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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the knowledge is here with the of the hello, i'm sorry for that. this is and use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, u. n. c. monetary and she says, months is really a tax on the goal is a strip of run to the tired treat uninhabitable. most shuttle diplomacy. the us secretary of state arrives in turkey with the name of easing tensions in the middle east. a new report reveals a surge and the growth of the legal sacraments and the occupied westbank since the
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war on gods have begun. plus tried to direct the facts of january 6. jumper's chimes steal history, same when he tried to steal the election. us president joe biden, mox reassumes the journey of a 6th attacks on congress and launches what promises to be a pivotal election news . but we begin this these out in gaza. where is where the strikes are focused on the southern regions of hon. eunice and rafa. as well as central garza, these are the army says it's hit over a 100 targets in the strip over the past 24 hours. the palestinian health ministry has reported a 162 deaths in the same period. now the un humanitarian chief is wanting the month . it was really bombardment and battles between hamas fighters and just really forces of made the territory simply uninhabitable mountain. griffith says that palestinians in gaza,
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a witnessing daily threats to the very existence while the world watches on. he also criticized humanitarian community to be having the left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people even has its own stuff, being killed and displaced. martin griffiths, the under secretary general for humanitarian affairs. she says that 3 months since the horrific effects of october 7th does a has become a place of death and despair. he said to humanity, area, and community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff or being killed in this place. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and convoys shut out then as commercial supplies vital to the survival of people, there are almost nonexistent view as would incomes. this is really strikes continue to target civilians in the sense that are in the south of the strip causes alexa,
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hospitalized overwhelmed with casualties. thousands of palestinians have been killed. billing marks. how's this report? another from budman begins several last strikes in swift succession. the target sites off the sites in con eunice boss, clouds of smoke the now familiar but still frightening sites across garza. the weather was human and you know, sometimes the bloss, it's the blog crate is all the times shut that homes. the only result, the damage often appears beyond measure. local survivors, theme beyond shock. the rescue is operate with little safety. but that bravery is also beyond doubt. the carpets act of stretches
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attracted as ambulances. there were a few of the options to transport. the dead bows close to a carried into central gauze as all acts of hospital the hi going to use evidence once the rivals face of the young child hold into housing that his mother knew the same hospitals exit. people pray for those you've already passed away. that's made up as in john grieves for his sister, brother and wife, his son use it fades day and 12 year old daughter. and john, this moment is private. the document says a message publicly, sorry. as an all, the minutes that we saw is waiting tons are being dropped on homes,
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children and women. would you accept this for your own children and women? alongside the grief he expresses and go to the what he calls the west, particularly the us from and person libya. the almost that i e. and before those supporting israel with miss haws, an aircraft carriers, those supporting israel and sending their generals to help with plans. who are you planning against? we are on our people, civilians. we have nothing like j. but among the bonus and the missouri, some show a surprising in a string high not coming back and then i can type it in most. we've moved from one spot to another because we're afraid of this up. everyone's afraid for the kids. but we're not leaving outlined, even when that will stops, and we find out homes destroyed. we will erect tents until gold sends us out for the children here. no help came. now they're left with only more,
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pres the months. how does it a well then $22600.00 people have been killed in garza since that will be gone. target was whom has the latest now from rough. uh, in the south of the straight. most strikes and move items full from the palestinian sites. as since the day begins at today, where the use really meant it to be had round up the tax on the southern parts of garza. and this is a be situation also a, during the last couple of days where unrelenting, a circle of destruction and devastation took place in hon. you in a city for 12 palestinians today have to report that killed as we have been also during the last hour, contacting a number of our colleagues. and i'm also our hospital wondering about the situation that had been informing us that they have been listening and tearing on getting shilling by the usability to re add the ongoing quite hopes of fires that had been opened against residents and also residential buildings in the central areas of con
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eunice and the question is that life would be also uninhabitable of to if the were ended, then people returned back again to the house as at the spot regarding all the destruction that had been carried out against the civil infrastructure of the for people will take years to rebuild what had been destroyed, but right now they're focusing on surviving window pertaining maintenance, central light tips for living despite the, the very limited to humanitarian access to the territory. and the ongoing is very bottom and also prevent on cripples the process of 8 distributions inside garza, especially for the middle and for also the another part of the territory. correspondence and who do rate has been speaking with the space palestinians who been taking shelter deluxe the hospital in there or by law in central garza, one of them explained just how his family was coping off to being forced to flee. the the situation is very crowd just as you see, this is not only a hospitality,
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it's also a refuge for thousands of people that some people put their heads and some people are actually on the ground and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living a place where it's constantly bringing in faces, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people sending stuff like a mini supermarket is on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so this hospital became a house for hundreds of thousands of the state policy news. and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her fix, sees of people and trucks putting up all of their at my sons or their pillows and
