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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the on has them seek of this is the news light from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. 6 southern guns that comes on the heavy is ready, bump abutment again,
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at least 22 people are killed in the light, just strikes and fine units. a warning time is running out in guns are many children facing severe malnutrition and the threats of fanning is getting worse. hezbollah finds rockets from 11 on to was northern israel warning. it is a 1st response to the killing of a senior. how much official inmate routes at alaska airlines grounds, its entire fleets of buying 737 mex 9 across off the pots of a fuselage blew off in mid flight. the beginning gauze away, at least a 122 palestinians had been killed in his really strikes across the strip. in the last 24 hours, the residential area in the south was hit kidding. at least $22.00 people in one
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house that brings the total number of pallets thing is killed since october 7th, to more than $22700.00 of the they killed their children. they killed our kids. they killed her. beloved's they killed are hard of the little not if little uh sure men like general we listen to these riley armies instructions to evacuate from north to south. at midnight last, not rockets fell in my house. next to us, we call on the air brothers to stop the aggression now when the gaza strip. otherwise though, we partners in the world are the palestinian people of suffering. when a home is ready, forces are also stepping up operations in central garza 46 people were killed overnight. the u. n. c. monetary and a chief says guns as we come on in habitable 3 months into the war. and the on the
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floor is further escalating regional tensions 11 on base has. butler has filed a by roger of rockets towards northern israel. it says it is in response to the killing of how much the deputy leader in bay root earlier this week. i smiled billamore is in hon eunice way. is really a tax struck while the cameras were rolling. the costs were placed just struck the area. it seems the house was targeted during our coverage and the destruction is significant, as you can see. but thankfully, but we're not injured as a result of this air strike here in central han eunice where a house was hit by a missile from one of the is rarely work plants that are constantly flying over the area alongside recognizance aircraft fuel. so and how well smoke is rising as a result of the violent air striking central hun eunice, particularly on the out the street or shake,
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haven't the same street as it's commonly known. oh, sure to see if i can with you. so you can move a fairly nice so you look at the side, not any civil defense. vehicles have been dispatched in the area which has already been evacuated to the house, was possibly targeted. as you can see here, and smoke is still a billowing artillery miss. so an aerial strikes continue in this area. the bombardment is oldest non stop here in central con eunice. the ice cream. as you saw just now, israel's bombardment goes on, the central con eunice shelves are falling sporadically and a war planes are targeting civilian homes. in the midst of this intense bombardment, civilians, particularly those living at the western parts of the central district, our attempt to seek shelter as the military operation moves forward in central hon
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. eunice with every new mess. so there's further damage. more homes are destroyed and additional casualties are recorded, and just deal was made up of 100 units dealing with the buyers. let's get the latest now from tati i was doing who is involved in this southern gauze or force. so tiny what, what are you hearing on on the strikes right now? joyce, has them strikes had been, runs up the last hour. remarkably, and of course, calls this trend in particular in the middle and in the southern part of it 2 or 3 starting from $1.00 to $6.00. the work 10 pounds of things that have been killed off to being directly hits by the just verify to just in a room out may for who's also a good to remember that this area was a fact was that when the palestinian fighters is the, is very so just that now off to the is very would the drywall from the costs of the
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$60.00 now the attacks or residents that continue. and also the attacks because a code is meant to roughly continue in the middle of over night. so if the gaza strip, where now the east really forces closer to 18 point, dividing the middle coordinates of gall, this trip into more than one area in order to admit it totally in control. right? now the have been close and tracing, i'm increasing the amount of to attacks on most iraq a rate. and because of review details along side, not right now with their as move victims in that city continue to full and we have been hearing from residents will have been fleeing from that part to the goal of this trip today to reflect that the situation that is completely bearable as they have been going through completely difficult days under the bombing work, people cannot lift. and the absence of old basic necessities, the, with the destruction of the key, a civilian infrastructure in that part of the goals. and now also the self team can do this attacks that continue where
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a eastern areas of growth has also on the wide military altima re shooting in the last hour and all of this adding to already desperate to humanitarian situation. that thought yes, definitely in comparable human to target situations, goals, district, especially goals and in the south. i've been getting through now. more crowded areas become on the situations as getting much more value as the what progresses for touching, but more than 90 days of fighting. those people being displaced, living and make shift tense, were women, children are the mostly affected by this ongoing aggression on goals where they can not up taking them to have an access to the basic necessities. the children are suffering from a more in fact to us disease, especially diarrhea work. the hospitals are become overwhelmed with children who have been infected with different kinds of diseases alongside with the injured
