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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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informed opinion, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the bottles in central and southern guys have the casualty number keeps going up. it's approaching $20.00 to $5.00 as the time robot this and this is all just be relied from. don't have also coming up. is there any forces installed in cities across the occupied westbank? okay. yeah. and sort of been targeted as well as the janine refuge account number, the palestinians have been arrested. is there a supreme court rejects
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a controversial law that would have restricted its control over governments of magnitude 7.6 as quite strikes. western japan buildings of collapsed roads have been tracked. local officials say at least 30 people have died. the, the number of people have been killed in is many attacks and gaza is still rising. it's not 21, fives, and 978. central gaza is upside fulfill. most fighting around 3 refugee accounts between is really forces and the ongoing of thomas. and is there any army spokesman that says the want will continue throughout 24? is your monetary and crisis is getting worse. agencies say relentless, is really bombardments or preventing badly needed supplies from getting in the say even more is needed. got a couple of as soon as more from dropbox in the southern gauze, an exhausted gauze and complete in
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a very desperate needs to suit as they are right now, i consider it to be a very critical 11, all segments that they are exposing to due to the fact that they are having access to a very limited number of humanitarian aids and the numbers over human interior trucks that are entering the gaza strip on daily basis. because i could say that to be not fairly enough to help palestinians to survive. and to keep we often that so these very ongoing get tax across kansas trip. also the relentless plumbing, of course, that there are 3 of us that killed the ability of the humanitarian organizations as like going to still operating as only to celebrate part of the territory. because of receiving the humanitarian age world in north and the middle areas are no longer receiving any kind of these aids due to the ongoing attacks and confrontations the on the ground. the reality is that trough has been the center of these aids were more people are getting under, arriving to this very densely populated area. as there is going to be much more
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demands on dc, humanitarian supplies, where families are really struggling to have access to such one. and this is the reality that the united nations and other humanitarian organizations have been wanting about the need to mitigate the military and restrictions against the flow of the humanitarian supplies into the goal is to use to prevent the assignment that is moving on the horizon for organizations or young palestinian minds died and is really cost today the 23 year old is the 7th palestinian prisoner to die since october. the 7th. when homicide fights was attacked, southern israel abraham, as moore from bethlehem and they occupied westbank. it says looked over the 7 star city and families know very little about the conditions of their sons and daughters . it is really custody and the little they know is enough to make them worried and concerned about the bus to 23 year old. he has been detained in may 2022.
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and he has been announced that by these really prison service says looked over the 7th palestinians have not been able to go and visit the family members. the relatives, it is ready to jail on the vehicles representation has been limited. the lawyers have not been able to visit those prisoners in jail. they can sometimes see them via video conference at during trial, which is making palestinians worried. then of course, when we see that 7 prisoners die, that is really jail just says october, the 7th. this mix, the worries of the families increased. specifically that we've seen many policy and the tvs when they were released from is really jail. describe very difficult conditions, some were saying that they were subjected to physical and mental to torture and is really jailed. and indeed when the swap deal happen between these really captives in the be seems to cause a ser, exchange for palestinian prisoners. we've seen those prisoners miners being a sick,
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being tired is showing very deep uh, fatigue. they said that the food was not enough. so that's why the families of prisoners have released a statement saying that they pull the red cross. it is sponsible and accountable for the situation of their sons and daughters. it is really deals new that but he just the to the occupied westbank. there's more violence between these really forces and polished areas in the occupied. westbank soldiers have strong jeanine refugee camp, as well as the cities of cochlea and south. it's about as much joining us from ramallah in the occupied west bank. what's the latest on these rates, bernard? a rope the been at least a dozen raids overnight and they also talk you pod westbank, a couple of them particularly bought of these things with violent confrontations with the police. one was in the zone which is in the count kalia. providence is sort of no northern westbank area. now we know the wrong combinations that and an
