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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the carry, johnston, this has been use a lot from the coming up. the next 60 minutes assess for survivors in southern carson officer is fairly strikes, destroyed palestinian homes and rapids. at least 20 people have been killed. desperate scenes inside overwhelmed hospitals view and says patients on waiting to
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die gauze shot to the health system, no food, no water, no shelter. we have from displaced palestinians forced to live outdoors, facing the threats of 500 surviving tennessee. according for an end to the board guns, also the funeral, so held for palestinians killed in his very rates on the mountains. upsize the united nations human rights office calls for an end to rights violations and occupied westbank. news is $21.00 cmt that 7 pm in gaza were in the last few hours and it's really strikers here to a residential building in rafa. but these 20 people died in the attack and had a q, 80 hospital in southern garza. many of those injured have been children ago,
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it was approved, alive from the rubble in the morning. you may find these images distressing. the little girl has been rushed to the hospital where she is now undergoing treatment. this try catch a building sheltering display, some kind of experience they're going to see in here. now more of the chaos and the minutes photo is that is for
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the let's cost live now to take assume tara could tell us more about what happened and what's happening around you now. i guess uh, a residential building earlier today in fact, had been a completely flat since we're around at least it 20 palestinians have to report that kills a by the use when it strikes and others have also have been going to this house was completely full of the back to reason, which was so close to our location right now, and want to present it to you oval, tweaky, hospitalized. we have been hearing the sound of the mass explosion that took place on that region. as people start to rush to the location of the target targeting to help the civil defense teams, to effectuate victims from under the buckles as before, taking using to pull the victims from under the difference of the destroyed houses
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. now these attacks on these areas continue on that truck had a zip code in one of the areas that considered to be very densely populated, incidental rough, uh, and this is one of the most lovely subtract that it took place today in this area was designated as a sage soon, but mean meanwhile, meanwhile, these attacks continue in such areas. despite all the evacuation waves that had happened earlier today to roof, which becomes very overwhelmed with get back to be as low as long as these minute treat. campaign had been expanding to reach a rough as well in terms of the minute treat strikes of the anti right. yes. as you say, a desperate situation. so hospitalized only partially operating in what is now, as you say, a densely populated area with people with tulsa, free. and yet israel is expanding its offensive. what more content?
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it's just a completely uh, the majority of hospitals in psych, garza's trip had to come out to service due to the ease when you, i'm renting plumbing and also to the expansion of the military ground operation inside guns that they have destroyed. and the majority of hospitals in the north central areas of kansas city. and now the situation is excessive 18, even in the north, as a very limited number of hospitals are still operating right now. and they are struggling also to keep providing treatment for thousands of presidents as now we are talking about only 3 hospitals. right now is rough. i keep operating, i know, providing a treatment for around 1000000 palestinians, especially with the more evacuations that are taking place from time to about to reflect so completely the situation does very tie us around 2 sides of the hospitals inside garza had become completely out of service and if the situation
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becomes a way it continues, there is there any change took place, a being particular in the south of which are treat to mitigate the medical crisis and situation day by day will get much more excessive. pay to then difficult as there are more, there is no pressure on the medical teams on hospitals to keep providing medical treatments waiting to die. one of the goals, those last remaining hospitals, steps to you as assessment of patients seeking treatment in the territories shut to medical system. relentless is ready for abutment and the dwindling supplies. mean, there are no longer any function, your hospitalization, another one cause there isn't enough split or just a few to run generators. power ventilation is and according to you on the least styles that children have had their lives to tell you to be bound to unsuccessful.
