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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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are coming on all just in other settled time upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is as cool. thanks. 3 question, question 5 upfront on how to 0? the the lower kyle: this is to use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a senior has will come on the is killed in his writing strike and sell them that. but on raising concerns of why the regional conflicts too dangerous to stay don't says patients and age groups forced to leave on it because of loss functioning for adults as fighting moves closer, the sirens had
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in tennessee. this time us was a barrage of all kids from gauze 5 for 3. we have ignition trouble for the 1st at the us land and more than 50 is it makes its way to the news. so you begin in southern lebanon, where a high level has blo, come on, that has been assassinated and is really strike with them all to well known as jawad was killed when israel targeted the cause, but he was traveling and it comes less than a week of trustee me, a hamas leader was killed in a strike in bed root. meanwhile in gaza, the middle tree is forming central and stuff in areas i likes the hospital in the center of the strip has been overwhelmed by the number of dead and the engine 23080
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full pallets today and i've been killed since october. the 7th to and then just the past few hours, walk at 5 and so have been hug in tel aviv and all the cities and central as well. that's off to how my says it, 5 a barrage of rockets from god's them. bringing more on these rockets and just a moment. but 1st the assassination of the top has bullet come on to iran. con begins coverage from april el psyche in southern lebanon. around 11 am, locate time and is really drawing start kids the car, traveling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside 11. these territory has bullet, has confirmed a senior fuel combined with the elite of lawn force, was killed with some odds wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock. i'm on that note. i have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the
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assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week is death will be blown to as below the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter, and as well as supposes of shed pictures across social media of him, we've seen you come on, has some show him with cost him. so the money, the lead, the ronnie and all goods for us who was killed in the us started strike 4 years ago is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task palmer and a message to his riley's living place to live in the, of course we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with, we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those comments coming as international diplomacy is
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in full swing to stop and it will that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute in both the area the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday. and also this week, a top of the diplomat from the united states amos hosting also arrives now he was in israel last week. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory and paused the tony river . but that proposal was already rejected by his bull as bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to his beloved. i want to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we've seen him gaza, his influence is limited and his bullet is clear, the war wrong, garza must in wrong con, how does it or it will psyche suddenly live in a while,
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as we mentioned, as far as have gone off and it's hello eve and all the cities in central israel and be sending residents running to shelters. how much says it has 5 a barrels of rockets from garza? that's bringing several 100. she's in tel aviv, sorry. it says mil festival about this bowers overall hits this yeah, it's, uh so cindy did a couple of hours ago now towards those southern towns uh along the border with uh garza and all. so we had uh some of those rockets being intercepted uh behind does not fall from head towards central israel. and this just shows you that no early all days are still carrying out those rocha. its hot certainly towards the southern towns which are close to, to the gaza, but also as far as the tel aviv even. uh and again this at the time when now its
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been comb funds. uh, the israel says its now starting. it says it's uh what is believed to be the 3rd phase of quote, a new phase. and they're looking to basically reduce the number of troops and as strikes in the gaza strip. when this comes just a couple of days off to saying that they had eliminated, well, they called the framework of how much somebody in the northern parts of gauze, all of this as your seeing also those rockets coming from the northern border as well as iran was saying that showing that a lot of these are rainy, invite groups on giving in despite being more than 3 months since the wall sconces and etc. as far as saying that it's killed. how much that come on to in that syria of a rocket launches from the what, what do we know about that? it's yes, it's just released the statement in the last few minutes, naming this person as
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a house on a crash. i saying that husband was responsible and has been responsible for some of the rockets that have been fired from syria towards israel since the beginning of this war on gauze. this thing that he is a how mosque member, because how much isn't just in the gaza strip, but it also has how much the affiliate so fights is all combined is also in southern lebanon, as well as we see now in syria. it's the 2nd time in just a matter of days, but it's admitted to entering syria and attacking, coming out of the attack goal as strikes. we know that this was confirmed a few days ago when they cards out an attack close to uh to damascus. and at the time, it was reported in syria that some material infrastructure had been damaged. now, usually, israel does need to class such to types, but it does need to clar when it and says serial carries out any of those strikes.