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improvised explosive device was thrown and it's really military vehicle and locals are reporting the full palestinians have been killed. that i may have seen 40 bucks . the bodies of people killed have not been handed. they've been taken away by these riley's and there's no official confirmation of that. and that was also violence of guiding jeanine. it's in one of the main sentences, all resistance against these riley military and they're almost nightly rates. and janine are not there right across the rest buying button. janine is particularly targeted and again, an improvised explosive device was used to targets a military g, a military jeep. that it seems that those raids all over the one in a zone was going on for about 7 hours, but they seem to have just withdrawal. and now we're all part of the thank you very much. indeed. a delegation from humans. christiane group is in the running capital,
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the talk so runs foreign ministry says who the representative of the meeting is, runs foreign. minnesota are saying i'm out of the luck. him. he's reported to frank . the whole fees for supporting palestinians is also repeat it to crime, support peace talks between yemen and sir, do you have a view of that meeting? comes out to be right in the center warship to the key red c shipping wrote on sunday the u. s. navy destroyed 3 boats below into the quote, the on group, and you haven't after 8 attacked emotion ship. they are on linked review, say that attacking vessels connected to israel around says it's worship is going to secure shipping. name's russell, set out reports from triple c. scenes like this are becoming increasingly frequent in the 4th of this dress. me so i have guide the destroyer. is it a few days before embarking on his next mission in the right? it's here with the other us neighbor was so still comfortable with the tax on commercial ships that have brought the maritime traffic here to in near stats.
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we've seen the decrease in what we've been monitoring anywhere between 30 to about 40 percent of what the normal ship traffic is with your taxes and the region are for some of the world's largest shipping companies to suspend the operations in the red sea. they have really route that ships around the southern tip of africa, $8800000.00 of buttons, of orange fussing to and that etc, every month. so imagine how is it going to go into house to go all the way i don't africa, and the price increasing, and who's, who's, who's, who's going to pay for the price of, know the end people, the customer going to pay the price of us has formed a multi national test post to deter hostings from attacking commercial ships have to keep ceilings open. but many countries that they agreed to contribute to the task force, this was sent warships. both the techs are intensifying and the effectiveness of
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the question is being questioned. there's still a lot of unknown questions for the coalition. what the rules of engagement are, how many vessels are going to be a part of this and that housing the whole entire coalition coalition is going to work. well, if you said they're not aiming to block the street, but one of the tech and ships linked to through the region is not recently made a trist and we are afraid that vehicle fix when thank to take over some of the country's dozens of cargo ships are splendid at the port of ju booty for days. many don't know when they would get security clearance to enter the rats. this is about a month of traits which separates the that'd be in pennies a lot from east africa and connect the gulf are then to the red sea. yeah, man is just 29 to them. it is from here. about 12 persons of global faith passes through this straight. i'm almost through the fool international container traffic
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. now us is he please is name of the presence here. and on the other side of the street, the forward he said, we will continue talking west of link. these ram onto the kid and in gaza, stops inside of that. i'll just the roof above a member of the street is being reported that the us aircraft carrier group has to leads the eastern mediterranean officer. it was stationed there at the beginning of israel's war in garza of white house correspondent, committee call. good. as more in the united states is re deployed, gets carrier straight group, the us, us, ford. it put its force in the region in the eastern mediterranean following the october 7th attacks by hamas on israel. it is retaining the us as eisenhower in the region due to the fact that there is now a larger collective presence known as the red sea patrols made up of the u. s. allies, namely, 44 different navies, comprised of nato, g 7, as well as
