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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the other one, how are you suppose that this has been use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really trying to strive targets or how much office in southern bay route assassinating senior leader. so all i really and 5 others degree close at a tire were stacked hundreds protests in the occupied west bank against the
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assassination of the roof street that goes across central and southern gaza. how must, by just say that engaging is really troops in hong units. and in the north palestinian cities have been left in ruins, more than 22000 people been killed since then, we will be got the beginning in lebanon, where it is really drawn strong because assassinated saw how that re re, a senior official from us several 100 us members were killed in the attack. 2 of the leaders of commerce, as on doing the custom brigades, the dry and target, how much office located in the southern bay route suburbs of da here, the group has struck a defined tone calling the attack a terrorist act. we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the grape commander in which i had shaved, solemn,
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allied woody and his brothers and call liza nadia. the hum us commanders and cod race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism. in every sense of the word, it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation and desire in this occupation. the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. because they know how to, how is the latest from the scene of the drug strike in southern david. 11 is the arms group has the law is promising a response for the assassination of how mazda is number 2, so last, rudy, along with
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a number of military commanders and how mass members they were killed in bath apartments. as you can see, this was a surgical strike, as well does not claim responsibility, but it is believed to have been responsible for killing those man who were apparently holding a meeting. now this is a security breach as well acting on intelligence how mass of course and ally of hezbollah. it has really develop the military infrastructure in this country with the support and help of hezbollah and husband was calling this a serious assault on 11 on. and that is also a dangerous development and the ongoing conflict between israel and the access, the so called access of resistance now has the law has joined the back of
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a gets is to help relieve how mass and gaza. there have been rockets that have been fired from siri and territory towards israel as a whole season. yeah, man. they have been firing drones in this house, as israel, all these different from price a relief pressure on how much in gaza. so it has all of the statements, they are alluding to the possibilities of, of an escalation on all these friends because has the laws response it's, it's, it isn't a difficult position because if it's response triggers, a full blown conflict with israel, then it will face the opponents in 11 on, and they will also be accused of dragging lebanon into conflict, and of hezbollah does not respond, then its credibility is at stake. because even before the conflict began along the border of the south lebanon border, has the last has had promise that any assassination of 11 is a palestinian, and
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a running and official 11 on will. and this is a fierce reaction. now tomorrow the head of hezbollah has on us for our love. he was his plan to give his expenses, to give upon speeds of late on wednesday to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the killing of the head of the running. and could this force cost him to lie many? what will he say? all eyes really are on has the law, but no doubt this is a major blow to have massive military infrastructure 11 on israel. the that has, well, i will respond, but it will stop short of a bragging the country or, or dragging this into a full, full blown war. what has the, has been doing so far in the south really has been calibrating his actions. this is no doubt the serious escalation as a turning point center for the associate of the southern suburbs available by
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speaking to the us news network m s nbc senior adviser to these ready prime minister mark reg, i've had this to say about the attack in bayard we can speculate if you large but let's be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear the israel has in the past. of course it does. we tell us when they're in foreign countries and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief and stuff, have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre. there is a legitimate targets. the right hand to salute is joining us now live from occupied east jerusalem. and i'm the, there's been sort of appreciation, a sort of a celebration of success from some senior is very political officials. but no confirmation as yet that this was in his ready strike,
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no official conformation whatsoever from these really government on the targeted assassination of the some us leader in the liberties capital of they do, but it is shortly being held as a success. and if you're wondering why there isn't a ton of, is really reaction from politicians. it's because the cabinet secretary has actually given a directive for members of these really government to not speak on the matter. but all of this comes as these really is for months, essentially have been warning about targeting him, us officials and leaders who are abroad. but that policy was not just going to be exclusive to gaza. and they have had a list of people who they were planning on targeting. and they said anyone who is in love and on anyone who is in turkey, anyone who was in parts of they are all a target because of what happened in october. now the is really military spokesperson, daniel,
