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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the deluxe, the whole rahman, you're watching notes that are in use online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the, at least $103.00 people are killed and a series of glance at
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a ceremony on the ring of rollins assassinated general costs. and so the money goals for response grow louder across palestine and $11.00 on following the cutting of a senior mazda official signed all included in a root. and the roll ranges in thousands as well intensifies this strikes across the strip malls and 22300 palestinians have been killed since the conflicts become desperate scenes of hundreds of thousands of palestinians struggled to survive in the risk of conditions with little today food water or medical supplies the welcome to the pack, and we begin with breaking news coming onto the wrong officials say at least 103 people have been killed in 2 explosions during a ceremony to honor the assassinated iranian general costs. and so the money, the other one struck as
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hundreds of people gathered near the side of his grave in the central city governments or more than 170 people are reported to be injured. state media quoted and the reigning official describing is as a terrorist attack, tuesday monks and full years since the senior general was killed in the us. right. and strike near the apples in bank. that was to fuck a shim is, and the radiant political analyst. he says that our children, amongst the casualties there have been a couple of curious attacks on the past that ends up in the symmetry of the city. after long, if you 100 yards away from the burial trace of marked a general investment to lay money. um, well, apparently, uh 73 people have been bought it a 171. others have been when the numbers put rise about among those
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chill, our children, the number of children had been killed. well, the burials i'm, i mean the ceremony. the anniversary of news go ahead and it's being done peacefully, but there are are, there are also unconfirmed reports that there could have been a certain bomb that have been diffused by elaine. the security guards, most of those that have been killed. and this attack, so far have been reported from to be from disability is no military or no official has been reported that i mean a few 100 yards away from the bus. and so the money is very ill place. you have for so many people to come. it's like our but he did call them will jeff? it's they distribute drinks and spoke to the people so they have been civilians. most of them, if not all of them on the listing on groups,
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son levels has belong calling for retaliation. following the assassination of a senior and most official son, a roommate who was killed in a drug and striking the lebanese capital, they read on tuesday, the deputy chief of homicide as a political bureau. he was also the founder of his ministry wing because i'm brigades, as well because of acknowledge responsibility for the strike. but it says all how must be dissolved targets following the october 7th. the tax palestinians have been holding a general strike. and morning, formally, it will keep pied east jerusalem mandan okey pied west bank money. shops, banks, and public offices have been shut down. the most cold for protests under the acts of resistance against israel put in garza, nothing has changed is rarely as strong as continue to pound the strip by the palestinian death toll has now surpassed. 22300 hundreds of thousands of displays. people having to back a wintry conditions with little food was a full medical supplies. now we have teams across the region covering developments
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for us. but it's me, it's starting by in ramallah and occupied westbank. cyber high right. is in tennessee, but 1st that's called save it to say that sort of, he's standing by force in the root on the scene of the attack. zayna is still cold and dulls but, but obviously a devastating scenario for those in the building those around it. well no, so this was a straight shot. many. this was the 1st time. is ralph? it's 11 is capital, since it's last floor with hesper law in 2006. it is also the 1st time that is ralph sits so deep inside the country. since hostilities with the group began along the border, 3 months ago, hezbollah joined the fight in support of its ally, and from us, it's open the front in southern lebanon, in the hope of relieving come off as it face is right the attacks on on casa. so
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there is a lot of concern on what happens next. we are going to hear from the husband, the secretary general house on the solar and just under an hour from now, a few months ago, he did warn as well against assassinating any leader that belongs to the so called access of resistance, whether revenues palestinian iranian on lebanese soil saying that it's what they do, you know, as well, will face a fierce response and it has spelled out last night did issue a statement saying that this crime will go on punished. so it has the law is also in a very delicate position because any response that could trigger a full blown conflict could have devastating consequences for the country. but hezbollah to can hurt is well, it has the capability of targeting as well, all areas as well. but the do the both sides really want the full blown conflict in the past few months. we've seen them calibrate their attacks and this and the conflict has been largely confined and contained along the border. so we're going
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to wait to see what he has to say, but from this statement from hezbollah last night, that this is a dangerous development and the ongoing war between the enemy and the axes of resistance cars indicates that we can see some sort of escalation on other front spots just 11 on, not just 11 on front, which would in one way or the other. keep this country out of the deposit realty of facing a full blown hor, saying of what we have seen in the past. unless history has shown us what these assassinations happen, there is a replacement, very quickly, a pointed to that position so that the commander can control structure remains whether it be her mouse or has blocks in terms of has blood right now. and the smaller you, they face in the south of the country and now as you say, we're waiting for us in this way. i love to speak to the country as i'm sure he will, but they have a great attitude of, of waiting and seeing before they respond. and how long do you think that patients
