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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the the the . ready israel bombard central and southern gaza heating houses, apartment blocks, and comes more than 22400 palestinians have been killed since october. the 2nd, the robot this and this is on 0 life. and joe have also coming up israel's defend this minister, lays out his proposal for the future of god. so is hoping to get help from the u. s . and some arab states more as many ways across the west banks,
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the palestinian red cross and says ambulance is being hit by bullets and another palestinian dies and is really true. we hear stories of torture and degradation. the is there any military has been heavily targeting the central and southern gossip at least 16 people have been killed, including 9 children as his very forces hit on more wasa, on thursday. it's a tiny strip of lines in the west of gaza that israel has repeatedly said would be a safe zone. more than 22400 palestinians have been killed since the homicide attack on southern israel and october. the 7th. and inbox begins our coverage of the desperate digging in the darkness. these men scrambled for survivors. totes lights shining on shown of steel and collapsed concrete. elsewhere in the daylight,
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the dead and it carried out to devastated homes as plains rage on inside. fuck the show me has been forced into a new home fall from willingly its attendance on the streets. she says she has little to eat. no shower bath remote blanket for the 8 year old just a strong wish to stay close to the rubble of old house. when neighbors had dragged around the tough for a recent strike, the spite the destruction. despite the shelley, i would rather die under the rubble of my house, then go to egypt. i'm not going to egypt. they want me to go to egypt and beg. i would rather stay in my house. even standing on the streets and garza carries risk . the family unit bulls to clean from
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phillips night before not everyone escapes the bullet. so bloss slow with each departure deeply moaned the grease generated cutting deep to survive is of any age the month. so just data is really is types of also destroyed dozens of homes and there's a body of refugee camp in northern garza. witnesses say no one's been killed or injured but families have lost all their belongings. uninstall actually supports the general has. uh no ma'am. on my boss, i live on thursday at dawn, occupation will plains leveled a number of houses here in elsa area at the jabante, a candle, mont, closing massive destruction. as you can see, the last little part of the near how sick and he became and the occupation level
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and entire residential neighborhood, including this area. tell you the also the us clipping sounds, you know, the beds. and so our neighbors, sudden the whole world turned upside down and then we went outside and found an entire block going to pay. the border of the assembly had been leveled the areas targeted to 3 or 4 missile. and you can see the resulting destruction to go. thankfully, there was nobody in the area and all these homes had been evacuated. lee from the old side of the month because i'm very well by the local, i believe in the beginning of the war. the area came under sustain showing, and approximately 50 houses were hit. last night while we were sleeping in the school, the area came once again under fire and everything was wiped out. the streets are closed and everything inside the houses were lost. we found the area completely wiped out. nothing remained of the 50 homes of thankfully,
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there was no one inside the target to the houses. otherwise it would have been a mess. occur. homes can be rebuilt, but it's enough enough. there's nothing left to measure. i have the model, as you saw, a civilian homes were completely destroyed off to the occupation bombed this residential neighborhood. here at the july, the camp and the city is just the law shamella. despite these very bombardment of all my wasa remains one of the few. so called safe areas, which palestinians conflict, 2 people are struggling to escape from central guise as the fighting. beg gets more than ten's. they're moving south towards all milwaukee on the coast and drop on the gyptian border. i mean, my moods be meeting people as they arrive is defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians, of being the war in the northern parts and the gauze of cities. but this time, these 1000 of people are born into, from the central part of the gauls as 3 best. these really military just stepped up,
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its military operations that widen the intensity on the scan of the bombing when orders thousands of people to leave the central part all the way to come to our milwaukee area. the western a rough bye. again, designating it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safe place in the gaza strip. not even this small area of largely fan part high oh and model here. we decided to go directly to athletic team about instead of going today or bella, cause we knew it wasn't safe and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing because we don't know where to go after this place unless you model and that's fully stocked. then the people left on the heavy show and these are the people who have been killed on the solid in road as they were evacuated from new. so that regards the roads come and it is wide and they're about 15 or less to the south. so in each passing day,
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the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people have no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip all the way. taking a journey into rock by 50 near the gypsy in gaza border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours, hunting my mode via evacuations on or off by 50 is defense minister. your goal on has laid out a plan for guys that i had of a war cabinet meeting is still reporters. the palestinians would be allowed to govern jobs as long as there was no slides to israel. but he said, how much members would not be involved is also said israel egypt and the us would works together to quote, isolate and secure the border color. they've been speaking just hours before us secretary of state antony blinking leaves washington for the diplomatic tour of the
