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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the target homes across the guys are kidding, at least to 70 palestinians. and all my guys, the refuge account the i'm about to send, you're watching. i'll just see that coming up in the show. the pictures emerge of heavy fighting between the homeless ministry wing and is very
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soldiers in the north of the strip reports of confrontations any occupied. westbank has this very forces a storm janine and novelist, several palestinians, including elderly people, detained the christmas in a time of war. where in bethlehem of christians are praying for those under bombardments and gossip, the various tribes have been hitting a residential buildings. and oh, my gosh, a refugee camp in central guys or at least a 70 palestinians have been killed. many of them women and children, dozens of people have also been injured. and another khan has more. a massacre on christmas eve is really air strikes at
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a residential block in the gauzy refugee camp on central cancer. many women and children have been killed in the utah, including a 2 week old baby, dead and injured or frantically rushed to hospitals that have been rendered non punctual. barely able to provide the basics and 1st aid the nearest hospital to the camp. is it l also hospital in dare above? nearly 5 kilometers away is already overwhelmed. following attacks in other places . is that that will do it because they're just a bad. well, no of either of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity that you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. there's no rest, no rest paid for palestinians. as many been together throughout the night to save
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the berries trapped under the rubble. we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. we got 5 dead bodies out of my neighbor's house. however, you're trying to rescue those parameters to find the total weight on, you know, on the part of our little guy these days, there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the densely populated residential area was also targeted last month, where at least 50 palestinians are killed. and then this really attempt to the mounting, dest tune gauze. it has reached unprecedented levels with diplomatic channels
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working overtime and the hopes of achieving an immediate cease fire. for many in the world, christmas will be marked with family laughter when enrollments to last a lifetime. you know, you know, you have when supper palestinians within gaza, the reality on the ground is very much different. it will be marked with white cheese, row by row. and the cries of those not being able to hold the loved ones into the new year. and run a la hon. l to 0. kind of your let's uh, him hurry, my food is still enjoying the snow from a rough and southern garza how and can we start with this? try something regardless 70 dead. many more still under the rubble of the yes. well a tragedy is deep on folding from particularly this diamond from the central part of the gauze is trip just over nights. the combined number of people being killed in the central part and han units, but other parts of the gas turban is a little over
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a 120 palestinians. 80 of them in the central parts 70 in one refugee camp. as much as they are. if you can, when a google, residential homes were destroyed completely and there is a fear of, of the numbers going up as there are. more people is still under the levels, according to eye witness who are working a long beach, a long side with the civil defense, the crew and the ground, using their bare hands to remove large pieces of concrete to help lube or might have survived those massive attacks but the tragedy of all of this is the fact that the allots the hospital, the only remaining functioning hospital in the central part is already packed and over one since the beginning of this war. and now there is a tsunami of injuries. it poured into the hospital works according to the director of the emergency department where they have injuries are in the core doors of the hospital waiting for their turn to be a to be treated. but even at those woods,
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even those would miles injuries are at the risk of dying because there are, is, there isn't any immediate medical services and the treatment it provided to them. 23 people reported killed in hon. you does that both in eastern side and the center of hunters as the heavy artillery shooting and the math bombardment continues to bomb the area. yeah, just reading that upon the $23.00 hospitals out of service because obviously it's very to attracts, have hip them it's, we're talking about predominantly more kaiser there. you mentioned in congress as well, toughest through the other areas that are being hit of the years other than a lot of their work. did you come the entire central part of the gall, this trip just within the past, but uh, 2 days received a uh, an evacuation order from these really military where it said sharply ordered the residents of valuable res refugee campbell,
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montage. and also i'm gonna say it right directly as you can to evacuate to didn't belong area. a new lead supposedly. save that, it gets the designated safe area for displace and evacuated it from the central part. but the a ponder arrival and there is bela they were targeted, the just shattering any sense of, of safety and security for those who have been displaced. then again, it just should lights on the cold narrative of these really monetary everytime talks about a, the newly designated safe area for palestinian to avoid getting bombed in their local residency, but only to get bonding killed in other areas. and we've, there are evidence of that happening within the past week. and rough actually be the eastern part of the roof. i say the and also these trends neighborhoods of a golf is through but along the borders and continuing raising of agriculture, land, and more destruction of residential areas. very consistent with the efforts of making the entire eastern part,
