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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST

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is pre election violence will intensify off to it's joe know how to 0 duck. a fire has in gold, hundreds of makeshift homes in april hanging, a refugee camp in bangladesh, leaving thousands homeless fi units brought the blaze under control and say they were no casualties. and those i, she's home till around a 1000000 were hanging the refugees. many of them fled a military crack down in neighboring young more in 2017. so don, meanwhile, is now the country with the most displaced people in the world. the u. n says more than 7300000 people have been forced to flee since fighting broke out between the sudanese army and the power of military rapids support forces. 9 months ago, he but morgan has more from cartoon of the latest fighting was in the city of what method in which isn't gives it a states in central to them. in december that led to displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and west and parts of the country. many of them
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have already been displaced from the capital called to him escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their lives in the central part of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked. the city, forcing people to be displaced. once again, that was the united nation says that it's response is severely under funded that many people are in desperate need of some, any parent assistance, but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement of responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the humans refugee agency has been looted in the city of wouldn't make any that's a that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of wouldn't but then it into the other states and other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a no response and funding to the humanitarian crisis here. and the fact that agencies can reach many of the people this place is creating as many tearing prices . that agency says it trying to deal with. but as fighting continues and access
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remains and p did that is becoming very difficult. the spanish coast guard has rescued migrants and refugees. off the water is of the canary islands. authorities say a 132 people were brought to safety on the spanish territory near the west african coast. on sunday. local media reports 15, others made it to the islands without needing to be rescued. more than 56000 migrants entered spain by land and sea. last year. i and nice thing is phenomenology 0 as always more on our website at all, just air dot com, the very latest on all the developments in israel's for on cost that's coming up. next it's upfront. stay with us. the i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy,
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national security. this is a political em house. here's the conflict. are we telling a good story? we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's absolutely feel as if you were there after the october 7th, the tax israel vouch, eradicate from us. no, 2 months later we'll look into whether that objective is possible. that discussion is coming up with 1st since october, 7th, accusations of genocide and ethnic cleansing. i've been use to describe some of israel's and how much does action. but what do these terms actually meet? and how can they be applied in the current situation in israel and the occupied palestinian territory as well as the former and the 1st prosecutor of the international criminal port? it's we've headliner, luis what i know the luis moreno a couple. thank you so much for joining us on upfront. my pleasure. i mean, if,
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if anything was happening, how mazda is october 7th attack, and israel's subsequent bombardment of guys that i have both been met with accusations of genocide and ethnic cleansing and various other war crimes. but before we get into the specifics of these accusations, i wanted to ask you, if you could 1st sort of briefly define what constitutes a war crime. this was what crime that basically they find them by the geneva convention on now by the roman standards. and they basically, they are limits how solely is, could behave during the war. that is a war crime. then you have another type of crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, crimes against humanity. is it why spread the or systematic attack again disability and before they should? and that why that and how much is it comes again to my the but mean that issue on you got a specific crime general side general side is and i've talked this is
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a crime to destroy any religious or russian group. and i believe that that's important. because the general side is a convention and is the convention that is required in the states bought these to prevent genocide? that's why genocide. so impulse then, because it or lead crunch of these crimes that they have these obligation not just thought enough to meet the crimes that $153.00 states boxes of the genocide convention, including us and russia, an old, almost all of the countries who are committed to prevent and finally general side, that's why genocide is so important. how about ethnic cleansing? of some people have argued that what's happening as an ethnic cleansing? how do you define that? and the crazy, any driving you, i get by him. is it point and you can, i think, is a nice expression, but he's not the crime itself. any clean thing is
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a warning use to avoid it. can be find something that genocide. why? because you're to go in your state, you have us and you say is a general side. you have the new to do, but event you say is that the green thing? nothing happened is okay. so let's, let's talk about this idea of genocide. according to the palestinian health officials, as of this recording, israel has killed over 15000 palestinians around 40 percent of that number. are children, they bump hospitals, schools refugee camps is really armies, bolts person. daniel, how got it? in fact, openly admitted that the quote emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy. and of course, this is all in addition to israel preventing nearly all food from coming in all fuels from coming in. 1 people are given, this is a form of collective punishment. my question is, is there an actual genocide taking place?
