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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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sierra, it is a tenant journalist to produce objective these coverage is true. i don't think that there is a fair, objective and impartial representation. the listening post covers how the use is called the senior official and saw that a rory on 6 others are assassinated in his rainy trend striking virus. this was a scene in ramallah in response to i'm always coming. some of the protests of in 2nd place across the off by the west by the other ones are enjoying this is obviously are life and doubles are coming up. of
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these 5 people are killed in on his radiance, on the palestinian red crescent headquarters in southern gauze. one of those was of age and in the north palestinian cities have been left in ruins. more than 22000 people had been killed since the war began. when it's 2300 gmc and we begin in 11 on wet, on his ready drug strike as assassinate him, solid rory, a senior official from us. several m. s. members were killed in the attack and 2 leaders of hamas is um, doing the all custom brigades. well the drone target at a building located in the southern bay, which some of the of the hear from us. that's cool, that's cool. that's not a terrorist. that's we would like to reaffirm that the assassination will jack by design this occupation of the grape commander in which i had shaved, solemn, alive woody and his brothers and call liza the hum us commanders and cod
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race on lebanese territory is an act of terrorism. in every sense of the word, it is also a violation of lebanese sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of the scope of these really aggression against our people and our nation and desire and this occupation, the nazis in this occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions the occupation will not succeed in breaking the determination of our people and their here real quick resistance. just there was an a hold of as the latest on the scene of the dry and striking southern bay route. the lebanese arms group has the law is promising a response for the assassination of how mazda is number 2, so last, rudy, along with a number of military commanders and how mass members they were killed in that
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apartment. as you can see, this was a surgical strike, as well does not claim responsibility, but it is believed to have been responsible for killing those men who were apparently holding a meeting. now this is a security breach as well acting on intelligence how mass of course and ally of hezbollah. it has really develop the military infrastructure in this country with the support and help of hezbollah and husband was calling this a serious assault on 11 on. and that is also a dangerous development and the ongoing conflict between israel and the access, the so called access of resistance now has the law has joined the back of a gets is to help relieve how mass and gaza. there have been rockets that have been
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fired from siri and territory towards israel as a whole season. yeah, man. they have been firing drones in this house, as israel all these different from trying to relieve pressure on how much in gaza. so it has all the statements, they are alluding to the possibilities of, of an escalation on all these friends because has the laws response. if it's, it isn't a difficult position because if it's response triggers, a full blown conflict with israel, then it will face the opponents in 11 on. and they will also be accused of dragging lebanon into conflict. and of hezbollah does not respond, then it's credibility. is that safe? because even before the conflict began along the border of the south lebanon border, has the law has had promise that any assassination of 11 is a palestinian, and a running and official 11 on will. and this is a fierce reaction. now tomorrow the head of hezbollah has on the front left. he was
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his plan to give his expenses, to give upon speeds of late on wednesday to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the killing of the head of the running. and could this force cost them so many? what will he say? all eyes really are on has the law, but no doubt this is a major blow to have massive military infrastructure 11 on israel. the that has, well, i will respond, but it will stop short of a bragging the country or, or dragging this into a full, full blown war. what has the, has been doing so far in the south really has been calibrating his actions. this is no doubt the serious escalation as a turning point center for the associate of the southern suburbs available for the 0. i spoke to the sister of solid rory, she told us about the last phone call to some countries about to the last phone
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call between me and him was on october, the 7th that don't, there was a room is that they actually assassinated the shape. so i called him and when he picked up, i felt relieved, and he told us not to be afraid. i told him about the news that we received. 3 told me, nothing happened. we are fine, and all tanks were ready in the settlements. so we felt relieved, however, we knew that eventually they were going to assassinate. tim does nothing that because really is not willing to do this co trojan base code. and since they school babies in the mothers bellies. so of course that going to come on to what's making to the us news network m s n b c senior adviser to these ready 5 minutes to mock or i give this to say about the accepting barrett. we can speculate if you large but let's be clear is what has not taken responsibility. and i think it should be clear the israel has in the past. of course it does. we terrace when they're in