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middle east under sahu, its joining us not from occupied east jerusalem. so this proposal was made by go on to put forward and explained by him prior to that meeting with the wall cabinet, what's being happening? well this was a wider war plus security cabinet meeting and it's actually the 1st time it is really official, has released a framework for what's these release or hoping to do today after the war to begin the framework in phase 3, where the fighting still continues until is real achieves it's for objectives, but after that phase for the day after as he calls it 1st and foremost he says that how much can not be in charge that there needs to be some sort of other palestinian entity with the conditions that they are not hostile or post any sort of threat to israel. he went on to say that these really is reserve the right for operational freedom of movement, militarily in and out of gaza in order to secure the perimeter. we can see
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something similar to what we see on a daily basis happening in the occupied westbank on the issue of the border. he says that egypt, the united states as well as his role will help to secure that border, but that it will primarily be the objections in charge of the crossing. all while these really is maintain a strict supervision to maintain their blockade, to see everything that goes in and out of gaza on the issue of reconstruction and rehabilitation, he said that these really will have no footing there, but would rather just provide information to an international coalition of arab and western states who would be in charge of that. all this was supposed to be discussed in last night's meeting. however weeks to is really media speaking anonymously, of course is really officials have said that that discussion was due railed due to right wing members of the security cabinet lashing out of these really army chief
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of staff for the appointments that he made for who will pro me security and military failures that lead to the breach on october the 7th last year. additionally, more members of the gover mistaking, of course, anonymously, or calling on benjamin netanyahu to re think who is part of these discussions, and who is part of the makeup of the security cabinet in general. remember, this discussion was postponed twice because members of the right wing government en espanol, whose coalition, who were not part of the war cabinet wanted to be involved. but that discussion completely de railed this evening because of the prob, these rallies are now conducting into the failures of the states. but again, this was the 1st time this was supposed to be discussed and for now, it looks like this discussion will be put off even on the hills of us, secretary of state antony blinking his visit to the region where he was hoping to
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have some of these discussions which is really counter parts. ok, let's turn to the the rates that are going on in the west bank and the occupied by spying so that we've been reporting of course, and these really laid on no shuns come, that's been going on for awhile over about $30.00 or so. now what else has been happening? several rates across the occupied west bank in the areas of nablus that amolla hebron among others. but let's start in hebron where one palestinian has been killed a 17 year old palestinian shot and killed by these really occupation forces. additionally fears clashes between palestinian fighters and his really forces in nablus, among other places of a palestinian red crescent, says that their ambulances were targeted into different cities with rubber bullets and glass fragments actually injured some of the medics there. this is just a continuation of the intense intensified raids that the army has been doing
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since october. the 7th. we're seeing near daily arrest operations. several injuries just another 7 injuries reported in hebron tonight. but you're looking at around $326.00 palestinians who been killed in the occupied westbank alone. upwards of 5000 arrests. there are dozens of arrest tonight, but it's hard to get an exact figure just because of how many rates are still ongoing. these really military says they're conducting these in an effort to crack down on arms palestinian resistance. but this is just a reality for palestinians who live under a brutal is really occupation every single day in the occupied westbank, towns as a hotel and occupied east. choose 100. thank you very much indeed. well, let's talk more about those of us through 11 sizing palestinians being held by the israelis, more than half of them were detained after october. the 7th, as those present system has been described by white scripts as quote,
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a vigilante organization operating in tiny outside both law and ethics. on monday, a 23 year old man from novelist became the latest palestinian to die. and in this way, the jail from douglas bounded smith's reports is rails prisons, dangerous places, the palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th post and into a died under the cat of his rails prison service since october. unless i v, then no doubt we have fears, not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan no jail. because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions. prison services. the circumstances of abdul rahman, instead of being with you that are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails for inmates, have testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care. these really
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politician over seeing prisoner conditions has been convicted of racism. a membership of an extreme right wing carol organization. it's my bank of a regularly boast of how tough he is on palestinian prisoners positions for human rights. since the present service has become a vigilante organization operating out of revenge, you must mood cuttin 90 describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat of the 19 year old spend to 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by some us in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared. going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive spots a lot on the head and in areas that would cause disability. 7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that, say off in the score moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he
