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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the well known monuments burns down in the war it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are filled visible here. the . is there any strikes, killed thousands of people in refugee camps as ground force the bonds in central garza, the hello. i'm down, jordan, this sound is there a life and don't want instead of coming up for us to flee and then from israel and kills at least 20 people in the process and something dollars, simon and conditions and costs. and then you and one's room as tough. the population is now at extreme risk. main becomes the 2nd view est disqualified
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donald trump running to the present. the israel is war and the palestinian territories is nearing the 9 to day mark on the bum bottom. and on the gaza strip remains unrelenting the you and says an estimate that a 150000 people are being forced to leave areas of central garza following evacuation . notice from these really minute treat, at least 20 palestinians have been killed and as strikes targeting homes needing to say that richard come in central gaza. many more, i'm missing. the majority of the wounded have been taken to alex the hospital and data by the guns. a health ministry says the death told him the palestinians killed israel as well as wisdom tooth 21300 splint, southern gaza and is rarely asked by a kid to a residential building at least 20 was killed in that attack. me of a to wait hospital in rafa. i'll expand report
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frantically taking and hoping for any sign of life. this young girl pulled from the rubble injured bustle, life meeting. just please tell us any ins, like hood, with sheltering in the building in rough, but when the is really striking it, they come here seeking safety and steed they've been moved to a game through debris to been loved ones many found on the bodies. so some survived who had rushed through days to crowds, to the nearby, quite the hospital bus with dozens injured meaning had to be taken to other facilities such as of the use of a larger hospital and be some good that was in front of me. i see 5 big bodies of children. some are below the age of 3. the other 2 are $5.00 and $7.00, also for women. and one of our physicians, doctor assigned me about that. in addition, 5 others that being transported to us from the community hospitals,
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which is near the targeted area. and we can only ask where the circle safety is on the claim by israel's i'll keep playing, harming where are the safe zones. they claim to be safe to wish they directed people. the united nation seized the remove and 657000 displays, palestinians seeking refuge and southern gaza, most living else on the streets and rough. and for those who do find buildings to seek shelter and many like this one as soon targeted and it's really a strikes and collapse over its inhabitants. alex bid, which is 0. 1, honey must move, joins us live now from a rough in southern gaza. how do you so just bring us up to date and with the latest and the lease is ready extra the the good morning. well, yes, uh, let's start with the latest the, from uh, the central uh, area of the gaza strip. in fact,
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that's becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with the scale of the environment that the number of, of people being killed in the navy of injuries across the gods for about this. really monetary only seems to be thursday and on a separate, not be upset or yelled bombardment across the gods. or there's a sense of a frustration across the gods trip. as this is only happening right after a days of the resolution that was passed by the un security council. in fact, what people are seeing now is more bombs, the less food and less humanitarian aid in the central part of god. the word no say you're not refugee camp and on my have there a huge again, one more time. a being a side of major, massive airstrikes and artillery sitting more residential homes have been targeted and destroyed. more people are becoming this place as a result of that, of a free air. it strikes the aftermath of a ray or strikes the bark,
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leave the area because it becomes uninhabitable. the damage that is that, that, that is caused by those large diameter bombs. not only target destroying the target at home, but also the surrounding homes we're talking about leads 5 to 7 other homes becoming on livable and, and not suitable for, for people to stake. and so we're talking about one bond that causes a great deal of destruction, killing people, forcing others into displacement in other areas, any gradually feeding into a sense of permanent displacement as people keep moving it from one area to another, seeking refuge and shoulder. but so far, 13 people have been reported killed in those combined attacks the work reported to locks the hospital in dated by an already over well packed hospital with extreme shorter medical supplies and already exhausted over one medical staff been working there since the beginning of, of the were unable to provide
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a sufficient medical intervention to the injuries and fox. some of those injures were on the floor of the hospital for hours, just to find a space or a fit for them to be treated some of the surgeries to place on the floor of the surgery room. here in brooklyn, it was no different than what happened as of last night, early hours of last night. another bloody evening for displays, palestinians filtering in a residential homes here in about a 20100 meters. and from that you wait, the hospital, the 3 families took a residential building as a refuge for them coming in from different parts of the gods to the work order. the evacuated found themselves, the victims of those unpredictable bonds. talking about 21, people that being killed, the vast majority who arrived to the hospital here with the hospital where women and children this one more time was the in