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and that's interesting because now it wants to show all of these groups, all of these fights is in different parts of the region in different countries, but it has the capabilities to do so, and that it has the capabilities to reach them even if they aren't in israel and it has once before that it would attack any of the leaders of how most, regardless of where they are, whether they are in the region or not. and also it comes as time when prime minister benjamin netanyahu, himself just a few hours ago, was in the northern border, talking to the troops, thanking them for being that. and also saying once again that he once has by law, as well as anyone that tries to attack israel, saying that they wouldn't be scared to use tactics against the military. of course, because we know that he said and has said this a number of times if there is sorry if diploma to grab it so it's don't what then they would result. so the minute 3 bucks us next is the answer me blinking will be
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visiting head tomorrow and they, he said it before, they don't want another. well, they don't want to, why didn't this a, a conflicts? and so i'm sure they'll be discussing that with likes. okay. so her brings will release as that from tennessee. thanks very much sarah. while he is ready, military is continuing to pounds, goes up, opening central and southern areas of the territory. both health organizations as gauze as health care is on its knees and is quoting for urgent action to protect hospitals. honey, my one that has more, the southern dogs of a cars, reduced directors, blood stains. the crown is regularly drawn. missiles struck this vehicle, killing 3 palestinians. 7 witnesses say they were quite old. we were going away into shelter. the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine man. the attack was
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carried out only 700 meters from the weighty hospital in rough. the injured were rushed inside on structure. the latest drone and striking civilian is a reminder that nowhere is safe being gaza. schools and educational institutions are now joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really attacks are more down on a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff said they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system and gaza is a close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. as you can see, your account,
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it seems unfortunately this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. the international medical in g o. c. they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel is bombardment. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without the crucial anymore fluid. i was just the southern does not speak now to officer as tart. assume he's live for us in rough in something garza talked to us about the past 24 hours of intensive strikes that
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you've been saying that i guess laura, it was a very at lunch a day that was full of military attacks. of course, calls a strip with that was buried from the north to the southern areas of calls about what, what you can see generally is not the main course in tracing for the military acts on the ground are directed towards the middle of the separate parts where in the, in the south and last, a few hours. also the as rarely forces at fines, elimination to flags on the eastern areas of a refund. now, these eastern areas because it, it to be a place for the existence of the usability troops. the od jason to the board as well. also launching operations across the same line with the eastern areas of canyon is pressing deeper to reach full control over the city of con, you just as on the ongoing confrontation which had also it resulted to the coming of a set, the palestinians till now the, those have been killed by isabel,
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it strikes since the hours of today is morning. and also we also have been hearing from people from the middle goober nights that the attacks that did not stop for weeks now as they by day the intensity of bombing increases, the as more victims going on one of the latest military attacks, we noticed that refuge account that claimed the lives of around 4 that will allow us citizens along side was 40 others who have been in debt and have been transported to darren by a district especially to locks the hospital, which had been previously also exposed to east bay in defiance. ivy is very forces and also the quite hope to the trends. and this is part of what palestinians have been going through as also in the north. we have been hearing from all sources on the ground that confrontations and flashes when the promised to be in the slightest . and these bullets we'll just continue to interrupt it again. and it should road one neighborhoods. okay, start may, thanks indeed for bringing us to meet us the from the southern dasa,
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the us actually have states and state blanking is in saudi arabia as part of a wide, a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday. i think it is missing leaders to discuss the war on garza and is to provide in israel just in the next hour or same. was there a scene in place for i'm a small and to show drawing just now head on set. so then can we leave when we talk to him down within this hour? actually he's behaving as well on the day, but is kill 250 plus people in golf. so what do you make of that? that's really incredible. this just as the by the administration and the secretary blinking, i'm trying to put out the fires. that is right. it has been inflaming, is there a throws more fuel to the fire in guys on the oven on this uh, kennings and guys of the industrial scale, moder of hundreds of people every day and inflaming the situation with lebanon
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at the same time, while it's also he think up on the westbound with model corporation of more palestinian cities on the west bank auto that makes one wonder. this is the united states complicit with this red thing? good cup to is there as bad cup? i pictured backup horrible comp. i to, to, in the occupied palestinian territories. war is the, by the administration in on it. meaning, it's once how much defeated at any cost, even if it's been such a fee about civilian deaths. but in fact, it once is right to continue with the war. even it's different kind of phase, but it wants how much defeated. it wasn't for to bring back america's box america. now, i have my chords and so on, so forth. because as we all know, the by the end restriction, wanted to bring america back to the area, doesn't one,
