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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the morning, the dent at least 22 palestinians of pills off that is relevant to tex, con eunice as the intense bum, 5 minutes of southern guns and see the carry. johnson, this is out to sarah. well,
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nice and also coming out the heavy fighting in janine's states. he has his very forces continue. the 9th me rates these very ami claims, the master's c'mon structured, golden gauze that has been dismantled at some fights as to remaining to reach the average number of children being killed for the in gaza. right now is well over a 100 adults is warning us, thousands of children died and many more on nafta, nice on disability. and christmas eve for millions of both adults, christians around, well, separations have been subdued. investing news on the eve of the 4th,
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the month of israel's foreign gauze. more than 22700 palestinians had been detailed on saturday, allowing these rarely strikes killed 122 people. $22.00 of them in one house in the southern city of con eunice, this trip. so southern region is on the constant bombardment of these very minute tree expand its operations. that houses there was power to assume begins coverage now from rough of the house of southern causal relentless by ride, a coast destroying was left upon you and let them know to send them once a refuge. now the battle ground where the whales of records appears to silence. you crouch, gather your knowing through the morning that grief fills the air of your your hospitals. oh yeah. so they killed their children, they killed our kids. they killed her, beloved's they killed,
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are hard enough as of this, this palestinian boy, this alone said fine assembly destroyed by we'll move away in the shop. uh we were in said to to fiji kemp and these really i mean, dropped fly as saying that garza is a battle field. so we flipped to cunning units because it was a safe place. they bought it and it is to bump this. they have much to, to my siblings and my fund services, and my youngest brother who is in 2nd grade and my eldest brother, who is in 8th grade my father and my mother. and then they are, by more mand finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member. this fall of its fall well to his precious search for 10 to shield his children has ended in hoped,
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brick as the middle of the flows with the casualties of israel's will and goes to glen reality. since in civil services are struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that they are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are the inc shots app's running up to capa petroleum, to escape from the relentless bombardment topic. as do, we'll just sierra russell, southern guns with ortiz, that's our access hospital in central. gosh, it's a medical records from the doctors without borders. we'll be evacuating the say, it's because the bombing and fighting is getting worse. in calgary reports from the hospital, which has been one of the few functioning medical facilities in the area, a square 10 channel of saw hospice in,
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in the mid in the area of bella. and since the mornings, the ambulances did not bring his bodies areas where yesterday was not tom sending in the let's welcome in the hospital, and let's show you how these injured patients are living their crowd. this, they have no space, they have no bed. people are tearing down on the floor where every patient has people are, are not only taking and see this hospital as a refuge, but it's also a place where people are receiving treatment. where as that is there any course we start around invasion?
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most of the doctors in the hospital evacuated hearing the same scenario that happens in the us to the hospital. this is the scene right now. we're, as you see is very crowded. a lot of injuries entered the hospital since the morning receive children. we for women, we see men and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where up the hospice is. it's one of the own. the hospital been facilitating in the central area. most of the doctors are right on the all of these injuries it's i smoke blood everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt today. the kind of thing is in the middle area are, is not to wait. and we see people taking,
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there's times from the surroundings of the hospital go away. everyone is even just have to defy because they are hearing that the forces are going to a surround and are going to invade the hospital just like these is with do hospitalized at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the hospital and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scared as everyone fears a ground invasion. and for 93 days people are still under the rubber. people are killed and more people are being decision to for the for i just need on the hospital. that is israel is war and gaza has created the humanitarian catastrophe. you and agencies a warning that hoff of gauze is 2300000 population is at risk of starvation. so it's
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a by unit found that about 90 percent of children on to 2 years old getting only milk and basic food like bread, destructive famine is increasing. hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished. many lock it down as a result. cases of diarrhea or in children under 5 years old or set to be increasing at an alarming rate around $3200.00 new cases every day and is growing concerned about the health and expect to intend to breast feeding women. latanya hodge hassan is a pediatrician with doctors about both of us. she says the war is at kenning more than $100.00 children each day. and many more will suffer from lifelong disability and health issues. the desk told, had been over 8000 when you were last able to get a, an accurate death tool. it's been several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know,
