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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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not only concerned about the possibility of more clues, and the reason is worried. it good for us met with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks. central office relays being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world to start to bubble. a box number of small up all in 3 groups have sprung good to big. that sounds have the result of big organization. the overnight is really air strikes and gaza, slacking, killing and wounding several people. the time 0 venue, good to have you with us. this is allison 0 life from don't also coming up. arrests, indeed, things as is really forces carry out more nightly rates across the occupied west
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bank. and the us secretary of state arrives in turkey, a. it's his 5th visit to the middle east since the war on guns will begin. on drone all in the next or this weekend is being described by song as another step towards the 1 o'clock is the beginning. garza where the is really military is carrying out air strikes in the southern region of the strip. a number of injured are being taken to hospitals in rough or at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an attack in hon. unice. israel's military is intensifying its operation in the south of gaza and area that it had designated a safe. most of the $1900000.00 displaced palestinians are taking refuge they are now. meanwhile, you ins humanitarian chief says guys, it has been come,
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a place of death and despair. martin griffith says the strip has become uninhabitable and he is warned of a public health disaster, honey. my who joins us from rough and southern gaza, honey, and start by telling us what you've learned about the overnight strikes on the gaza strip. to yes, well not only were looking at displays the traumatized policy number will also now a large number of them are being killed in areas that were supposed to be safe for them, including rough i city, high and part of hon. you and it says, well as the central area, including bitter bella city that was designated a safe zone for how often it from the refugee comes into the central part of the ga, strip to evacuate too. but as over night, relentless air strikes, in addition to a heavy artillery sitting at the eastern parts of the guys for being cleaning dates and part of dated, but at least in part of the site. right refugee can. but we're looking at the
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combined number from the central area of the people have been killed in all these overnight. relentlessly restricts of 35 people, reported a lot saw hospital and the largest the compared to the past to the large number of could be what arriving at once to the hospital with more than 60 people have been critically injured. just adding to the pressure on the hospital, i know really overwhelmed health facility with people literally on the floor of the hospital just waiting for their turn to be treated and to be look after by the medical team. but we're looking at an exhausted medical stuff as well in han you and is this is probably the worst of what happened. massive erie strikes just pounded a residential home, belong to a b u family who opened their homes for other displaced palestinians. if from across the con you, in a city and other parts of the central area just to show her in that residential home. they were killed, 18 people belong to one family,
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including the other members of those displaced families inside the house. and there are their reports reported injuries if from within the vicinity of the residential home. and that's the aftermath of the free air strikes, targeting a residential home anywhere in the gas for we're looking at massive level of damage and severe destruct going through the vicinity of the area, even older surrounding homes, forcing more people in the displacement. that's the problem with it, just the, it's becoming a aggravating every time. there are more people from this side of each targeted residential home, end up being displaced and just run for their lives. then in other parts of the gaza strip in dropbox, there are 2 separate. there were 2 separate attacks at mid night one and the southern eastern part of the city and filled with a lot of us one more time. that was, it was targeted 2 days ago. but as of midnight, it was part of residential home was destroyed,
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and more people are killed in civil injuries reported when the judge has put that. there's another one in the show, buddha district, that's in central roughly the very, very area that was, that was described as c 4000 how the city and to, to move do and, and see children at it came under tv, massive very strikes, more homes are destroyed more people are becoming displays and more children under the rubble. that's the the problem with free time. and they had, strike, is taken in place. it takes time just to pull people from under the massive level of revel. honey, you describe just a moment to go massive levels of damage to you in 2 minutes here in the age if used . in other words, he says that gaza has become uninhabitable. can you describe what that means on a day to day basis? what daily life is like, for instance, for a typical gaza family, if there is such a as well the prior
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to this report would be in talking about this, your level of destruction. and the unimpressive dentist is level of the killing of the children and elderly and the destruction of a basically of old means of life. they just due to the point where you look up parts of the northern part of gaza and gaza city. and now the central area, same scenario, is taking place. they just the patterns of destruction, the part of the killing. so just is part is just turn the place into the the point though, if it's not inhabitable anymore, people will find it very difficult to resettle in these areas. if we just one aspect, when you talk about destruction of, of public facilities, entire public facilities are completely destroyed from the schools into each occasion. facility is into health facilities. entire health system has been destroyed completely in the northern parts and gaza city. and now it's repeated in the southern part at what we see in the the repeated attack. so in the most,