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your one, russia and china to fill out any strategic void. the problem with all of that, as i've been reminded, couldn't be both cynical and strictly the same 5 in the sense that yes, it might have a jew political imperative. but putting it in the hands of nothing. yeah. oh, and his precious ministers and his army that is not uh, you know, is not afraid of committing the worst of massacres and escalating the worst of situation in the region. or in a sense that the, by the decision is boxing it in behind a prime minister and a government that's not even popular in its own country. i mean, if you conduct the negotiation to an election today and this read, this whole condition probably wouldn't be collapsing and not getting out of the election. i don't in the u. s. revise as well, and then he wouldn't be getting big elected today was a so, you know, again, right, cynical, stupid or both. because this is definitely not serving america's interest. and in
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the united states abiding admissions interest, the united states by then, or are they, is not popular election year, although as economy is doing really well. but clearly there's a sense as a perception, but by then is losing good, you know, age and otherwise. and the, the warning public opinion, especially in the democratic party that really wants to cease fire. right today we just heard now from, by then speaking in a church where it says, you know, he gets why people wants to cease fire. why don't you act on it? right, in the united states by then has huge leverage with this. right, right. the diplomatic support, the military support, the financial support, as i was saying earlier, is what i've got from the united states. more than the equivalent of what the entire continent of europe got out of the united states in terms of the more marshal plan after sec of world war. and yet, by them is not able to use leverage. a bit after to talk to is read about what to
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do about gus. what are they after? what to do about the west bank? they're not able to get it. i agree in a single one of which demands a single thought at the needs fixed and it's all sorts of the gaza that that now says no, no real coefficient of guy. so at the now says, no, no security is always guys at the house, says no, whatever the, by the administration propose in terms of long term planning of about a senior state. nothing else is absolutely not. so where is the disconnect? square, so, so much of a disconnect as much as there's this idea that by dint has this romantic idea about and is read, that's fine, i think for it's life. and is there a that is struggling against, you know, extreme, is it not dangerous neighborhoods on the likes? this might have been i don't think it was, but this might have been the perception back in the 198 is avante seventy's. when by then 1st visit is early, 1972 or down to 70. this might have had been the case, right?
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but today is there is one of edwards just 20 countries in the world. it is the most powerful military in the region, and it's a nuclear power, right? so the idea that by then continues to think about it in the romantic wrong way is definitely hurting both in the region of the united states. so the idea is that's something that i give, right? why didn't, what would it be? i just think the people in the region that blinking visited from turkey to saudi arabia to join down 11 on and now perhaps the tennessee, you know, sort of the, he needs to hear. and he is for that, look, we have a plan. it's called a plan. a plan is about 2 states. it's about the horizon because they're not wanting to buy all the countries, but my for the, i don't, and most of the majority of countries, there is a plan on the table. peace is possible without war. and the united states and is that could benefit from that if only if only the,
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by the administration use that to leverage. what is right, is that a bank, the city good to come back up such as the thing with the government when it least act like to the grown up, super fall, what it is around the shock. great thoughts. thanks for joining us once again or the past tense and all the news now that these 4 people have been killed across ukraine and we'll go forward to use describe as a large scale russian missile attack. i thought of a report from key pulled from the rubble folding get another day of strikes, carjacked, but the russian military, ukrainian authorities say cities across the country were targeted. is that to reach you, the residential building was damaged, forcing gets residence out into the freezing cold. therefore through i saw that they was going to be in error rate and bump and so we quickly,
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quickly are onto the bump shelter late of they've got a phone call and found out what happened to the building by the way of white and shelter at 7 am easily over at home. nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered aids and told residents they would cover the blown x windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital. this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it. last month keepers had to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential buildings were head. ukraine says 59 cruise and ballistic themselves, so this draws a 5 by russian force as it contains 26 of intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of us submitted your sites or hate, or if it's stuff at any minute through losses. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area, the tex card backed by both sides,
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and there's no sign that there will be a laptop in strikes any time soon. i'll start vague. i just 0 piece. well meanwhile, russia says it's moved, 300 people from the boulder city of elk, a road because of ukrainian shilling has the biggest evacuation from a major russian cities since the conflict began says and us pay make a boeing down nearly 70 percent. and that a trading off to an incident on one of its commercial jets, a duel pump from a boeing 737, max, cross blue out mid to on friday. the room was injured in the incidents that left a hole in the side of the aircraft. usa vh and regulates, is grounded, $171.00. boeing 737 mex jetliners. following the incident state to heidi direct castro. she joins us from arlington, virginia. now and heidi is extraordinary, that there were no serious injuries full of a mis. why was that?
