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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 27, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST

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i look back in the place i news from the optimism of 2005 when he is released to the destruction of towards the echoes of the wall sconces fated hopes. on l g 0, the israel's bombing campaigns, 100 central guys. more than 240 pounds as the news of being killed in the past 24 hours. that's 10 people every of the time about this and this is all just you have a life from don't also coming up of running out of places to bury the dead, out of city and state their loved ones to rest in mass graves themselves authorities, one of the risk of disease palestinians coordinator efforts to collect bodies,
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scouts, and among the wreckage of homes and are often glovers. i know last happened is many attacks in the occupied west. frank, 6 palestinians are killed and, and is ready. jones trying to come in the there's been heavy bombing and central guns on those is really forces stuff up there. offensive on the besieged cabinetry, a school housing displaced, palestinians, and all my gosh, the refugee camp was among the locations. it's killing at least 5 people. it follows a day of strikes across guys under killed more than $240.00 pounds a standing is. the main telecoms providers announced another communications blackout. and the north palestinians have taken it upon themselves to retrieve bodies of their relatives from the streets is really a tax in gaza, city and based honeymoon. as mentioned, some have been left there for days or use ready time for about
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a 100 meters from this area. people are evacuating the injured and collecting bodies for burial on the ongoing questions. there was no warning before the strike . i saw the strike and ran here and saw the 3 story home destroyed. we started removing the dimensions. at least 25 people were killed from the 3 story house. talking about what was done here as life from rafa in southern garza. how many? first of all, just talk us through the latest strikes that you were aware of the yes roll over night and vince, early hours of this morning, renewed attacks that defend front part of the gaza strip. man, the are not as a refugee camp and the surrounding area, including the rage and uh, and on the site. right? refugee camp way, more residential homes targeted and destroyed. then at the same time, people where it wouldn't, people were looking under directors for survival. a another mass of attack took
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place in other matters as the records you came. and this time it was a school that was targeted on or what is schools designated? sheltered by owner, well with you on flag line on the roof top of it, but this is not the 1st time evacuation centers coming under. heavy attack spies really are straightforward, very hard tillery selling, but so far they have reported their reports about most of the multiple number of injuries who were rushed to along the hospital. that's in there in the left where a lot of people were ordered to evacuated from the refuge account, integrated by city. but again i on the role of rivals within the past 2 days, they were targeted and the homes they took as a shelter were also destroyed, just shattering. busy the, the narrative about it save designated areas. again, we're looking at confusing contradictory and vague large and the big narratives about a designated safe area across the gods to draw. also
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a route coming reports coming in from the northern parts about it renewed a strikes and artillery sending in parts of your valley, a town as well as the edge of value. or you can ongoing artillery showing the eastern side of the borders as well as a city of bits, had on all consistence with the efforts of making these parts that are coming under tv bombardment, uninhabitable and, and eventually squeezing people into a small part of the gaza. strip as, as of now we're seeing at least that more than 1000000 people have been forced into a rough city, a leaving the central part as well as the north of the numbers expected to, to get to go up as there more people leaving the central part and part of how new and is at right now. how many of you in the teams have been telling us about the personal stories of people who have lost friends and relatives? no, of course we're hearing that because of the is really bombardments. it's made many
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of the bodies have been left in the streets and not people are having to go and become a minute to be able to bury them. of the well yeah, this is the w tragedies that people are experiencing since the beginning of the were in, in areas that come under constant tv bombardment. not only people are trapped and missing and the seeds under the, the, the levels. but also people are unable to reach you to the family members and loved ones were being killed in order to offer them the proper ad sooner and to take them to the proper burial side as to coming precinct be difficult. there's some of this for it is and, and, and videos that we've seen over the past is for people who were able to get to the parts of the tunnel. and as well as parts of gauze, the city and the know the part in general works, a callous ends are scattered in the streets and, and that's the believe to be those. the bodies were working at the early stages of