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a patterns of record numbers of the children and women being killed in a more in and what seems to be a systematic it killing of an entire generation of, of children. but the 3 families who children in this residential homes were killed . the, the civil defense crew team on the ground, spent all night long. just removing the, these large pieces of concrete looking for is there vipers who might have survived those massive attacks under the levels their large number of injuries, who are transferred to other areas in rough daughter medical facilities on hospital as this hospital is really small and cannot take this large number of injuries, alright, to honey monthly, would result in life for us to have a rough off in southern gaza. how do you thank you, as well as to get to the end of the situation in central god. so these ran the army as issued and evacuation on coming a vast area,
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including the elmo kazi refugee camp with tens of thousands of palestinians of sheltering. and that being told to move as honey was saying that to the bulk of which is for the south and his income daughter reports displaced, palestinians are also big, endangered by the terrible living conditions that being forced to and you have to use in gaza. know our training is really, bonds is futile, but it doesn't stop them from trying. and had them a boat. we specialize in. our home was demolished and my son was killed. we fled in the bombing lasted all night. we came here from fun. eunice. there is no proper shelter. every time we go to an area at the target us, there was a simon in this and strangers crowd together, intense indebted but now as the is really military pushes ahead with its ground assault further north. no club struggling. why did we ask for one thing to stop this war? stop people suffering at any cost? i think it is terrible. children are sleeping in the cold. i brought
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a disabled girl from, i'll put a shipping edge of it so that i struggled to bring her here. i was walking all this way with disabled people in children. this is the height of suffering. what? death would be more merciful? how many said their homes without enough warm clothes and blankets, they thought they'd be able to return the u. n. is warning all palestinians in garza or twist of the time in more than half a 1000000 people are already starving in mother's children, especially those forced to sleep outside are vulnerable to hypothermia. it's either death by bonds and bullets or slow death from hunger and quote, excuse me, for how to sleep now you leave me alone. let me live by that you left me live or kill me. i don't want to see the tragedy of my children when they say they want bread and i'm unable to give it to them. all money has run out. there was nothing left. the, on the brink of despair, these families have been displaced multiple times. and now that they may well be
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forced to move a gun in the city to 02 people have been wounded in a stopping attack as on his way to check point near occupied east jerusalem. the, let's just say them to the shop. dead bodies ready for us? is that the scene? well, there's really minutes. we've been rated the alleged attack as home in the neighborhood of a job. i'll look at bad and occupied east jerusalem. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu? his council, the war cabinet meeting meant to discuss the postal plan for gaza. he's been facing growing criticism from members of his own cabinet of a tool for the day, often gauze that far right, members of the routing coalition of announced they'd be holding their own meeting in protest over that planned exclusion from the discussions with other officials, joins us live now from occupied east coast island. so this is randy. will cabinet meeting was cancelled a very short notice. what is this telling us? ellen? okay, let, let's remind ourselves what was the war cabinet. fremont more cabinet. there's
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a wider security cabinet and then there is the full political cabinet. the board cabinet was due to me. what would it meant to talk about? well, the deal that is being discussed with some of these relays being negotiated by the egyptian, the categories, and the americans about the exchange of captives in gaza for prisoners being held. and is really deals that are palestinian that seems relatively uncontroversial and benjamin netanyahu told the families of those being held captive in a meeting on thursday afternoon and that negotiations are still ongoing. the 2nd thing that was going to be discussed that the war cabinet was what guides a looks like the day after the war, but that's why benjamin netanyahu cancelled it because one of his political cabinet, one of his allies and the coalition government bell is l smoked. which decided that she didn't want that discussion to take place. he is very much against the palestinian authority, having any role in guys after the war. he's very much against transferring any money to the polish studying authority as the americans have been arguing. and so