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absolutely. and investigators are attributing some of that to just sheer luck. the fact that does blow out occurred only minutes after take off from the air or in portland, oregon. when passengers were still buckled into their seats, this happened at 5000 meters up. and luckily, where this door plug was essentially blown out and sucked out the plane, the 2 seats immediately next to it happened to be vacant. all of those things, plus the quick thinking and professional actions of the crew being credited for the prevention of any serious injuries which is truly the silver lining to this. but the real work now of course, is the continued investigation. the days after part of the door flew out of the building airliner. investigators make a discovery. i am excited to announce that we found at the door plug. a teacher
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found the aircraft the missing part in his garden, and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight. or by the way or the pressure i or returned back to the drama unfolded on friday after alaska airlines flight 1280 to suffer the blow out shortly after taking off from the city of portland in oregon and external door plug blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters. many passengers feared they would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off the plane carrying 177 passengers and crew members made a safe emergency landing back in portland,
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a cockpit voice recording considered crucial for an investigation, was found to have been over written and its data could not be retrieved and inquiry found pilots had reported warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated, they flip the switch to all mode, which is normal. there's a backup. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign, the light illuminated they slipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance. and then reset heidi, of course the, the number of grounded planes. now what do we hearing about those? a yeah, there are a $171.00 of these is a max nines that are grounded just in the united states alone. and there are some $44.00 elsewhere around the world. but with notable
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names here, alaska airlines was newly delivered just in november from boeing to alaska airlines . and for this to have happen certainly puts a spotlight on perhaps a manufacturing flaw that that would be attributed to boeing. and so the say a and boeing itself has been working together and just a few hours ago issued instructions to the airlines with detailed inspection instructions to look at the door, pugs on both sides of the 737 max nines, and then to correct anything they may fine, and this could be a many days long process. as of course we see more and more cancellations occur at here in the us and around the flow. ok, heidi, many things indeed for that update. so that has hair on his era. jessica washington in a j engineer for an increase in arrivals. cheese is feeling angry among some of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the hello the web. a set fire across the middle east is looking for a ticket across the writing peninsula and nothing to worry about here really present sunshine coming through actually 23 here in the hall, right by the next couple of days. but that's about as good as it got some lovely weather to come to the north. you can see, but they have some winter weather pushing outs. if ducky, i just running towards the caspian, northern paths of a rock at around seeing some of that wintry mixing pass. so getting pushed out so that southeastern corner of, you know, if the middle area of low pressure here digging down into that is the side of the med pushing across cypress, getting into syria, pushing for a switch as we go through tuesday. and that weather will make its way right down
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across the southern most pa. so we'll see that coming down across 11 on into is riley to a good part of the occupied territories. garza, we'll see wet weather then as we go into the middle part of the weeks. i said nothing conditions coming in here. well, that's that across the central parts. ultimate. it's right. and then so that will just process way across northern areas of tanikia. libby wet weather bad to just around the northwest, but from month to west africa, it is fine and try the seasonal range, of course, they continue unabated across central parts of africa. the best way to ask, do you think i'm speaking from saudi arabia of an independent palestinian state? no. no. when i talk to thanks any of this will be easy. all recognize the hurdles and no one thinks that anything will happen overnight, but we agreed to work together and to coordinate our efforts
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to help fund garza stabilize and recover the chart of political pat for the palestinians and to work toward long term peace, security and stability. in the region as a whole, i also found across the board that the countries we visit the leaders we spend time, we are prepared to make the necessary commitments to make the hard decisions, to advance all of these objectives. to advance this vision to the region. we're heading out, it is real, where i'll have an opportunity to share with is fairly leaders. everything i've heard thus far on the strip and also to talk to them about the future direction of the military campaign and gaza. i will press on the absolute imperative to do more to the tech civilians and to do more to make sure the amount of tight assistance is getting into the hands of those who need also force focus on our relentless efforts to bring back possibly the americans,
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israelis and others and we'll talk about how we see the future or the region. and 1st realize i'm convinced that there is a future path that can actually bring last security that can ensure that october 7 never happens again. and that can bring reason together the aspirations of the house and do it in a way that makes this is a region focused on the future. not on the challenge with that, a couple of questions. the secretary here about trying to prevent a wider war of israel's now killed 2 other leaders and within a week, what does that save us leverage over his realize doesn't that risk a 2nd front and 2nd way, contrary prime minister on potty yesterday's. that military strength against the disease were not the best option. you prefer. diplomacy,
