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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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not see, and with what evidence they have so far. and yes, on the fringes of israeli public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the races the listening close covers how the news is come. watch this space for where the story goes next, the and is really james, try and targets a hamas office in southern they read assassinating. seen, you need us saw our roommate and 5 others degree close at a tire, is that the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. the binary pulse of this is obviously relied from the ha also coming up. hundreds
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protested in the occupied westbank against the assassination of all over the street baffles across central and southern gaza. how must by to say that engaging is ready troops in hon. eunice. and in the north tower, city and cities happy left and ruins more than 22000 people have been killed since the will began. the bradley begin in lebanon, where and his many drug strike has assassinated, selling a re, a senior official from us. at least 5 other people were killed in the attack, including 2 leaders of hamas as i'm doing because i'm brigades the drug and talking to the homeless office located in the southern bay routes of the of the here, the group has struck a defined tone cooling this attack a terrorist act, we would like to reaffirm that the assassination by design just ok patience on the
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great commander in which i had shaved, solemn alive woody and his brothers and call liza nadia. the hum, us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism in every sense of the word. it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation. and desire and this occupation, the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. but let's bring it into their now hold on. now she's at the scene of those strikes and they roots and zanna with the is now he is a address that we also heard that all 6 men killed were,
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or how much number suggesting a pretty high level of intelligence behind this strike. no doubt. mazda is number 2, saw the hell out of the, along with military commanders, members have from us, apparently holding amy, let me show you that building. in fact, let me point to the apartment. it just shows you. this is a surgical strike as well, was acting on intelligence. this is not a known how my office, if you ask anybody who lives here, they will tell you that no, we had no idea that this office was being used by how much members. so a surgical strike, a targets it strikes the 1st targets his assassination in the lebanese capital, since 2006 that was when the last war between israel and the lebanese armed who has been lost. and now all eyes are on hezbollah. how will,
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how's butler react to this, come us as an ally of hezbollah. and it's not just that, once before, has a lot of got involved in the, in the conflict with this really army along the border in october. the chief of that movement warns as well that if any leader of the so called access of resistance be lebanese, palestinian, he ran and is killed in levon on. it will elicit a fierce reaction from hezbollah and as well as chief house on the throttle has been already scheduled to speak tomorrow night on the occasion of the 4th anniversary since the killing of costs. and so many of the head of the around you include this force. so what will she say now has the last position? it's in a very difficult position really, because if it does respond to this and that will trigger
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a full blown war, it will face a lot of opposition in 11 on because many he of that level hezbollah operates outside outside the states. it decides whether this country goes to war or is there is peace. and if hezbollah doesn't respond, then it's credibility is on the line. so all eyes on that speech tomorrow, on what if anything has but low will do. maybe there will be a response from other friends. we have to remember. after israel launched its war against garza, a number of friends opened against as well. the sauce loving on france was one of them. we saw rockets being fired from syria, a young man who used car in this 1000 drones. so maybe the response might come from other friends as well, which will, you know, not put, has a lot in
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a position to drag 11 on to war. a quote. since this began, you've been reporting many times from southern lebanon yourself until came about this very precisely calibrated exchange between israel and has bought off fighters presumably in caea as a major escalation on the fact that it wasn't, has blah targets. it wasn't the lebanese government target, has one senior, is where the official made clear to point out. does that give has blocked any room, potentially to make the response but calibrated again. so that doesn't need to know that well. but hezbollah did say and not throw back in august. he said, any assassination of any leader belonging to the excess of resistance will, will elicit a response. the question is, what kind of response? most of the servers will say, it will be a calculated one. what have we been witnessing along that 100?
