. and then the gauzy refugee cancel the central cancer. many
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women and children have been killed in the attempt, including a 2 week old baby to get an injured or frantically rushed to hospitals that have been rendered non functional, barely able to provide the basics and 1st aid the nearest hospital to the camp is a l. also a hospital in dare alcohol. nearly 5 kilometers away is already overwhelmed following attacks in other places. that will do it because they're just a bad. well, no one of the of either of these, a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. there's no rest, no rest play for palestinians. as many been together throughout the night to save the theory trapped under the rubble,
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we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. we got 5 dead bodies out of my neighbor's house. however, you're trying to rescue those trap kindly in one of the, our little guys. these days there is no electricity or water. so everyone, it, as tom does not, is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the densely populated residential area was also targeted last month, where at least 50 palestinians are killed. and then this really attacked the mounting death tune gauze. it has reached unprecedented levels with diplomatic channels working overtime and the hopes of achieving an immediate cease fire. for
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many in the world, christmas will be marked with family laughter when enrollments to last a lifetime. you know, you know, you have when supper palestinians within gaza, the reality on the ground is very much different. it will be marked with white cheese, row by row. and the cries of those not being able to hold the loved ones into the new year. and run a low hon l to 0. some us viruses have released a new video of intense fighting and northern guns or the is ready military says 15 of its soldiers have been killed since friday. civilians are being ordered to leave . the north wall is riley, strong is continued to hit evacuation zones in the south for many of those who have been forced to leave palestinian families now heading to the obama in central cancer since could already reports from their so this line is called a nephew area and this is for a family a booth some of this time. and they gifted this area to the refugees and displaced
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palestinians from another area. so that goes through, as you see, they're thinking and they're setting up the tense because there is a re, new storm and more. how to send in some of these are this place at evacuating from a place to another in the gaza strip. is there any forces or speed for living in as much as the end to say the other areas in the middle area of the gaza strip to evacuate to dead and but that's why more people are coming and are evacuating in this area. the schools are parks, the houses are parked. hospitals are packed and there's a lot of diseases spreading according to the policy administer of has that people are getting rash on their skin. and the situation in the hub situation is victoria . the situation is, continues and people in the gaza strip are devastated. they're telling us that there is no place for us for them to evacuate,
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and they have no shelter. and specially when it's raining right now. people are fearing brain and there are strikes. this is in the pull that he does ita. that is the la garza is riley forces have right in the properties and civil cities in refugee camps in the occupied westbank. one is on the way now in jericho earlier, at least one man was detained by troops and becca, east of ramallah. they have been reports of an explosion. people arrested. and fighting between is rarely forces and palestinians in nablus rides also conducted in the cities of janine and to boss. hum, desolate brings us more from occupied east jerusalem. the raids intensifying across the occupied westbank this evening. we've been following several and frankly to many places to count, but we've been focusing primarily on jeanine and the janine refugee camp ballasa refugee camp in nablus, arrayed into vos and additionally in blue cross. at this hour the raids in both
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janine and the been off the refugee camp have since ended, as is really forces have reportedly withdrawn with fears, clashes, breaking out in both of those areas between palestinian fighters and these really occupation forces several injuries across the occupied westbank reported this evening as well as these really military sought to arrest palestinians across the west bank. all of this comes as these rallies have intensified their raids across the occupied west bank since october. the 7th were looking at several 1000 arrests and at least $303.00 palestinians who had been killed since october, the 7th alone making this the deadliest ear on record for palestinians in the occupied west bank. i'm the central jersey at all in occupied east jerusalem. israel's army says it has found the bodies of 3 is riley soldiers and 2 civilians,
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and imagine mas tunnel and northern casa, its believes, they were among those captured on october, the 7th. a spokesman for the army claims the tunnel was uncovered unto the jabante a refugee can and that it contained weapons and emergency rooms. israel says the tunnel network served as the northern headquarters of some us vices, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the board, gaza is exacting a heavy price on the military. he says is rarely false. is it going deeper into the strip and will fight until the ends? i hope to 0, spoke to kansas civil defense spokesman noch mood bustle. he says his team has witness disturbing scenes of palestinian bodies being run over by his rarely ami vehicles in the towel. aha! what area had the, i'm in the process be ongoing strikes are affecting various parts of casa with particular intensity observed when specific regions literally in the middle of the
