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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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and we are walking into our thoughts, that's our office or whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the morning the dad at least 22 palestinians are killed off sir. israel attacks con eunice as the intense bombardment of such cause continues. the, i don't know about this in a, this is all to 0 life from don't have also coming up wanting to time is running out
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in jobs and many children are facing severe ma, nutrition and the source of farming is getting worse. is really all the time. so how much come on structure in northern garza has been dismantled and they've killed around $8000.00 fighters in the area. and us regulators round more than a $170.00 volumes. 177 max 9 players. that's up to a part of a fuselage blew off one of the mid air the we're going to be getting guys of what at least a 162 palestinians have been killed by as many attacks in just 24 hours. the strip southern region is not a constant bombardment off to the is really military expended its operations there we're going to go live to correspond to topic. oh boy zoom and rafa in a moment. but 1st, here's his report. is a host of southern guns, a relentless bar ride, a coast,
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destroying was left of hon. you and plug another was sent in once a refuge. now battle grounds with the whales of rockets, pears to silence you. crafts gather your knowing to the morning that grief fills the air of the earth, your hospitals cool young they killed their children, they killed our kids, they killed her, beloved's they killed are hard enough. as of this, this palestinian boy is alone said find an assembly destroyed by you will move away and will show up that i we would and shut you to fiji can and easily. i mean dropped fly as saying that garza is a battlefield. so we flipped to cunning units because it was a safe place headboard, but and it is to bump this, they have moto to my siblings and my font size,
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and my youngest brother who is in 2nd grade and my eldest brother who is in 8th grade. my son and my mother, and then they are by more mand finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member. this fall of its fall well to his precious search for 10 to shield his children has ended in hoped, brick as the overflows with the casualties of israel's will, in gauze, gwyn reality sits and civil services all struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that they are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are being shot at running up to capa throwing to escape from the
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relentless bombardment. tarry could best do that, would just be a rough, rough or southern guns, a topic up all isms involved in southern gaza. it just tell us about what has been happening in the last several hours or so. yes, mobility attacks have been carried up. in fact, uh, of course, calls and the last hour, which also brings the desk told to miss more incredible. i also rise across the character you are talking about. so it's heat pumps. thing is being killed since the early hours of today's morning full. so only in con eunice in decided at part as i wanted, the latest admitted to a tax on that city has slaps and a residential building reception palestinians have for reported, killed including 5 children alongside with 45 palestinians holes and the same strength being injured. and transported to another hospital for treatments and this
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is a part of the attacks that had been carried up by the use very well lanes was the uh critical situation, in fact is in the middle govern. 8 of the territory now is body forces are systematically overrating of these areas to take full control over the main significance that is the we're talking about some because they have great, i'm a so right. and they're really about a town where the disability at military tank solicitations, and also the gates and the entrances of a most of the as a way to areas where they are opening fire against residents who are moving for outside the road. the main, linking groat, that means the middle good for nights to the southern part of the territory, making it difficult. and it also people in the, in the discovery needs reporting that they have been exposed to drones. fire by the is already quite quarters which make the mobility on the ground for those residents seems to be risky as a part of this domestic approach is adopted by the men to treat that to force people to sleep,
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to the south were attacks also continuing. now i'll also add these on giving get tax risk cute durations by the civil defense crews continue. it's just too, is that to wait the victims on the injured from under the ripples as the number of victims being great now had surpassed thousands of palestinians who are still truck that waiting for hill by the civil defense team spot, the ongoing, unrelenting bull button. and to prevent them from being evacuated, as the number of injured in people has rise into more than a 57000 palestinians till this very moment. thought god, what was him in rough? thank you very much. indeed. it was waldron, guys has created a humanitarian catastrophe. you and agencies a warning that half of guys are 2300000 population is at risk of starvation surveyed by units of funds that are about 90 percent of children under 2 years old . and getting on the milk and basic food like bread. the threat of famine is increasing hundreds of fighters and this could be severely malnourished. some are
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likely to die as a result, cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years old. instead of being increasing at an alarming rate around $3200.00 new cases every day. and there's growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. dr. on on the amount on is a pediatric neurologist and co founder of guys of medic voices. he says palestinian women and children and gaza a been in the front of the war and then women and children who would be this for pushing the effective especially the children we have to remember if you are mom, nutrition was last you are inside the room is your mother as a, as a fetus. the negative health effects will carry on for the rest of your life. and if you all know nutrition before the age of 2, and this is, you know, is it the children who sees children and we does, the mom is just in case and the u. k. the often, but i've seen it in south africa and then all the regions i visited and white and when, when children are mom interesting before the age of 2 defects are largely irreversible
