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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 31, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the the world food program owns. it's a race against time to of it stuff ation, some minions in gaza, the until mccrae, this is l. just a live from doha. also coming up is royal carries out relentless trunks. target
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mcgasey and threeish refugee camps is central cancer. benjamin netanyahu says is rile it should take control of the philadelphia corporate or covering all of kansas border with egypt. i'm the guy but i came in jeanine and dr. pard westbank. 2023 has been deemed as the deputy of your, our records for children in the, the c united nations is become a race against time to prevent starvation. so the 2300000 people in the gallons a strip. the world food program is wanting the basic services in the besieged territory. around the brink of complete collapse. it says, palestinians, they are facing potential feminine conditions. it comes as the is ready, military says it's expanding its operation and positive cost of the targets. a
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mazda sizes early morning strikes that residential homes and mccallski, and mr. red refugee camps and central cancer. at least 12 people were killed in those attacks. more than 21800 people had been killed since the war began. with the bombardment has flattened important historical landmarks. the reports ready troops deliberately destroyed one of the oldest mosques in the strip, targeting its minute courtyards and documents. while we're going to go to honey, make me do's live for us in rough or in southern guys or and just to in regards to that world food program, i report this, come out the increased risk of famine. can you explain if everyone watching just how difficult it is for people now to get ahold of any food at this point in time? the, the most becoming increasingly difficult for this place,
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palestinians to find food and to find basic supplies is to help them combat the hearts. living conditions are created by the many tragedies it created and the ongoing constant bombardment and an wholesale slaughter of palestinians across the god. as for now, we're talking about since the god forbid been, is split it effectively into 2 parts. the northern part of the southern part where the northern part is largely empty of people. but if you only remain on cost in this war zone, have no access to any of the basic supplies. most of the water resources did have access to contaminated with trickle of food and, and, and just at one or twice of the human. and terry and aged trucks made it through a through, through the northern part, just given the difficulties on the ground. and all the difficult conditions are created by just reading military to make it difficult for, for 8 to be delivered to the know the part we're talking about. a real spam and
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reports coming from the northern part are very shocking and heartbreaking. not only for elderly, but for the most vulnerable group in the northern parts. children and women and children lack the very, a substantial in nutrition that they need to grow, particularly in friends. and babies will need some sort of for defied no formula to help them enroll pregnant women as well needed at the the, the necessary medical supplies to help them. and to suspend that of pregnancy. those who breast feeding as well, they are very weak. they cannot breast feed their babies because of the lack of, of, of food here in the southern part. the story is similar, but with a lot of people here, we're talking about it more than $1350000.00 people in a small part of the gas trip in the rough i in the area here in further southern part of the guster work that no matter how much food is getting through and silver,
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we're talking about very little amounts compared to the needs. and the dire situation is still a little at to respond to the massive needs of people. in rough of sitting, we're talking about lack of everything and from medical supplies to food supplies to please water, as well as survival. it, i can see what is a good comes down to the very basic things in the sanitation. a pod, for example, to at highs you and facility have been destroyed. there is a real famine and very consistent with the report by the u. n. agency for the palestinian refugees for us to go said there is a real standing going on. okay, thanks so much for that honey. we really do appreciate it. once again, honey mike, mood for us in reference, southern johnson as well. there is a report on is there any media that the military has begun reducing its estrada campaign in johnson. ellen fisher is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem.