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since the military strikes would raise regional tension. what message are you giving to arrow partners in the region about us and coalition efforts and intentions towards potential military strikes then you come in. first and with regard to 11, it's clearly not an answer so that one israel love it on all on for that matter. to see this, see this escalate and to see an actual conflict. and the israelis have been very clear with us, but they want to find a diplomatic way forwarded to blackboard for the rates. but kind of security that allows us really is to return home. you'll be a $100000.00, is really, really their own in northern israel because of a friend coming from as well on, but also allows lebanese to return to their homes and sort of of it all. and we're working intensely on that and doing so diplomatic seconds with regard to the red sea of the international community as
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a whole faces of these attacks insisted that attacked by the rubies i'm interested in shipping are a threats every what we talked about this all yesterday you've got about 15 percent of the roles, commerce every day, going through that. that's right. going through the red sea. and these attacks are having a real effect on, on the prices the people have to pay for food for medicine, for energy ships have to get diverted to other places. insurance rates go up and the basic principle of freedom and navigate. this is what's to say. so the international community has a real estate in upholding that principle. as i said, we have 40 countries come together to make clear the whether who these are doing has to stop. and we have other countries that have made clear that if it continues, there has to be consequences. so our strong view, our strong preference, is that the who get the message that they're receiving from countries around the
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world that this needs to stop. and that's what we're focused on you and other aides to present biding. we're trying to see the idea of saudi israel normalisation. and that's because it seems that to become much more difficult. invito to tax, given the animals on different sides now. but you still want to pursue that because it might be one way for it to get it to be able to recognize the aspirations and the palestinians. what is the problem? what the process mohammed tell you today about the prospects for normalization? what's, what conditions would you looking for to reach normalization and what do you think the us you will have to what for? to reach that to reach an agreement. secondly, what is the crown prince mohammed add on nbc today tell you about what you're willing to do in a post war uh,
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stating god. so the 2nd part of the question 1st, what i found virtually every stop was the willingness of all of the countries involved to do important things to help does a stabilize and, and revitalize. i mean, i've heard that in every place. and one of the things that we're going to be working on together is just what that would require. and just what country specifically are was there to do. but that was a free consultation with regard to integration to normalization. yes, we talked about that actually on every stop and putting in force here in saudi arabia. and i can tell you this. there's a clearance here in showing that there's a clear interest of the region in, in pursuing that. but it will require that the conflict and in gaza and it will also fairly require that there be a practical pathway to house study and say,
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this is what i've heard from everyone. we talked to about it, but the, the interest is there is real and it could be transformed by so on. the was a us x ray of state. and to me, blink, i'm talking to a gaggle of a process to full. he boards that play leaving saudi arabia, heading to israel, full of his final stops on his tool around the region, saying that fees come across leaders across the region, determined to prevent a why the conflicts. and he said he's going to press as well. so do move to protect civilians and shy with the israelis was he has had on this trip, wants to bring peace and security to the region of the incest on medical charity doctors without borders has a vice choices that start from out. ok, so hospital tanya hodge house on is
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a pediatric intensive care adults. so adults is without 4. does she describe the panic in the hospital of to is ready for says toast off the area would be fund the situation. there has been catastrophic over the last weeks or colleagues were there for multiple different organizations and myself. but luckily for palestinians rescue has been reporting terrific scenes when they evacuated. they weren't expecting to have to is actually it was a sudden increase in risk. and i can read some messages we have received from doctors working for various organizations, not necessarily doctors without borders of colleagues that i know who are in those hospitals. i'm saying, you know, each day there's an imaginary line and this disturbing grid that determines who's at risk of being immune and it is eminently killed. he described them as, as war crimes disguised has been l benevolent prior warning. he said they, they marked the area this was 2 days ago as
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a red zone. so they were unable to reach. they were told it was to, i'm safe to go yesterday either. and so they unfortunately have to evacuate to south of gaza. that's been true of, as i said multiple and he owes when the international energy goes flagstaff panicked, patients panicked, they began try a fleeting as well. they receive the same warnings they were, they had heard what happened at the hospital and other hospitals that were put under siege and, and then ultimately directly targeted us and special agencies are choosing israel of using food as a weapon of war. child scott foot reports on the hung, a crisis facing garza for hundreds of thousands of palestinians who flayed israel's relentless bombardments. if the goal is to strip the struggle to find food gets worse every day. i am quite the. this is the only bread we have. we have