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. so whatever effect dies had, in terms of the cardiovascular system, the immune system in may and then your electrical system. most importantly, this will have lost in some impact on that house. and that lifetime of these children will more likely have difficulties at school if there is a school to go to difficulties in terms of that combination, their ability to function in society and then mental health disorders. we know that the majority of women garza are, you know, already suffering from mental health disorders from the sony dues. the sound of drones and sound of shining embalming. and not only that, the scene during the family wants to out generations of families wiped out, and the ones that are remain i'll be starved to death as we speak. and what is so upsetting and so disgusting, is a health care professional to see the impotence and the lack of responsibility and the lack of a power and ability to speak of by our politicians in the u. k. in the us across
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the world. that should be putting a stop to this, frankly, because what we are seeing is 2400000 people being strangled, alive, and be exterminated, live on our tv screens. and we are approaching a 100 days when the ukrainian concept to approach the 100 days. i remember very well how that was reported. i remember the, you know, the push from politicians to try and stop that. what are we doing about this here? what, what is the well, actually doing about this? and unfortunately, our citizens are having to be responsible to start to speak up and to stop to, you know, push for sanctions for boy cost of, of these ready. so that is the bombing that is raining. how far on the plan does it? as rails military and surface forces have finished dismantling homeless ministry frameworks and northern gaza spokesman isn't on some more than 8 fires, and homeless fighters are being killed in the north of this trip since october. the 7th is running another treat says thousands of weapons documents belonging to the go for being sees. it says some homeless members still remain in the area. a sort
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of hottest joining us now from tel aviv. what more can you tell us about this statement? this being made by these really ministry, that was the 1st time we've actually had them use the word this month. so they had said a couple of weeks ago and said a few times now that they all in operational control was the, was used by the army chief saying, and they were in operational control of the northern parts of the gaza strip. except for pockets of fights is now since that, so this monthly statement, we've also heard from daniel, her gallery, who is the ministry spokesman saying that's the dismantling. it has 5 components to it. he said, eliminating, come on, does tell us, come on this clear cleansing the space from terrace gathering intelligence, destroying rockets and destroying tunnels. so by saying they've dismantled, that means says, saying that they've covered all of those 5 uh basis. we also know that they have
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directed their attention to the sense of costs of the goals and strip, but really mostly towards the south in hon units where they say lots of those the carries out or at least open straight to build. type a 7 a time. they believe that many of those people, all of them, many of those commanders. and they will simply allow us to become on sensors and that network of tunnels is in the south. of course, it becomes much more difficult for them to carry out the war and not pop simply because of the number of people's bad those that were supposed to leave by these riley's from the north head to the south. and also in some of the comments that were made a couple of days ago that they said they have no plan of allowing those in the south to return to their homes in the north. just yet this on our on separately. i mean that are demonstrations underway. in tennessee for you are, and i know that you've been at one of them not to be geared towards the governments handling of the water and gas. what's the message that the demonstrations have been
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trying to send a, a yes, rebel. uh, they're actually old just less than the last few minutes, but they were tens of thousands of those attending the site today. righty, as they have done every week during this war here, and what was known as hostage square in tel aviv demanding the same things that they want in the cops is returned as soon as possible. they have speakers, they try and unify people and also to keep the, the thoughts of the nation with those the also in gaza and fight throughout this move. and hall of those that were taken in the 1st they still the box that was about to happen. there was another big price this and this is the interesting part . is it an estimated $20000.00 people attended? they were protesting against the prime minister himself. in fact, they was a monday, but he resign. oh, they also had another ultimatum. he said to cool lee elections,
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and this is the 1st time we've heard that since this was started in such numbers. yes, there was some smaller protest as we led into this week, but nothing as big as this. and you could heavy and go from this because it was standing on stage. we heard from one man who is the daughter was killed in october 7. it's hard saying, but he couldn't let down. and that he would in show that they would change the leadership because many will play me in this process. we're blaming the october 7 to time from happening because of the coalition government that's in charge. and they said because of what they called incompetence, they even call that moral bankruptcy, moral corruption as well. so this just gives you a sense of the frustration and anger that we're starting to here at the time when a lot of israelis wants to keep unified. but this is showing how slowly slowly that is this monthly side of thank you very much. indeed, that's how they're kinda talking to us and kind of be steve foreign policy seems.