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20 kilometers stretches territory that's more is confined has been really large. they can find to graphically to 4, to 5 kilometers on each depths on each side of the border. yes, we've seen strikes deeper inside leaven on 20 kilometers for the kilometers. but very surgical. a surgical strikes both sides really treading carefully. but as of late as well, has been escalating, it strikes its air, strikes its artillery, bombardments and its rhetoric as well. and the stress saying that it has, the law doesn't move away from the border. then you know, they will do this by force. in fact, us the invoice who has been trying to de escalate tensions over the past few weeks is expected inmate routes in the coming few days. no date has been given, but he is expected to arrive in the 1st few weeks of january. so there have been efforts really to contain the conflict on this side 11 plus,
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this is a serious escalation. no doubt. you're talking about leadership being targeted in the hearts of the lebanese fluoride is in a hold of. thank you very much for putting live the, from the scene of that very strike. appreciate it. by speaking to the us news network, i'm as nbc, a senior advisor to these ready prime minister mock reg. i've had this to say about that attack in beirut. we can speculate if you large but let's be clear is what it has not taken responsibility and i think it should be clear israel has in the past, of course uh, dealt with terrace when they're in foreign countries. and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief from staff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is
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ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate target on the salute is joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. following the is a reaction. no confirmation either for mock reco whole anyone else. and these are the government that it was behind the strike. but some of the senior members of the coalition are celebrating it as a success, as well. no official confirmation from these really is all not targeted assassination in the lebanese capital. they do, however, several is really officials have been handling this as a success. you had the need to know and a member of the ruling party, the code who said that this was a great, a chief man who had the finance minister bets and it smelt rich, also releasing comments that a statement on social media. but all of this comes despite the cabinet secretaries
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directive for all members of these really governments, specifically the coalition to not speak about the matter. now, when it comes to these really are me the spokesperson, daniel, how gaiety this evening and a press conference was asked about the matter, didn't answer the question at all. and in fact, dodge to answering it and said that quote is real, is prepared for any scenario. and is on high alert. this is something these really as have been saying repeatedly, actually since the beginning of the war was also talk about some of the rhetoric that was used by top is really officials since the early days of this war, specifically prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and even the defense minister jo after launch, who said that they were going to go after him, us leadership, even if they lived abroad, that that policy was not going to be exclusive to the gaza strip. that they were going to target the leaders in turkey. and cost on and then $11.00 on and that they were even going to quote turn they do it into a 2nd dogs. uh if his bolt lacrosse the line. but now there is a lot of, of,
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of things that are still unknown in this situation about how these really are or not going to confirm this, how their response is going to be. these really have sent multiple messages saying that they are on high alert that they are prepared for any possible scenario in terms of retaliation that could even include a long range of rock and fire, according to is really sources speaking anonymously to is really media. but you also have the situation in gaza, we're the defense minister was touring the central part of the post indian territory earlier today and said that in fact, the fighting is not going to be lowered in terms of intensity. but in the north, they've reached what they call full operational control, but in the south, verified in with quote, heavy intensity. and even though there is a lot of pressure from the united states to,
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to curve the level of attacks these really say, but no matter what, until they eliminate every how mass target no matter where they are in gaza or abroad. this war is going to continue, but now this targeted assassination of a how mass figure in 11 on has serious implications for where the war is going to go next. all right, how does that and how can bodies choose from? thank you very much. i, a large crowds have been gathering in the streets across from iowa, aurora, janine hebron, a novelist in the occupied west back. it's in response to the assassination of how much his deputy leader saw a library that's bringing the, the abraham now who's invest with him in the occupied westbank. and so need a, he is from the west bank. he's a very significant figure in on us. and especially in terms of how much does meet the wing and you all keep on the west bank. how is his death being received that
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well, you said they're the palestinians. i've taken through the streets and several, the cities in the occupied us bank as well as in his home town of idaho, where we've heard his mother and his sisters fee. they were clear and sending the message that this is what saw the how to what do you want to, by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients. and they mentioned that the, his blog is lot better as not any more our better than anyone that has been killed in to be seized because of surface specifically children. now, when it comes to how he's being remembered, these been known as the guy who is responsible for it, out of her sam brigades and the occupies westbank itself, has been seen as the mastermind behind the capture. i'm feeling of at 3 is really settlers in the have run into year 2014. and indeed we've seen also the we're on
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balls of that has falls out in the and is hometown palestinians of gal or do uh, basically more name and told about him. but he has an old school and i would uh, as someone instrumental and this was specifically at people, i have seen these really forces raised into his house. no, it's up also after the war. and this is the 2nd time in a row. you know, the people here look fondly at many houses. neither is because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupation. they're not different than those fighters on the ground, and they are facing similar phase, not only when it comes to the assassination now, but also when it comes to being in prison, solid. and i already have spent at least 18 years and is really jailed 15 of them
