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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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let's say the city that's on, if that's possible, i would have to switch the and is rarely as striking. garza kills 14 people in on eunice oven 22000 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 2nd, the money inside the cell, just their life. and also coming up is there any rate in the occupied westbank has been on the waste move in 24 hours. at least one person's been killed and thousands more, arrested. the leader of his bullet, wounds, israel,
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and that the cost of any $111.00 on will be very high on the beginning of a 12. how much leader in beverage the iran promises cost response to at least $84.00 people are killed in explosions that us terminate . mocking the anniversary of the assassination of a 12 noon israel is containing a hearing to intensify its bombardment of southern and central garza. 14 people have been killed. may hun eunice in overnight, foaming house where displays people were sheltering was among the buildings hit. i mean, well is there any will change several save palm beach on the gauzy comes in central going so risky work is on now. searching through the rubble for survivors. moving 22000 palestinians have been killed in gulf as since israel began its campaign back
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in october. let's go to honey. my need who is only for us in rasa and southern guns, a honeymoon, death and suffering. where you are. tell us what happened to the cellar family outside of hon. eunice, of the yes. well, within the past hours, so i'm going uh, sounds of explosions across the real fast that the man, the coming in from the eastern part of the city where he, the artillery a ceilings targeting residential areas in the eastern part of it. also from the western side where a gun boats are firing uh the quotes, the roads of rough, i city, the very road where people are told to take if they're moving it from the central part of honda and it's coming through has to be waiting for more updates on the locations and the exact casualties, the exact number of casualties of these explosion. but we're talking about more
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than 4 tv loud explosions. heard within the past in the past hour or so. but in the central area, just within the past hours, the more a residential homes are being targeted and the more damaged causes do infrastructure and main roads in defense for later on starting a from the southern western side of dated, but it to the western side of the area including all the refuge accounts as much as the bridge and the say it off as well. that came on there could be a boom barton. and since last night, in the early hours of this morning, but so far were talking about at least 10 people confirmed a killed in dated by the very area where people were told to avoid getting funds in the refugee comes into a central area. there are tens either of injuries were rushed to a lot of hospitals, but from over night, bombings, people are still at the searching under the revels in the house, in a breeze refuge account for more. so possible survivors under,
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under the rebels as it was very difficult for the ambulance. paramedics and the civil crew members on the ground to operate and to, to save people the during the night the giving the funds tend to be selling house there. yeah. over night, air strikes, mazda of air strikes the or other mile off the area. the is an evacuation zone at the western side of how new is the law suite. in terms of the geography and an area it's, do, it's french, is it from western updated by all the way? a sort of a how city we're talking about. it's free for a sense of the total area of the gaza strip merely farm land under develop the area for, for people do to, to, to reside in. so we're looking at 1000 of people who've been taking this area since just beginning of the were and the, as they were instructed by, there's really military to shelter in it. but they have, they have no access to any of the basic needs. so it's merely not old, make uh,
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ship 10. so the plastic a night loans and oh, over there. yeah, the ears director that took place yesterday at the residential homes near this evacuation zone and older of those at the breeze. the small hid the nearby tens injured, many of the people who are inside many children and women, but the very house that was targeted. there were 2 families at sheltering inside the residential home. i will have to have somebody and the last time they were looking at the vast majority of the 14 people who were killed, our children. the oldest of these are children, is at 9 years old. the youngest is 5 years old or killed, including the parents of these. it's children that of, of both of the, both families. but they were rushed to not that hospital along with the other injuries and more of the people as we were told that within the past hour, there's still people under it under the rebels. unfortunately, people were hoping that they would see a discoloration of what's going on, but on the contrary, are we seeing a source of the attacks and there strikes,
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particularly in the central area, you're forcing honey my mood that for us live in rasa in southern gaza. a no, a funeral is used to be held in be roots nice to own, says a for a senior. how most official who was assassinated in the lebanese capital, as well as the house on this wallace says that the killing of follow rate will not go on on said sign a called a reports. this is rose were with him, us has reached the southern suburbs of baby boot the fight targeting so la, rudy. the groups mainly during the ban on and the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line, the lebanese armed groups. leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name aplus just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern suburb for the 1st time since 2006. this was an
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is really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and 11 on who believes that in howards believe that hezbollah is already a tour with israel along loving on southern border, where they have been exchanging cross border fire, the lebanese group, open the front to help relieve its ally hum us in gaza. but according to industrial, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the border. that could change if israel launches all out or new effect, whoever thinks of a war with us. in one word, people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into consideration the situation in loving on a national interest. but if war is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of lebanon that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. hezbollah strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting, or without waiting one that could cause lebanon, already and financial ruin to pay
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a high price. israel has threatened to turn baby boot into another garza to say, stripe was the 1st time as well as the 11 east capitol since its last floor, which has been locked in 2006. it was also the 1st time as well hit so deep inside the country since it slated from the seas with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun 3 months ago. as well has been threatening a large scale operation in lebanon. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the border, i ruiz assassination. doesn't appear to be a provocation, but it violated the rules of engagement, which means hezbollah will need to restore it's the terrence center for their elders. eda balte and is ready asked for like, is killed for his bullet voices in southern lebanon. the attack happened in the kora. 5 other fighters from the lebanese on grief were killed in separate strikes