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e u countries. meantime, the united states is also taking some credit for the fact that there is a withdrawal of some troops by israel in its war on guys of the united states gravely. concerned by the large number of palestine and casualties exceeding some 20000 largely women and children. according to a national security official, the united states says the shifting tactics as well as the cotton trip numbers has a lot to do with the fact that the united states has been urging a more precise and surgical approach by the is really military. the fact that there has been the shift in tactics. the national security official says, is an indication that the is really military is shifting to a lower intensity approach. as the united states says, this is encouraging, suggesting that this is also a sign that these really military sees their efforts as
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a success in dismantling how mazda is military operations. kimberly held could algebra. the white house is there, a supreme court struck down a parliamentary law that would have limited judges control over government decisions. the original changes have been supported by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but he checked the months of protest critics of warrants. they could encourage corruption, an arbitrary appointment, some important posts, or con reports from occupied east through some for the 1st time. and it's ralph history. supreme court has notified a basic rule, one of the series of laws, it serves as the countries of russian constitution. on monday it defied this quote over tub. the reason the stands of bill h, judge's face and face 7 again. just as administer your if levine, who is one of the architects of the law from the ruling saying the decision to
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publish during the war is the offices of the unity needed for the fighters. but opposition need a yellow page for support of the court decision. blaming the divisions leading to the october 7th attacks the supreme court. the best way to say it's a same voice to day to raise its voice. today they're fairly clear in loud way and put an end or they what's called the legal juris. the care reform that any else government try to to him at the end of the met him, the israel's parliament, the kinetic approved. the bill in july of the vote was $64.00 to 0 of the opposition little bit because boy, because of the vote and still doubt some shows he's shame towards the government moving sleigh. so there was a show full, some tens of thousands of processes,
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some escalated to finance and arrests. the good news is the bill eliminated adoption under which the court could override from government decisions. a block appointment support has claimed the court to use the power was under the caustic, but opponent said the quote, the ability to blow up the problem entry overreach wasn't the central part of israel system of legal checks and balances because it was the 1st piece of a load up package of judicial reforms and its rebecca so now called the rest of the government's proposed reforms into question. although the crushing blows the colorless and government people hoping times the protesting for months, we'll see this as a when and older language here as being about unity during israel's war and gone to the supreme court decision could once again create a whitening gulf between the coalition and public opinion laura found out 0 occupied east jerusalem. so ahead and i'll just say that i made the bombardment of
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tailoring jobs. i use this title power district as business back together. and the republican governor of texas flies hundreds of migrants to chicago bragg i. but says he's determined to keep sending this on him seekers to the democratic parts of north america. the color of the weather remained slots. you set fire across much of the middle east, but some places applauded to central air as much as catcher spots of rain. i was a gulf even here in the habit of anything to write home about the what the weather will be a little further move. possibility of a few showers. just sliding out the rocking to the north of saudi arabia for a time, pushing down towards concepts free by frame this we make our way through. wedding state just put some pieces of january light. right?
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that's awesome. right. so making its way into that east. the side of the mediterranean, so gosh, i could catch you several to is a go on 3 tuesday the shell, it's easing up into coastal fringes of israel pushing right the way off the coast 11 on an up towards the southern positive tuck. yeah. and that makes its way a little further east with, as we go on through where the stands to the channel system showers across that east the side of the met cypress could also catch a shout or 2 possibility one or 2 shouts, the lucky ne of algeria northern positive, tennessee, but much of north africa, much of west africa is generally dried. it stays that way over the next couple of days. not so drive to southern parts of medic escalate. we do have tropical sites like alvaro making its way across the southern parts of the country using out was a southern indian ocean. by mid week, the aid was suppose to be a refuge which sells crudely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture.
