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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 30, 2023 2:00am-2:31am AST

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to space this printer is going to be an acute problem about a stimulus of living on the desktop. people crowded in very small areas with a lot of diseases from the north to the south, nowhere and the strip to say the does it posted is a killed in the latest is where the attacks on refugee camps and central gaza thousands more of a force to free south the close of business on tuesday or life. and the also coming up the white house gives the go ahead to the potential sale of high explosive artillery shows to israel, bypassing congressional approval reports of the country, mediators. until there's really about a potential deal to free captives in exchange for one or 2 weeks. the spot and
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at least 30 people are killed and the biggest russian bombardments of ukraine since most go launched its full scale invasion. the last 24 hours officials in guns of say, a 187 palestinians had been killed in his radio strikes. that takes the total death toll to more than $21.00 and a half 1000 attacks were carried out of the night on the new se, right? and my has a refugee camps and central gaza getting dozens of people, tens of thousands of others being forced to flee south. and the survivors of it is rarely attacked on a residential building and rough uh, in southern gaza on thursday. i've been describing the strike and it's off them off . at least 20 people killed honey. my food has more. and a warning. you might find some of the images in this report. distressing. and the
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palestinians surged with their, their hands for survivors after another error strike on about this time. how's the crowded with women and children for the fun unit is in lieu of only me and love this. now let me sleep at home. can we somebody had an explosion in the store instead of pulling it up. so i opened the window to ship and i heard the neighbors calling for help. so we came out and found a 2 story building that was full of displaced people, women and children collapsed on the fun. i don't know. we've been asking for help for 3 months. nobody is listen to us without us. we're saying that again, help us. i have heard that's enough to avoid that. now comes here at any time, day or night and look for them. and we managed from the rubble and not knowing what's going on and the 5 people are still missing and 5 people were killed. and children like you see here, i don't have the money i yeah, these are the targets of these really ami feel they are israel is now attacking the
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central and southern gaza strip area is crammed with tens of thousands of palestinians already displaced by the war on guns and the big came from hun eunice to rock but, and found a house where they sought refuge and then they just got bombed. gimme a reason for why they were bombed. these were children and women only. we ourselves do not understand why they were bonds. they had been seeking refuge here for the last month. give me just one reason. saying good bye to not only the young but the very old, and wondering who they will be saying farewell to this month. and if it was, there was not a single safe place in the pine gauze as stressful sight zions are junk. there's no safe place in john's. the safe zones only exist in the narratives of days where you the military spending dollars off. no homes, no hospitals, not even
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a schools kind of protect people from the unpredictable fall in bond honeymoon mode . i was just the dropbox, southern gauze, 13 years nadine abdullatif for sheltering with her family near that building. and rosa should already lost her older brother to an earlier strike in garza city and its been weeks fleeing is ready palms. we were in dallas and we didn't know what to do because they were setting house after house after house, in our area to leave their place houses by next to our house. and my house was completely destroyed. and even my brother was not good. i didn't know what to feel about that, but then my mom said that we have to go through so there's no more choices we need to leave because it's taking turns out here. we would say to and from rough on we say 2 days, they're not knowing where to go. we slips in people's houses, we didn't know who they are. so we stayed there and the house that we stayed and we
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thought it was good and we found shelter. finally, a house that was gone and the house was crazy and the home just wrote, what was i supposed to do? my brother it was shaking. i was thinking i was scared, i didn't move from my place because of how terrified i hear what women, children and men and young boys. there are many, many beds and many a pillows that you can see here and many clothes of children and women and all of those people were killed here. you can literally see that the houses are 6 together . so when they talk, it's one house there cuz they're targeting a whole block by this place is on there. why can't we live normally? why can't we live a normal life? i mean, with children and we're people, where am i supposed to go? the children were killed here. 26 people were killed here. i'm