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i've been to the north, i was in the hospital just a few days ago where the health work is back on teeth and do the basics anymore. so you have rooms invested by flies. you have people who will die of injuries but should not be killing people. natalie baptist hospital because of the bad with patients so much dis just now use to house the intake of faith coming into gone. so not nearly a match for the severity of the health care crisis. we have some medication where you don't have like the village to choose which, which one is the best to lose what they thought it's available. but after the save didn't, you don't have the best option for you. a vision single use bit old medication which can both scientific closing motive lead think with the heart of the vision of the content of him. otherwise, she would leave him, would like suffering from being in the south. another wave of into it arrived at hospice,
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a rating that 3 times its capacity stuff struggling with the same shortages as the leaks in the north trying to help these palestinians families from kansas city, seated israel's evacuation. they moved south, believe the would be 6 the that we were sitting and eating when we found something falling over our heads. none of us are him aust, numbers or anything. i wish we hadn't come to con eunice. i wish we'd stayed and got the city there wounded here and there were wounded there. i wish we had just stayed in gaza. city hospitals in the south are the only ones that are still partially functioning, even periods, as well as expands in military offensive politics from the palestinians where the prison society attends to more rooms at the jump. these courses wed talk. i said this week within the schools,
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doctors are forced to step over parties as they rushed to the next patients, hoping that some will survive. while the co yards of the hospitals have become a perio science place of morning. and instead of being a place of feelings, topic about zoom out. just a rough, rough off in southern guns on these very armies latest evacuation or does cover a vast area of central guns that including a gauzy refugee camp with tens of thousands of palestinians. a sheltering that being told to move to the elbow law, which is for the south displaced palestinian sleeping intense suffering and truly terrible living conditions in calgary reports have listings in gaza. no. oh training is really, bonds is futile, but it doesn't stop from attorney and had them a beautiful. we specialize in our home was demolished and my son was killed. we fled and the bombing lasted all night. became here from fun. eunice,
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there is no proper shelter. every time we go to an area at the target us, there was a simon in this and strangers crowd together, intense indebted, but now as the is really military pushes ahead with its ground assault further north, north looks ugly. why did we ask for one thing to stop this war? stop people suffering at any cost? i think it is terrible. children are sleeping in the cold. i brought a disabled girl from i'll put a shiver, angel to the fact that i struggled to bring her here. i was walking all this way with disabled people and children. this is the height of suffering. what? death would be more merciful to many set. their home screwed up enough, warm clothes, and blankets. they thought they'd be able to return. the un is warning. all palestinians in garza are twist of the time and more than half a 1000000 people are already starving. and mothers, children, especially those forced to sleep outside,
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are vulnerable to hypothermia. it's either death by bonds and bullets are slow death from hunger, in quote, excuse me, for how does it not leave me alone? let me live by that you left me live or kill me. i don't want to see the tragedy of my children when they say they want bread and i'm unable to give it to them. all money has run out. there was nothing left. on the brink of despair, these families have been displaced multiple times. and now that they may well be forced to move a gun in the city to 0. the hundreds of people have been taking part in a pro at peace rather than the streets of tennessee. it demonstrates is quoting for an immediate end to the war and gaza, it's been organized by standing together a grassroots organization including jewish and palestinian israeli citizens. a correspondent saw a higher up towards the protest, but she spoke with i don't leave green,
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the co director of standing together. he said he's hoping to help in the blood shed and goes to say that we're moving one sitting. the other is read about a city and cities, enjoy citizen as well, and mysterious is demand of us. and it's hard to achieve a ceasefire agreement which will allow us to bring back the hostage as these really all judges from guys. and as well as the killing of innocent people because we understand the some way, all floors one more after the other. another only destruction in the morning. i mean the people and we are here to say that only a way of a student named occupation saving reality equality and dependents to everyone with only will achieve security to me as a choices read. and we hear to say that we are combining our hands of students through sense of these various and joyce citizens of these, well only by working together we can build the power in our society to also change
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the society to also build what is necessary to be a majority, the men space sharing these rather and who do you think is i'm actually going to be listening to this. when holes in israel are showing that there's an overwhelming support for the war and the dog the you already have some people have just the same, same on you. we have to be filled. what you, what, how much do you think you can achieve in guessing that message? how long you convinced the masses of full political solution moving fluids away from the jackson destruction? so we are growing. the movement is growing, standing together is aggressive. it's joyce processing and moving the news where the has been growing since the war started because of our message alternative to this world is rarely policy and piece of ending the occupation. then we understand that we cannot take the moral high ground and lecture, you know, to people and tell them no, no, no, your race the so you're fast, you know, we need to talk about also the interest of is
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a l e. c. be sense to end occupation to achieve security this way of controlling millions of, of people, of millions of people that are not as rarely, citizens, palestinians, living under documentation or means well, can not bring a security. it can only bring us the resistance and violence. and we see, wait, let us earlier on thursday, hundreds of young is really, is attended another, probably another connected to in west jerusalem, the monitoring the government to more to secure the return of captives being held in. got some different testers set down to the march from that kind of leave on sunday as well says that i'm asked as 2 holes and 129 captives taken on october. the 2nd 3 of those capt is when the stake in the killed vice. very false is earlier this month. my o, this has been happening on the streets, israel's war cabinets is meeting or how does that sound, who joins us now from occupies the eastern,