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very close trying to flee from the central area of the central area. and because of serve as they are taking other seats street to to look at the same time is very crowded and there's no what's your name? wherever you just place from motivated little bit. i'm new from brace count. i move to new sarah then why they then to alexa hospital. oh, yeah. and when, and why did you move those that have a live we left at nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you. we have young children, the oldest of them isn't the 1st grade i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. and how do you feel that i'll ok so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place and got a suitable not does that. not a rough on nor dare nowhere at all. what is that? where should we go? we are old dying getting killed around each other. how do i have that we run from
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one place to another out of fear for our children, not out of fear for myself. as far as i'm concerned, i would stay put. i wouldn't leave home. i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us all the people of guys out all these people you see around you. darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you the coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can't go to the toilet . have to wait for 5 hours to go to the toilet motor, that's the life of a displaced person. a displaced person lacks dignity wherever they go. no one respects a displaced person. death is probably better than being displaced, and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening. meanwhile, heavy rainfall is lessening the conditions in northern gaza. i'll just there is on us. i'll shareef, has been to the value of refuge account to see what people are having to and deal
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with that. the most pleasure, the day i knew we had a mobile home now as to the new problem for civilians. here is war and siege and testify on the gaza strip and with the rainfall. municipalities are no longer being able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by severely forces the button as it should be. i know, unfortunately, the tragedy has the full in us. the tragedy of which we have won the jabante a camp has been flooded as a result of the overflow of the other with our shade reservoir. because we lost electricity completely and we were unable to operate. generates is, we don't have solar energy. we did not have any new solar panels since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. there is a quantity of solar panels. however, these panels are being held at the gaza strip with you and he said above as the so now we're issuing a last coal to rescue the jabante account and rescue the jabante
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a municipality for you. i'm following the destruction of the majority of vehicles. the majority of wastewater pumps and well, that's a lot of them and how did you know how we left the war? here we are facing a new war sewage roles are leaked into classrooms and flooded them. our children are suffering from disease gastro intestinal symptoms. we are suffering from sickness. this is the situation we are living in. this is the tragedy that we are living in. our situation is dire and all that i said you again us upon the other. upon look at our children and their payment, sewage, water, disease, trash, and the seller. we are human beings, we want peace. we want to live like other human being is on a couple of 100 the do, i didn't have i had you. i don't have another the so a new danger threatens the lives of residents and the lives of refugees here at the shelters. because of the pulling of rain water and wastewater at the municipality cannot do its work due to the municipalities. vehicles being targeted by the
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occupation forces small enough to show you, i guess the at all tremendously as well. nutrition and disease and gaza are a deadly threat some more than a 1000000 children that's according to the united nations children's fund. and then you report on friday you can assess cold life and gaza, unlike nasa children. it says ongoing hostilities, poor hygiene and flimsy shelters are all threatening children's lives. the number of cases of diarrhea in children has increased almost 50 percent in just a week. almost $10000.00 children have died in gaza since october the 7th. the secretary of state until he blinked and has arrived in turkey on the 1st leg of yet another diplomatic 2 of the middle east. lincoln will be looking to ease rising tensions across the region. these 2 of them at least 4 times since the will began as visited israel, 5 times over that same period during this trip on top of meeting scheduled in israel and in ramallah and the occupied westbank blink is also expected in the
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united arab emirates in jordan culture, saudi arabia and egypt, kimberly hawk, it has more on the trip from the white house, the secretary of state antony blinking, being sent to the middle east. capitals, as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe biden, sending him because of fears that the escalating tensions in the region could broaden into a wider regional war. the concern, but the escalation in the red sea as a result of attacks by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior, hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem the
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violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss post governance. and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option, but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their tactics going after high value targets. still, this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly healthcare algebra, the white house, the right time, the salute is joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. it is,
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kimberly was setting out is a wide ranging literally a trip from the us extra estate. but let's start where she ended her report, the, the key meetings between blinking and his is riley counterparts. what's going to be on the agenda this is going to be us secretary of state antony blinking 6th visit to israel since the war began. he's going to reiterate his stress and support for israel's war. however, there are also a lot of things on the agenda, but she has to talk to nothing. yahoo in the war cabinet about the 1st is the issue of transitioning into a lesser intense type of fighting with more targeted operations. given the high death toll we have seen in gauze and more than 22000 palestinians killed something else that's going to be on the agenda. there is our palestinians who been displaced from northern gaza, going to be able to go back to what's left of northern gaza. these really so far it