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neighborhoods of l. 25. 0 gosh, it's a civil defense teams are operating in locations vacated by the is really all may have been counted distressing scenes left behind. but the occupation forces, particularly concerning them off, is left on the ground with a significant number of these monitors would be composed to being left on the attendant for an extended period. what we did, but we could, their relatives were able to bury the money. we also witness distressing instances of cope's is being run over by is really voters in the military vehicles on a high number of boxes in the area post challenges for our teams. preventing access to certain services like tell you to the presence of these really military vehicles in those areas of the un high commissioner for refugees fully focused on this is that is tremendous. harry mc spot remains essential. he was on the social media platform, x for aids to reach people. indeed, hostages need to be released and more displacement needs to be avoided. history just above all, that the fear of the devastating loss of lives needs to stop. he said that's
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a humanitarian sci fi and gaza is the only way boards or the united nations this morning, that palestinians and guns are facing catastrophic labels of hunger. and the risk of dying from famine is increasing its children's agency units. if says 1200000 palestinians experiencing emergency levels of acute food and security, children are deprived of 90 percent of the water. they need each day to survive. 335000 children under the age of 5 at high risk of severe male nutrition and preventable dis. and the agency estimates nearly 10000 children on the 5 will suffer the most life threatening fullness, male nutrition known as severe wasting. and will need therapies, like foods and also l sharif has good access to northern gaza and reports on the votes across us. there was nothing to me a little but also of higher order crisis. in gauze i use getting hard,
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the lifeline of the displaced people here in w, a refugee comp. these radio base and forces bummed wells and decidedly nation plants here in north because a lot of i'm not going to do any of music when i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels water we live in. come on that one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. they put the hose onto the level to get some of the volts, and it is really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are simply people in our building and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day at the gym and as the lawyer and i have not been my, my father sent me from a leeway area to get water from here. i told my father we have to live and we have to face the danger of circumstances out here in order to stay in life. my brothers are with me. the water is sometimes enough for a day and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my doctor because i use my
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donkey to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors. are just as good as that and why as we put too much effort the long distance is to get want to have the every family needs. what god knows, how many kilometers on the walk every day and to get some more to go to help all the fees, the yeah, the what the will be as what assume the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diarrhea and vomiting that is not, i'm willing to take them to medical center. they slowly forced the side of the vent, so as not to get the people any chance of getting clean water. oh, there's nothing the least that you know, the, i mean, besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is a lot of electricity and food as well as continuous targeting of hospitals is putting districts, remaining health care services in jeopardy nurses, often battling against the old to provide basic care with limited resources. here a, some of this stores the heavy and then the buses saw how came up for some of
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them on the move. somebody can just sit on the head out as a bed by the way. i'm ok the how to, i mean i leave the bathroom, entice the, i'm on most of the looking, i'm on the saw me the vase and had when i look at the anomaly or the on the why it cannot this out that i'm a but we're not going to go get if we base what the law i'm and even with special heads that a little bit. if you notice that the one me fit, i'm and see how did it can that it was a lovely to had and then had it to ship the video. oh cool. yeah. i mean i love that comment is the whole. but then flock was a hold of the that it was a lot and i'll put comedy from, i'm either the advocate that i was in the apple. yeah. as either i'm supposed to have that. it'll be nasa. i now locally searching for the subject to the body for the office, then small as you how inside if you do nothing on your phone, i have
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a home i'm father and that one cannot seem to well that's i'm ready for some of my that my book and i wouldn't kind of should end up a few to sell them at acumen. and that's my, that's not going to do this, but i've not. huh. yeah, yeah. and then i mean, if you make an offer. and so what's the loss of my home on the iphone? and the other thing was you didn't sound right to appear on the came another gene fia. i'm going to some of any, hey, i let you know. mostly. huh. and this outlook gotten me on this up? no, well, i'm from the 9110 mental health and full. but we have to incentive the studies in it. and then a, i mean, does it need a different question? does that mean my associate of school that you left? yeah. if one have the cool a loved one was, was home. and when did that to how, what is it, how it could lead by law? i thought of letting that might and you had them by jani, that feeling i'm gonna get mad. that's all right. let the maintenance as to be met
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. and i had a sociable home it came in and they, i need a hand on the can. you can see us of holding on was specified sidebottom and mean an estimate the he and how would i know you've been with us, vanessa 5 to look and i'm of have i'm already living with bestbuy. yeah. because the fact that hannah, i want to have him, i like to have no way of doing something a, with the shame and have them if you had any luck with daniel, an amended that to some legal stuff. man, i'm going to be let in, have a silly hit here on al jazeera breaking the fossil fuel have. that's why a country with all the right conditions is funding. it's so hard to switch to renewables, the a hello. that will have a look at africa in environment the 1st to the middle east, and there's some improvement in the days ahead expected for the event. you see that
