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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 28, 2023 3:30am-4:00am AST

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us and i'm picking up a gun and that's, you know, reading something that we need to kind of remember there's a lot of people and a very sympathetic to palestinians resisting, but they don't want to pick up a gun to hang a fight. however, ray, just like fix, you know, i've heard these countless tardies and people asked why, cuz even though new palestinians say, well, what do you expect for, you know, our youth will fight back. and that is something that these radius, you know, know as well, but don't seem to care about. and remember there's a prisoner deal being a, and negotiated have a moment for they may have stores to get these ready couches out of god bless you. something that's on the table books night often i often like harry, they come in and they arrest most people we've got, we're looking at something like full tiles and the $800.00 people have interested since i'll try to defend the hoff of those hell to that charge again, this is the kind of thing that if you 1516 years old and this is what they need, reality gives you all. so for whatever is more classes going,
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then you can have them in the, in the background that, that gives you pulls the whole and perhaps is, you know, it is one of the ways into joining an under this. and so i have to say the levels armed resistance between places like jeanine, refugee camp and in order to sam's in the minority tiny compared to the vol civilian populations of live, the yes, 37 in population suffer every day us. and i mean, when it comes to this, you just talking about the issue of prisoners that is always being a real touchstone for palestinians in the occupied west bank and indeed in gaza. and the idea that the already a very large number of kind of settings in is really jails. they were, you know, very frequent protests and close to sort of diversity for them. it touches a huge number of families throughout the tire tree. the fact that it's accelerated
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to this extent, so many more people have now being pulled up into the system. what kind of winder effect is that like you to have every single color sitting in the family that you speak to know who's so many of us either spend time in jail. ready they know somebody that has been detained overnight in the occupied westbank and goes and this is just something of the reality of palestinians. eh, it's not just an issue they read about here about and then use it happens in their own extended families. so this has always been a touchstone, it's been a political touchstone, a factor. and how much does he make it policies he this is locked off to little negotiate. when they do so, i'm just gonna fight and read all the way. they'll leave. i'm sorry. that truck isn't, is really cheap, is on the move. i'm just trying to figure out what's going. let's come to the side
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. so they still both very are off the i'm in the mind yet, but the police, the policy and political present. the thing is exactly an issue. the is a halt all this like you say every families been affected. it's a political tool as well, getting them out. yeah. there's always been the priority and it won't cost, you know, oftentimes yeah, if and is there any soldier has been taken captured like the lead shall each case a few years, but they'll negotiate to, for the release of those presents as part and parcel and go with hall to the negotiating process and a lot less than 0 back in from that big picture to exactly what's happening right near where you could, you just take us back to what you initially sore and, and what's been going on and, and your neighborhood there in ramallah but let me just recap the last 5 minutes before we do anything else in the last 5 minutes i just seen once you click on the full jeep. so i've come into the street time on the blog to offer all 3 entrances
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into the street. i can a class, she's taking place in the distance, both in menard square, although that's just like, yeah, like vision. but i can see that this, the smoke from the tail, i guess, just on the ground, and i can smell it for when i am at the moment. you can probably hear those gunshots going off in front of me. these rabies haven't moved. so in that position, this rate began around 1 am. i came out onto the balcony and i saw 6 piles of smoke as these ladies cleared the way to get in. now they've had to come in um, from a nearby military installation, which is i actually see for where i am right now. so they would have come in from like the least a 3 sides of i'm seeing um i sold in cash to drive in, but they had to clear the street to us. there weren't very many people out on the streets then once and talked to the vehicles i sold outstanding, you through stones that those vehicles say they were missing quite
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a lot because they were doing it from behind the walls and things. and now, and then there was a biologist shows like a very, very intense which for about 45 minutes. now it's much more sporadic, but uh, these resources on moving and yeah, the phase, the completely blown off the street. i mean, i'm from all 3 sides. and you're proposing from ramallah from the outside west bank many times over many years. how unusual is it to see these sorts of scenes rise in the seats of the palestinian authority there in ramallah? certainly haven't seen it since i'll try with the 7. i think this is a far larger right in the center of the model. and then we've seen a pulse of the for a very long time. this is incredibly unusual. i mean, kindly, sofa date shows you um the, the posting authority, the posting. uh, you know, security forces don't have control over remotely. they don't have control and you and the occupied westbank. really,
