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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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but also history as its unfolding, crossing from serbia into hungry. the rep when there might be covering politics covering protests. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing the the launch has and see can this is the news life and they'll have coming up in the next 60 minutes a senior as well. a come on day is killed in is really striking. $711.00 on raising concerns of a white, a regional culture. too dangerous to state doctors, patients in a goose forced to leave one of the causes loss,
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functioning hospitals. spiking moves closer is ready for his kill sweet palestinians into academy, refugee camp ging rates in the occupied west. and the us push to avoid the conflict from expanding in the region. us secretary of state and to be blinking, arise in tel aviv on his regional diplomatic jobs . so she's fine now into i'm us, president joe 5 minutes. he gives a speech in south carolina the and he's really as try killed a senior, his beloved feel to mom the in the south of level. don't iran con begins coverage from a been a saki in southern lebanon, around 11 am a lovely time,
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and is really drawing strong kids. the car travelling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside the lebanese territory. as bullet has confirmed, a senior fuel combined with the elite of law enforced was killed. it was all wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking he has bullock. i'm on that note to have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week. his death will be a blown to as below. the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter, and as well as supposes of shed pictures across social media of him we've seen you come on is some show him with cost him. so the money, the lead, the ronnie and codes for us who was killed in the us trying to strike 4 years ago. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task. and a message to his riley's living place to live in a cool,
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we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of you are locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with we will do whatever is necessary, although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute in both the area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a topic diplomat from the united states amos hochstein also arrives now he was in israel last week. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibility river. but that proposal was already rejected by his boys bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be
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closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to hezbollah. wants to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we standing gaza, his influence is limited and his bullet is clear. the war wrong, garza must in iran con, how does it or it will, saki suddenly, of these really ministry is continuing to pound, gaza bombing, central and southern areas of the territory. the world health organization says gauze as health care is on its knees and its cooling for urgent action to protect hospitals. honey, my mood has more in southern gaza. cars reduced directors, floods, themes. the crown is regularly drawn, missiles struck despair, cold, killing 3 palestinians. witnesses say they were quite
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a good mother. we were going away into shelter. the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine. ma'am. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the weighty hospital in rough. the injured with rushed inside on structure the latest drone and striking stability and is a reminder that nowhere is safe being gaza. schools and educational institutions are now joined by represent cams, a line of fire. these really attacks are more down on a salt and building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe
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shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system and gaza is a close to the left and cold for civilians to better protect it is very of the time as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. and they lost a lot of their stuff this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in d. o c, they are being forced to leave gauze. the risk of a stop being killed by israel is bombardment, and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without the crucial anymore fluid. i
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was just the southern golf. i thought it was even has this report to this update now from rough on the latest is really strikes we have been hearing sounds, explodes in different areas, of course, calls us, especially in the southern pause in san eunice for this area. had been, why did you hit since the beginning of this conflict between homeless on israel, the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the east, where the soldiers, as they are trying to get more control to dispute to military, dismantle the military infrastructure of the palace being fighters and. busy we have been also receiving different codes and different appeals by the people who have been trapped by these very occupation forces, especially of the house as being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the
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disability. drones in the past. a few hours where a number of residents have been injured, lane going the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting. that's the situation as we have been hearing for people in the say, right. and a 3 directions you camp is completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of causal strip as is relative, systematically destroyed residential building and key infrastructure. they are targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the ox office because they have previous, the attract intensive care unit. and today the, these very drones had opened the fire against the residents who were working on the street. so adjacent to the aisle ox, a hospital, and this is a part of what the palestinians have been going through throughout the last few hours as isabel is expanding in these days. it's military attacks, up with golf and specially set face as weekly. woods mold,
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growing fi isn't concerns among palestinians. regarding the latest, the statement produced by the usability of military spokesperson regarding expanding the fighting inside, galls us transfer out 2020 full. as many of the casualties have been taken to a locks a hospital, it is in the center of the strip and has been overwhelmed by the number of dead and injured to 323080 for palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th and nearly 59 thousands had been injured. a doctor nick may not is a surgeon with the charity medical aid for palestinians. he left the gaza on monday morning off the working up on august the hospital for 2 weeks. israel has recently ordered the evacuation of the hospital, he describes the situation there as k all take. there was several 100 people being admitted every day. the emergency development was unmanageable without enough stuff with