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have said no to this, but the americans have been pressuring these rallies on multiple fronts. also on the issue of humanitarian aid, the americans have reiterated that there is simply not enough a going into gaza. and the one now says the famine is just around the corner, but also on the topic will be the issue of the captives. will there be some sort of ceasefire deal? are these really is really willing to give up a lot of concessions to bring back the captives knowing that there are american citizens among them. but he's also going to talk about the issues in the west bank, the rising settler violence, these really incursions into the occupied westbank on a nightly basis. so there is a lot for us secretary of state antony blinking to discuss with his is really counter parts. but these really have been quite clear that they're actually still going to continue this fight until they achieve all of their work goals. and it
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seems that they've been dismissing the american pressure and the recommendations from their biggest ally more than 90 days into this conflict. and in terms of what's been happening on friday, most strikes on the southern lebanon by is ready for us is, can you bring us up to date on what's happening on that front? this is really military releasing a statement saying that they conducted several airstrikes that hit his bullet command center in southern lebanon. it comes after around 10 rockets in 2 different garages were fired onto the northern city of getting at mona. for those rockets intercepted in one barrage for falling into open areas and in the garage before that both of those missiles intercepted. now this comes as israel's defense minister, jo, i've go on to set up a time for a diplomatic solution between israel and his butler is running out. he says that these really are hoping to solve these problems through
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a diplomatic situation and that they want to come to the table with mediators to talk about it. but at the window is closing on that front. but all of this comes up as well as leader has on most sit all last spoke for the 2nd time in just under a week, saying about 11 on will actually be quote, exposed, if there is no response to the targeted assassination of how mass lead or solid duty and they do and he ended his remarks by saying that a decision has already been made and that a response is a minute. all right, honda and i'll keep bodies through some thank you very much for that and as 100. so it was just reporting those strikes on southern lebanon, taking place on the same day as well as the, the house on the stella addressing the country around hon is in be root. has more on what he said. this was a very details for each by this extra general, all of has the house on natural law. he actually told very specifically about the is really easy talking about the fact that they were hiding the numbers of the
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casualties of soldiers that they were hiding. the amounts of equipment had been destroyed. let's take a closer look of what he said. now you have the same as well. so the resistance offered zip roughly 9. the videos of attacks along the front. tanks being destroyed, these tanks, exploding sometimes with soldiers sitting on top of these things. vehicles being destroyed, tents where soldiers are sitting and ms. sites falling on top of them. houses where soldiers start shelters coming under rock and fire with their, with their comrades taking a very long time to rescue them. houses are 10 speaking, bombed, targeted with mist sides, and we could see with our very eyes ambulances rushing to these points. however, the enemy admitted nothing. the captain now often that he picks up with the displacement of it is where it is. he said,
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these are these who have been displaced is nothing compared to the amount and displacement that the lebanese have faced overuse of is really aggression. the also made an appeal to is right, the civilians who said, if you want to get a piece, i can return to your home things put pressure on your government to be able to bring and the will in goals that they also told about the region as well, he said the killing, they're sick as a law. uh really they sent him athlete a uh he was a day, brother and friend will not go unpunished. we'll use the right place and right time, but the field will respond. that's a much stronger statement that we've had before. we will not remain silent about violation of this level because this means that every violation in level will become exposed. we talked about the us and george about the region. he said that the america, the americans are using isis as an excuse to say in iraq. but he also said,
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and this is what we have the right thing about the resistance sizes. take a look. i listen to what he said about the axis of resistance and as they look for it as well as we must all put pressure from left and on from syria, from erect from young men, we must all put pressure on the meet the real objective of all these friends is to put an end to the aggression that is going on against the guys are low up for the other one, although as now finally, he summed up by saying and praising the fight is on the ground saying that they willing to die. the gold faith country, i'm digging in wrong cause out of their favorites. are i joining us now from branford in the u. k. is pull rogers and there's just progressive piece studies at bradford university. thank you very much for your time on this news. our. let's start with a as a blankets towards the upcoming talks in is where we began this news hour with that quote from the you wouldn't even have the amount of terry and chief mountain griffith's cooling gauze and now uninhabitable though. those very distressing
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figures from unit assess, the americans have been pushing for some time. the amount of 39 go away, i'll set to do so again. i mean, what do you think he time is willing to do? and what kind of response might he get from you is what he's on this front. i think in many ways this is the key to how this more of this company might develop. i would say the voucher and roof is a statement which you started with. is crucially important. proof is part of the world's most experience here about attending and specialist loan you an experience . and he's basically saying good golf as a whole is becoming uninhabitable of that supportive, very much by what you'd be reporting predict in the last 2 or 3 weeks about the level of problems for individuals within garza. now that's obviously really raises the question of why is the israel doing this and what has it been, but going to be, it sees me doing it because it comp control how much in any other way, except to sort of damage the wider environment to which than living it forever,