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what, let me summarize at this time that should be reasonable to believe because they lo isn't. we are not in the courts of jack. this is where the funding so if i have percent you thought i thought the mitigation when they had to read through the base, it will be lead into how much if i conflict you have how much meeting war crimes including today the house budget, if it were crime, crimes against you, money. the and the crime company did it on october 7 in nearby i brought with the general side legal hammer having ventured to destroy e. riley's as a group, been evaluated. reaction is also include many crimes. it's complicated. it'd be 5 the war crimes because each moment being meet the, we evaluated. but there is something very clear that the siege of guy. so it says that he's 6, i mean, nation or persecution. i think i'm going to do many the on is a form of general side. i think the sick fee or to see that, you know,
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like i mentioned the fine that you will need to keep a paper document, general side, the road se inflicting conditions to instruct the group that itself is a general site. so creating the siege itself is a general set. i'm definitely very clear these riley, well this each is very clear. and the thing shown to this pro is that people, many offices from the government are expressing jeff, i that intentions. that why it is very easy to say. and the reason why i basically believe if i is coming to a genocide in guessing just on this each, then each bomb being each of the killings to be properly investigated. but come on, we have a really clear at this stage it says ease of genocide, and otherwise these states fire should not conform in the new general site.
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police you, you know, it talked about some mass also being engaged in war crimes. of course, on october 7th, they killed hundreds of israeli civilians and music festival. they've also kidnapped civilians. these included babies, children, the elderly, the disabled. i mean we can agree that pretty fashion. those are war crimes. know exactly how much of the 7, if the war crime be with us, i can see the lens is it comes going to mind the because he that is it. is it for that and back again. see, we can't, but who nation is it genocide, because the killings where it intended to destroy the group. and that's the general side. and that's why they october the set of tag, if it will crime is a good because we might have the i the generals i, i've been recently budgeted usually could you say that more about why this constitutes a genocide? i mean, some people have argued that they are engaged in an act of resistance intended not
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to destroy jewish people as an if needs to be nationality or race. but to defeat a nation state that is attempting to occupy them, they defeating an occupying power where i mean friends it because when i wasn't put together, i wasn't more than for 2 years in the body sign, ease, read conflict. that why it's so what i mean so painful to see what's happened today because it was a cold and i remember how much send to me at the professor working with them. and he happened to me that. com, i believe it just be but should not be in by this time it's not just about but texting godsa. how about believe this shouldn't be not jews in, in, in, by the time that why for them killing the jewish in in the is why it is. but it's is part of this tribe issues and, and that's it. and so it's a general side, because even if it is a, it's a, it's a dog. think you just tried to throw a group in this case that you're at least in by this, by. oh, okay. uh,
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how much charter uh, was updated as you know in 2017. this is an update from the 1988 charter. uh in in it uh they explicitly state how may i ask a firms that it's conflict with design is to project, not with the jews because of their religion. how math is not way to struggle against the jews because they are jewish, but wages the struggle against design is too occupied palestine. i'm not here to argue whether that's true or not. but if we were to assume that that were true for a moment with that, then notified the argument of genocide as a legal matter. when i say i am, is the stand the stand that it's, it's not the highest resort based to believe that this time that describes an investigation not going through with that's not enough for me. the journals i should be investigated indicates a harmless. maybe they adjusted maybe the now i'm not trying to god, but these have been found that they won't do this to kill these people to remove
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the spell that they eat, riley people from the land. so that he's for me, that provide recently basically believe that is a general site. i'm not saying it's a big shot because that's the point to convict. why don't think i'm gonna leave it for general side. you read it but, but try out. you need to offer the how much would either be up or do to explain his arguments and present evidence and then the judges to convict the princeton. we've got a hygienist done that they had to go to be under the dog started. that is high. this time that i like i'm talking about of the things i've always been wondering about is palestine is a member of the i see, see how mass could be prosecuted for we. busy crimes a under that premise, israel however, is not a signatory to the eyes. you see, and it has not ratified the rooms that you. so what jurisdiction does the isis you have to investigate and,
