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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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of the the the moments of impacts con eunice in southern gaza is on the heavy. is there any bombardment 22 people have been killed in residential areas severely damaged? the money for you? this is down to their life and also coming up as well as far as rockets from 11 on to as northern israel warning. it's
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a faster response to the kidding of how most, incipient, you change the rest of the things is ready. forces carry out more rates across the occupied west and will be live in bethlehem where it's christians all preparing new since celebration is to most of them the as we begin in southern garzo with at least 20 to palestinians have been killed in urban noise is rarely booming in the city of hon. eunice, one of the victims were in a single house, women and children of the family, if the gentlest were among them. guns was health ministry says a 162 palestinians were killed in just one day across the strip. the southern region is on the constant is ready bombardment of the ministry expanded. it's open races that have who live in the shop that we would and shuts you to fiji can. and
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these really need to apply is saying that garza is a battlefield. so we flipped to cunning units because it was a safe place. ma'am, the still bummed us and they have much of my siblings and my father. and my youngest brother, who is in 2nd grade and my eldest brother, who is in 8th grade, my father and my mother, the they killed their children, they killed our kids. they killed her, beloved's they killed are hard enough as if i'm looking at the little uh sure. men like dental, we listen to these riley armies instructions to evacuate from north to south. at midnight last, not rockets fell in my house. next to us. we called on the air brothers to stop the aggression now when the gaza strip. otherwise, though we partners in the world,
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the palestinian people of suffering when a home like let's go to the how do you my married, who is in rafa in southern gaza. incredibly painful to watch those images of grief, honey. it's k a. d is really a tax in recent days of focus, very much on southern gaza. tell us more about what's been happening. i have a nice, a yes, more attacks, more destruction and more in depth caused by massive rulings that there is right across the gods. 3rd, but late has been concentrated in the central part of the gauze as to where it's entirely refugee camp. this the largest area with so many refugees residing in that air, but came on there to be bombarded within the past 2 weeks. of these really military intensive by its military operations and force that more than a 150000 people. so far, to leave the central part, the announcement in the southern part included hon. you and the sun roof has to be
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there. more residential homes are being targeted. more people are becoming displaced and homeless. the end up in the streets. uh, they are giving the fact that the back portion sensors are fully packed with people with thousands of people literally inside these evacuation centers. but when we look at the, the, the level of suffering and the miserable living conditions, people are going to throw and experiencing it just all in indication of, of more violations of their, their human rights. in the gaza strip. there is, there are more trash. it is it created by the ongoing bombardment, more people are, are, are getting killed, more children, and more women will looking at the most vulnerable, the group being the major target of all of this genocide, the logistics we, we, we are likely to have be, be a lawyer from the, the policy an independent commission for human rights just to, to talk to us and tell us more about is the, these, these really violations of human rights since the beginning of this,
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of this for a mr. but i said, we're very happy to have you with us, but can you, can we start by just giving us a, a general picture of the, the many violations of human rights across the guthridge. since the beginning of the work. actually, i am going to repeat what all the world knows we, we are living in the darkest moments of our live as a city. and so we are $2000000.00 and a half 1000000, tennessee in caged displays in this corner of the guns this trip. and this time, the coast, the safety of the ghost of gold garza actually, as you mentioned that this, this is the you're not going, i'm going to genocide against palestinians. it is at this, i'm killing on daily basis by very place is products of these right is on the civilians. i misplaced civilian simply because of the trip. today we, we made,
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we conducted a press conference with the representatives all for women agencies working because of sip. and we the club, the 2000000 people have been displaced among them that are at 800000 woman. and 50000 women are going to give the best within the upcoming next weeks. it shows the horrible situation. i can tell you that my friend to his, his, his woman give best to 2 days ago, falls in palmer 3 times. but they, because of my nutrition, because of insufficient minute bit with health care because of just to put them taught about life conditions that we are living in the most studious. think that, that, that, that, that, that the world is, is watching. i'm following up to the community, i'm the impunity of the perpetrators or for the crimes of these riley. and it is