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these riley's can simply come in time of the choosing whatever they want and they can shut. they can shut off, essentially remove that, which is exactly what happened right now. all right, and mines on the in ramallah and the occupied west bank. thank you very much for the moment. um. so those shooting in uh we have breaking news coming out of the occupied westbank right now. lines the on your screens. a very large scale is really military operations is ready rates across the west bank from north to south bits not. and i'm familiar situation given the share frequency and scale that we have seen since the will began on october the 7th. however, our reporters and producers on the scene is saying, this is a much broader launch a bigger operation. then we have seen for some time, and so that is why we are concentrating on it and dividing the hour so far to it,
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to these pictures that you're seeing right now coming from ramallah and from elsewhere in the occupied westbank. let's bring in the and it's smith, once again i'm going to can you just re tab what's happening? not just the amount of that, but throughout the occupied westbank. any of the hours of thursday morning. yeah, so the raid in ramallah started about sort of an hour, an hour and a half ago, and there was some stone throwing. there was some confrontations between some people who were on the streets of the center of ramallah dot, while these ratings are still here. the is really military still here and there are all of it in there on the vehicles that don't seem to be any people left on the street. so the complications such as they were here a, it's certainly from the very a where we are in the very city sense of the pay to be over. although there's the, to the physical presence of these is ready military, the still less still around,
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but not just here. we've had also this evening law continuing get re continuing. as far as we know in the have bron in jeanine in nablus until car. um, uh and in cal kalia and these, uh, uh, you know, major population centers across the west bank razor a nightly occurrence. 42, all de about outreaching a night since october 7th. they were right spongy rates in the west function before october. the 7th. i'm the one so the they were, they were so regular and so normal that they didn't really marry huge amounts of reporting that just many, many more of them now. and i'll recently, it's a very oppressive atmosphere. it's very disruptive to daily life. people get killed . 6 people killed. 6 young men killed in a drone strike only yesterday and the right in the west bank. it's a very,
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very dangerous place to be. and while the opposite of westbank web hosting is, might feel that more secure as residential areas. people will see tonight, palestinians will see to not even here in the central valley, which is a really generally inc, compared to the rest of the west bank is generally very quiet. sort of peaceful, a barrier in comparison. well, not tonight the, the occupation is rails full, she's of reached right into the administrative costs of ramallah and there's no way of stopping them. of course, a palestinian security forces are um, but who would never come from directly is really forces on any way. we'll have a way overpowered in terms of the, the 5 pounds of the, the palestinians have an inferior we will be working as opposed to working corporation and coordination with these writers anyway. us and in terms of what you can ask to tell you and so far, i mean it,
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does it seem that this is another sort of concerted coordinated campaign of arrests that are looking for people again, what can we say to think about the objectives so far? of, of this morning's rates. it's all the same, the login's what the objectives of these particular raids are not go to any major news. yes. yes. on the level of a number of arrests. so not does come tend to come later later in the evening as, as the fake is a gathered. and, but we do, you know, we do know from previous raids that they are particular targets where the best buy to is whether that particular individuals they want to arrest. and they see the normal pattern of raids that they will go in and they'll have a target in mind. they'll either be resistance to them getting that target to will they will just go in and get that target and they'll be an exchange of gunfire. and
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you know, by frequently people, people get killed in those confrontations. so tonight doesn't seem more unusual than overnight. in terms of the been right there. all rates on going have good going on across the west bank, just unusual from office spec to that we have happened to be next. we happen to be seeing long, which is on which is unusual for rose. and they just happens to be going on where we are, but it's a be, you know, it's a, it's an occupational hazard for, for anybody that lives here. but it, it just just seems a bit wind to scale perhaps than the normal on some of these raids uh, uh, sort of in and out. so probations, i mean, we so yeah one earlier a couple of weeks ago a new janine that lost in some more than 2 days. it, it's hard to know isn't it to anyone living in these neighborhoods exactly what is about to happen to them? it's this constant threat that, that is always looming. and that is why so disruptive. uh,