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has been home to the will come and as we say is meeting what's the particular agenda for these thoughts then of the a few different things on the agenda for benjamin netanyahu and his war cabinet. but let's begin with some of the political divide that's been going on that led him to cancel one of the agenda items for this evening's meeting. the war cabinet was supposed to be discussing for the 1st time what they are planning to do the day after the war ends, as benjamin netanyahu calls that quote, the day after him, us. but there's been a lot of division. and additionally, pressure from members of the right wing coalition, specifically the ultra nationalists of the group like bits and it smelt rich, the country's finance minister. and additionally, it's a more been very the countries national security minister. there's a lot of disagreements between them and the war cabinet on how they have been handling and conducting themselves through out this war,
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saying that benjamin netanyahu hasn't been hard enough in their attacks on gaza. now due to that pressure from those right wing coalition members, nothing else who has canceled that portion of the meeting. and remember, as members of the coalition like bessolo smote, rich have previously been asking these really prime minister for a seat at the table when it comes to the warren cabinet because they are not part of the war making decisions. however, that's still has not happened. and it doesn't seem to look like it will happen now 83 days into this war. but also one of the other agenda items is also the proposal for potentially the release of more captives for a much larger palestinian prisoner exchange the head of israel's most david barney . 6 is expected to be asked that more cabinet meeting to discuss some of the minute details of this proposal and what can be done for the does really side. but
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because of the divisions within the government, it's not really clear how that meeting is going to conclude. and have the is very officials have been speaking about what they call the next stage of the what are they didn't say? or let's begin with benny gans, a member of the country's war cabinet. and a former defense minister speaking today in his role south saying that the army is ready for the next stage of the war, meaning, but the fighting is going to be more powerful when you want it to send a message to him as fighters in gaza. that those who do not surrender will die in this next phase of israel's assault on guns. up now it's had to be defensive. but as there you go up, the line to spoke at length about is really military operations. involves a self in con unit, saying that operations like this have never been done before and given their scale and size, but that they are necessary to achieve the goals,
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but as all has outlined for their war. and finally, when asked about the longevity of this war, these really are re spokesperson, daniel, how got it said the quote, it's going to be a very long time going sentiments for military and political officials a like for the last several weeks. who said that they're not really putting any sort of time table on it, despite any sort of international pressure until those military objectives are reached inside of gaza. these really say they're going to continue on with their war despite the catastrophic and die or humanitarian situation that has been folded inside of gaza. these really say the we're on dasa will not, and not 1st the from the so who thank you very much for that to people have been wounded in a stabbing attack of the check point west of best buy him according to is where the police
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a man with the knife entrance to his race before being shot and killed by security forces to attack it was something yeah. to south of hebron. both of those were into there in the 20 isn't what taken to hospitals. this is very ami husband conducting a series of coordinating raids across the occupies westbank kidding. at least one protestant in an injury. dozens incursion is targeting money exchange outlets with estimated $2500000.00. these 2 have been seized in wrong con, report stuff from about yet another pre don't rate by israeli soldiers in the occupied westbank is become unlike the car in this. but the scale and intensity of this coordinated operation stands out of this video released by these ready on the show, what it sold as well off the money exchange outlets. this is part of the is the, the policy to punish the 1st thing in westbank. and this is, it goes to the collective punishment, those exchange outlets in
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a window into the palestinians. we know since my live in that is a tough measures and the destination to globally use by all governments to monitor them and to consummate from a to z a and this kind of, uh, the destination can i can, can for the exact to it. but it goes, i think what happens is part of is i the measurement of them to, to punish the 1st thing is these riley defends witness the signed and all the declaring 5 money exchange shops, terrorist financing organizations. and as soon as it did that, that's when these raids coordinated rates across the occupied westbank happens. he says that these riley's took around needing $3000000.00 us dollars from 5 different locations. at some exchange outlets, it is ready for us is left leaflets comparing a mass to ice so to detain business owners and confiscated sites. these really all be carried out incursions in multiple cities including hebron in the south room a lot now,
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but still call them engineering and the no one paramedics provided. i know when this account had the modified as a bought the we treated on transported for injured palestinians who were shots in the chest and shoulder leg and sensitive areas. with point 2 to 3 kind of rounds. were able to get the injured to the hospital and 2 of the injuries were transported by all colleagues from the palestinian red crescent. analysts believe israel is stepping up as incursions to send a message. this is a pretty clear indication that the as rallies are going full force to try to prevent the west bank from breaking out into yet another military confrontation filled with business before october. the 7th is ready for us is conducted an average of 12 rates daily in the occupied westbank very, very well since the war and gauze began. they've increased for about 42
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a day. sales and palestinians have been arrested in the united nations has released the reports condemning the worst thing. human rights situation occupies westbank and occupied the eastern loose. and it says that policies are trumped in the cycle of fear facing the relentless force of these many of them in bonds from settlers, according to the reports between october, 7th and december, 27th. very 300 palestinians were killed primarily due to is there any miniature operations and air rates on refugee camps? the 492 palestinians have been killed by these very forces this year highest since un starting recording such that's more than 4780 percent of students have been detained. un says they're subjected to torture and violence in hispanic channels. many have reported severe injuries without access to medical care. and there's an
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increase in secular volumes including settlers taking over the palestinian land, leading to forced displacement. the u. n. is quoted on as well to abide by international no stop or violence against palestinians. i'm sorry, investigate these incidents, use of military tactics and weapons in law enforcement context. and the use of unnecessary or disproportionate force by the is ready to security forces. extremely trumpeting visualization of palestinians that characterizes many of the southwest actions is very disturbing and must cease immediately. i caught on each row to take immediate clear and effective steps to put an end to set the violence against the palestinian population. to investigate all incidents of, of violence by settlers. and these rarely security forces just so high as the head of the united nations human rights office in the occupied palestinian territory.