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how gaudy this evening also have dodging questions about the matter. but in his answer saying that these really are prepared for any possible scenario and that they are on high alert. this evening. benjamin netanyahu is convening his war cabinet, but remember, there was supposed to be a wider cabinet and security cabinet meeting to discuss what's going to happen the day after the war that was already rescheduled from last week. but that has since been postponed, and reports within as really media are indicating that at this evening's work cabinet session, this targeted assassination is one of the main agenda items. but it is also worth noting, but this is a earning points within the war because it has serious implications for what is next. we just heard from our greg of speaking to american media. one of the advisors for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and what else he said in that interview, is that this attack was in no way an attack on his bola,
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but rather a continuation. rather, it was not. so while it was on lebanese territory, it was not an attack on his bo love, but these really is to have been saying that they are expecting some sort of retaliation for this. all of this, of course, according to anonymous is really officials within is really media. but all of this comes as israel's defense minister, you know, on the launch was inside of the gaza strip in the central part on full of dean road . saying that the fighting is actually intensifying in the southern part of the territory. and while there is still fighting going on in the north, it is of less intensity. but that the war is going to continue. and it is going to take time. but what these is really officials have been saying for months now, is that any time us official is a target, and this war is going to take as long as they feel necessary. and however they
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choose to prosecute the war is what they're going to do. right, how do i salute that and occupied easters? and thank you very much. these events, of course being followed very closely by the by the administration of white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it has been monitoring developments from washington dc as well. there has been no official reaction to the attack in lebanon by the white house. it is not surprising, given a meeting that took place just before the new year on the white house campus, it included the national security advisor, jake sullivan, secretary of state anthony, blinking as well as the is really minister, a strategic affairs ron term, or what we know is that part of those discussions included how to transition the is really military campaign from a high intensity phase $21.00 that focused on going after high value, how much targets now we see evidence of that. but at the same time, well,
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there is this emphasis on doing just that. given the fact that there has been global outcry to the high number of palestinian casualties now in excess of 22000 predominately women and children as the is really military says that it will continue its campaign. there is this concern by united states that this will broaden to a larger middle east conflict. as a result, we know that the secretary of state antony blinking is expected to travel to the region in the coming week. we expect that he will travel to the west. spec jordan saudi arabia, u a e and cut har for high level meetings. even as the secretary of state is traveling there, the state department still says regarding his travel plans, it has nothing to announce. kimberly help it al jazeera,
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the white house. but let's switch back to bay route now and send me another he is director of the event institute for strategic affairs. thank you very much for joining us. um, we heard from our correspondents and a hold of you and to show that a lot of attention will be focused on how so i'm not sure all of the hezbollah does speech coming up in a, in a few hours time. he has a calculation tonight, doesn't he has made this promise that any assassination on nobody's 3rd treat will be met with a very severe response. and yet so far, hezbollah has been calibrating his actions, trying it seems to avoid a full scale war. so where do you think this goes from now? is there a, this is true, however, that this it in today it's that it's a major escalation for at least 2 reasons. the 1st reason that the incident happened and inside the time this is the 1st time that he said that he's on the
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image of the operation inside inside to do and not on the inside bedroom, but and a solid and some good, which is the strong hole all has blown up for the 2nd. and the 2nd factor is the fog, that this incident shows the beach and hezbollah security. the system, if it's true. now that has been a lot, is that in a wage corner, because on one hand, he can not to not to, to the 30th or in the way or another thought to. he doesn't want to conduct a war on the 2 to end on the timing of is it i am because since day wrong since october 7, uh, neither has by law nor did on want to in his condition in the war that they were pushing to a cease fire and that science is see a ceasefire could a lot, how much is blah and get on to that claim victory?
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the incident today is booking for a day so that everyone's of engagement in question. but another, i mean a message a or another remark that it's worth mentioning is that, that this operation, oh, that was conducted today. it's kind of a message from is that i get to washington because washington was pushing. is it i to change the way it is conducting the war? a no boeing at washington was startling. is i to stop the war for a while as agreeing on a ceasefire? it was. but as shooting is it i to change the thought that the style of the war and instead of this sent an income, minnesota to a minute to the operation, they weren't pushing for it. todd
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a bit to the operation exactly like the law that happened today. however, this operation is solved, get a corporation started getting a how much the admitted to the editors is not happening in gaza or in the west bank . it's happening 11. and this good. uh, just if i knew it on that occasion. but it has been a lot of edition which will defeat the purpose from and washington perspective. this is why and now it's would be really interesting to see how the light pulse with command on what happened today. indeed route. well indeed, i mean, you say that washington was was keen to prevent an escalation as reporting that it actually gave me very early days of the war. inhibited. i advised his rental not to carry out a pre emptive strike against has blah. so how do you think washington will respond