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now in to ellen. can you explain what is behind this report? well, this report suggests that a number of this strikes being carried out in guys that has reduced. but this isn't an effort to protect palestinian civilians. this is an effort to protect is really soldiers. there's a consent among these really air force that they've been called in perform air strikes on buildings and on places in gaza. but sometimes there's really soldiers have been too close to the explosion. so and i'm, they have been into the, according to this report, it suggested that some pilots have either refused to fly the emissions because they're worried about collateral damage that you remember earlier this month. a number of soldiers were injured when they walked into a building, and there was a series of booby traps that the families of those who died for suggesting that that would it be the ideal opportunity to use air strikes. and we know from the last 24 hours or so that these really army has been talking about how they are pushing forward, what type of apartment units in the central sky,
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so strip. and they are doing so using your support from the air force. well, this is begin for suggesting that they're going to scale, but those missions because they're worried about collateral damage with their own forces. and this is coming at the same time as they're stepping up operations on the northern border because of the threat from his ball. okay, ellen, stay with us for the moment because it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said, a boat is known between garza and egypt, known as the philadelphia card, or must be controlled by israel to philadelphia. philadelphia. colorado will to put a more correct to the southern stoppage point of casa, must be in all hands. they must be shots. it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demon of translation. let's see that we seek. uh okay, ellen, how controversial uh is this likely to be and what was being the reactions? so i thought well, a spokesman from side to has in the last hour put out
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a statement saying that shows that benjamin netanyahu has intention. and these really government's intention is to relocate by all of the guys a strip. no, this corner door has been around for that, but i'm up till 2005. it was patrolled by the israelis. but remember in 2005, they pulled data of gaza and the security control of that because it sits right on the board. with egypt was handed over to the egyptian military and about $750.00 troops died of that gathered there and got it there. but these really believe the weapons were coming through that crossing. and that is what led to have must be able to launch its attack on october the 7th. so the intention from benjamin netanyahu is that they will take over that strip of land, and they will have security control of it. this is obviously going to upset the americans as well, because from the very early days of the war, they have insisted that there should be no real completion of guys. but as i say just in the last hour, fucked up,
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i suggested that this is all part of benjamin netanyahu. his plan to totally relocate by guys. ok, thanks so much for that. ellen, ellen fisher, for us and occupied east jerusalem was ready for us. have still the number of cities across the occupied west bank of soldiers forward with palestinians during the ride on till cut them is ready for us to surround at the 2 main hospitals in the city and besieged the entrances of the nearby notions refugee camp. of the cities of jericho and hebron have also been targeted or are you nice? it says this is the worst on record for the killing of children in the occupied west bank. the agency says the bearing, the brunt of is rarely on the operations. let's take a closer look at the number of children killed by the is riley military over the years. during the 2nd into father palestinian uprising against israeli occupation. there was a shop increase in child fatalities. the year 2002 was particularly grand with 92
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children killed 14 years later as well as crack down on another. tell us any and resistance caused arise in child casualties. with 54 deaths recorded in 2016 and fast forward to this year, 124 children had been killed by d as riley and id 3 of them since october the 7th along that's more than double the number of children killed the year before and they abraham reports from jeanine in the occupied west bank retail during the day together here just a couple of weeks ago. now there's only 2 assignments and jet, well, their friend, neighbor and class me will show it a fully 13 years old. they have dreams and they have plans until them is really true. story killed him on december 13th and i saw his body on the ground
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that couldn't recognize it. my mom told me was him. i started crying. he's my dear friend. it was very close to me. i also could like to every time i miss him, i go into the book to watch his videos. the shared this video of was so he wasn't the sound of studying. they see what loved palestinian folk dancing, swimming and dressing. his sister says he was killed near their homes and you need in the north of the white glove. now now he was need a group of young men is 80 forces suspected that they are resistance fighters, but he had nothing to do with anything of paul. she shows us where the bus driver was standing. this creature marks the spot a clue through palestinian miners killed in the occupied west bank by his really forces this year were from the numbers have increased on there is a real attack since october the 7th. but this really soldiers have been accused of
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opening fire indiscriminate empty before that. this video shows how is really forces killed 15 you for time ation. on september, the 19th on arnold not losing us right shots in the abdomen, and d, no medical attention. his neighbor rushed to health, but bullets were fired and his direction. he shows us how he try. again. i think i covered him with my buddy, rolled over with him. my children with here. they helped me move him inside the house. he bled for 19 minutes until his last breath. now fitz motherfucker though was with him in the movements before he was shot. the when he was a child, an innocent child he discovered under cover is really agents in the area and ran yelling that the army was there. or do you when says 2023? so the highest number of palestinian children being killed in the occupied west
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bank on record. but there are new statistics on how it's affecting. those were still alive. children who are growing up. we too soon need that, but he just ita janine the occupied westbank for us. helicopters have sunk 3 small who the boats and the southern red sea as the many group attempts to push it as well into ending the war. the u. s. navy received the sick and distress coal from this container ship on sunday morning. 50 boats has got within 20 meters of the vessel, shown at crew and trying to get on board. they also open fire on the us helicopters . the container ship had already been struck by with imbecile on saturday, but we're still sort of joins us live from to preaching. now with for more on this than to is we're seeing an increasing number of incidents. are they raising concerns about the effectiveness of goods naval mission,