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a huge number of patients coming in the operating fates as well. for all the time and it was it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have coal for say, spar except for the united states and out of them through the united kingdom. so the, the most important thing by far is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well, for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is, there are many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal, say, as far as our government and the united kingdom has to go for that. now fading to do so at the moment. this is riley forces. have righty. the city of pope caught them in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians were killed by these many ministry,
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and one wounded man was detained by squarely forces us thing and factions have declared a general strike into academy tomorrow in morning. they have been near daily incursions across the occupied west bank by these way. the military, i'm the son who is live for us now in occupied east jerusalem. so i'm the, what more we hearing on this. and we just want to start out by saying that the video of the incident is quite graphic. and i'm going to describe it to you because we cannot show it in full due to the nature of it. you have 3 palestinian men who are shot at an incredibly close range by these really military their bodies bleeding out in the streets after that and is really military vehicle run is over one of these bodies. and you can see the car stop for just a moment and then continue on, running over. there's
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a dead palestinian man in the street. this rage started off as is really special forces one into 2 and got him under cover with the hopes of arresting one palestinian wanted fighter we have since learned, but he has also been shot, but he has since been arrested by these really military. additionally, these really army is now going into the, to have cut in refugee camp a continuation of their raid locals on the ground are saying that the military presence is quite large. we do also want to know that since october, the 7th, the is really military has really up to the rates across the occupied west bank. and since then, you're looking at at least $340.00 palestinians who have been killed. and 60 of them are from to have cut in the range that have been going on. and so we've got him, they've got his refugee camp, and the notice shows refugee camp have been very, very large. in fact,
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one of those rave on notice shows not too long ago lasting for about 2 days. these really are me says that this is an effort to crack down on arms palestinian resistance and arrest wanted palestinian fighters. they say that those got them is becoming of the likes of nablus. and janine, when it comes to the uptake in palestinian resistance, that is there. but the occupation forces have constantly rated this city and its refugee camps. they have destroyed the infrastructure that leads to one of the refugee camps. they've destroyed water lines, they've destroyed streets, and residents of these places usually go out the next morning. i'd have to deal with the destruction, but it's caused by these really military. just another reality for palestinians who are living under a brutal military occupation and having to face these nightly rates almost every single day. and how to wallow,
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this is going on the us next to state and to be blinking has arrived in israel after stop in saudi arabia. he's on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday and included visits cops on jordan and the united arab emirates blinking. we'll meet with a member of the as well as will cabinet on tuesday to discuss the war on gaza. so as we come back to have the what are we expecting from lincoln's visit to israel this time around a lot on the agenda for you. a secretary of state anthony blanket, who's going to come here 1st to reiterate american support for these rallies. but there's also been a lot of pressure from the bind and administration for these really is to transition into a lower intensity type of fighting in gaza. the americans have also been saying, but simply not enough aid is going into the palestinian territory. and this causes the un says that famine is just around the corner. they're also going to talk about
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the height, depth told you're looking at more than 23000 palestinians who have been killed in the last 94 days since the been barred meant. and war began on gaza, but he's also going to talk about a future piece. he wants to discuss what could be a lasting piece for these rallies, all while making the palestinian people prosper. and perhaps that those aspirations could even lead to a pathway. it for a palestinian state, but the us secretary of state is also going to discuss what these really, as are hoping to do after the war. but remember, there is still no consensus within these really government as to what they want to do just yet. there was an initial framework released by the country's defense minister, but it is in no way an indicator that that is actually how they are going to prosecute the rest of the war. but all of this comes of these really army has announced that they are in fact transitioning into a lower intensity type of fighting. and that they're going to use
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a more targeted approach. israel's defense minister says that this is in an effort to quote, reduce civilian casualties. but again, more than 23000 people have died more than 56000 people are injured. 8000 people are still missing. not to mention the 2000000 palestinians who have already been displaced to have been forced to flee their homes multiple times. so these really secretary of state is going to have a lot to discuss with his as really, counterparts as the military is making this announcement saying that they are now going to focus on central and southern gaza. but they're also making it clear that this in no way is it any indicator that the war is going to be over these really. so i've said that until they accomplish all 3 of their military objectives, dismantling, have massive, military and political capabilities, bringing back the captives and additionally ensuring that they feel no threat
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coming from gaza in the future. they said them until those 3 things are accomplished. the war is going to continue, and in fact, going to continue well until the end of the year, throughout the entirety of 2024. the reality on the ground is that these really have simply not accomplish these goals. they said that they have dismantled the military capabilities of how mass in northern gaza. but there are still pockets of fighters. there are still rockets being launched and these really military knowledge is that. so the reality on the ground and what the military is saying are 2 incredibly different things and the us secretary of state is going to address all of that, which is really counterparts. how do i sound who live 1st there in? ok, bite east jerusalem. thank you. i last spring and andrea dessie, he's an assistant professor and international relations at the american university of wrong. thank you very much for being with us. so what do you expect from lincoln's visit this time around?