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developed, but we don't have food without the round to well, newport, america and these are in have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot. we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the bread we eat, we it's bread that is covered with dust and send the un says one in full people, the goal is starving. 90 percent of families in some areas, a lucky you say once a day international agencies accuse is using food as a with the violation of international on the last i'm health national. i swear to god i have normal blankets, clothes, so food for my children. this is my son and i have nothing for him who suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers. i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i call even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat . i put the juice of one tomato and
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a piece of bread until it becomes soft. then i think my baby is well. his pulse should be blamed un agencies for the shore, cooling food and medicine, getting into a gauze you and says that's a baseless lie. and accuses as well continuously restricting the entry of oil supplies, including food, water, medicine, and fuel. well, the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we was very sick. we came here 2 months ago, so we have nothing here is if we can find food. i didn't even drink tea for 3 days, only to get little lentils for some peace love without you and says in the last week of december, food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing the de jumpstart that i'll
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just 0. think may not is a surgeon with medical aid for palestinians, char, see he left on. so this morning, having spent 2 weeks working at b o x a hospital and he joins us now live from a car, right? very good to speak to you. we've been hearing from the w h and the situation in the aisle axa is k also. can you describe what you were saying? uh yes, uh, being that for 2 weeks it was celtic and that's probably in, on the statement that was several 100 people being admitted every day. and the emergency development was uh, on manageable without enough stall, with a huge numbers of patients coming in the operating phase as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in the hospital and i've, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. what kind of injuries were you
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saying? uh so the, the vast majority of bomb injuries was some mist solid injures as well. so we saw lots of renders limit, enjoys and full uh, blood aust amputations, we saw some terrible abdominal and chest injuries. and but the predominant injuries will limit injuries and affecting people from you know, a few months old to very elderly. or how can you give us an idea of just how many patients the when and how many medical stuff remain to the cost of them. uh well, as i said, there was several 100 coming in today. um menu, that includes the dates of patients and we have a many dead deadbolt is arriving as well, but many, many injured patients. and it's far too many for the stuff in the emergent
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department to cope with kind of goals to start with. diminishing by the day as well . so i was there a few days ago the, the idea an old, the old, the inhabitants of the comes near the hospital in middle goal is to leave. and of course, many of adults is live that and the apple they had to leave with that bible is. so the numbers adopters dropped dramatically last night for the last few days. what's the, is really all me attacking the hospital. so i, the, when i was that the is really only was within a couple of kilometers of the hospital on my final day operating that i was operating all day and left the operations edge to find out that a missile had attacked the intensive units of the hospital and it was at that point that we were leaving at the end of that day anyway. and we were told we could not
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go back as it was no safe. i always go and i've heard from stuff on the ground since then that they have been more time on the hospital. what would you like to say to purchase politicians and indeed governments around the world who have been standing by as this rule and says it's full month? yeah, well most governments actually have coal for say spar except for the united states and out of country the united kingdom. so the most important thing by following is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well for an immediate unequivocal cease fire. it is, there are many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate, unequivocal, say, as far as our governments in the united kingdom testicles that now fading to do so at the moment. talk to nick a main yard. thanks very much for taking the time to speak to us that from kyra
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having just been in gauze. i'm looking at the out of the hospital. thank you. thank you. i want to bring you some pictures from south carolina in the us from just a few moments ago. this was the the hot presence us presence or vitamin interrupted during a speech a start mother. a manual church is protest as a cooling for a c spot in charles, they was subsequently removed from the events. let's bring it all white house correspondent, kimberly hall kits. a pretty extraordinary seems the in that church. kimberly how
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to present bind, respond. let's talk about that for a minute and give you some context. the essentially what the president was doing. there was campaigning. he was at that historic church were back in 2015, 9 black parishioners were gunned down and he was talking about the stakes of the 2024 election and how there are critical for shaping lives moving forward. and it was like flux of his speech when he was talking about the impact on human life. but he was interrupted by protestors who showed that if you really care about lives, you should call for a cease fire. now, referencing the norm is number of palestinian casualties of loss of life in gaza. they were, as you pointed out, cleared out of that speech. and when things finally settled down, the us president acknowledged what he said was passed it. and he said he understood the passion of the protesters,