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the northern parts uninhabitable for palestinians in the coming days. yeah, honey, we're just looking at some pictures top right. of our screens here, showing the shots from the north of guys are love with large clouds of smoke pouring from the center of the city. their honey. thank you very much. indeed. the tiny mach moved talking to is from a rough or almost 5 is of at least new video showing it's fights as targeting is very forces in the north of gaza is rarely managing says 17 of its soldiers have been killed since friday, at least $489.00 is ready. soldiers have been killed since for more started on october, the 7th. and it says on me, it says find the bodies of 3 israeli soldiers and 2 civilians. and a major harmless tunnel in northern garza, they, it's believe they were among those captured on october. the 7th, a spokesman for the army says the tunnel was uncovered under your body a refugee camp. and it contained weapons and emergency rooms. israel's says, the tunnel network served as the northern headquarters of commerce fighters are
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united nations. it says that maybe 2000000 people in guys are facing severe food and water shortages on us. all. chevy has gained access to northern garza and reports and the water crisis. there was nothing me a little but also the water crisis in gauze. a is getting hard, the lifeline of the displaced people here in jump. leah refugee comp. these radio basic forces bummed wells, and decidedly nation plants here in north gaza, alive. and that could have been the music. and i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels. water. we live in, come on that one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. they put the hose onto the level to get some of the volts and really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are simply people in our building, and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day of the gym. and as the little uh,
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the mice will have to send me from my leeway area to get water from here. i told my father, we have to live and we have to face the danger of circumstances out here in order to stay alive. my brothers are with me, the water is sometimes enough for a day and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my doctor because i use my don't get to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors. are just as good as that and why as we put too much effort the long distance is to get want to have the every family means what god knows, how many kilometers on the walk everyday. you have to get some more to go to help all the fees, the yeah, the what the will be as you'll assume the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diarrhea and vomiting that is not, i'm willing to take them to medical center. they slowly forced the side of the vent, so as not to get the people any chance of getting clean. what we thought was nothing the place that you know, the besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is
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a lot of electricity and food is it was 5 minutes, and benjamin netanyahu has voted to continue the war despite mounting military casualties. later today is one cabinet is also expected to meet and discuss a new proposal made by egypt. as part of the negotiations to secure the release of his ready captives held by homeless, we're going to go to buying a smith is live for us in tennessee. so what more do we know about this proposal from kind of the role we know that as well as will cabinet will continue its deliberations over the latest proposals to come out of the media. h. as in cairo, the 1st option is broadly similar to the previous ceasefire as a suggestion of a 7 to 10 day c spot, all civilians to be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners is the next 2 stages. the these writers might have more trouble with uh, the 2nd one is the release of old female soldiers in exchange for palestinian prisoners. and that a months of negotiations to discuss old,
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the release of old military posts now in exchange for palestinian prisoners and israel pulling back to causes for this. there are serious political considerations for these rather a cabinet. it's not. united divisions are being exposed. one cabinet minister criticizing the increase ground defensive, or resulting in a lot small casualties. 17, he's right, the soldiers killed since friday. he wants more strikes. it's prompted as well as present. it's a cat. it's up to appeal to the political leadership of the country. he said that the enemy sees the conflicts, the arguments, the struggle between egos on behalf of grieving families and from one. so just i say to elected officials and to be internal struggles and divisions because there's just being going on in the high um, actual ends of israel's political leadership. but what happens, who comes up to benjamin that young man and thank you very much. indeed,
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it's by his best talking to his from telling me is ready, voices have rated properties and several cities and refugee camps and they occupied westbank and operation is underway. in general code area, at least one mountain was seen detained by troops in boca east of ramada. the have been report 7 explosion. people have been arrested on fighting between these very forces and palestinians in nablus rates were also conducted in the cities of janine . and 2 of us that everything's on group has ball as, as it's covered several attacks on times in northern israel over the past day. it was responded to by launching a wave of air strikes and the groups positions and a number of lebanese border titans. army says it targeted military buildings and rocket launcher sites, a start head. and i'll just say that we're going to tell you why dennis transport jive notice because decided to resume the shipping through the red sea.