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this for the work industry. nobody was able to reach them either to save them or at least to take them into a proper burial site. but now after the deceased completely, it's hard to recognize and identify those bodies, increasing the amount of misery and suffering for family members who were hoping since there is disabled. and it were common cation and the civil knit to work at the, the hope that the could be still alive in these parts of, of the got through. but unfortunately it got to the area and only found a complete the seas bodies in the streets kind of moved in rafa. thank you very much indeed. c is really military says another 3 soldiers are being killed in bottles in northern garza, but takes the number of israeli troops killed in gaza to at least a 100 and 54th since the beginning of the grimes campaign of the end of october. how much says it's fights are using guerrilla tactics? bushing, is there any soldiers? and using their knowledge of gases terrain, and the tunnel networks, the funerals are being held for 6 palestinians killed by his very forces in
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a raid on a refugee camp. they died and is ready. jones dry from the north, shuns count from the occupied westbank soldiers who prevented ambulances from reaching the victims. once in the ambulance, one palestinian was stopped and another one was beaten. a number of people were also detained in rates and the cities of bethlehem, janine, and have them call the officials joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so let's talk about the numbers of is rarely casualty so far. what do we know about that allergies? all 3 that confirmed by the israeli army in the last few hours they died during fighting in the central part of the guy. so strip. certainly the army had been saying over the last 24 hours or so there's a base, some severe opposition for my mass fighters in that area. and the fact that this though, takes the number updates since the ceasefire to 9 to one shows that there is pressure
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on these really, even though they believe that they have military control of the northern parts of guys. and they're building that control. and the central parts of guys are also pressure to benjamin netanyahu. he visited troops and guys, out on monday, he talked about how the sacrifices that were being made by it's really soldiers were necessary to defeat from us. he's continued to talk to the families of those are full and he says that they have asked him to continue the war because they don't want their son's death to be in vain. but he knows he's also under pressure from the families of those who are being held captive in guys. and when he said that the army needs more time to carry or hold for reasons like this from the visitors gallery and the connect that they show to. we don't have it, the 2 ok can send us the number of soldiers that die when they still have captives and guys, i say that the intention of the war was to try and freeze, always being healthy. and clearly at the moment, that's not being a cheap,
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i'm not on the front of it. is there any way to me? i can find westbank, particularly with the one in north, shuns refugee camp, has been particularly deadly of the. it's the 2nd grade by these relays there. within 24 hours they moved and just asked the dot as they started to blow cold fro. it's in and out of the come a drawn strike targeted one car and killed the 6 people inside there. at least 7 others who've been winded, some of those were around the car box and these families refuse to let the palestinian red crescent right cross get anywhere near it with an ambulance and we know how important minutes kind of 10 situations like that. but sadly, video on social media shows the silly vehicle is blocking those ambulances eventually, they made way after more than an hour of the 7 that have been wounded, a couple of them on critical condition. one is of mine who says he was stopped in
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the next 5 years. really. another says that he was beaten so badly that these release told him he wouldn't live to get to a hospital. now clearly that his consent and neutrons, because as i say this is the 2nd major rate in $24.00. and they'll be wondering what comes this evening when the light, when the sun goes side. but also there have been a rates in other places as well as you mentioned, like best we have in janine and hyper on that list and also in other places with a number of arrests being made. and thank you very much indeed. that's island fisher bringing this up to date from us by the east jerusalem. or what do you guys present? joe biden has called the amino cottage chic time and been home. i'll funny to discuss the efforts to reach it shows the prominence cease fire dealing garza. whitehouse says the 2 liters. i've also spoken about working towards the release of the remaining guys are captives including 2 americans, possibly media interest and being tried to negotiate as permanent seems far during
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a brief pause and fighting last month, almost 100 back a $110.00 women and children who had been taken captive during the rate in southern israel on october the 7th, and exchanged $240.00 polish standing and women and children were freed from is rarely jones. i said, you know how much the official has a gained accuse the us a football crossing and the support of israel's offensive to maddie sweetie that occupied on by then the bite and administration practices the most obscene language of i talk. i see it talks about civilians under protection on the one hand. and then it talks about protecting nazis and a mattress and providing them with weapons and political protection. on the other hand, these positions make by them and his administration an accomplice in the crime. and we hold him politically and morally responsible for humanity and legality, or not, subject to statutes of limitations. well, con is really ami and as well are intensifying attacks across the board with lebanon, and is ready air strikes,