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foreign countries and the truth is, i think you'll find that my prime minister, my defense minister, my chief from staff have all said in the past that people terrace commanders involved in killing is ready civilians. anyone involved in the october 7th massacre . there is a legitimate target of that sort of joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem home. does that still? no official confirmation from israel, that it carried out this assassination, but it will still be celebrated as a success of the a no official confirmation from these rarely is on the target assassination of the, from us leader on lebanese soil. and if you're wondering why there isn't a lot of his really reaction either it's because the cabinet secretary has asked for members of these really parliament to not speak about the incident. if a, these really war cabinet is also convening this evening and is reported that this is one of the agenda items on the list. additionally, we do know that
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a light or sort of security cabinet meeting was supposed to take place to discuss what these rallies are hoping to do the day after the war ends. but that has since been postponed. i want to point to comments that these really leaders have been making since the beginning of the war. essentially they've been saying that come us leaders no matter where they are and gonzo or abroad are a target and will be killed until they're essentially is no leadership. it's also point to some other comments that were made by mark ragged in that same interview. she did not say that his role is claiming responsibility, but interestingly enough, he did say that this attack was only on him, us and not on any sort of his bowl of targets, even though there are many his bullet targets. he says in they do these really armies spokesperson daniel, how gaiety, also dodging questions about the incident in his night. we address this evening
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saying that the is really as art prepared for anything and that they are on high alert. but this targeted assassination now is really going to shift the way the war is seen. and there have been many experts who been afraid this is going to spill over into a wider regional conflict. given how israel is prosecuting this war and has been taking it onto ebony soil. yeah. and have the away from the assassination. a rather complicated story has a mode accusing of his radius soda of taking a baby from gaza back to israel. what more can you tell us about this is quite a complex story. so it started when one is really sold or was giving an interview to his really army radio about another soldier was killed in the ground offensive saying that he had actually taken a baby girl from gone so that he felt under the rubble to israel for treatment. no
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one asked about this, these really army initially said they had no idea about the situation and were looking into it immediately. and finally, these really are me this evening, releasing a statement, not a statement rather, but speaking to the state broadcaster saying, quote, to after investigation, it was determined that no baby girl was taken from guns. that too is really territory. the allegations regarding the abductions had no foundation and what ended up happening was that the friend of the soldier who had been killed miss interpreted the story entirely. and in fact, the army said that the soldier who had been killed had taken a dog from gaza. and it was misinterpreted that it was a baby. all right, to have that sort of life as they are and occupied these, there was some hemmed up. thank you. palestinians have gathered across that he is in the occupied westbank protests of taking place in the streets of ramallah era. janine had brought a novelist in response. we assassination of how much difference you need to solve
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it. i need to abraham as more from bethlehem and the occupied west, but to the palestinians of taken to the streets and several of the cities in the occupied west bank as well as in his home south of idaho, where we heard his mother and his sisters speak they were clear and sending the message that this is what sol, how to, what he wants to, by taking the path of confronting and resisting these really a few patients. and they mentioned that the, his blog is not better, is not any more or better than anyone that has been killed in the b c's. go the surface specifically children. now when it comes to how he's being remembered, he's been known as the guy who is responsible for the, for some of the gays and the occupies westbank itself. he's been seen as the masterminds behind the capture. i'm sealing of the 3 is really subtler as in the
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have run in the year 2014. and indeed, we've seen also uh the war on galls of that has falls out in odd would on is home zone palestinians of gather do basically more name and talk about him. but he has also been in idle it uh, someone instrumental in this war, specifically at people i have seen these really forces raised into his house below . it's up also after the war. and this is the 2nd time in a row. you know, people, if you're look phones, the at many of come off of leaders because they say that they are the same when it comes to receiving the consequences of resisting these really occupation. they're not different than those fighters on the ground. and they are facing similar phase, not only when it comes to the fascination now, but also when it comes to being in prison, solid. and i already have spent at least 18 years and is really jails. 15 of them
