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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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tested has not faced this intensity of bombardment since the early days of the wolf . small it has reacted angrily to a deal between ethiopians. smalley is break away region of some money. land that will give addis ababa access to the red sea is expected to allow you to establish a coastal marine based on the access to a port. look at issues as the deal threatens peace and stability in the region and his recording at some bassett, us, if you, if you was sandra bias, how's the story the ceremony out of out of the, brought the leaders of both ethiopia and the break away territory of the molly land closer to long sought goals with similar the 2 most of it's going to be some way land is because this will be the starting point for on cooperation with the brotherly people of somebody land to grow and develop together in cooperation and ensure common security with the as we've repeatedly stated previously, we don't wish to use force on anyone rather will use what we have cooperatively.
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the memorandum of understanding lease is ethiopia port facilities on smalley, land red sea coast. access to the ocean had been an ethiopian priority since eritrea became independent 3 decades ago. leaving ethiopia is remaining territory, landlocked. small. the lands president says that in return, you will recognize his territories, independence. the somali land declared autonomy from the rest of somalia in 1991. but it's still claimed by mogadishu, the end of the signing of the form of the we are very happy and we thank the shipping department just as we signed the agreement here. we have allowed them to columbus has a velocity and they would also recognize us as an independent states. they will become the 1st state to recognize somebody landolfus of assigning of this memorandum of understanding that the government of somalia announced that it will
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convene an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the agreement to talk on which it considers a violation of its territorial sovereignty. alexandra buyers, alger 0. the authorities in sierra leone and have released $352.00 prisoners of to be president of them and used a pop. and it follows natal called imagery aubrey into prisons in november, which the government called a coup. 21 people were killed and around 2000 prisoners escaped from the capitals named jane. and those were the stories because you've been following them on the website. it's all just different. don't call mon using half now. it has some seeking it, but next summer i'm just there is upfront to stay with the, the frank assessments. the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside
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that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, it's been 7 weeks since israel began. it's been barred, made of the gaza strip, leaving more than $10000.00, including thousands of children with violence bitten. just start in october. it spans a 75 year history from the creation of the state of israel and 1948 in this week's upfront. we'll take a look at this history and the crucial context that's needed to better understand what's happening today. the. the state of israel was established in 1948 when at least 750000 palestinians were
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forced from their homes. many of them by sign is malicious and what became known as the neck or catastrophe. 75 years later as israel's war on dies, a rate is on the palestinian struggle for self determination continues. so how does this history inform the current moment? to answer that question will speak to most staff about what day he is co founder of the palestinian national initiative. a political party in the occupied westbank, a party that is not affiliated with neither one nor from this. the academy also enjoys that. she is a physician and author, and her latest book is titled one state, the only democratic future for palestine. israel, i wanna thank you both for joining me on upfront. and i'm going to start with you because you were born in jerusalem and you were in fact, among the more than 750000 palestinians were forced to leave their homes. can you talk about this time what you've experienced, having to leave your home and also what happened to your family? a yeah, indeed, i was born in palestine before 1948 and before the next. but now i was
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a child when we were forced out of jerusalem. what i, what i do, remember of that time was that it was a real camera of the fia everywhere. nobody. sure. if we could make it from the, the, the part of jerusalem. we lived in which was full of his honest, snipers and militias. and it's very important, i think, to remind people that the time that that happened did 1948, a really new one amongst the palestinians who uh, either forced out all fled. no palestinian actually believed that we'd never be allowed back. so that was the 2nd, the other side of the neck by 1st the force displacement 2nd the uh,
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the reality of not being allowed to return so that we were forced into exile and playing all cage. my family, you could say was a bit lucky of the most. we didn't end up in a refugee camp. we ended up in england instead, because my father got a job here in london. and so it, it's a terrible thing to happen. it's a terrible thing to do to a people just force them from their homes, forced them to go out of the country and try and find some kind of lives for themselves. as man, always remember, my mother would say to us and wouldn't be. but you know, when you became clear, we had to buy some stuff for the house like a fridge or get simple for heating. and my mother would say, no, no, we're not staying. and this idea remain present. and for, i would say,
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may be up to 5 years before it finally sank in that nobody was coming to the rescue and we were not going to be allowed to go home with staff. it's now been 75 years since the increase in israel, 75 years that palestinians had been living in exile, holding onto the keys of their former homes, like the one you symbolically have on your jacket, lapel and 75 years of fail negotiations. israel continues to build settlements in the west bank while blockading and now bombarding gaza, looking at the history of this occupation. most stuff a has anything changed to? yes, things change. so they're worse. i knew better. so in my whole leg's that to i did, it gives the periods of the american bar, but of course i knew everything about it. but i never thought in my whole life that we'll see another megabyte again, or that people who would be forced to be ethnically cleansed. one more time. eh,