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is it, i mean there was some who would say that the really isn't going to accomplish much . and the whole thing is, is basically performative. what do you say to that? as well as we just heard from your, from your accident report and reports are on the ground. i think there are many, many moving me moving pieces, many moving dos here is that the secretary state blinking is trying to address with is randy counterparts? absolutely. i think the foremost on his mind is the risk of a regional escalations. the lebanese border of the 11 on israel border in particular has been the uptake gene has been c witnessing repeated escalations. and of course, the targeted killings of a mouse and has black commanders are contributing to this heightened escalations. indeed, it seems to, to me and many others that are in the objective seem ever so more towards trying to escalate. so in the northern border. busy this is very where it's on for, of course lab and on for the entire region,
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but it's really south that goes well and the united states the united states is trying. it's best to rein in these escalations and to avoid the regional escalation across the various other borders. however, mean there are many, many topics that the secretary state religion would be discussing with is very counterparts of these also have to do of course, with the day after the so called day after and jobs us. if we didn't even talked about a day after, while this relentless bombing and attacks continue um and on these issues are, there are very significant gaps and very significant disagreements between the us, by the ministration and, and the, and that's on the outlet. government might not see results coming from this meeting . however, behind closed doors, i would imagine that more pressure is trying to be put on israel to allow at least a more aide into the besieged gallons of streams. and to also articulate what their plans are for this new so called low in terms of the phase and also for the day
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after and more importantly, also with regards to the palestinian authority in the occupied westbank highways or and will approach this palestinian authority. and if it will be willing to allow a palestinian lead to the as far as the within the gathers frames on the day after it's been pointed out many times that the only country that has a real leverage with israel is the united states through its financial assistance and it's a supply of weapons to israel. so why, why doesn't it use that leverage in, in a meaningful way? and that's an excellent question and such. so literally as being a call stands in the very long, just saying that as long to us, is there a relationship with us? is there a relationship as a struggle? the for many, many, many decades on the element of how to influence israel, how the u. s. can influence is around the conventional wisdom which is kind of uh, taking root and still and roots definitely with the vitamin ministration is that.
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busy having a. busy to see of. busy daylight, so these are the israel, therefore not demonstrating any areas of disagreement in publics towards the israel because of the thinking is that when israel's deals in put into a corner or criticize, that would be less easy to influence those policies. indeed, there is a saying in the us establishment on foreign policy establishment, but israel will only make concessions from a position of strength. and this is what is behind to the continuous support for israel economic, financial, political in the united nations. with regards to providing is ro, we've pretty much anything it asks for a blank check in many respects in the hope that this security or this feeling of security will lead to some concession down the line. these are the, the palestinians visa visa, or does randy conflicts. i'm afraid that over 30 years plus of a so called peace process and us met these process. this conventional wisdom has been demonstrated to not really works. and however,
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it is continuously reiterated. it is continuously embraced by leaders in the united states, although we are seeing, i think, after sometime after october of 7 attacks and, and, and of the ethnic cleansing, which is happening on the shores of the mediterranean. these are the guides us. i think that we are beginning to see some cracks in this, in this approach towards is real good to get your thoughts on this. andrea definitely thanks very much. thank you. or the, or bring you some other world news. now at least 4 people have been killed across you crying and what authorities describe is a loss scale russian missile attack. i said beg reports from kids. the pulled from the rubble folding yet another day of strikes. carjacked by the russian military. ukrainian authorities say cities across the country you are targeted. that is that the reach of the residential building was damaged, forced,
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and gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore, through by says that they, it was going to be an error rate and bump. and so it quickly quickly or until they bump shelter late to they've got the phone call and found out what's happened to the building, but they are white and shelter at 7 am easily, but at home, nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the cafeteria . this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it. last month. keep us hitched, getting more people across the capital. increasingly, were you, one woman was killed and children were among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential buildings were hacked. ukraine says 59 crews and ballistic themselves, as well as draws a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 are intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his ministry sides were hedge