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will stay? like they said, how long do you think it will take for them to actually do something as well? it's a very difficult question to answer because this is an organization that doesn't just react, it's has strategic calculations before it launches any sort of of, of operation. in fact, most from law has given to speak to us since the war on gods have begun. and in both locations, he explained in defend that as well as the limited engagement treaty and just conflict saying what it is doing. it is, you know, achieving some of the goals that it sets out to do. and that is fall down a number of divisions of the israeli army, a force, a tens of thousands of people to lift, leave their homes in the, in northern and northern israel. but at the end of the day, if it does not respond, it's when it's credibility and it's image as a defender of the palestinian pause. you know, will be question. but if it does respond, that will also face
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a criticism in opponents in this country, which believes it is not up to, has a lot to decide whether or not to live in on should go to war. or if there should be, there should be peace. so this is an organization that's will calculate it's moves, it has a strategies and you know, some will say it's usually takes time before responding. we, we can't forget that it has lost many of its commanders in the past among them and that most of the you so, so we're gonna have to wait to see the tone of natural low speech later today. whether or not this is any different from the last 2 speeches he gave since the war on costs have begun. hold, of course the in baby. thank you. well, that's good to you. nothing. so every time he joins the stuff and he's ready to capital telling me even solve it, let's just begin with all the, all the accusations and all the finger pointing is coming into a ton of each direction. after suddenly the assassination in baby. what reaction
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from government officials the yeah, well up. so the new reaction officially, but it's adding to what we had heard from greg overnight speaking to a us media channel saying that this uh, we didn't really deny it, but didn't also confirm that, but said that it wasn't a target that was targeting the lebanese government or has by law, so adding to that, we've also heard from the most side cheese david vanya, who earlier today had said that anyone that had planned or taken parts in the old site. but 7 attack could effectively sign that death warrants, excuse me. so i'm sorry adding to that is a that was also a stock warning and in, in, um, so what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said previously as well as will
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cabinet members the that is that plan, they said, but they had very clearly uh, we'll go off to hum us the does not just in those in the gaza strip, all the fights is spots, but they will go off to them and all the international countries in the region or outside of the region. and that's because they want to ensure the ends of them, not just militarily, but politically, as well as any one that is leading the from us, uh, organization or movement. now also in terms of what israel expects. well, we also did how, who from the minute treat army spokesman saying that they are on high a lot ready for any possible scenario, whether it was defense or offense. i'm, we're seeing that certainly that they are prepared in that northern boda with 11 non, you know, that has been a lot, has been carrying out attacks every single day. we haven't seen a major escalation since this happens overnight, but it is a possibility. we have seen the attack. some villages will towns rather across the
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board. the i'm in response is, riley military says it has carried out those strikes on southern lebanon. now we know that there is more than a $120.00 has butler flights. is of already been killed since outside the 7 and has paula says it will continue this until the war and goes and stops. so we're kind of force the intel of the thank you. now palestinians are holding a general strike and morning for irene, occupied east jerusalem. and in the west bank, many shops, banks and public offices have shut down, come on. so it's also cool for protesting of acts of resistance against israel as well. so i have to spend that smith in ramallah, and okey pied westbank so by that, what was the response the to the cutting despite that locked down as well. so this is wes la, la rory is from me. was born just outside ramado and 1966 a year before the 6 table that resulted in the occupation of the west bank because
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of what protests across towns and cities here when use or if he's killing came through and the been for the protests today and that was a widely observed general strike the close down universities shops, banks, and government offices really held to more on our roll rate. and, and he's home village of aurora, his mother and his fist is up in the receiving mourners. today a a solve issue of whether or not to come to this new, the difficult moment in his life was when he was arrested. he was tortured. he lost 45 kilo's, and we didn't even recognize him when we saw him. he was in the jail for a long time, away for 10 years, but he has strong beliefs. the difficult thing was that he was seeing his brothers and companions being assassinated and killed. it was hard for him in this this and then a statement posted in prime minister. i'm how much. so you said that the palestinians,
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at the last one of the unifying figures who was always cold, the closing rungs and strengthening national unity in the face of the occupation. and should, to extended his condolences to the palestinian people and to hamis and to unenroll his family so that it's best for us in ramallah. thank you. john thought wouldn't sleep. i is a member of the lebanese problem, and she says the assassination has the potential to draw a country in to improve the conflict. this is a war that is uh, that is put on us that is forced on us. and this is extremely, extremely dangerous. i think the sovereignty of the country has been breached. it's very important to actually document even at the united nation, the bleaching. and the attacks of the, of the,