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people. and we need to remember that the solvent thought hospitals are the only show of the rating, and they are racing. partially this point, all the destruction of the attacks on the south of the territory. and now residents here in gauze on team in the roof. i are looking for a place to remain safe inside despite there in the belief that there is no any place to say. but they are trying to live onto with the situation, hoping that one day they might return back again to the houses and right now they are depending maybe on the humanitarian aids provided by the united nations. just only to be a source of survival for them as every day for a gauze and in the south. consider it to be a struggle to survive. thought apple. i zoom in rough. i thank you. the task bombings and fighting and testify, and social garza medics. they are all struggling to treat the growing number of wounded in the godaddy reports from one of the few functioning hospitals in the area. we are currently in
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a saw hospital in the mid in the area of bella. and since the morning that i did not talk to areas where yesterday was upset or not shedding in the middle, let's welcome in the hospital and let's show you how these injured patients are living their crowd. this. they have no space. they have no bed. people are tearing down on the floor where every patient has people are, are not only taking and see this hospital as a refuge, but it's also a place where people are receiving treatment as that. is there any course we start invasion?
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most of the doctors in the hospital if that's the way to hearing the same scenario that happens in the hospital. this is the scene right now. we're, as you see, it's very colleges, a lot of injuries entered the hospital since the morning. we see children, we for women, we see men and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where up the hospital. it's one of the own, the hospital been facilitating in the central area. most of the doctors are right on the all of these, the injuries i smell gloves everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt to day. palestinians in the middle area are back to
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a thing. and we see people taking their times from the surroundings of the hospital, calling it up for hi, everyone is even just have to defy because they are hearing that the is there any forces are going to a surround and are going to invade the hospital just like these is with do hospitalized at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the hospital and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scared as everyone fears a ground invasion and for 93 days people are still strapped under the rubber people are killed and more people are being homeless. this is in the city for the hospital. that is israel as war on guns that has created a humanitarian catastrophe with un agencies wanting the off of gauze is 2400000
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population. our risk of starvation, a survey by you and assess, found that about 90 percent of children and the 2 years of age are consuming a maximum of 2 food groups. as a threat to famine intensifies hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished with some risk of death. the cases of diarrhea and children on the 5 years of age are increasing at an alarming pace around $3200.00 new cases a day and is growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. atanya has has and is a pediatrician with doctors without borders. she says the war is killing about a 100 children each day and many more will be afflicted by lifelong disabilities and health issues. or the desk toll had been over 8000 when we were last able to get a, an accurate death tool. it's been several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know,
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at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time, but the lives of children have been devastated at scale. that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed per day in gaza right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the gods and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced
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a multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to reliable heating in the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no, there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease. a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs, have been destroyed so far. so all children not being educated at the moment, all of these will have very lasting impacts on the lives of children. thousands of children have been born in gaza in the last month, and our staff are seeing mothers unable to feed their newborns. when we know that during more children are more likely to be born, premature and small for for weight. so they start out behind as a consequence of the work when you are living in a situation with poor hygiene, with little access to clean water children end up with these epidemics of die real disease, they just have constant, you know,
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back to back infections with each infection, they often end up with a condition called environmental entre office be that further contributes to acute malnutrition because what happens is the lining of the intestines is affected and the bacteria end up colonizing the intestinal will cells are damaged and then you have now absorption. so then you end up in this vicious cycle where your body is consuming a lot of energy, the children are cold, they have no access to heat, they are sick, they are fighting, their bodies are working at, at, at, in a well over a 100 percent. so they have a high metabolic demand. they are um, at has a intestines that are mel absorbing and they don't have access to both the quality and quantity. because acute malnutrition is both of those things. it's overall calories, but it's also quality is rarely bulldozers have destroyed a palestinian cemetery in the neighborhood in gauze