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i thought we live now in the most civilized world. that there is a privilege of international law. and we've been receiving all of this information from the west about the respect of human rights and democracy and all of the rest. and we believe that, but i must admit it was wrong. because the oddity today is that another clip cleansing is taking place and gather another act of macro. but another catastrophe that we are attacked by the most advanced stands of the west and the disaster is 100. find is 1200. so many lives have been it is from the simple record to complete. you're talking about more or less than $15000.00 people come up to now including almost $7000.00 children. and more than
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122923000 people injured. that's about 2 percent of the population. those guys are if that has happened in our country, likely united states, you would be talking about 6000000 people injured to come in this done 6 weeks. so yes, life on the commission has been 100, but because of 1967 i was, you know, is there and ok by and list bank and gaza. and since then we've been, they've been gone the most. i've been little q patient. busy my other life, i spent it on that, is there a new patient? my father lived on dental condition. i'm looking a little cube based on my daughters live in a dead. okay. patient. it's one generation after the other, deprived of all other rights, deprived to fall under basic human rights. and it goes on and even getting worse because now people in the west bank are so for the item that we could see also acts of ethnic cleansing here. since the set learn, so out of now 750000 people interest bank. and i'm only due to the rising
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color studios, evicting up to this moment, 75 communities from the land and the west back. so you can imagine the live and they'll see it and worry that people have that this not just a few patients, but also as another potential for another catastrophe. i know that fact, but i know that will kill another another. it's nick. lindsey knows that the state of israel was pushed forward by the zionist movement, which emerged in the late 18 hundreds and evolved to become a nation building project in palestine with of course, the support of european countries you call design is project quote unworkable. namely, to set up an ethnically defined jewish only collective existing on a land belonging to another people and to their exclusion. however, zion is posit that the jewish people have a right to self determination and they have a right to state hood. uh, what is it necessary to even frame self determination in those terms,
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to frame it through the lens of, of a nation states. it will look the only reason that israel exists number one and is maintained that the state number 2 is entirely to do with western support. if you think about it at the, the, the aim was to take somebody else's country, expelled those people, thus creating space for a new set of people who would use coming from different boxes above and declare that place a state for jews at these immigrants. so they're coming foreigners, so they're coming from all over the world in a, in a way, in which the, the, the only way that the states like that could have been created was by violence. now that violence and the expulsions it, it, it possesses dated. what's going to make him is immediately of the whole region.
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so that's a very bad mistake to begin with. secondly, the only way such a state could survive because in the normal course of things you see when people do that in a particular area, they are rejected. they're rejected by their neighbors. and they have to make doing whatever they can. and they have inches tend to leave because doesn't, well, the only way that israel works is with that in, in, on. then thing and persistent out side support allow me to push back for a moment. is that that because what design his argument would be is 2 things. one that they were already vulnerable globally as a minority. they have been subjected to po brahms. they've been subject to the violence. and so they had to develop the state for safety and they needed the support of the west in order to make that happen. and they would say the reason why it there is because they haven't, and sessional tie that there's a long standing in during jewish presence in historic palestine. and therefore it's
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not an arbitrary choice but the place where they're supposed to be when you say that as well. i tell you what i say there was new, there was never an objection to the jews. there was no objection to people coming in to palestine in search of refuge in search of some where, where they could be freed from persecution. that's not the problem. that was never the problem. the problem was that they not only for refuge as a claim, but they actually wanted to take the place over. and they wanted to exclude the people who actually origin live, that water is going to be believe their ancestral ties were to that particular uh, tilt of land does not entitle them to kick out the people living there a at that moment and did not inside for them to set themselves up in the place of
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the people who live that that's the problem. most definitely bring them to you, but then you will have to respond to that as well. yes, when we have to see the same situation here, it is as follows. festival does this project is about a set level cologne is. it says a lot of colonial project when habits and came up with the idea that there's use have to be here to establish a state and by the star and the jewish community. and also your center legation to turn interesting story to display, to, to, to, to check the situation and punish die. and they came back, you sent to people, and when they came back, they told them something very interesting. they said, you know, the price is beautiful. but she's already made it, meaning there are people to do this. but the whole desire on this project was based on a very flaws, notion of land without people for the people without gland. and of course there is