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of is they're going on on our territory, whether they go into to, to a direct condemnation at this moment or later on. this is important to pursue important to document an important to photos through most you've mentioned this being new, lots have been gone. so with this well intensifying it from bob and to the central and southern gaza. ruffin has been hauled hedge fund is really strikes. presidents have been searching through level and use of august. the balance and con units have also been showed, well injured palestinians on the bodies of the day and have been brought to the upper use of under john hospital in rough as a 2 year old child was amongst 3 people killed when the house was foamed in a televised dress, the palestinian prime minister, and how much of a address the dying humanitarian situation in the cost extra fine was the yes, had no milk babies in gaza. some of these babies have lost their mother's children
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and gaza stood in long cues for a piece of bread, but didn't get that 10. 89 days of starvation was full thousands to die of hunger while the others road was put pressure on his route to open the crossings to allow food enough as because one enters guys or does not exceed a sense of his people's real needs on the board must stop focusing on the numbers and humanitarian conditions and rather must force his route to go no further on the item. that a couple of assume is in rather force in southern gaza. let's just start with the ongoing strikes that we're hearing about the topic of what can you tell us the yes, the use really made it treat as strikes, of course, the sci fi that water during the past couple of hours for the time being consumed. crazy news in the summer to say the least likely to value which each
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one of the 20 percent and at least have been changed off to destruction of the residential houses. and this multiple targets in an area seems to up to this several times during the past have been seeing who looked exceeds imagine from this region where children have been too long. so i was wondering mean injured. i'm going to keep it back to wait to get people under the clothes. no, they said with susan continued to be in the middle of the nature of the residents. eventually, thing i'm seeing needs to be supplement pots, and it has to happen all that i'm releasing is when funding guessing the hours of today's morning side, which i noticed fixing that type to be. now witnessing the destruction by the use would be fine to just leave the area, at least 15 pounds themes lead to during the pump hours as the ministry fullest
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with the trying to deep into the ongoing ministry attacks from these areas. it had to added to the killing of the $128.00 times $200.00. 60 others be wounded till now. it's the same time because um, the daily speeches come over the mega phone. uh way you will just tell us about the actual, citing on the ground, despite the fact that we're hearing that is where any troops was supposed to be withdrawing from the rules or the would you try. one of the most is really it took to the other in the us, in some areas of dollars. a city consider it to be a tactical operation of step that had been made by these many a occupation for leadership that they would like for us to mitigate that, you know, make a loss. and i missed that have been selected to the economy. i'm just checking on that shows also the readiness of these really military to be prepared to a long term conflicts and the sizes are mobilizing more troops now to the,
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towards the middle, and also southern part of the charge. we added the ongoing expansion of the military ground operations in and my goal is the, i'm sorry, i'm a break or refuge account along side with the as the are only the 30000 is very troops. and so just fighting them just very densely populated area and these kinds of also ongoing military attacks also continued in areas that supposed to be safe as o u. n. rough ahead. during the past, our 3 palestinians have been killed off being kit directly with at least very military drone messiah. and this is completely a part of the ongoing disruption and most of the palestinians, of course, gaza strip had been going through. i'd be happy to think about complete change can be geographical and demographic diamonds of the know the rent on central costs. the goal is, is to right now. this was a drill that comes out to
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a complete destruction of some residential areas of the news on central areas of going to city of more than $65000.00 residential units being leveled to the ground . the tunnel cover was enforced. the in rough, thank you. so let's unpack this now with alter their senior political. i'm his mom, the shower will ring dasa the board of skirmishes, level and northern israel. attacking by right now we're seeing an attack in tyrone it seems the gathering storm is not just looming, but it's worrying. yes you would would. how would go find that and say that there is gathering clouds dark clouds of war throughout the region, and could have assisted and repercussions throughout the world? because as we know, there are various woke powers. now that are also involved in this, not to be the likes of the united states with its paragraph got is and basically the 3 and even involving, you know, and recommending and,
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and granting prize to the killing of, i'd already remember in the put 5000000 dollars on his head, back in 2015 let's go to all these or most of these the know knowns. right. but no, no ones are the ongoing violence, war, occupation, genocide that's happening. and guys are on the west bank and on the is really lebanese board, there 6 are the, the no, no, no, no ones are what we just started seeing and better with them to her on, under your, on, which is sort of you expect that, but you don't know where is that going to happen? you know, suddenly there is a bombing and 11 on. so that's fixed with the additional killing guests that are isn't happening in raising the solving deal of another country. you'll see a 2nd, this condition in syria. you'll see
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a system is condition in the or on in the thirty's presidency. and that's actually the stuff that is guy that and apparently operative as far as i'm inside and 30. so suddenly, the, i know knowns are also opening up and running in front of our eyes, making it even more dangerous. and then i would add to that the unknown unknowns, which is basically anything could happen now in this region, right. there's so much violence, so much pent up tension, so many conflicts and so many moving parts, as you would say, are from the red sea, through the around you and your rocky border to yemen, the golf basically everywhere. and the region now is a kind is to further collections. so in terms of escalation, let's just focusing on what's gonna happen within the next hour or so what we do know, or we've been told that has been this roller the plus a know known as a know he's going to speak. we also know that the uranium president is expected to speak to the nation in terms of the throttle. let's talk about the tone. how much