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steve digits. so usc has said that it has formed a multi nationals task force in the raps to deter who these from attacking the commercial ships. commercial west, west was here, public. practically, there's not much that we can see that is acting under the command of this question, brother received that us is increasing his naval to pass this year and the worship stutter engaging in fighting against the who. these are the us warships, not the quantization bullshit. so in the last 24 hours, said 3 at tags. and now for the 1st time since the beginning of the crisis, vs is saying that they didn't only sax to the boss but also killed the crew. so this is the 1st time that we see reads, we see that 2 essays says that they have kill some with the members. as of now we do not know whether there's going to get every transition from which he is or not. but certainly, there is an escalation here, and one of the feeling here for the failure regarding the effectiveness of this
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question is that why ask one of the largest global shipping companies has just announced that it is going to suss pounds. the rest of the process to do with the recipes for the next 48 hours. so that has been a remarkable degrees in the member of the ship that are passing through the rest of the up to 40 percent. and now there's a huge escalation. so do as it hasn't been able to of detroit who uses the whole, these are seeing that as long as it's as long as it's val continues it's killing in gaza. they are going to continue to add to, to tag to west those that are linked to the link to the israel. and us a, on the other hand is not stepping back. it's increasingly submitted to the process here. so no one knows what is going to be the way out of this crisis, and this is causing fear. i'm on jim and who's they believe that do se might to retaliate for these not only indirectly, but who to target and what is position with a young man. and they say that if that happens, that's going to be
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a full fledged mor this way. more and more him and he's a now for the in their country and coming to you, but i to describe it survive. so the lady a rates and who's the snipers before getting on a board with her children? her husband was a taxi driver and the last contact with each other when the war broke out in young man. she has waited for a month to hear from him. after several unsuccessful attempts, she decided to city with her children. she sold her jewelry to pay for the dentures journey to cheaper and a good time if you have anything. so yeah, i was pregnant with this little daughter, i named to a golf for months. i had no news from my husband. then i found him in his cab. he came to the camp when he heard we left for our bulk. i started to work as a housekeeper in an orphanage close to the cab one, the eliza me and my husband decided to open a small restaurant to the camp. this is mistress home and restaurant. she cooks and
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saves you many food to have reduced money for her family. her husband's on the job in the city of chip with you. and he was his comedy once a month. okay. i mean, i moved into uh, i feel like crying when i remember sweet times in human. and i remember the piece of memories too. i lost family members, i lost everything the have a feeling i haggard. but i have, she says life in these refugee camp is challenging, but after the safe pauses of yeah, my name's have flowed on small on steve booth coast above and ment of the street. they quoted the gates of tiers, a name derived from the long history of people who have died, trying to cross it. now more and more and barking, when a dungeon is joining to get here. that's because they fear the worst is you have to come in yemen. forty's in yemen, autotech and commercial west has indirectly, in a sure sort of deputy with palestinians in gaza. and do ask for them with the
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national task force to deter them. their growing concerns that award between the 2 could break out any time. as dizzy administer comedy arrived a month ago of to who the tax in the red sea they fee of us would retaliate at target towards the positions in government which can lead to another war again of nevada. and i thought it was, i wanted to save my children. the most important thing is to keep them safe. the life in yemen was difficult. there was no food, no water. we were starving just more and more wore out. over a month ago. i miss, i've struck their housing young man and their daughter lost her till they don't have much here in discount, but they say they can at least keep their children alive. instead of that, oh, to 0 or bulk was still a hit here on al jazeera, most go calls and emergency session of the you in security council. also,
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dozens of civilians are killed and reported ukrainian attacks on the russians to the founder of the hearing. the facts have you had to be late. he says he has the support of 15 folds implements of shell pick phenomena. then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation, fulton died for power that finds out while we live here. we make the rule,
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not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate, expose this and questions they use them to be just of our around that one out there. it was supposed to be a refuse, which says truly is brothers. home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder one. 0, one east investigates the crimes and those set tips behind on on the you're watching ill, just hear a reminder of how top stores the cell the world. food program says it's in a race against time to avoid stuff ation,
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because it's 2300000 people. the u. n. agencies has only a long term safe spot and unrestricted humanitarian access can prevent the crosses from getting with at least 12 palestinians had been killed by his riley electronics and the central cancer. early morning strikes had residential homes in the car seat and this around refugee camps and central council prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, israel should take control of the board has on between guzman, egypt known as the philadelphia card, or he says it's necessary to, to militarize the strip. spell. in other news now i agree. football, physician presidential candidates as calling for protests against the outcome of elections in the democratic republic of congo launch. victory is expected for the president felix to should keating. the opposition has already rejected the results it to be announced later on sunday. oh, catherine story joins us now from contrast to for more on this and how much concern is there around the security situation in the country given that there are these
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large calls for protests? the people are very consigned in to that note, we pod, a press conference that was addressed by opposition leaders, particularly the main presidential does a whole say that they will not accept any result that is coming out of the styling center um sofa. we see that the president, the looks to security has taken a very wide. d need he has about 11000000 volts against his main rival moist cartoon be with us 3000000 a votes, but the opposition says it will not take that. they say that the selection, he's a showman. they say they will not even go to court to contest that because they believe that the court system, the constitutional court, the judge's been come to compromise so they will not get justice. and now they are
