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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 1, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the financing on the streets of garza, the minutes for the wing of him ass released as a video sharing bathrooms with is rarely for the on terry johnson. this is, i'll just share a lot from to how also coming out these ready on the says some reserve. it screwed
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up to fighting dawson sense holmes week. the us military attacks 3 lucy boats in the red sea getting at least 10 fights while the weld rings and the new year with fireworks. i think up denmark's in the skies and kind of starting the celebrations or meet us for one cause that continues on march the sent over a month to month to see the number of palestinians killed in israel's war on gods or is never $22000.00 old and $56000.00 is a wounded. spiteful is all taking place in central gauze that between is very forces and have mass finances. civilians paying a heavy price. 150 people have been killed in the past day alone. for these really army has announced over gees, true numbers fighting and gaza. the all me says the move will help the is very
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economy, a pedigree manually and some of the reserve as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow us to get into get relief for the economy and will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. you must be must. meanwhile, the u. s. navy has killed 10. who is the fights is off the group attached to contain the ship and the red sea? well, the $100.00 drone and we saw the tax having kind of a balance on vessels passing through the vital shipping name since then. but all right, as a has more from rafa and southern gauze of the tax software as the goal is a straight continues at the end of the last day of the 2023 were palestinians happening on the white military attacks by the east valley forces. we clearly understand that the middle areas of the gaza strip had been a widely attacked quite use with the forces where the onto the re shooting of these
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areas did not stop since the early hours of today's morning. and also the residents that have been informing us that the as rarely met it, treats strikes, did not stop where i think different, but exactly around a full palestinians being killed alongside with those and others who have been injured. and this is completely considered to be a wonderful the wide attacks that have been carried out to the. similarly, the situation if cutting is continues where the military attacks against these areas had been intensified, were only inside you this more than 30 pounds city is being killed. since the 80 hours of today's morning and this is completely has been uh, also a searching to during the last couple of days where these very forces are right now, making a very, please checked in the military operations from the north, towards the middle at southern costs of the garza strip as moved through gates by these very many streets had been mobilized to take full control over. now these ongoing military attacks increase the numbers of palestinians being killed to more
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than 21000 palestinians, including 9000 the child alongside with more than 6000 women since october. the 2nd as we've been reporting these ready, um it says summer service will be coming home from gauze and this week is there any minute tree says it will withdraw or 5 come back, the guys taking part in the ground bottle. so troops can gains, trend for future bottles, is really government says it hopes to reduce the strain on its economy as well called up hundreds of thousands of troops often and masses attack on october the 7th. well, norman finkelstein is a political science, as he says he sees no prospect totally humanitarian dissolved in the gaza strip, ending any time in the near future. there is a possibility, i think it's a likely possibility that there won't be
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a reduction in the amount of murder that israel's committee that will be in the headlines. the main concern right now, the bind administration is the election in november and he recognizes that the most murderous images are doing can damage not just internationally, but more importantly, domestically the age cohort. roughly $18.00 to $34.00 is overwhelmingly opposed to the bike and support of israel's director. so i know it will undermine his electability. and so he's concerned about about n d b is really genocide. with that, it doesn't look so bad in the media. and so now there are reports that israel will agreed to byron's demand that certain aspects of the just so i
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will be reduced. i am not convinced, however, that that's going to have a major impact on the essence of the as rarely assault on the people of god. so, so there's no real grounds for holes there. in the immediate turn, though, probably the intensity of the bombing will be reduced and the intensity of the targeting civilians will be somewhat reduced. but as we've been reporting some, a red as ready army reserve, it will be coming home from gauze at this week. we're going to speak to laura con about this. uh, she's an okey pod east racing for us. but firstly lower. we understand that enroll kitts far from gauze. it was kind of, it's kind of more about that. that have been at least 20 rockets followed up at the outcast um, but gauge,
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submit it to wayne of hum us out. said they had 5 in response to what they told with genocide in gaza. not usually uh, what people use an app here that has it shows as far as wet weather happening on a mountain. now, i've got this just in front of me and you can see the majority of the rock is or the rocket slip. i'm just the, the sounds of sirens which is south of tele fees and also to the north of gauze, a around steroids and just south of stuart. but a huge number of sirens went off and that they went all the way to the outskirts of jerusalem. and so really i lost number coming in and this comes, as israel says, it's going to prolong the war. and garza, it says it's the killed the nose and is continuing to push south through con eunice on over to rough. laura,