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a city. many bodies have been on us and left in the rubble of tombstones and nearby houses. i just here is my little hole reports and a warning his report contains some disturbing images. now i don't, i'm not gonna see him up. but i tried to, i had the most of the cemetery where the victims were buried recently by the after the sustained is really bombing that caused a significant rise on the casualties and cause a city that elect is talking about. and that kind of thing. because every of that subtlety, these are empty casings of the munitions that were used by the occupation forces and cause a city of the of my. and you can see the rockets that were used by their soldiers who dumped cmt casings here after they bulldoze the cemetery. and digging up the bodies of the victims and driving their vehicles over them in the process, you get that you had a large number of bodies lie outside of their craves after they were dug up by is really forces what thank you they have cuz i don't know what i know, who not be checking out of here. we can take a closer look at the remains of the bodies who are buried at the cemetery. that
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unless you know, the, you know, that can have the multiple. and what that is really force is dug up the bodies and took some of them according to the locals. and the only thing left are the remains . you see here in the book as heavy as i saw. yeah, that's the, there are large numbers of bodies all along this pathway. here, as you can see, i mean my model is, can you tell me what happened here in the side of the what happened is that our enemies of criminals, they follow us to our graves. even off the wet dead. there is no religion that allows us islam or otherwise no religion allows without criminal enemies, have done to these dead people. so with all one of the dead done, this is bob direct. we respect a religions, but our enemy respects nothing. surely i'm a lawyer and my 2 sons. my brother and my brother's son are buried here and you can see the extent of his double touch and the revenge that be filled. this area,
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even the dead, could not escape them. but i also can see here the tracks left by the vehicles that these really forces drove over the victims bodies. can you tell me what you're doing and know what i guess is, and we're looking for the bodies of some relatives to have you found anything moving to a mother? how old a daughter and her baby was still looking. we haven't found anything. we've erected a memorial here and we will recite the prep or them, there's nothing else we can do. we normally has to be a loan. number one. i just, i just have to give you a significant number of bodies were taught and mutilated when occupation forces both those the area hands as you read the number is unfortunately staggering a. so give you a look and see what you've done here again, and we found the bodies above the ground off of these re lease headaches, humans. and right now we're lining up the bodies of our relatives in order to re bury them for home. and i don't want them to any you foreign policy. chief, joseph burrell says there will be no when is if the war and goes opposed. 11 on
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into a regional conflict is message comes out that has boulevard a barrels of rockets at an is really observation post in the countries. no lebanese group says the strikes are preliminary response to the killing of a senior. how much the official in by route on tuesday, being a press conference with lebanon's 5 minutes that he urge restraint to avoid a wide war. i am here when we are seeing a warranty, intensification of exchange of fire across the blue line in double that between the by known and israel on, i seen that the wall can be prevented proper could bundle, know you can touch on how to has to be avoid it where you live and that that's on the bottom, and diplomacy can prevail to look for a better solution. i am wrong. han has the latest form of june in southern lebanon
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. with shelling has been ongoing. you can still see the smoke coming across from the uh, a span of a, uh, a closer, 2 and a half, maybe 2 color which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an, as like showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now this is the kind of thing uh, that may will prove a response get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his below house on this row was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that that would be a response to the killing of sell a. a roof actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute shoot. position is ready. me that you position in israel in the galley as well. then responded with a drawing start that killed one has bullet member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am, this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets go. we've heard,
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well that rockets come from this area across into that distribution territory that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha, and everybody has below included trying to make sure the conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that's possible. joseph bro, the hi, representative of the european union has been here in 11 on these been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying, but living on these, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that original, that it will spill out into a regional conflicts that will have this diplomacy is going on now. well, israel ones is it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbia to his back. his bullet isn't negotiate, negotiating,
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it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes. protests of taking place in tell of leave on, sat today, a sort of hide it is live from there. so solve it, took us through what's happening that yeah, well we're just, i is the 3 months since that's, that's how it happened and i'll tell you about. and also with more than a $135.00 cops, it's still held in gauze. now the riley has been taking place every single day since then with tens of thousands of people attending that's about to thoughts in an hour. has a boss. 8 there's also a few more protests happening. another one here inside of it. so i see against a prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as another one plans with hundreds of people attending in haifa and west jerusalem. that seems to be gaining momentum as