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responsible on who is in office and take no one singular steps. i think it's time for, for accountability and to stop this war against civil civilians. and because this trip, i understand there is a difficult time for you working on the ground, given the intensity and the scale of the, of the, the bombings and the destruction caused by these really error strikes. so it would just tell us how difficult this to conduct your work as a lawyer at documenting of facts about ongoing violations of human rights. it's sort of difficult on 2 levels on personal and institution levels on personal, liberal healthcare and as the human rights activists and the specialized and documentation to follow up these victims. while i am responsible on my family to bring them water, water for cooking to bring them, you know, food and to bring the medicine as if is a 100. but i'm a buddy, buddy, buddy. you all know starting the task better day. it's funny,
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it's impossible of me to move and leave my family. so i, i am a father, i'm responsible. i've done this situation i live in. we ought to pay to. some of all of my colleagues are killed and some of the families of michael leaves are killed. so it is very difficult. this part of all of this without following the i'm documenting these are the violations and taking steps and all that the document we are trying to raise the voice of victims and show the, the, the responsibility of the human rights organization. and this was the from victim's perspective. thank you, mr. roger. thank you. so as we heard the from the 3rd batch of the lawyer at the independent palestinian commission for human rights about the, the level of human rights violation. as well as the, the difficulty of, of the work that they are doing on the ground, not only on a personal level, but also in an institution of levels out there are 0 guarantee of safety. and not so far, we know not only for a discipline, depending on organization of lawyers and,
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and human right. but also for other organization, one of the crew members on the grounds, conducting either humanitarian work or offering assistance, or documenting uh the about what mounts do it for a motor crimes across the gauze district. this is a just a glimpse of what's, what people here in the gaza strip go through every single day. what becomes a normal, unfortunately defined by the destruction and displacements and gaza. thank you for your reporting, honey. must move that personally in rough uh, in southern gaza. a has bullet says it's hit and is rarely olds of ation post using $62.00 rockets. the lebanese group says it's a preliminary response to the killing of a senior. how must the official in bainbridge on tuesday and we're on con, has been following developments from bayard to the secretary general of his bullet has some this rela, promised
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a response to the killing of the ham ashley. this i'll re, in the substance of, of, on tuesday night, he also promised a, a reaction in a speech he gave just 24 hours ago and again, about 12 hours ago. so we knew a response was coming his, well, his beloved release. they said, as part of the initial response to the assassination of the great lead, shakes all the other reasons for the mazda is in the southern some of of, of route. we targeted the mayor on a control base and job a lot of drama with 62 missiles of various types and inflicted a direct unconfirmed hit on it. it's interesting language though, because they saying that this is a response but more will come now. it really depends on what b is, riley is through the axis. riley's will have been expecting a response. they will have been on highlights. they may not have been expecting it in the gallery, which is unusual. however,
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what they are going to do next will be of interest that has beloved. but this is all about keeping the conflict contained, keeping it with in the 120 cologne to buddha, between the 2 countries and no escalating. hezbollah has a very political calculation to do in 11 on it. doesn't want live in order to suffer as a result of an outright will, but it is talking tough. it says is, roll, wants to escalate, then it will respond in kind is all for as part is putting in men's pressure on has bullet positions within the self they using s strikes and drones as well against hezbollah targets. and now them, that's actually quite interesting because the more pressure a post on his beloved, the more likely that they may well be a misfire, a missed strike from either side and that could escalate things pub or is there any forces? meanwhile, have reportedly arrested and beaten several palestinians during raids and at least