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a hospital in con units and it seems very systematic that there is a goal which is to destroy it. health facilities across and health care system across the gaza strip. but all of this is adding more pressure on evacuation centers in the southern part, as well as the infrastructure and the facilities that fill up a totally accommodated small number of people not close to one point. $5000000.00 displays hungry thursday traumatized a palestinian, the, the spread of infectious diseases as well as of another problem among the most vulnerable of group, including the children and women. particularly women who are either for speeding or they are to pregnant. find it very difficult to carry on with their, with their life as of, of these terrible conditions. but in the, in the lack of, of, of it clean and drinking water is adding more problems to, to people here. if you look for the most time people have access to contaminate its
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waters, the only the cellar nation stations available are within the city and they are barely enough for a small portion of the population. again, not for the 1.5, this is a palestinians, but so far all the conditions that created on the ground just suggest life is becoming increasingly impossible and difficult. busy for everyone. yeah. how many miles reporting there, from rasa, and the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much for that, honey. so that's the latest that's happening in the gaza strip. let's go to the west bank now. see what's happening there is really forces have reportedly arrested and beaten several palestinians during raids, and at least 9 towns in the occupied west bank exchanges. a fire were heard in parts of nob less. there were also reports of confrontations between the military and palestinian fighters in some refugee camp flora han isn't occupied east, jerusalem. what more can you tell us, or as well,
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this is the is ready say as part of the clock down against any form of volume descent or resistance. benjamin netanyahu. the is ready, prime minister has already said he's fighting a war on 7 front of the occupied. westbank is one of them. so how they doing that night? the rates around 40, on average, it happened during the don't hours here in the, an occupied east. jerusalem in shaw thoughts, refugee camp, these rates rated and they were met with some resistance and also in so one shifting to the occupied westbank in janine, we know that flights has went to and it's ready checkpoint and started firing on it . we don't have much news on that at the moment, or whether there were any injuries to calculate it. you know, policy and fights has sets up some improvise explosives that as the is right is still the surrounding towns and villages. but in nablus, this is why we seen some of the most violent confrontations that was an exchange of
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gunfire between palestinian fighters and also the is ready all the as they entered the ultimate heap nap as an also but lots of refugee camp, which is just to the south, they also rated a printing shop that belongs to a posting and prisoner at the off the, his son. well they, they said that they were going to come to the states at the family con, office center drive it because they were afraid of gunfire on the car. and that was 20 legal. it's ready sex, but not fun. also south to becca hub week. and the rest of the 3 people and local reports that they were briefly basin before they were arrested. and we have visited many of these refugee camps all the raids and people that say there is evidence of collective punishment against that. often, not any of the homes run slacks till they come in with all the boulders of some sort, tearing up the roads, tearing apart the houses, destroying the houses of prisoners. and they say that trying to drive a wedge between the fight is but they say that grace of strength is their unity.
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now we know that it's been about 5000 to rest across the occupied west point of the 326. palestinians have been killed so far. all right, laura, thank you very much. that's laura han reporting from occupied east jerusalem. there . the us secretary of state entity blinking has arrived in turkey on the 1st leg of another diplomatic tour of the middle east. lincoln will be looking to ease tensions across the region. this is his 5th visit to the middle east since the war began. kimberly how kit has more on this from the white house, the secretary of state antony blinkin being sent to the middle east. capitals as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe bite and sending him because of fears that the escalating pensions in the region could broaden into a wider regional war. the concern, but the escalation in the red sea as a result of attacks by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the
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retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior, hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem, the violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss posed governance. and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option, but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their
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tactics going after high value targets. still, this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly helped get algebra, the white house, as well as really forces have carried out their strikes in towns in southern lebanon. his video released by the military of the the military said it shows blasts from those strikes has the line for structure and the military post war among the targets. and those impacts took place on the same day that his beloved leader, us, on this raw the address of the country in milan. come, has the details on that from the route. this is a very details for each by this extra general health has the house on the throttle i. he actually told very specifically about the israel, easy talk about the fact that they were hiding the numbers of the casualties of soldiers that they were hiding. the amounts of equipment had been destroyed. let's
