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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 29, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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semi drawers, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say? we'll take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global events, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine lydia young region. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care, district. the air strikes kill more than a 187 palestinians in 24 hours is really ground forces advance and central guy is on the you're watching all the 0 life from headquarters in delphi and terry. you navigate
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to also coming up 3 layers of inspections before trucks can even enter a gaza view and expresses frustration over the difficulties and bringing a to palestinians. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu cancels a meeting of his war cabinet, following criticism from the ultra nationalist and his coalition. on cities across ukraine are targeted. and one of the biggest russian air attacks this year, the, it's just gone 14 gmc, that's for pm and gaza, where more than a 187 people have been killed in the last 24 hours. that takes the total number killed to more than $21500.00. some of the worst strikes have been in refugee camps and central gaza. hundreds of thousands of people are being forced to relocate, but there are no safe areas as an attacks and the southern city of what i saw are
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intensifying. tiny muscle with reports from what of the held available is the small . the demand is a great displace palestinians it from northern on central gaza, q up at a school in rough or in the hopes of being given foot or even just water. the 5 refugee families are staying with us, but now we're refugees. just like them. i don't know what to do with peaceful civilians who have no connection to what's happening and we have children and we can't find no food or water baton even find a plastic sheet. most of the population of gauze it has been displaced multiple times in the past. 3 months lease with whatever they can carry towards the charities and agency offices for schools and municipal building that have been converted into temporary shelter. un facilities are packed full several times above the maximum capacity for hungry. there's no hygiene, there's no water. we go,
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no, we're dying of the cool. there 23 of us here with one mattress. i sleep without any blankets just so my children can have them. you and has worn that in the coming months. gaza with face family in the middle of winter when people are forced to live outdoors week and hungry with little access to a static patients conditions arrived for the doctors without borders. warren, that an epidemic is inevitable and with most hospitals and clinics out of service. when people do fall ill, they will have know where to go. honey, my more all your data, dropbox, southern gaza. will the head of the you when refugee agency in gaza has posted on x that is released soldiers fired at an aides convoy as it returned from northern does all along the route designated by the is really army. the international convoy,
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leader on his team were not injured, but one vehicle sustained damage. thomas white has reiterated that aid workers should never be a targets. and thomas white is now joining us from what i saw from the southern gaza strip. to discuss this incidents and more, thanks for your time with us when i was a 0. so tell us what happens exactly. and whether you believe that the aid convoy was deliberately targeted green, essentially way of delivering side on the far how teams are working in areas where it is active conflict. so we understand the risks. but in there last week, we've had 2 serious incidents where we have the conflict. it's a movement we think is riley army that have been resulted in strikes against al stuff and out vehicles this say afternoon a comb boy returning from the north. was rerouted by the is riley army. uh they
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took that route. uh, buy a couch at some tanks, and those tanks used uh they have a machine gun to fly at the vehicles. uh. and there's been some small damage to one of the vehicles and luckily asked off a safe. but i can't say the same for a young man who was driving. i un mocked tractor at a jumpstart years paper in collecting solid waste in hon. unice attracted he was, he was in a conflicted area. he was in a match vehicle. uh that track that was hit by a tank round which blew out the engine block. uh and then the vehicle was striped with heavy machine gun far. he's a very lucky young man. he's in hospital right now with a very serious language, and we wish him, uh, a speedy recovery. uh, but yeah, it should not be
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a target. he's a civilian, he's a humanitarian. i'd work a sitting a civilian population here in gauze. thomas, why has there been any reaction to you from the is really military to the claims that their soldiers fired at your aid from boy we were in constant contact with these riley army and we are following up this incident because essentially the major route to excess uh, the noise is a long ride told seller hit the road uh its adjacent to where the fighting is occurring in bridge at the present time. uh so we are working to get assurances from the as riley. i mean, that's how stuff will be safe and find alternate routes that avoid. uh places where they is active. uh, come back. tell us what your team's actually saw in the north of guys are because we know that getting a anywhere across the street, but particularly to the north of the strip is very,
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very difficult and challenging. i think it'd be 2 major things that out seems talked about, and that's the level of devastations that you know, the, the massive destruction of houses and civilian infrastructure in the north. so that's the 1st thing you know, just give you a stance. it's very difficult to navigate up the streets to get into the city itself because there's so much debris across the road. and the 2nd, yeah, very, very clear. issue is people are desperately hungry. people are desperately hungry and so you have food i, he's really essential for these people. this getting gets to suited to the point where the report released by the united nations this week highlights the fact that right now because we cannot get enough i in the gaza and it's very difficult to then distribute the i was in gaza that 40 percent 40 percent of the population of