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right? and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes and those set to be behind on, on the challenges here with the want to go to see it. everyone never told stories. this are central guys as a baffled feel. dysfunction continues around 3 refugee camps, which really is very voices and beyond the range of how much the $22000.00 people
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have been killed. why is very attacks and gaza is more violence in the occupied westbank between these really forces and palestinians. soldiers of storms in income as well as the cities of okay, yeah. and suffered several palestinians who being arrested. and israel supreme court struck down the controversial law which would have limited its control over government. the legislation was originally passed by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose white swing government, it's reckoning to vote by some of the power on israel's courts. and sparks nationwide protest believed himself because he is political opposition. these emails and has been stopped in the southeast as if you'll bu, son. he's been flown to the capital. so a hospital official says his condition is a life threatening. local media certainly was treating the sides of a proposed airport when a man asking for an autograph, suddenly lunged forward and stopped. and then the next amends being taken into custody. these democratic party not really lost the 2022 presidential election
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tools. a rescue teams in western japan are struggling to search through deborah. yeah, for a powerful escalate cause of widespread damage and tickets to nami warnings. at least 30 people as such as being killed. axels of which reports these are the moments of magnitude $7.00 earthquake struck western japan. the ground shakes were nearly a minute. the city of what g mail knew the epi center of the chicago prefecture down the power line, sparked fires. but across japan's western coast, there was another thread. well, it's not a whole half bill statements. i may just so now i'm a warning is in effect for no to issue kind of what pre fix you. we're currently observing a large tsunami people. we have the shoreline and river banks, please evacuate to higher ground. nearly 13 years up towards the non you. the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in japan killed more than 20000
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people here are scared and a run to hide whole room while shaking the tv or shaking. i have to keep everything on the table. uh, yeah, uh, i do a detroit saving my room though, but everything else will, shaking the impact of the quake leaves, holmes and ruins. roll structured and debris scattered across the street. is i, my hus safety? do? i've received the reports that very large scale damage has been confirmed so far, including numerous human casualties, building collapses, and fire smit they do to what it is that prompted concerns about the safety of nearby nuclear power plants, plate down by japan, nuclear watchdog. how can we know we know somebody? what am i still there currently? no report to the regularities with nuclear power plants. but a threat is not over, say small or just our warning of possible after shocks or another strong earthquake
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and say they could happen at any moment. texas, i'm, or which out to 0. and use kim's good loss and consol, why? in the western japan we have since moved to a different part of kind of why this is a residential enclave and i'm going to just step out of frame for our camera man to show you the aftermath of that magnitude. 6 points or sorry, 7.6 quake, although the power in this area was probably closer to magnitude 5. but you can see just the damage the, the ground giving way under these homes and entangled among them are cars. you can see a car just squashed under a i this located home and neighbors here say that there were people inside of these homes when the ground shook, but as far as they know, nobody have died. thankfully from this amazing
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scene here. neighbors say that the gas and water are still cut. so we see people staffers here trying to kind of bring some semblance of order into this residential enclave. but they say that they have managed to get a power back. but issue carla is a coastal prefecture of some 1000000 people on the west of japan main island of point of view. this is the reason that has taken much of the data is not to mention tremors and after shocks from that new years. they quick it on the north is the up in center of this quake, no tow peninsula and according to japan's public broadcast her n h k. most of the known states holidays are being confirmed and watching my cities as the weather agency here in japan are wanting people to stay away from the
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coastal areas, at least for the next week. in particular, in the coming few days of hundreds of migrants of arrived in the us. motor state of texas of info north to illinois is part of a policy by a republican governor. drag about the sand asylum seekers to democratic parts of north america. a boeing triple 7 landed at chicago is rockford international airport carrying 355 microns rapids being targeted in chicago. it's a so called centrally city. the limits cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. front of the condo is a professor of american politics at the united states, studies center of the university of city. and he's joining us from southern could i help you with this? and i'll just do the. thank you very much indeed. so the republicans are looking to make immigration essential, t issue in when it comes to the, the elections that are going to be coming up. how much of a role is immigration going to play in these elections? i think that will be a major issue. i mean, to begin with, it seems like a political stunt. greg gab it to know side of the florida governments,
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the st ascending the asylum sake is basically there's a bundle, go pay to live upside to be come to america as refugees to begin with, sending them to places like campbell harris's vice presidential house in washington . they say math has been yada very famous twice for a lot of that families like the clintons and i bomb is a holiday, but now it's become a major sort of a lot of people bang st from texas. i think it's up to about 90000 people have been sent ricky jays again from the state of texas to places like chicago, denver washington. they say new york and los angeles and sikes. it's really we have a another case of america. the hiring is the, it's not one country that there is a republican file and they're going to send things refugees to democrats, cities, a lack of cooperation. the lack of respect, obviously for these democratic may, is in cities and a sense that the, this is a nation that doesn't say itself as