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like the treatment they did in lebanon back in 2006, when they couldn't control has spelled out. but now i think gets ready to becoming a central plank of what they're doing. and the problem is, this is directed against what bring can once a subsidy, what binds and wants. so really it's a key test. but in any sense of total can get blinking. to put sufficient a sufficient pressure on israel to really ease up on what you told us to take to bump up and then that would indicate some progress. how. how does the, how does the us secretary of state put that kind of apply that kind of pressure because sofa. these very stood words haven't really had much effect. you're right. i mean, to stand with this. obviously, being very tough in private isn't fairly tough and public, but the soft reality is the united states is huge. the significance to israel. i mean, it does actually have some permanent troops in israel,
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the across the expand rate, which they were intact, they allow the israel is to use them so, so i have american troops doing it and to the united states is providing huge amounts of volumes on such a, we keep nothing, a daily basis for these ready defense choices. so the united states can say to each route, you will have to change this and change it drastically if it tries to do it. so, but the bunch of states is not that much prepared to do that. module single depend on where the pressure changes from its allies, whether from struggling and others put pressure on the white house, the key country outside of the united states, the courses is present. but the pressures government and in fact the main opposition, the labor policy seemed to be speaking as well. so they basically continued just bought the americans. so really requires a change within the united states for the white house to decide this enough is enough, not least because the end result of all of this will probably be a renewed habit. so post time as it is ready, security itself will be damaged. sort of thing is what people failed to realize. if
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this small continues ultimately be israel, which will be less safe, not most safe, and more broadly. this is a very wide ranging trip. as we being reporting a number of capitals and number of interlocutors for mr, blinking to speak to, is it about trying to time down tensions and prospects of escalation or is, or is there another agend reply? i think there is the risk of escalation, the moment it seems to be the israel is really warning level known and has a lot that isn't practical prepared to go into action, but it doesn't don't, don't sofa. what we do know from past, uh, military type 6 is israel does go into the lab and if it does, it will be by aspects not background in coverage of those try sort of big games. the lebanese economy, as it was in 2006, that will be the kind of thing the political move to learn more about, put pressure on his round if possible at all. so i think the listen to some of the other states who are seeing this in a very different,
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but that are itself probably george and then something egypt ready to suss out what bout thinking and how concerned but and it's possible healthy and perhaps to put more pressure on israel, but again, as of say, the keeps the slides very little has been in the white house of glasses where i think we may see a change for there's no indication of it just yet for i pull rogers. joining us from bradford. thank you very much for your time. thank you. now, authorities in israel reporting a record number of minutes, she casualty uses the all me engages, i'm a spices in the ground defensive in gaza. israel's rehabilitation authority estimates that more than $12000.00 soldiers will some physical disabilities this year as a result of injuries on the battlefield. several 100 right has this report from television. so deceivingly mundane is now a challenge with the help of an us and crutches. jonathan ben,
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how much was able to work smoothly. these rady soldier describes how the bolt is that he was driving and the cause of the strip was hit by a grenade. 6 days later he found himself in a hospital bed back and is ro, well that make me feel a little bit better? and i woke up from surgery and looked at my mom was said, you'll be strong, we love you, they amputated your legacy. i thought yes, i didn't know that because i really felt that there. but then i left at the blanket and got to see they cut it off and i think commitment to lead us. do they get a little or that came up with israel's rehabilitation authority estimates that the 12500 soldiers will be disabled this year a much higher number than previously estimated the number of his riley soldiers and rehab his the policy official figure. and those ended in the costs are offensive. with rehab senses overwhelmed with a new admissions, the kind of interest to main doors between no and method before, but the amount is higher, you know it's, it's even
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a single pay to the last defense. the amount of the interest people, not less 20, is even to have other we're funding this or it's much higher. the defense ministry says it's working to meet those needs by costing red tape and hiring more employees to deal with injuries, including disabilities. as a result of the whole, adults is worried that it's still not enough for the health care system not prepared for the number of injuries or long term cash. the physical ends, mental disabilities including p t s. d, which can often take a while to diagnose these really minute tree has shifted its focus towards the south of the goal is the strip where it faces up in grid. a will effect and will hand to hand combat to a high likelihood of seeing more or less than injuries amongst its troops. the ideas and these were already because it doesn't, the choice is rarely determined to lean before the end, the,
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when the political decision that it wasn't go sticking to going to all these things were eh, take it or taking into account the, there's no other way. but to defeat the military capabilities of from us, the majority of his riley support the war in gauze despite knowing that is ro, is already paying a high price with many believing that they have no other choice fox since in new financing. so the height is always a 0. sum of the still ahead on al jazeera funerals held in iran off to one of its worst attacks in the decades. i so has claimed responsibility. the