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at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time that the lives of children have been devastated at scale, that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life or 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the goals and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced a multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to reliable heating in
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the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no, there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease. a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs have been destroyed so far. so all children not being educated at the moment is rarely forces of storm. the city of janine an occupied westbank. heavy fighting has been reported between palestinian fighters and is really forces for more than this that speak to hum this all. who would she joins us now live from occupied the easter eastern remote. what can you tell us about these latest rates in the occupied westbank or following several rays throughout the occupied westbank in nablus in jericho bass online, the outskirts of the low. but the main one we're seeing is in jeanine and the
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janine refugee camp. there is a large is really military presence they have since sent and reinforcements in the last couple of hours coming in through the settlement check point videos and sounds of explosions that seem to be is designated by palestinian fighters used against these really occupation forces entering the city. additionally, there are fears clashes still ongoing engineering between these really military and palestinian fighters. look, this is just a continuation of the near nightly rates. we have been saying for almost 2 years by these really military going into several different parts of the occupied westbank in an effort to crack down on armed palestinian resistance since october the 7th. the military has up these types of military operations, killing at least 326 palestinians have to stay with us because israel's ministry
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says is forces of finish dismantling her masters ministry framework in northern godsa. a spokesman announced that thousands of her last furnaces have been killed and north of the strip since october 7. and this very minute tree says weapons and documents been thrown into the group had been seized. they also say some ass members still remain in the area. so hemmed up, what more did these very minutes we have to say about all this of these early army has said that they have had full operational control in northern gauze for several weeks. but it's the 1st time we're hearing from them saying that they have quote, completed the dismantling of how this is military infrastructure in the northern part of the palestinian territory. this was a goal and a war objective. these relays have had since the beginning, nearly 3 months ago, but not only dismantling, had lost his military capabilities,
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but also its political ones. daniel had gone to the army spokesperson said that it happened in 5 different components. the 1st was to eliminate commanders of several battalions that were spread out in northern garza. the 2nd was clearing the area of any fighters who were there, the 3rd gathering intelligence from the field, the forest dismantling and destroying any types of rockets or rocket launching sites. and finally, the 5th one is destroying any tunnels or underground infrastructure. but it's interesting to note that while these relays have said they have full operational control, they have totally and completely dismantled chemist has capabilities in the north. the army had even acknowledged that there could be a sporadic rock and fire coming from the northern part of gaza in the days, weeks, and even months to come. additionally, how much does that cost samber gauge just within hours of these really military giving the statement beforehand, they had released fears, clashes, video,
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and images of this taking place and that the flash neighborhood in the north. so kind of contradicting what these really military has been saying, but the army spoke 1st and went on to say that they are now concentrating, they're fighting and trying to quote, deepen their achievements in the central and more southern parts of guys that were they believe there are still some us leaders in the underground tunnel network. additionally, what we do know is that the army and politicians alike have said that this war is going to take time and it's going to go well into the year 2024 us with that update for us. uh, the thank you. weekly demonstrations are taking sites and television against the government's handling of the board. gaza protests is having quoting on these very government to bring a ho remaining captive held by how much around 70 h as rarely send people holding. do nationality were released during a cease finally ended on december,
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the 1st us secretary state antony blinking is on his way to jordan. this part of is the latest mid least tool link and the rising crates off. the talks with the president would ship to have and wanting to keep. it says, 4th visit to the region since the war one goes to beginning of tape. but he says the talks are aimed at preventing the situation from escalating further. as we said from day one, we have an intense focus on preventing this complex reading. and a big part of the conversations will be having over the coming days with all of our all as partners is looking at the steps that they can say. using the influence and size because they have to do just that to make sure that this conflict doesn't suppress. second, we'll be looking at what we can do to maximize the protection for civilians maximize the amount of trade assistance getting into them. uh,
