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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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the $1.00 oh $1.00 east on out to 0, in on the federal tax upfront takes on the vegas, the zip code to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0. the israel bombard central and southern guys are hitting houses of popping blocks and comes more than $22400.00 palestinians are being killed. says october. the 2nd the i don't know about this, and this is obviously a life from doha. also coming up is there is defense minister lays out his proposal for the future of gaza. is hoping to get help from the u. s. and some arab states. plus i've seen more exclusive injury than i've ever seen in my entire career,
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which is 20 years following doctor's top of the gaza to try to take some of the pressure off a health system that's fairly holding together, offering hope to hear thoughts of bob and, and guys as using his razor and skills to give back to the community. the sheltering the is there any military has been happening? targeting the central and southern gaza, at least 16 people have been killed, including 9 children as is where the force is. it all my wa city on thursday. it's a tiny strip of land in the west of garza, but israel has repeatedly said would be a safe zone. more than 22400 policy indians have been killed since the homeless let attack on october. the 7th, but a marks begins our coverage. the desperate digging in the darkness with these men scrambles to survive as totes, lights,
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shining on shown of steel and collapsed concrete. elsewhere in the daylight, the dead and ended carried out to devastated homes as plains rage on inside the show me has been forced into a new home fall from willingly its attendance on the streets. she says she has little to eat. no shower bath remote blanket for the 8 year old just a strong wish to stay close to the rubble of the old house. when neighbors had dragged around soft for a recent strike, the spite the destruction. despite the shelley, i would rather die under the rubble of my house than go to egypt. i'm not going to egypt, they want me to go to egypt and beg. i would rather stay in my house. even standing on the streets and garza carries with the family unit
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to clean from phillips like the fine not everyone escapes the bullet. so bloss slow with each departure deeply moaned the grease generated cutting deep to survive is of any age been a month. so just data. well, despite these really bombardment of all my wasi, it remains one of the few so called safe areas, which palestinians can flee to. people are struggling to escape from central guys and as the fighting there, it gets more intense. they're moving south towards all my watching on the coast on rough on egypt sin border. honey ma, what was the meeting people as they arrive, are defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of
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thousands of palestinians of being the war in the northern parts of the gulf of cities. but this time, these 1000 of people are pouring into from the central part of the gauze as 3 beds . this really military just stepped up, its military operations that widen the intensity on the scan of the bombing when orders thousands of people to leave the fence from the park all the way to come to our milwaukee area. the western a rough bye. again, designating it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safe place in the gaza strip, not even this small area of largely sand parts high oh and model here. we decided to go directly to f i c t. instead of going to dave bella, cars renew, it wasn't safe. and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing, because we don't know where to go after this place. unless you model ahead that's fully stocked, then the people left on the heavy show and people are the people who are being
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killed on the solid in road as they were evacuated from new. so that the guys, the birds come and it is why is there about 15 or less for the south? so and it's passing the, the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people have no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza. strip all the way, taking a journey in, throughout, by 50 near the gypsy and gaza border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours, honey, my mode. i'll just be at a evacuations on or off by 50. the hospitals and guys are so overwhelmed that some of them have started recruiting students who haven't finished their training. one of them is the quite the hospital in rafa, which deals with hundreds of patients every day of the heading for me. i am doctor
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news. i much, i completed my residency program in the way to hospital. we're working here because the occupation destroyed our health care system. and our medical team is overwhelming. we're dealing with hundreds of wounded people every day. but they have a list of all of our used to work in another hospital, but given the increasing number of the wounded and how overcrowded hospitals come and the medical team is not being able to treat all the patients. i've joined this hospital, i completed my residency program. there are also many other residents don't see it . well hoping to help our brothers and sisters in the south. we hope that the suggestion will end soon. we go home and each doctor will look in their respective hospital as another here. this is a humanitarian crisis. the situation is disastrous. all those will here to treat patients are overwhelmed because of the considerable number of a wounded we receive. so we were obliged to take many nurses and resident doctors did not graduate yet. and we're taking full responsibility for our actions because