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highlight of the weather is looking a little lively across the good positive australia storms there around the w way, pushing itself australia into the interior. so the few showers say which was the eastern side of the country that towards the se, every 5 pressure will run its way a little further. the race was things will quiet and down for new zealand. it's not been too bad here recently, but a few showers in play as we go through saturday quite to weather, to move into the console next week. i can't say the same, but the central pumps of australia and over tools, this mass of cloud and rain that will continue to push across the south australia, west and positive victoria west. and there's a new south wales, the crop, the showers, the land, australia. they are pushing right up across queensland, an up towards the top 10 to and if anything that'll get inside there was a go on through sunday, some very heavy down pulls live. he shouts to cool. some sliding, dry weather at last a close that eastern side of us for the time being, but the shower was longest. both of right. never really too far away. this is really looking quite nasty as we go through the next the dial. so i was driving
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wins as well, driving waves and some snow pushing across into pots of japan over the next style. so west and every scene, a mix of rain statements, no snow to was an old quad to it for the korean peninsula. inquired for good part of china. it was supposed to be a refuse, which sells crudely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. great. tend to even murder one. 0, one east investigates the crimes. and those set tips behind on, on what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you will see i want you to start with just the facts. what as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want, we don't, we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy i'm, it's asking me to get 50 percent representation and
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accountability and benefits. no intelligent service, this placement, and you're saying you'll have your reports with that i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of truth. so the you're watching, i'll just a reminder about top stories. this island do you and she monetary in chief says, months of his ready attacks on the gaza strip. i've rented the territory uninhabitable unit is cooling life in gaza. unlike master children,
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due to mt nutrition disease and ongoing hostilities. there would be more is really strikes on central and southern gaza. at least 16 people were killed in attacks on han, eunice move in 22 and a half 1000 palestinians. i've not been killed in the past 3 months. almost half of them children and the secretary of state down to the blank and has arrived in turkey on the 1st leg of yes, another diplomatic, 2 of them, at least, lincoln will be looking to ease rising tensions across the region. you'll visit israel for the 5th time since the war on jobs have to get there any and state media, say, 11 people have been arrested in connection with wednesday, suicide bombing the killed at least 189 people in southeastern iran president abraham racy, had promised to respond to the attacks, for which i still claimed responsibility of a hush of reports now from the capital to her on they are gone forever to suicide bombers. change the fate of the 100 people who are being carried to the
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fine those resting place on wednesdays. attacks happened at the ceremony and cut them on to remember the us us and they to general process in a many uranium president the brain. but i, you see, address the crowd to god, the auto body is witnessing our power. all the world is feeling our power, our forces, have the initiative, time and location go. the police of arrested several people in different brothers, this across the law. but despite the eye, so claiming responsibility for the attack, uranium officials, i've shown the skepticism to the announcement from is retaliation back. so these killings are a reflection of defeats that the our compares have suffered over the past few years . but the grace of god, the revenge of these killings will be taken. but i would like to say that already
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the revenge has happened in government wants to provide people with some assets as the region faces re challenges. this has been exception. therefore, it's been looking into the details of the attack and what response is, i think you should see all of them, you know, under, under one unique umbrella which is trying to this civilize this region. iran is located in this region. so security of the region safety region is going to build the benefits of uranium. why you on into run this practice? think sort of a strategy patients in the past with the bombing, you might have shocked many radians. it's one of the worst attacks iran has seen in recent years. at the tied security measures here reflect the amount of precaution, the governments. they can to prevent that all the possible attack. and they
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actually measure 0. the latest report from it is really advocacy group piece now shows a significant increase in illegal settlements activity and the occupied westbank since the war and gods have begun. the funding show that construction has begun on our echoed 9 new outposts over the past 3 months. there also being 18 new illegal roads paved authorized by settlers. and it also detailed a search in the fencing off and construction of outposts on privately owned palestinian land. it was the thought but duty is actually general of the palestinian national initiative. he says this search instead of activity is sanctioned at the highest level in his room. the government is run by settlers. and because the settlers, uh, nothing about sessions. if you speak about the big viewed or smoking to show the others, nothing you know is joining the club and the allowing them allowing subsets to, to expand in the space they are allowing them to confiscate load balancing allowed
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to create motive settlement illegal out posts. and the funding of them smoke, this is the finance minister who's there and i'm displaying them full with unlimited resources. and meanwhile, the preventing anybody listing in the building. anything? no, no less than 60 percent of the rest of that is uh the so called area. see what you see here is a process. so these are the zation of lowest bank. what does that clear am of next it goes to back, but that is combined also with a huge amount of destruction in one community, which was uh no trying to scan, but that is happening in any way to endorse the back end jeanine and the bus and so many other places and reality since the 7th of october and for the settler ebony is the soldier and every policeman field they have the green light to foot and kind of ballasting is they have the strong feeling of the community and that they can't do
