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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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foamed opinion, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children. inside story on al jazeera, the israel assassinated, stirring list comes out of the 2 and then as strikes, he was a son of alger 0. his guys, a bureau chief, while a 2nd during this was also killed in that strike. most taffeta ryan was for actions, right? so you're watching out your 0 live from do have with me for these back. people also coming up the pain and anguish for one family in
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the occupied westbank. where is really rates have killed for practice and do not even use bangladesh as prime minister. she has seen a wings of 4 consecutive time and need election void caught by the office. the alj a 0 has condemned in the strongest terms. israel is the assassination of john list homes out to the front of our guys, a bureau chief. why allowed us to list killed and then is there any attack on his call me a can eunice, if he gen this most of a to why i was killed alongside him? i'm some home, it begins coverage. he was one of the rising stars in god's us media world. and the eldest son of a 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most well known journalist in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone up to document of the most of these really talk in cells on cause. but
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the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report. now that's on, on the, i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say? may god the almighty give us strength, give us comfort, give us patients and may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on. for the sake of homes us, and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter, and grandson. well, we'll keep it on his riley strike when the house last month he was injured in and is really a textbook. kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if it's time, so it's me and he wanted me to reports and he wanted all of,
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oh it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son, and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives and if be generally small stuff, a fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generous of been killed since is there as well. and because the started lead october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences, the terms of just how jesse or media network has
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issued a statement strongly condemning israel is targeting of janice. it says the assassination of most stuff in homes. i'll just hear a corresponding twilight of that. those son, whilst they were on their way to carry out their duty in the gaza strip, reaffirms the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity. these are in the occupation forces of systematically targeted our economy while i was i to and his family killing his wife, son, daughter, and grandson 8 october 2023. while and his colleague the last time the apple duyka cameron. and what also targeted in december of 2023. we are the international criminal court. the government's and human rights organizations and the united nations to hold israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demand an end to the targeting and killing of jealous alger 0 pledges to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity. and support
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with all jealous sin gossip correspondent diary god was almost spoke to us about during this holmes. i have doctor's work in the gaza strip. us. i'm just, father was his role model of life as he was doing his best in order to please his parents and to be the backbone of his family members, especially after the death of his mother and alongside with 2 of his brothers and sisters. and this is the fact that i'm, that was very close to his father while at that door, he's like a shadow for his father who was trying move the time to learn from his experience and to listen and all the values that his father had obtained. since to dictate of us the serving in the field of journalism and how he would be one day, i would like his father like simply comes, it was very dedicated doing a list who was very keen and filming, and recording everything that's happening inside gauze. as you, as you can follow his and instagram platform,
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he was very also careful in delivering over details about the latest that tags on say, 2 or 3. i'm from the humanitarian side terms that was very down to us person who was always of a cheerful and trying to spread happen to someone cuz of clean then. but then thing hoping, taken to hots in terms of the end of the one to return back again to gorgeous trip and rebuild what has been destroyed by the military. the i today how is that has been killed by these very drones attacks, and this is not the 1st attack that had been carried up, i guess, shown the list or also ideas of the family. these, these are the said attack against them. and this time comes, i was the victim as doing a list inside cause i consider it to be illegal to august for these very minute change. we have a very strong and fun person. the relationship as we have been spending times before the reps end of this round of fighting. and also we have been exchanging a speech and the ongoing attacks, of course, because it just,
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just the day we was standing together talking about the day when we returned back again to gauze on who was asking about the times that this will might be. and that trying to tell him that the situation might be, are these collated within the coming days as a hope that we can plan to the hops of people here in the territory. just all you remember the last what that he said to me and the last sentence. he said that any person values now he will just be the winner of this were only 2 or 3 as the situation off to the were will be completely unbearable. and we didn't know that he will be the next one who will be killed. so literally, he was a very dedicated person professional his work. and today he had, he had been killed as, as he was doing his job to leslie, to let the he did the sound of an old. the images inside the gaza strip could be overseen by the international community. and people are worldwide all these really res, across guys, i have killed at least