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what details do we know about this withdrawal of some is really was of his i mean i think it's right. the prime minister benjamin benjamin netanyahu says that he is pulling out for gates all for service from gauze a at. now there are around at $360000.00 resolves to cold up for the wall. that is the largest in the middle try station of israel, who since it's, it's founding. so at the moment in occupied westbank, it is only reserve as walking that. and he said this has become a huge problem for the economy. i was speaking to an economist the other day and he said, it's a tech sector agriculture in construction sectors that are really suffering because people have, have left and the comfortable. but also they rely on a huge posting and workforce. tens of thousands of people come from the outside west bank and gaza on a daily basis to work in these places. and that's also last that far and workforce . however,
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connie's public broad costa did say that they have decided they are going to replace old policy and you work cuz with an international workforce coming from china, tr lanka molto, the india among office. so when that's going to happen and then just sticks around it, we don't know what we do know it's a split, it's going to cause a lot of pain for the palestinian workers who rely so heavily. it drives part of their economy coming in on a daily basis, walking usually for cheap labor, and they have to provide for the families. and now we also know that they said that they will prolong the war into 2024, which of course is going to cause more pain for people in golf as we enter the new year life 1st day with that update. laura, thank you. the people then ramada are holding a rally and sort of directly with the population of garza and then the ongoing
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destruction industry. emerald. com is that the residence of ramallah around the streets is a but this is not a celebration by any means. this is, it's all, there are a few, riley with the people of jobs. so let me just show you because of the, the list of about 8000 names, a fraction of the people that have died during the message is absolutely clear. and the whole story that we all know number is showing the faces of the children. this is a bounce showing philadelphia, as i say, with the people it doesn't. but the message here is absolutely clear, the war and goals and these, and kind of the occupation that is all sort of needs. then 2024 is the yeah, that these people who purchased those things will happen. alls is this, the, these rarely um, it has known as new strikes on southern lebanon. terms of smoke rose into the app as is very sold, as was seen filming the optima is the latest in the series of attacks between these
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really all man has for them across the board, or at least 179. people have been killed on both sides since october 7th, including $23.00 ebony civilians. are these tenant who is the fonts have been killed in an attack by the us ministry on 3 of the boats and the southern red sea, who was a vessel as had a sofa. the mask containing ship us responded to its distress cool boots, the forces targeting ships and the red sea to pressure is relative to cease 5 and gaza national security council spokesman. don't cubby says america will defend international trade or we're going to do. we have to do to protect shipping. number 2, we've got significant national security interest in the region just on our own, the united states. and we're going to put the kind of forces we need in the region to protect those interest. and we're going to act in self defense going forward again. i'm not ruling anything in or out, but we have made it clear publicly to the who these we've made,
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clear privately to our allies in partners in the region that we take these threats seriously. and we're going to make the right decisions going forward. and who's the ministry spokesman, who's willing to other countries not to interfere with them in the affairs in the red sea? if the american enemy shall bear the consequences of this crime, their military movement in the red sea to protect is really ships will not prevent human from carrying out its religious humanitarian and ethical duty to support the people of gaza. we call upon all countries not to follow this dangerous cause of the us, the consequences of which will touch everyone. on another note, with the grace of god, our you. many forces were successful in performing an operation in targeting a container ship that was heading to israel as a consequence of the crew. not responding to our warning. who is the attacks have mostly hit ships and, and above my dad's straight to the that's a narrow c passage between yemen and booty that connects the indian ocean and the
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red sea. this will set all his more from just reaching several countries, including the us have ministry basis. since the beginning of the escalation in the rest, the, this is the 1st time the 4th. these are confirming that their members or death killed by the usa. and they're seeing that us, that's the full responsibility. and the costs are curious as to what does that mean, whether it is a hands for retaliation or a he's for more actions and operations. a guest west was an even a guest to american forces that is not clear yet, but what is clear is that the usa is increasing is naval the presence here. and it is determined to keep the above and mental states open. so for that is not the case . the many times traffic has ruled by up to 40 percent. that is a remarkable number. on the other hand, with these are seeing that they have nothing to do with the ships that are nothing these round that the target to fall under the ships that are heading toward israel
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or coming from israel. and they said that they will not stop attacking the shift that the link to israel until israel stop killing in gaza. on the other hand, the usa is not stepping back. so the question here is whether this is going to remain in a defensive position, or in case of every technician, is going to change the position and shift into an offensive one. if do i say remains in a defensive position, there's not much change to expect this year. however, if it starts to be offensive, that could potentially 3 good, a full fledged, more steam to region, and that is the fear and grooming concerns. individual companies here as well. and they say that if that happens, if the us start to retaliate with these, not only in the red seats, but in yemen as well for the war, could leverage the region. christmas said that hope to 0. it's still a head hair off of the brain, the destruction of