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to this, which is potentially a trigger for a much bigger sort of compensation we've seen thus far across the board or in northern israel, an accident for washington as why the situation is, is not easy. because on one hand, just stopping the war it today and i going on a ceasefire, this would be offering victory to us. but more importantly to eat on something that the washington would not be in favor off. but on the other hand, any uh, escalation. ready lead to an open or another war, but into that long back. this is happening to new ukraine, and this would not service. uh, i'm already caught, set the jeep into this for the more that the, by that date is it a is proving to be a selected you good for, for washington,
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and i'm not anymore. should i teach it a lot? and given what to all the images that are coming from god saw and that are putting the rest against that was that as of the majority of the ones that were wide public opinion that shifted to today in favor of that or at seminar, the director of the event institute for strategic affairs, thank you very much for joining us from barrett. pleasure. i'll talk to send you this. have got it across cities in the occupied westbank protests being taking place in the streets of ramallah ruta jeanine, hebron and novelist that also they wrote in response to the assassination of the i'm us deputy data saw a lot of roommate the, the abram has more now from the best with him in the occupied west to the palestinians. i've taken through the streets and several of the cities in the occupied westbank as well as in his home south of idaho,
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where we've heard his mother and his sisters speak. they were clear and sending the message that this is what sol, how do, what do you want to, by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients. and they mentioned that the, his blog is not better, is not any more or better than anyone that has been killed in the b c's, cause a surface specifically children. now when it comes to how he's being remembered, he's been known as the guy who is responsible for out for sandra gays and the fuel cards westbank itself, he's been seen as the mastermind behind the capture. i'm feeling of at 3 is ray, the settlers in the have run into year 2014 and indeed received also. the war on galls of that has falls out in the and is home zone. how the city is of gather do basically more name and talk about him. but he has also been, and i don't uh,
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someone instrumental and this was specifically at people. i have seen these really forces raised into his house below. it's up also after the war, and this is the 2nd time in a row. you know, people here look phones the as many of come off as meters because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupation. they're not different than those fighters on the ground, and they are facing similar phase, not only when it comes to the fascination now, but also when it comes to being in prison, solid and already has spent at least 18 years and is really jails. 15 of them in one time and then he's been released the there's been also, of course, is outside of the occupied left bank where he spent his time between 13, i know, 11 on. so basically this gives you an idea of why people move off to
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those leaders and how they are already deciding to declare tomorrow as a general strike. and as a day of morning. well, the targeted killing. all of you had another senior suite of this time and 11 on follows. a familiar pattern used by is ro, but with decades israel has attempted to kill senior hamas vegas when it could, while isolating the group inside the strip along with the people that goes on. michael, apple has no issue that he saw last allowed. rudy was one of how much is top officials. he was meeting other leaders from the group in the bay route suburb of the here when a huge explosion destroyed a floor of the building. had been a target of israel and its allies for years. and so israel did not officially take credit for the assassination. it was the latest in a long line of targeted killings of how much leading light rudy is believed to have
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been one of the founders of how much is all i'm doing. the cassandra gates, the us state departments had a $5000000.00 bounty on his head since at least 2015 has how much is 2nd didn't come on. he was known to be a top is ready targets. another person should be on israel's most wanted list. is this man, he's the us in law leader of home us in gaza. and the person is rel, hold most responsible for the attacks on october 7th, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. colson was a dead man walking. israel has been killing homeless figures for decades. the groups found is shake off my the sending of the loves these all the run t c were assassinated in 2004, dozens of other homeless commodities. and leaders have met similar fates of the as part of a wide campaign against several palestinian goods. there's a sense that they can kind of,
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we can the palestinians and eliminate their leaders and keep them kind of defeated and divided. but, you know, we've seen that, that those policies, those violent policies haven't worked in, you know, in suppressing palestinians general desire for freedom from occupation of to the october 7th to texas. and the depth of more than a 1000 is re lease mostly civilians. israel seems to no longer be willing just the blockade homeless in and pick or fits lead. as it stated, am, is now the groups complete destruction considering them legitimate targets no matter where they are. one analyst says israel's targeted attack and they've been on risk for the escalating tensions to it's not. i don't think that any of those us in a, as, as a nation was ever a game changer. now we face a very complex situation to reach it, but it's the single,