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of his do you think speeches have to change? considering the ground realities of change. so very quickly, in the last 2 to 3 hours. well, step in this is his time as it were, because that's remember that he kind of, uh, hacked up the auntie with this right away. and he said the basic a drawer i'd line saying don't ever touch how much and 11 on and is there? i didn't just that's how i love it on. i mean they basically, for the 1st time since 2005, i believe 2006, the bombs and basically on the outskirts in the middle of the menus capital. so i think this connection is clear on the part of is uh, but you've also seen that escalation in the past week or 2 where the, there's an expansion of is there any bombings towards lebanese villages in the south? and there is a government station, all the casualties along as well, uh, uh,
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militants and southern lebanese in general. so i think that coming together, i guess the backdrop or is right, escalating and syria. i guess, various targets in syria. i know the volume was there on. clearly the tone definitely is going to change is going to be more defiant. the big question, the $64000000.00 question is whether he would walk the stock because definitely he will be speaking and i'll far more shot, told him tonight. but when he was in the same dimensional correspondence in baby, it's all about credibility. it is about credibility. now we some tests and if you're going to multiple, if you're gonna let you know, i told the total's going to walk the walk. well, yes or no. yes. i know i tell you why, because my life is no longer just a sort of our existence movement. it's no longer i she, i took a position at the moment if you what. now he's a stakeholder level as well. i'm also have responsibility for 11 on now,
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not just for their own cause the she, i cause or that existence cause within 11 on or there's a v is right. there has been part and parcel to visit with the government, who they lebanese government. and so the decision that they wouldn't make in the days and weeks to come. busy involved not one of them, but they were involved lebanon, and during the 60 and the word bidding of the entire country that's already on its knees, economically, socially put it. okay. it doesn't even have a president for got sick. i mean, so live on is already in dire straits for, has will not to be taking on its side of the decision to escalate with this. right . as a major decision that has to do with was on his bottle. in fact, i must say, i must say it has to do with more than gaza, more than palestine. because there is a very particular situation with levon on that have already gone through it and years is already occupation multiple wars. what is relo salsa for? so yes, could they minutes accounts?
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the question is, what did they find a fair the way out between capitalization and major us condition award or see what does happen and what he said we'll get more analysis formulate to as well. mobile, charlotte, thank of the mold and hoss many vaccine sol, childhood diseases, including paleo and measles, have been delivered to gaza for the 1st time since october. the 7th. even agencies have been warning of the risk of diseases spreading events causes 1900000 displaced palestinians. parents are heading to health centers in the southern city of rocco to get in since vaccinated. when we consume sharif reports in mono codes, we has finally made it to a health center and dropbox to have a baby vaccinated across your, those against pull you was delayed because of the ongoing full of to being displaced from cause of city. a mom has struggled to find the clinic, the disco, the vaccine, the finish or vaccination was delayed because it was never brought in. or it was brought in, but in,
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in sufficient quantities. because the children of the whole guys a strip have just come to an offer. there were some in hon. eunice that got dispatched to it off hundreds of thousands of bringing the instance in children to this center for vaccinations. the united nations children's agencies unit says, says it has delivered at least $600000.00 doses. that seems to cause the agency estimates nearly $17000.00 instance have missed one or more routine vaccines. and it's really blow okay during its own go. and bolt has prevented crucial supplies, including medicines from entering district the, the ones that were brought in include the earl polio vaccine given by mouth. it is for polio vaccine that treats duma local to monia and the vaccines for measles. rubella mums, as well as to where to los is these are the vaccines that have arrived. the maxine
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supply has entered garza to develop a boulder with egypt is sufficient for nearly 300000 infants and children under the age of 5 over the come here. we home most a, a resident of rough or is rushing to the center to have a month old baby estimated the vaccine is the teen days league. and i'm worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the vaccine is available. yeah, i came quickly because if it is delayed any food that the child could contract any diseases, the much needed vaccine supplied comes as a tract of infectious diseases cruise in distress. the challenge have sufficient space is to administer vaccinations among the displaced living in temper beach filters across the touch tree. and the consumption leave on to caesar as well as to head here on the news on risk. if it's continue in japan as to the 73 people were
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killed, the pamphlet is quite from new york state, the colors these heavy rain that continues across the good parts of the amazon facing the suspect, the live, the shabbots, are going to be just around bolivia about western side of priscilla. some pretty intense storms just rumbling away just around that. southeast corner of brazil for time once enough down towards the point of service deputies about where they should be. but not that much on the website. the for the focus push down to getting up into the high teams over the next few days as we go on into the state and say, the shower was really ramping up just around the, the amazon base and southern north central dry up towards venezuela into columbia. and allowed to drive across the carrot bit, we didn't have a line of showers, a weakening line, a shout was now just running across the costa rica through jamaica towards haiti.