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more and more people are unhappy with the situation with what's happening. certainly with the captives. there's also been a loss of internal political wrangling where will cabinet decisions have been made, including security cabinet meetings just 2 days ago. that's ended up in a rule between some of the far right ministers, including having a go basically the army chief of a pro, done by the ministry in. so what happens on october 7th, who is seeing new gathering certainly here in tennessee. but when it comes to this place, known as a hostage square with thing around us as a full month's being held just to the rights of me, that a cooling for them to be put back on. there are some people over the singing, some nationalistic songs. we sold out earlier and also people carrying up signs saying bring them back now as well as all for all they wants to see and the full exchange, some of them, the prisoners,
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the policy and presents that was part of the seas. father ended very early on in december, and all of this as some of those families of those are being held in cause the are actually min caught. so according so it's raining media saying that that that to meet some of the officials to discuss the situation also. so what i had already was killed one of the hamas leaders in 11 on any discussion that seems to be happening in terms of, of these 5 reports of people came to a halt with of course, how much time they weren't being negotiating on that spot. we do know that problem, this is benjamin netanyahu. i had previously actually funding a home that day had met with some of those families saying that there was movement . so clearly this meeting is going to be taking place at least between families and those being cut off is to try and push. but that seems. c again, sort of thank you, saw the height of intel of the force. are you
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a secretary of state entity blinking is on the 1st leg of another diplomatic toward the middle east? lincoln landed in the greek island of crete. as a stop. i've off the holding talks into kit with present a rush of time when they both discussed the humanitarian crisis and the ongoing siege in goss. this is blankets, 5th, visit, focusing on the middle east since the war on gaza began in october. my gives way is the director of the golf study sent to kata university joins me again in the studio. talk more about this. so 1st of all, the entity blinked and coming to the, to the region. yet again, is there. is there any realistic hope of, of, of him achieving anything this time around in terms of at least bringing down the violence or some sort of a cease for. it's a very little help because of too many reasons. one because of the, the crisis within is right. um, as don't guys, this crisis exist as long as there is no, i would say the escalation on this and sudden
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a domestic violence classes. i think american have listened to play and, and the 2nd the reason is basically there are no other players who are willing to put the efforts to convince is what it is to stop or, or what to seize by a the, there is no other players. um is the only support from the united states in our state cannot do anything so far so far the 2 days and i think it was blinking has nothing to do and this is in 5th visit to the region unfortunately. uh you say the, the way it looks right now the united states con, really do anything but, but can they re, can they really, i mean, is, uh and, and is it just that the choosing not to because they seem to have. busy leverage over as well that anyone else? absolutely has. they have live, it is, but the brooklyn is nothing. yahoo does not listen to them. i mean, we know that the last phone call between by the end, and i think i'll end up in a very, very, very so there's a project, a wait. and i think this does not help both politicians to talk to as,
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as they used to the other reason, i think the statements coming to them is the opposite thing that many comes along because basically they take that agent to $9750.00 where there was no talk about peace, the basically taking the hold of region to pretty peace negotiation debate, which was starts with the $97.00 days, whether it would the junction with that with the agent. so basically that does not the, please the advice of the state that that's changing the whole arrangement of the agent. i think that puts that many kinds on those to be a depression. uh so what are the prospects then the, the longer this goes on and, and, and the, the possibility of further escalation beyond garza, of the program that has them now is the fact that the, the world has at each to the strategic stage where it is odd to me isn't that fatigue start the school? because i cheap the goals, they kind of this truck they can kill,
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but they cost each to any kind of achieve achieve both. on the other hand, how mass also is, is showing, you know, the resilience. there are still a strong on, on, on the ground the i'm not allowed. so i the government, i think it's full. but that i, that is that i just think of that has nothing has a cheap i think that it's so put the question is why is because the industry or the war and they wanted to achieve some of the rules. they are failing to come visit the national community of the proposals. international and community are also not convinced on the proposal because this during the start of school, more importantly that the casualties, the killing, the destruction is changing the whole and that active invasion, which basically creates more hatred by that kind of views. and unfortunately they've been so by that's just picking up on that last point d. d said there is the potential for further attacks on, on, on communities outside of them,
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at least on most of the communities and on jewish communities as well. he already has him that reports from washington, from london, from pad as they talk about the case with the access to more than 300 potential as talk where predicted because of florida. because so that tells you a lot about the impact of this war on what's happened on those concepts. good to get your thoughts on this might, you might figure out how much thank or a set of heads on just the. 2 sizes take to the streets in european capitals to protest. israel's war on guns and fees of millions of displaced people as food data is cops and several applicant countries the