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9 towns in the old pod. westbank exchanges a fine with her in pucks of numbers. so. so reports of confrontations between the ministry and palestinian sizes in some refugee camps. or con, has moved from oki party sources of israel has made it very clear that it is crushing down any form of descent and also armed groups in the occupied westbank. and they've been conducting this with daily rates out on average, around 40 rates every single day. so up, last night was suddenly no different, it happened here and occupied east jerusalem and the pasco schwab pots refugee camp is ready still on the account that was on confrontations that and also instead of one. but if you shift over to the occupied westbank in the news, there was some flight is coming in from jeanine. they started firing at and his rating check point that we know they slide to the scene. we don't have more information on that the moment, but no reports to injuries in co kalia just south of that. these ready all meets
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don't the number of neighborhoods and many posting and slides assess up some improvise explosives that, but some of the stairs is confrontations were in nablus involved to refugee camp just south these ready only stormed in and they were met with on resistance. it was fighting back and forth, but it's slick flying back and forth. and then the it's right on the setup sniper positions on the rooftop that lost it for many hours. there was one incident inside the old city where a promise to imprison his family, said that they stormed a printing shop that belonged to him and then called his case is a cough and not just this. they've been off to some to drive the car to a check point near and the illegal is right assessments nearby. so they wouldn't get shot to us. and then and back behind, we know 3 people were arrested and there was supports they was the very base and as well just before they were taken away. now we have being to many of these refugee
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camps off the stool. the people say they come in with only the full days of the plenty of evidence of the streets being pulled up. people's houses being run, sacked, or destroyed. and they say, this is a form of collective punishment. and also to drive a wedge between themselves and the fights as they say they want to remain unified to below us next year. say anthony, blinking is in tech here. busy on the 1st leg for now, the diplomatic tool of the middle east is basic with the package for administer con fee. done as well as the president, red chip ed, one. this is his 5th visit to the middle east since the will on golf and began on october the 7th in the studio way about is there a senior political analyst, my one bizarre, a more one. let's talk a bit more about this visit by 6 year st. blinking into tech a, the tech as president of course, one of the more vocal critics from the most them well to what's been happening in gaza,
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particularly to the united states and the support for israel. what does blinking hope to achieve here by meeting president, edward i think because mission over the past 3 months has not changed. so for 5 visits, he'd probably be doing the same thing, right. he would probably repeat it again. today he's tried to defend israel standing in the region because as we know, as ro standing has been developing has been not doing very well. i think he wouldn't be doing the same except it's getting more difficult for him is because as far as becoming a totally indefensible, it's very hard for the united states to defend it. i was genocide. it guys. it's war in the west bank. it's a, it's a rhetoric about the ethnic cleansing and so on. it's also becoming harder and
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harder to defend american support as red as is right in gauges in genocide. and as it is now accused of genocide at the international court of justice. so they can probably has become an expert and being israel's defense lawyer fry. but still it's becoming more complicated for him. as we reflect back on this week, i think it's fair to say that we've seen escalation in the white a region. we had the kidding of sunny isle, a movie, the senior. how much come on to in be roots? we've had a little fighting going on by the her fees and the red sea. what is your feeling at this juncture? as we reflect back on the weight doesn't, does it feel to you like this could be getting wider the conflict and spreading a little further for a 2nd and getting messier. it's getting more complicated and you get the feeling
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every once in a while. i like 48 hours ago 72 hours ago that there's a guy that in storms. there's a sort of gathering dark color clouds over the region as if war is, is in the is in the atmosphere. and yet i would say why it is getting complicated, and while it is getting its heating up our number of friends, that seems to me a certain uranian american understanding that they neither country wants to get involved in a why the original so wow, um, it gets complicated with has well on this road where it gets complicated with how much that is. right. yeah. i don't think for the time being is going through, you know, or what is happening in guys i think might be a game changer. we might be an inflection point in guys that today and what do i
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mean by that? there seems to be a certain do you know, planning in is even in washington about the day after when is there as going to once again impose it's big. that's on gaza and the rest of the stuff, but it seems to me on the ground this rate is almost sink slowly, but surely that they are losing at least i'm not winning. at least they are not actually using their declared objective, the collateral objectives being the see thing, how much they're not able to do that. in fact, with each and every passing day, each, every passing week, the casualties are in cost of increasing. nowadays we had about 102030 injured every day. i bought a number killed every day. i'm one of these ladies. we haven't seen those kind of numbers in the beginning. so one is one is succeeding and it's on the colored objectives, which is destroyed. and guys are certainly designated guys are killed thousands