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asking their support is to come out to the streets in large numbers to protest. and in the last hour or so, we have seen some process that have been staged in construct saw. we're still waiting for more information. we've also seen security for says being deployed to some of the positions us strong holes. so we are following up with that. we know that in the next hour or so, the electro commission will come here to this tiling center. to declare those is all in the kid's room. what are we hearing from the opposition about what us could potentially do next? like going to try and take this challenge out through the quotes. yes, that's what they've said. and that's what they've been saying. they say that the constitutional uh, quote is where, which is monday tends to take the grievances by anyone who's opposed to the
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results. so that the suddenly there's a saying that while we cannot go to court because the court is compromised. so they are coming to the streets, they say and will be see what's going to happen uh, going forward, but uh, already we have hard from, uh, basically observe us from the charge which is very into, into until the end of the independence of the others as well, we're talking about these irregularities that have been witnessed the election itself. the polling station the, the polling itself was very controversial. and a lot of people say, because all the things that happen, people believe that the selection will not be fat off or free. and they also say that he lacks credibility as well. thanks so much, katherine, that is catherine story for us. in contrast to ukraine's military says it's destroyed $21.00. the russian attack,
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drones targeting the capital case and the eastern city of hockey's most go say, is it strikes were in response to ukraine's phone bottom until the russian city of belgrade on saturday. we're at least $21.00 people were killed, keeps the civilian military and infrastructure targets with his on friday, the largest russian is try golf the year on you. crime killed 43 people. i said bank has the license from the capital cave. from the pictures we've been seen from, clark gave the is quite expensive. now the authorities the say that there were 2 waves of attack one on saturday night, they said that the russian air force launched as 300 missiles at hockey. and the authorities, the tell us that the a hotel was head to kindergarten and medical institutions as well as shops. now that hotel, the cookie pie, this hotel is used by german, this tremendous terrier and 8 workers and dignitaries. now, the 2nd wave of attack came early on saturday morning. uh,
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the ukraine said that the russians launch drones that targeted the center of the city. and they say the water supply network with it as well as the places within the center of keep the now keep also says that the defense was an action, a shooting down a russian drones. now this comes this days off to a wide spread rushing area. the tech that the ukrainians have said is the most the worst attack ever a tech that they've seen since the early days of the one that the death toll from that tech has risen to 43 and 19 here and the capital key. now that's one the highest if the start of the war, but the local sources and media has been reporting quoting security. so since that the ukrainians have said that they don't draw more than 70 drones. that russian targets over the knights of the 29th of december and the 2nd of december and the ukrainians say that that was the response to that must have every, the sold that russia a contract on the 29th, 29th of december. now there is
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a concern that this to protect when or lead to an escalation in this world that's already been going on for maybe 2 years now. a north korean lead a control and will be doomed if he decides to use nuclear weapons again. so that's the one in from south korea's defense ministry out to kim said us policy towards dependent sheila was making voice, eval. kim was speaking and interview work has policy meeting and p on yang. he said deployment of u. s. military assets in the region had 10 south korea into an american military by kim also announced so no longer to reconciliation and re unification with south korea. blaming, defense ties between soul and washington. you sealant has just become one of the 1st places on this to bring in the news. yeah.
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in oakland fireworks that help this guy tell the highest freestanding structure in the southern hemisphere and a massive show is to kick off in australia. so in the honda, in around an hour and a half organized, is there a promising $15505.00 weeks generated by artificial intelligence? well, that's it. somebody told me the cry with a is next and inside story will examine the incredible advances an artificial intelligence along with the benefits and risks that's on the, to hello again. let's go with your weather report across asia pacific and got as how these things are fairly common. this part of the world that disturbs whether there's no way we're dealing with now pushes out to the pacific, replace with commer conditions on monday. now for china,
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we've been dealing with foggy and smartgate conditions along the games, the river valley here. but dispatcher, of what weather is going to help freshen up the air in places like han where there was a very unhealthy air quality, but it has also dropped down the temperature as in glenn g. profiting so boylen. 13 degrees for you on monday. foggy, and sparky. conditions also the name of the game for the northern indian plains. so for the northwest state of punjab rate, through to the eastern said it'd be hard. we have been floated in fox, some of the worst of the season. still outbreaks of showers and storms through. sure longer, and the multi is that's really where the worst of the monsoon rains are right now. and from karachi to herat, let's say to don as well. temperatures are running above average here. plenty of sign in the mix. of course, we've been dealing with flooding and intense hill storms in north central saudi arabia, whether alerts and play for the eastern profits. we could see some pretty big downpours. but i think the worst of it is over. it's also gonna shop more cloud cover up and down the gulf that's are updates here as
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the it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, sales calling the traitors. the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next. no longer the stuff of science fiction incredible advances and often special intelligence. so a i, a now reality as the technology such as a has will experience more of its impact on our lives. so what on the benefits and the risk and couldn't regulate, says keep pace woods develop as this is inside story.
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