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on wednesday. that was one of the most intense 24 hour periods across the board of far since the war on goals that began in run con, has moved from that route, was boulevard. so you confirmed that 4 of the men were killed as an official in the cooler or region whose son, yes, but 3 of his colleagues were actually killed. now that attack came just a few hours off that as well, the latest as on the throttle as a space for the timing is very interesting. now, at least 9 people are being killed in 24 hours. this is the most significant period since the tensions escalated on october, the 8th of the masses attacked in these ro on october the 7th. it's a now about trying to contain this conflict with in the southern board is not letting it expand. every diplomatic effort seems to be focused on that. we've had the kind of take a problem, is that the g,
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because he also speak to the french farm is that french and american own boys have been shuffling between tel aviv and they re trying to keep a lid on all of this stuff. the movies, things go on, the more a miscalculation unless that can be made. whether that's an abstract that goes to fault with a that's a miss all lawrence, but perhaps goes to fall for the is right. and he's, uh, so it's all right now about diplomatic terms. keeping those diplomatic channels open, but the language coming out from both israel and particularly hezbollah hit in a root suggest that neither side is willing to back down on with the killing. as all the a rear or rory just 24 hours ago. like my colleagues any further said his bullet do have to respond to that the respond time and place of that choosing. but everybody is very concerned about what that response might look like and what these really retaliation will do next to the us next year. states will head to the middle east
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slate on thursday, on a trip that's expected to include a stump in israel, and to the blankets. previous trip to israel was during a 7 day pause in 5 se lincoln's visit comes at a period of height's intention in the region of the beginning of a senior. how must figure in loving own, let's speak to laura con, who's in oki parties to respond. let's start with this visit from the us next year . stay ends. me blinking, i believe is leaving for israel this evening. what are we expecting from this trip to? we know we haven't actually being told anything as to exactly where he'll be going across the middle east. and also, exactly when he'll be reaching is where we do know that, that has been a lot of pressure from the us on israel, and to bring that war in, going back to a somewhat low intensity, especially with such a large civilian dest till we also know that almost touch stein,
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it's being sent by us present a fine. he does have plenty of experience in the region to try to calm down tensions which has fall off in the north. so that won't be a loss of shuffle. diplomacy going on that out. but it does come also as the it's ready on the spokes person. daniel has already said that they are right. a lot of, nope. and it's a possibility of a treat redeployment from garza up towards the border with level laura, tell us a bit more about romance that have been targeting. ask along this morning. what we know. so salvage to roll. kids have been instructed by the online to defense system, but it also comes, as israel says, it is with during trips from going to there are probably around $40000.00 troops. that number can drop down to anywhere between 25230000. our 7 thoughts. it's likely
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they will re deploy some to the know so they also need to bring them back to is the re stimulates the economy. many of these people are reserve as they left the jobs in order to join the war. and their economy have suffered inspectors including tech, every culture and construction. they also do rely on a huge what pulls from that policy and church to the occupied westbank and gone to 10th thousands of people come in on a daily basis up until of course, october. the 7th i'm an international watch for so it's highly likely that they will bring the backend, re stimulate the economy today, or reset the not going to bring back. how do you walk is locked in international workforce, which was of course have a no can affect the policy and economy as well. thank you for that and work on that 1st. and okie pod east jerusalem radian president abraham. right. you see and the supreme, nita, i, it's all the how, the, how many have promised what the cooling
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a hoss response of to 2 explosions killed dozens of people in the southeast health officials have revised the death toll for a 2nd time. and now saying the number of people killed is 84. now the attack happened at a symmetry in the city of command during a ceremony at the team of the assassination senior general columbus to the money. michael apple, as more ambulances rushed to reach the wounded off to 2 explosions. route through a crowd of mon is in the city of catamount, in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive as well. others rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities, customs to them on that he was killed in a u. s. smith. saul striking it ok 4 years ago. test has been
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edited for a living on his beloved lead to appraise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains influential. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's o israel is responsible? buddy runs president abraham, right? you see, is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman, bombing speculation regarding who is responsible is right. my personal gathering is that this has been his real. this has been most thought definitely for me is
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completely clear, considering big events in the last 10 days. the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then they can be rude. now in a run. how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to uh, move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something uh, that might escalate things and get a drag of a in either states against yvonne who runs government declared thursday the day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. mike level, which is 0 to speak now is on a hash him who is lonely for us in to her on alley of any more details that having the just about who was behind this attack. this was the moment i don't know the of the details regarding who's behind this,
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especially that the techniques used in the bombing audience convention of some the past. for example, the, the ice is a tax. if they were, they were instead of 2 suicide bombers, all 5 the members of vices who would be shooting guy given just fucking in sha shut off and shit. osborne in the fall and to talk a few years ago. but this time it was, it was different that investigation is go and of course, anyone the officials are pointing the finger as to what's his resume, the given the context of the regional conflicts. and also some of them are even going further through through i choose the united states, the, the abraham supreme lead to a threatened with the harsh responds yesterday, the president of brian, right, you see one the united states and, and is that the is going to be response however, fills the moment. there is no clear scenario. what happened?
