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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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in the world, this has been going on for a number of the got being used to surprise, but you see the report 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important impacts the lives at the high school is going to high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good at bringing the news to the world from here. the israeli strikes pounds, southern and central regions as the goal is a strip of devastating habits sending communities over $22400.00 people have now been killed since the october 7th, who began the on monday and saw you this island is here a lawyer from dev, what's it coming up?
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a new reality for garza, israel's defense minister lays out his proposal for the future, the protest in the entire tree. not everyone agrees us next year said again, his middle eastern tool looking to ease simmering tensions across the range of anger and grief in iran. well funerals or help some of the 189 people killed in wednesday's, bombings. i so has claimed responsibility the as we begin with the is really ministry on garza which has been targeting the strip, central and southern regions as strikes and shedding. have also hit all the areas in con eunice in the south. there was an attack in the vicinity of the amal hospital, and palestinian red crescent says 10 people killed that. another 12 injured the
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hospital, his face repeated bombardments in recent weeks. meanwhile, survive is, is rarely strikes near their own bi line. central guns are being admitted to the all acts of hospitals. they were injured in the latest is ready bombardments, of the, on the gauzy neighborhood. funeral pres, withheld for those who succumbed to the injuries. let's go to honey. my main, his life for us and rough. i in southern gaza and honey as we outlined the as the strikes continue overnights and into this morning bring this up to date with the latest. so yes, as we are back to our side here we, we got reports confirm reports of ongoing, massive at bombings going on in the central area. and as these ready military and it's uh, tanks and armored vehicles are pushing deeper into the central area,
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particularly around the the why, the area that's in the middle of the central area in the garza 3 band. what they're trying to do just carved a route from is though i the area all the way to and the site, right. the refugee camp a densely populated area, despite the large number of people who have been evacuating from the centrally, or there's still hundreds of 1000 of people in that area simply because they don't have a place to go to us or be begin to. i concluded that there is no safe place in the gods fit, but in addition to the artillery selling, then the, the ears tried. there are a stacking the drones hovering at a low level in the disguise of distance from the area of their confirmed reports. so people are arriving at do not do a lot. so hospital that's the only remaining health facilities to my functional facility and dated by a city where do where a shot at the by these the drone attacks. there's science of being targeted through
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us diverse as well. and be confirmed by a lot of the hospitals. the, the latest what we heard is just a person who was told by his name to come out of his house and a, just within meters away from his house was targeted by these attacking drones that fire that a direct that has hit and killed him. and when his brother came out, the checks on him to see what's going on with them. he was shot at and then his son came after knew where he was killed. right. they at the same time and they were shooting at the other at the other people, but this is the, the, the seeing that is a, quite a horrifying again, when we talk to some of the people who works, who made it drop off city and describe the horror from over night, then a nearly hour of this morning as they were trying to, to leave the central air this private in one word it's hell on earth. that's the common words that we heard from a 1000 of displays. palestinians coming to the dropbox, vivian,
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and han noon is where most of the defy thing is. it's, it's taking place. these really monitor is, is pushing deeper into higher newness and not expanding its aerial bombardment. to a district that was during the sight of tanya and it's the area that was describing designated as a fit for people from eastern time, even if the evacuated do. and also houses a the policy and repressed sense of the site. and it's a charge of both health facilities, a lot of hospitals that came under a bombardment for the 4th time and less than 10 days. then what seems to be a systematic attacks on remaining health facilities in the city of hon. you and is this being on the reports, we're getting it from the central area and on han units are very difficult to describe then. and people are, are unable to describe the horror they have experienced within the past few days. but 11 is stable fact that we, we know so far,
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thousands of people are leading the horror of this fine going genocide of war. okay, honey, is such a difficult situation such a difficult job that you were doing. we really appreciate your reporting honey. my smooth and personal life in rough in southern garza. meanwhile, israel's defense minister, your guidance, has unveiled his proposal for gone. so once the war is finished, under the plan, israel would have the right of a safe, secure seat and conduct operations inside the strip. if necessary is rarely settlers would not occupy the land. local palestinians would have limited control of guns that except for there is affiliated with thomas. government did not name specific groups. and a us led multinational task force including european and some our country's will be involved in the economic recovery and the strip. egypt will control garza's main civilian border crossing in collaboration with israel and the united states as
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being through all course, the lower con who's i don't can point east jerusalem. tell us a bit more detail about you have colors proposals and what reaction that's been to it. so this is the 1st official proposal, assess house by a top, minnesota in israel, and essentially spelled out a full promo plan at the most important aspect of it. for them is that how much will not roll the day off to the full instead, they'll be a palestinian entity. this is not going to be the policy and authority which is a governing parts of the occupies westbank for this. it does put many stipulation says that this international task force will come in, it will help rehabilitate and rebuild the goals, the strip, very mindful them, 70 percent of it has been completely destroyed. but it will also allow these ready military to come at a rate as of what it pleases a lot like it doesn't mean it's quite westbank and it wants to maintain an error.