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upon thousands of civilians and children, but it's declared the objective has not been a cheese. in fact, it might not be achieved. if the united states continue to insist on winding none of the war, we're gonna, we're going to see this continuing for many months, perhaps beyond that, or how miles not only continues to withstand a, the, is really a campaign against the politically. it might actually, militarily, still be relevant in the intermediate future. good to get you analysis out. is there a senior political unless my one of the sharra its christmas eve, the millions of old adults christians around the wells. but in bethlehem, in the occupied west buying celebrations, muted a procession of clergy is currently underway on the touch of the nativity. let's go to ben smith. he's lloyd in bethlehem and the occupied westbank. what's the items
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family? bennett? 260000000 people worldwide celebrates both adults christmas. most of them from russia, from eastern europe, from greece, ethiopia, from egypt, but much more new to this year. the sense of the celebrations would be hey, the book place referral christian is about place of christ for the take on much more muted form. today we've just had a short procession of the of the greek patriarch ends of a church, a minister nativity behind me normally that been a lot of music around that. and you would have choice in pilgrim say, but main just where i am is i'm jack and show you what you call. well, there isn't to say there are no, there's no one here. there's normally a christmas tree just behind me that is normally a manger with a activity seen in it. all of this had down there is no mood here amongst palestinian christine's to celebrate christmas because of the war and gaza. there is actually advice, small, orthodox published in interesting communities still trapped in gaza. so policy
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means a want to remember that. and then of course, bethlehem, but decades of course. and the reason why the occupation but since october 7th, but okay, patients become much tougher. have been a lot more res buys randy forces here a lot more attacks by sac lives on palestinians who live here on a lot more, more sacraments being established since october the 7th. so and all it leads people to have to be no mood really to celebrate christmas, but in set to commemorate the price and its miss efferson, bethlehem in the occupied west by thank you or so for some palestinians and dogs at all times become the only form of expression out of escape from israel's onslaught . altis the using my word to demand justice and cool for an into the wall. juliet a g a has a story if one paints at trying to make a lost impact. a mall. abu elsa is 26 years old. she paints on the ruins left behind from israel's military suit on rafa and
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southern garza, the russell this buildings, the palestinians, one school time has become how come the one of the i didn't search for areas that remained intact on the country. i searched for houses that were destroyed with innocent civilians inside them, such as this house where more than 10 bodies were pulled from under the rubble. i'm all was forcibly displaced from central cause. she escaped to survive another day, but refused to leave her portions behind. determined to continue showing the resistance of palestinians through her walk and turning that dark reality into a colored memory of resilience. the colors and i decided to paint this mural using all available colors in order to send a strong message through the drawings, you see head to toe, o arab nations, that we will remain in our land,
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and we will never leave it as them all complete. samuel tied to call the 2024. she's hopeful the once the will and the people of palestine can wipe the come the scream, install to eva once again. judy vega out to 0. the . let's take a look at some of the days of the news. no, alaska, and line says ground at all events. boeing 737, max, 9 planes of to mid and blow out to the us state of oregon on the plane last part of a cabin door and a fuselage and return to portland, shortly on taking off for california. they are crossed, as it's conducting a full inspection. bowing said it was aware of the incident and his working to gather more information. the boeing 737 max croft was grounds and worldwide in
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20. 19 of the 2 faithful crushes killed 346 people. he was president joe bought and us kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump. the mine who is likely to be his challenge in the election day. so this year, by the end, described the former president as a threat to democracy. speech comes just the day before the said anniversary at the capitol hill, riots when trump support is run, sacked, the building, trump, you get a 2024 campaign by glorifying the fail while is directions insurrection that are on our cap. the guy claims law and order shows lawlessness additional trumps not concerned about your future. i promise you a trump is now promising a full scale campaign of revenge and retribution. his words, speaking at his own campaign, eventually us days of oil trunk,