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and of course, we wouldn't be expecting in the coming few hours to have a clear picture ikea timeline and how things happen the, the, uh, what kind of of explosives where use and how things hopping. maybe a whole mapping off of the whole incident with the moment there is no key of victor, even with respect to the number of, of people kids now with safety for the past a few hours, the number of fluctuates. it then changed later on. it was discovered, discovered that some of the buddies were gotten in house and the work counted to time. so it's a bit of a gave us now, but i think in the coming few hours things will be clear. okay, on a house and that for us entire on thank you for joining the studio now by stilton buck out. he's professor of public policy at home. i've been police a university. thank you for joining us. a lot of moving parts in the region. i want to start with us next year,
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states until the lincolns visit. what are you expecting from him? what can he do to de escalate tensions in the region which are clearly rising as well? i mean that he's gonna try at least to speak to those countries that still believe in the importance of the nice states and its ability to hold back as well. if from based on what you've seen so far, they haven't really been able to rein is row back. and i think it'll be really difficult for him to. so any position at to for grades, for my duration, or a containment of the complex. unless he gains something from his role is or has got to change, it's a teacher does direction the war and goes this into the advice from the united states, maybe condemn the statements made by its own ministers about the people of transfer of the palestinians. and so on some of these uh steps if by then if by then he's
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able to get those done. so blinking, then i think he will start to have more interest in the region. beyond that there's nothing he can do. i mean, it's escalating slowly and is becoming very dangerous and there's a possibility for a miscalculation mistake that's considered good, great to complex. and i think from what we've seen over the last 24 hours, the families of the hostages should really worry me within his route. because if israel is going around assessing anything, the political leadership went home, they need to negotiate that are nice of these individuals. then something is, is drastically problematic with the strategy that's something i was pursuing. and that's an interesting point. and of course, today's the funeral of sell it, i'll every was a very senior must official and they root how much pressure is that now on iran and has bullet to, to send some sort of message to respond to what is going on?
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well, i think it on as well. i have proven to be very uh, controlled this stage and they could have done much more at the beginning of october and so on. they've resisted that and they've shown particular understanding . it says different due to the national interest of lebanon, but there will be a time when his beloved, i cannot really hold back any, any, any, any further. yeah, i one day it has that time come now to think of, i think the attack on barrows is one step, but to not quiet them in there. um, the fact that it has to be no lebanese victims and this, that tags, the fact that it was very clinically targets. it didn't relate to the beginning of processing. it was only maybe, maybe a 10, it's a bit more um or easier to accommodate. but if this button continues, the image is going to be very problematic. ok,
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so time really interesting to get your perspective. so sounds buttercup, professor, public policy. it has not been pending for university. well, at least one person has been killed and several engine during it and is ready right in the occupied westbank. one mind with shots from the city of to boss during confrontations with is riley forces raised also happening and took them in the north chums refugee camp. people have reported thousands of rest. let's go to japan . it's smith, who has moved from ramallah in the occupied west bank. us at least 20 rates in the occupied westbank overnight on him, one of them a 29 year old man was killed and that was an a rated to move in the northern west bank. and in the same right, another young man was arrested as much as a very common factory by these railways, the young man was arrested to try and make his father give himself up. this is the, this is not the 1st time this young man has been arrested in the old fart. uh,
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these are ready, security policies still searching for his father. but in we have other rates of going on in north shelves until carmen. those rates in the similar same sort of area have now been going on for more than 32 hours. and he talking about a can combine population. i'm more than 40000 palestinians essentially locked down while he is riley's go house to house rating house to house. they are as is all usually the case looking for palestinian fighters. people i want to arrest people. i want to question, but it brings life in. those comes to a hold for now, more than 30 hours, 250 people were detained and a sofa question. they've been released, but they're released outside the come so they can't go back in until that raid is over. no indication yet as to when that will happen. the