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anything for ballasting is whenever they want, and in any way they wish. the fewest president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump is likely challenging in the election later this year. by them described before the president as a threat to democracy. his speech comes just a day before the 3rd anniversary of the capitol hill rides, one from supporters ransacked the building at the bottom. and trump is a comfortable front runner for the republican nomination. dropped together 2024 campaign by glorifying the fail while is directions instruction that are on our cap . the geico claims law and order shows lawlessness additional trumps. not concerned about your future. i promise you trump is now promising
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a full scale campaign of revenge and retribution, his words which on 100 was ad biden speech and bluebell pennsylvania. joe biden carefully chose the time and place for his 1st campaign speech of 2024. here in pennsylvania. the state where he was born, it's a swing state where he won by simply one percentage points in the 2020 election. but more importantly, he gave a speech near valley forge. that's where george washington camped out in $1777.00, a year after the us had declared independence, but it still had defined for this fledgling democracy. it was trying to create and that's with joe biden's as needs to happen. now americans need to fight for their democracy and he, in his words, that means they have to vote for him because he says, donald trump is a threat to democracy. and to make that point, he gave a speech a day before the 3rd anniversary of the january 6th uprising in washington, dc, which in a court in washington, donald trump is a cute of lead. so he jumped ahead,
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bite and did to the general election, taking on his presumed opponent in that election. donald trump and his messages, i will 6 your democracy. donald trump want john henry l g 0, montgomery county, pennsylvania. and these are life pictures from su sensor. i what, what donald trump is speaking to his supporters. right now the state courses start in 10 days, kicks off the 2024 election day. yeah, this will let you and could not. but let's explore all this so that we have democratic political strategist, our shot has signed. he joins us from burlington, vermont, former executive director of progress now. and joining us from arlington, virginia is the republican strategist james davis. he's founder and president of touch down strategies gentlemen. thank you both very much for joining us on the show. i should have signed it. was it was your guys big event today? so any say we should start with you. i think i'm one quotes i picked out of his
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speech. was this uh whether democracy is still america's sacred cause is what the 2024 election is all about. as far as american voters are concerned, is that what the selection is about? is that a message that's going to gain traction for him? i believe so. i know, are you talking about economic policies being the most important and they will play a role here. but this selection has it as a high stakes bite for democracy. for the last 4 years. republicans have double down on taking away americans freedoms from what we could read or what kind of medical care we could seek, and the key and the core principle, the peaceful transfer of power, and what kind of democracy we will actually be. that is what joe biden highlighted for us. the contrast you highlighted for us today when you spoke and the significance of the place and the timing, you're quite correct here. he is naming the stakes here and that is the kind of democracy we want to live in. but again,
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it is that the is that the message as to where to go to. so, i mean, because it, according to the polls, american voters don't prioritize that argument. least not yet. at least not without donald trump right in front of the center. and i've read news cameras, the perhaps hasn't been up until this point is compared to what it was like during his presidency. poll suggests that they do care more about the economy about, about how they feel about, about how it's performing at the moment. well, i think that's gonna be one piece, one factor of the state of the many things that americans will vote on for the last 2 elections of 20202022. we've also found that americans have really been building on the issue. for example, in choice of women's reproductive healthcare, that has been a driving factor in democratic victories up and down the ballot. this is another key democracy and rights issue. democrats are smart to be able to put that front and center even now before the republicans have fully decided on their candidate. so obviously, as you pointed out, trump is the likely not many. this is the time to start bringing up the important,
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the high stakes issues of the election. or i was bringing james davis on that point . then as far as donald trump is concerned, when it comes to this issue of being a threat to democracy, he's turned that round to try to against joe biden. kind of a, i know i am, but i know you are. but what am i kind of the strategy and he's going to be making non case from court rooms as he's on trial. so there's some of these events during the course of the campaign. is that something that he can makes think a state product turning it around on job i? well, i think the best message for both of these guys, for donald trump, the best messages. i'm not joe biden, him for job. i'm the best messages. i'm not donald trump, so it's no surprise bed. joe biden speech day was all about trunk trunk, trunk trunk. and as our signtechs we have republicans have it take their nominated yet. and while the trump has a we, when you look at the polls, um, i mean, it is sort of a race to the bottom. it's very close of the variability for
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a child for buying neither or high. so, democrats and, and particularly, you know, the buttons ministration. they wanted to go against trump when they looked at the polls like the wall street journal poll that was released in december. that was a 17 point advantage for nikki haley overbite. and whereas trump has a one point advantage and so that, that's what they're looking at and that's are calculations. so that's why they're going to make the argument about trunk. the more they can do that i think the, this is in their interest. i mean, if i'm a, that's a pretty bleak prospect to entirely negative attack lead campaigns fighting off against each other. i mean it's, it's, it is, it is notable low as you say, that offered at least phase where he wasn't really mentioning trump by name. now it's pretty much all he's doing, he's decided that reminding the american electorate just to donald trump is, might be his ticket to retaining the white house. well, the, to that point, trump has been somewhat benefiting from biden's campaign strategy. and the last