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and he said he's quietly working with the is really government to significantly get out of gaza and reduce the attacks. so what we can take from all of this is that, as we've been reported here in algae 0, the president's position, backing is real, unequivocally, uh, is very and popular. and this is likely to plague him as he continues to campaign throughout the rest of the duration of this year. can be just stay with us because we have us present or by and facing another unusual situation. he's saying he's continuing. adults continued to have complete confidence in his defense sexy, lloyd austin. now this is because often remains in hospital often suffering complications following recent surgery. and he was criticized for taking days to inform the white house about his operations. so it can be, what do we hearing from the white house about this as it tries to contain the situation? yeah, the white house has been trying to quell the controversy. and the latest has come
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from the pentagon, which is now doing the same. there's been a briefing and just the last hour or so and what we're hearing is that the defense secretary has no plans to reside the president is famously loyal, has not asked for any resignation from the defense. secretary, even ask, there are still questions about not only what the illness was that allowed for the need for intensive care unit care for the defense secretary the we still don't know what the procedure is, but also in terms of his prognosis. apparently it is good and he will be able to return. but his failure to disclose the hospitalization is the issue and the white house says it's investigating. okay, kimberly many thanks for keeping an eye on events across the united states for us that can be held kept revolting from washington.
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the real kit, transposing the 1st us luna alonda in 5 decades is experiencing technical problems because that makes its way to the main 543. we have ignition company involved in the mission says the cross car in atlanta is having trouble pointing it solar panels to the sun. the on crude peregrine mission is designed to make the fuss us funding and the name since the last apollo mission in 1972. that's me to live and rights is a full cost to in space. come and take turns is closely following the spacecraft johnny and joins us now live from dumping. great to have you with us. i know that you're watching the live lane. can you soul that they have lost communications? what's the latest single thing that now to what was the latest on communications is the news is good. i'm watching it as i'm talking to you. the madrid tracking
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station is talking to the little para greenville lander. however, i'm sorry to report that within the last 30 minutes, the company behind this plucky little lavender, has issued a very, very down beat statement saying, but the little lander is losing rocket fuel. that is bad, bad news because of course they need that fuel to land on the moon. so everett thing points, unfortunately, to a failed to mention, this was paid for principally by nasa, but built by a private company and it's part of a new nationalist proctor j that will have to come under review if there is a failure on that as far as admission has nasa tend to private companies to launch these sort of missions. it makes a lot of sense if you couldn't get people. private individuals are large
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corporations to pay, to send things into space because nasa could been piggyback on these commercial launches. and that's really the, the lunar economy. but nasa is trying to spark the idea that people wouldn't be prepared to pay to have things sent to the moon, a massive scientist. because then send their instruments at much lower cost in principal, it's a great idea. but if there are consistent failures, they would have to obviously review the program. that's not fair. anyone this time is gets the moon is, is that there is, there is re salt and tell us about the other one that maybe sounds more of a chance. yes. well, it's really very interesting. there is a japanese motion, which is hoping to land on the move next week. and that's absolutely fascinating. mission. they're going to deploy a, literally a transformer, the type object onto the surface that will roll onto the surface in the shape of
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a bowl, and then turn itself into a moving, exploring robot. so that's very exciting. and then the americans would try once again, perhaps as early as next month. so the mood is very much the focus of attention at the moment. internationally about this last will be felt very, very deeply by a lot of young man women around the world. many countries involved in this little paragraph slammed our project and they will be disappointed this evening. they will indeed live and right thanks very much for bringing us all the latest on that mission. this is you say may will be a failed one to the main. ok, let's come back to us now, and it's time for support. is peter very much schuman football legend from his back in bo has died at the age of 78. in the 19 seventy's he won a hectic of european cup titles with buying munich, internal beck and bell,
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1104 caps will the old west germany be kept in peace, country to book up 151974 and home swell. and then in 1991 to try to take it as a coach of the west germans becoming the 2nd man to win the trophy as a play it and the coach this guns just stays off the 1st man to win the world cup as a play and the coach mario's the carlo, died at the age of 90. 2 tributes began with public wake and then a private funeral for one of brazilian, for pools agents. it was attended by friends and family in rio de janeiro. stay in brazil. it looks like they have decided on the next coach door of old junior it's, it's been named the new man in charge of the national side. carnival has resigned, is coach of south pallets and said this was the realization of a personal dream. he was reportedly the preferred, the choice of the countries football confederation of the they failed to recruit color and jealousy. we chose to extend these contract with rail madrid,