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criticized the president's economic and foreign policies. procure, joe is stage you use pathetic fear mongering campaign event in pennsylvania today? did you say i me was stuttering through the hall, so i just got up. i got a visa threat to democracy. i'm the if you take a look at what he's doing on the border, or a full inflation or our military that horrible day in afghanistan, you look at what he's done with energy all throughout the world. we're in embarrassment as a country. we become an embarrassment as a country and the u. s. supreme court has announced it will consider it trumps appeal as a colorado state bruning the thought and from the republican primary ballot that the state's top code disqualified the former president last month. slicing his role in the 2021 capitol hill attack. the federal case will be had in february and could potentially set guidelines just determining how every states will treat trumps bid
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on your dash. just may know position policy has started a full c 8 l in general, strongly because the country goes out for some days. general election. the opposition is boy costing the vote saying it's fine as comp be guaranteed on his bar account. on the eve of the election with a suspected austin attack on a passenger train, at least 4 people were killed. several pony face also set on fire. security has been beef, talk around the country ahead of us a desktop from the quake that struck west in japan on use day has risen to more than a 100, more than 200. all those, all still missing and those have peninsula was hauled as hits 587.6, magnitude chain quite destroyed. hundreds of buildings damaged infrastructure uncomfortable remote communities. japanese prime minister for me up to shita has judged officials to boost aid to those affected by the disaster should go to your
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needs. the cause is we need to strength and delivery routes for war to food and portable toilets. we need to improve the disposal of human waste and improve access to medical assistance. also to sit up, make shift bids and devices for privacy. in addition, we need to strength and police cap trolling for security. we're doing these things to alleviate to evacuate. anxiety will continue to make the most efforts to present in football legend and laurie is a got a the 1st person to win, the wells cough isn't play and as the coach has died at the age of 92, the window was posit, the school that lifted the tri fi, 1958 and again, 4 years later, after retirement, he returned to the game as a manager, guiding by sales national teams to victory in 19701994 ahead of brazil's football federation described him as one of the biggest legends of the sport.
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okay, that's it. made money inside. funny about sieboldt will be here in just around 30 minutes for today's news, whether it's next and inside story looks at the political situation in finding a dash ahead of sunday's election to stay with the the ticket office for the report. and these are pacific, great to have you along right off the bat, i wanted to point this out, cooler air coming out of the northeast of china, of the korean peninsula, running over the warmer sea surface here. that's going to give us the effects. so for the west coast of japan on sunday, but we're talking rain for china from, you know, on gwen g. and since one providence is is going to help freshen up the air where we had been dealing with fog and smug. speaking of foggins small, it has extended from ne,
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boxed on northern indian plain right into dhaka and bung with dash. that's a distance of more than 2000 kilometers. in fact, doc, a one point on saturday had the world's worst air quality, but we do have some showers and storms to be found for tunnel now, do state 2nd highest level alerts issued for those sundry downpours. let's talk about the cold stuff going on through the buckets done talking the blue in the purple, the lower the temperature quite side and below, just on sub 0, the northwest mountains of below, just on fresh layers snow. there are now by afternoon looking, plunge up profits latan just 11 degrees, and we've got some snow coming over the mountains of afghanistan to the middle east . we go, it's still that cool breeze blowing down from iraq, so fresh air and play here, including for us here and don't have $23.00 degrees, but that's where we should be for this time of the year. the latest news, as it breaks, echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason is worried
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. it could approximate with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war. a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung, get to big. they don't have the result of fig or organization. the a is bundle of this one of the past, so a one part to boot with the governing. all lemonade is likely to another time in sunny days election. they know position is point, christine got to using the government of tracking down. what is why goals? so what will this, the mean for the country? this is inside story, the.


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