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but it's the was assess the native on the 3rd or flip and on. and the question is where we're just but not take with the death toll in gaza topping 22000 palestinians. they may feel their full on israel's kill. this mike level l g 0. when michael link is a human rights lawyer and a professor emeritus of low at west of university in london, ontario from where he joins us live now. thank you very much, michael link for joining us. and we were hearing there about some of the history of targeted assassination against seeing, you know, how mass figures. israel might argue that this is a different, this is part of its reign of systematically wiping them all out. it could also be argued that it hasn't really done much of that if any inside goals are and so is, is looking elsewhere. i mean, how do you read what's happened in the last few hours as well? let's, let's keep in mind 1st of all, legally. um, assassinating anybody can, um,
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is, would generally be considered to be an extra digital assassination, which are, which is country to, to enter for war. the expectation in, in a modern world is supposed to be ruled by the right level, is that you capture people. and you would only assessment those are present an imminent press. that remains to be seen whether or not the assassination of the i'm us military leaders and be rude, presented to an eminent front to uh, to israel, politically. um i, i would certainly some current with other comments i have been made on the program about assassinating political leaders or military leaders of your opposition, particularly of a people who you can subjugating. doesn't leave anywhere. we know from a colonial history, an anti colonial movement. so for the last 80 years of that, once there's an idea in mind to achieve for people who achieve freedom and self determination,
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they saw some nation of their leaders only increases that determination. it doesn't less than that. um, and we see, for example, the what does happen with, with the years and years at britain didn't negotiate with the higher rate until they finally did and realize that they could bring a major monument piece to northern ireland by engaging and a political process. that's what's needed here is a political process. when you don't offer a people whom you're subjugating any form of a, of a political horizon that's going to lead to with a freedom of them, you're going to expect resistance and rebellion and of the cases retaliation for this is us nation of these leaders because they've been because of the they've been on the west bank be they've been living on or elsewhere, is surely going to be a political debt. and, well, i mean the, these reading line is it off to what happened on the 7th of october. it's not about negotiating with us, it's about entirely, extinguishing it as
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a political and military entity from what you've seen over the weeks succeeding that does that look like an achievable boy? you know, and i, i think most to inform the military strategist in commentators. i've said it'd be almost impossible to be able to eliminate a massive store as a major fighting force within guys a not withstanding almost 3 months of intense pounding of the, of the district of israel's threat. that it's going to be engaged for many more months in the, in war, in gaza. but that's going to be an almost impossible strategy to continue giving. i think the world's revulsion of the slaughter of the, of most of the boston. he's a 1000000000, so they're unable, the united states is a we're getting to the fact that it can't continue to protect israel and definitely with respect to this. and if it is real assumes or the united states to them is that it can find a pacified almost any leadership to take over in, in
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a gas or in palestine as a whole. and not engaging in those or, or it's opponents such as some us and then i think it's mrs. read the lessons of the last 7580 years. i'm a mass, whatever form it is or it's successors are going to be, have to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. and briefly, when you think about the potential consequences of this, i mean, it is ro, it has been very clear, seemingly that it doesn't want to see a full escalation saying. so, although it's, it's, it's, it's bombing in southern lebanon. recently the united states has been trying to intervene to prevent such an escalation. what does it say about these really briefly about these really calculation? but it's decided to go ahead and do this anyway. and certainly we were already in a very warm war before you before today. i think these assassinations in uh, in be rude. are going to change from very warm, warrantable ha, 4 we've,
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we've obviously seen these exchanges going across the border between southern living on and northern israel. i expect this is going to continue and why? well, it's probably in the interest of the, it's really political leadership to one of white in the war where they think they can manage it in order to avoid the inevitable political reckoning. that's going to occur in, in israel with respect to answering questions on why a top or something happened. alright, michael link in london, ontario. thank you very much for joining us. my pleasure. right, let's switch our attention now to what's happening inside garza, where the number of people killed in is where the attacks is positive. 22000. the on the waiting upon us says it is killed, several is ready. so just using mines and is also destroyed. tanks is ready, army says it's killed. several homeless members along causes coastline on eunice in the southern gaza is under intense fire from is where the tanks and finally just that's where the palestinian red crescent is based. a baby is among the 4 people killed that as a target,
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as soon as in rough off in southern gaza and tara could the posting read present societies headquarters once again. yes, and that's definitely a new attack against the same organization for the 2nd time, the same city where one of the heated, the main headquarters that had been hit were turned into a rest. huge place for the factories from the eastern areas of con, you just as the 5000 years have been killed. and this strike with those and others who have been in judge an ongoing military campaign against the city of time. eunice, as the east bed, the forces had been mobilizing more troops, state full control over the city as the confrontation of stuff on the ground continue, at least since the early hours of today's morning 16th policy is being killed. only getting con you in a city on one of the latest is when it strikes had level to the ground that the residential building where full palestinians have to report it to the now new to