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a 115 people in the last they homes and refugee camps across con eunice and down the line with targeted children are among the casualties. honey, my move to reports in the wake of these regular striking rough people are sifting through the breeze that once was their home. oh my quote, total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of them who mourn the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed trying to escape the violence law. the walsh, all my family has to be completely wiped out from the civil registrar. again. no one has no child. no woman doesn't hugs you. not a young 14 old person survivor. all of them are gone. no, no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside the house, i would have died. but i slept outside of many victims, remained trapped under the roof is really operations of from both
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air and land. a ravishing central and southern gospel here, more casualties keep arriving. and they are really struggling hospitals in there. and about us in one unit, non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilian despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done pretty high last little enough is the else is left and goes to the pushing us into a corner and that will we be at the end? where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes, even if we have to eat good and does not since will you know that i had the you have to have the caps me. a. this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crisis
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in southern guns. many people including women and children, form long accused, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day. but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. honey, my mode via the dropbox garza 3 is really government ministers have refused to take part in sundays. weekly cabinet meeting as division. scroll over the war on gaza. it comes off to is really media reported that the war cabinet meeting on thursday descended into chaos and yelling. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is urging unit t, saying they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war. let's get the latest on this with laura con. who's in occupied is jerusalem for us. so do we know nora who boycotted this meeting and why as well by any chance was made present to the boy cottage and the 2 members of all his
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policy refused to attend as well. one of those as a member of the will cabinet, they cited the bed not going to be discussing the conduct of war during this covenant meeting. so therefore there's no point in going, but this is really important to say it's off the back of the meeting that was held last week, or the security cabinet may say which defended into chaos mudslinging and it was guns who jumped to the defense old house. we'll have a be his chief of stuff, all these right. the only as the far right. count. who are members of nothing. yeah . who's government weren't happy that he was holding a prize into the is ready on the conduct during the october 7th. how much offensive so they wanted to see the security at sailings bought an internal pro? no any. would they not happy with that but also who they chose to be part of the investigation? no guns just put full blame on destiny all. who for the big for me out in that nice thing. so it's very clear as to why he doesn't want to get to the next may say. so
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it's all says, is off fall a ride to feed at using some very incendiary language when it comes to golf, so that thing 20 to the emigration, the volunteer immigration, all posting is from casa to leave. i'm just desktops that 2 months left to be as ready, president to go to the american press. i say this isn't these ready line, but most people don't agree with this. so this is really not any showing disunity, but some big cracks. and lo and, and it's really politics and so what is 5 minutes and a half hours saying about these cracks, nor as well. he's been using the same rhetoric over and over again. he's cooling the unity. he says that onto clocks he wants, then he's got so you can join in the phone and says, you know, during the war on garza, it is important to maintain the same stones, but he is under a huge amount of pressure at the moment. they have been ongoing protest happening,
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intel of the some interest, but it will still sit with families. all the is ready at a sorry of the attempt is being held and going to about the rhetoric has the now shifting to was calling for. as for nothing yahoo to step down at this also be a con is right, bull costing poll held that saying that the majority of people not want against empower and not nothing. yahoo! we have to remember the nursing, you know, who's also facing charges of bribery and corruption. he doesn't have to attend the child at the moment while the war is going on. but certainly something he's going to have to face off to what. so there is a huge amount of pressure leveled out him. a gun says he's not interested in unity . nothing else who is reiteration, domestic that rhetoric the absolutely he is nor i thank you very much for that nor con, revolting. the line from occupied east jerusalem. us secretary of state and to me, blinking is now in the united arab emirates south holding talk soon contact about
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the war on gaza history. set palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to leave the strip. blinking also said he'll raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel later this week. i'll just here is hash him i had barbara has this update from the i just after the join price conference ended . secretary blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of i of what could be unexpended confrontation, how get over. the reason of this explains exactly why he said this is a moment of profound tension and that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the attention does not spread. now, when you look at the optics of the press conference, the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an
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extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with a life such as cut off to ensure that these riley captive released. and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown mer to confrontation, sale head on algebra, 0 divided in festivities. find out why orthodox ukrainians are celebrating christmas on 2 different dates, the