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of all need. this is an exception, which is becoming a rule. we have generalize this practice and we've called even doctors in the medical schools to come help us treat those huge numbers. it seems to bob again dr . somewhere around the world have been traveling to gaza to help dr. young con, specializes in i and plastic surgery and he's helping hundreds of palestinians who site as being damaged as a result of this way. the bombing a, my name is dr. yasser con. i'm from canada. i live in toronto and i've been in got, and i've been in the gaza for about 34 days. and i came into the by border in egypt and my, my journey into um, into highs i was, um, uh, you know, was, was just long. it took a long time, took a whole day, but it wasn't difficult. so i, i do both. i and face plastic surgery and the injuries had been very
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severe. and i've seen more explosive injuries than i've ever seen in my entire career, which is 20 years. a lot of severe injuries, a lot of patients have lost their eyes because when an explosion happens, you know, everybody keeps their eyes open and the eyes get injured with sharp now, and burns and things like that. so the injuries have been very severe. unfortunately, so far we've been doing about 6 or 7 surgeries per day is a big procedures and not small procedures. and i'll be here for about a week. overall. my next about seeing people is that is that you have the whole world supporting you. we all feel for this fee for your suffering. we all want to cease fire immediately. we all want peace and to help you rebuild. we're also very inspired by, by your strength and your faith. and i think that has really inspired the whole world is defense minutes. are you all gone and has laid out a plan for guys that i had have
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a meeting by an extended war cabinet. is told reporters that palestinians will be allowed to govern guns as long as there's no threats to israel. and he said that homeless members would not be involved. but it's really media is reporting the walk cabinet meeting descended into chaos before gallons plan was discussed far right. ministers, i sort of ended up in a shouting match with the armies chief of stuff about the investigation into the homeless attack on october the 7th. so to speak to laura con, who's in occupied east jerusalem. so the plan didn't even get discussed to tell us what actually happened at the meeting, but also of course tell us what the plan itself involved. well, this is the 1st time of frame. what has been released about what will happen the day of the war and gone so, so let's stop that at now that it's reiterating what israel has been saying from the very beginning that how much will not be running the guns a strip instead. that will be hosting an entity running inside, but it costs does come with some very steep conditions. and that is, 1st of all,
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that the us israel out. we'll secure the border along with egypt, thoughts. israel said it wants to conduct rates that tree rise any time it sees fit . and this is going to make it very similar to what's happening in the occupied west point where we could be seeing full my saving rates on the people. so of course this is going to be another big issue because of the other one is that they will continue a line see an ad blockade. so the day off to the wall could look very similar to today, before the war intensive reconstruction and rehabilitation. israel did say that there will be an international coalition of western countries to take care of that, but israel will see that information. so some pretty steep conditions. this was supposed to be discussed in a wider security cabinet, leasing alongside to wall cabinets that will cover it was supposed to discuss this more than a week ago that was cancelled off to be extreme right at started pushing for why
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did mention that why the meeting took place and resulted in a big shadow saying match, this is mainly because it is wells chase. army chief stuff has the head of the house that's helped approve the fall rights ministers accused him all bowing down to international pressure. so this pro, it is approach into what happened on october the 7th box. it's about the people inside the pro fees are full of members of the ministry. they would that in the 2005, this engagement all the goals district when israel, you know, actually moved away they pulled up, is right, is out. and also about to use light to have mast took control. many of these people want to save them. we take out the goss a strip, so they said stopped bowing down to install suppression. of course, this comes just before the us secretary of state is going to come to as well to discuss, know, certainly this issue,
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but also the issue of what's happening in the knows of israel and also with the captive mo, kept his how have died since after the banking was lost, his up, but the major was cancelled after 3 hours. they didn't get to discuss it and they will have additional us pressure. laura, thank you very much. indeed. lower con, talking to us or multi bodies tourism. a 17 year old palestinians been killed into bay 3. my north west of ramallah and the occupied westbank is this way the rates continue. 7 other palestinians have also been injured. the power steering and my presence has 2 ambulances and 2 times have been hit one by rubber bullets, one bite live runs, and crews inside are being injured. honda followed as more several rates across the occupied west bank in the areas of nablus that amolla hebron among others. but let start in hebron where one palestinian has been killed a 17 year old post indian shot and killed by these really occupation forces.