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or if it suffered any minute your losses. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area, the tex carjacked by both sides, and there's no sign that there would be electric and strikes any time soon. i started bake i to 0 piece. i mean, well, russia says it's moved, 300 people from the board. a city of bell guard because of ukrainian showing it is the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since the conflict began for ukrainian truck drivers remain stranded at the border of poland. as a blockade continues. his truck drivers have been blocking several crossings with you clients is november 6th. they want the you to reinstate requirements for your cleaning companies to obtain permits to operate in the block. the 12 kilometer line stretches from had been boarded where hundreds of truckers are forced to pop up in the sub 0 temperatures or at least 4 children have been killed in a fight at a women and children's hospital in
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a rock authority say the father of the maternity hospital in the province of the one who yet was caused by an electrical short 2nd 20. all the people suffered injuries by suffocation. aviation investigators have found a dual plug of the boeing 737 macs the blew out the mid day on friday. no one was injured in the incident. it left a large hole in the cross fuselage, though a $171.00 of the plains had been temporarily grounded. i need your cash reports. days after part of the door flew out of the building. airliner. investigators make a discovery, i'm excited to announce that we found at the door plug. a teacher found the aircraft, the missing part in his garden, and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight. the we are the pressure iris that we've been able to return back to. we have other passengers the drama unfolded on friday after alaska airlines
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flight 1280 to suffer the blow out shortly after taking off from the city of portland in oregon and external door plug blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters. many passengers feared they would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off on the plane carrying 177 passengers and crew members made a safe emergency landing back in portland, a cockpit voice recording considered crucial for an investigation, was found to have been over written and its data could not be retrieved and inquiry found pilots had reported warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated they flip the switch to alt mode,
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which is normal. there's a backup, it was very benign, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance, and then reset. the aircraft was new, delivered by boeing to alaska airlines just 2 months ago. a total of $215.00 of the $737.00 max 9 jets are in operation around the world. the vast majority of them here in the united states and all have been grounded pending safety inspections. regulators in the you and brazil are following suit. heidi joe castro. alj a 0. arlington virginia. ahead on address 8543. we have ignition trouble for the 1st us lead atlanta in more than 50 years as it makes its way to
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the move the color we've had. right? cool. breaking brian foley and pots of victoria, australia. noise with a dock. so i suspect the $181.00 millimeters afraid in the space of just 24 hours. whether that will continue, but it will not a little further east, which as we go through the style so, so the heavier rates will stay this way. i would suppose at least the side of us regressive and what the weather pushing to was using. and lot of storms that just popping up across the northeast of new south west pushing into eastern parts of queensland. good part of queens, dancing, live you shelves. no shots run right up into the top. and as we go through the next few days that you go about what the weather just started to push this way further
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east with further west, it's really about the, the heat that continues across a good part of w y. because some fake graphs you making his way towards these and it as well as we go through the next steps, i could touch, study to celsius in cross judge. i did that right? that will make his way in that we have got rain and snow making his way into a japan. once again. we have got some wet weather into the northern half of the country will cycles west and every shelter by the mountains. tokyo will stay long as you do. i know what to whether to just come in across south korea called him after some snow at times dry and bright to for a good part of china. the it is a tenant object to produce objective these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet,
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on the fringes of israeli public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, i'm charles times. you want a rate for hindsight, dramatize pod costs from i'll just here to invest facing re here from some of history's blogs, notable women, and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of everyone in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out. know, subscribe way. if you listen to pub on the,
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again, you're watching. i just need a reminder of on top stories to sell. a high level has full of fields. come on that has been assassinated in and is really strikes on 711 on the sand. it's a weed was killed when the call he was traveling in this target. roland, this is randy attacks and gaza have 4 doctors patients and a groups to sleep. one of his last functioning hospitals. the hospital has been overwhelmed by lots of numbers of dead and just keep us sick to say, to anthony blinking has arrived in israel, off their stuff in saudi arabia. he's a gain quote for multi monetary and i and the protection of civilians in gauze. international agencies are accusing israel of using food as a weapon of war child stress. the reports on the hunger crisis facing garza for hundreds of thousands of palestinians who flayed israel's relentless