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in one time. and then he's been released the there's been also reported outside the left bank where he spent his time between 30 and our level. so basically this gives you an idea of why people move off to those leaders and how they are already with the sizing to declare tomorrow as a general strike. and as a day of mourning all rights that abraham in the best way. and thank you very much for that. it's all good and killing of yet another senior. how much leader this time, and 11 on fellows, a familiar packing, used by israel, of a decades. israel has attempted to kill senior. how much figures when it code? well isolating the group inside the strip along with the people of gauze. michael, apple has more studied solar allowed. rudy was one of how much his top officials. he was meeting other leaders from the group in the bayard suburb of da here, when a huge explosion destroyed the building. had been
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a target of israel and its allies for years. and so israel did not officially take credit for the assassination. it was the latest in a long line of targeted killings of how much leading light rudy is believed to have been one of the founders of how much is all i'm doing. the cassandra gates, the us state departments had a $5000000.00 bounty on his head since at least 2015 has how much is 2nd didn't come on. he was known to be a top is ready targets. another person should be on israel's most wanted list. is this man, he's the us in law leader of home us in gaza. and the person israel holds most responsible for the attacks on october 7th, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. colson was a dead man walking. israel has been killing homeless figures for decades. the
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groups found is shake off made yes, in and of the laws these all around t c. we're assessing aged in 2004. dozens of other homeless commodities in lead is have met similar fates of the as part of a wide campaign against several palestinian groups. there's a sense that they can kind of, we can to palestinians and eliminate their leaders and keep them kind of defeated and divided. but, you know, we've seen that that those policies, those biling policies haven't worked in, you know, in suppressing palestinians general desire for freedom from occupation. off to the october 7th, the tax and the death of more than a 1000 is released mostly civilians. israel seems to no longer be willing, just to block kate how much in and pickle fits lead is it stated, am, is now the groups complete destruction, considering them legitimate targets no matter where they are. one and the list says
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the attack could lead to retaliate. res strikes against israel globally. jewish communities all over the world is ready. embassies will be targeted. so we know that come awesome chris, but i can do it. and i think that this is opening and you'll circle over violence, new escalation with the desk total in gaza, topping $22000.00 palestinians. they may feel their full on these rails kill this mike level. i will do their best tons of a situation inside garza now with a number of people killed in his ready attacks has passed 22000. the ongoing thomas says it is killed, several is ready soldiers using mines and is also destroyed tanks. here's where the army says it's killed. several. i'm us members along garza's coastline. what videos are emerging, a wide spread destruction in northern gaza?
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this web page shows the stage of rec, neighborhoods and bodies lying in the streets of gauze of city. han eunice in southern gaza is under intense fire from is ready tanks and find a jets. that's where the palestinian red crescent is based. a baby is among 4 people killed the number of israel's parliament. the contests it has accused. these rarely made a tray of kidnapping a baby go from the gaza strip. of the tv says the child was taken to his route by in his very soldier unrest off i told alj a 0 that they did not receive a baby following the reports. and the statements addressing the incident and his writing mood fees spokesperson said the id f shows and the grief of the tough family and will continue to accompany them. the described event in which a gauze and baby go was brought to israel's to treatment and later returns to the gaza strip is unknown. the source of the claim is under examination with the relevant parties. with oracle as soon as in rough, ha,
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and southern gaza and target, let's start with the assassination of some other really is really not invested until united nations has congratulated. it's made a tree on security forces on the assassination that would appear to be the 1st official confirmation of his ready involvement from it is really a special. what about inside does what kind of reaction is that the it's just as we have been saying before, with thoughts of the, is this an ancient of saw that had already considered to be as an achievement for the is there any military and political leadership as they have been looking for what eliminates him, even in the areas that in the, in the periods that were probably gone to school on october the 7th, as they have been also saying, an accusing that at using thought already for standing behind the majority of operations at the west bank as he was also responsible for planning and fundraising, the military, reparations in the west bank. and also he was the coordination,
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a channel between the political and military leadership of the last movement. so he's decided to be an effective eye clinic person, as inside the goal is a strip. there's sentiment of brief also and a frustration regarding the clinical side of how to get mixed with more c, as in terms of the expands and then the extension of fighting due to the killing of sort of had already as moved. the rages of rockets had been fired from kansas trip towards the hispanic communities. the as also tell us the as a clarity right now. i remembering the warnings that released by a secret treat general of hospitalized on us from our regarding the warnings that had been released at probably a goals as full a. regarding any sedation for any palestinian figures on the line to flip on the line, that would be of course routine the agent back again. i do the one remain at or stand idly by regarding despite elation right now the, the as ready a, these read that tax on the goal is just to continue. the only is if it gets very
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intelligence community were directed towards slipping and as the lemonade single side of how do we consider it to be one of the greatest achievements of the work on goals of right now. but will of course, trigger more concerns about that the attacks or also the conflict might be spilled over into an entire region of well, if you ever attended ation, of course, the law was completely violent and also matches the, the, the level of, of a crime that had been committed to dates as they have been alien saying before the gods is war. and you mentioned the nature of these really strikes and the fighting inside goes to bring us up to date. there's been another strike on the policy and read presence headquarters that yes, as we are right now. as we are hearing the sounds, i think he's really excited just our whole ring of this kind of robot destroyed, move, met it, treat unrelenting attacks. have been carried out to these the last couple of hours . of course,