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daugherty vol. we'll take over with brazil struggling in 2026 woke up qualifying having 13 of the 6 games. the brazilian lead flemming go to the couple of the doors title in 2022. before joining sell powder. it was undoubtedly the biggest game in the history of imagery. a football club, ravel as they took on 14 san champions barrels sandra man in the french cup. the team plays in the 6th to a french football and part of the stadium of the top local rugby club. the hospice nations bids can any help 3500 fans. they trained just twice a week, so it surprised each kept cloth cleaning and copied score. yeah. hendrick and, and i know when to p a. c, but a memorable nights room will then base price goes our drink. it was the asian cupcakes up here in casa on friday, with a strain the a one of the favorites full, the titled, the salt careers have arrived in the hall and will look to lift the truck for the,
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for the 2nd time. and he won the tournament as hosts, 9 years ago, astray to begin the campaign on saturday against india, philippines, william to be playing at the asian camp, also making their 1st appearance in the tournament in 2019. they have failed to qualify this time around. barnaby level reports from manila with football, struggles to compete with basketballs popularity and then just days before a fif of world cup qualifier between the philippines and vietnam corpus story. one of the philippines most senior, portable officials, is that an amateur tournament piece. personally inviting bands to support them in national team. the cops, the coal sold out teams in manila case strong is, is very straightforward. so the number then falls on is, you know, the, our target of funds to come support the philippine, ask us. but making this happen isn't as easy as it sounds because unlike elsewhere in the world,
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football isn't why we played or watched in the philippines. it's more of the following up and not sure no team that, that, you know, need some connection. the organizer at this tournament is hoping to rekindle the connection, meet in 2010 with the schools defeated favorites, vietnam, and the as the championship being there it's, it's not just about supporting the, the, the country itself. it gets the opportunity to learn as well, to expand their game, because we know that these players, that's where it's already getting here are beginners and they have an opportunity to learn from the best. the ask those true against indonesia despite taking an early lead. but the big winner was the national football federations campaign for the middle level football stadium is easy to achieve almost anywhere in the world. but here the brother beads were basketball is a national sport. it takes a little bit of work, but to night, nearly 10000 people came up to watch the match between the entities and the philippines. and even after the disappointing result,
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there was an air of disappointment. suspense left the stadium. they continued to cheer and hope for a better day for their tea barn below, i'll just hear a minute. 14 time major champion, tiger woods and sports apparel joins nike or ending they business for partnership. nike and woods have been together for 27 years. going back to 1996 when he turned professional woods, made the announcements on social media, but did not give any details on any future into some fields. the payoff place and so now confirmed in the nfl is the buffalo bills book date tickets for the 5th year in a row. this spot will seal down to the jack is lost to the titans and the buildings . also one big game against the miami dolphins. don't say hockey's 96, your time for to helping them complete and impressive turn around for 21. 17 victory. as opposed to in the amc east division at their $36.00 states
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as the green bay packers have also reached the playoffs of to abusing arrivals. the chicago base of the st straits on jordan loves that became the 1st store source, includes the back in the history to reach the titles. it needs 1st. yes. the 79 victory or stay of food in a row. securing the move wild place. it was quite a 3rd stage at the back already on monday with the 1st time stage when in the saudi arabian visits result, lucas, a motor i show was able to accelerate near the end. so you take and keep the 1st place all the way to the finish line does eat a lot g finished food and that was enough to maintain these overall even because category. and there was a recording the oceans, annual city dates us, you know, it's becoming one of world schools favorite traditions almost $75000.00 days. we collected off to the fisco between the hershey bays and the lehigh valley phantoms . that's always will be donated to more than $55.00 local charities. that's all the
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schools needs or let's see. so thanks very much indeed. and that's it from me, from this means that hasn't as often and moments been a little today's, these the leave off cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the patient reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet, because we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear in mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the teen piece together evidence, as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide. blows on the side. a witness documentary on the houses there. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hold on have them speak of. this is the news life from dollars coming up in the next 60 minutes. a senior has will a come on the is killed in and is really striking southern 11 on raising concerns


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