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bombardments of the guns. a strip struggling to find food gets worse every day. i am quite the, this is the only bread we have we have developed, but we don't have to. what o d. r 's around the world. newport america news. right. and have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot. we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the bread we eat. we it's bread that is covered with dustin sent you and says one in full people, the goals are starving. 90 percent of families in some areas are lucky. you say, once a day international agencies accuse is using food as a, with the violation of international move on the last, on behalf of national i swear to god, i have no more blankets, clothes or food for my children. this is my son and i have nothing for him who
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suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers. i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i call even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat. i put the juice of one tomato and a piece of bread them till it becomes soft. then i think my baby is what i was punched. he blamed un agencies for the short cooling food and medicine. getting into a gauze un says that's a big slide. and accuses as well as continuously restricting the entry of oil supplies, including food, water, medicine, and fuel. well, the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we was very sick. we came here 2 months ago, so we have nothing here. we can find food, i didn't even drink tea for 3 days. only get little rentals for some peace love without. the un says in the last week of december,
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food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing the de jumpstart that i'll just 0 the you ins, new senior humanitarian reconstruction coordinator for gauze as thoughts a role today. secret colleague is a former deputy prime minister of the netherlands and was appointed last month to speed up the entry of 8 into gaza. the previous head of humanitarian operations in the occupied palestinian territory, left israel off to her visa was not renewed. florence here so to nino is a spokesperson for the un chief antonio gutierrez. she told i just need his diplomatic added to james bass. the car will be working from my mind. jordan for now has the un applied for a visa for her to travel to israel and the palestinian territories. all these riley's guaranteeing that she can do so at the moment she event, i think,
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as i mentioned to you last week, she will start her her post in amman and jordan with a view to later move to egypt and israel. so she'll be in, i'm on for now. she won't be requiring that'd be so for now, is there any developments? what have you brought given assurances from the permanent mission of israel that she will be allowed to travel? that not that i know as a protest, as calling for a sci fi and gaza interrupted us president joe biden doing a speech in south carolina. he was visiting a historic church in charleston. as the scots started to ramp up his re election campaign, curious as a result in america. as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well, light, there is no pass from this darkness the
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that's all right. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly work requiring work. he is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do as they know, hutchinson is the director of development and expansion of the american arab anti discrimination committee. she says binds administration has lost the trust and
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support of many, most women, arab americans, and that will be reflected in this year's elections. a hi maries are coming up in many states early on in virginia. here it's march 3rd, march 5th, forgive me and other places it's earlier and, and, but it goes, it continues until november. so this is not a far, far away. but the symptoms in the air american do some community is that they will not be voting for the bite in harris administration or campaign moving forward. it has become very clear where the standards are for leadership in the world and where we as americans, air of americans. most of the americans and americans of all walks of life want to see us are reflected in our government. and this government not only does not reflect as it is in conducting something, although a genocide, it's killing people. and i really think the whole population trying to play it down in order to get the votes. i have so this at the beginning of the year, and i will continue saying this, the closer we get to the elections,
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the less confrontational, but it got to now as you were presenting earlier, the toner is changing. there are starting to talk about. he said, well, i'm going to put pressure, we're going to slow down this, dr. basically. but we see through this, this is also, again, this is all a political move to try to get the votes dependents to me and americans with some americans. every mannequins are all united a or, or for the vast majority are united and are called for an immediate cease fire. and then enter the patient and enter the system allowing complete, allowing aid to come into the gaza strip and to rebuild the bottom of the system. has a lot to make up for and right now they are extremely slow and the outlook is not looking good for the by them. harris administration, moving forward a president by the says he continues to have complete confidence in his defense secretary lloyd austin also remains in hospital after suffering complications following recent surgery. he's been criticized for taking days to inform the whitehouse about his surgery. i just need his white house correspondent,