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the, brought to you by visit capital. a there, foggy and smart continues to be a big issue from ne boxes, don through the north indian plain stretching into duck on in bunker dash that's a distance of more than 2000 kilometers. and at one point on saturday, doc had the world's worst air quality, but let's talk about their showers and storms for that. southeast corner of india, 2nd, highest level alerts issued here for just how bad it will be. so we did talk about the fog in small in august on here's that cold snap and punch up probably in small pond, just 11 degrees for you on sunday there's been some snow for the northwest mountains or below just storm. we've got some snow coming for the mountains of afghanistan as well, over the course of the weekend to southeast asia. we go the monsoon rains, taking a bit of a law so you know, for the philippines, not bad in terms of that rain. we've had some hot nights and salvo city 2627. good enough to set a record for the month of january and rain coming through, you know,
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in gwen g and 61 provinces in china is it's going to help freshen up the air here. also been dealing with fogging small game with cool air running over the warren sea surface here that will give us c effects. so for the western side of japan and quite a bit of rain about a 100 millimeters in 24 hours in jakarta. so that led to some flooding, but i think the problem spot will be central drop on sunday in the quote to you by visit castle. i marry him shaheen and i've been making films about us since 2006. when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38 your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve. their dreams have been destroyed and all that remains on account of the last shattered dreams on l. g 0. it is
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a tenant object to produce objects. these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this way, the public discourse and timor voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next the the again, you're watching. i just see it out. reminder, lots of stories to sell. at least 22 people have been killed in isabel slate. this strikes on gauze, southern city of con eunice has been on the heavy bomb bomb. it's an area where
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many people have flights to escape attacks in the north. israel's war on guns, it has created a humanitarian catastrophe. voice 2400000 people. you and agencies, i'm not wanting hosp. the strips population is a risk of science foundation. and to use foreign policy chief has said it is quotes absolutely necessary. lebanon is not dragged into war is comments, follow an escalation across the board of fighting between as well. and has been adopted. a lot of the on demand is a pediatric neurologist and co founder of garza medic, voices. he says palestinian women and children in guns. i'll bearing the brunt of the war. so the women and children heard the this for pushing the effective especially the children we have to remember if you are mom. nutrition was last, you are inside the room. is your mother as a, as a fetus,
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the negative health effects will carry on. so the rest of your life and if you all know nutrition before the age of 2, and this is, you know, is it the destruction who sees children and we does the monitors just in case and the u. k. the often, but i've seen it in south africa and then all the regions i visited and right when, when children are mom interesting, before the age of 2 defects are largely irreversible. so whatever effect dies had, in terms of the cardiovascular system, the immune system and met and then your electrical system. most importantly, this will have lost in some impact on that house. and that lifetime of these children will more likely have difficulties at school if there is a school to go to difficulties in terms of that combination, their ability to function in society and then mental health disorders. we know that the majority of them in gaza are, you know, already suffering from mental health disorders from the sony dues. the sound of drones and sound of shining embalming. and not only that, the scene during the family wiped out generations of families wiped out. and the
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ones that are remain i'll be starved to death as we speak, and what is so upsetting and so disgusting is a health care professional to see the impotence and the lack of responsibility and the lack of power and ability to speak up by our politicians in the u. k. in the us across the world, that should be putting a stop to this, frankly, because what we are seeing is 2400000 people being strangled, alive, and be exterminated, live on our tv screens. and we are approaching a 100 days when the ukrainian conflict approach the 100 days. i remember very well how that was reported. i remember the, you know, the push from politicians to try and stop that. what are we doing about this here? what, what is the well, actually doing about this, and unfortunately, our citizens are having to be responsible to start, to speak up and to stop to, you know, push for sanctions for boy cost of, of these ready. so that is forming, that is raining. how far on the point does it
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a nearly 3 months long war in gauze as we ignited demonstrations in support of palestinians across europe. can you tell me the city of midland? thousands of protesters carried palestinian flags and demanded an immediate c swan . they also called for an end to a part time in power. as those leading the demonstration highlighted, the spiraling number of palestinians killed in gauze as the thought of the war in october. they also called for a boycott of israel and didn't mean demonstrations accuse this rainy prime minister benjamin netanyahu of genocide is where i might change is rule is with homeless and not the civilians of 1000 the . all right, to all the world news now and that alaska airlines has ground it all of its buying