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under that pressure, benjamin netanyahu decided that the war cabinet would not have any discussions about this. instead, he would leave it till the wider security cabinet, which is going to take place. we are told on tuesday, but it shows the internal pressure that benjamin netanyahu is under. he knows that there has to be a plan throwing up for guys at the after he's under pressure from internal security service from the, the, the, it's really army. and also from the americans to have a plan in place, but he cancelled it because he was what he, that it could fracture his coalition could fracture his government would mean that his position as prime minister would be at risk away from those political divisions with more details than now emerging about stopping incidents and occupied east jerusalem. a, a and this happened last night, a young 23 year old palestinian mont allegedly stubs too, is really police officers stroke army at a check point at deville look about it,
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which is on the edge of the occupied east jerusalem. one of those who has stopped is in a serious condition in hospitals. the other one was when did the 22 year old man with short data at the scene. these really army then went to the house and the rest of the mother, the father, and the sister of the young man that they will be held for questioning. essentially, asking them, did you knew about this? what did you know about this? and if you didn't know about it, why didn't you tell us more often than not, they are completely in the dark as well. the house was run side, but this is a controversial policy because essentially this is seen as collective punishment for the family because of what someone did. there's also the possibility that the house might be demolished, that will be a decision taken by the courts. but again, this is the idea of collective punishment, which has been criticized by many human rights organizations. there's someone in your family does something wrong then the whole family suffers as well. it's still
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good to go through the course as i say. but the israelis take this collective punishment idea because they believe it acts as a tenant to stop the sort of attacks. but the reality and the evidence proves that it really doesn't. alright to alan fish alive for us there and alter bodies, droves them all. i'm trying to mean all these really ministry has continued carrying out overnight. raids across the divide westbank the very 1st is that still in ramallah novelist who caught them calculate hebron. flashes broke out in several locations. some palestinians were arrested and i've been taken in for interrogation will need to. abraham is live for us in ramallah, anita. so these is, randy raids, a pretty much a nike a conference, talk through what's been happening meta yeah, they are becoming part of the palestinians routine under is really occupation on average. we're seeing where the forces arresting around $58.00 pallets, palestinians per day, on average. of course, the numbers fluctuate,
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but we've been also seeing those math detentions is happening today in 2 areas. in the 15 village at near told cut them if to the roots of the occupied last spring, as well as the aluminum siding village here close to where i am. and i'm a law where we see these really forces storming homes, taking palestinians out for interrogation. and investigations, we saw a video of them being blind folded and sometimes people tell us the reports of really difficult conditions being taken from their homes in the cold weather being subjected to a lot of intimidation. and this is the point many palestinians would tell you, is the aim for those mazda potentials. yes, people are released after hours of those detention. but in the process, they are reminded of who has the upper hand, who has the ultimate controlled here in the occupied to us back and basically trying to deter palestinians from it. doing anything that could be seen as opposing
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v is really occupation what other palestinians would tell you if the serving as a reminder of policy for palestinian is that no one is safe under israel's occupation. is specifically when we're seeing those rates average and 40 per day on average. all right, to need a abraham that and reminded me that thank you. it's the right time for so break here on the i'll just say i will explain how the us is planning to stop. who's your tax and the read senior looking the funding ever seen from the it was supposed to be a refuse. what sales could be as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes. and those set tips behind on notice and the unfinished journey that has left them, broken, gay invalid a salt,
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they could make it to europe, traveling from san and go through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean image . here the traffic is sold us 2 pond groups and zippy. i like slaves piled in a dark cage on the metre high out of the 120 people that were with us. only 17 survived. the stop, what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share into making the traffic of migrants illegal. but now the low criminalizing and legal migration is being revoked. the now for years a new wave of migrants, this will cost best in the desk, but that would also mean more people coming to the u. despite the humiliation the abuse and suffering all day and isa are willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. the