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city has one of the main areas dr. you, it's very minute treat is now making a very police shift of this strategies in terms of the compact in the field, where they are a cooling mopar guides to find the, as they are making the kinds of tax. it comes with a trouble from some set and pause and another and, and send some areas of calls to the city. and they are now making more mobilization of loose loose troops for it to be pushed towards the middle coordinates of gauze light, including a range of because the understand what the refuge account where it, which works in the last few hours have been on the white military shilling by the artillery unit. stop us position near the goal is to strip folders as the forces are trying to be much more access on the accomplishments inside the key, a, a path and residential neighborhoods. and in such areas, confrontation stuff, continue as palestinian fine. just trying to block the entry of these metric choose by attacking them with different kinds of weapons as a the,
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a casualties and just pulled that when both sides continue to wally's as move around, just the brackets have been fives from the gaza strip. tossed is very surrounding settlements by topic i was in the, in rough. i thank you very much. i are still ahead on your 0. 5 people are dead all through a passenger plane burst into flames, following a collision with another across that it took you at the the hello. we got more wet when the weather piling to the west side. if you see the cloud just tumbling in from the atlantic, some very wet when the weather coming in across the southern positive indian wells, in particular, northern areas of frogs that's all pushing its way further east with record, an area of high pressure that strep's them very cold, i replaced across got a navy where the 2 shall meet. we're looking at
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a fair bit of snow the on that leading edge. so that when, when the weather will continue to pine its way across the western and know the positive as we go through. well, where to stay with that snow in place for a breezy by the south, that's the place to be for some present sunshine, decent spells the sunshine right across the mediterranean. meanwhile, further no further outbreaks of freight bits and pieces of snow using over tools the hun, gary, and play. around about 6 days since about western side of rush, i must go to the top temperature in the heat of the day. if we can go to that, the minus $22.00 degrees celsius for the south rest, some range is coming up to spain and portugal from that same system pot again from the atlantic. or you might just catch your chair to the fall north west of advocate, but for much of north africa. think dr. pretty much something probably with the next couple of days. west africa to losey fine and dry. like you may just kept one or 2 coastal showers towards the gulf. skinny legal still hot. the 37
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the. i'm mary mc. and i've been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38, your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains are of the last chapter, dreams on out to 0, examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of everything international filmmakers and wealth cost. john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative
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view of the world today on i don't as era the you're watching, i'll just remind to of on top stories this out. israel has assassinated, saw that i'll read a senior official from us. 6 of the members were also killed in the attack 11 on the drone strikes. targeted, how much office located in the southern david southern hit the group, how struck a defined turn? cooling the attack, a terrorist act, the number of palestinians killed and israel's will run. garza has now passed the 22000 feet. a new video taken in garza city shows bodies lying in neighborhoods
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reduced to rubble off to as many soldiers that the united nation spokesperson has said. the organization is concerned about the full out from the killing of a senior home us, nita in beirut, let's bring a james base now, a different how to get it to present the you and in new york. oh yeah. how are you? i'm actually in the chamber of the un security council members. you know, the security council has been unable to get a resolution cooling for c spa in garza over the last couple of months. but there was a new country in charge of the security council. front is the president of the security council for the month of january and fronts for some time has been pushing for the c spa in gauze. the one country on the council that has been blocking that and using its veto twice because there's another permanent member of the security council, the united states, but front. so it's gonna be working very, very hard on diplomacy this month here in new york at the united nations in the
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mind who's going to be leading that diplomatic effort is the new president of the security council. because that the, the, the pastor of france joins me now. thank you for talking to out. is there a, can we start with the latest developments for some time, you'll be moving about escalation, that seems to be an escalation. that seems to be num, attacking by route to taking out a senior. i'm not salita who's been killed to a, but i'm us members. i'll kill, i've been killed as well. how worried all you about that? well, uh, just to thank you for having me. if you knew, yeah, everyone, this prizes and guys us thought the most 3 months ago or to about 7. and we have manage and 2 now not to resolve the crisis, but at least to avoid a spin over in the region. the way the westbank can depend on, and this is what we need to continue to do on day one, the prism nicole, a friend needs to go now work very hard,