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selection i may follow by and for the basement as binds basement strategy, whereby he didn't come out, didn't get comments to do a lot of media interviews. and trump's been really taking that he has not been going on stage or that the republicans does bank the policies or the merits. so this campaign and said he's really just focused on putting out stuff to his, his base on, through the social and other platforms like that. and it's been more curated, not a lot of along for interviews. and, but as us moves forward, you will have to come out of the basement at some point and, you know, buying is going to alternately make the case against him whether he does or doesn't . and that's why i think we're public is, would be very smart to don't shop and pick up nikki haley or they're going to be riding with bite. and as a possibility, i mean, it's still going to be very close one at the margins. but haley will sweep all of the swing states that are in play right now based on all those that are out there. well, i should have thought, i mean there's similar jets is similar arguments being made within
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a democratic circles as well. i mean, people like david axel rod former a bomb a senior stuff a few months ago, raising the prospect of bite and stepping aside to someone better equipped to prevent the drug. and a lot of trump, i mean there's just by didn't do anything to try and leave that with an event such as ease is done today. and i will say that those are pretty outlying opinions here we, we know what's going to happen. we know that job, i'm just going to be the nominee, and most democrats are lined up behind them for that. not just because, oh my gosh, we love to buy them so much because we know what is at stake or democracy, our rights and the ability to govern any confident manner. those are the choices in front of us. the democrats are quite satisfied that joe biden is able to do that. i would also say this, that 11 months before an election, the polls really do not tell us very much. we noticed because 4 years ago the poles
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would not have predicted what ended up happening and the selection both campaigns, both parties rather were in the heat of their primaries. and it wasn't really quite certain how everything was going to turn out 6 days, 6 months. that's a lifetime in politics much that's almost an entire year. so i wouldn't really look at the polls. i would look at what, what has been the trend in the last few elections, what we're seeing in the economy. these are much stronger indications of what will actually, what we should actually be looking at in terms of how the election we go. all right, and james davis, when it comes to the polling that you were talking about the fact that the nicki highly in a, in a hypothetical against joe biden, does much better than trump. i mean, how do you shot or accounts of the progress of the primary battle? so assignments only very recently that haley and run desantis have really been sharpening up the criticism of trump. a lot of people have been talking about them fighting for a 2nd place and perhaps hoping that somehow he trips over some legal obstacles on
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routes to the nomination. and, you know, why do you think they have taken that strategy and, and is there any prospect of anyone the threatening trump at this late stage? yeah, i think there's still an opportunity. there's still a bottom passport, others too constant on the nation, and it's haley's now on the rise, and she's continued to, to increase in the early stage of the polling there, and don't even more of a ground game. as the candidates in the field of candidates has shrunk, a bit of that consolidates more resources and more support behind a non shop candidate. and so we will see that when we happen in all the way up to, you know, through and through the 1st couple of states here. and then ultimately, you know, we, we don't know. i mean, ultimately you could go on to an iowa and even a close started place. spanish doesn't really set you back much in terms of
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delegates. and then you can surprise someone in new hampshire. i mean, so there are a lot of different pathways. i think that to get there, and there's a lot of supporters for trump right now that are, that are sort of with, um, uh but they're, they're pill. they can pull them off. uh and you know, they want to, when they want to see, you know, some, a restoration of the economy. that's why i'm buying is not talking about it is not going to go out and talk about buying all these anymore. that's not working. and so i think that's the pathway for republicans who want to challenge trump and, and ultimately, you know, the outlook for the next few months. all right, james davis, the president's have touched on strategies and i showed her son both of you. thank you very much for your time on this new though. thank you. thank right the long time ahead of the us national rifle association, wayne lapierre is resigning, is just days before the start of a civil trial of his spending of millions of dollars worth of travel and receiving
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puts at the powerful gone right. organizations expense, the 74 year old is also accused of setting himself up with a $17000000.00 exit package with the n. all right. if he were to leave the organizations the trial in new york, just to, to start on monday to thousands of migrants stranded in south mexico on the way to the us say that disappointed off the officials had promised travel permits on tuesday. the 4000 person caravan was dispersed when they boarded buses to different processing centers with a mexico. the leader of the counter event says some of the migrants have been abandoned on the street. officials in new york city say that facing a fresh influx of us items because bus to the city from the state of texas, the mass, as he is now taking further steps to try to deal with the situation. i'm just here is gabriel and his on the reports now from new york. on a frigid morning in new york city, dozens of migrants have been waiting in line for hours for an opportunity to apply
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for asylum at the local immigration office. across town at a migrant shelter. hundreds of others mostly from africa and latin america lineup as well. some have been waiting for more than 7 hours in 3 degrees celsius temperatures. they're all looking for a bed to sleep on the way trying to get frustrated temper. sometimes flare, but all the you're seeking, it's a better life in america. i'm just trying to get my life good because we want to be like everybody else in new york to pay taxes and stuff. you know. more than a 150000 asylum seekers have arrived in new york city since the spring of 2020 to many of them bust to new york from texas on the order of its governor greg abbott. new york city officials say they can't take any more asylum seekers and point to