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easing across towards the dominican republic. but as you can see from most a lot of fine and dry weather in this a repeat performance really as we go through, stay push a little further north. we have got some unsettled weather, some hopefully useful beneficial ranges pushing across the eastern texas, louisiana into southern positive mississippi. were in drought here so that rates should come with some benefit. some where to where the to just around the west coast, just around the vancouver on and pushing right down across the western side of the us and increasing tendons to snow across the mountains. if we can not agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. now just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching
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influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks, of course is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost, and the reason it's worried it could freshman with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks into law relays being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedent from around the world. since the start of the war, a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung. it's a big that zones have the results is a big organization. the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the full month's bill, you sign with me. so hold on the reminder of all the top stories, officials that are wrong say at least $103.00 people have been killed in 2 expressions during a ceremony to all the assassinated general customs in the money of glass struck us . hundreds of people got that near his grave size in the central cities get him out of screens and we don't find west bank holding a general strike and voting for the city, a mazda official. so a lot of really the deputy chief in some us and found all these minutes a waiting because some brigades and something they just kind of droned strongly, can be reached on choose day and inside garza is riley strikes are continuing strikes of being the closest in the south and century including that will cost you a few times. this is as hundreds of displaced, palestinians are facing when to conditions with little food for so full medical
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supply, the central top story. now those 2 blocks that are on there, and that's bringing her son imagine into have all these that profess ultimately studies at the university of to ron. it's good to have you with us, mr. m. at the end. can i just begin with the site? the turn around is already sort of pointing the finger of blame, and your president is about to speak to the nation of what to expect him to say. that was the main question here now is who did what has happened the to the last that work pulls off in carmano and kills many civilians and injured many more. who did that? that's the main question. now the president would of course, talk about a revenge against those who did it, but the question still remains. who did it? now there are suspects you can,
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you can hear already analysis coming out on a pointing the finger at isis, or possibly even a israel, or a collaboration between the 2 to pull this off, which comes out in the end time will fix collection at as a result of the war on guys of assassinations in damascus may, would this, if that's the case, we are an uncharted territories because this is a whole new level of escalation. that is where it is committing against iran. and i expect the price that you wait in a, you know, strategic community to push for a new way of dealing goods as well as that's the case. now if it's isis and that's and all the scenario, i think the, when you as well go after the leadership of that organization in places that they
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are familiar with in syria and a finest on us for the region. so the president was probably will, the will talk about revenge and that the wendy as well uh, advantage of those who were killed in this rather tragic and terrorist attacks. one would think that what is that to gain from such an attack on the public except to provoke paras phones? so it is a waiting game. is it not until you have conclusive proof before 10, ron decides to take action. if it wants to take any action, it's whole, and that's for sure or the writing as i have showed previously, that they will wait and calibrate their reaction to such and said, now as i said, there is no clear answer. so far the officials are talking about, uh, you know, uh, seeing the revisiting the footage of the scene and trying to figure out who and
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when and how this happened. uh, of course there will be a fee for held accountable for the security failure. uh, within the around but also the most important question is who did it beyond here on of course it's not an internal effort. it, it should have, it should have been sanctioned by a party out side because no one within yvonne can or is willing so far. at least we didn't have that to do such a harm to the civilians within but uh, but i says have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel my to want it to a move and escalate that goes to iran, to force it to do something that might escalate things and get a drag that united states against yvonne that these are all possibilities but a sofa as is until the question is, who did it is, and so i think there are,
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there is really a waiting game and, and they, they run you as well. well, try to, you know, calibrate the response according to what they found out about who's responsible overseas. what conclusions are drawing from the for the movement test and then at the end, thanks for joining us from tire on or so. these are the all means has dropped once it appears to be white, false responds and disrupt and central garza, the chemical substance is often used for military purposes and 15 severe but some people are producing 6 smoke. it's pulsing palestinian families to free the homes. 10 calendar year pools. now from this fact not only that the is there any forces are throwing the leaflets on the people in the site are forcing some of the dr. wake, but they're also firing this for gas funds in different areas. and in the concentrated
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areas, forcing people to evacuate, we have been seeing them here here. more corresponds more of as far as boss. while you're on people living in that area, close to and salutes building hundreds of thousands of feet, but that's evacuated from the north. north to here and other people have been already living in the is there any horses a bus to a vista area and asking people to go to it, but i do see all of the people are rushing so fast trying to see under prior we have been hearing constance and list are temporary setting out. as you see, people are taking their, taking their walter times because they know that they will incline them anywhere.