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tirelessly to convince the original stakeholders to avoid original conflict ration and linked to the crisis. and goes, uh and to a certain extent we manage to succeed and to get there. so uh, you mentioned the events and they would so earlier today, friends, we continued to encourage all the size to, to avoid discussions and, and the, to focus on the situation and goes on to make sure that we can have a progress on the ground of assist the decision of a city cheese resumption of thoughts, humanitarian relief, release of or low stages. it's a to, i'd say to those assassinations that took place in by root of a, a breach of the un charter. is this a breach of lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity? well, i don't have to comment on that. i think it's remains and clear. uh, what we need to do again is to avoid
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a speedo or effect. we need to avoid conflict between the east side and leave. i know. and we need to make sure that the situation is solving both of the ban on remains gone. we need to make sure that you need feed, which is a you in to which is a really val, since 1978 to cancel the phillips been date. and nobody needs a new from, in this region. of course, you're talking about escalation, we've got escalation, potentially in other places as well. look at what's going on in the red sea. i believe you'll now coding a security council meeting in the coming hours on that. however, it is from particularly now, as we know, there's a, there's an a rating in warship that's now patrolling very well. uh, we are very concerned with the situation in the red sea from side joining the can the nation of the set tax on the one as you rights. the said james, there is a critical to we'll discuss this issue tomorrow afternoon at 3 pm in december. and
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we need to do what to it takes to secure a long time safety. it's essential. i think nobody wants to do this was conditioning, the ritzy and uh, the ritz sees a absolute see the vital for transportation of goods, people in the g, you, me to trade in goods at. that's why i think we need to a secure maritime safety in the red sea under here. well, let's get to cause or itself, whether this documented tiring situation with so many people have been killed. more than $20000.00 off of those children fronts has controlled and security counts in terms of being the president for the next month. are you going to push for another resolution? and do you see any change in the us position? because the us of course, of the ones booking this with that'd be to what we need to see progress on on this file. of course, the humanitarian situations remains absolutely dire. the secret to go and see that of the,
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to resolution on the human to jen dimension. is prizes and to be honest with you, implementation of these resolution is not fair. the needs remains and, and, and of course it's good to see the so could you can see that dressing that you may need to institution does a. but we need to do more than addressing this in terms of this crisis. and this is why france has been urging or so could you can see members to support assisted enables this issue of a city cheese in guys. uh uh, because uh, this is what we need for the people uh, for humidity and access. what we need above all that is uh, a full protection of civilians. okay, well let me, let me press you on that. there isn't the protection of civilians right now. is israel acting illegally in front? says view and what it's doing now because south africa is taking it to the international court of justice in the hague, under the genocide convention. do you agree with the action?
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for example, what we recognize is the right of use way to defend. it says the, everybody should remember that on october 6, the situation and gives a, what's called an m. s. decided to attack each way to kill $1200.00 jews to rape women say in a monstrous manner. but he says, these are the signs, but i'm not has its response. be legitimate, self defense flores originally little crime. yeah. uh, what is a legit you made is to make sure that you are not the victim anymore from terrorist attack as being a terrorist attack unless has acted as a tourist movement. and so as a right to defend, it says to make sure that these people are safe, that these kind of to reset the do not i put again. so my point is that everything we just to do with a set of defense and avoiding repetition of the set decks is a,
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an all view acceptable and legitimate. what should be avoided? what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the, of the war of intuition on human nature. no. so going, i've to the fighters from him as he's ok. of course going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be a distinctions a boss with a nickel out the the at thank you very much for talking to us here at ouch. is there a problem? so the president of the security council of this month, and i'm pretty sure business will be dominated by the events in gaza francois. so cooling a ministerial meeting about the situation on the 23rd of this month. alright james, base the at the you in security council chain, but thank you very much for that. now the us state department says recent statements by is really ministers own. we supplement to the palestinians outside of
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gaza. inflammatory and irresponsible that's got more now from she hubbard, tennessee, who joins us live from washington dc. so she have, what is the state department saying and who's at targeting this criticism at. and there's a whole sentence from statements made by to members of the israeli government to off and cool. the fall rights policy is from the far right policies. they were talking to the constituents are factions on monday where they talked about actually it's interesting how the language is changed. i talk about the world in your opportunity to concentrate on culture during the migration of residents from jobs up. so we have this, we all section on monday night about this from the state department. we go to a 11 line statement. now we have a formal statement for matthew bit of the spikes person who says the recent statement. spivey is ready. ministers advocating for re supplement is in pharma tree and responsible. we've been told repeatedly and consistently by the government of israel, including by the prime minister themselves statements do not reflect the policy of the is there any government they should stop immediately?