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july is not only dangerous, but it's a total. it's a totally controls your life in the west bank. so you don't know from one day to the next. what road will be closed off? what town or village will be subject to the raid? and it's very hard to plan your life accordingly. yes. as you say, some of them that used to be much more often the case is they would, they would have happened in the middle, not they were in and outraged. and by the morning these rarely said less life would, you know, return to normal. but quite often now they drag on, so they drag into the daylight hours of forcing people to stay at home because these fall too dangerous. leave your ho when these riley, when isaac is ready, soldiers are on the streets. so it forces people to stay at home, it stops kids going to school. it stops businesses opening and it stops people going to work on it to total total disruption of, of life. but they sees life under occupation. this is how we choose as i've
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stations. well before october, the 7th, so many years before that it's just the difference. now we these rails really tightening the screw a and a really awful going after on the finish business trying to make sure the palestinian all the powers do. now i'm groups not just, not just the groups affiliated with hamas, but trying to make sure the of the palestinian groups do not get a full told. do you need a particular area where these ratings operate because that the palestinian security forces do don't have control. other engineering there are um groups to control the streets that i'm not the way you buy, you see much more a is rarely security forces or activity. then you do and then you do in ramallah. and then there's been a real sort of coalescing of some of those groups in recent months and years and, and perhaps even
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a shifting and some of the tactics in terms of in providing improvised explosive devices. and other ways of confronting is really false is what can you say about what is going on in terms of those on groups as well? yes, i guess there are, there are uh different uh um groups, particularly in janine and also in, in nablus as well. um, but uh yes, take on a did are able to take home its riley forces, although with nothing like of course the files on the 5 pallets, these rarely forces are able to return. israel would say that it's going it's commit to it's performing these right, conducting these raids to stop these groups evolving into a much larger threat. but you know, from the palestinian perspective, well the more of these rights all the more oppressive suppression of the occupation
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is then the more recruits are provided for these different groups. because there's no other outlets for palestinian research. didn't say there's no political, there's no particular political a rise, and there's no particular the way that the, the, there's no need no way of ending the occupation on the horizon. there's no palestinian states on the rise. and so this is where these groups that pain because the for many palestinians are viewed as a, is the only way of, of, is there any way of showing resistance to, as well as occupation here. and all of us, of course, happening with most attention focused on garza and obviously palestinians that are in the, in the west bank. so we're gonna cross back quickly to around thank you very much. but it's smith's way of crossing banks in wrong con. and perhaps i can ask you this question and with all the attention on guys, obviously people there in the,
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in the occupied west bank. very concerned about what's happening in gauze or, but there is a, perhaps a switch of attention away from what would otherwise be covered much more extensively as we are outside of doing right now. how do palestinians that feel about the fact that this has been happening on such a regular basis with most of the world's attention elsewhere? i was the one color sitting in a friend of mine. this guy didn't roughly said this is like a debt by a 1000 coats. it's very slow. it's deliberate that happens every night to get used to it slightly. so sometimes we get you set. but when it comes to i actual areas, we're reminded that we are on the brutal occupation that's almost verbatim what she told me. and that's something i think is worth noting that uh, you know, when these raise that now happening at a rate of $42.00 rate and only according to the official palestinian figure. uh,
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just as i'm speaking to another jeep has just another on the jeep is just turned off. but i'm not counting 3 full on my street. um, this one is just below me. it's going to blow cold. i think one of the entrance is the yeah. where i am now is being completely blocked. so if you can't get in the hole out and there are patrols taking place, i can hear the crashes get continuing. i'm not sick smell of tiny gas lifting down the street and i can see smoke on the ground menorah square, which is only about a 100 meters away from me. so this kind of thing. yes, absolutely. those affected people, given the focus is on garza policies. hey, i like a very frustrated because these ready to happen every night and very few international news towels. i actually cover the and that's frustrating because
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a lot of these right used to operate with all list and community knowing that they can put out statements like the one that they put out today regarding numerous hands of the 6 people to die. the simply calling the militants and they're on the list of intellectual gently, certainly. but they have to be able to contradict them. and that's, you know, some, that's one of the reasons why we go down to places like no worries. i was kind of what needs wait a, a roof and trying to figure out what actually happened because otherwise these ladies will just put out whatever they want to put out. you can edit those classes again. i can shooting in the background. well yeah, we're hearing a lot of shots just that are in the background in ron, is it to? well, i mean what can you just um it is, it's a small arms fire. what what, what can you hear? i can currently have small um fi um where i am actually at. um i called see what they're actually shooting ads. um, but it seems to be multiple locations cuz i can have them um,