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take a closer look at what he said. now you have the same as well, so the resistance offered zip roughly 9. the videos of attacks along the front. tanks being destroyed, these tanks, exploding sometimes with soldiers sitting on top of these things. the vehicles being destroyed, tents where soldiers are sitting and ms. sites falling on top of them, houses where soldiers thought shelters coming under rocket fire, with their, with their comrades taking a very long time to rescue them. houses are 10 speaking. i bombed targeted with mist size, and we could see with our very eyes ambulances rushing to these points. however, the enemy admitted nothing. the captain now often that he picked up with the displacement of is where it is. he said, these are these who have been displaced is nothing compared to the amount of displacement that the lebanese of faced overuse of is really aggression. he also
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made an appeal to is right, the civilians who said, if you want to get a piece, i can return to your home things put pressure on your government to be able to bring and the will in goals that they also told about the region as well, he said the killing, they're sick as a law. uh, really they city a mass leader who is a day brother and friend will not go unpunished. will use the right place and right time, but the field will respond. that's a much stronger statement that we've had before. we will not remain silent about a violation of this level because this means that every violation in level will become exposed. you told throughout the us he talks about the region. he said that the america, the americans are using a isis as an excuse to stay in iraq. but he also said, and this is what we have the right thing about the resistance. i just take a look. i listen to what he said about the axis of resistance, and as you go up,
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as well as we must all put pressure from left and on from syria, from erect from young men, we must all put pressure on the meet the real objective of all these friends is to put an end to the question that is going on against goes up all up for the other one, although as now finally, he summed up by saying and praising the fight is on the ground saying that they are willing to die. the gold faith country i'm digging in wrong cause out of their favorites. they're still a head all now for 0. i am how many degrees right here on the charge suit on board out why agents to say they are running out to full throughout hundreds of thousands of students. refugees is costco, but if you still charge the born and raised in garza know,
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have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her out of her assignment you need is reading me the 3 permits to visit one another. the new headquarters he hums along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church in bethlehem. but her sister jean was buried under the russell. the 1st shilling was to degree both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense to celebrate christmas while my family are facing him on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them into his room over the world . this year. the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see, the major square is empty and the movie does not the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on hope. it is a tenant of journalists to produce objective news coverage is true. i don't think
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that there is a fair objective, any partial of the presentation. the listening posts covers how the news is the the watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this. our overnight is really air strikes of founded, southern gaza. a number of injured people are being rushed to hospital in rough or at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an attack on you. this is really forces have reportedly arrested and beaten several palestinians during daily rates, and at least 9 to well cindy occupied westbank exchange. the fire were heard in
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parts of us secretary of state and to be blinking has arrived in turkey on his 5th visit to the middle east since the war began blinking, we'll be looking to ease tensions across the region. the us supreme court has announced that it will consider trump's appeal of a colorado state ruling. the barred him from the republican primary ballot. there the states, top court disqualified the former president last month sliding his role in the 2021 capitol hill riot. the federal case will be heard in february and could potentially set guidelines determining how every states will treat trumps bid. mike hannah has more on this from washington dc. this is the supreme court moving at the speed of light. it's taking up this case, the very short notice clearly the, just this is aware of the impact that the judgment will have on the election taking place as. yeah. and of course the primaries leading up to that election. so they going to be hearing r o arguments on this case on february the 8th, which is
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a very, very brief timeframe. indeed. now this all comes from a colorado supreme court decision, which rules that trump was guilty of insurrection. and as such, he is prohibited from holding public office in terms of the 14th amendment of the constitution. section 3 of that amendment says that anybody who sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and then attempt to conduct an insurrection against it, cannot hold the public office without a vote of 2 thirds majority in congress. it's been seldom used, however, now it is being used. it was used by the colorado supreme court. and it was also used by the main secretary of state who basically followed the arguments of the 7 colorado supreme court justices. in terms of finding that trump is illegible, full office, now comfortable. as i've said, a couple of things. first, leave that january. the 6th was not an insurrection. they argue. secondly,
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they argue that as a president or once president trump is not held by the provisions of the 14th amendment. so it's a absolutely seminal case. voters in bangladesh will cast their ballots in a general election on sunday, but there is little doubt about the outcome. and that's because the main on position party is boycotting the boat. show no reports from the capital dr. there's an election happening in bangladesh, but it's of secondary importance to the estimated 2 thirds of households. worried about rising food and fuel prices and economy booming just a few years ago. he's now stagnant a hi. inflation coast is taught by the war and ukraine means even the middle class is struggling about already experienced. it is difficult to survive with the prices cuz they wanted to make changes. they could have done it before on pessimistic that anything will change the name. the election itself will make little difference.