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. okay, let's take a look at some of the other news making headlines around. well, the transcripts of communication between ad traffic control and to planes that collided at a tokyo airport. this week is showing only the japan lines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway. because gone plane was preparing to take off on the same runway when ad boss a 350 landed and hit the smaller across the killing 5 people on board. the transcript shows that the coast gone plane had not been cleared for take off. the troops have been deployed across bangladesh, ahead of general elections that take place on sunday. the army says it's that to keep the peace, but it will take action. if election officials also get to the main opposition policies, boy costing the vote off to prime minister shay casino rejected the demand that she should resign and hum power to a mutual source. she's running for 4th consecutive time. yes,
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republicans have threatened to block government funding of the migration crisis of southern border, which they blame on president jo, binding house beacon, mike johnson. on $64.00 republican representatives visited officials at eagle pass and texas. the us have seen a surge of migrants crossing from mexico with numbers breaking records every month . russia is planning to spend more on defense in 2024, then it's done since the cold war. it says it needs be increased because it's facing what it caused, a hybrid rule being waged by the west as well as its campaign in cranes. usually a shopping of it has more for most good. it rushes 2020 full budget speaks for itself. around 40 percent of all federal spending will go to vote. defense and law enforcement, move weapons and needed for the bottle fields and ukraine. has the crime in is adam and it's not winding down it's military complaint against its neighbor. 5 trees,
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a switching to 2 to 3 shift working days to replenish on supplies. this is a, basically a war budget. i mean, the countries fighting a war, stocks are depleted weapons and nations and other supplies of the are being depleted. and so that, so there's a massive build up of military production and procurement production can stimulate the economy, and russia is no exception. but dakota, misstate social programs are and defended all the, the 2020 full bunch of increases spending on health care education, housing, the ministry expenditure forces, aside almost all the priorities. education in particular. and that could lead to russia lagging behind other developing countries in the future. stupid were the, was on defense costs. these are the costs to produce intense rockets and other munitions sent to the front lines. and then more often than not turned into a heap of twisted metal from the economic point of view. this is the cache because
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the final product is being destroyed. then that is the threat of a global arms. res, triggered by the conflict between russia and ukraine, while most arms control agreements between most going, washington, i'm more dead than alive. ukraine can't when they're honest, the race, but we're against russia on its own. there's going to still have different kind of support from other rich nations investor relations. and that's not the very good scenario because there's going to be a cold war, an arms race international. nearly 2 years into bunch of special operation in ukraine. the economies to growing largely due to oil revenues. it's a sign of its flexibility and your ability. currently the country managers to cope in spite of the sanctions imposed by the west, the oil price ceiling is not working. the so called russian states capitalism is choosing as former british prime minister, margaret sasha, one said to put the guns before. but to you last you problem all of
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a o g 0 at most car. okay, that's it from the money inside. whether it's next, then inside story off, if the killing of a top, how much needed beverage will change cause that because the, the hello we have scientists and called up whether making its way into europe over the next couple of days. but at least it will be somewhat dry so well can spell dry weather eventually pushing up towards the northwest. but for the time being, we've got to watch out for this next barrier of light pressure, which will bring its way into the western side of the english title. one is way, little further east was this is the remains. so what was the storm? hank that will make his wife of the race was pumping into color. so most snow in
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the full cost here, as i said, it is going to turn cold is the guy with the next couple of days at the moment. many pots, we see those yellow signal to pad is on the mile side. if anything, or a cold up towards us got an idea still, you should become less cold as we go through the next couple of days. but you say you have a blues become a little more expensive on that chart as we go through friday into saturday. 6 is the for london and pass sub 0 invalid as we go through the next couple of days and certainly staying co. i have a tool that is the side of usa. it comes out to what the system i was talking about just around the west side of the channel running across the press peninsula. southern areas of english want to thing full say of the ground is a cold, very western date, and that will cause the flooding. is we going through the next couple of days? driving further resources. we make our way towards the weekend and also once settled for the west, the met on charleston, it's going to ray to behind the sides. dramatize the pub cost from i'll just here
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to invest facing re here from some of history's blogs, notable women on unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that got the communist revolution of everyone in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out. now subscribe wherever you listen to pub, a will the assassination of a top come off lead and they route to change the close of the one garza as well as time to choose if kidding sound a little bit and has all a stronghold and another means capital so what will the reaction be? this is inside story, the .


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