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hello, whether as long as you set fire across the middle east. uh, quite a brisk wind blowing across the gulf at the moment, but that move is off and you can see essentially cliffs cause you might catch a shout to just around the eastern side all by mont of charles, have one or 2 showers the into afghanistan and the shifting the way for the race for so rolling into pakistan. otherwise, it really is the case of more of the same 23 celsius a tree, 23 here in doha. then high for the next couple of days to me and after some snow. meanwhile, across the pots with ducky either the next day or so, what's the weather sliding its way in here? the eastern side of the med will stay dry for the time being costs around 21 celsius falls off. little as we go one and to choose diamond, plenty of shy with them. they will time wintry over the high ground stuckey as we go on. 3, choose that west to weather event, pushing across cyprus, towards syria, and 11 and sight. mary, reflect whatever effect in the final set of africa. so ne,
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in positive algeria pushing across the tune. this. yeah, that a side does, that allows you dry. quite a brief squint, that you noticed a tiny, a shout was. meanwhile, across the heart of africa, the seasonal storms. i continued to rumble away as though some fritchie went by the for the eastern side of south africa. the president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. the us is always of inside 50 for the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just do this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the
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the welcome back. our top stories of this, our alger 0 has condemned in the strongest terms. israel is assassination of john. this comes out to the son of a guys of your a chief. while his call was directory, hit him con eunice if feature and this will stop. that's why it was also killed immense rank. is there any error rates across the guys a strip of kills at least a $113.00 people in the last 24 hours homes in refugee camps across con eunice and they're all by law were targeted. and the us secretary of state antony blinking, his trust that palestinians must be able to return home and not pressured to these guys. he made the comment swan indo high on his 5th tour of the region. lincoln
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said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in guys on when he visits fits business. israel later this week now policy and toddler has been killed after an incident involving is really forces in the occupied westbank. is there any police say they were responding to a call? we tried to run people over at the bus be to check point the 3 year old toddler was shot dead as is really forces fide at the drive of the vehicle to is really offices were injured in the ron me, us. and is there any forces of rated the city over my lot, the base of the palestinian authority in the occupied westbank. they arrested 3 palestinian medical officials. they occupied westbank and seen a surgeon vine and sand rest since his roswell on guys have begun. on sundays 7 palestinians were killed in a drone strike on the city of jeanine. 4 of them were brothers, mamma jump. joan has more mother in anguish
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of the 7 palestinian men killed early sunday by and is really droned strike. 4 of them were brothers in an instant. if the sound that we should sons, we're going to go visual, had you when we speak just hours later, grief is etched all over her face a model for the money and it showed it help chose good because everybody knows it. so it is about terrorism. they want to can old palestinian people. they don't want to spare anyone. they want to annihilate the palestinian people, whether they are young civilians or fighters gotten with the new you can call me. even before she lost her children. if this sounds and ease was growing in a quick look in his minds, i was worried every time they'd go to their name that they might get killed every time. but i never expected to lose them all at once. the error striked that killed
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her boys was carried out in the aftermath of an is really army rate into jeanine. during that raid, a female israeli soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device went off. palestinian armed group, jeanine brigades, claimed responsibility. people we spoke with say, when is really army vehicles left the city at around 5 in the morning, several palestinian men including the 4 brothers, were standing in this round about they told us all the men were civilians, but that some of them threw rocks and pipe bonds towards the outgoing soldiers rates of this nature and janine are not uncommon. they were already in your daily occurrence even before october 7. what's far less common is the number of casualties and the impact it's had on one, extend a fan of the nozzler connection on the coffee shop across from the attack site. his son, so hype, often works alongside him,
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didn't know sources today. everything changed. it showed the factual 5 and then what a month ago. so i'm still trembling. i'm scared. i'm scared for my children and stuff . what if anything can happen to them a shabby, i mean, not even want to go to the company where i just, you know, i and she has a sense of dread. many here feel will only deepen how much i'm doing. but just either, janine, this is really a strike has hates a house in the village area of the giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gaza. at least 60 people were killed, most square women and children. an us al sharif was at the scene, has elements daily i looked over as well come up on this house, which is owned by the elbow family. it was directly targeted by an occupation aircraft without any prior warnings, even though it was inhabitants. we had to have them on the phone and come on sharing the destruction caused by the air strike was massive. and as you can see
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how adjacent houses were also affected by the air strikes nationally and intelligent siemens, the we're inside the house of the apple elbow family, which was struck by enemy aircraft last night who there were many civilians including women and children inside the house. and you can see here the large number of family members were killed as a result in the air strike. nephew, just these people were refugees. and you can see the dead children on the floor. and the other one, the number that i have, i don't, these are the ones that go to the right of the all new tag. it's really on how the only time i get this all the know, i mean, we were sleeping sound. suddenly we heard something full on top of our heads without warning. we were sleeping soundly. all of his 22 men. 18 is to the women inside the house. while we were arrested in suff dial we last friday. the women were told to move to jamalia, all the men would take into the can. do then brought us here now underway. let us