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there any other jewish people have stuff on drastically because of the coast? it was the most terrible crime they also suffered from the programs impression this i found it to them on to submit as a menu it up. but none of that was practiced by palestinians, but his thing is wasn't never responsive until such quite a bit of behavior. on the contrary, as it had been said by the students and joyce, the boy lived together in the heart of money and not destitution. but the problem started when those are in this movement appeared. and they said the police to knows this is not to let him do you have to get out of the field. when is it and was established when, when, when bundled a declination which gave the foundation for this establishment was declared, the syrians being 90 percent of the population here on the 98 percent of the land and the jewish community, which was
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a minority of 10 percent on 22 percent of that is a, it was established by listing as well, deprived from the land. and now what the remainder of them and the so called as ro is on, on the 3.5 percent. and that is to input there. is there any establishment? so this idea of grabbing the land, some of those and then forcing them out. bye bye bye. sure thing to them. i'm killing them, is the problem. and today, and this can repeat again. the solution is need that to accept to state solution, which by this thing is accepted, i'm full and on, but it wasn't fed because they would accept invested in less than half of what their united admissions should. they should have. elizabeth doesn't accept the, the, to state solution and all the palestinians to accept that as an independent. so the other solution would be one democratic state. it would, we would live in equality, but they don't want to state. and they don't one democratic states. what do they
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want? they want if mcclin's ink of us the nuns. and that is the policy of this government which has fascists in it like smart a choices which will trim that was the bank would settlements on such lives. so the police to me is, would lose any hope of having the state on their own. and then they would have one of 3 options either to immigrate which is if mcclin's in order to accept a life of subjugation to is there it is which is about tied ordered by that is the problem. definitely update. and so not because we live. i refuse to live together with jewish people in one land. in one democratic system, it has been insisted, especially after the best thing best known and designated the condition of your state law. which says that, that i a sense that the munition and edits is that are in meaning. all of palestine is exclusive for jewish people. that is the problem racism. here. the choice of racism is the problem that is preventing these and prevent the solution. and this
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event or the stuff i just talked about different solutions, one state to state. we just wrote a book titled one state, the only democratic future for palestine, israel. and you have rejected the idea of a 2 state solution as a realistic one. why is a 2 state solution unrealistic in your estimation? well, the 2 state solution is impossible for 2 very important reasons. first of all, color just stick lee. if you look at the map, you will see that the area we should form the palestinian state is bookmarked by is randy supplement to until unless as western states or those people who support the 2 state solution come forward and say those settlements will be removed. therefore releasing a viable territory for the pallets and palestinian state. unless that happens,
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we cannot talk about a palestinian state because there's no territory on which to place it one to in terms of the justice and defenders. the solution like this, what the 2 state solution proposes is that full fits of the land of palestine should remain with this row. and one 5th 20 percent 22 percent should go to the palestinian state. now the palestinian people as well stuff of quite frankly, points out over the, in the area between the, the, the, the, see the river and the see are already in the majority is 7500000 as opposed to 7000000. so they're already slightly more than half a, they're all of the palestinians. people like me in exxon 5 to 6000000, a palestinian refugees living in new in camps. now those are also, they also have,
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right. they also have the right to live in their own state, but it can be done in a 5th of the original got a set. sure. in terms of equity, justice, and logistics. it's not a possible solution. so we really must stop talking about it because it's been used as a so perfect and then the septic in which you know, to lot of people into a belief that something is being done or something will be done for the palestinians. don't worry. there will be 2 states and it's going to be fine, except that it's not happening and it's don't think therefore, where are we going with this? that's was the, the question in my book. what, what, what, what does the end of this? the end of it, it seems to me to be very clear. we've got a 2 communities living in that area between the river and to see the
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jewish israel is palestinian arabs. and what more sensible logical and to maine and, and fair then to, for them to all live together in a, quote, citizenship in one state, which represents them fairly. that is a democratic state in the states like that. all the palestinians who were expelled due to the creation of israel and who lived in the event that an event, not a political non exile, is that not a political, non starter as well? no is rarely is going to accept that because they would argue with the demographic destruction, and that is the destruction of the jewish state, which is the very premise of israel. is that a political 9 starter? as a practical matter, of course, you would say that of course you would say that everybody would say that, but i'm putting it to you and i put it in the book very,