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a whole, it doesn't see it. so working together on this very difficult problem, but it sees itself in competition a how to publicize this issue and. ready why that's not. ready useful to get it solved off um for states that have voters with, with mexico, this california, arizona, new mexico and of course texas, that were talking about, i mean i how aware are people in, in, in northern states, not just democrats, states, but a northern states name and north america, about the price is the southern states are facing with so many people that we've been documenting analogies for months, making their way over the border. oh, yes, i mean it's estimated the 300000 people will be processed across the board for this for the month of december set is a major number, but we have about a 100000 racing arrivals in new york. so people are not just being bused to new york, they making their way they. ready are there right choice as well as the northern states, ro side big cities are also having an influx because this is where their refugees
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support centers or communities to try. ready to help people like huge influx of business widens in the last year next year, or say, 9000000 venezuelans out of a population about 29000000. estimated to less type of the last year aside. so there are crises in the world, environmental crises, economic crises, these drug towel, towel issues and violets in central america and then not being looked at in the quite a holistic way or a sense of business. you know, there's a 100000000 despise people in the world. the united states countries like australia have responsibility to place these people or at least try to help them out and it's not being looked at. and this whole list extends rather it's become a political fulfill love, governors like abbot sending. ready these refugees to democrats, cities, and to make some political point. but the only the democrats want them that the democrats have created a system which encourages people to come with truly is in charge. and therefore,
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it's going to be a major political shape in the lead up to the presidential election in november because the. ready publicans will just continue to climb the. ready be off to solve best of build a wall though in idaho, don't make these paper criminals as things that come across the border. and the democrats want to live up to some of america's obligations under the. ready and chatter on human rights. so i want to ask you about your heart interrupting you, but i wanted to ask you about. it was an interesting point you raised, i mean, if the republicans aimed to make immigration a key element cornerstone of their policies within the election. how the democrats come to the a very high. and then it's a complex argument. isn't that people are coming from africa. they have coming from asia across the southern border, you know, they're coming for a whole range of complex political, economic reasons. and the republicans have, as the simple says, sort of of so that, and that's so that things you mind and not legal, but their officer is going to build a wall block. these people from coming,
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denied them asylum, don't care about the united nation sites. the democrats to cancel that with the sort of argument of following international law or being to my seeing america is a, as a, as a country of immigrants is being a hot argument for them to might can one that i think the republicans think they have an advantage on so i think by that and we'll be looking in some ways to change some of these policies over the next few months, or at least have a more kind of car here and kind of national policy hope in cities out helping people cooperate about where these refugees are going to be moved around america, but it is, it is a very difficult issue from the democrats that's, that's definitely the case. brandon o'connor, we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. my pleasure. hong kong video talked to him, jimmy lies appearing in court for these pleaded not guilty to national security offences. the pro democracy activists arrived the prison viner scores. and by heavily on police lies accused of conspiracy to publish the dishes publications
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under a colonial era law. last month, the court rejected his bid to cost the charge if he's convicted, could be in prison for life. i can sounds independent human rights commission says it's unlikely that february's parliamentary elections are going to be free and fair . the commission says is worried that the governments rejected some political nominees, including former prime minister, even on con, as well as other members of his party. con, has been jude for corruption charges. the commission has also condemned the states clump done on descent as well as assaults and minorities. this is as you want of familiar back in, including this of party workers and supporters. lack of transparency concerning the j changes in the judges involved crackdowns on far the walk goes right to peaceful assembly in false disappearances. authorities instead of leo and have at least
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$352.00 prisoners off to the president, offered them a new used a pardon and follows an attack on a military armory into prisons in november which the government called a crew 21 people were killed and around 2000 prisoners, escaped from the capital, is made prison. returning to our coverage of the war on gauze or the construct, his shots of the size of lives bought. some palestinians are struggling to make a living against the owns mohammed vol. reports along the stamina. what if my name is i've done? my job is to 10. and that's exactly what this 15 year old does. he spends most of his day manually turning a wheel attached to his father, the sewing machine, to allow him to month clothes for a living. before the war there was no need for this method. but under the complete and continuous battle outage palestinians are forced to find out that.


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