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the lower the lights on rap, the weather across europe this christmas day. and things are looking very festive and joyful across the sounds like a very settled weather conditions here. thanks to an area of high pressure is really more in way as sunshine. now that's not the case. across the north you go to area of low pressure and some very dusty wind that opposing a problem in places in particular for denmark as well as poland, we've got some red warning salt for coastal areas. the heavy rain rolls in to bruce and, and the island of island with some snow in scotland, wintery and snow. we conditions dominate for iceland, and we can see that winter weather continuing to push its way east, across scan to navy. that is that heavy rain rolling into poland, but on boxing day we are going to be more in way of settled conditions,
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fine and bright to conditions for parts of england. but the rain isn't very far away. you can see that coming in to the south, west wrenching down pools and stretching that way across from that headed that it is looking most 2nd certainly across the south, the southeast corner, morton the way it's sunshine and wounds. 19 degrees celsius, the athens, spain and portugal, a similar story, lots of seasonal joy to be found here, that sunshine culminating look at the temperature in madrid. it comes down and things are looking a lot more cloudy on tuesday. the thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate script. there are no quick wins and events or research odd hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think that democracy in the process facing realities do you feel that the
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fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the bricks on the other? i think there is a huge piece of that to happen here. the story on talk to how does era the the, you're watching all just need a reminder of our top story is this are, is ready as types of killed of these to 70 people. there now more as a refugee camp in central garza, many of the victims were women and children. dozens more, i believe, to be buried under the roof of the united nations as nearly 2000000 people in gaza facing severe shortages of food and waltz. it says 96 percent of available water supplies are on fixed for human consumption and is ready for us as
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a rated several cities in refugee camps in the occupied west by at least one month seemed detained by troops in brook. east of ramona that have been reports of clashes between is really forces and palestinians in nablus. spanish transport johnson success is gonna start sending ships through the red sea and the gulf of 8 . and again, they're linked by the bob on monday straight. it's a vital c with which leads to the so is cut off several farms and stopped using the boots. when you evans with the fights as talkative tankers and container ships who the sites are response to israel's war on gaza, most says it's decision to use the root again. is because of protection offered by a us led, multinational sleep, the christians and the occupied west bank of attended midnight mass on christmas eve. the service was held at the church of india tibbets, and bethlehem believes to be the best place of jesus christ. it was the most
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somewhat affair than usual last week, the condom of the locked in patry out of julius, and called him questions in the holy line to kansas celebrations in solidarity with people of gaza. did abraham reports from the christmas time, but it's not like you might expect it to be those thousands of people turning up like major square in the city. no christmas carols, no festivities. instead, a display of togetherness might palestinians and bethlehem showing they are one with garza separated by geography and is read. you mean the 3 check points, palestinians of the occupied west bank say they cannot isolate themselves from god's us pain. it's too much says art, this product sensor, the palestinian christian from bethlehem. he was inspired to rearrange the
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traditional christmas major scene to present was buried under rubble. virgin mary, in the historical christmas story, is joyous as she is tilting got down and the baby is wrapped in a coffin, reminding us of the scenes coming out of cause. it's open for interpretation. if you want to imagine the child being dead or alive, the star and the christmas story guides the 3 wise men to beth lemke and has been recreated here, but now reflects the realities of israel's bombardment. i'm still home because he's all the 3 wise man who of prostate expensive gifts to baby jesus. instead, they are holding white coffins. this represents the world leaders who instead of helping people and gaza, all sending them coffee invisible for 12 months to go. it was a different seats. this was thought of helping build festive cards for christmas parade. the to a different cities in the occupied west bank, bringing joy to children. this year. people in bethlehem want