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a culture. we look at the impact of israel's assaults on the part of stones parents, [000:00:00;00] the challenges the why your why your mike and the annual as you know, high month i included. right now we have our in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump the water onto their
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fields. the practice the government considers illegal. i'm or from ha ha ha, i'm just thinking about it. do i say? so why would that? and that's the cheapest on if that's possible, i would have to switch the the pushing off is here. a reminder about top stores,
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5th street bottles and central gulf between its very forces and i'm as far as this very minute tree expands its ground offerings. these 20 well kits with 5 to 10 of it. 10 of which we just sent. some brigades of changes sponsibility and the u. s. navy has kills at least 10 to see finances and the rich seat officer responding to an attack on screen shipping in the region who sees say, the strikes will continue to cease finally, guns is rose, war and gaza has laid waste, also to humanize the infrastructure. but also to the temperatures heritage of the standing for centuries, the ground a mommy mosque in northern gauze is now in ruins. following is really strikes, it's barely recognizable for its famous venue, right. the oldest and most prestigious most can, garza has religious and historic significance and is
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a cultural landmark also reduced to rubble of the historic summer boss. that date, that's the ultimate era. they had been the only functioning turkish boss in ga. so what could sit it a place for people to relax and heal the elements? it's nick a saw out by cells, so known as passions. how does another cultural denmark that's been lost? the potters consisted of 2 buildings built by them. i'm look, send the ultimate and some parts dated to the 13th century before the war and gauze and started. it was the museum of receiving thousands of visitors each. yeah. a special green. there's a president of heritage for peace me. it's a non profit organization that supports countries in conflict in the efforts to protect and safeguard cultural heritage. he says that the structure of cultural sites is important. what is happening now in guys that is cultural
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genocide and what pre from the beginning of the war, we started to monitor as well. this ration on sat the other sites and we bought our 1st report was there seconds of november. and so far, from the 1st month of the war, a lot of extra human in on is this report. we have we weren't able to diplomatic, around $104.00 sides, which they were affected by server support. i mean, at the score, he's destroying that he was edition as identity as the history of the people. you know? so, i mean there's really, we work in conflict and we weren't to see of you and you have been in so darn, but we never had. so like that, the 2nd up now some of the days of the news present phoenix just to katie has been declared the winner of the democratic republic of congo as presidential election.
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giving him a 2nd find the time in office. a position part to say the election was rig quoting for protests, against the outcome, a customer and select reports from contrast to the country that in the middle that mr. physics anticipated these declaration does not. com is a surprise president sit next to security, quotes, 12000000 volts. he's closest competitor moist to be hard. a 3000000 opposition. presidential candidates the, the election was read by the so think of some candidates use violence, vandalism, and corruption. they intimidated our employees doing voting. jane was to read the election in the favor opposition only to say they will reject that outcome and they
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will not even go to court because they believe the constitutional courts is compromised. so they will take the flight to the street. sam election observe is how raised concerns about how the portal was conducted delays technical each is. and now that you regularities characterized the voting process. michigan issued to the electoral commission president and his team must be arrested mister, they've thrown in the country and dis a right, that is why we're telling our support is to resist the president has all these to put aside the differences and get down to business with us, i would like to reassure you that the 2nd monday that to you have grown to 3 will be dedicated to more action to achieve commitment. so i've made this transform condos, some on and the see the president's worth is cut out, so he needs to deal with security problems in the east team installation and corruption, and kill a d. p divided nation. cathy, sorry all to 0 contessa gregory them 10 go. soto is
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a former member of the u. n. a group of experts on democratic republic of congo. he says there are many concerns if the election was run of the fact that the opposition is decided not to go to the constitutional court, but to send it. support is out of the streets, does set things up for confrontation with the security forces. and we'll have to see whether they can mobilize significant numbers of people. this what i need to work is a strategy. if you get millions of people thousands of people, i would cut it any anyone's hiding. that'd be no mist problems with the conductive, despite i mean to have a type of 6 days to have the fact that these both are cards are many cases couldn't be read by the machines. so they did it manually. that electro rouse when published . they're not going to be publishing results by both things. station results from