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besides the statistics and the reports speak for themselves. there are about $4700.00 and um are people who have been detained 2000 plus since the 7th of october, access to them has not been easy. however, some of them have been released. they have had an opportunity to speak to them and also gather information from a number of other sources. lot from what we have been hearing is the treatment and ready a horrible situation in detention centers. and also in some cases, you know, a x that amount to torture, such a while as has been a major cause a problem for years, no settlements have been expanded. that are over 7, about 700000 settlers into a spank, including is 00 asset laws get closer and closer to the policy and community at this point in time. they're all over in west bank pensions. increase is really
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sightless attack coating communities are posting and what we have seen this year, particularly after the 7th of october, is an embodiment of settlers for different reasons. and they've started attacking, knocking one or $21.00 o one cases. but in groups we have seen earlier this year, and a lot of you've seen similar such coordinated secular tax on the palestinian community and heard is and many others in discussing been warm and have decided to move away from places. but they have been leaving for us. so to come off to the break, we'll explain how the us is sounding to stop me. see a fax in the red seats by blocking the funding. see from the wrong the . all right,
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let's roll with your weather update across here. if in africa for friday and got to tell you, you're still going to feel this thing with the wind in the northwest. so let's go in here for a closer look. especially along that west coast of the republic of ireland. it's not going to be as bad as it has been. gust about 50 kilometers power and ok. this is interesting many spots in scandinavia right at the freezing marks. so as precipitation moves in here, there is a chance we could see about a freezing rain, then we get back into the snow places like also could see 5 to 15 centimeters over the next little bit for central europe are dealing with fog issues in some spots such as, cooler and warmer air mix together and then actually air quality issues in san diego. now for turkey, not much to report. plenty of sun right across the country, not a bad day, and it's double 10 degrees for you. on friday, the other side of the mediterranean, different story, it's adapt a really for the coast of portugal, and for the top end of africa, also not much to reports here, major sketches, shower across the co sign of the gulf is getting here. but to the south,
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we had seen some pretty big storms in the northwest province in south africa. they're now shifting into the northern k providence and the western cape province. and some of these could be severe. that's rep dates using the hearing the have you had to be, they said he has the support of 15 minutes of shot pick phenomena. then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world when you closer to the fonts of the story in the life of the 9 year old under is brady bombardment, trauma tentative,
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displacements, scarcity, and the moments where childhood still shines through a child of this on a jersey. the talk about her mind to all the headlines now. and it's rarely attack no $28.00 plus begin southern guns or is killed at least 20 people. let's try to get to a residential building. extras are emerging of young children injured in the boss
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because of health care facilities continue to be targeted products to you and red crescent that says at least 10 people have been killed and injured internet attacks that amount possible to the southern city con hundreds of people have taken fonts and the pro peace rodney the streets and tennessee demonstrates as, according from the media to n, to the warren goss. organized by standing together across fruits, organization included jewish until a student is very citizens displaced and hungry, palestinians accusing for food in reference. people the say the situation is desperate. you in agencies, voiding that the entire population of gods was facing the imminent risk of famine. i mean mcclure reports to the health available is a small, the demand is a great displays, palestinians it from northern, on central gaza queue up at the school in rough or in the hopes of being given food
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or even just water. the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees, just like them. i don't know what to do with peace or civilians who have no connection to what's happening and we have children. and we can't find milk, food or water baton, even find a plastic sheet. most of the population of gauze that has been displaced multiple times in the past few months, leading with whatever they can carry towards the charities. in 8 agents offices for schools and municipal building that have been converted into the temporary shelter . un facilities are packed full several times above their maximum capacity for hungry. there's no hygiene, there's no water. we're dying of the cold. there 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets, just so my children can have them. you and has warned that in the coming months,