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cn lines blow, okay. so the day off to the wall could look a lot like the day before the war. now it's really important to mention this evidence is ready policy. it's not come from any cabinet. this is just to propose time, but it was supposed to be discussed in a war. and why does security cabinet nice thing. however, ministers in that meeting reported to the press on condition off it and on the never see that it's a send it into tails. now lots of that was between the fall, right? can't talk is really a minute treat for us mainly because the aid plan approved into what happened on october 7th. why that was such a big security breach in israel, but the people that the cheapest stop has to have the has puts in charge of the price. we're also involved in the 2000 to $5.00. this engagement from the gulf of strip they helped to pull settlers. also, the goal is to strip the far right with very noise without they said it shouldn't
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be happening during the war and started talking at this engagement of a hit office. hit by consensus, have nothing to do with this engagement. now, how's, what, how, how did the has come forward with comments today saying what he meant is it's a pro, into housing all the conducts itself. but there was a lot of criticism leveled at this, even being in the media of the opposition in israel said this shouldn't have been late, especially the security me saying, and it's about the day life. so i mean this is close enough starting the criticism, but tales and disunity inside the cabinets. thank you for that. laura con, that person okie pod east. jerusalem. now is there any forces have carried out asteroids and towns in southern lebanon? the only release vicious video showing bloss from that fight to jets among the targets was his bullet infrastructure and a military post. it comes ahead of his well, his leader has an this role as televised address,
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which will take place later this friday. let's go hi. say now hold on, who joins us now live from beverage. firstly, zayna for his up to date on these latest is rarely strikes on the border while the cycle of violence continues along. 11 on them is rose, order it is entering, it's 4th month, is round carrying out a series of air strikes, targeting what these really are me says are, as well as military infrastructure fighters launch size stuff. but as of late as well, really has been stepping up, it's attacks the intensification of the conflict. if you liked the frequency, yes, it's still couldn't find largely along the 120 kilometer border 4 to 5 kilometers deep on, on each side of the border. but what this role is trying to do is put pressure on the left in his arms because the law as long as the law to po box. because if it
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leaves, that is the only way the 10s of thousands of is radius can return to their homes in northern israel. when the complex started, when hezbollah joined the battle against israel to help relieve its ally hamas in gaza, tens of thousands of his radius evacuated from that area. so what is what it wants to do now is restore security, as well as refusing to do that. it says that it will not discuss anything along the border until the tax, as well as the tax on on garza. so now the united states and other western countries have been trying to reduce pensions along the border to try to ensure that the conflict does not widen or expand. but undoubtedly, we have seen in recent weeks, a gradual escalation along that border and saying that interestingly, we are expecting a speech from the head of his butler, how sudden a throw out in the next few hours. this comes just 2 days off. he made another significant speech. what is the feeling about what he's expected to say? to?
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yes and just under 2 hours. the 2nd speech, since how mouse is number 2 and 10 mazda is highest official, and 11 on solid duty was assassinated in what was believe to be. and his rate of striking bait with southern suburbs in the hearts of hezbollah stronghold on wednesday. no sort of call about a crime and said that it will not go on tanya is promising retaliation. but he also said that, you know, that the conflict along the border will continue to remain calculated. he said yes, as well as ready. eh, you know, if it's relevant to launch a full scale assault hezbollah will, you know, 5 facts with no limits with no restraints, but be providing more details about, you know, the space of play. if you liked themselves that you would be addressing the families of those who have been killed, the people have been displaced. the latest figures show nearly 80000 people who
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live in southern lebanon have been displaced from their homes. so maybe this faithful, the more for the domestic audience, the supporters of hezbollah, and just a general public 11 onto explain, you know, has was limited engagement because it is costly for this country in terms of people being displace their livelihoods, that has the large loss more than $140.00 men. so in the next and less than 2 hours, we are going to hear from him. and, you know, he's likely to explain more about as well as role in this ongoing conflict. st. ahold of the in february. thank you. the funerals are being held in a role and so the victims of twin bombings on wednesday and rainy and secure civil society of a rest of the number of perpetrators. i, sol says it was behind the attack that killed a c 9. people that happened in the city of c'mon, during his sermon, a of
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a team of the senior general custom sending money was assassinated by the united states 4 years ago. meanwhile, the reigning and president abraham raising addressed a launch crowned at the funeral income on condemning the attacks a hello am i salon. these are great tests and indeed difficult tests that the uranium people are facing and surfing the great people of iran is. but one of those tests to which we are subjected and we must all walk this road, the road of serving the people of iran. it is a great responsibility that has been placed on our shoulders and know that this great gathering debt we have here today. this gathering of thousands of the folks will scare our enemy. those great numbers of people we have today will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. our enemy is indeed desperate to or we can