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terrified. i'm scared, and the thought of me being killed or my breath, my other brother being killed just causing my mind repeatedly. i already lost my older brother. i can't lose why he's younger brother. i have no, no one left. no one to look up to the well talk about him is also in rough and he has the latest on the is where the strikes that have been targeting the strip. these strikes did not stop since the hours of today's morning got it's now getting much more intense to find in the southern policy. in particular and rough. our district residential building has been completely attacked by the usability of fi to jet square. a number of residents have been injured and the vast majority of those have been young children, a woman as well. also, we have been hearing the sounds of explosions in con eunice as a series of strikes had also conducted in these areas along with and going often to
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re shooting. for more than 30 minutes. we have been hearing the reverberation of these attacks from our location right now in rough on which also gives a clear indication how difficult is the situation in finding this. we have been thinking that this as strike is in rough. i mean, what mean? meanwhile, we have find out that the strike had been also in con eunice, which completely did your rating that while people have being trapped, receiving more evacuation orders to hit more to a roof. i know this area has tend to be a complete battles though, right now between the east, very military and the palestinian fighters, as israel now was mobilizing more troops to take full control over the city to the head of the u. n. refugee agency and gaza. thomas wide has posted on x. that is ready, so just fine as an aide, convoy as it return from northern goes along the route designated by these really all me. the international convoy leader and his team will not engine,
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but one vehicle sustained damage. on an interview without a 0 wind side as well. have repeatedly targeted aid workers in gaza. essentially we are delivering, i, on the far out teams are working in areas where there's active conflicts. so we understand the risks. but in there last week, we've had 2 serious incidents where we have the conflict. it's a movement we think is riley army that have been resulted in strikes against al stuff and out vehicles this say afternoon, a convoy returning from the north was rerouted by the israeli army. they took that route uh by a couch at some tanks. and those tanks used the heavy machine gun to fly at the vehicles i there's been some small damage to one of the vehicles and luckily
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asked off a safe. but i can't say the same for a young man who was driving. i un mocked tractor at a dump, so i years he'd been collecting solid waste in hon. eunice, i the truck, the he was in was in a 3 conflicted area. he was in a match vehicle. uh that track that was hit by a tank ground which blew out the engine block. uh and then the vehicle was striped with heavy machine gun far. uh, he's a very lucky young man. uh, he's in hospital right now with a very serious language. and we wish him uh, a speedy recovery. but you know, he should not be a target. he's a civilian, he's a humanitarian. i'd work a sitting a civilian population. here in garza, the us, the secretary of state and state blinking has approve the potential sale of high explosive artillery shows and related equipment to his ro, bypassing congressional review. well,
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patty calhane is life for us in washington dc. with more on this and probably what is the nature of this, do? why is it being expedited in this way as well? it's being expedited. i think it's important to point out in the broader context of the messaging we've been hearing from all the top by the administration. officials for weeks is that it is time for israel to move toward lower intensity conflict. in essence stopped the mass bombing, stop the mass desk of civilians. so in the context, knowing that that is what they say they want. they are now giving israel, or selling to israel, the exact munitions they need to continue this high intensity campaign. we've just been given notice just in the last few hours, israel's going to be fine. m one. 07. 155 projectiles. these are usually fired out of how, how it serves. and they are very deadly and they're very strong. they have, according to you, an agency, a chill radius of about 50 kilometers at kill an injury radius between 50
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kilometers to a 150 kilometers. and when you think about how densely packed gaza is that is going to lead to mass destruction. and they didn't say exactly how many was going to be in this $147500000.00 package. but in previous packages, we've been able to look at, it really does mean thousands upon thousands of bombs will be going to israel. as you mentioned, secretary state entity blinking, bypassing congress. that's the 2nd time who's done that this month when it comes to israel. it does happen, but it's very unusual. the congress gets cut out of the process. it could be a realization that we're seeing growing numbers of powerful senators and members of the house of representatives. same, it is time to put conditions on aid to israel said if they're, they're going to have to stop this widespread bombing campaign if they want any aid . so they're saying that that's not the reason. it's because it was an emergency.