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additionally fears clashes between palestinian fighters and is really forces in nablus. among other places of the palestinian red crescent says that there ambulances were targeted into different cities with rubber bullets and glass fragments actually injured some of the medics there. this is just a continuation of the intense intensified raids that the army has been doing since october. the 7th. we're seeing near daily arrest operations. several injuries just another 7 injuries reported in hebron tonight. but you're looking at around 326 palestinians who been killed in the occupied westbank alone upwards of 5000 or rest. there are dozens of arrest tonight, but it's hard to get an exact figure just because of how many rates are still ongoing. these really military says they're conducting these in an effort to crack
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down on armed palestinian resistance. but this is just a reality for palestinians who live under a brutal is really occupation every single day in the occupied west bank. and the state of virginia and protests as supporting pano sign of those. the color of the us secretary of state was red paint. and to the banking was meetings, residents and thursday, when a group of protest as to what they called fake blood at underwriting. this car, somehow science calling for a cease fire, others pulling blinking away. busy criminal, no arrests have been reported. this happened as blinking was preparing for another diplomatic tour of the middle east. it says 4th visit to the region since the outbreak of the water in the top of the 7th shop of times these got more from the us state department. the secretary of state will visit several countries including took a grease jordan casa, are you a saudi arabia, israel, the westbank, and egypt. the state department says that on his agenda,
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or humanitarian assistance to gauls, or getting further access of humanitarian goods, him to the territory. these early military campaigns, it's next phase, the return of palestinians to the neighborhoods. tensions in the west bank, the cap tubes being held, preventing the conflict from spreading regionally and troughing a pulse, ford to peace and palestinian governance all safe within chucky, a discussion of the ratification of sweetness entry into nato will be on the agenda . and then greece, ukraine. and further, greek support for the war will be discussed. she ever can see out of here at the state department. a lot of times the guys are, were palestinians are trying to create some sort of normality in the midst of israel's bombardment. armed with just 2 electric raises above it. and rough is hoping to give back to the community, which is sheltering him. surely that tells the story. so to
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mohammed bucket is just one. that's the estimated one point. 9000000 palestinians forced to flee, and on the bating is really bowman campaign on the homes. in the compton rasa in southern garza where he seek shelter. toad is trying to uphold human dignity in the midst as an ever growing in humane who video because we on there are many young man who seek my services. i don't care how much they pay because i'm aware of how difficult the situation is. it makes me happy to receive customers because when they get a hair cut, it helps them escape the difficult realities they're living in. there isn't enough water in gaza or access to basic kind of washing products. it's hindering people's ability to maintain hygiene and having an effect on moral love with the ones that are needed and you look, i haven't had a hair cutting approximately 40 days and my looks have changed drastically. so maybe the new look will give us all renewed hope and some towed escape is really
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strikes, leaving everything he had behind people into money to buy 2 electric phrases. so he could make a living expenses in gaza, a higher than ever because of the use long as really blockades. and the need for a central products is growing more desperate by the day. well, i love that. i know for sure. we didn't have any money and i have children who have need and therefore i had to provide for myself, my children and my wife and for my family in times like these, nobody is going to reach out and help you. the palestinians feel abundant. they say they can only depend on themselves and on each other with no end in sight. to is roseville, judy vega, i'll just there still ahead and i'll just say it a fitting sizes or palestinians have lost their homes. we're going to visit the bakery and gaza this reopened after the was forced to close for more than 60 days.
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the color of the weather remained slouchy twice, level, the chevy side, slide 0, plus a good parts of the writing peninsula. leased by asked. that is the only thing to see a fair but a cloud spilling out the ducky, i pushing towards the caspian. we've got some rain and snow coming in here that you got a loss. you try cause much. it'd be arriving potentially what a stiff small at just making it fairly middle of the fresh side as we go through the next outside the hall with the top temperature of around $23.00 degrees. meanwhile, across jason's side of the met generate dry here, which we've got one for the next couple of days. a friday does still say a few showers may make extend the way right down into gaza. brightening up as we go on through friday in society. that when the weather that when she was just making just way across georgia media for as a by john
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a few showers also coming in across the team. but nothing too much. just baker. you see we've got some pretty unsettled weather coming at the central pos often, but it's right nearby that state. so that's just spinning out sofa spite and porch cool, northern pots of morocco, 6 of pretty wet weather, northern areas of algeria, and that will continue to push its way into action. is the motive saying some rather wet weather at that stage? they have plenty of showers. meanwhile, across the central parts of africa down towards the south. heaviest, down pulls around zambia malawi of the we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who fund, instead of tipping point. and we have
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a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to the you're watching, i'll just need a reminder of our time stories. this are at least 16 people, including 9 children have been killed in all my wasa and the size of dancer is repeatedly sad. the area is a safe zone. meanwhile, sizes are fleeing central, gaza, as far as and fair, it gets even more intense. at least one person has been killed and there's many ways across the occupying the west find the power steering and vice president says at least 2 ambulances have been hit by bullets and crew members have an injury