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they're taking their black kids. they're taking their got this woman carrying her baby trying to leave for a safe area, but at the end of the day, she knows that no way there's no play safe. people are still evacuating day after day. more areas have been caused by that is where the forces to evacuate and the situation is escalating. this is included in for august the, to the site us this, this, the work is i'll continue to search. what was the volume is after a magnitude 7 point success quite kit western depend on new year's day. now the area was also rocked by a possible after shop kelly on wednesday. at least $73.00 people are dead and dozens more, i believe, to be trumped. and hundreds of buildings that collapsed in chicago, a prefecture, both of the 30000 people in evacuation centers, japanese authorities, will, will, major as quite could, following the coming days, rescue and 8 efforts have been hampered by rain and damage roads. so it will
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see that no surprise whatsoever has arrived for food. everyone is cooperating and sharing it is just some cold and they're still off to sharks. a comp believe this is reality when it gets stuck. everyone is so scared. there aren't many people who are able to sleep void. we try to talk about fun things in the evenings. you just could possible from the town of new to in western japan that we've arrived at no, to a town which is about 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that new year's day. quick mounted to 7.6. and as you can see behind me, the destruction is here. this vehicle just barely holding up. that structure that is collapsing into its left is what seems to be the towns supermarket. now this is a community where a lot of the elderly call home and we had a chance to speak with one such man in his eighties, who says he's lived here for since he was
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a child and he's never seen damages like this from an earthquake. he runs a virus shop and he told us that even though right now is in disarray, he does hold to we open any hopes that others will do so as well as not move out of the community. now our journey here has been a very slow one because we were driving around close highways and also broken off falls from the earthquake. now these are of course conditions that aid workers have to also deal with as a try to get to these northern areas where the hardest hits are, where the casualties are rising, casualty numbers have been as well. we saw some of the special defense forces that some $11000.00 of them are said to have been dispatch. we also saw several groups of ambulances with science suggesting they were from all across horseshoe island to, for medical help for those for, and hardest need. so as you can see, the weather is drizzling and the weather is expected to turn into heavier rain as
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we fall into darkness. so authorities, government workers, a workers working against mother and nature to try to minimize the damage from potential land slides as well. units kim alda, 0 know to japan. so the 1st time chinese also make a b, y, d has overtaken tesla. how's the world's best selling producer of electric vehicles? although it has been sold the most cost about the yeah, it's chinese rival delivered more in the last quarter of 2023 forward slowly. as most empowering from that tree maker to the biggest electric vehicle or the manufacturer in china. b, y d is engine closer to unseat and tesla as the largest easy make up. although tesla sold 230000 more ease than b y d over last year, the chinese brand beat, it's us based drive on, on sales. in the 4th quarter of 2023, many of the why the sales in china, and it's close tracks donations,
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expanding market for electric vehicles. yeah, and this is the, i'm switching to an electric cost because it's cheaper and more environment drinking. it costs around $60.00 to fill up the tank for my car now, but i only need to spend $3.00 for the equivalent mileage for an electric vehicle. china has the world's largest e v market. it's also highly competitive. this is b y, these most popular model for fully electric vehicles, and it retails for about 2 thirds of the price of teslas cheapest model. in china, a slowing domestic economy prompted test lot to cut prices last january, triggering a price for that squeezed margins and some endless predict. some of the smaller startups may not survive, still fits ratings report projects, the sales in mainland china to grow 20 percent this year compared to 2023. the government has set to target for each of these to make up more than half of all
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vehicle sales by 2035 cool machine electronic growth. and the last, the easiest made of 36 percent of cost sales and is going to be developed very far in the next 2 years. estimate, the percentage would go up to 40 percent of this year. by 2025, it may even hate 50 percent, which would it be 10 years earlier than target a competition is expected to intensify with new commerce, including phone makers, shall me. entering the market. established play is like b y, d a. now looking to further increase sales be on china. the company recently announced plans to open an easy factory in handling science lee, which is 0. this is all depends. it got a region in front. so for that, for this, the time of this many months, more than a 1000 times that we don't select present to you in about 2000 people have no clean drinking water. will socrates and warning that several rivers in the region could have a flow and positive golden jeremy is still under water. i have to heavy rain with