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israel desperately needs these munitions, but again, it's not normally done this way. indeed, and with president biden going into an election year with large amounts of the, of his supporters within the democratic party uh, added support as the increasing uncomfortable with the position on this war. it's, it's another potential, you know the roadblocks for him in his election campaign and it is cost to them in the polls. if you look at people's colors, especially young people, they say they're simply just not going to vote for him. his approval rating is just exceptionally low for a president who wants to seek re election. that might be the reason for this pretty obvious news job. so they do this thing in washington where if they don't want something that they have to tell you to really make a lot of headlines, they do it on a friday night. they did this out of friday nights, but not just a friday nights the friday night before the new year's eve holidays were mostly.
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busy just tune out of news completely. so obviously that was not a coincidence. i think i've fit can safely say unlikely that was a coincidence. but at the same time, it's important to point out that they are at the beginning of this, there were massive pro palestinian protests or seen many fewer of them, much smaller protests. and if you look at the american media, they don't cover this for like we do, they don't show you necessarily the images of life in gaza right now. and they are covered at much more infrequently. so the, by the ministration could be hoping that this doesn't make news because after all, it's the friday before new years eve. so who is really paying attention? well, we know you are. thank you very much. patty. sabrina is up to date on all of that. from washington dc. write a report by the new site actually says, how much has agreed in principle to resume talks on really signal is where the captives costs are a mediator. as a said to have told us where the officials about the potential deal, the free 40 women and men age of a 60 and an exchange for
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a one or 2 weeks the spot. so honda salute is joining us now from occupied the students and with more on this. what more do we know about this potential deal? and what's being said to is ready officials is really official speaking anonymously or treating this with extensive caution. they say because they haven't gotten an exact framework, but they're saying it is a step in the right direction. additionally, a positive sign and additional is really official. also speaking, anonymously said that there are still a lot of gaps left to fail. now, on how mazda side, remember, there has been an unwillingness to negotiate any sort of ceasefire after the one we saw around a month ago that saw an exchange of captives for a palestinian prisoners who were released from is really jails. but to, because of the mediators are indicating that there was a willingness on the part of how much. however,
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their stance has been the same that they don't want to negotiate at all until there is a total and complete. and these really siege on gaza. however, from us officials speaking to us, ito in arabic, have said that there is a backbone of the deal, but that they stressed mediators. but a total stop of the fighting is what they were looking for. these really is have put forth a proposal a couple of weeks ago that would see the release of around 40 is really captives. they've been asking for the release of any additional women and children, and additionally elderly men and women, specifically those who might need medical care. now how much the officials also speaking on this topic have said that to be is really proposal didn't really have what they were looking for in terms of a stop in the fighting for around a month or 2, but rather just one or 2 weeks. however, these really are saying that while it is a positive side, there's still
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a lot of work that needs to be done. and remember, these really is we're also unwilling to go back the negotiating table. but there has been a lot of pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu from his population to try and secure any sort of deal to bring back those being held captive in gaza. these really army histories that around the 129 are still being held captive in god . so i'm just so you know, it's about histories and thanks to bring yourself those lines. right. still coming up on our 0 the. so the entire test is ramp up the claims of a stone election, excuse me. the governments of inflating both to register roles and assault accusations against the veterans. so imagine what general dep had you expose deep divisions over sexism in front the
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i'm mary m shaheen. a filmmaker and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years. as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas, really army. i looked back at the place, i knew the optimism of 2005 when these were at least to the destruction of the wars that coast of alaska. they did hopes on l. g 0 the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out. just a reminder about top stories this out because as health industry says is really strikes of killed at least a $187.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours attacks talking to the news that route and my husband refugee comes in central garza and at least 20 people killed in restaurants in the south. us secretary of state john speed, lincoln has approved the proposal, sale of types, spaces where for me to israel bypass and congressional review. thinking so as you