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the cause of strict on any particular subject. pause of the territory where 100 has had been one of the areas that had witnessed most is rarely military and aerial bombardment. in the last hour where the uh, the, one of the main headquarters of the palestinians were at risk of isn't present as society had been attacked, or fond palestinians before killed with an impulse of others who had been also wounded, being transported to a mazda of hospital to receive a treatment. now this is not the only attack that had been carried up against this institution. it's the 2nd one that had been conducted on the ongoing attacks against also international organizations raising in gaza strip that also providing medical and to humanitarian services. of course, the territory and on the earlier days of the israel keeps bouncing you on shelters attacking. and jose organizations throughout destroying the main headquarters inside goals like just to create a domestic feeling on the creation of a previous inclusive environment,
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which also resulted into the displacement of more than $1000000.00 palestinians to the southern part of the gaza strip. talked about zoom in rough uh in southern garza, thank you very much. i as the for i that's bring you some of the days of the news now. and in japan, a passenger jet has cooled file on a run with took his hand of the airport off to colliding with the coast, going, playing all those on board. the japan airlines jet made it off the aircraft alive, but 5 people on the smaller plane were killed. finsen monahan reports cameras at tokyo's hyundai to airport capture the moment at the collision of japan airlines. passenger jet struck a coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the
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passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed at georgia to start panel lines informed. the civil aviation bureau, the 379 people including 367 passengers and 12 crew members had been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated types 5 of the crew members were concerned out my store within an hour of the passenger jet, catching fire. there was nothing left but wreckage. but extraordinarily, we all witnessing the fast. how long i've been able to say 350. this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. the pacific at cost that was flying today is just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver a to earthquake victims when the collision happens all runaways. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up
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on the same runway bins. monahan how to 0 as well. as you heard the coast guard plane was on the way to western japan, which was struck by a powerful ass quake on monday, at least 48 people have been killed in magnitude 7.6. quake happened off the coast of issue call a prefecture, causing widespread damage, more than 1000 members of japan's, me to treat, helping rescue team search for survivors, and c 91 and has now being listed as to g. thank you, i. yeah, i have received reports that very large scale damage has been confirmed, including numerous casualties building collapses and fired includes that it gives i, my hus safety as for the power outages was, outages and communication disruptions. currently occurring. workers have been on site and are in the process of restoring them. south korea's opposition to each item young that has been stabbed in the southeastern. so to your son, doctor say his injuries a lot of life threatening local media. say he was touring the side to the proposal
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that was for the man asking for an autograph, suddenly lunged forward and stabbed him in the next. the mountains being taken into custody. these democratic party naturally lost the 2022 presidential election. the media con tycoon jimmy lie has pleaded not guilty to all charges at his driving home. calm, lies accused of threatening hon. comes national security and conspiring to commit for inclusion. he's being held in solitary confinement since december 2020 and is facing life imprisonment is found guilty, lie and is now shut to apple daily newspaper, which the supporters of home comes pro democracy movement. so don's power, military rapids support forces to say they're open to an immediate and unconditional cease find the negotiations with the army. through negotiations of the army, we are assessed made the announcements in a statement it signed with a suit, any civilian coalition. the army was also invited to sign the declaration leader of
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the are assessed as it could lay the groundwork, a piece towards the end, the war that's being ranging south and 9 months and that's it for me. so now how are you close to the rest of the team here in the i'll be back in around a 13 minutes with the rest of the day's news. the weather is next and it is time for the inside story. the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle. however, we have still got some very wet weather, some light, the shower is just around the east coast of australia, but they'll tend to ease off as we go through the next couple of days. and if that happens, still the clutch of storms coming into west and costs of the south wells, driving down towards the southeast was at eastern side of the victoria head of that high pressure of insurance. and they say it is buried quite nicely over the next
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hour. so some pleasant sunshine here, but not quite so pleasant. on the other side of the dates. so be some larvae shelves, into se impossible, straight here. still a few showers just lingering the for the gold coast, we brisbin up towards the sunshine coast to shower, to up to was a type your peninsula. right, so usually close up towards the northwest, probably the top and that will be some larvae showers in place here. but across about to west australia, it is going to be dry and hot for the most part enough in our store attempt just using of 30 i celsius here on this as they often they may well, we'll see how that went to whether making his way towards these even by the state to talk to us about and right, but some faces spells of sunshine level. the last such, also some rain to just coming out of china for wedding stay moving across the cramping. is that pretty quickly into a good parts of japan and gravity, tony to snow into those western areas on thursday of the weather brought to you by visit castle. president biden says wants
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a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the is a new phase of israel to 1000 entails. it's always pulling some truths from the stress . it says it's adults and most ha, digital solutions against him off, candace, relative to the chief, it's subjective in the world. this is inside story, the .


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