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killed at least 3 people in southern lebanon. allie holman's life, his invincible in the southern 11. and this is something one would imagine for the u. s. as being, particularly wanting to buy what's going on or what, rob, we are the scene of the is ready, striking vintage bed. 3 people that killed abraham beneficial from wood and ali busy. this was the 3 story buildings that was hit by his ready war plane shortly after midnight, bit of time. and this is just spots off the whole context of confrontation going on on the southern. the been these borders to the moment we have more than 23 civilians killed and level. and since the beginning of the tension here for actually the country is becoming the southern part of the country. as we can see, these pictures, it's a, it's a war zone. literally the war. so in the brain budget came back to live. and on
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a week ago, he is on his australia national. and he came back to live and on last week to take his wife shuttle to sidney while he works as an expression. but of this strike happened, done. both of them were killed by these really well things of the situation maybe over here gives an indication to how the feeling is. this is, this is not exclusive, just for vintage being vintage really was, this is this, this is the 1st time the vintage bill is being hit since 2006, but several, all the lebanese southern villages and towns are being hit on daily basis by is really war planes and especially in the residential areas of our coming up on the bus can show us it's an, it's completely at his invention area. this house is in the middle of, of vintage been, uh, this town here in soft levon on all the other towns such as mesa jump out of monica, little bit at the and not caught up. all these stones are being hit just to the is
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really even had some operations targeted uh to the depths of 16 or 17 click this from the border. so there's a new dimension here they off today that's evolving and it's a, as we can see, that the situation is becoming much riskier than before. even moving around. these towns and villages in certain times of the day is becoming really a very dangerous. it's, you know, we even feed it as, as journalists, because we can't move anymore the way we used to, to move in the past. so this is the situation here for from vintage backdrop. and i think just as you were talking there, i was looking at some of the figures that we've got so far. i understand that since the fighting intensified is a 126 has bought a fighters have been killed. the 11 is really soldiers have died in that conflict. on a caution binge bell. thank you very much. indeed. still i had on. i'll just hear an
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exit us from echo door. we look to white tens of thousands of single ones, peaceful country in search of a safer life. and we hear from the on somebody's on a full easy sions to say they want to go back to kind of bucks in peace. the the hello welcome to look at the international full cost of something, all the north south, which is the weather across here, but the moment spawn it dry close to the most part. so some lovely went to sunshine here, but not so lovely up towards the north west. we have yet another named storm coming in across the north west of here. this storm is a storm. a garret sand is bringing
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a lot of rain full in the cross, a good parts of the island initially into northern ireland, some wet weather coming it across england. wells snows at the pos of scots and so some heavy rain, they're up to 90 millimeters, to find a possibility. and they have us both east coast west and pause all well could see time to 15 centimeters of snow in scotland wherever you are. and it's gonna be very, very, when the difficult traffic of traveling day there's of course, a lot of people on the move off the christmas type of guy with that went to with a pining in across the bridge. you saw some snow down to the north and scuffling retracing across. know the past to the north of the central islands plus 3 conditions coming in behind this pro, flap alonda service model. for particular present the blustery shot was, will continue to go on through with us today and by this stage, mile to into bowling some snow. the coming in across scandinavia that supports us out there, you can, you can say that try and find whatever happens with a high a t of the
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federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's context, questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit with offers. world permissions. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the what you know, does it a reminder of our top. so is this,
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are there's been heavy bomb bomb it has central guys and as there's really forces expand to the defensive, the manager who says it's, it's 200 targets across the street. in the past 24 of the follows a day of strikes across the strip that killed more than 240 tons of stadiums in the north palestinians have been retrieving bodies of their relatives in the streets. some have been less than half a day yourself to is really a tax in gaza. city based on his age, on strike has killed 6 palestinians during a rate in the north, shuns refugee camp in the occupied westbank convoys of his really military vehicles on bulldozers of also storms to cut on jeanine and have them destroying infrastructure streets. no one's busy marketplace him does as a body of refugee camp have been turned into graveyards, palestinians are running out of places to bury their dead. some of the graves a march. others are not. there's a body of refuge account has been repeatedly targeted by the israeli army since the