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joseph brown says they're going to be no winners if the water guys oppose level into a regional conflict. is message comes off the hezbollah far to bottles of rockets. i think there's really observation posts in the north of the country. lebanese group says the strikes are, i'm initial response to the killing of a senior homeless official in baby boot on tuesday, often meeting level ins folder administer, but i'll argue restrained. to avoid a white, a war. i am here when we are seeing a warranty, intensification of exchange of fire across the blue line in double that between the vendor on a need as well on. i seen that the wall can be prevented proper could bundle, know you can touch on the, on how to has to be avoid it, where you live and that that's on the bottom. and diplomacy can prevail to look for a better solution. collins, the latest from most rolling and southern 1100 fathers being more showing. and you
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can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a, uh, a closer to 2 and a half, maybe 2 color which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as not as like showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now this is the kind of thing uh, that may well uh prove a response. get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his below house on this row was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that that would be a response to the killing of solar roof. actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute shoot. position is ready. me that you position in israel in the galley as well, then responded with a drawing start that killed one has bullet member. and throughout the day today, hey, where i am,
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this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets go. we've heard, well that rockets come from this area across into that distribution territory that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha, and everybody has below included it, trying to make sure the conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that's possible. joseph bro, the hi, representative of the european union has been here in 11 on has been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying, but living on these, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that original, that it will spill out into a regional conflicts. so all of this diplomacy is going on. now what is role once it wants to push hezbollah out of this area, push them columbia to his back. his bullet isn't negotiate, negotiating,
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it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes the still ahead and i'll do 0. the same so tired of 2 christmases, how the modern ukraine is causing divisions about when to celebrate the the weather brought to you by visit castle, a burst of about a 100 millimeters of rain in 24 hours produce and flooding near jakarta. however, one, by the way, so we saw clogged roads here just a torrent of water. and i think we could see more of that same actually on sundays, still heavy falls of rain for west strep of providence, including jakarta, and up and down the west coast of sinatra island on sunday. now north of this,
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the month to range taking a bit of a break. so let's talk about the heat. we've seen around type of city as of late, some hot nights for january to pin down to about 2627. and that has been record breaking stuff somewhat weather coming in here through united grungy and 61 provinces that will help freshen up the air. we have been dealing with fogging spock here and with cold air running out of the northeast of china over the born sea surface here that will give us some see effect snow for the west coast of japan . on sunday, frustrated, the rain is draped around the top and central queensland central new south wales, state, victoria, state, and south australia. it was just west of adelaide the other day we saw months worth of rain. in 30 minutes. we could see much of the same over the next little bit, and we'll end in new zealand. it's con, light breeze here. so temperature is not too bad, but bit more in the way of cloud cover for the south island and crew included in christ church on sunday. enjoy your weekend. see you later. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world.
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the fascination of joining us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news the go to 0 to mind. if i told stories this are at least 22 people have been killed and israel's lights and strikes on garza
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a southern city of con. unice has been under heavy bombing. many people have been heading there has been tried to escape attacks and the north. israel's war and gaza has created a humanitarian catastrophe for its 2300000 residents. you and agencies are wanting that hoffman strips population is at risk of starvation. is military size is forces have finished dismantling commerce military framework in northern gaza. spots ones are not in schools, and 8000 almost fights has been killed in the north. this trip since october, the 7th. you are secretary state on to be blanket is on his way to jordan as part of his latest middle east tour. lincoln's already held talks until tea with present his reserve tie up out of the one they both discussed. pick, humanitarian crisis in gaza. this is blinking is 4th visit to the region. since the watering gauze have begun in october, it says the talk that aimed at preventing the situation from further escalating was you. a calculator was the ceo of gulf states analytics as a consulting firm. and it's based in washington,
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d. c. for to have you with us on obviously i don't want to ask you 1st of all about the statement that the h or the military is putting out, saying that it has dismantled the homeless military framework in northern guys. our correspondence thought it was pointing out earlier that it was a caviar that it was putting in saying, well, there is still some pockets of fighting going on. so what's your assessment of that? why do you think that it is really military is going to put this kind of statement out? i think these really military and the, the political leadership is real, are keen to try to send a message to the is really public about israel winning this war on guys and to try to boost morale. among these relieves the truth, however, is that this 3 month of war on god's why has not gone so well for israel, there's been a rather high, are, is really discounts and the resistance in gaza remains rather
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strong. this idea of israel was going to quickly decapitate a moss. you will that as a blade out the way these really is want to stop watch is running out in terms of how much longer is real, can continue waging this high intensity military campaign and guides us. so given all of that, i think israel is trying to be sort of shape in narrative about hours of work in gaza has been successful for israel. although the facts do tell us something different. of this is happening with the backdrop of the visit by us next year said on to me blinking it's his 4th time into is it been to the region? certainly he's got this regular shopping that's not, has me that the he lays out in terms of trying to get more age to people in gaza, but also some sort of plan hopes for some sort of plan for goes off towards plus a change in the fighting we've kind of heard all this before. how about all, what much optimism do you think there is that this visit might actually change