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to forego the usual notification periods, due to the emergency situation costs and a report by the new site ex yes, says how much has agreed in principle to resume talks on releasing or is there any captives the deal? cuz he kept his freed in exchange for one or 2 weeks. he's fine. is there any forces have been detaining palestinians on a huge scale in the occupied west? back the, the abraham spoke to some of those released after hours of interrogation to and this room here more than 30 palestinians have been detained by these really forces for hours. they've been blindfolded using those fabrics that we found here after these really forces left. and also the zip ties, they're much more painful than handcuffs. they've been used to type how this to me and had put us in his hands behind their backs. and the more you tighten them,
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the more they stop the blood flow and they become more and more painful as time goes and palestinians were telling us they spent hours here as these really forces with interrogating them, talking to them. and we've been seeing a lot of those math because sions happening all across the occupied westbank. yes, some of them were released just for with us to them taken by these really forces. but many here tell us that the aim is to really and still fear and intimidation among scholars. simians what have good follow. so if you raise your head to shoulders would be to all over it. we see it in the coal for 5 hours, while they were mocking and beating us words lie to the one to what's happening in the beginning because of strep to happen here. and the occupied westbank be wary of supporting her mouth because this is going to be in the result. what kind of deb and what are you not the door down? my 3 year old boy got started, that they also to come out in the cold is still the traumatized. it didn't say
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a word of it since the morning. got a couple. people in the village tell us that these really forces almost raised their village every day, detaining people, but also ruining their homes and work places. in addition to that, this there, through this becoming the only entrance and exit to date a bull mashhad leading palace. the news to drive for a long time after as really forces to have news, the main gate of the village. this is not a unique case. we've been seeing that's happening all across the occupied westbank with dozens of palestinian cities and villages have their entrance is blocked by these really forces. neither abraham josie to the occupied, the west bank or 4 people have been injured in a car, running incidents and the occupied westbank. it happened in the settlement of up now south of hebron is ready. media reports indicate the attack. it was killed at the scene. the area has long being the size of tensions between is where the
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settlers on palestinians was very forces detained and released. and i'll just hear a team reporting near the incidents. bennet smith has moved from ramallah in the occupied west back has been a running attack south of hebron near a settlement and in the attack. several is rarely soldiers have been injured. and the teenage palestinian driving the vehicle involved in the running attack. he has been shot dead by is riley forces and at the same time, and i'll just say a recruiter trying to be filming nearby. overlooking vincent, they will beat no, bies riley for his colleagues, montes an asset and cameraman. i've met, i'm a from, i'll just here arabic needed hospital treatment. they have that equipment confiscated and they have now have that equipment return on. they've been released after hospital treatment and elsewhere in the occupied westbank. there's been another instant east of jerusalem and a confrontation with security forces that another young power steering an 18 year
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old has been shot dead by these rallies and raids. continue and again a typically busy evening and day since october. the 7th. they've been more than 40 raise a day now that's more than tripled since the start of the war on gaza. and all of it used by these riley's, they say, to gather intelligence, to arrest suspects. but as he's often reports, advise rarely, soldiers who tell n g o is about the pups of the res, intimidation. they all to discourage palestinians from taking part in protest against israel is occupation bernard smith, alger 0 remodel. and do you in security council has been holding an open briefing to discuss the escalating violence in the occupied westbank as recent weeks have seen some of the most intense east ride the operation in westbank. since the 2nd mt fight that many police team and casualties in the okay, by the west bank according to the conflicts of pieces, right? the operating in area 8,
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including some during subsequent missed classes. since 7 of october, $300.00 for ballast team is including $1719.00 that had been keyed into occupied westbank the kid and go further study and civilians is not like without the effect of the war. this is lady assault relies by design on mass and indiscriminate . it's getting of civilians, the humanitarian catastrophe and gaza is not the consequence of all. it is a tool employed by his wide pressure of people and forces them out. well, so the united nation, south africa has launched a case accusing israel of genocide at the you and international court of justice. gabriel and his own that has more in south africa has uh, instituted proceedings of alleged crimes of genocide against