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beginning of the war now just is on the source, any reports that the listing. uh, let me what i mean, the value of these really occupation forces in military vehicles of left to jamalia alba, lot area. and we managed to get here to document the extent of the destruction and the crimes they committed. busy while the israeli occupation forces were here, they destroyed many buildings. as you can see on the up off, you have that. yeah. but they aren't very far away. they're still on the outskirts of devali alba, lod, if anyone tries to approach, they will be targeted by as rarely, artillery and war planes more. no more. i love it. when i shut the heads up, it's all destroyed. they've destroyed everything. woods con, describe what happened to complete brutality and bob barrick act, hold on for just one of the month. look there, a lot of we and one of the i am here in our lean district, which has been heavily bombed. massacres were committed and is really bulldozers
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have destroyed dozens of houses to kinda other than when i show her that she had to have a month to pay for it. no, it had really so he will need the sort of heavy we never imagined design. this terrorism would be so brutal and barbaric. many houses have been leveled and innocent people are still under the rumbling is really forces destroyed everything . we have been sheltering its schools and when we came here, we were shocked. i don't recognize my straight for my house. now. all the landmarks are gone. i actually don't know where my house is. look here, it's all dirt. i swear to god, buildings and houses have completely disappeared. there is no traces of most of the amount of to do. and i don't know if he can still these really planes are dropping bombs here, honey, who knowledge of any and when i was on the top of any. and so i really did good enough with very tired the still finding shells. these really forces it storm jabante a 2 or 3 times and that's still here on the outskirts on the bad. yeah,
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it's been that the just post the clouds of smoke are still billowing your in your body alba. lot because of the ongoing bombardment, the jamalia medical center, the only one functioning in northern garza has been destroyed because he has really forces left this area totally destroyed. shaw and dozens of bodies are still under the rubble. i'd have to show you just the tremendously. the us forces say they've discharged drones, launched by human base coatings over the red sea, and they have their own group set. it was responsible for attacking a transport ship. the who do you say it's part of a response to israel's war on gaza transport company, mediterranean shipping, known as n. i c says as vessel had been talkative, it says it allows you to put it called a coalition task force worship. and was told that the commercial vessel should take evasive action. the crew have been on hold on for us, it says it's creating amount of time coalition to fend off who the attacks on shipping. we're going across through vessel center who's joining us. ingenuity, i'm talking through this latest attacks by the cookies on shipping on. how does
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that is affecting the shipping lanes of the world that tax or even pacified here? so the us central command saying that the u. s. military assets in the region, they have shut down $121.00 way, attack drones, 3 and partially by mistake me says and to lend it to cruise me says in the south and betsy over a period of 10 hours on tuesday. so for such a short period of time, these numbers are quite huge. since october 17, that has been nearly 100 thrones that will praises by for these heavy shut down here in the region. and for these, these then they have conducted attacks on more than 21, west of ships passing through the red sea. so of course, as a result, that is a huge disruption in the business here. you can see in the port of the booty behind
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me, there are dozens of the, the cargo ships that are strand this year. they had been starks year since days and they're waiting for the clearance or at least to have some security guarantees that they can continue the voyage through bob and menda, which is coordinating go from then to the red sea. so bob and amanda is quite important for the global maritime trade because 25 percent off the global many times rate is just happening over that. and that's why keeping that succeed is quite important for, for, for the usa. and that's why they are now increasing the minutes of presence here. however, policies are setting new rules. they say that everybody's ship, that is passing through by that amount that needs to make it clear that they have nothing to do with israel, that they're not going to israel and they're not coming from is read or not owned
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by. it's very businessman, so forth. these are not stepping back and us easy, easy. they submit it to the presence here. so the situation is steve, quite challenging. setup talking to us, and as you both see the best. so thank you very much indeed the the time now for lucas, some other world news at least a 160 people have been killed in central nigeria in attacks and remote villages over the weekend. another 300 were injured as gunman burned down houses and destroyed property. funerals have been taking place in the plots of the state files and so people are fed the homes. the violence is the worst. and the central nigeria since june 2018 for dennis in law is in just with the latest 45 minutes of people telling me that's a big deal that this is more like a pet nicholas. a dentist that governs all in an interview on tuesday did say, that's a so this is actually an act of terrorism,