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speak to the house. i'm here as live in tyrone. we could see the size of the crowds that indeed a very large event addressed by the president. what more did he have to say a while, in fact, the funeral took place in a closed area, which is the mosque that when a lot of people bought, the security measures prevented it from becoming a riley and the city of command. this is one, the 2nd thing is that president tracy also added that the revenge without calling the name without mentioning the word revenge with com. but this is in the hands of the father is regarding the time and place also the i r g c commander for st. salamis spoke and he was faced with crowds chanting for revenge. he said that the wrong, when revenge was already there,
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is that event that has been taken over the past? yes. from the powers of uh, auto getting since he called them. so in general, definitive uh, it came to an end and the body of, uh, i think is right though i did send also. uh, but this will always be in the minds of the iranians because this is my, this is actually the biggest, maybe all the largest attacking in yes on, on the ring. and then the number of people couldn't find that through the moment, just 89 for now. but since this my tries, according to the numbers that are going to be issued by the authorities, the last thing is that see, i mean the self until you off or do i have the announce that there's a rest? it's several people i'm that they're putting together the pieces of this i talk and they will announce the a fax that they have. and in the future an alley i so has claimed responsibility for the attack. how is that going down with the reading and media or
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what in fact, the way they are dealing with the i. so the claim of responsibility is a, is a bit skeptical, especially that the statement itself has, it's all the elements of skepticism from the, uh, the, the war being from the, uh, the 5 to from also the date. all these things together are raising questions. but in general, just in case this is fine, that i'm bad about the fact that there's a ring and a news agency mentioned yesterday that this is a suicide. that's ok. then we'll have to see how the iranians are going to retaliate. then whether this resolve the issue is going to be on ice, an interval honest on what i size or the i said in the rock and how this is going to impact an already fragile region. okay, thank you for that. i have some that for us into around the united states says it's
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carried out a strong like in a wrong kenning, the leader in iran fact on group. it blames the attacks on american troops. depends again, says the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were harmed . cutting has drawn strong condemnation from a rock which has cooled, it very different from a terrorist attack in still ahead on al jazeera, full of power lumpkin. i'll skip the story is, is released on parole 11 years on to measuring his girlfriend will have a reaction from the it is a tenant of journalists to produce objective news coverage is true. i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial representation. the listening post covers how the news is frank
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assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside of that. and so it's international law. and one of the issues that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok fights, people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera expo 2023. the world, the fascination of joining us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the book
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back you want to anyhow? just bear in mind us on top stories. this is already as strong, so killed dozens of palestinians in central and southern guns that heavy, bombardments continue. jeanette, they on fall out of this town and these 32 people have been killed. if ton unit israel's defense when to say your guidance has unveiled his proposal for faithful garza. he wants israel to retain security control with kind of sending an involvement in day to day. fast multinational force would be involved in reconstruction. a well us actually of state antony lincoln is beginning. another
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diplomatic tool of middle east is due to meet with need is in israel for the 5th time since a will began on october. the 7th. he's also expected to hold talks with palestinian leaders in the occupied west bank. his toy is expected to include stops in tech, a jordan cutoff, saudi arabia, egypt, and the u. a. e. let's get more on this. we can speak with lucy. i know saca, he's the associate professor of gulf politics and go studies center in counselor university joins us in the whole thank you for joining the program so us next year . say i'm to meet blinking back again in the region at a time of course of even more heightened attention given the events of recent days . what do you think is on his mind? what is he hoping to achieve on this 4th a visit to the region? well, difficult to, to know exactly this piece for the find. it didn't work very well. and i mean, we are on the southern side of the month of, of where without any change in the,
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in this really a behavior in terms of been, goes on in terms of allowing other kind of solution to come in with this a month ago. so i don't have a big expectation enough for us and maybe ask in israel to not to expand the contract more by responding or by a kidding or an acting in other scenarios like live i don't see the iraq or even, you know. and so i the, i don't think that the visit of the big the, which is either do something outside self or what is the sort of engagement with other doctors. and we're all getting reports that blinking intends to push is ready . officials on on a plan for facebook garza, which is interesting given that we had from you i've got on yesterday outlining his vision of, of gauze, off to the what did you make of the signed, and is it located to meet the approval of the us?