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says he expects to hear the death of one of them at any moment. bernard smith, i wonder 0 annapolis in the occupied westbank still hadn't noticed it or given hope to hear cards of auburn gauze as using his razor and skills to give back to the community. the sheltering him, the it is a tenant of turn to produce objective these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this way, the public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the races the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next. frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that. and so it's international that's
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a be that the, it is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera. hearing the facts, have you had any like that he has the support of $15000.00, implement the shop economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how when you closer to the house of the story the, [000:00:00;00]
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the new ones you know, just need a reminder of untold stories this hour. the 16 people including 9 children are being killed and almost mama saw me in the size of gaza. israel has repeatedly said the area is, is safe so. meanwhile, pleasant to clean central guy says fi, some of the i gets even more intense. is there any defense minister your guidelines has laid out proposals for our 1st war? data science who's told reporters how much would not be allowed to rule district. he also says israel egypt and the us would work together to isolate, unsecure, the border. at least one person's been killed and continuing is really rates across the occupied west, find the palestinian web presence that says at least 2 ambulances, if be taped by bullets and crew members have been injured. thousands of people filled the streets and loving those capital. and so i was taken for the funeral procession of senior. how much leader, sally, i'll worry,
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he was the deputy chief of the groups political bureau. i'm one of the funds of its military waiting to call some brigades all about it was assassinated in a drone, striking southern bay route on tuesday. so in a lot of reports from, of honoring a commander, salis, rudy, was her master's, most senior officials in lebanon. and the most senior, how may i sufficient israel has been accused of killing since the start of a tour on gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described res life and they are promising. his death won't be the end of the struggle. nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership, but there is defiance allowed to offer. no doubt design is the enemy is known for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance. meet is,
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is not new. we understand the language, but this any makes us strong. a terri commanders were also killed in tuesday strike in the paper suburbs for masses. number military military capabilities was also the official leader of the health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years. already made few public appearances. he's been seen several times with has well as chief house on this role. and iranian officials, most recently participating and coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza. i mean, i really was a very important figure in the last move and obviously, but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where, you know,
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the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know, decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory, but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza center for their elders. either they don't, the farmer how much politically the colored michelle has paid tribute to the potter's standing. anita is killed during israel's military operation in one of the headquarters. but we are concerned for the security of all the arab countries. we don't want to harm them. our problem is only with the israeli occupation that despite their defeat, after more than 3 months of aggression against gaza, despite this holocaust, this genocide that is being committed on a daily basis against women and children, they want to eliminate cause of people. despite all the feats they want now to
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exploit the aggression, they want to extend the battle, broaden it, thinking this will change the calculus of the region. and they think if they killed the leaders of the resistance, the resistance will be weakened. this is not possible. they killed already hundreds of our leaders from different brigades and from homos, also including the founder of homos. and what was the result? every time they killed one leader, another leader is born. this is what will happen every time we lose a leader and another leader is born. we are here and we will stay here in the face of the occupation and in the face of their military in order to make them doubt their calculus and undermine their plans. we always feel happy and thankful, and we thank god and we have more willingness to continue. we will never be broken . the enemy will know that despite all the stupidity is that he has committed and trying to broaden the conflict in our blood. that is shed garza and in the west bank, even in the arab world. i sell has claimed responsibility for 2 suicide bombings
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that have killed $85.00 people in south eastern wrong attack happened at a cemetery and the city of come on on wednesday. it was during the sun, many the tomb of the assassinated senior general costume. so the money dining room president abraham, an icy, and supremely the ayatollah all the company have promised what their calling a harsh response cus. it says it's kind of out of striking the rock, killing the leader of in a run back on the roof. it blames for tax and american troops, but undergoing the says the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians, more horses are again, will continue to be very clear us forces are in iraqi, at the invitation of the government. all right, and they're there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission. will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was