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to remind the world their children are being killed, injured, stars, and displaced. this can be considered the most silent and turns of their often pop 3 out of jerusalem student activity term by i'm usually when he arrived secure. this is basically the announcement of the beginning of the christmas celebrations today. the assignments can be heard during the patry arc with the coffee radio journalist george. i know, as he says, he wanted to emphasize the jesus was native to the land just like them. we're here to pay but also to ask the address for the as far as his body is not enough, we have just these uh uh, visa status and then the to turn the page because virus, jeanette, it's only violence and the message of christmas is not violence. is peace unless any and say the 1st day of peace will be the last of israel's occupation. me that
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but he does eat on bethlehem the occupied westbank. we're going to bring in time will come with he's a specialist in conflict resolution to monetary and aid is also an assistant professor of public policy. the doha institute of graduate studies has been with us over the last few weeks, giving us his analysis of the situation, particularly in gaza. and i want to talk about john. so in this case we've been hearing the stories about the is very military rates that are going on in the center of gaza. it is not maintaining that it has control of the northern positive guys or that something of course, the homeless would uh, would deny. what's your assessment of how this is working out in terms of the palestinians are being pushed further and further side? yes. so all these right and so far have not adopt the leading victor over and distribute the victory they want. but chief from this war, how most can stand, the resistance then stands. and that goes through and the dismissal is what i'm having control over any name. but on of the guns for that, but it's, it's,
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it's not true. i mean, even i've seen and, and some incidents the moment did that and it focuses withdrew from some neighborhoods in, inside the guys on the north. they made up to see how this 7 police force has to be a moves under the control. so that embarrassed, i mean this, the school or coupling down time us, uh, edit the kid. think it, it's not feasible. i mean, because from us, again it's, it's, it's an ideology, it's an idea. it's, it's a, it's, it's a people spot. it's, i mean, simple to think of buttons, but it's not, it's, it's sort of them, it has a. so on this they want to do, you have to pay the entire strip and stay that for the years. i don't think this the start to get the or this board is a cheap but it's a few, but uh so what, what that, so what's happening now is that the because they because nothing. yeah, does not have this clean victory. so he has that green light from by then from the americas to still continue with this war to try to, to, to achieve it and, and dispose and done with what's happening that would the minute 3 calling back to
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present in the, in the gulf, in the middle government, i think, does this so the repeating what they've done and does the ends on what they want the same level of destruction. the same level of, of, of investigating the funding dentist put it into on another place by talking to good schools, hospitals, and most alarming is continuing with the push of transferring of displacing the entire population to this novel coordinator over in the south. the goes to the last the of the heaviest. so i think there's a does that things would fly out when it comes to this. i mean, because they have sent the chief the board. now the escalating the situation to an extent would the scenario for possible for someone to transfer to but the scene is to egypt is becoming more feasible. but more, i mean it's, it's, it's pretty in now because with all these lots of transparent assessment of people with a very limited amount of speed and thing doesn't. yes, there was a you want as an ocean couple of days ago that the cold for the interest of aid us
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not to be to it. but in practical terms. how can you deliver aids under bombardment? that's a big question. and this comes to, this is an extension that there is no actual process on the ground or make an assumption like go to ensured that is an order in forces that i have to respect the or to enable un unable patient or a lot of skinny, the operation to the base and does a so we are in these dynamics. is there a cylinder? it's not the she's not able to achieve its goals, but at the same time it's been has the green light from the us to continue with a minute to petition that gives us defense in the selected just to keep pushing, pushing up to something happens to save the face in, regardless of a hood for another. thank you very much indeed. as well. is there any forces have rated properties in several cities in refugee camps and the occupied westbank as we were telling you earlier. i know probation is under way in jetta called out at least one man was detained by troops in book at east of the amount of that have
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been reports of an explosion. people are arrested and fighting between is very forces and palestinians, and novelist ways of also going on in the cities as you need and to us as we were mentioning. but we're on con, is in jeanine refugee camp. that has been the scene of several raids over the past few weeks. indeed, are all bates, one of the most rated camps since october, the 7th, and the whole of the occupied west by the rate. it began around 1 am in the morning they to these really all mean came along these roads ahead and then they went where that yellow taxi is into the refugee camping. so they actually rated about 10 houses that were about 200 is really sold is about 40 minute tree vehicles. the went in through that very narrow streets that were made to match with resistance with the palestinian fights. is the classes involved? and like i say they've rated about 10 houses,