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well, 1st of all, talking about the was, were in the me that of the war we though the be care that when is going to happen, more of are contributing. that's a straight keeps time that they would take as much as they need in order to achieve their final goal, which is their final goal. 20 minutes at all. absolutely. how much, politically, i'm going to tell you something to the, i'm not even close to the show on without anybody's heading though. okay? when is the limits of the time? the move of your operation is so talking about the this like a which was thinking without knowing who's going to remaining gas on which conditions we would have an ask in other states or other like have the scale for the 2 big it take care of, got so when the people in gus will be the one to do so, i wouldn't the other states might be rejecting the plan. i think it's useless. you mentioned the palestinian authority, the us have been very clear that they want them to play some sort of role
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a off to the whenever that might be a but no to play the palestinian authority. have been very quiet on, on any kind of plan from that point of view, why do you think that it's i don't think that by itself or the has how that or have the, the, have any idea of what to do with that? i mean, ask, 1st of all they are rejected by their own people in enough household, whatever, you know, whoever you talking us are, they are not interested in being ruled by that. but as you know, if i did that, he believed that was fine despite the fact that this to me, the idea of despite the fact that the west bank is also suffering from the same, that is going on in augusta. so how they're going to blind or how they're going to deal with the remaining of out of the war. i mean, we are talking about the massacre. so it's a very that it gets evasion, that even an outside that is not legitimated and within their own people. and they have been accused of corruption and inefficiency in dealing with their own issues
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of westbank. how they can plan to do something without external support, without even the support of out of countries on without the support with their own population. ok, let's see on us the car associate professor of golf politics at the golf study center. can cats, how are you investing? thank. he was 17 year old. palestinian has been killed in vate rima, which is north west of ramallah during, and is there any military rate? and you don't keep on the west bank 7. know the palestinians. what so injured? the palestinian red crescent says 2 ambulances into towns and hit one by rubber bullets one i now live rounds. let's take a look at some of the of the news making headlines. south korea says it has conducted live firing drills near the disputed maritime border on the west and c. sound cree has ordered civilians to evacuate the on and young p on the drills come on to north korea 5 more than 200 alterations on friday morning. are
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in indonesia, at least 3 people are reported to have been killed. down to 2 passenger trains, collided in west java carriages were forced off the tracks by the impacts. please say the engine happened taken to local hospitals, and at least 11 mine is all trapped on the ground is and bob way following the collapse of a shop that a gold mine west of the capital herano. a small boys, ministry of mine says it's trim is, may have caused the accident. the mind has deployed a rescue team to bring the trump minus back to the surface form a south african power olympic athlete. o. scope story as has been released from prison on parole. he said 9, he is in prison for measuring his girlfriend. we have a student comp onto the terms of his parole. he will not be allowed to leave pretoria women's rights groups have protested against his release. the measure the matter has moved from outside the prison in pretoria. i suspect the story as became
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eligible for parole off to serving at least half of the 13 year sentence. he was given for the murder of reversed income. he was initially imprisoned for 5 years for manslaughter. that was appealed and then that sentence lay to extended. no, we've a stain comes family has said that while they have space, the reality, all of us got the story is receiving parole for some time. they have routinely opposed that application. they also say that they don't believe that justice has been served. that the people who are essentially facing a lifelong sentence is reverse team terms. family as they continue to mourn their door to they say they don't believe that she told the truth around events during the night of her mother, and that he's not remorseful and that he had lied. but they say they both have taken some conflicting. the fact that you're doing this pro period which will last
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until 2029. that's until the end of the sentence is that you will have to enroll in programs that deal with violence against women as well as anger management. summary, the ultra 0 pretoria. okay, that's it to me, money inside, whether it coming up next and inside story, we'll look at a rollins next steps off to to vote. blocks killed 18 on people in the 7th. the the it's hello is whether we're mice, pretty quiet. it's across a good parts of china. we do have the fault problems that goes into central and southern areas and this sickening cloud here. well that may will produce some outbreaks of brain down towards the south. as we go through the next couple of days, i stated that i go to where the system still affecting japan and that will bring
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some wet weather across northern japan, some snow that to into a kind of mixture of rain, sleet and snow the into west and areas of hong shape, but further west, it is generally dry. that's that sacred, flat down towards the southeast and outbreaks of rain into southern parts of china . hopefully that will help to ship some of that fall for the race will temperatures the full back a little to shanghai around a celsius. and there you go. most knife we'll see effects know that coming into western parts of japan, south asia, we've got some very heavy right into southern parts of india, right with the next day or so we have good orange warnings, enforcing deposit. carol, to come will not do over the next couple of days, not too bad, as for like it full of the time. big feather northwell, the ongoing fog. it will be here for the next few weeks. we know the story here. it is a seasonal feature and it will remain in place itself of one or 2 showers into central parts of india. but the west to weather will remain down towards the south. still seeing some larvae showers for the movies.
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the latest news, as it breaks, echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason is, worry take good approximates with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world to start to bubble. a vast number of small up voluntary groups have sprung, get to big. that zones have the results of fig organization. the yvonne specimens retaliation off to to bloss kim, moving 18 people during come integrations, phone assassinations, generally the set to be the worst attack since the 1979 revolution says, how will pet envoy yet and is there a risk of escalation in the region. this is inside story, the
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