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11000. i think bating stations i took the 85000 haven't been received yet. so there are huge problems and there's lots of grounds, but we have room for the opposition to say these resolves to reflect what happened . i think what the district k these camp is going to be saying is, yeah, that's the problems. but look, i go 73 percent. it sounds a little out of me, even though that some problems i still with. and i suspect the international communities get a go along with that bus and come back trying to have tonka to the east and ukrainian city of hockey, striking a hotel housing, ukrainian military commanders. and these 28 people have been injured. i said vague reports from keith. the 2 waves of rush and strikes, talked to ukraine, 2nd largest city hockey authorities to address and strikes hit the center of the city late on saturday night. i mean, the hours of sunday the present russian made for us this new year. they adult souls simply talk souls,
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they boom residential areas. there are people here. how can one do such a things? the regional administration and excess of virginia infrastructure was damaged apartment buildings and a hotel that also hit a certain move of the punch drunk hit, a hotel and concave city scene to the strong could proximately hit the 12th floor. only 2 people were slightly injured. another strong hit a new 3 and completely destroyed the residential buildings with head by the way of the explosion. and we, kimberly damaged the strikes. came just hours after rush that reported casualties in the city of belgrade. same ukraine. the russian response was to talk if the car keeps 70 kilometers away, ukraine says it's a defense is around the cap to keep involved in shooting down drones. this latest wave of attacks comes to stay is after rush it targeted cities across the ukraine. in water authority said was the most must have a real attack since the start of the will both sides ready confirm and ministry targets. i hate,
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we tend only to have with civilian infrastructure struck. but this, the fear that this recent tit for tat could mock escalation animal that's already been raging. now if we needed to guess a slide, vague i 0, keep people around the world continue to say good bye to 2023. well started back to new. yeah. cutoff, so in 2024 with a laser show and fireworks display lighting up the house is same for the fall. divide launched into 2024 with a light show and fireworks display using more than 15000 prototype. explain the bridge for lisa. the area, the high capital bank called california woods. so i have the charlotte fry a river to celebrate one and home cooling, instead of basses into the 12 minutes musical fireworks display, victoria longest and largest. it's at the reduced tens of thousands of people.
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watch the ship, the 1000000 people in the alone that sidney honda. taking in a display of 13 and a half 1000 fireworks. thousands of people come out from early morning for from spots to watch the 12 and expect the turning now to a coverage of the war on gaza. while this year has seen unprecedented death and destruction in the strip. many, i think the will will end soon. also sierra has been asking displaced palestinian children about the hopes and wishes for the new year. yes. and then as
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the them has been age of the as it stands as a 1st time around 9 feeds, we sound like you out of it. none of the kids in the i as yeah, it was a to do. yeah. i shift the dusty which one and uh after uh, kind of some hobble as yeah. have you. yeah. i like to see this one. i know about the kind of the 7 mean. oh yeah. in a sudden when you yeah. are you um uh the next the stand is and that's how this is how to move. well avenue is now natalie. a lot of the new yellow views are then and i'm look on save or say i'm a model and if i just services an issue with luck is will sure will
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know. but the i actually was able in yesterday to have in the colors and has news. and how do i know that, that in them have been with that nation sled, the really the zip codes that i'll choose some of the concerning the size of just because i'm more information on our website. i'll just come on all of your devices. the weather is next totally fine. besides the hello, here's our forecasts for the 1st day of 2024. and the northern indian plain has been shrouded in fog and small from the northwest states of punjab. right through to the eastern states, a b r. that is set to continue for the 1st day of 2024th and football. cosigned. it is still hot in the salt. temperature is above average,
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really from grouchy to header, out to date on we're running above average to kick off the month of january to southeast asia. the monsoon range taking a bit of a break. so all of our weather alerts have been dropped here. and we've also been dealing with poor air quality along china is a young soup river valley for places like wu han, but we've got wet weather coming in here. so that's gonna help freshen up the atmosphere. it's also dropped down. temperature is inc. one g, providence, and big downpours around there is so great lin. 13 degrees for you on monday is a pacific. it does turn quieter. that snow, that wind starts to move away. so calmer conditions to be expected here, including for tokyo, were projecting a high of 12 degrees for you. there has been some flooding on into an easy as main island of java, but also look at this. we saw a tornado the other day. not too far away. from jakarta, i think the worst of the rain will be for borneo island, west callum,
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and turn and around coaching. on monday. the latest news, as it breaks, time movies have been under the rubber floor boards and 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that is there enforcement with detailed coverage the wolf is keeping source away time, assuming business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the middle of the killing suffering and pays. it's the $16.00 left for them. the one you find shows and this will sign of ending with continued destruction and losses on both sides sanctions against russia continued. perhaps its economy is


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