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probably about same maybe a couple 100 meters away. but i can also hit him slightly further away than that. so it doesn't seem to be just one location that they going for ordinarily when these types of rates happen, the well, these are the only do as well. i'm witnessing and i'm telling you about these. they feel all the area, and then they'll go in, believe they search house the house who they'll have a specific house. so they'll go in and arrest people from it. if it's a smaller rate, and they can do that generally when some 3 or 4 as a very big explosion within about 3 or 4 hours. but these range between the one in geneva, refugee camp last week, maybe 50 hours. and some of those sorts that we were just listening to uh, until were actually coming from janine. um, so once again janine i may just say its or of this uh, this sort of phenomenon of, of raids and military confrontations seems really me to change and promising in
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finances. and tell us if you can exactly why janine is such a focal point, or would it become a focal point because it is the hotline of the resistance? they've been within the occupied westbank before october 7th. oh, and then like you right across the i'll keep my wife like the most majority of those to actually talk to tools. so jenny refuge account officer, all type of 7 that has a go into a drive into the camp. in fact, a lot of people who live in the come spend 12 days in the camp in the late lead. i like a lot of people like she moved out of the camp completely and remedies of refugees, so that refugees twice related. because i've had to leave the janine refugee camp. i'm will these ratings have done very recently. probably still probably 7 is go into jeanine and destroy any symbols of either resistance or even
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nationalism and they was it my other is a statute of the power of the power steering and food is that it is already simply destroyed. and that is, and they dug up, bro, i'm seen this, we see me from the are sam's campus. well, it's a tactic that they use to make life incredibly difficult for the people that lives there and allow them to actually get put pressure on people be tactic with these ladies are using is trying to harass the camp so much that the people turn against the government, but we haven't really seen that happen. let them know the very huge explosion they bought. a just give me a 2nd. i'm trying just trying to see if i can say no, i can't actually see what i want, but that was very close. and what about the idea of it? this is not just happening this evening. does it roll this morning in janine and in
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ramallah. but it's also extended down to the areas around hebron, which is obviously an area where there are a lot of farm right. and nationalist is really circulars and extremely always tense, atmosphere bordering on violence. the ions in jericho, which is by contrast, usually in more normal times if there are such things that need before this current war is a less intense place. these rates just seem to be very, very widely spread. well, let's take it step by step i, let's say he told me, had brought in the 1st. let's go ahead run. i brought it divided 50. it's divided leaks in the down. the middle palestinians can only stick to that, so if they want to move around, they have to move, so it won't affect it looked like prison gates and that's, that's actively because they all, um, they a constantly harassed that there is
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a jewish is really side to the city with how those things cannot go to it is for a very fall right community that live the very whole community that live that, that regularly attack palestinians. um hey, buddy is a flash point city. um and it's something that's always the so there's always been raised so there's always been tensions that but they've spread out further now allow for refugee camp. no very fall from hebron is being rated was really last night and it's a subject i think of a raid this evening as well. so that table and, and that's something that does happen. and here in my life now we've seen this room on the gulf here. it actually is one of the most rated places we since october, the 7th, according to the official palestinian frigates. but here in the central room, a level which is where i am right now. this is a very on usual and how do i can
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a most shooting to go? well, i can see some there are some there are some youth out in the street so they don't seem to be, i'm sorry, just one second. there you go. yeah, no, i see it that this, these carts you seem to be getting much more intense and much more focused on the one area. so it looks like they actually found a focal point and they seem to be going into that, which is a tactic that we say, like i say, like i said earlier, you know, they'll go in the side of the house, the house, they'll try and arrest people but they have to create the area and that seems to be what they doing. and that's often times when you get casualties, when you get injuries is when they get closer into the target that the going off to alright, iran in romano. thank you very much. we're going to hang back to bennett. smith's now is also on the phone in ramallah. but what is the, the policy?