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and also to get possibly just out of guys the situation for men, women, and children in gaza remains dire. so the head hair on al jazeera tax on holding stations and the train set on find out what's fusing violence in bangladesh . a before the election. the hey there foggins about continues to be a big issue from ne spock as don through the north indian plain stretching into duck on in bunker dash that's a distance of more than 2000 kilometers. and at one point on saturday, doc had the world's worst air quality, but let's talk about their showers and storms for that. southeast corner of india, 2nd, highest level alerts issued here for just how bad it will be. so we did talk about
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the fog and small in august on here's that cold snap and punch up probably in small pond, just 11 degrees for you on sunday there's been some snow for the northwest mountains or below just storm. we've got some snow coming for the mountains of afghanistan as well, over the course of the weekend to southeast asia. we go the monsoon rains, taking a bit of a law so you know, for the philippines, not bad in terms of that rain. we've had some hot nights in salvo city, 2627. good enough to set a record for the month of january. rain coming through, you know, and gwen g and fish one provinces in china's it's going to help freshen up the air here. also been dealing with fogging small, again, with cool air running over the worn sea surface here that will give us the effect. so for the western side of japan and quite a bit of rain about a 100 millimeters in 24 hours in jakarta. so that led to some flooding, but i think the problem spot will be central drop on sunday. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the thing i was is here, it reminds the,
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all the headlines at least 22 people have been killed in israel. so they to strikes on guns. the southern city of con, unice has been on the, has the foaming many people have headed to trying to escape a tax as well as a war on gaza has created a humanitarian catastrophe. so it's 2300000 residents. you and agencies a warning that off the strips, populations at risk of salvation. israel's ministry surface forces has to finish dismantling her masses minutes reframe. i can move in concept spokes one, announce that thousands of for mass fonts is helping children in the strange sense of the type of standards. a millions of orthodox christians around the world. us celebrating christmas festivities on use it in bethlehem, having occupied westbank that needs to be the beth face of jesus christ. this christmas message. the patio cove just been kind of started in june and expressed pain. and sorry about does that go for this?
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the 3rd stage, national community to intervene. these abraham has been to bessie and brings us this report to follow that or you saw yours. this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of the tv and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration. like about 9 families and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the people and people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism,
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especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the church has not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded and many people around it's like a full of life. joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate. but 2 more churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's were on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one christian family leaving is one to many. maine kept good news. this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. at 5 uncles left after 1948 by her brother after to the 1st for the city and uprising. her 2 sons after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from boca patients. i like my children to be around me,
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but i have also because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation or life in a bunch of things but or was afraid on the check. far as the work, no security, no nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread hope in the method of darkness. that but he address either bethlehem he occupied the west bank. christmas has been separated twice in ukraine. the country adopted the new official canada, which means some people observed before the day on december 25th presidents. the master lensky signed off on the date change because ukrainian orthodox church has been accused of having ties with the russian church,
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and many ukrainians haven't accepted the changes i made down to mont christmas. this sunday, as the bank has worn out from keith of the 2 charges one country, but 2 different dates for christmas. it's not just a religious difference in ukraine, it's become a political one. the ukranian orthodox to it has been accused of having links to moscow. accusations it denies which when you create officially celebrated christmas on december 25th last year, it was why do you seen snuff to moscow? and this church was put into the spotlight into many ukrainian celebrate christmas on january 7th. we celebrate according to the julian calendar, and it's been like that for a 1000 to years. we, i'm not going to switch to a new start. this kind of that is used by george and joe, isn't them? so it'd be in and russian church the shuttle even the service. and so i just kind of got an old russian orthodox church, is kind of got the services in ukraine. and we also make