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israel for israel's conduct in gaza. they have sent this to the international court of justice. one of the you ends highest courts are based at the hague. this is the letter from the i c j that we got a hold of confirming this. and i'll basically read a couple lines to you that are significant. it said that according to the application, quote, acts emissions by israel or genocidal in character as they committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians in gaza. the letter went on to say, the applicant mean south africa, further states that quote is real since october 7th, 2023 in particular has failed to prevent genocide and has failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide as well. so i spoke to a couple investigators, they were leaving the security council one in particular, the u, a. e and passed through to the you and she said, i hadn't had time. she said she hadn't had time to read this whole report yet. but
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she said, we will be watching it very closely. clearly this is a pretty significant move by south africa is this will now, the ball will be in the court, so to speak of the i c, j. to review this. many people have been calling. what's the, israel's actions in guys a genocide? now it'll be up to the i. c. j to take this into more consideration. the for, i don't know if we look at some of the days of the news. and russia has launched one of the largest miss island drug strikes on ukraine. since this dawn of its full scale invasion, you create an official say. at least 30 civilians were killed in the 18 hour attack targeting major cities, including keys and hockey's us president joe biden. says the assault shows, the russian president vladimir pigeons goals remain unchanged. ultimately, 2 years of fighting. i said, beg reports now from keith, the smoke rises into the sky above peace. the off,
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the mazda of rushing me saw strikes, and the capitals that have killed many people. fly flight is back to protect the fly out this way has the owner views the damage they have. so i know it's not saving. uh, this is completely a civilian warehouse for the based no military infrastructure here. over a 100 people working here, the total value of damage you said on sale for $1000000.00 the people were killed when the me so i've hit ukrainian. a full says that this is one of the largest attacks and civilian interest suggests instead of the days of the war. and it was all sorry to say that the money is to stop the majority of those strikes, the sheer scale. a number of strikes taking place means that the air defenses, constant everything, and the ones that make it to have 50 consequences is that the root, you mosquitoes, retrieve the body of a teach after has, has hit. yeah. well,
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when i was inside my house, when an explosion rang, think going to a house, wasn't headlines about here. don't head strong moves in the pull. the city of odessa, a residential tower was struck up the children and we started to get dressed and went down to the parking on our feet. broken balls, bricks and tools which got to the right. people run with children, backs and pets. the northern city of hockey rest goes back to pull that the craft into the russell. i'm an attorney to hospitalized shopping center. we're hitting the central city upton april. this attack comes days after ukraine claimed it destroyed the russian warship and crimea. russia's reply is of one of overwhelming force using drones, marseilles and bomb us. set a reminder, it's gonna take any part of the screen. i said vague, just 0 piece. meanwhile, holdings me latrice as a russian me. so briefly crossed into its space during that attack. who was president andre dude,
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i met with military representatives. we told him the object traveled about 40 kilometers into ponies territory before likely returning into crane. finally jets was sent to intercept the messiah, but arrived too late. nato's chief in stoking bud says the organization is monitoring the situation. now dozens of protest is blocked, a key road and sub use capital bel grade. the alleged irregularities in recent elections. the students set up small tents, tables, and chairs broke food and blankets and played loud music and then make shift come. the government has denied reading the votes, and so it'd be as populous lead. i like something which has dismissed food. i allegations as blatant lies by y'all some of the the i'm here to fight for democracy in this country for repeating the elections in fair conditions, an opening of the voters list. the plan is to be here 24 hours until mid day
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tomorrow when we will join the provo protest i think is necessary for all of us to take part in these protests. because if no one comes out with a democratic rights, so obviously being trampled on will only be living in a toll proceeds. and dictatorships pursue as expressed concern about a board. a dispute between venezuela and guyana, which has intensified following the case deployment of a warship off the guy on his coast. then as well as president nicholas my doro has described the arrival of the h. i'm as trent, as a provocation and a threat president madura has ordered more than 5000 military personnel to take pon and exercises near the border in response to the case sending of worship to the area venezuela. and guy on i looked, and a dispute over the oil rich as a keep a region or the french president annual nicole has been criticized for appearing to support the actors here. i definitely do. you faces multiple allegations of sexual assault. and one of right. it comes off with these paper, the feet i wrote published a less are appealing for the public not to


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