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in one time and that has been released, there has been also ported all sides of the occupied left bank where he spent his time between 30 and our level. so basically this gives you an idea of why people move off to those leaders and how they are already deciding to declare tomorrow as a general strike. and as a day of morning. all right, let's, we're going to run a career. he's a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university, a bare route to johnson slide from boston to run the go daddy back with us. so how much of a blow then is this assassination to the leadership of how much does this represent? do you think a significant escalation in the war? it's a, it's a small blow. he's a very special guy. he's done a lot of masses. recent history is very highly respected and he was very instrumental and particularly legs moved between him as well. um, come i have some
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a wrong so he's because he did some very important work would show how must reach the stage where it has reached out. but how mass and has been a lot of groups like that are set up expecting that these guys are probably going to get killed. i mean, that's a strange thing to say. but they know that they face affairs, i mean, and that determines are not afraid to die. but they have created something that they think will last them a long time. will last them have a big impact. surely is inspired a lot of people out of so this is the restaurant you can, but another big one, it's something that's expected. yeah. and 11 seen is really advise that says any member of high mass involved in the october 7th. the talk is in the gym and talk about what sort of political administrate calculations is israel making here by carrying out this cutting of what messages it's sending. do you think of as you
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know, i personally think that this is primarily a bit more but nothing, you know, saying that his domestic audiences and his many photos of the people who think that he is not doing a very good job at all. and the war or politically, he's basically trying to show that we know we've had a success. we started, we're going to kill him, ask leaders, and here we were killed one of them. and better than the way he was an easy target sitting in an apartment in barrow, which is a pretty open place, some easy to ask for very so this is a really designed for internal purposes. the to show the is rarely is the army, the political class, public everybody, or even the americans or a political attempt to some extent that he is getting the job done. but i don't think it's going to have a major uh, kind of impact on the way things are going. all right,
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we'll come to the americans in a 2nd around the but the, nobody's on group has belie, you just mentioned them. there has promised a response to the assassination has blob. it has been very careful to calibrate his responses to israel so far on the board or how could this play out briefly? because it has been like, isn't like a drug living on into the conflict? is it so yeah, so there's been talked a pretty credible talk to the let the i wanted to open of the whole from time to war against his bottle and then left it in about 2 months ago. and the americans had to talk them out of it. i'm not sure how i turned that in, but it seems to have been pretty accurate sometimes. you know, they, they are, is run is with feel that they can deliver a hard blow against the rest of my life. they feel they have enough air defenses, other things to protect themselves. but this is not something that is done to resolve any of the major issues here. if you get a full hour more between about leisure, they're going to have a lot of destruction and both sides of eventually going to have to have
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a ceasefire, which is that they've done several times before, which is done as well. uh, with the, with israel protection just, uh, this is just a, just a final thoughts here quickly around me. i mean, what does this kind of mean then, for the us administration? i mean, we know the white house has been pressuring israel to change the conduct of the one washington. doesn't want to see a regional escalation, says israel, do you think becoming a strategic burden for the us and all day. so, gigi ally, any more as well. i don't know if it's ever been really in the how i am and i don't know who's really calling the shots. the americans are these rather just a very complex relationship. but certainly the, the situation has gotten a little bit more out of hand when the money comes expected was, uh, yeah, my name's all the people in the rack shooting at american bases on israel shooting of people in syria on americans shooting a people all over the place so it's coming getting out of hand and it's really and
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direct the american rami and confrontation to reverse smolik so, but totally and direct, not really very serious in terms of or for nobody wants a total war between all these parties, but all suffer and those are the result. so this is a, this is, i think the americans don't have a problem with israel to, and i'm actually there's, i have a, a 5000000 dollar reward, i think before i wrote his head. so this kind of thing is not a big problem. for the americans, they just want to see the situation and guys a give too much of it has brought me telling me many times for your time and your analysis. thank you. run me. talk to a break here and i'll just say right when we come back, tragedy tokyo sunday. the airport as to plains collide on the runaway. more on that statement the