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welcome back. one thing i'll just see real quick of mind about top stories here. this at least 20 kind of demands of been killed in as strikes targeting homes, need them to set up refugee camp in central, dallas are many more still missing the majority of the move it up and taken to alex, the hospitalization fed up with a site most of them for children of these 20 people have been killed in his randy aspect on the roughly in southern guns, striking a residential building where displaced palestinians were taking shelter. many of those injured children. 2 people have been wounded in a stopping attack on his way to check point of the fighting storms. electra sign into a shop, the advisor, any forces these really minute treatment right at the election attack us home in
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the neighborhood of the trouble of just based on the hungry palestinians continue to queue for food and rough. uh, people that say the situation is desperate with you and agents is wanting the entire population of gaza is facing the imminent risk of finding his honey maximum . the health available is the small. the demand is a great display as palestinians. it from northern, on central gaza, q up at the school in rough or in the hopes of being given food or even just water . the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees, just like them. i don't know what to do with peaceful civilians who have no connection to what's happening and we have children and we can't find no food or water baton. even find a plastic sheet. most of the population of golf that has been displaced multiple times in the past few months, lead with whatever they can carry toward the charities and agents offices or
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schools and municipal building that have been converted into the temporary shelter . you and facilities are packed full. several times above their maximum capacity for hungry. there's no hygiene, there's no water plant. we're dying of the coolant. there. 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets, just so my children can have them. un has warned that in the coming months, garza would face family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors, weak and hungry. with little access to a sanitation conditions arrived for the doctors without borders, warrens that an epidemic is inevitable and with most hospitals and clinics out of service. when people do fall ill, they will have know where to go. honey, my mode, all your data, dropbox, southern gaza. thousands of demonstrators in new york cub court for cease fire and
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gaza. hilda, son in possession, timble, and comments to me and children killed in gaza. nearly 9000 children had been killed by his ralph since the war began. us ministries, as it struck down a drone and then um, to ship ballistic messiah fired by humans who the rebels and the southern red sea attacks come off to washington. impose new sanctions on money exchange services. i choose the funneling, and radian funds to the who face that was in response to a string of attacks by the rebels on international shipping in the region, who the se, they'll continue to target ships with ties to as well. i think it ends it's war and does that company, how can send this report from the white house of the us? treasury is sanctioning one individual as well as 3 money exchanges that it alleges have helped transfer millions of dollars from iran to humans face to the group and in turn have launched attacks on various shipping vessels in the red
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sea. now the impact of the sections, the treasury department hopes, will be to shut down the free flow of money to the who these and in turn prevent future attacks. now this is what the treasury heart department is hoping will be the outcome and also, but there will allow for the uptake of international shipping and trade in a region that has really been stunted in recent weeks. the host ease, of course, has been back in come off and in recent weeks, as israel has launched its war on gaza, the who's these have been in support of from us. and so these attacks have increased significantly the by the ministration hopes that by putting in place the sections they can in turn restore some stability to the region. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house,
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the . let's take a look now, some of the days of the news and west of the pals of issued a joint statement condemning your wrongs increase production of highly enriched uranium from gemini, the u. k. i'm the us arranging to iran to immediately reverse its production. the statement comes 2 days after the international atomic energy agency released a report saying, iran has increased its manufacturer of uranium. the us state of maine has blown donald trump from running in the 2024 election primary mains democrats, secretary of state, removed from under the constitution's insurrection codes as the 2nd state to bother form. a president running and the republican primary ballot of to colorado. supreme court to the same earlier this month, i'll just say was practical haine has more from washington dc. so now is 2nd state, the main secretary state comes out and says donald trump cannot be on the primary ballot. because in this country,
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the states run elections in each of their own constitutions, they have their own law. so we're seeing very different outcomes. so in main, obviously, the trumpet campaigns us this, they're going to appeal this. the state supreme court, there's probably going to have to decide whether or not she has the right to do this. we know the michigan supreme court said that they can sit down from has to be on the primary ballot and the colorado steady state. supreme court said south trump can't be on the ballot. so what are the practice of proximal implications of this? probably not much when it comes to the primary. even if donald trump is not on the primary about main quoting poles, that according to some math, he doesn't really need main or colorado to get his parties nomination for presidents, possibly a couple other implications. so there are more than 2 dozen democratic secretaries of states. if they all take the same path that could make for a very chaotic election, what this means is, is much more likely the supreme court is going to have to take up this issue to decide they're going to look as more states take up this issue and say we can't