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a game if they had been any political pressure. no, but have no comment. some however, i'm white spoken against the official change of dates. i'm not sure which dividing us this is bullying at the state scale in a time of what we should be together. the chief wanted to unite the country on one day to at the same time a sending us enough to moscow presidency. let us give us to show you up on the western rules that he's country is very much your opinion on western changing the officials date of christmas to the 25th of december. it was in part to display that . but not everyone here is following suit. and there are divisions on the banks of the freezing cold denny for river. they are commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. but for those to celebrate christmas in december, today's date has come out of youth and previous yes. uh bought october the for
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those, when did people have switched to renew calander reset oil change? is it many continued to live in the old of bass looking into liberated christmas in january. i celebrate that on page 2 fifths, and to day for me, is to commemorate the baptism for those are to be pregnant. still, i closed with russia. and although keith wanted to unite the country and distance itself from proceed prussian traditions, the divisions were deepest in a difference in religious states. i said big i did 0. keith pose of open st. binds a dash. the general election is being boycotted by the may no position putting it claims. there is no guarantee of fairness. father inspect calvin, the evils the election. at least 4 people were killed off or suspected osler tackle a passenger train, several potent through civil se being set on fire in the hills during the hall is in the capital con. uh so uh, a pause of just opened china in
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a somewhat unusual direction, isn't it tony? one side taking thought of the yes, that's right. and despite plenty of instances of pre election violence, as you mentioned there, including the last 12 hours more than 20 public stations reported to of being such a like the falls on i'll open in the past 20 minutes. also 42000 precincts, 299 at parliamentary constituencies ready to welcome some 119000000 registered voters. but the big question is not who were winning here. but more how many of those voters would in fact turn out to take part because as you say, the opposition finds a different options. parties boycotting, this poll, insisting the whole process is written, saying that more than 20000 of the supporters have been arrested in detain. charged with preventing violence on the streets of the run up to the election. they want the resignation. the problem is to shake. i've seen a, uh,
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a want me leave party in power since 2009 says it's done absolutely nothing to repeat anybody's involvement. in this election, they insist that it will be a credible process so that they are in the measure really of judging that becomes a turn out in a process that frankly looks anything but democratically credible. so overall, then what's that steak in this, in ex, as well, in terms of turning out, 1st of all, let me say that the bangladesh of the policy has boy called to 2 of the past 3 elections in this country. previously, it was a tactic used by the want me leave themselves when the b and p was in power back in 1996 politics theater. possible between these 2 sides, these 2 political tennessee, the dates back to independence from pockets on, in 1971. and each time this being one of these blackouts, turnouts has been extremely low. people wondering perhaps on surprise, any one on this is the point that i can tell you that's here. we've seen only
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a handful of voters in the last 20 minutes or so. since poll a pulse of what's at stake. you oswell. the stability, of course, of the south asian nation of a 170000000, the world's 2nd largest government manufacturer. and as well as that, the potentially further slide of democratic values in the region in which india and china advised for influence of the country in which international rights group say is a serial abuser of rights, no matter which side is in power turn. how, thanks so much indeed south korea's capital city is testing a new service to one of its busiest subway stations. for interest. you can interpret several different languages in their real time using ai technology, obviously, or is eunice kim has more now from so what? the subway station here and saw where a new ai in naples service window has been installed. it's able to facilitate
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simple exchanges and 12 different languages excluding korean. let's go check it out . hello, where is the nearest bathroom? from here? the system translates to speech to text in near time on the screen. i don't know if you look to the right you'll find the bathrooms. the station master provides an answer in korean, which is translated into the inquiries language. the station was selected as a test bed, as it's most frequented by foreign passengers. of all metro station says just it will be no one, but it's always nice when approached by a phone visitor in the past, i'd become frozen with fear because i don't know how to speak their language. now i have confidence that i can provide friendly and accurate information. thanks to this new system. i'm very pleased with us. we're still at all the a as the so we're under go 4 months of testing before being rolled out. more subway stops across sol. possibly, on smartphones as well. meanwhile, cell 3 is electronic giants comes from, says it will roll out it's and that's the series of galaxy smartphones with
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a built in a translation service. and yet another example of how artificial intelligence is being folded into our daily lives unit skim all to 0. so $171.00. boeing passenger of pain. so being grounded around the world, after tapping door blew out while an alaska airlines flight was in mid to the boeing at 737 max 9 had to make an emergency landing. and the bunker reports the. c the frantic distress calls from the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world. at 16000 feet,
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maybe 5000 meters. it couldn't be much,


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