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mass of cloud that both rain. so the likes of the occupied palestinian territories, israel, syria, and lebanon. but it is pushing its way further east. we'll see more in the way of sunshine and dry a skies in week ahead. but what's the weather still lingering around? eastern areas of iraq, but it clears up pushing its weight further east. away from iran. we are expecting show some showers to affect eastern areas of saudi arabia, and that cloud could link down in the gulf paces like could talk. expecting to see that we could see the return of some stronger wins on choose day kicking down the gulf. that was you move across the north of after the wind is the story here. we've got some very blessed we conditions across mold in areas of libya as well as, as egypt. so the south of this across from the central areas, the dust continues to be picked up by those stronger winds, but at launch the dry picture for the west of africa, it's down in the south. we think west of the weather was some fist on the storms continuing to rumble their way from angola through botswana and eastern areas of
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south africa. com day and kate's on on monday. but that's the wind come tuesday of the highly toxic and pesticides linked to elevated occurrences of parkinson's disease and the farmers who used it. were you ever warned about the health effects of our no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giants withheld information. $12000.00 american prophecy actually said he should never put the words per quad parkinson's disease and the same sentence, the pesticide playbook on the jersey to the
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the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top stores, the ssl, at least 70 people have been killed and this riley is trying someone because they've refugee camp in central cancer. dozens of people still buried under the rubble. officials say the desk top may rise in the coming hours. the united nations is nearly 2000000 people in gaza facing surveys, shortages of food and water. it's estimated 96 percent of available, both the suppliers on 5th to human consumption. and is ready for us as have rated civil cities and richard g can somebody occupied the west bank, at least one man was seen detained by troops and becca these different models. there had been clashes between us ready for losses. tell us citizens in nicholas humans who sees a u. s. navy should find a missile targeting one of the drones or the red sea. they say the missile exploded
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near a ship travelling from russia. there's a whole set of reports from june, 30 south of the narrow bob. i'll run the straight between the review and pending sheila and african several countries have military bases then including the u. s. for his statement is yours in quite a threatening language here, and they said that they affirm that the tract with the international maritime navigation is not a result of the of actions. but rather it is because of the militarization of the red sea by america and its allies. we came to the region to provide the safety to is rally ships. so force ease from the beginning on her being quite clear and saying that they are not targeting the maritime tray to the red sea, bought brother of the target team, this the ships that are related to israel. this is what they claim so far. and also they went on, i seen the red sea will be a building, a rena,
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if america and its allies continue in the way of a bullying. and also, and other war name for the regional countries. the say that the company is bored into the board and direct see also must realize the reality of the dentures that threatens the national security. so the policies are quite clear here that if this escalation continue, it's not going to be on a, on the conflict between the usa and who it is. but it's going to be a regional conflict. attracting in the national security of the neighboring companies as well. clearly we see this escalation, and now do you actually saying that this is the what's happening? let's see is an international crisis. and that's why it's is trying hard to build a, an international naval quality sion but so far there's a force to build that college and has failed 6 on christmas day. i is attending to bethlehem and the occupied west bank. the city is repaid by christians as the best place of jesus christ with the town. newly crowded with children's interests or com
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has moved from bethlehem in the occupied with back the the church of nativity name, just kindly the not to picture participates. fella is performing midnight mess writing the christmas. this is how for students had a walk in the in christmas i'm going to take you outside so we don't stop the surface. now this year people have stuck in the occupied. westbank have cancelled christmas the students. he's just in solidarity with the people of garza and it couldn't be more from the inside in main to square. it's usually thousands of people come from around the world to celebrate christmas. i've worked to the for during christmas. usually it's full of twinkling lights. you have
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marching bands, you have at the shops of the flowing and christmas markets this year. it's been stopped as being very, very few people inside at that the have now just take you through the charge. if you have a look, the square has a mostly empty and as many people have 10, so it's coming in, it's really affected the the economy. bethlehem relies at about 70 percent of its economy for tourism. and most of that is during christmas, this year the people say they going to be suffering, but they won't stand in solidarity with the people of going to north on alta 0, bethlehem in the occupied westbank as an odd exhibition in support of palestinians in guns that has been set up at the lesson church in the occupied westbank. and run con has more, or i'm here with the judge of the holy redeemer and type a,
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where ordinarily this would be a celebration of the birth of jesus christ, but instead they are hiding. under the rubble in garza, you can see joseph the baby jesus and mary that hiding amongst the rubble. but it's not just them. this thing is also traditionally in the way that it has the 3 wise men, also taking shelter. and make con, actually gets to the baby jesus. uh, this is a scene that is being repeated across the occupied westbank. people are using this monuments the birth of jesus christ to mock the long garza, i'm here with the parish priest had father just told me this must have been a difficult decision to you guys to take in terms of putting this up rather than a traditional celebration yes, thank you very much for the there's the full for your coming in for you to be here . um this is significant. they say it's a, it's a difficult it see sadness but said among this sadness,