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737, max, 9 planes off the immediate blow out the plane last part of a cabin door and fuselage and return to portland. shortly after taking off for california, the line says it is conducting a full inspection. building said he was aware of the incident and is working to gather more information to buying 737 mex. a cost was grounded worldwide in 2019 off to tune state to crashes, to 346 people. alex much harris is in aviation analyst. he says the incident could have a wide ranging impact on the industry. with this across specifically, it was only delivered to that, i guess, 3 months ago. now the 7th, there's a max of stuff, but immense reputation damage has been incredibly costly for boeing, but also in the lives in human life. this wasn't across that stuff, but to transfer these one into these. yeah, yeah, yeah. to fight to crashes that led to the worldwide grounding them off the 2 years
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already admitted that any investigations found that they were finding fault due to a faulty system or does that crop. and this is why, whenever there is anything that happens with the max, it is under the microscope agent b, because we know there was a lack of o besides the f i, we know that that what issues in production is they're probably going to be working very quickly with that counterpart closely with the safety, you rise to establish why the significant part of the fuselage was able to be ripped off at such a critical phase of the life of the table on that cross that has suffered such a troubled recent history. it was the rest of the world, the ground to the process before the united states. and that's why everything under here is under the microscope. i think when the market is open on monday, we're going to see some significant movement relationship are in shaft price because investors are never happy when there was anything even slightly glitchy or wrong with the 7th or 7 max. and of course not to downplay what has happened,
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this is incredibly dangerous. what happened on this alaska flight and it is nothing short of a miracle, but that wasn't a pass and sat at the window seat next to the tunnel that was pulling up. so is going to be, i guess we can borrowing if they try to establish the facts this to the world. food program says it is being forced to cut a to $1400000.00 people in chad, including newly arrived. refugees fleeing violence in sudan. it's blind me a shortage of money, which is also affecting its authoration as elsewhere in africa. i'm a degrees reports from child support up with c den, a lifeline for food and use refugees in chad as a shipment for data, rise from capital inside the central white house of the world foot program. more items for the 1200000 refugees. but 8 agencies are warning designs on looking good for those who reflect the fighting in. so that at this point in time,
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we don't have enough funding to continue to risk on that. the scale then we are i know way of the looming crisis. i double has in the past, they've been in meaningful ha, family, mind and uh huh. yeah. we have nothing to eat. if i boil cornflower so the children don't sleep on an empty stomach. we don't have flavor, rice or sugar. it's just corn flower mixed with hot water. like 200000 other refugees, the families you have to move to prominent cabs and cannot access much of the 8. as the funding dwindles of fishes, one time is running out for hundreds of thousands. if we don't do it now, it might be to it, it may be too late to come in. because if we do it later, it means that the social fabric studies that we will, we will not be into existence anymore. chad, you know, thought you side left of the difficult task of sharing yourself us with that if you jeez, no component for fat uh,
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based on so the diesel we have decided to expand the cam sticking mode. or if you would use just like both hosting the 1st, we have a few ds in 2003. but right now we have a valid by the number still coming into tax, which is huge. a 8 ages, a se, every day, 200 to 300 refugees arrived in the boat down of a great through this crushing point. the united nations says it requires 1200000000 dollars this year, to help soothing these refugees in eastern charge. this is $300000000.00 more than what was required last year when the office solve the coordinator, polls human detailed, and if this was able to raise less than half of what was required, then i want to see the new global flesh. once i diverting attention from the plight of so dense refugees, this means that idea and how family will continue to struggle to survive. how many degrees i use either on the job. so the on board for the world food program says
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millions of people in other parts of africa will stop receiving food aid. the central african republic is among the countries affected with nearly 3000000 people needs. humanitarian assistance reductions will also affect more than 8000000 people in nigeria as conflict of insecurity. dr. hunger in the northeast and 4400000 in cameron when more than half the population lives in poverty or money. the silva is a spokesperson for the you. as well food program, she says that cuts will force millions of families to make the choices a defective, that we have to reduce our systems. for instance, in some of our country, we will only be able to support those well into most higher rates of hang good. why many of those needs? i was stupid. so there's different ways. i mean, these will have adults, some of them we move,
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they will see some of the way we use the quantity of different doing some of those uh when that is from one or 2 days. so uh, for instance, in atkins the 26th, we have to reduce our assistance by $26.00 pull sense in against the only in i see to 24 percent less than what we were doing. but we also infected in so yeah, so monday i showed that we had the example booked enough for us to and we, we didn't need to step in and to ensure that everyone that had the funding needs to ensure that they can stay and push button the country un worked with program is getting really challenging environments. we have them do a 323000000 people are getting actually tango. it is a to a $100000000.00. both the people the next live of. yes. even if we have so many