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but they didn't arrest anybody. and that's leading people here to say that we always knew that this was a campaign of harassment. but this is now what it feels like because they didn't arrest anybody. now like i say, this is the most rated camp in uh since october the 7th in the occupied west. i can just take a look at the massive amount of damage. this is all taking place since october, the 7th people's houses have been destroyed. anything that might be either a symbol of resistance or even just the symbol of national pride. the round about the you'll see that used to have a map of palestine on its b is really simply knocks it down. they've dug up a roads here by making it very difficult for the residence of jeanine refuge account, say good about and do that the business, but also to actually even live hey, what we're hearing now is people are having to leave this refugee camp and go to other places i've been out twice removed, refugees, i am on. thank you very much. indeed. amber on con,
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talking to us from janine refuge. account the, you know, the new state media and basing of the keys in the philippines of repeatedly breaching chinese territory. and the south china sea tension around disputed areas has increased in recent months, both sides of brain to each other for a number of recent confrontations between philippine and chinese vassals. state meaning i say the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china calling. it's extremely dangerous behavior, police and savvy of how far to tear gas and demonstrators alleging voter fraud. hundreds of opposition support this guy that i've side as sitting cancel building in belgrade and to the windows and the entrance of the building where police have bought a cater themselves in the protest or say the ruling party rings last week. the
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general election by president alexander boucher is has denied the claims fighting between the sudanese army and part of military rapids support forces is spreading across the central state of tennessee that they are s f capture of the what my dani the regional capital on monday in the 300 sizes and people have flooded the area of which has been seen as a safe place and the 8 months long conflict surrounds health ministers warning the fighting in one but on a may leads to a major disaster high from a homage either he may sit on the federal minister of health and he wants, at the expansion of military operations may lead to a major health as auster, the for the tiny uh how that. how did the moving military operations to what mcdonny, with pose a massive threat to the life of the citizens? there are more than 7000000 citizens with chronic diseases who could face flu debt if their needs are not met. and if the flu supplies is not facilitated,
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one amongst the different governor rates officer done. on the other side, the military operations expansion con, exacerbate epidemics and corner of heat, in particular, which can kill thousands and thousands of sued in these people. several sizing migrants have set off from southern mexico on christmas eve heading for the us border. they've been chanting migrants or not criminals. the count amount of people is one of the biggest this year at last the time of tough actually don't behind the final reading, exit us from poverty. that includes people seen violence of insecurity in more than a dozen countries. instead of days else in the mexican government reached an agreement for stricter migration control. with the united states or for decades, a small island in the gulf of thailand, lobby the local government to join the national electric. great. but the cost weighed the benefits. so the island is
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a coal shake. took matters into the wrong hands and when solar now they've one original award for sustainable energy use. but as tony chung reports, they remain the exception to the rule. slaving under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tie, hoses down the solar panels on his roof. when he's done, you can sit under the sand and enjoy an ice cold glass of water. hold you to the island, so the energy grid for the decades, they are then relied on the diesel, shipped in a great expense. so that was a natural choice. but a hard sell because we asked the administrative department, local government offices like the provincial energy office on cellphone, which was difficult and took is every 2 years on the grounds from the australian government and technical support from a team of academics. the highland built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store all the energy they need. items life
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has been transformed. schools now well is the constant power to all the student's needs. even the fisherman is switching across the solar,


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