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kimberly. how could would this update or the pentagon is releasing new details about secretary of defense, lloyd austin's hospital stay last week. it's a hospital stay following routine. elective surgery. the secretary's defense started to experience complications, prompting return to the hospital and the stay, and i see you following feelings of severe pain. the problem is, is that the white house was not aware that the secretary of defense was in the hospital because he did not disclose it. instead he transferred his responsibility to his deputy. and that is the problem for many of the critics on capitol hill, including top republicans in the senate armed services committee, who say that this is something that was deliberately withheld and that the white house also withheld this information in defiance of us law. they're calling this
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unacceptable letter, demanding a briefing from the pentagon. still, the white house says that they have the full confidence of the secretary of defense . the pentagon is saying that there are no plans for the secretary of defense to in fact resign. they say that they will be investigating and the white house says it will look into what procedures and protocols needs to be followed in the future. but for now, secretary lloyd austin will remain on the job. kimberly healthcare al jazeera whitehouse. robert hunter is a former us ambassador to nato and senior fellow at the center for transatlantic relations at johns hopkins university. he was this scandal is already being used against the administration by biden's opponents in the upcoming elections. he went back to the hospital on the 1st of january and into the intensive care unit. that's
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not a trivial matter, but nobody father telling the president he obviously had some age with him. he wouldn't go off to walter reed hospital all by himself, but nobody bothered pulling the president as a deputy which are called we're kathleen. heck, she's how it would be a normal thing. she's a deputy secretary to pass. she didn't do anything either. so suddenly we have an issue here about the competence of the methodology within the budget ministration, where somebody is rather critical, the secretary of defense south or off in chain of command. what would have happened automatically almost is that the power of the office with the law to the deputy, the deputy, a secretary of defense? plain hicks. oh, but apparently she wasn't told what was wrong with the secretary. and either she or
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some aid should have all matters. i picked up the phone on the white house, talked at least to the national security advisor to make sure the president no, no, even that one page saw i bought it ship, that this is an election year. and this is being used already by mr. trump. i mean, has part one was due to the question that accomplishes mr. pod anastasia operation and show coming right after mister vide made his a big speech about democracy and how our trump wouldn't be able to run things. have this evidence coming up that his people were running serious? that is becoming a serious problem for mr. bod or equitable, has declared a state of emergency after an a torres gang lead to escape from prison on sunday. jose adolfo mess yes. when missing from a jail in the 4th city of white i q,
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he was sentenced in 2011 for crimes including drug trafficking and murder is believed to escape just hours before police begin and operation in the prison. they have launched a man hunt us 1st moon landing attempt in more than 50 is appears to have failed. 543. we have ignition the walkie transporting the lunar land to experience technical problems. a few hours after that launch the company, the design across says it developed a major fuel lee. the last time us launched the moon landing mission was in 1972. leo and right is a broad costa and space commentator who is closely followed the spacecraft. johnny, he said i lost a few, could spell the end for the entire mission. so they just, i'm communications is the news is good. i'm watching it as i'm talking to you. and
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the madrid tracking station is talking to the little pair of greenville lender. however, i'm sorry to report that within the last 30 minutes, the company behind this, plucky little lender has issued a very, very down beat statement, saying that the little lander is losing rocket fuel. that is bad, bad news because of course they need that fuel to land on the moon. so everything points, unfortunately, to us failed to mention. this was paid for principally by nasa, but built by a private company and it's part of a new nationalist strategy that will have to come under review if there is a failure on its 1st mission. it makes an awful lot of sense if you can get people private individuals are large corporations to pay to send things into space because
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nasa could then piggyback on these commercial launches. and that's really the, the lunar economy that nasa is trying to spark. the idea that people wouldn't be prepared to page of things sent to the moon, a massive scientist, because then send their instruments at much lower cost. in principal, it's a great idea. but if there are consistent failures, they would have to obviously review the program a still ahead on address. jessica washington in j engineer for an increase in arrivals of her hangover p. jeez, is feeling angry among some of the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the south korea's ministry says it will no longer recognize a buffer zone in the seas between the 2 police that's off to north korea. carried out a series of ministry drills, forcing people on a nearby south korean island to take cover unit kim reports from so offensively. no, i'm void. the closest remarks by sole to date, on abandoning the tattered military agreement reach during the tente of 2018, north korea had already announced in november. it would scrap the past. cutting some 20 of the north koreans violate to the military agreements over 3000 times. and conducted artillery firing trails of the past 3 days in waters off the west