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a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. and returning to guys that were palestinians are trying to create some sort of normality in the midst of israel's bombardment. armed with just to electric razors above and drop off base, hoping to give back to the community, which is sheltering him. jimmy that god tells the story. so to mohammed bucket is just one. that's the estimated 1900000 palestinians forced to flee. and on the bating is really poem and campaign on the homes. in the compton rasa in southern garza where he seek shelter, though it is trying to uphold human dignity in the midst of an advert growing in humane who v. uber, who we on. there are many young man who seek my services. i don't care how much they pay because i'm aware of how difficult the situation is. it makes me happy to
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receive customers because when they get a hair cut, it helps them escape the difficult realities they're living. and there isn't enough water in garza or access to basic how washing products it's hindering people's ability to maintain hygiene and having an effect on moral love with the young ones that are needed. and you look, i haven't had a hair cutting approximately 40 days in my looks of chains drastically. so maybe the new look will give us all renewed hub and some of those escape is really strikes, leaving everything he had behind people learned to money to buy to electric raises . so he could make a living expenses inc. cause of a higher than ever because of the use low is ready blockades, and the need for a central products is growing more desperate by the day. well, uh, well, i know for sure we didn't have any money and i have children who have need and therefore i had to provide for myself,
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my children and my wife and for my family in times like these uh nobody is going to reach out and help you the palestinians feel abundant. they say they can only depend on themselves and on each other with no end in sight. to is roseville, judy vega, i'll just there the now let's take a look at some of these other news authorities that took his hand to the airport have started removing the wreckage of tuesday's faithful runway accident. 5 people on a coast guard aircraft died, but it was a great fire japan airlines, passenger plane, all 379 people on board. the air bus, 8050, managed to escape as it ruptured into flames. transcripts. a video of messages between the control tower and the pilots reveal that the coast guard playing had not been cleared to be on the runway. in indonesia, at least the 3 people that reported as being killed after 2 passenger trains
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collided in west java cottages were forced off the tracks for the impart police. they all passengers have been taken off the trains and ambulances, which he injured people to hospitals. china's complaint to me and more often, at least 5 chinese citizens, was injured by stray artillery shells fried across the shared border. mazda military has been fighting on groups in the north of the country. for months, china has been calling for an urgency as far farms. larry has moved from beijing as the incident happened on wednesday afternoon, but it's only on says day, but chinese stage media global times, it's published a video. now what is the video shows, moments off to a shell landed on a pavement, local official say, 5 people have been injured and they've been sent to a hospital and non son town. and they also say the shells came from me on most mules and co can region. and this region is particularly rest if it's been that way,
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even before them young mom. and that she came in 2021. that had been some years with fighting between me on my rebels, and also me on more minutes week or so in tens that tens of thousands of people temporarily crossed over the border into china to escape. so in recent months, conflict has searched again between the military, between ethnic groups and also between pro democracy flights is just last week. the chinese embassy and me and my chinese nation is to meet, allow kind of main town in the region, citing growing insecurity of this recent incident. the chinese foreign ministry says it disclose the chinese casualties caused by the conflict and says it's all sides to take measures to ensure something like this doesn't happen again. it's lawrence lee, l g 0 aging. new york city sued 17 bus companies for transporting migrants to the city from the southern border state of texas. more than the 33000 migrants have arrived in new york and buses constructed by texas. in the past 2 years, new york city says
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a wants to bus companies to pay more than $700000000.00 towards the cost of housing, the migraines, whether it's x and inside. so he's going to examine it runs next steps up to 2 bomb bloss, killed more than 80 people in cadillac and robots, and stay with us on notice the . the hello welcome to look at the international full cost of some parts of the northeast and us have not seen any significant snow full. by that i mean about a couple of sent to meet us for the past positive 2 years. that could change as we go into next week. we went to where the clearing away from the east disabled like pressure, nothing out of the way. still quads into a central pos with a bigger area of high pressure. but at least 2 hours of light pressure. they will
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be of some significance as we go through the next couple of days since the snow spilling off the rockies right down towards the south. and it will be heavy hopefully useful. down into mississippi, alabama, easing across into georgia, pushing right the way across the is the same as it go on into sat today. looks like it's going to spin its way up and push on to the part of next week. he comes that's now we're talking about here. we'll see that just pushing into bodies to sort of kind of the want to see showers into a central canada various know, able to was the rockies, but down towards us now, january drive by this stage and certainly try to of course, much of the caribbean, mexico essentially sense that you can see a lot of sunshine showing up here, maybe one or 2 showers across the west side of the region into the curriculum tools you could, companies led to mazda few showers, to have a towards the his spine, jala elsewhere is settled. the
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heroes from al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the yvonne specimens retaliation off to to bloss came over 18 people during commemorations for an assassination general is set to be the worst attack since the 1979 revolution. so how will hit on so yet, and is there a risk of escalation in the region. this is inside story. the


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