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mold bad weather. expected to arrive on friday. around 100 people are still unable to attend the homes in the town of millions hall in low sex city after dyke past last week of the thousands of junior adult visiting the intestines at a 6 day wall accounts. now the strike is the longest in the history of persons. national health service is the latest the series to have the and address linked to the cost of living crisis. so the okay, okay, how small from london thousands of do you need talk to to make them around top of the dump to what force across health care settings in the u . k. have been gone. the 6 day will couch. it's the largest industrial action that has taken place in the national health service. and it comes off for a breakdown in folks between the government and the trade party representing the doctors. the british medical association is also taking place at
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a particularly critical time of year when hospitals especially busy because of a rise in respect to diseases, heights and cove. it infections as well, all the challenges it is currently facing. nevertheless, the doctors has said that they have to bring the. 5 elements of the table to talk about this and stroke about valuing the doctors that are so crucially needed in the health system of government as a band. and it's on us is and they are ignoring them and disrespecting them. and that's what i don't want to see happen swats offices. and that's why we will continue to have a strike mandate and we will continue to take strong caption in. so the government can work collaboratively with us. and the apps like grown up to be able to come to a credible pay off of that looks at restoring all pay. i lost you move at 1200000 medical appointments packed to be rescheduled because of the strike action that
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took place that box there is still going to be emergency services provided as well as critical cancer care. nevertheless, this is going to be affecting patients. something which the head of an interest inc and has was about thoughts. it is a question whether they are going to be willing to meet the demands of the doctors who say that the lack of value in the system is pushing them to jobs abroad. sonya by ego out of their outlines at the adult trump is appearing, appealing against a decision in the us states of maine that disqualified him on the presidential primary election. the states top election official, remove trump from the republican policy, balancing of his alleged role in the 2021 attack on the capitol hill. now they say he violated the constitution by the side to get into the direction for the president's lawyers, reject the accusations all forward. he's in mexico all searching for 31 migrants kid, not from the bus near the us. buddha,
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they were taking the other road across the border from texas. barry is considered one of the most dangerous in mexico because of abductions by criminal gains. in the us, the mississippi river is drying up for the 2nd year and a road due to a severe drought has dropped to historically low levels, causing salt water from the gulf of mexico, just drinking drinking water supplies. how did your construct has moved from new orleans? the mississippi isn't just a river. it's a super high way of commerce connecting america's midwestern gray fields to its southern c port and the world's consumers beyond. so the river is shrivelling up again. that makes a major difference for river traffic. last year, ships ran a ground in mud that was previously underwater. there's tough issue. there's a lot of the harbors are not being able to be used and a lot of those running the ground. as a result, farmers have had to hold back some of their harvest for fear of overloading barges
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that have less water. to float in this river is the artery, through which 60 percent of us grain exports past. and all of that comes here to new orleans before it's shipped off to the global market. this robo is a live line of i exports. we have a $150.00 petrochemical plants that fees the stock to the world that come back to us involves the phones and the camera you got in this. these are, as it's dna, somewhere out of louisiana or the midwest of space, the ship raul products see it as the transfer to those right and bends over there and feed the world. however, current us, we'd exports our at a 20 year low and federal authorities have been forced to act. the u. s. army corps of engineers is dredging the river bed deep and navigation channels. a project they say will continue for as long and as far as necessary, although even that may not be enough,
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you only have as much depth of the river as what you create through dredging and, and management. and so, as the waterfalls, you start to lose that distance between the top of the water and the, and the river by the drought exacerbated by climate change has made the work that much harder. rain is the only real solution. heidi jo, castro, elda 0 new orleans, louisiana. so i had to install the new use our install, the well, let me send it to them. the ones winning running australia comes to the storage space of the
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business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in to buy it is a tenant up there to produce object these coverage, many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they
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have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, cell calling, the traitors, the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next, the the post office full of his power. so ho, thank you. so much now that jock evictions, $43.00 match winning streak and australia is over. and well, number one is struggling with injury but says he's hopeful he'll be fit in time for the 1st grand slam of the year. and dr. rich was playing for serbia and united cop in perth despite an ongoing risk problem. he was beaten by home player alex to me