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coast. that whole, there's no buffer zone anymore. tense moments on friday after north korea's military fired hundreds of artillery shells just north of a defacto maritime border for the 1st time in years, some 2000 residents. so the south on some island were urged to take cover of 4 hours a preventative measure ahead of south korea's in kind response in which doubled the number of arbitrary flyers for the residents. memories of a direct attack by north korean shows in 2011. and the parent moved to manage tension. south korea's military now says it will not respond in kind to every publication in the region this as so officials believe your career will ratchet up pensions and the weeks leading up to the problem entry election was here in april. as north korean leader came to him and tries to divert attention away
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from problems closer to home unit skim all to 0. so at least 6 police officers had been killed in a bomb attacking northwest and pockets tom. they were assigned to the tech workers carrying out a pony or immunization campaign. it happened in my morning near the border with pockets tom fox started the dentist, downsides. the buckets, donnie tyler bond has claimed responsibility. how do you have x? the nation drives in punk has done a regularly law by violence position, etc. hood then is director of the center for regional and global connectivity. at the top, bob lab think tech. he says the park hasanti tyler bond drive in remote areas of the country because of a lack of social infrastructure. the narrative, that is funny news also re entered into areas that are very far along very remote where the present rates are very low and we're ministration by groups like the ballpark stuff. that's the part of the kind of can be in certain areas,
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quite part. the next result of course, of all this is that people, these areas can be convinced of certain narratives that may or may not be directly at odds with their children's health. so for example, one of the narrative that has been spawn, particularly the bible belt since june of 2014, has been the fact that in these areas, social infrastructure is, is limited. education is practically nonexistent. the health care doctor and the legal framework of extended to these areas and all of in every sense of the social contract, though by the state. however, there's this very expensive vaccine that ends up showing up at their door consistently every 3 months. and that's the least we certainly rise and the level of suspicion. and that has been spent by these groups as grounds for rejecting these back states under the, under the narrative that they will turn your children in for a while. now, anyone who's actually studies roles really parts of will tell you the parts of the population has a breeze. now,
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241000000 as of the visual sensors released in the middle of last year. but that doesn't stop people from remote and remote areas to be indoctrinated by this very compelling narr, it's cindy is top court has cancel the early release of 11 men convicted for gang racing of pregnant women during anti muslim rights and goods act in 2002 and then also emitted 14 people including 7 members of a right victim's family. they were freed in august 2022, following a recommendation by a good job at state panels. but they will have to attend to prison in 2 weeks. sunjay hag day is a senior advocate that india supreme court. he says the 11 men is up to go back to prison. these people were not punished adequately. the supreme court had earlier open to get quit to which would be good job, government operated and licked them up pretty quickly. after completing 14 years in
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prison months. even during the 14 years they had various kinds of fun lows and leaves that do. but out of prison most of the time, but pretty much would leave the absorbed demo. everything up to 14 years was not just to activate the supreme court because incomplete. that said that the state would trust, did not have the file to release them. it was because they tried, had been conducted and that had been tons, but one of the states that states opinion has not been taken. and therefore it has invalidated emissions on it. this does not mean that the, another state government can not, again, by sort is giving a, giving them permissions. you know, we didn't mess matter is back in court in a 2nd attempt to sue his country for breaching his human rights and his bread
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because been in solitary confinement since he was imprisoned in 2012. he claims that amounts to in humane treatment. he's held in a 2 story complex with a kitchen dining room, jim and a tv room. with an xbox gray, vic killed 77 people in bowman gun attacks in 2011 french of prime minister elizabeth bone has resign. she was appointed in may 2022, and was the 2nd female prime minister in french history. one's resignation comes and made recent political attentions over immigration, added follow speculation of a government re shuffle. president emanuel macross office has not yet named a successful a bug. what does she prime minister, she if has been a, has won a 5th time in power. i mean, low voter turnout and an opposition boy called that goal for processing the election was a shame to enrich out the reports from the there's a lot of debate in the mainstream and social media on the january 7th election,