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people to think actually anger our human it and send things improve what we need is at the treat them, they make labeled the governments, but also i will, but now reducing us to pulse why we need to step in, in more areas wide, our ocean, the coast uh, becoming higher and higher. for 6, you went to reason in most of our ocean on youtube station. we have to adapt for instance, we have a lift which is much more costly than doing it in other ways. so today we have almost half of our patients facing emissions. yes. but also rejection assistance. the lawyers for senate goals jail, the opposition leader or non sancho says they'll appeal the rejection of his bid to run and next month's presidential election. it follows his disqualification by the
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constitutional court on friday, he was removed from the electoral register after being sentenced in june to 2 years in prison for morally corrupting a young person charges he is denied. to a bank with dishes, main opposition party is stopped at a 48 hour general strike as the country gives up for sunday's general election. the opposition is boycotting the vote, saying it's spanish cannot be guaranteed. violence broke out on the eve of the election with a suspected awesome attack on a passenger train. at least 4 people were killed. john, how has we'll from bucko all of this? of course, he's safely destabilizing for bangladesh, not just incidences of pre election violence of 300 cases recorded the just the last 2 weeks. during the course of the day, the day before the election, primary schools of the thoughts, the parts of the country intended to be used as public stations. on friday night,
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a train heading to cough was set to live for compartments at birds. and inside them, at least 4 civilians, including a child with birds to death, the police saved by an identified awesome is intended apparently, to add to a real sense of unease. i hate of this election, but there is no use about what happens next as well as it sinks in the very literally it's going to change the fear that full of post to the next in violence. the army is out on the streets providing security that is in itself a worrying sign. and the opposition being fee is called a 48 hour national strike over this election period to try and drive the economy to a wholesome protest against the election. it's not fair how many people are hearing to it, but it's a familiar with tactics, and it may well be used again. add to that effect. the tech has seen this government in power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of violations and abuses. not that the opposition when they were in power would similarly accuse that for it has to be made. but it all adds up to the
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picture of an election taking place that is hardly a textbook exercise in democracy. and which also is very few offices for these countries. problems including an economic crisis that sort take a $4700000000.00 a bailout from the i m f. just last month. during the whole elder 0 dot com, the desktop from a major earthquake in west in japan on new year's day, has risen to more than a 100 people. at least 200 are missing stranded villages. see an issue call, a preferred job being evacuated around 30 people have been removed from the food company, maci village, so far with more waiting to be listed. the shop google needs the causes, we need to strength and delivery routes for water, food and portable toilets. we need to improve the disposal of human waste and improve access to medical assistance. also to sit up, make shift bids and divide us for privacy. in addition, we need to strength and police cap trolling for security. we doing these things to
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alleviate, to evacuate, use anxiety, will continue to make the most efforts to ancient temples on the east coast of thailand, or on the threat of being swallowed up by encroaching seas. local communities of battling to build better defences against rising tides. and extreme weather fueled by climate change. tony chang reports from some of the truck on near the capital. bangkok a monk tries in vain to push back flood waters. this is now an annual occurrence in many areas alone. thailand's coast, rising sea levels, storms and heavy rain full growing impact, global climate. even at this temple, 50 kilometers in then rising sea levels of having a devastating impact. 400 year old murals on the 10 pools depicting the 10 reincarnations. that's good to hear that about the app. it says they've
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deteriorated rapidly in recent years and because of salt water seeping in through the foundation was 2001. and soon they may be gone and they come to me. oh, something partially. we still last year we got a small budget from the department to find out it was in that house if there was no restoration or how many cement would look like what we see outside kind of decaying away, even though i am scared. so all of the murals were for the pots. the culprits, the canal that runs outside the temple 20 years ago. this was fresh water. no salt water comes with the high tide on the coast. another temple under threats from the rising seas. 20 years ago, a thriving community lived around it. now while the remains of the telegraph poles that run alone was the main road, this temple on the coast is almost lost, the battle against rising sea levels. today the entrance here 20 years ago was all
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the way down the one and a half meters below where i am now. the company gets up in woodson. i grew up here with the rest of his community. he had to flee inland and out of the he shows me the damage the sold. corrosion is done to the temples and the i and structure inside i did the math, but local people say they're not going to a band and what remains the community like the bunk and we chose to protect his capital despite the fact that it's more expensive than building a new one, this building has sentimental value and historical value, and it's a monument to the environment that shows the coastal erosion that happened in this community. now the months of working hard to undo the damage of the corrosion and build best of barricades against the waves and the battle against climate change place is one thing. but it also involves a lot of hardware. tony chang summit for com is