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out to the truck to sift all we round about. told us to go to jamalia. we came here to jamalia. it was, they told us to come here. this is my brother and his son, you the, my sister and her son, their entire family, my mother and father, they all hear my cousin this know there were 3 families here. so it was you did look at this, look at this, this is a child, i forget, nothing to do with it. the organization this is ever came little how may god have mercy on his own toner. and then we're now trying to move to other parts of the house and there are large numbers of dead everywhere in the house. and we will try to reach them again, even though the area is quite treacherous in the we can see here the foot of one of the dead. he was torn to pieces. oh and it's impossible to pull them out. we also have a large number of debt on this floor. they're everywhere and i'm sure they're a dead on every floor. nobody survived the massacre and nobody in the house survived. the strike that was carried out by the occupation aircraft. we will still
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have large numbers of civilians. here under the rubble, i'm sure you've got all shamella and hundreds of professors have attended the march in downtown toronto in support of thomas city ends in gaza. demonstrators in canada is launch a city call for an end to the siege on gas. 22835 policy needs have been killed since october. the 7th. many western cities have seen regular demonstrations calling for an end to his rascal involvement of the besieged territory. all the . let's take a look at some of the days having news now and bangladesh has prime minister. she has seen a has won a 4th consecutive time after the main opposition party and it's all eyes boy cottage sunday's post election commission says she secured an absolute majority,
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but it says only about 40 percent of voters cast their ballots. the opposition has call for protest saying the election is a shame that is go live to, i'll just here is doing a whole losing doc of for us. so during the 1st of all, how credible is this result? the well credible, certainly in one sense it was the only possible result of this election given the circumstances to consider the circumstances being at large the uncontested faith. in fact, critics would say an entirely uncontested vote. independent candidates on the ballot. smaller parties on the balance of the government has pointed to as evidence of morality and the system. critics would say already that i lied to the governing, allow me for drawing directly from its rank since i as a result of a, of a democratic contest, not credible at tools. i remember that check to see that when she was at the polling station on sunday said that it was for the public to decide on the
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credibility of this ballot at by showing their numbers at turning out to vote. see, may turn out the benchmark measure of credibility. well in that sense, the official turn up is put it around 40 percent. that's pretty low. it's also pretty curious, given that just an hour before post clothes, the election commission said to not was around 27 percent. either way, way you look at it 5 that measure by the problem this is own measure the election for sure. so what will another 10 for she has seen and looked like for bangladesh of the what is that false consecutive to and the 5th overall of course. and it has to be said that in the last 15 years shakes, i've seen that has presided over directly the economic growth in this country. one of the forest, of course, in the world has had high a growth because until recently, even then india in this region, a big investment does come with that growth. big infrastructure projects for the 5000000 people according to the will bank lifted out of poverty at the economy on
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the buffers. now that was hit by the pandemic and a global slow down off through which they were forced into an. 4 m s a say laugh just a month ago that we have for the prime ministers ability to appease people suffering, a cost of living prices, high inflation here and so on. ultimately it goes to them to see governs. now a potty country bitterly divided at tens of thousands by the offices in counts of opponents in jail. here many people they want to political change, denied it at the ballot box. few people expect political defense to mess and moving forward. in fact, many via political violence will only grow during the thank you for the update during the whole lives there. in the back of us defense secretary lloyd austin remains hospitalized after post surgery complications. on monday, austin is facing criticism for failing to disclose his hospitalization and inability to perform his duties. according to us media. it took days for the white
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house to be informed in the statement austin recognize that he'd failed to appropriately inform the public. the 70 owl visit a contact on rain and israel last month for talks on the one guys or the pentagon says they don't have a specific date for his return, a sprains coast guard has rescued migraines and refugees. off the water is of the canary islands. authorities say a 132 people were brought to safety on the spanish territory near the west african coast. on sunday. local media reports 50 of us made it to the islands without needing to be rescued. more than 56000 migrants entered spain by land and sea. last year. you corinthians have been celebrating christmas for a 2nd time this holiday season. the government change the official date of december 25th from most traditional january 7th date, but not everyone agrees with that change, which is why be seen as a snap to moscow. opinions are divided over the move away from the orthodox
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candidate. i thought vaguely for some case the church bells on the front of the christmas morning. except this isn't december 25th. the official christmas not recognized by the keep government is january 7th. the christmas traditionally celebrate kids, but do create an orthodox church. according to the julian calendar, we are orthodox and ukraine. we celebrate to day and we continue to do it. i think those who said a break to the christmas on the 25th has my grandmother used to say yes, everyone goes crazy. and the only inside the cataract price in the russian language, the church has been accused of having ties to moscow.


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