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seems like this last august when migrants were forced to sleep on the sidewalk because there were not enough beds in the shelters. in order to avoid more chaotic seems like that. last month in new york city's mayor eric adams announced an emergency executive order requiring all private bus companies to give the city 32 hours advance notice before dropping off migrants in the city. but city officials say not a single bus company has complied. so the mayor has announced a lawsuit against those bus companies seeking more than 700000000 in damages. there is some elected officials like governor of texas who's using individuals as political ponds and then others are a church sort of just turning a blind eye or trying to play a game of one upsmanship in this moment. and forgetting that there are people in
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the middle of august for now, migrants arriving in new york city, or more times than not finding themselves out in the cold time. but what are you waiting for the help they need to support themselves. gabriel was on to i'll just leave new york almost all african paralympic and olympic athlete. i'll skip a story as has been released from prison on parole. he served only 9 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend, re vista in comp, under the terms of his parole. he will not be allowed to leave pretoria women's rights groups have protested against his release. so don's ami chief has rejected us. these find units being agreed between the power military rapids support forces and the former prime minister of the home dog. general abdel for to elbow han says they'll be no reconciliation and the 9 months long we'll, we'll continue for han says the r s f has failed to oppose agreements to open the amount of terry and car doors and free civilian prisoners. set
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a goal is constitutional counsel has rejected the opposition leader was mind sung coast application to run for president in elections next month. that's according to his lawyer. the counsel reportedly says sun coast application is incomplete because of a missing document. it comes a day off to the supreme court upheld his 6 month sentence. the defamation sancho says the charges on politically motivated in bangladesh. 5 people have died after passenger train court. fire witnesses say, hundreds of people rushed to help pull passengers out of the flames. of a duck, our terminal police suspect it was an awesome attack to meet unrest ahead of the national elections on sunday. last month. also ortiz blame the opposition for another training file which left for people that at at least 3 people have been arrested in the bank that i should capital duyka off. the anti government protest erupted. i'm sorry, the national musk ahead of sundays election. prime minister shake. i've seen a is vying for a 5th consecutive term, but her tenure has been mowed by accusations of widespread human rights abuses. but
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demonstrations followed calls from the countries main opposition party. so people to break up the poles at the weekend. we are asking everyone to avoid caught the election on january 7th. nobody should go to the portable center, it is a rig. the election extreme weather is continuing to cause extensive flooding and wrinkled, low temperatures in northern and central europe. while heavy rains gradually easing off, in some areas emergency workers are working around the clock to stop so the damage sonya guy. yeah. go. how's this report evening? the tire of watching the inevitable happen every fluff to measure out. we could possibly take 5 out able to stop the rush of sewage, tainted water flooding in faces. across the u. k. storms reeked havoc in people's homes. oh, good. not go to so and on roads.
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even in the cafeteria west by a flight has rescued 50 people in east london. after a nearby canal reached its banks. in rural areas, farms tried to keep the live stock as safe as they could. well, people were using every means possible to get around from britain to germany. the storms effect has been widely felt and seen. german rescue workers put up temporary, dams made with wars to contain is to block the deluge. the incoming freezing temperature may get complicated. masses of a is it could cause even the damage a lot of sweeten the cold has already reached record, lows, towns and villages within the optic circle. haven't experience such temperatures in january for 25 years, leaving motorists stranded on roads bringing every day. life to a standstill. so when he got jago alj, a 0. and that's it for me, harry,
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for sit for this news out of my colleague, carrie johnson will be here in a moment. we have more of the days, the born and raised in garza know, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her out of her assignment you need is reading me to 3 permits, to visit to one another, the new headquarters he hums along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church in bethlehem. but her sister jean was buried under the rubble. the 1st showing was to degree both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense to celebrate christmas. why my family are facing him on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them and to us from all over the
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world this year, the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see, the major square is the one who does that. the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on ho. on counting the costs, the world is drowning in the rack or the amount of debt concentration in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people who's to blame for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, hard hitting the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito, in the security council, this is a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on top to how does
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era what we do. and i'll just, sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into money, see the view and see monetary in chief says month. so there's really a tax and the gaza strip is rented the territory uninhabitable. the phone carrier at johnston. this is houses here a lot from the also coming garza's all accessed, hospitalized over whelmed, with casualties, as he's ready as strikes, target civilians in the center and south of the street. the more shuttle diplomacy .


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