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gods now at risk of famine on, on december 8th, thomas white, you, you wrote on asked the owner well, continues to serve the population with what limited aid we have. i mean that was a couple of weeks ago how much worse hasn't gotten since you tweeted that and to what extent is owner actually operational today in gaza? so it has not substantially improved, but at the end of the day, we do not have enough food. water, sanitation facilities to serve that population and it's spring further compounded in, in the recent wage as more and more people are being displaced from central gaza into rafa. so now there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people living on the plastic in my shift shelters. instead of lodging formal camps in and around
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breakfast. so the very clear messages that we don't do not have the supplies, we need to adequately make the need of the population. that said, we've got about 5000 staff who continue to work uh, di, uh, doctors and nurses in health clinics, which we can probably put, it stopped working it out shelters who continue to maintain the very basic services and i shelters they even if they can't get enough food or cannot organize enough sanitation for the people living there? so yeah, every time i speaking throughout stuff, it's these issue that you know, the out the working for the community. but they just physically don't have the resources of and to meet the needs of the population. okay, well have to leave it there thomas white, we thank you so much for joining us from both of us in the south and gaza. and we'll stay with the fast and bringing our correspondence audit. as soon he'll give us an update because started,
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there's been strikes in the south where you are and attacks. in fact, i've been taking place right across the gaza strip to tell us what you've been seeing on hearing. yes, the reading the tax, all the going to start today was were very heavy and unrelenting to due to the fact that these really forces right now are making a very notable shift. and the old focus is the military operations from the north right now to be head, to the south found the main us in some areas of the gauze and strip the bridge as well as the i'm a new start rocks refuge account had been during the last couple of hours on the east, barely unrelenting artillery bombardment alongside with harry, a military campaign conducted by the as verify suggests. and these areas were dozens of residential houses, had been completely taxed at the full destruction of also civil infrastructures. and these reason just to follow uh to fools residents, typically you move to the roof. i district to the far south of which are 3 also con
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units have been one of the main central areas for bustles today is that also for residents? if we're at a military attacks, we are talking about more than 180 policy is being killed during the last 24 hours long side with more than 300 others being injured. done. this is completely, the situation is repeatedly happens day by day as to what progresses. i've made that very uh, also clear a deliberate strategies of evacuating residents from the areas of bottles we are talking about different leads that have been dropped for the residential bundle shirts. and massage, and the bridge refuge account to move to the south as it used by the onto the re keeps also attacking the residential houses there. and to be seen today. you move, evacuation waves are, are reaching roughly as we have been thinking on congestion a b day due to the increasing number of residents who are reaching rougher, which this area have right now become a mass filter for johnsons. all right,
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thank you so much thought about zoom reporting from south and 1000. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a work cabinet meeting and to discuss the postwar plan for gaza. he's been facing growing criticism from members of his own cabinet over talks for what they call the day after and got so far right. members of the ruling coalition have announced they'll be holding their own meeting and protest over their plan. the exclusion from the discussions, island fisher has more from occupied east jerusalem. and there's the walk cabinet which is 3 member strong, including as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there is the why, the security cabinet, which is always been something in israel, and then there is this little cabinet. now the walk cabinet decides on war him. and benjamin netanyahu called the meeting of the war cabinet to talk about the exchange of prisoners that is being discussed with him us the is really the can tardies and the egyptians that acting as mediators. nothing controversial, they should be okay. he also wants to talk about what happens in guys that the
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after the war. but one of his own members of his cabinet bell is they'll smell 3. who is one of the right wing, members of his coalition said, hold on a 2nd. that's a joke for the security cabinet, not for the walk cabinet and you can't be doing that. so benjamin netanyahu realizing that he doesn't want to lose a key player in his government, which could mean either an election or benjamin netanyahu be kicked out of office, said ok. let's cancel the meeting and we will wait. and then we will talk about it as security cabinet meeting on tuesday. here's another complication. smotts which is also dead set against the idea of the taxes that have been raised from palestinian workers to be sent to the palestinian authority. the reason he doesn't want that to happen is he believes that that money will be funded somehow to guys that it will go to paula studying authority, workers who will then pass it on to people and guys. and he says, not one single circle should. that should happen with complication is joe biden
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made a phone call to benjamin netanyahu on thursday night, the americans, it'd be very keen to start pushing that money through to the palestinians. and according to media reports, and israel joe biden said, look, this conversation is over, you have to get this done. but smoked, it says not a shackle will go. so essentially he's calling benjamin netanyahu. his law. do you do in the americans are telling you or, or do you risk collapsing your government's small search even tweaked it? i think we are big supporters of america. we'd sign up for the support, but this is a decision to make. so benjamin netanyahu know, here's a big decision to make the st give to a bite and what he wants, given how strong ally he's been, or does he go against what spot? which one's on risk collapsing is government and losing the job was i'm bringing about how much of a file we use, a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university, joining us here on. so thanks again for your time with us. so what is the