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particularly on the percentage of turn out in the election and the same thing is in the bazaar in the capital cost, we spoke to some of the people here. and this is our reaction. i didn't go and vote because it wasn't an inclusive election and the opposition parties weren't there. so there was no point in a boat, as it was already decided for 2nd quarter to everyone knows that this election was not fair and legitimate. we thank the people for boy pushing this one, sorry to election. and with the help of the people, we will continue our movement and restore democracy to the country. and let us start start catching up phases, major challenge, and this new government, particularly in the economic sector. she has to deal with high inflation during foot prices and a very low foreign exchange reserves. then the question of international legitimacy, so far, the chinese and the india and then boy condra to later the prime minister. but what needs to be seen is all the european union and the united states react to this
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election. whether it will give the legitimacy that the government might be looking for. to enrich audrey, i'll just say the doctor. more than 1700. we think the refugees have arrived in indonesia since mid november. the largest influx says 2015. 30 say it is increasingly difficult to accommodate them because of growing hostility from local people. jessica washington reports from fund to actually of this call talking bundle a cheese dog ends dusty, but it provides at least some semblance of a home for this group of 137 or hang to refugees. we are helpless. a country land and home were taken from us. then we came here to seek peace. as we have experienced nothing but pain all nights. for years we're going to have fled persecution and mass killings by me and most security forces for nearby bunker dish . but overcrowding, intense cods to funding,
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i did increase in violence this as prompt as thousands to flee again in recent years, traveling by boat to southeast asia for a month. oh says she was tortured in me and my husband was murdered by an armed gang in bundle dish, which she doesn't feel safe here. either. december university students, storm to the car park, demanding the deportation of the refugees and forcing the group made up mostly. if women and children out with a shelter and onto the truck, but the when they attacked us, i was scared that they might kill my children. we are already victims of torture on to that it. we're going to have travelled by boat to a chain for years and had long been tolerated, and often even welcomed by the local community. but some social media posts accuse the refugees of spreading disease. adults saying that they have come to take over opportunity. some residents have expressed and at the rank of the taking up
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resources which they see as this. that's despite the fact that the money for the food medicine and other essentials doesn't come from the invitation government, or even the local government here in j or the you and refugee agency is responsible for their and these costs and says, according to the online campaign of misinformation this information and hate is responsible for the growing hostility. i mean, when the weather, my dad, of course this hatred doesn't just happen. we suspect there are people framing the mist information the times on social media. it doesn't happen by itself. local authorities acknowledge the spread of hatred towards the ringo, but say they don't know who is behind it. when would in that? yeah. so that would be i che, government's been trying to provide temporary shelter. but in many places that were thinking of putting them, the local people rejected them. so asking for them to be taken out of that che data be, did you that is called park is fall from an ideal place to live and remote dose is
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she spends all her time worrying about where they may have to go next. she says her life has been in ruins since the day she was born until only dream is for her children to be safe and happy. jessica washington, the i'll to 0 bundle g indonesia. that's it for me hasn't see. go for this news out . but my colleague kelly johnston will be here in 2 minutes with more of the days the statements this horse was a non mark and a symbol lead from the means of cars and ambulances. israel targeted during an in beach and i think do you need refugee camp in 2002? now it's been removed by the way people do research. and it shows us where this cultures to his power. he was involved in creating the destruction of one humans, aims to wash their spirit and punish those, showing support for any acts of resistance. had to choose his 5 year old son,
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add them photos of them working on this culture and says the process tells a lot about costing me to i guess. and again, as the world is increasingly equipped to the mental health academic, i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was hard if i knew full poets you spend in diverse corners of the globe, ask big questions about how we can improve. i will be certain move those unconscious images. i never felt anything walk if it meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself mindset changing the way you think about mental health. coming on all, just in mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to
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meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the team piece together evidence that's they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide. blows on the side. a witness documentary on the houses there. a hearing the have you had any like says he has the support of 15000, implement the shop economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about to a to tell when you closer to the house of the story, the senior has come onto his kill, then it is rarely striking something 11 and raising concerns of a wider regional conflict. the carry johnston, this is i'll just say are


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