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hold a federal election if in fact there's different ballots in every state. so this is how the spring court will rule, not clear, but it does seem now even more likely that they're going to have to panic. i'll have l g 0, washington, a mexican and us officials of agreed to work together to tackle wrinkled migration at the shed. buddha mexican president of his money, a lopez of bundle held talks with the us delegation advice. secretary of state anthony, blinking on wednesday. they said that increased efforts to promote legal pathways on top of the root causes of migration. and we went out on initial relationships with you as president joe biden is really good. he's very respectful to mexico. the north threats of sanctions against mexico. he understands and migration is a phenomenon related to the hallway and that is a social problem. the ruby and police of dismantled the trafficking network belonging to a venezuelan criminal gang interested 22 of its members. 60 female victims are
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rescued in rage across the room. in the city of chicago, police don graves of several women who have met in for refusing to take part in prostitution. women from several south american countries have been looted by office and working through that within forced into prostitution. that is why it says it will hold a military exercise. after the u. k. deployed a warship and the coast of diana following a boat, a dispute between the 2 countries, president material has ordered more than 5000. but if we pass now to participate in the exercises tensions escalator this month of to vote as an event is when and referendum back to move to make a region of guy on to a new venezuela state level. florida. they really to, it is the rupture of the spirit of dialogue, diplomacy, and the use of the original agreement as announced by venezuela. and it is the threat of the united kingdom against the noble, peaceful but brave people of the people venezuela. we spoke with foreign ministers with prime ministers here and there they are,
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all determined that the yana should stop the arrival of this reasoning ship. but instead they secretly agreed to receive the vessel of the decadent british ex empire. oh, that of course, in russia has sentenced to men to present the reciting time. this is against the war in ukraine. archie, i'm come, ogden was sentenced to 70 as an he goes to the back to 5 years and 6 months both were convicted of inciting hatred and threatening state security. police in australia. is that teenage that has been killed in a shock attack of the country, south coast, the boys, but he was proved from the water after the attack on the your peninsula. at least 11 fatal shock attacks have happened since 2003 since may. a tornado caused by storm garrett has damaged pots of great in manchester and the north of england. residents have been evacuated from the town of style bridge, where the gusts of down trees, blend, roofs, often the following day. but his damage cause thousands of homes have been left
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without power for the north in scotland. well, that's it for me. down in jordan, you can find much more news on our website. i'll just come there. it is on your screen. the weather is next and inside story, due to the rising number of micro crossing is of the us mexican border section. the, it looks like we'll see some more storms across saudi arabia, heverland. com. let's pinpoint exactly where this is gonna happen. i think through central areas, western saudi arabia, there's been storms in both medina and mecca. i think we're gonna see a repeat on friday as well. highest level alerts issue for that rain fall in western saudi arabia could get striped with a few showers in riyadh on friday with a height of $22.00 degrees. otherwise this wind blowing down from the rocks so still a breezy day for us. and don't i think we'll see
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a bit more cloud cover on friday to central asia. we go, wow, it's temperatures of come crashing down in start minutes. dance capital ask about just 10 degrees. is this front as rolled through? so we do have some snow up against the foothills of the himalaya as well. it is a con pitcher in turkey, a plenty of sun to be found here, 10 degrees and assemble, but head south on talia. on the eastern mediterranean, you're going to come in at 20 degrees for friday. it's quite picture also for the top end of africa. so let's move on to the central africa. and of course, there has been some deadly flooding. the eastern side of the democratic republic of congo, because a burst of rain here. and we've got basically a fire hose of rain coming into the central moves and be care wouldn't be surprised if we see about $300.00 millimeters of rain over the next little bit. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the a cub bang, migration, the us is pressing mexico to do more to stem the flows. mice was to the, for the thousands is trying to make it into america every day. what kind of mexico do to stop them? and how much is this a political issue for job items? this is inside story. the


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