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gaza was faced family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors, weak and hungry, with little access to a static patient's conditions arrive for the doctors without borders. warren, that an epidemic is inevitable. and would most hospitals, antic linux out of service. when people do fall ill, they will have no where to go. honey, my move all your data. dropbox, southern gaza. united states as imposing new sanctions on money exchange services accused of funding the ring and funds to the who with these in the government, the move follows a series of let me see a tax on commercial shipping vessels in the red sea. the group says it will continue to target ships until israel ends at sworn gods at this times being sanctioned on based in human ends to kim washington as forms of maritime coalition in the region and determine the attacks for the vice and ministration is hoping the
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sanctions will bring stability back to the region, can be how could sent this report from the white house of the us treasury is sanctioning one individual, as well as 3 money exchanges that it alleges have helped transfer millions of dollars from iran to humans base to see group and in turn have launched attacks on various shipping vessels in the red sea. now the impact of the sections, the treasury department hopes, will be to shut down the free flow of money to the who these and in turn prevent future attacks. now, this is what the treasury heart department is hoping will be the outcome and also, but there will allow for the uptake of international shipping and trade in
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a region that has really been stunted in recent weeks. the hosting is, of course, has been back in come off and in recent weeks, as israel has launched it, war on gaza at the who's these have been in support of home us. and so these attacks have increased significantly the by the ministration hopes that by putting in place these sections they can in turn restore some stability to the region. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house you estimate here is reporting that the secretary of state anthony blinking is heading to the middle east. next week to discuss, the more on gossip is visit comes as is read, expands its ground, defensive targeting areas in central and something goes up. regional media to egypt has put forward a 3 stage plant in the buttons, but that's yet to be accepted by the m. s. o israel with that spring and not to be thought she now she's a director of the institute to a fire internationally. she's a former special advisor to you for an offense. it's going to become
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a really and does it very well. she joins us now from the colorado. firstly, where do you think we all know in terms of any possible brokering of a cease as well. we basically see israel as we've been discussing, intensifying its attacks on garza, the pressure, therefore he goes to a mounting. and i think what's interesting about the situation is that kind of is basically really been stepping up. so whereas in the 1st weeks of the war, negotiations with a century revolving around the mediation of cats are and in particular around the pressure and the cost to treaties. now we basically see each of which of course, uh, also is concerned with the questions the hostages, but majority is aiming at the mediation of, of the c spot. now this is very clearly will egypt. i'm only egypt centrist, sorry,
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because our staff pressure on gas is mounting the threats of displacement of palestinians into egypt, increasing increases, which obviously poses also a massive stretch to, to egypt itself. so we see basically sort of egypt stepping off to the place that having said that, we also see the fact the israel doesn't seem to be in the very least intention to move towards the ceasefire. and at the moment of neither do we see the united states actually present much pressure on israel to move in this direction. you mentioned a lot of states them in the us secretary state antony blinking is heading to them at least next week. according to us media, what can we read into that as well? i mean, i think, you know, said it's uh, basically on the one hand, but we have been seeing, uh, is the united states. uh, is sort of inviting israel to lower the level of intensity of its war and garza. but we haven't seen the united states actually making the steps towards quoting proceeds far. in fact,
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what we have seen in the last round of the united nations security council is the united states, toward extracts and purposes abstaining from its own draft resolution. we know that the united states have been very heavily involved in the drafting of the resolution that ultimately had even dropped a reference to, to a c spot. so at the moment we don't see that us actually putting pressure on israel honestly spar. however, as that each trips in role is actually increasing in presence. and then as we know, as egypt has been, uh, sort of cooling for a ceasefire. blinking will basically find it. so you know himself in the, in between on a rock and a half based on the one hand, the growing pressure from regional k is towards a ceasefire. but that resistance for mr. old, that united united space is actually not doing much out to push. and then to we, we look at the why the region that and then what about humans,
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who with these targeting shipping in the, the red, see how much that play out as well. we basically sort of, you know, that this is something that has been a course ongoing since the beginning of this role. we see the level of who see uh, sort of a tax increasing, which of course cannot be also detached from what has been happening a couple of days ago. i the assassination of an array in general. uh general. besides the uh, in, in syria. so basically we see that level of regionalization, the pressure towards the retail nice ation of the war increasing which of course is also launching. probably going to be at the center of anthony thinking discussions as he comes to the beach. and what about is really a prominence to benjamin netanyahu in his position? is he essentially playing alone game as well?