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a still ahead on i just need somebody all sort of christmas eve in the occupied westbank because for one cause that costs a shadow of a celebration, the rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia as peace communities remain neutral and on but refusing to leave their villages, i set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter. in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the latest news. as it break. we will just hit pretty badly by check us. there have been various consultations on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for
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the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a will cross. i'm fearless jen, and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. the the again, it is christmas eve for millions of orthodox christians around the world. but in bethlehem, in the occupied west bank celebrations, had been knitted as smith is there and said, this report of 260000000 people worldwide celebrates orthodox christmas. most of
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them from eastern europe, russia, greece, ethiopia, and egypt and the central, those celebrations invested in hampel, christine, the birthplace of christ. this year is taken on a much smooth, mutates. so there is no and susie as him amongst palestinian christians to celebrate christmas because of the will in gauze, and the reason impact the small orthodox christian community policy and you still trump to the so here, no singing, but there's been some troubleshooting on pres. i'd also hearing best we have because of the occupation the city decades on the occupation since october. the 2nd is become much tight and the be more rain buys, rarely falls is a more attacks by session is leading to really no mood to celebrate christmas punishment. i'll just say a rest, especially the number of questions in the palestinian territories has been declining for decades. they now make up just one and a half percent of the population needs. abraham has been set bethlehem the some of the stories, the father,
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he saw tears this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of the tv and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration, like about 9 families. and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. not to be the church has not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded and many people around. it's like
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a full of life. joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but 2 more churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's were on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one christian family leaving is one to many. maine kept good news. this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. at 5 uncles left after 1948 by her brother after to the 1st for the city and uprising. her 2 sons after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from boca patients. i like my children to be around me, but i have also because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation or life and bunch of
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things but or was afraid on the check. far as the work, no security, no nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread hope in the midst of darkness. knew that but he address either bethlehem . he occupied westbank for some palestinians in the gaza strip off has become the only form of expression and escape from israel's on scold. judy vega has the story of one pay to trying to make a lasting impact. a mall. boo elsa is 26 years old. she paints on the ruins left behind from israel's military suit on rafa and southern garza, the russell this buildings, the palestinians,
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one school time has become how come the one of the i didn't search for areas that remained intact on the country. i searched for houses that were destroyed with innocent civilians inside them, such as this house where more than 10 bodies were pulled from under the rubble. i'm all was forcibly displaced from central cause. she escaped to survive another day, but refused to leave hub portions behind. the time and to continue showing the resistance of palestinians through her walk and turning that dark reality into a colored memory of resilience. it cut out and i decided to paint this mural using all available colors in order to send a strong message through the drawings. you see here to tell o arab nations that we will remain in our land and we will never leave it as
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a more complete samuel tied to call the 2024. she's hopeful the once the will ends, the people of palestine can invite the come to scream, install to eva once again. judy vega, which is 0. that's it for me, has them. so you could for this news back in 2 minutes with more news. they was the, the, one of the domain manager for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the sharp pen traffic and operation. now, she's putting together the team that's going to rate it. and lexie though they're still quite as b. o. but i said less indeed this bit of
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a humble sure expensive global commodity price doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that much than that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators aimed at dismantling a ring, a short den traffickers, city every medical help a single study or things on that. let me know somebody up on the send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to look leader rates to stay in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces of sharks at risk you said the $47.00 in on the federal tax upfront
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takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing lead scottsdale without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the southern guns that comes under a heavy is ready bun bob mint. again, at least 22 people are killed in the latest strikes in findings the


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