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we've been tech and systems to unequivocal for garza as part of city of land and will remain power sitting down with him often under control of its future. and with no tar groups a will to front in israel. that is the future we seek in the interest of israelis and palestinians, the surrounding areas of the world. and now i'm just the last few minutes. we got a response from one of the ministers who made the very statements with bob and rivera, who is the minister of national security, who responds, i'd greatly appreciate the us survey, but with all due respect, we are not another star on the american flag. the united states is our good friend, but festival we will do what is best for the state of israel, the immigration of hundreds of thousands from causes that will allow the residents of the envelope to return home and live in security and protection. i do have to start with 5, your things here is the same. what i'd like to down, i guess these 2 members of the cabinet, but actually they're probably the members of the codes who are treated very reverently here in dc groups at the same thing. they've written articles and the whole spring trouble about the ethnic cleansing of gauze, and we know that actually initially the bite and ministration considered this will
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have to come back down off the regional regional position that was talked about sweet megan, i am, i've learned for egypt of accepted mass re supplement. i think the key part here there is to look at the language being you is the by the administration of blinking or waste secondary games, the full screen location, the force displacement would even be is 2 minutes of the fall, right? ministers and the government are talking about the wars opportunity to get walden creek humanitarian reset from a because of tool as well as the bottom 70 percent or for housing solve that language is changing. or basically to see whether the blanket administration also changes or the bug in ministration. i'm thinking, change that language to the, for any resettlement is it is against us. call it or i should have redundancy in washington dc. thank you very much. the engine on a passenger jet has cooled file and a run way. it took us canada and pull it off the colliding with the coast gone
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plane. all those on the japan airlines jet made it all ca, croft alive. but 5 people on the smaller plane were killed, santa monica, and ripples cameras at tokyo sunday. the airport capture the moment at the collision of japan airlines passenger get struck the coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames. but staff and those on board responded fast. and all the passengers and crew made it out alive. but several of the smaller coast guard plane were killed. georgette good to see cpanel lions inform, the civil aviation bureau, the 379 people including 367 passengers and 12 crew members had been safely evacuated regarding the coast guard plain. the captain was evacuated at times. 5 of the crew members were concerned out my store within an hour if the passenger get
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catching fire, there was nothing left but wreckage, but extraordinarily, we are witnessing the fast. how long of a nearby say 350? this is one of the newest models of commercial airline jets in the world. the pacific at cost that was flying today is just 2 years old. the coast guard says it's plane was preparing to head to the west coast to deliver 8 earthquake victims when the collision happens all runaways. honda were closed after the crash and investigation is underway to find out how the 2 planes ended up on the same runway . vince and monahan, how to 0. what did you heard the coast guard plains on the way to west in japan, which was struck by a powerful us click on monday at least 48 people have been killed. the magnitude $7.00 quake happened off the coast of issue call a prefecture, causing widespread damage. well, the 1000 members of japan's military helping rescue teams search for survivors.
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south korea's opposition to each item young has been stopped in the southeastern. so do you put some he's been flown to the capital, so doctor said his injuries on not life threatening local media say he was touring the science of the propose that when a man asking for hold across, suddenly lunged forward will stand him in the neck. the man's being taken into custody. these democratic party naturally lost the 2022 presidential election. at least 4 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in russia's latest mishondra and strikes on kids animals, eastern city of hotties. the attacks happened during the morning, russia hitting residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. i said, bank reports the techs came in the early hours of the morning lighting up the keeps sky line. the flesh and band of the explosions disturbing the morning cool was up to but people were killed and injured as residential
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buildings felt the impact of the strikes of bush or the thing the booster believed . thank god, my son was hiding with his grandmother in the car he do. i went to the kitchen and the shop quaker threw me and a piece of brick hits me on my head. and i didn't know what happened after that. emergency crews back to, to bring the fires under control or not since the early days of the war has a capital faced this intensity of compartment. and despite ukraine's best efforts, using the defensive russian missiles are still getting to some managed to get to bump shelters. but not everyone was able to escape that quote, to move away the rocket head just in front of my apartment, t of lucky that i am. i like i was in the bump shelter. i want to urge people to go to the bump shelters. unfortunately, my neighbor died. this is the 4th attack on the capital in 4 days. and if i were to say is the largest since the stock of the will the situation in the city is
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difficult, almost 70 marcellus of a destroyed. this was a combined the talk to head johns, including crews and hypersonic themselves. the majority of them for this type of the ukraine, 2nd largest city, hockey was also struck again this then 70 kilometers from the russian border. it's both the brunt of russian. it strikes over the last few days, experts and ukraine. the russia has been stuck fighting weapons in preparation for this area, the offensive and to no one knows how long it will continue. know how much more intense food get started, big i to 0, keith. so don's power, military rapids support forces say they are open to an immediate and unconditional ceasefire through negotiations with the army. they are assess, made the announcements in a statement it signed with a suit in the civilian coalition. the leader of the r as f says the declaration could lay the groundwork for peace talks to end the war. the will that's being