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very clearly. i think that 1st of all, there is this idea. do you do me, you personally obviously, but do people support the idea of these 2 communities living together in equality and in democracy? that's the 1st question. and the 2nd question is, how are we going to get that? so in a way what happens is one starts to talk about this and immediately the 2nd question is thrown in one's face. how's it going to happen? is way is willing to accept it, etc. let's just pause for a moment. let's stick. the idea in itself, isn't that the natural and point to this old tragedy? isn't it the natural end point? the opposite is, of course, yes it is. so the only question we need to ask is how do we get that at the trajectory that is read is bent on now is a complete that, and that's that object rate of, of maintaining its presence by force of it trying to check the palestinians are
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trying to kill them, trying to destroy their lives. that is a trajectory which has to come to an end before you to go. i have just one more question for you. it does it appear that the international community is raining, these really government in or these really military in uh, what will happen is really, is successful in its attempt to completely destroy from mass. and also, what will the future of the region be that they'll start with you to a look. first of all this it is, and this is an assumption now which i don't think we're entitled to make, which is that isabel might destroy how mass. now, i'm not saying that the of, of any, a partisan reason, a tool i'm afraid the, at the record so far is nothing cartridge ink for israel in terms of its victory of how much. however, this, it's to,
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the question remains at what is actually going to how, how is this going to play out? what is going to happen? now, i was out on to you directly. i tell you what i really do want to say it's that there are certain things that the he doesn't here in, in, in the discussions always about israel, palestine about this conflict. first that the palestinians have been fighting and are still fighting. not just israel. they're fighting israel and the whole of the western world that is deeply unfair each be on the capacity of a new one group, let alone a small people to fight so many photos. number one, number 2, there is a consensus in the west on the necessity to own the essential nature of maintaining israel in the sort of
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position that it is in. know, in other words, an israel which supremacist, which is dominant, which smites each and him is the drop of a hat. that is a consensus in the west on maintaining this kind of israel. why? what does that mean? what does that say about you? what, what is it that it takes? that is what it is doing for these western states that the call and get in any other way except to this extreme cruelty against an innocent people, the palestinian people, the time has come to talk about all this out into the open stuff. but unfortunately, nobody looks at the fact that is that it is conducting don't have to put those on to their own end fence and then go back to mobile. they looks at the fact that it's
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more money. but this thing is that a good mobile, they looks at the fact that is there any about to conduct the worst kind of catastrophe, even worse than what happened to 1948. and this 10 foot continued to support is right. i need to understand what makes a country legs the night that states of america or britain, well the beyond country. but if you will cease fire by which low. and let me tell you, i came to the conclusion that those people missed criminal mind that the mindset that allowed the whole coast against jewish people there must have been the crime. i guess the jewish people, the same mindset that allowed persecution of jewish people in the form of anti semitism because they were weak. it's the same sip of mind, the same mindset that there's a lot of them now. i've got tested feet and another 100 goes to the stands. it's the same kind of thinking. and that's what not to be allowed. and that has to stop
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. that's has to stop and, and the way to achieve that is immediate seized by up to date and gaza. meat of stopping of this is what i just said let's, i'm committing their crimes against palestinians in the west bank and facing the t i r. many was what the said, you want to step solution, you'll have to take out all the set of notes from the west bank. otherwise they've come out to be a solution, cannot to be to state solution. you don't want to state solution. let's have one state solution, but to think that we have the stands will ever accept to be immigrants again, to not to, to live another protesting say, again, or lives under systems, oppression, apartheid and be slaves of occupation, not, not, but i, this was never happened. we will never accept the stuff to start getting for our freedom. sort our dignity unfold. all right, all right, that's all we have time for most the far as i. thank you both so much for joining me. everyone. that is our show up for us. we'll be back next week the
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the latest news as it breaks, time movies has been under the rubber for more than 10 hours. this is not the only area targeted by that is are important. with detailed coverage, the wolf is keeping source away palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. exclusive reports many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the midst of the killing suffering and pays. it's the $16.00 left for them. examining the impact of today's headlines this year. with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my,
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you house is way what these are so tight is the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era, unique perspectives of africans. i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the are all coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i traveled, whether it's east or west africa stopped me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on a more pop listing and inspiring story. people try to tell them what's happening in
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their communities in a clear and on bias and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the the fellow on has him speak of this is the news i live from. don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. street baffles across central and southern gaza. i must fight to say that clashing with his rainy troops and fun units trapped in limbo out of thing is too afraid of violence to return to their homes in the north us stuck in terrible conditions. intense across enough.


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