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and it has nothing to do with the ahead of time us prices because of the timing. and also because there's been a history behind, is that besides being happening most times very close to the time that to a residence or people from bacteria trying to celebrate christmas. and they are hoping that this would not repeat that yet, because the governor has problem is that the major us will be put in place to ensure that that such occurrences doesn't happen again. and the governor did confirm that 17 communities web funds now, and that's the residents. thousands of them have been taken to the temporary sales of way, hoping that to win piece is funded to restore to the area that they will be at the to start the rebuilding of the community so that they be able to return back to the us as a whole sweden is edging closer to becoming a fully fledged member of nato. after the turkish parliament folder in affairs committee voted to approve the membership paid. the bill will not be voted on in parliament and then be sent to the president of egypt. tell you about the one for
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his signature. it's an important step, but ahead of the commission is one. it may not pass the general assembly quickly. sweden and finland apply to join the defense alliance. when russia invaded ukraine, stuck on his bed is being installed by objections from to kia eco doors. skyrocketing crime rate is forcing tens of thousands of people to head towards the border with the us. in the 1st months of 2023 more ecuadorian than venezuelans made the dangerous journey. if anyone has this report from the capital capital, a used car salesman, coal ship, it is known as his real name takes turns with his staff of 10 to protect his property in early october, extortionist demanded bid his pay them $6000.00. for starters, not only got young said that at any point we are in no blanche to cave into criminals. i didn't pay. so the 23 months of cooked isn't to car yard, which by
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a miracle miss blowing up the cars. and even the local police suggests that they are and protect themselves, acknowledging their unable to. but they must go now is gonna be underscore if the new government can do anything. we'll have to join minnock with dorians who are trying to leave the country, need an advice, or over ecuador, people say they're reading for their lives. those are kind of hard to take a plane. others take a bus to the border with colombia and from their animals studying gap jungle considered one of the most dangerous migrate routes in the world. in fact, after venezuela's ecuador is made up the 2nd largest migrant making that treacherous journey. just as to going to ecuador, we met many ecuador, and ended that in jungle. one of them was not a very small shop owner whom games had threatened unless she paid them 3 times which he made for the vehicle. they sent me photos of my son with a message that they knew where he went to school,
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saying they could not him. so what can i do to protect my child, except leave the country? do thirty's, do nothing to protect us? it's very tough. ecuador is witnessing its largest exodus in history as president and numbers of people for a victim to blackmail, kidnapping and murder with impunity. but some are also risking their lives trying to escape the countries acute economic crisis. it's been almost a year since henry me down the disappeared after entering the that'd be in jungle. but his family doesn't stop praying that he's somehow still alive. what we got full cold from ecuador and to say the so he's the body along the trail. but we've seen no proof whether they make it or not. more and more ecuadorian are joining via an ending tower then of south and central americans receipt, undocumented migration to the united states,
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or be owned as the only option. you see in human ultra 0 to ecuador, the device arranged caused flooding in indonesia, affecting more than 40000 residents in the province of archer. at least 5000 people have had to leave their homes there. now having to stay in temporary shelters, authorities say water levels and some places have reached as high as 1.7 meters up to 3 decades of violence. there's a semblance of peace in the cadillac region, as somebody's on his side, despite many ethnic armenians being despised. there is hope for peaceful coexistence and also by johnny folk musicians. we see the area is the home and i want to return to some a bunch of aid has more from buckled amenities flowing from steam, springs and comp mode reboot. this instrument is called the the
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for the is it music teacher and has been playing the part even before he was displeased from japan and the 1st cut off for in the 1997. unfortunately, we have to leave behind all belongings, despite all the difficulties we enjoyed. each one of us have short time to drop, royal sir. even off to fetch a year, you want to rebuild our old lives that might easily look forward to keep playing the tava to teach children and help them embrace this beautiful lot. a good or is made with drugs maplewood that age for many years. it can then take up to 2 weeks to move to configure form it's curves and hollow space.


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