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the route to you by visit capital color. the weather roommates pretty quads across much of north america. not too much, just showing up almost half a lot picture. logically, it's going to a lot of pressure is in charge because we have high pressure just around the, the south of the country. but what the systems moving across the northern areas through where on terrier integrate back and another weather system that's going to bring some of the live the weather in for a time. it's the west and kind of the into a washington state into oregon ad across a good pos of california. that's a rain policy and from the pacific it tends to snow wave of the sea. everybody mountains into the rock is never continues to drive its way further. east with as we go through west side that you got a little bit of snow the just coming in across the new mexico to raise it pushes into texas wet weather will slide across the deep south, dry clear weather. coming into the northeast. coal died when elsewhere,
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temperature is taping around 10 degrees. it's microwave, just as a monte site, the top temperature here, no such issues across the caravan. it's warm sunshine for the most part, unless shabby. rain is sliding across sea, raising the line of showers that just coming out of central america through nicaragua, at jamaica, still seeing a shower to up towards the cuba and his spaniel, but not too bad. a tool for the east mountains of the quote to you by visit cuts on the the
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welcome back here watching out is here a quick reminder about top stories here. that's how israel as assassinated solid. i've already seen an official from us 6 other members. and so we have talked in live in a while the trend strike target to the building located in the southern bay road, some of the here, the group restaurant defiant of quoting this type of terms number of palestinians killed and is ready attack some cause that has passed 22000 that says is when intensifies as bombardment of a central and southern thoughts on the district. but let's get more on the situation and gaza with a number of people killed in his ready attacks. as we're saying,
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as past $22000.00 the wing of how much says it's killed, several is radius soldiers using mines and as also destroyed tanks. cuz right, the army says it's killing several of us members along gods as coastline found units in southern gods as under intense fire from his ready tanks and find the jets . that's where the palestinian red crescent is based. a baby's among the 4 people killed that is here in the hospital it says tell us city and read present society facility clearly marks with the right person and then on the roof and just 2 hours ago, you can see behind me and all around the area with 5 people, including a 5 day oh, child child in the world should be let alone in one sheltering under the ends of the mediterranean organization. this war has to end. you can see just behind me. this was a space where babies were living. this is a space for children living. you can see on the, for the blood the well to be
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absolutely horrified, the world should be absolutely outrage that child was killed here today. whole more people were killed here today in the space. it should be safe, but there is no safe space in gaza in the world. to be honest, it was kind of god, the zoom as the latest from russell, a new attack against the same organization for the 2nd time in the same city where one of the heated, the main headquarters that had been hit for the tech turned into iris. here to play the sport evacuees from the sprint areas of con, you just as 5000 things have been killed in this strike with those and others who have been in good. i'm an ongoing military campaign against the city of unit as the is where the forces had been mobilizing more troops. stateful control over the city as the confrontation of stuff on the ground continue, at least since the early hours of today's morning 16th policy is being killed. only
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in con, you in a city on one of the latest is when it strikes that level to the ground, the residential building, where full palestinians have to report that killed the. now so new to city has one of the main areas. it's very minute treat is now making a very please shift of this strategies in terms of the compact seem to feel where they are a cooling, more per gates to find the as to are making the kind of tactics of what the trouble of, from some set and pause and another announce in some areas of the cause of city and the are now making move will be lazy, shouldn't loose, loose troops to be pushed towards the middle coordinates of goal. is that including a breach of my policy and understand what the refuge account where it, which works in the last few hours, i've been on the white military shilling by the artillery unit stop our station near the goal is as straightforward as, as that forces are trying to gain much more access and accomplishments inside the key, a path and residential neighborhoods and in such areas. confrontations that continue