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yes. i mean, it's very clear that out, so long as this rule continues, israel isn't likely to go to the pulse and the medicine, which israel does go to the polls. it's very likely that's a nissan you all will. and his grip on power. so very clearly there is a personal interest meeting beyond the state interest of israel to continue the school there i think is also very personal interest or benjamin that's now installed to continue the school for as long as possible. definitely talk to you, we leave it there. thank you very much indeed for joining us. thank you. young, this is randy my husband jails for refusing 9 to 3 minute to service. tell me that nick has an 18 year old, is rarely from tennessee. he refused to serve in protests against the war and gossip. currently, 150000 people are active service and 360000. who is this having pulled up for the boeing concept? refusing conscription is
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a criminal offense and is relevant can lead to weeks in prison and a criminal record. so anyway, we spoke to associate or she's supposed to list and these ready. all right, but it's refusing to do so. she says she was against it, the foldable and gospel, and spends by her decision despite threats to her safety. i made that decision because it was used as a default in the idea of some violent policies of a british. i'm in a file type and to be filed of this endless cycle of blood should i choose to with us because there is no military solution. the global and now with the wall this has become more of them then as well. and so my diffuser is more important to me, the name and i choose through the fields in a very popular quade, and hope to which is a very society, especially young people, to show them to, to if everything is an option. and that space is an option, the only option and no one is going anywhere. indeed, the society is an excellent explaining to me the ballistic one and refusing is
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absolutely nothing except i'm saying. and i am calling today to say this page in june. i guess the wish was to me man relate to cube. and since the roles felt that it has the growth and bolts that has been shifted to the night and that i was out of the storm. and there was always been a pedestrian of activist in the car left, especially and kind of thing. and it was easily citizenship but also invited us. so i am willing, but it's worth it because they've been informed me. one person is going to view my loans and they will make them think that it's voltage and i'm waiting to and know the consequences of that was in 4000 the french and is rarely do national is all taking part in israel's world gauze at the summit politicians and human rights organizations in france have criticize their involvement in that conflict. so i, okay, i got reports. these are the counselors of israel's national korea, actual goal that port in the queue of french and is ready,
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jewel nationals who books last minute tickets. but we're given travel priority, they have some of those who all said, israel is cool to sign up to fight in concepts which will be crunch media accompanied them. electra, i need to tell of eve and well israel has welcome that participation. it doesn't have unanimous support back home. one parliamentarian once the french nationals have joined the ranks of these ready army to be investigated and even prosecuted for that, they will probably send for them. i'm not here to pretty jo jo slim to anybody, but i am calling for an investigation and def charge of the proven to be true. then they must be brought to justice. oh, the number of frenchmen have published videos confirming the presence on the battlefield, prompting calls for accountability and cautions about the danger of allowing french nationals to fight along side is where the soldiers left. so soon as you had to pay the bill, what's been wondering about this issue for quite some time fonts. and these were
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all signed an agreement years ago, allowing french nationals to seventy's really all me, which is a for an occupation army. the french government refuses to address the issue, despite the public and political criticism it has caused some observers. the silence isn't surprising. to me, the french government doesn't want to address this issue. it's a whole different but because you know, way separate it's policies seem to endorse these. i mean, the army enterprise and national engagement come, but there is no regards to consequences. brought to the public mama in which a number of french nationals joined. the is ready, army continues to raise questions, which may persist long off to their return to france. so when a guy ego, i'll just say era. so we're heading for a break, but off to it says fights and escalates between me and laws, military and alms groups. china are just as nationals to be the for the top porterville,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the 2nd up now some of the days of the world news. and also central nigeria, they've been reports of further violence days off the armed groups killed 9200 people and displaced thousands communities and the bulk of the air plateau state tasks still varying that exactly. they just reports from a bu jump. the government says it's implementing new security measures upon with
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no escape from this car. when gunmen attacked to the vehicle and set it on fire. others were just lucky. and the car was born with my and that's just that you say who was a coupon to kind of walk. so we tried to escape with some people. is i so the attack us blow up the do we must going upon last hand, but somebody served some ida, they hit me with the machine cutting off my hand. they struck again and had my lift on. i took more blows down the list when i pretended to be deal kinda as communities in north central nigeria buddies the dead. the searches on full possible survivors. many people are still missing after the series of attacks by the president is all the security forces to find the kill us when one community into a nation,
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peals the pin the pin. we now frances estimates that your religion people get greedy. the price is a testament or humanity, no defense, but law enforcement officials are struggling to try to fight this in the region. the conflict and participate goes by decades. it started this ethnic and religious wireless, but has become more complex in recent years. climate change politics and criminality, adding new dimensions to the conflict sizes of people that flipped their homes. we have tried to deploy all the thoughts that we'd know including dialogue to be able to resolve. and depending issues that are between communities. it's clear that's not enough to stem the tide of violence, not only in flight of state, but across the north of the country. steve is leaving this to get to this issue.