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raging to 9 months. still ahead on al jazeera, the palestine national football team arriving costs are for the asian cup. will hear from one of the players the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the part about tying up some sports news with our harry. thank you so much. how signs,
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national football team has arrived and cut her head of the asian top. but players touching down in dough has one of the 24 countries taking part in the tournament, despite the ongoing war back home. and the richardson has more now from the palestine hotel. the palestine or life seems to be the neutral favorites at this age and kept her a score offering refresh points in a positive focal point from full was happening in the homeland had charge of the same saying there was a constant failing values i'd say, amongst the plays about what is happening so that friends and families back home the school spring preparing for this tournament at a training camp in saudi arabia, the place known stopping south friends and family in gaza and in the west bank and on the line. and nobody's been to prepare for the solomons. the situation that's having just gives us almost think about is just a matter of trying to block the negative energy that comes from the outside. this is just, this is just how you as
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a photo very have to be mentally ready because see the news and the images that we see every day. this actually it's a big heart breaking out because these are the families of my friends and, you know, it's our, our people. and also for us it's a hard break. but i think this gives us a motivation for this agent because it's the biggest stage and the content. so for us being able to advance from the group stage, this gives the whole world to see that we're doing something for the country and also gives the people back home something to be happy about with everything that's going on. so really it's very important for us now, like i said, it's more positive than it is negative. i think do you have the, the team and full time provide a bit of rest, bye to the people back in dollars or in the west. but of course yes, because honestly for boys it's and that it's not,
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it's not more of an entertainment than it is a life. it's a way of life for us. we live, we brief football. this is, it's not worth, you know, we do this because we are trying to make our population, our people happy. and like i said, with everything that's going on this, this is the states to be for the, for things to get, you know, seeing for the whole world to be aware that we're here. you know, it's just play like every other country and every human on this planet, the local organizers, hearing council saying that we do everything they tend to support the palestine, see a percentage of the tickets. so revenue that will be going. so those are affected by the war and goals that also during the asian cup game days will feature messages, pulse pools, 2 full pallets spinning front. this is a busy time for the palestine st. the trunk to qualify for the world cup for the 1st time in 2026. i taken one points from that 1st 2 games in that campaign. it
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keeps them in with the chance of making it. this will be the 3rd. i even couple of parents never before have i managed to win a game out this total mistake would be quite the monuments. it's here in town, so i could secure that historic victory in a group. it also includes a ran hong kong on the united, our veterans on the richardson. how do you say era? so the spanish football or at the center of the women's world cup kissing scandal has appeared in the measured chords. jenny, her, most of a sudden kiss from spanish football president, luis ruby alice watson consentual. the incident happened after spring when the woke up last year. the judge will decide if the case should be sent for try ruby alice denies and he's on doing robin adel has made an impressive return to the court after a year out of action. the spanish star beat dominic team after brisbin international . the down now 37 had places losing and the 2nd round at last here is australian open. i mean under go on 2 rounds of hip surgery,
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the 20 c time brown sam. kathleen has hinted that this to be his final i really thing that i don't forget how to play tennis. uh, the only thing is going to be difficult to make it the amount, you know, in a professional march. i mean that in a, in a very high level of tennis, because at the end you need to recall the movement to something that takes time. you need to recover the confidence on the move months. and that takes time because i'd be, and i've got a surgery, you feel let's get some things to do a kind of movement. also on the come back trail from a long entry break is um, a ride, a kind of the 2021 us opens unit has been out of action to train them on the british player beat elena gabrielle, re say at the oakland classic and her 1st match since wrist and ankle surgery. i'm incredible story of teenager luc. littler continues to run and run that the road darts championship. and the last and that's a 16 year old from england has reached the final. he's the youngest separate player to reach the title of the site. okay, and that is all you support. pronounce back to you parent. incredible story and
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a thank you very much for and that's it for me. how do you suppose that i'll be back in? i meant it more of the business, the what constitutes exempt. so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy um it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this placement and then you're saying you don't have your
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reports with it. i should just trust that unity often is the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of truth. we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety in the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to fall and counting the cost. what lies ahead for the global economy is inflation of interest rates remain high. the china is facing deflation is price is full power flooding growth,
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the effect of wills fos. how is rails war on gaza is impacting energy and shipping, counting the cost on out to 0, the challenges with the the other one. how are you suppose that this has been use our life from the coming up


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