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as palestinian fine. just trying to look at the entry of these miniature truce by attacking them with different kinds of weapons as a the, a casualties and just pulled that when both sides continue to wally's as move around just the brackets have been fives from the gaza strip. thomas is very surrounding settlements. meanwhile in the past week, something is ready. ministers have been come holding for the recycling of palestinians outside of gaza. let's get more now from she have a time, so you joins us live from washington dc jobs. so the us state department of said it's been quite clear because it is palace to be on land, and it must remain that made way. so what more official been saying shall, is listed above and released as the statement from matthew mid of the spikes best and the saying the us rejects recent statements from his right. the ministers does allow smoke church and if my been there advocating the reset some of the policies outside of garza, this rhetoric is an assignment tree and irresponsible. we've been told repeatedly
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and consistently by the government of israel and couldn't by the prime minister of such statements. don't reflect their policy if there's really a government they shouldn't stop in egypt, man. i mean, i don't know. i mean, it's a bit curious. so that's the state department decided to single out these 2 minutes is often called the most right when a member parties within the be is ready to go from and given that so many members of benjamin other knows positively looking for the benjamin that he got himself apparently last week and a closed door meeting with a good start and was talking about how be the goal was what he calls volatile free migration, voluntary migration of goals and looking for other countries to take godson's in. so i think most of my questions that this statement from the state department now, now is it provokes what is, what will that be a statement. naming benjamin netanyahu for advocating the same policy just at this time last week. apparently, it was closed, his clothes don't meeting with the could, but secondly, what we're here from blinking and by the 3rd pump circle,
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took care of principles where they were trying to develop the catch on. where's that for us does not agree in the full street location, the force displacement of palestinians in the future. but look at this language. the thing is really government the using from the support subject, the code to to be extreme, right? of all in free migration, this is a humanitarian disaster that has to go in order to, to live. so does that wallet in free migration? enter underneath the state department's terminology away is a full street location. is that something shuffled, brown, shifting preparation on the way? i think these the questions we're going to have to push in the coming days with the state department for relocation versus volunteering here on a chat room migration. alright. does she have potentially life? i stay in washington, she hadn't thank you. smell. united nations security council has repeatedly struggled to come to any kind of consensus on the world and failed to find any resolution. quoting for cease fire, this month, the presidency of a council of bosses to friends area different. my dad is
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a james bass gave us his update from you and a headquarters in new york. an hour ago, i was in the security council chamber and spoke to the new president of the security council nicolette the, the he is the french ambassador to the united nations. this is an interesting dynamic because problems, of course, is a permanent member which gives it some sway. it's a weston country, and yet it has for some considerable time cooled for a c spot to take place in garza. definitely not the view of another opponent, member of the united states. what are the prospects for diplomacy then? what are the prospect? so a resolution calling for see spa. he certainly wasn't raising expectations about that. at this stage, i pushed him on more. israel was actually doing on cause or the my in goals are at the moment. the fact that south africa taking a case to the international court of justice on the genocide convention, i asked him about his role as crimes. everything with just to do ways to save
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defense and avoiding repetition of the set tax is a in all of you, acceptable and legitimate what to be avoided. what is not acceptable is a violation of the geneva conventions. and the violation of the low of the wall of intuition on human ditch in low. so going i've to the fighters from him as he's ok. of course going of the civilians, women, children, those is not, it's clear they should be a real distinctions. well, we're expecting quite a few meetings over the month on the issue of gauze, as has happened since october, the 7th, but one big one has already been scheduled. that's on the 23rd of the month. that's when france is going to have it's for a minister here, a ministerial meeting to discuss the situation in the region or the
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spring of some of the days of the news now. and these 4 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in russian missile. and drugged strikes on the cranium, capital keys in the northeastern city of khaki. the tax happened during the early morning hours on tuesday, hitting residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. russia has stepped off. it strikes on the training and cities across the past week. on friday, attacks killed at least 39 people in japan. the passenger jet has caught fire on a runaway of tokyo was headed to airport after colliding with a coast guard plains, although it was on the japan airlines jet made of the aircraft alive. but 5 people on the smaller plane were killed, engine monahan, stores cameras at tokyo sunday. the airport capture the moment of the collision of japan airlines passenger get struck the coast guard playing on the runway as it was coming into land. the jet was soon engulfed in flames,
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but staff and those on boards.


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