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you will find that same issue of attack, a contact at that place that small bodies are recovered from destroyed villages. people here are worried about retaliatory attacks, which would only add to the cycle of violence and displacement. how many degrees i would use, either of which i democratic republic of colon goes at catholic and protestant churches have been presenting the findings of the homes of ation. vision on the countries at presidential election, which took place on december 20th. 44000000 people were registered to vote. but the electoral commission struggle to get voting materials or holding on time. finance fled off to position candidates dismissed. any results shouldn't even come into a few weeks hating the dodge lead training. they were fortunate, catherine, so it has more from the construction to the touch lead does deployed there observers across the country. and today they have released the preliminary run
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findings and uh, what stands out is that you regularities that have been witnessed. and the last couple of days. and they say that this irregularities are enough to affect the outcome of the election. so they want the electro commission to do a investigate and look into some of these irregularities. i had of publishing a nice a results. now it, it was a big report. and one of the issues that came out of it as well is the disorganization that was witnessed the talking. they said that the majority of the voters did not vote on time. they talk about some political and agents and witnesses a could not and says pulling stations because the electro commission officials ton
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them away. and then they, the issue of, you know, of damaging the machines. we so molds destroying this machines. we also a, so the machine, what not working in some parts and then we also, so you may just of some individuals actually making away and take you off with the machines and went home with a machine and well bolting there. so all of these are causing a lot of sites and see and that, you know, this lead is also saying that it's not just about now we have to go back to the staff of the election. the process itself was mod, weave laurel, i'm fact into, there was a lot of controversy. people say that they do not trust this process and they don't believe that the election is going to be free. all fixed costs we saw all does 0 contrast sign is embassy me and mark as urgent its nationals to leave
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a north eastern region. as soon as possible. it says there's a growing security risk in northern co ton, which board is china? me and mas ministry has been battling on the groups that since the 2021 crew has been a major escalation in hostilities across the country. since i'm groups launched and offensive against some of the tree 2 months ago. pretty triangle, thoughts from bank of this is a country which is now in a very business civil war. and the crucible of that as, as emerged in the last couple of months is shan state. the cocoa and area is the area of close to the chinese border. we've seen fighting the since the end of october since the $2710.00 offensive, which was known just by a group of street and rebel groups called the brotherhood of lions. they moved very quickly, seizing over a 100 military installations, seizing an awful lot of weapons,
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and they have carried that momentum through the area, particularly. i think the chinese embassy is concerned about is the city of la guy . this is a very active trading post staging. post for a lot of the trade going across the board. but in recent years, it had also become a center for a lot of illegal activity in the drug smuggling and scam, census of the chinese maybe protesting now. but i think the feeling was that these rebel groups would have had to have had at least some tacit approval from the chinese authors as before they launched that offensive. and the fact that they had such stunning success in the last couple of months is because of that. nonetheless, the area is very dangerous. there is fighting on the ground. there are land mines which have been deployed by both sides. and the military is trying to fight back with tillery and strikes. so it is a very dangerous place to be in a chinese,
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very keen to get any citizens. this remains. and there was thought to be more than 20000 in that area to get them back across the border unsafe as quickly as possible . sweden is facing a search and the gang of violence. there's been a reco, dries a number of people being killed and shootings, and bombings. and as a pull rece now report from staar. gang members have been recruiting teenagers as contract to this. a still kind of suburbs were built as part of a vision of social cohesion. now that's synonymous with gung wolf or a mounting desktop and the divided society with consequences for both sweden and the communities that have started a new life in places like, i think could be there more rugs, smarter. and frankly, there are many here who of escape from war and have trauma. now they experience almost the same thing here. so it's really sad. violence has been building up for the past decade until recently, early gang members were targeted. now it's that friends and families being killed
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and innocent neighbors in both shootings and bombings. coming no dean was near his home and stuck home when he was cold and crossed by shot twice in the leg during a genuine execution don't wrong. so we've done the scope, the bullets hit me and one other person. then he fired 3 or 4 more shots. it was amazing. no one was killed. it's time for the politicians to take responsibility. so what's happening in sweden is terrible. i think it's the government's just cold on the all me for help. the sweden's peaceful image gets further from the reality. there was 6 times as many shootings in sweden in 2022. then in the rest of scandinavia combined, the scale of the violence is overwhelming. the swedish all star, these bombings have more than doubled and 5 is lost. it was the worst for shooting deaths, and the 11 people were killed in september of this year alone and teenagers are increasingly becoming by the victims and the sufferings gangs. recruit youngsters. partly because on the 15th cannot be sent to prison, honey as easy arrived as a 9 year old refugee and now police is the suburbs. he grew up and he says,