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cancellation of this work cabinet meeting? tell us about the divisions amongst is really politicians and, and how does this impact the world? gaza indicates civil challenges is nothing, you know is facing no between the end of 2023 and the beginning. 2024, number one, there is this gap of visions between the radicals and non know this. me more about it if we can call them in a way that's what the day after concept means. and i think it has different interpretations in, in the context of the is about 80 perspective. so some of them assume that it wouldn't be easy to and how most influence and goes on the against the return of the point of sale to write this over and over to include all those have no clue where things are. so there is this, this spot, a table, perspectives among the cabinets, both the,
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the civilian as well as the wood cabinets. so i think, and that's in the own out, is in between ad rock on the hot place. is he going to maintain his core edition? is it going to ignore the pressure coming from the white house? that means there are certain elements for i'm not hot, has been him sort out this misleading or it does not produce any results. and the civilian the station is mounting and, and goes as well as its implications visa v. us position. therefore that, that e o has to figure it out between the end of the where he would go with the water management right on the phone. but i don't think that the, as i said you were trying to in the rise, and when you hear from people like f o mirth, of course, the former is really prime minister who wrote and opinion piece and her, as he said, that they all just achieving the complete elimination of how most were new, from the moment that the prime minister declared, if the chief goal of the war,
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how significance was that statements? what it did was a dilemma of good old think during the 1st week of the day of october 7 attack. and by how much that the whole for the thinking in the thing is that i am and, and then janet was sold the, the military option is capable of, of the case. and this enemy, this goes against the nature of conflict. that is a huge should be because like, look at it in the case of the, the button in that i've gotten it. so it was most, and i became the despite the mind of the u. s. military, we can go back to all the examples of the vietnam me is experienced in, in the seventy's. so i think that the google thing, the know is waning way because it is new or one especially coming from the white house. the, there must be a point is it can party in taishan to put it through can perspective of how to conduct the rest of the war. at the same time, the, the show the, the,
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the choice of exercising power, the military power is limited. basically, it's not going to change the situation. in other words, that's what we're going to do. i think a time us, and at the same time, somebody so very briefly having said that, that won't events on the ground dictates what happens in gaza after the war is over . i mean, for these conversations to be had between, that's and yahoo and, and the us and whoever else over, you know, what happens next and goes a postwar garza scenario. it is a bit presumptuous. this has been an assembly trick and conflict between a, an army that is the, is there any army and a social movements called thomas? so we have to take into consideration that the balance of the bar is not final is not finalized yet. in other words, nobody can said within the form of this was how things wouldn't be in a week or within a month. so meant an order, if you remember,
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nothing else from day one has maintain the ocean. it's going to be a long open and the more that to me is he doesn't have a specific strategy then for the heat is maintaining the length of the store as a tactic. at the same time, it would do hope that his genitals were to give him victory. i say that from day one, data would never be as 0 sum victory. and this particular one because of the complexity because of all the more than it is then what, what i'm left with is basically a good one. humanitarian apple credit fix situation. yeah. okay. thank you so much about how much what account spearheads on alpha 0, a car ramming attack and hebron following another negative attacks by is really forces in the occupied westbank and a massive show of support for palestinians in humans capital tens of thousands gather on center street the
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it is a tenant of journalists to produce objective news coverage is true. i don't think that there is a fair, objective and impartial representation. the listening post covers how the news is come. the latest news, as it breaks, time movies have been under the rubber floor boards and 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that. is there enforcement with detailed coverage? the wolf is keeping source away palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the middle of the killing suffering and pays. it's the $16.00 left for them. the. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the top stories on how to 0 this our cause us health industry. so it's
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a 187 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours refugee camps and the status on my ozzy and central dogs. while we're a time, tens of thousands of people are being forced to things house. the one humanitarian chief says, israel's constant bombardment is making the delivery of a increasingly impossible an international aid convoy was attacked by the is really military on thursday. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has cancelled a war cabinet meeting meant to discuss the post war fund for a gossip is facing growing criticism from far right. members of his coalition over the so called a officer in the territory, 2 people had been wounded in a stabbing at an is really check points near occupied east jerusalem. the ledger to sealants was shot dead by is really forces after seeing the is really military then rated the ledger, the attackers home and the neighborhood of job a little more cabot and occupied east jerusalem. his mother, father and sister, had been arrested by is really forces. it was really forced as