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or prosecute is really what the interaction going back or how stupid eviction in got set with the bank. and it's, it's all in that goes along, but office, drop it in my time. and in 2021. the court accepted. that's called the mitigation, helps happy mitigate, crowns coming to in got set with bank and it's still selling that mean any can go between these places for any purpose on could be mitigated by the shocking that got that the why is right committing crimes in got that could be mitigated by you guys are going to court and i would suggest for me, even so important what's happening. got that which is massive and what's happening with bank. they go to the west bank. if that's more in for that is, that means that security of a via and i'm a shock this mind, it is the meaning of security. the press always made difficulties read today. these
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that unfortunate rejected. he met the sold you because it was an extremist. is it mine who was investigate that convicted hates. so these mind, excuse me, to settle that is providing web up the set this up and running activities in with band field and they're going be that way for me in the same way. if so appealing on an offer what's happening? yes, i do think that with that in, in what value there's no more environment because these pets on the meat of security has in for that it's running web of the set that i mean, fact yeah, almost. i understand more than 200 people to so doesn't wait for me, i guess that is one offered scenario. but with buying it's a very important done. and you have to understand particular be of a sudden should it's a mark been clear in particular, be investigated for it for war crimes. me say give, it shouldn't be to get it. absolutely. yes. i'll put on the, on what he's doing by the weapons incentive. if he,
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in fact the incentive to violence, i read that he, he was using the police to, to crash the meeting of the family meeting with a those where liberated from jail. i know so that the information they are now aside beeping and got the right to him in west bank. so all of these activities should be mitigated and prevented us stop it. in march 2023, the is the issued interest warrant for russian president vladimir putin. russia, however, is not a signatory to the court. and aside from the warrant, restricting fruitless travel, the countries that are signatories is basically faced no consequences. so can we isis, they really do anything to prosecute. non members, can anything actually be enforced of what you got on this time didn't force many of the core decisions on the device you're getting that conversation is in the hands of the states. so, but if the input thing was invited, i know no one is actually dental ref. he mouth, he couldn't,
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he got to stop flying to south side for a guy or going to breast city because he said as of advocate, could that rescue him? and in fact, that's how big was present, but she's when i am diversity. and by super general side is he went to the show, he's pretty. but he had this case because a judge of i was, i think i ordered the redskins. so they had a resting, if they must come to get thing. but as we get, the 1st question was kind of just investigated? was bank crimes, as of the yes. got it kind of in the i'd be the opposite. the yes i read thing is a different matter, but my point is i just is doing what is to do and is very important. but keeping a little is it a lot of the thoughts can not be that further thoughts. so with that or they feel we are lacking is the commitment of the dimension of the community into the bigger states to, to make it right. how about sort of pick the little look? said september at the un, my a sort of on provincial, a general side,
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the side of that think about 5 genocide ongoing in 2 months. so that's why they probably today this day the states have know the respect and the boundaries. and we can see really say shouldn't we're not just giving individuals they can guess at on west bang for an in, in, in a menu. we're kidding, sanitation. and why not just about ease, riley's or on a means or about a full be bill or the degree between c a, b, or dropping? yeah, in, in me a model, it's about 3 minutes. asian, we're going to faster. so it's time to change the game when he leave it, it's not just a blessing to the judges. luis moreno a couple of thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you. the one of israel's responses to the october 7th. the tax was to promise to permanently destroy from us nearly 2 months after