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a boy called by the opposition who say the vote will be read to book guarantees, the governing party of faith consecutive to they are not democratic. the game followed only for one party and one lovely so that we are not accept this election . we are at been to the people a bundle of this not right, didn't don't 7th the election. thank you much politics and bundle dish has for decades being dominated by rivaled industries that by prime minister shakes a scene and form a prime minister. how did a z, a z, a is on the house arrest on corruption charges. she says up politically motivated until us a quote is have been jailed in that thousands of the violent protests that began last october. x not off when you see opposition, party supporters gathered openly like this and they won't be allowed to long. this is an election. certainly, so there's only one political view, the car is here and it isn't this,
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that's something the i won't be league strongly refutes on it is the part of the government is not hindering any political party from taking part in the election. those who say we are doing so their claims are bogus, they are false. the holdings nessie is tipped for a senior ministerial job and in the central constituency haze these by far the most visible face fluttering in the breeze. despite these promise of a fair election, the wind is turning the bundle dish towards a one party state. joe, the whole elder 0 deca. jonah whole joins us loud live now from duck a jonah, it's good to talk to you. we're just all listening to your report. you talked about the cost of living crisis in bangladesh, about major concerns over the health of the countries democracy. there's also been election related violence. if you look at all of this in the aggregate, just how destabilizing is this all for bangladesh,
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the in many ways profoundly. so as you say, that mean hundreds of results of election right relate invited to just the past 2 weeks. hello, leading to a number of depths on friday nights, 9 pm local time. last night. i'm moving try and here in the capital dot com was set on fire. the police say by us it is full of people. died in what was an attack presumably calculated to add to a sense of unease. i had the best buy this, and there are water is about post election violence as well as people realize that they will be no political changes, no political accountability, but these countries difficulties will simply be allowed to go on. the army is out across the country to provide security over the election period. that's always going to be a worry inside the streets a quieter than usually pot because the government has imposed trouble researches in part because they've got the opposition has pulled a general strike, of course designed to grind the economy to hold them. they may be more of those to
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come add to all of that effect and 2nd scene is governmental policies. 2009. as being in cute appears by is about to write scripts of a whole litany of violations. and abuse is not the position when they were in power, when not, if has to be said, but put all of that together and you've got an election that is hardly a textbook example of democracy and that offers you on says so this country's economic crisis that maybe just one month ago to a bailout by the i m f with $4700000000.00. right, jonah, the vote is on sunday, so you'll be walking us through that when the time comes. thank you very much. during that whole reporting there from duck us and the you in the world, food program is warning that 1400000 sued in these refugees or risk of starvation. the organization has been forced to cut food aid due to the lack of funds and interest reports. beyond these concrete structure, lice suit and use territory 8 over you should say on
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a daily basis. they still register between 20300 new refugees will come into eastern chide, over the past 7 or 8 months, which seem hundreds of thousands is far more than 600000 students. refugees displaced by the ongoing fight and insights. so done with cost. this way, i'm not added to more than 600000 other suited news refugees displaced by only a conflict in west into for numbering more than 600000 people. now united nations. and now the ages are saying that they have only one month, full supply left to help 1200000 people in this part of the eastern time. in addition to our cases of malnutrition, people who are actually needing assistance in other parts of tribe. now they say, unless help comes that way, there wouldn't be any food left us of these people at the end of january. now what we're hearing also is that over the past few months, we'll see a reduction in the case of monitor tricia simply because of the cost of supply of food items. and there is this concern, but unless help comes to bear weight,
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this improvement will be eroded. over the possible, by the next few months, simply because the family is that why sustain with food supplies and food aid will no longer receive that aid. now a lot of people i can send that over the next 3 or 4 months when people will be entering the lead periods, taste to supplement, attrition will rise again. how many degrees august data on the suit on chide board are going to alliance of arm to groups. and man more has seized control of a key city in the north of the country. for 3 brotherhood alliance took law king after weeks of intense fighting with hundreds of troops, the group has become the most significant threat to the military governments since it sees power in 2021. a brazilian football legend mario's the gullow, the 1st person to win the world cup as a player. and as a coach has died at the age of 92, the winner was part of the squad that lifted the trophy in 1958 and again,
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4 years later, after retirement, he returned to the game as a manager guiding brazil's national team to victory in 1970 and then in 1994, the head of results, football federation, described him as one of the biggest legends of the sports. that's it for me. mean site will be there in around 30. want the days news. weather is next. then insights. state to the how are we got plenty of trudy sunshine across the writing peninsula at the moment temperatures struggling to get to uh, the cool, a fresh 23 celsius. so, so, in throw hakim when coming, but at least logic dry is, is about as good as it gets. it has to be set by the mill. if you do have some
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showers, some of the wintry and nature just running across towards the caspian sea that will changing conditions as we go one through s sunday. it's also some showers to into a good pots of central air is ultimate. it's right before the race, losey tries, we go through a saturday, is that what the weather expels across the chain? it'll make its way into west and pop ducky i live before a time is it pushes for the east, which on sunday eastern area should stay dry. at least for the time being, so that same area or where whether that's good to continue effecting central parts of the match. so northern areas of algae area shanicea, most of that seems in pretty large show is quite a risk when coming out of northwest the concept of the region as well as we go through the next style. so i want to, to show us down towards the golf game, but nothing too much to speak of and that doesn't really change any, as we go through the next few days. a seasonal shell is that doing quite nicely across central parts of africa and still pretty what? rebecca gas sca the
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marion shane. and i've been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38, your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains are of the last chapter dreams on l. g 0 is bangladesh, but a path to a one part to the governing lemonade is likely to win another time in sundays election. the may no position is quite crushing, accusing the government of tracking down when his wife was. so what will this boat mean for the country? this is inside story, the
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