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life for young people, there is much worse than it was. they don't believe that they can change, they don't believe that they can be part of a society that i'm believe that they even is going to leave until the study. they believe that their life, it's, is we just, we called a shot. it's gone. when i came to sweden, yeah, i was maybe it was just the only kid with the immigrant back home in my class today we have a lot of people. what would it be going back routes and unfortunately they aren't able to leave with other suites. they feel like they're not part of the society and they don't adapt to the swedish system. the goal is fueled by drug money helped by sweden's soft stance on lower and older. and this porous borders attempts to tell from the law may have a limited impact if the fast of money i'm the drilling promised by gang life continues to compete with the prospect of unemployment on a swedish housing estate. pull rece out is there still came from now for the cut
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all the sports headlines, his son a night, just as a t manage. the pep squad eula has praised his sides mentality after they came from a goal done to beat f as in $31.00 on wednesday when comes it just 5 days off. so they were crowded club will top sentence and re on. it was just the 2nd v victory and 7 matches. but the victory keeps separate from me. in the title raise, you said there was a must be room for us. after we come from from you. right? yeah, the renewal chunk. yeah. really, please go down there. how we react and prove it again, how expression is this group of players? these clamp already, no group of players, all the cloud and the mentality that we, we have all of us, you know, bones, so we want to be there. south korea has co chosen kinsmen says, hey side, they're capable of winning the asian cop. we haven't won the tom and since 1960. but clansman has reasons to be confident with the likes of phone human. p. s. use
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in the come in and inform wolf the strike, a wonky son headlining the squad their tournament that kicks off against behind on the 15th of january. i really just believe in how he lives in his career and seeing that they can make it happen because we have so much quality. there's so many good players doing really well. that'd be a capable. we are capable of doing this tournament. it takes a lot of work to fix it on a special moment, but it's, it's absolutely doable. great times that full wrap around the dolphins. as the 22 grand slam champion was seen, training ahead of the policeman, international 11 t, his injury, so an adult out of action on the tour for almost a year. but he returns that had the plans to feature on the australian open nato in january. so it's 7 year old will be on see that for the 1st time i to to a level event since january 2005 and know about the joker,
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which has also touchstone and australia as he gets ready for the united cup into us . well, number one, we'll aim to win a record break in 25 for our sam titles and you'll screen open to represent seems serv yet in the united cup and mix team event that starts on friday. i hope it's not lost. to be honest. i mean, i always look forward as i said, coming back to australia and you know, i've always felt like i've played my best tennis over the years and had a great support. um, so i'm not sure i don't really have a plan that what's gonna happen next. year and kind of taking a season by season and see how far it takes. and wells, number one, ega swans act will also be an accident of united the cop. the actually looks to help team poland, to glowing post. well, number one, i was enjoying some staffing ahead of the time. in the full time, grandson champion will be looking to win deals, training,
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open title for the 1st time into career. those are useful headlines. you can get more on our website all. does there a dot com and on our social media channels? yes, a son. i mentioned them on the website. i'll just say with dot com. i'll be back in a few moments with more. today's nice stay with us. the this is the view that no scene has been looking out for the past 20 years to these really separation barrier cuts. her family's land the whole time, the village in august. they hunted several time indecent. you confiscation orders to expand the one. the walls length is more than double that of the 1967 borders for palestinians. the wall is an extension of israel system of control part of a wider network of roads, supplements and checkpoints. bill to give us really the offer hon while making
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their lights on bearable by the unique perspective to this voice for peace is the way for me to take action voices. you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with palestine, it's the same service. shared connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. brand new episodes of the stream on here it was supposed to be a refugee. what cells could we is brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture . right. and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes and those set to on on knows garza evacuated the sun. eunice can use the monthly, what dislocation, what about animals? 3 weeks time people are going to die. home destroyed in brooklyn city, an area that is supposed to be safe. longstanding is really policy. just shoot anything that moves. there aren't any sit varies in garza. my supposed to sleep on the street with my children. there's no protection,
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there's no safe space. this printer is going to be in a huge problem about a stimulus of living on the desktop. people crowded in very small areas with a lot of diseases from the north to the south, nowhere and district the say. * the the but i don't carry johnston, this is the news. lots from to are coming up as an ex style. nothing but revel remains is ready as strikes demolish times in nebraska. at least 20 people are killed. desperately from the u. n. a warning that 40 percent of gauze this


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