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things or might even make a dent in the way that israel is approaching things? i'm not too optimistic about anything. very good coming out of lincoln's middle east tour. i think we should keep in mind that over the past 3 months, officials and the binding administration have been asking that new orleans governments to see to it that is realizing more concern for the eastern lives in gauze and adjust the way it's finding this war in order to save more innocent lives. but if you look at the situation we haven't garza today, and if you look at the $22000.00 plus i'll send you those. and guys that has been slaughtered since ox over. it's very clear in these words, from the binding administration now not finding anything to influence israel's conduct into lead us begins to actually use this leverage over is real. we're
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talking about sitting read lines ultimatums, giving israel ultimatums and talking about conditioning, aids, israel in. ready the us and uses that type of leverage, i don't think is real world care at all about opinions or statements from the binding administration judgement calculator. we appreciate you being with us a lot to 0. thank you very much indeed. thank you. the to some other news, not a 171. boeing passenger planes are being grinded around the world after a cabin door blew out while an alaska airlines flight was in mid air. the boeing 737 max 9, had to make an emergency landing. the bulk of reports in the
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forensic distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world of 16000 feet maybe 5000 meters, it could have been much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines said it was temporarily grounding its fleet of 65. boeing mex 9 aircraft, a play and often used on us domestic flights. b o. d. a once again shining the spotlights on the boeing 737 months after a catalogue of severe failure, as it's quite unprecedented. and it should not be done played. that's for sure. because in more than co actuated, yeah,
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sure. we do not see sections across body or fuselage coming separated from the rest of the cross. i'm certainly not mid flight and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just a few months old. us our space john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year worldwide grounding of old max age and max 9 planes of to, to crashes and indonesia. an ethiopian code, 346 people. the boeing made several changes to the aircraft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors, including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions. how plain the lonely road off the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this, with a similar head across use daily around the world. oh, so risk the fall. okay. i'll just do
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a spring and i'll just say there's my kind of who's in washington dc. so what's happening to the plains like well the alaska airlines off to that incident grounded it's fleets, but then put them through those mandate rejects. and some of those a craft are back in the area again as radar shows. now the federal aviation authority, formerly grounded, or a boeing 737 mex nines full. this mandate tree inspection, which it says should take between 4 to 8 hours. the hottest hit a line with united, which has some 70. i boeing the 737 max nines at, but it has being running checks on its remaining add, cough. some of them are going back in the air. so as you look at the radar, you see that a number of 737, mx nines, are back in service having being put through that mandate to recheck, ordered by the s a. now boeing has issued the statement saying a police report see if a decision to ground the cross to temporary ground the cause. busy of this mandate
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project and it also says its engine is, will work with the national transportation board, which will be investigating the incident with the alaskan airlines aircraft. mike, thank you very much, mike, kinda in washington dc. if you're an official, say, a russian missile, i was struck in the area in the region of done yet killing 11 people. it's happened in the city of port cross. moscow says there's only targeting ukraine's military industry and infrastructure. but key says the attack was in a residential area to christmas as being celebrated twice in ukraine. the country adopted a new official calendar, which means some people observe the holiday on december, the 25th president flooded me. is the landscape signed off on the date change because the training and orthodox charge has been accused of having ties with the russian church, but many ukrainians haven't accepted the changes and they planned to mock christmas . the sunday, i said bate has moved from keith to churches
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one country, but 2 different dates for christmas. it's not just a religious difference in ukraine, it's become a political one the ukrainian, or the doctor to it has been accused of having links to moscow. accusations it denies which when you create a for sure, you celebrated christmas on december 25th last year. it was, why do you seen snuff 2 months ago? and this church was put into the spotlight regard. okay. surface with many ukrainian celebrate christmas on january 7th. we celebrate according to the julian calendar, and it's been like that for a 1000 ts we, i'm not going to switch to a new start. this kind of, that is used by georgian generals of them, so it'd be in and russian shoshanna shuttle even the service. and so i just kind of got an old portion of the orthodox churches, kind of got the services in ukraine. and we also make a game if they had been any political pressure, no good or no comment. some however, i'm white spoken against the official change of dates. i'm not sure which
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dividing us this is bullying at the state scale. in a time of war, we should be together. the chief wanted to unite the country on one data at the same time, a sending us enough to moscow presidents and then give us to show you are under western roles. that tease country is very much your opinion on weston. changing the officials date of christmas to the 25th of december. i was in part to display that . but not everyone here is following suit. and there are divisions on the banks of the freezing cold denny for river. they are commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. but for those to celebrate christmas in december, today's date has come a youth and previous yes uh bought october. the for those, when did people have switched to renew calander reset oil change? is it many continued to live in the old of bass and celebrate christmas in january . i celebrate that on page 2 fifths. and today for me is to commemorate the baptism
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for those are to saves you pregnancy.


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