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no thoughts he's position on the list that's being done on some more than 2 months now. you've both been talking about how. yeah, the will start to use being so the road by what's been going on in garza and in israel and in the occupied westbank. what is the, the housing authority saying about the, the share extent and nature of these rights as well the policy and you know, forward, she's been very, is of course, very critical about uh, the nature of the extend and the scale of the rates. uh, they want the present mood of boxes will need in a very recent interview of the danger of a sort of an explosion in the west bank in terms of an explosion of, of the violence i guess, a frustration. and so of course, he's been very critical of that, but on, on the other hand though, it is the published and you know, authority that does provide security cooperation with israel in some areas of
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the westbank in terms of providing intelligence about activities that so they know these rallies want to know about um, but it's very hard for the palestinian authority's legitimacy to continue with security now is the the cooperation with these riley's, when the raids, such as on such a wide scale, arrived at the hospital of the administration of the palace to meet on fall or to see a, you know, the main city central ramallah be targeted isn't very unusual and really, you know, the palestinians head everywhere it's vulnerable, but it's a particularly notable and symbolic target that, that right here in the sit in the center of the administrative center of the policy know, pharmacy and yes, that is with just looking at these images, it is a notable thing to see the sheer size of the scale of seeming
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permanence. so most of these ministry vehicles have not been permanently, but they seem to be entirely unobstructed. and as in ron was describing coding off the area in which the, focusing the raid again the fact that this is happening in ramallah as such, length and in such intensity. is it something was remarking upon or yes it is because it's so a symbolic, really all the, i guess the, like the control look at the policy. no, no party has over what goes on, even in an, even in the very, even an administrative sense. even in a city that is generally quite peaceful in normal times enjoying the daytime. a city center that doesn't really witness. they sort of activity. normally
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it's just symbolic, really all of what little control, the palestinian or far she has over the over the did the destiny of the palestinians that live here under occupation. because the rage and on the right is not just going on here in ramallah and not knows we'll just because they happen to be where we can see them going on. but they're also going on as usual. now in janine and see the pepper on and in total power of annapolis, and they will even around jericho, which have generally not be targeted so much. and so everywhere, palestinians live in the west bank they, they feel the impact of, of, of these rates. and most of our teams in the region you've seen moving between israel and the occupied westbank in, in recent weeks. what can you say about the uh, the as rarely suspected on, on what's been going on an email address. i mean this is it seen as all part of the
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same issue as, as being dealt with and such date, deadly fashion and gaza? or is there still a deviation made between i must run gaza and the policy no authority in the west bank as well. these riley public and i've just spent the last couple of weeks in intel a v won't even know that she's going on. and these riley public will be a certain in the way the news is covered in israel are widely ignorant of the fact that there are way rates in the occupied west bank. the rest of israel is totally focused on dolls. uh uh theres country really still you would think it still in shock really postings, riley is about what happened on october the 7th and how much the tax on october the 7th many's randy to see how you doing like it's october the 8th. so it's what
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happens in the west bank ordinarily doesn't get much coverage of what happened. what's happening now doesn't really get any coverage on these riley television. and so is your, is riley's generally, don't really see what happens here, but would continue to recall as, as pops the, you know, the out from that perspective, the fear of the threat from palestinians in the west bank as well as those that those in dollars, right? the thank you very much, just to bring everybody watching is up to date is just turned 01 g n t. and we are bringing you live coverage of breaking news in the occupied west bank, where there are extensive is really military raids going on even in the context of recent weeks of such rage. this is a particularly broad and large scale such right sensory.


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