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i'm of this difficult situation. maybe jesus is the light of weather. so the patience is the light of always face the light of christmas, the lights of any tv. so from all of these, this story that you are the, any a seeing here in, in the disagree with the, and we call it growth. those guys the you, we can see it also jesus in among, in these, this through the story. and jesus is the a, we're a sort of ration our lights and we are the lights from jesus. we are the light of the words. we can hear the, the bells ringing. now this is a time normally of celebration. this area would be packed with people. i mean, it must be a very difficult time. feel congregation not just you. yes, is very, very difficult for the difficult time for the people for the position there is here and type it is the city of this village. the jesus also went to this village when
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we opened them as son john gus bowed. chapter 11 verses 54. we can say just as jesus lived, it was on him and came to type it to a friend, gave the biblical name with his disciples to rest here. so we, we think this a visit that drink to invite the people to come to the vigil as the mass, the vigil mess of the christmas eve here and, and then tell you to put some who to puts christian hope to put the lights of jesus in the hearts in each heart of the petitioners here and tell you, and from all of these, in a difficult situation with the effects of the settlers, would that exit from the soldiers with that text from this patient that's effect our, our village of our homes. we're, we're in the end things a season of harvest things also. they affect us. we still here. we decided to be here. we decided to be here like jesus who, who was born here and until the end of their life of his life. he stayed here until
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that this but also with those addiction. so from that and it's a video of jesus, we can't arrive the trust of jesus and the restriction. thank you very much. certainly a, some of the time here in ty, but in the occupied westbank. and we're on con out, is there a type of the, the to other news now and police. and so the i have been in protest is demonstrating against full dicey as both of fraud. police find tit gas and made a risk stop to a crowd gathered outside the city council. in belgrade. protest is broke windows at the entrance of the building where police barricaded themselves. the crowd accused the ruling policy of rigging last week's general election. the president alexander church, has denied so his clients. 16 people have been killed in an attack in nigeria, the nigerian army told is pay the attack happened in the small village of an issue
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in the north central region of plateau. the army says clashes between the who doesn't, tom, is it in the area, common will find it between the sudanese and paramilitary rapids support forces is spreading across the central state of just era. the re, a safe cab should watch mcdonny the regional capital. on monday, nearly 300000 people have slipped the area which has been seen as a safe hub. me 8 month long conflict. so don's health ministry is wanting that finding the may lead to a major disaster for the uh the uh, how do i, i did the moving military operations to what mcdonny with whose a massive trip to the life of the citizens. there are more than 7000000 citizens with chronic diseases who could face flu debt if their needs are not met. and if the flu supplies is not facilitated, one amongst the different governor rates of so done. on the other side, the military operations expansion con, exacerbate epidemics and corner of heat,
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in particular, which can kill thousands and thousands of food in these people's. a 7000 migrants have said all from the southern mexico on christmas eve hitting for the us border. the chanting migrants and notes criminals, the care of and lifting to one behind a band of reading, exodus from poverty. it's one of the biggest this year and includes people seeing violence and in security moving it doesn't countries. they sit on the days out to the mexican government, reached an agreement with the united states district to controls on migration. nothing about radius and your thing. today, murphy, i don't have any documents for 3 months. i've been asking to them without any response. i'm tired of being in top of children with my work going hungry and having to pay read. it's not as easy as those when use it. that would be sent to the united states is using the migration issue in the fight between democrats and
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republicans and put pressure on the government of president. i'm dress manual lopez overall door, which has a different approach for decades of small island in the gulf of thailand, loving the local government to join the national electric grid. but the cost outweigh the benefits. so they are then this is coach, it took matters into their own hands and when sola now the f one original award for sustainable energy use. but it's totally changed reports. they remain the exception to the rule. slaving under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tie, hoses down the solar panels on his roof. when he's done, you can sit under the sand and enjoy an ice cold glass of water. hold you to the island, so the energy grid of the decades, they are then relied on the diesel, shipped in a great expense. so that was a natural choice. but a hard sell because we asked the administrative department,
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local government offices like the provincial energy office and so on, which was difficult and took his every 2 years on the grounds from the australian government and technical support from a team of academics. the highland built itself a solar grid. now they can capture and store all the energy they need. item life has been transformed. schools now, well is with constant power to all the student's needs. even the fisherman is switching across the solar. charging the battery is from the boats at the collective charging stations on land. but just down the coast, an indication of how most ties get their energy. a huge coal fired power station, a massive transport ships queuing up to offload thailand steaks. its future of fossil fuels. nope, renewables with natural gas from the gulf of thailand. power station funding co shipped in for most right.


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