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a fire tear gas on palestinians trying to get into the ups almost compound for friday prayers. laura con reports from occupied east jerusalem. i'm in worthy joe. isn't occupied east jerusalem, and about a 100 me says away from the got lots of most comes hand which was were they had at some muslims, as i said, for the side. it is long. however, this friday, many a not allowed to enter. this has been going on for around 11 consecutive weeks. i just want to show you the surrounding me. there are many policy and i'm looking you kind of weird thing. find that with tear gas at the moment. i just want to show you what's going on that surrounded by tear gas with just trying to find an exit. they have been immediately or tops, had for so usually around 50 to 60000. i have
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mostly allowed it to the bulk in the past couple of weeks. it's only been around $3000.00 the it's right beside this is to reduce protections. but of course you can see what's happening around there have be serious complications on a weekly basis. we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. now we have more police behind us, more out in front. and this being a strong course of truck to be driving down the road, which usually suits some very powerful, nasty boats or people that can stick to the clothes for a house on that. but the inside point to this is they're usually between 50 and 60000 people and that's probably the most with severe restrictions 70 allowed around 3 to 4000 in the last couple of weeks, e c decides we have more police. we have some tear gas ready to fly on. many of the people that they are, the dispersing are young going to 45 to say anyone old and 45 isn't allowed into
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the most these ready, so they haven't put age restrictions. but people here say it's clear this morning we have only seen old men and women entering the mosque. so the, the policy and minister out, sorry, the policy of foreign minister has put out statement condemning the violence. as you can see, this more take off, the people say, no matter what the condemnations, this is, the reality on the grounds is still still stopping. violence is producing more violence for people were injured in a car, running incidents near hebron and the occupied westbank. it happens and that is really settlement of us now south of hebron is really media reports indicate that the attacker has been killed earlier. the is really military carried out more overnight. rage across the occupied westbank is really forces of storm put on the novelists and cut them off to you and have her on classes broke out in several
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locations, several palestinians were arrested to tens of thousands of taken to the streets. but you have any capital sanaa to call for an end to israel's war on gaza, the protest or is demanded an end to the bombardments center is controlled by for the fighters who carried out multiple attacks on ships passing through the southern red sea. the fruit they say they will continue to target ships with ties to israel until it ends the war. the ukraine says at least 12 people have been killed by russian error strikes. president followed them as a landscape described. it is the largest attack this year with a $158.00 missiles fired. he says most were shot down by air defenses. so the bank has more from keeps. there was several strikes that took place across steve. this. busy i think the,
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the men of the vitality police coasted that the defense had been inaction will woken up by the sense of explosions of those sites in his also the defenses targeting some of those mississauga and drones. now we're currently at the industrial sites, just building those hits. and if i could just show you some of the damage that's been done this, the fire ongoing and flushing teams, i've tried to track of that. but here you can see the fragments of those missiles that we've been speaking to. some of the experts investigators here this morning. what they've told us is that dismissal, they can read that dismissal as was made in may of this year. so these are new, me solve the russians are using, but they have been death, an injury, and those figures are currently being updated. but as i said, they have been several sites across keith this morning. or the state of main has blocked donald trump from running into 2024 election primary over the 2021 attack on capitol hill. means democratic secretary of state,
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removed from under an insurrection clause, and the states constitutions. the state as a 2nd to bar the former president from running and the republican primary ballots, colorado supreme court to the same earlier this month. and we'll have more news at the top of the hour on al jazeera in the meantime, had online. our website is al jazeera dot com. the weather is coming up next and then inside story we'll examine the raising number of migrant crossings at the us mexico border. thanks for watching. bye bye for now. the years here for sarah. so let's go with your weather update. this one will cover asia, great to see you as always 5 spill in issue in the northwest of india. so thing on jobs state through delhi flights have been cancelled here, but otherwise,
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quite across the country. still getting into heavy falls of rain through sure long . and then all these on saturday want to take you to pockets fund as well for the northwest of the country fog. also an issue here. at times visibility has been 50 meters in some cases, mill and temperatures are on the low side in lahore. 16 degrees for you that's well below. he should be for this some year. heavy rain fall alerts. now back in play for southern thailand, of course, these are areas that are already flooded. the monsoon rains are picking up some more rain falling on top of flooded areas for china, those temperatures are coming up quite g. providence up to 22 degrees and disturbed weather moves across the yellow sea into the korean peninsula. so outbreaks of showers and some snow to be expected in some spots as well. but looking good in japan, tokyo 14 degrees for you typical winter day here. and we'll wrap this one up back in southeast asia where we see 1st of rain through the mail, late peninsula. and there is now been flooding in central sumatra island in addition to those floods that have played the north of the island as well. see you
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later i the i care about helping you with engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is very much a political em. how. here's the conflict. how do we all afraid it? are we telling the good story? people? yeah, what we're trying to see here, they're living outside and make shift time. this is not the way any families wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there kind of being that migration. the us is pressing mexico to do more to stem the flow as michael has to the folder. thousands of strides and make it into america every day. or what time mexico do to stop them. and how much is this


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