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the attacks. the group that has ruled guys and for the last 16 years still seems to control large parts of the enclave. and some are questioning whether israel's goal is even achievable. and if i'm asked, would it be toppled? the question remains. whitfield, the power back you joining us to discuss this is deanna. bluetooth is around the low base lawyer and former spokes person with the palestine liberation organization and highland. i'm getting the senior fellow at the middle east institute in washington dc. i wanna thank you both for joining me today. then i'm going to start with you since october 7th, israel has consistently reiterated about to destroy from us. it's estimated that from us has 30000 fighters at least, uh, and by these really armies own records in its own account. the air strikes me attacks of killed somewhere around $1.00 to 2000 have mass fighters, given the level of destruction that we see so far a given the current situation on the ground is a military victory for is really impossible. you know, but that's not what they watch it from the beginning mark their idea of destroy him
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. us is code for destroyed casa, and anybody who's been watching those knows that this is what exactly what is real means. and that's why you see that the vast majority, 62 percent of those have been killed, are pulse any and children under the age of 18 and women. and so all along with their attempt has never been to destroy him, ask because they know that that's not achievable. and this is not just a minutes. it's not just a political parties, and it's an ideology as well. but instead it was code for destroy garza and that's exactly what it is that they're doing. but that's an important point valid. and it's something that the very famous for now they've been posted in historian on a sheet of valid. he said, he said, then i quote, a mass will remain as a political force whether these really is occupied guys, or leave destroy from mass as a political institution destroying her mass as an idea is impossible, right? but why? well, the, the idea of how mass, of course is how much does the site make resistance movements are they haven't
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assignments, id, ology, but their primary focus is resistance resisting occupation, refreshing a by, by israel. and so you'd expect that when you have a system of structural violence like an occupation which can only be maintained through a through violence, you're going to get violent forms of resistance. and that's, that's an you never ability. if it wasn't called how much that would be called something else, and it would be, have more or less the same way because those are the conditions that palestinians live under. that that's an important point. deanna and, and i get that at the philosophical level, but there's also a political question, very practical political question that we also have to ask, which is, uh, is there another party right now that could step into govern. even if a mouse were to be defeated and i ask that question more to get a sense of what's going on on the, on the ground and what the, what the kind of political climate is. so i'm trying to get
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a sense of sort of what the possibilities are as well. that's a great question mark. the, the, the problem is that there is no political party that's going to come in on the back of it is really tags. in other words, they're not going to come in and take over and rule or do anything. and garza based on what is the destruction that israel has huge on, on the gaza strip. and so instead, the question that we should be asking ourselves is, what comes afterwards that palestinians end up deciding not whether it is the united states deciding or israel deciding. but what is it that palestinians want? will it be how much? maybe, maybe they want out. it's not entirely clear, but whatever it is which ever group it is. however, groups may be more than one group. it has to be posted in lab and not american driven, or is rarely driven or even internationally driven capacity, palestinians to finally get the ability to choose how it is that they want to live in the end and not based on is really dictates,
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given what you've seen in which you're hearing a has come, i've seen a loss of support on the ground, given the destruction that we've seen at the hands of use really government given the fact that some argue that you know, some of it was foreseeable, has almost lost support. you know what the opposite customer needs know? who's dropping the bomb? so we know that it is israel who's dropping the blogs and it's not how may i ask who's dropping your bones? and if anything people are saying that they're supportive of the resistance, that is the resistance, that's the only thing coming in the way between a, between israel and the complete destruction of the past and people are complete annihilation. why did they say that? because on october 6th, as you'll recall, the day before, there was nobody ever talking about about liberating health. so, and in fact, the diplomatic community had dropped the issue so much so that, that everything that is real was doing was, was barely met with something called great concern on the part of the international
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community. if the choice was to die a very slow to where nobody is watching, which is what these relatives wanted to do, or to push back and to have at least the world recognized the mortality of these really machine product to. yeah, i mean, i think a, you know, i actually have a slightly different take i, i think israel is trying to destroy some us. i think they think that they can destroy on us. um it, and it comes from a, this, this notion like all colonial powers. they don't fully appreciate the grievances, they don't recognize the grievances of the people that they occupier rollover. and so they see palestinian politics is sort of an artificial construction. and, and these groups can be excised uh, in the same way that they were, that they think that they were created. so they can be surgically removed from front of the other being so high, non surgical in their and their doctor obviously makes sense. so what would you,