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in our, in straight sets. dr. rich, a last, last in australia in 2018. yes. truly an open gets underway in melbourne on january . the 40 probably not going to be at my 100 percent physically or emotionally mentally gain was uh in the opening week of a season. neither did i expect that neither of these i want that to be honest. it's, it's all part of the build up for astray and open. you know, so that that's where i want to perform it. my best women's world number one english one tech is led to poland to the united cub semi finals for the 2nd straight year, calling the wind by south pole. her brother, her tests in the opening, men's singles match wine to beat to china's agenda when, when is reset to put the tie out of reach and send team colin's re naomi o soc is come back to tennis, has suffered a setback before time grand slam champion was knocked out of the prince vin
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international by defending champion caroline up, 1st of all in the 2nd round. this was a soft as 1st tournament for 15 months. of the top 2 teams in the spanish leg or an action leader on wednesday. legal leaders around will take on may work at home. well 2nd place, drone of pace, that dread ral, coach carla ranch. lottie has just signed a new contract, which will keep him at the club until 2026. the only thing i'll move on dental. obviously i'm very happy for this renewal, it's being a very simple and normally we negotiate to just the 2 of us. me on the cup, president florentine upgrades on a home? no, no problems. the no doubt's, it's been a very foster noon. i repeat what i said the other day. i'm very happy to stay for another 2 years as coach around madrid. and the start jo ann beat has made an impressive return from injury in the philadelphia 76 years player had been suffering with a sprained ankle squared, a triple demo, which include the 31 points. his effort help this team beat the chicago both
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a 110 to 97. the $76.00 is that 3rd and eastern conference. and recent years, ice hockey has been growing in popularity in the north of india were freezing temperatures, unable skaters to play on frozen lakes and ponds. but now this emerging support is facing a huge obstacle is tony chang reports. the mountains of the dock filled with the glassy is the, the, the in this river. the stunning fact drop for one of india is fastest growing solo by talking and then literally skating on thin ice here close by the impact of global climate change. i think it does impacted the way that the season has gotten, sorta, and the that also means less ex is twice. so there, there are, there used to be a huge number of players who used to play for longer do, isn't that or that is reduced out on the frozen palms begin to struggle to find the
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food and it's quite a bumpy ride. even so, the experience cases that holds melting in the surface pools of water around the edge of the in for vice ring. some of india's professional players build rings of their own to practice. putting the skills away from the crowds, the time and temperature notes in their favor. we used to have uh, almost the 3 to 4 months to pay the sport starting from november ending in the march. but because of climate change, we are hardly get getting the time to pay the spot. feel this on servers, besset infrastructure, investment and sponsorship are a challenge. they might have bus and international standards inc ahead. we don't have an international standard. think when the players go to play in other nations, the players of the practice, although they don't have natural eyes, they have facilities if an ice wouldn't get good infrastructure,
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allowing them to practice throughout the unfortunately the situation is i'm likely to improve rising temperatures of melting the glasses which in turn means that sees no winds passing over the himalayas to cool as much as they should. or these are the main clauses, global warming, their temperatures increasing and because of that the, the glaciers are messing ice are not of food on the water body. so in the there's not enough snow a winter's had been becoming mild and mother could ice hockey is a spoilt at the moms. griffin determination and the skate is of kashmir onto about to give up tony chain, which is their to me, incredible story of teenager loop a little or continues to run and run at the world darts championship. on tuesday, the 16 year old from england became the youngest ever player to reach the final. and the next few hours he'll be taking on luke humphreys, in the title,
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the cider. so when a roll pick up a check worth more than half a $1000000.00. that is all your support for now back to you. so how things by which far which really cool the best as well unless its from me uh we bought the more news on the other side of the rate. but until like from farm me, i'm gonna use that same savings. uh huh. thanks so much for your time. and your company, the born and raised in garza know, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank both her out of her time. and you need is really me the 3 permits to visit to one another, the new headquarters, the homes along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church in bethlehem. but her sister gene was buried under the rubble. the 1st showing was to degree both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense
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to celebrate christmas, why my family are facing them on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them and to us from all over the world this year, the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see, the major square is the one who does that. the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on ho a marion shaheen and has been making films about us since 2006. when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38, your occupation by israel, people were hopeful that their lives would improve. their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last chapter,
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dreams on out you 0. the the, [000:00:00;00] the


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