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ahead of a meeting, a visual security cap. that is really defense when it says your government has told reporters about his proposals. for postwar garza, he's repeated from us, would not be allowed to roll. the strip responded and get discussed because ministers and senior military officers started shouting at each other. bosher double money is a read of in post colonial literature, the university of kent. and he says, guns plan is not you. and it doesn't mean that will be any laptop in the war. i have to say that there's nothing new here, right? is it a seems to be just appeasing the us by publicly discussing postwar scenarios, which of which the government had refused to do up until this point. so it seems to be a facade, the, i think, a cover for the permanent war on the palestinians, which has now escalated into genocide. the genocide has ministry strategy. i said this is not due because early on in the war there was a leak report by the ministry of intelligence which, which planned,
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which had set an options in on this is option b, the option b is that the, that the expulsion fails. and that the local population stays remains, but that we need the local governing body of civilian governing body, which is not how miles to be able to govern the population. so that seems to be around b. and remember that up until now is that it hasn't yet merited state. the war aims boil goals. it has also failed to explode the policies into sign, which is what they wanted. money ministers of talked about wiping cause i was wanting to punish the means of pushing them, forcing them up into a sign on the button to police, sometimes i'm expelling them, etc. so one way of summarizing this is to say, what is a once is a, what's uncle keep ation. but without supplement wanting to occupation that divides the plate spanish opinions both physically and politically. and it also i'm talking to you for our purposes. it's important that our members that this, that it blocks palestinian unit, the books, palestinian democracy,
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and it also books both new states. a bank for bakery has reopened in the city of debt on board and central garza, i'm after the war forced it to close for more than 50 days. damage to bakeries is added to catastrophic food shortages and calls of a reports. and i'm seriously in front of one of the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending brad who are the palestinians in did. but after the days of housing its surfaces, the world food program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients in the fuel needed serve and to set brad for these policy and use for more than 50 days. honda sinews have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all of these. the space. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was
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a very that's the nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did not stop. and in the morning we saw that is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the 0 comments where people had been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new setting nature needed not stop as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here, and is there any invasion in the middle area of this other strip? this is in the city for august data. that has been a thousands of people filled the streets and 11 on capital. and 1st day of the funeral procession. i've seen, you know, how mostly the seller all over. and he was a deputy chief of the groups political bureau and one of the founders of its military waiting the custom of the gates all over. it was assassinated in
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a drum in striking southern bay route on tuesday. it's in a lot of reports from david as honoring a commander solar. rudy was her master's, most senior officials in lebanon and the most senior. how may i sufficient israel has been accused of killing since the start of a tour on gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described a res life and they are promising his this won't be the end of the struggle, nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership, but there is defiance. the no doubt design is the enemy is known for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance need is, is not new. we understand the language, but this any makes us strong. a terry commanders were also killed in tuesday strike
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in the paper suburb. a massive military military capabilities was also the official leader of the health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years, already made few public appearances. he's been seen several times with has well as chief hass on this role. and iranian officials most recently participating in coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza. i mean, i really was a very important figure in the last move and obviously, but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where, you know, the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know,
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decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory, but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza center for their elders. either they don't have the ability to husband the father is set to give a public address on friday for the 2nd time since i really was killed nat geo coding as a. busy my us diplomats as well as a former deputy chief of mission in yemen. he says, because of all that is likely to retaliate for the killing of a senior us official of the assessment. ation of auditory is certainly a provocative skill authorities step on the part of isabel. uh, but uh as well, uh, and you're gone for the math to have lost people to assess the nations before
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they did not immediately act. then i do not expect for isabella to do anything that as a, at this point they will at some point 30, tally 8, but at a time and place of their own choosing the getting all followed. rudy. uh is a blow to be sure for from us. uh, and for us as well. uh, because uh the area is really stuck. was there strong hold, uh, imbued, but already is certainly replaceable. the fact that says, well, uh, when probably not the act immediately does not mean that this is, this will just keep things as is i think eventually there are a lot of things going on in the region. especially in yemen with the red sea is heating up all the spring in different actors, the possibility of
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a mistake of one to provocative removed by one side or another. so we are right, shooting up tensions. and uh, if nothing dramatic happens to reverse it, we are headed towards a br all the war at some point or so it's kind of a responsibility for to suicide bombings that have killed $85.00 people in the southeast to run. the attack happened as a symmetry in the city of cal them on, on wednesday was during the summer, many of the tomb of the assassination senior general cost them. so the money that i am president abraham, why you see a supreme leader i, a total of the company have promised what they're calling a harsh response. the u. s. it says it's counted as a strike and a rock and killing the leader. when i run back on group, it's planes for the attacks on american troops. depending on the size, the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were hon. i'll be very clear us forces are in iraqi at the invitation of the government. all right,
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and is there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission? will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. the 2nd look at some of the days of the news in indonesia. at least 3 people are reported to being killed off to 2 passenger trains collided in west java cottage.


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