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would you say that then the palestinian people, the children who are dying, the hospitals that are being brought up to sort of collateral damage that they're willing to accept or, or is it a both and situation with when they destroy from us and they want to destroy the gods history. i think it's about, i think they want to destroy from us and the gaza strip. i think they are operating on the basis of rage and revenge. still. it now, more than a week's in that has been to the primary motivator. so much so that they've given a barely any thought at all to what comes next. and we know what happens when you have a security vacuum and the governance vacuum. you get, you get violent groups of fill that void, you get a extremists, you get more radicalization. so it's not only in a humane the way it is 0 is conducting itself. it's actually quite stupid. if they care at all about their own security because it,
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it absolutely will come back to haunt them. to help me think about what the future looks like for palestinians. and as the associated press reporting that israel's offensive is turn the area into a quote on inhabitable moons scape, the u. n. estimates that 1.7 is a standing number to me. 1.7000000 palestinians. and guys that are newly homeless, even if a permanent ceasefire, would it be put in place today at this very moment to borrow the words one guys, and professor people have nothing to return to the next i've been mentioning the psychological impact that a siege has had and a complete see just having right now on the, on the people of guys that of what it will it take to rebuild. it will take more time and money and effort than anything we've ever seen in the context of the occupied palestinian territory. israel's actions are moving in
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a certain direction. they are moving toward the permanent displacement of that 1600000 palestinians. it said that it's impossible for them to remain in the south of gaza forever. right. it's just too crowded and, and there are no services. and so i think very much, uh the, the ultimate goal is to push them out of gaza. and that's where the real danger is . daniel, what do you say? what does it take to rebuild as a and also who's responsible for doing it? who should be paying is israel, who's gonna end up probably paying will end up being likely the europeans. uh, but who should be actually physically doing it is how sydney is wanting to rebuild our own places in space. ringback but what will god look like afterwards that this is the question that keeps many of us up at night, because we haven't seen the end of this. i remember a few weeks ago on your show, i think was 7 weeks ago on your show. you had daniel yolanda on the show who very clearly stated that house and should be moved into the egyptian side opposite
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peninsula. in other words, what they are looking for is ethnic cleansing. they want to get rid of palestinians, but i do want to address something about the destruction of having us. i think that israel knows very well that it can't destroy from us. they're not looking for security. they're not looking for it at all. if they were the formulas there, but it's dead, they looking costly to perpetuate this so that it creates this mindset inside israel. that they're, that they're not say and increase the mindset in the outer world that they're not save as well. and therefore, more money flows, more security, more weapons, and so on. i think it's real noticeable, well, but it's what it's doing and it no spell well that it cannot just recognize that this is simply code for destroying garza destroying how students enforcing is released forever. live under, under the guns that have to be our last word data, both to thank you so much for joining us. kind of that i'm going to thank you so much for joining us as well. everybody that is our show upfront. we'll be back
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the, the one, the, the, the the, the, the, the, the, the
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telephone go down. the i have the right, the boycott. anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people who called lowe's for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can't support that one on which is era. frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions,
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the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the, a phase rel, assassinate certain lives. how does that, how that do in and as strike, he was a son of algebra, is guys a bureau chief while a 2nd gen this was also killed in that strike mustafah to ryan was for actions. right? so you're watching out your 0 life from don't have with me for the executable.


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