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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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cycle of homicide blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the houses there. during this time, have you had any laser, he has the support of 15000, implement the shop economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about 2 ways to tell when you closer to the house at the story, the senior has come onto his kill, then it is very striking. southern 11, it's raising concerns of a wider regional conflict. the carry johnston, this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming up too dangerous to stay. doctors, patients in a group so forced to leave one of the causes not functioning hospitals as fighting moves closer. the american push to avoid the conflict from expanding in the region
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us secretary states and to the bank and the rise in tennessee during his regional diplomatic to charge at your son so see spawn. now interrupt us present, joe biden, as he gives a speech in south carolina. we begin in the southern lebanon, where a high level has by the combined has been assassinated in and is very striking. we some out how well known as john, what was killed when israel targeted the call he was traveling. it becomes less than a week after senior a mass late. it was killed in a striking, they route the mountain con reports not from the south 11 and around 11 am a lovely time and is really drawing strong kids the car travelling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside 11. these territory has bullet,
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has confirmed a senior fuel combined with the elite law enforced was killed. it was all wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock. i'm on that known to have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the assassination of how much lead us allow rory last week. his death will be blowing to as below. the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter. and as well as supporters of shed pictures across social media of him, we've seen you come on, has some show him with cost him. so the money, the lead of the ronnie and all goods for us who was killed in the us trying to strike 4 years ago. it is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task bullet and a message to his radio, living close to 11 o'clock. we will do everything we can to restore security in the
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north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the disputed food area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a topic diplomat from the united states amos hochstein also arrives now he was in israel law suite. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibility river. but that proposal was already rejected by his boys bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war and gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what powell the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it
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will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to hezbollah. wants to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we've standing gaza, his influence is limited, and his bullet is clear. the war wrong, garza must in iran con, how does it or it will psyche suddenly to these ready minute tree is continuing to pound, gaza bombing, central and southern areas of the territory. the world health organization says garza's health care is on its knees. is quoting for urgent action to protect hospitals. i need my food has more in southern dogs on a cars reduced directors, blood stains. the crown is regularly drawn. missiles struck this vehicle, killing 3 palestinians. 7 witnesses say they were quite old. we were going
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away into shelter. the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine man. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the waiting hospital in rough. the injured with rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere same thing dog schools and educational institutions are now joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really attacks are more than a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system
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in gaza. is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. as you can see, your account exceed unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. most a lot of the this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza the risk of a stop being killed by israel bombard. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable on without the crucial anymore. fluid i'll just eat a southern dog as well as intensifying attacks around the
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o x. a hospital, one of the last remaining facilities in the central gaza. it's been overwhelmed by the number of dead and injured un says 75 members of stock remain at the facility. on sunday. adults is without borders announced it's evacuating it's teams adult. and that may not is a search engine with the charity medical aid for palestinians. he left the guards on monday morning off to working at acs a hospital for 2 weeks. israel has recently ordered its evacuation. he describes the situation that i can take. that was several 100 people being admitted every day . and the emergency development was uh, unmanageable. without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in the uprising fates as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i,
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i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have co overseas far except for the united states and out of them through the united kingdom. so the most important thing by far is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is there all many thousands of people being killed and many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate, unequivocal, safe, as far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that nail fading to do so at the moment is ready for states have rated the city of tow. currently in the occupied westbank, 3 palestinians were killed by these rarely minute treat. one wounded mountains detained vice. very forces. this very minute. your vehicle run over one of the dead, palestinian men in the street. passing infections have declared
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a general strike in to come in tomorrow in the morning. nichol sources say there is a currently a knowledge is really, really cheap presence. i'm the one who joins us now from occupied east originally from the what more can you tell us about these latest rates? i want to start off by describing the scenes and the video to you there to graphic, to show based on the nature of what is going on in the image, is you have 3 palestinian men who are shot at an incredibly close range by these really are me, you can then see their bodies scattered in the streets, bleeding out when it is rarely military vehicle comes to the street. runs over one of the body's stops for just a moment and continues to run over this dead palestinian man. now the twins, cut in brigade on a post on telegram said that one of those palestinians who was killed was
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a fighter. these really are me says that all 3 of them are fighters in fact, but we do not know that information as we to cut in battalion has said that just one of them is a resistance spider. additionally, we know that a 4th man was injured, who was shot in the leg, and the is really an army, has since arrested him. the incursion is now continuing into the 2 and cut him refugee camp. but all of this started after is really special forces under cover went in to to and got him to arrest a wanted palestinian flight. or when they say that clashes broke out between ours palestinians. and these really are me, remember that students got in the has been quite to the scene for is really military raids over the last several months. and since october, the 7th, you're looking at continuous raids across the occupied west bank with more
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intensity from the occupation forces since october, the 7th since this war began, you're looking at at least $340.00 pulse, sending them to have been killed. 60 of them and to cut him alone. i'm to stay with us because the us so i can just say on team thinking there's a ride in israel, off just stuff in saudi arabia. he's on a regional diplomatic tool that began on the stan included the business to cassandra jordan and united arab emirates. lincoln will meet with a member of israel's war cabinets on tuesday to discuss the war on the casa um. so what are you expecting from being const visit then to israel? and there's going to be a lot on the agenda for the us secretary of state. he's going to want to talk about the several different things the united states has been putting pressure on these really as for one of them transitioning into a lower intensity type of fighting. the 2nd is the high civilian casualty rate and
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gaza. additionally, the not enough humana, terry, and a is going into the palestinian territory. all this comes as the united nation says, the famine is just around the corner, but he's also going to want to talk about what the is rallies are hoping to do after the war. but there's still no consensus with in these really government about that either. additionally, he says he wants to discuss future piece one. that is the last thing for these rallies. and that's aspirational for the palestinian people. and that's perhaps back to be the pathway to a palestinian state. but remember, these really themselves announce that they are in fact transitioning into this a lower intensity type of fighting with more targeted operations. the u. s. has been putting pressure on them for weeks to transition into that kind of finding these really say they're now concentrating their focus on central and southern guns . that while they have reached, called full operational control in northern gaza. even though there are still pockets of fighters and rockets being launched from the northern parts of the
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palestinian territory. so the us secretary of state landing in tell of eve on monday night and the meet with is really leaders in the morning. and i'll keep out of the service and for us to have that. thank you. let's bring in andrea dusty. now he's an assistant professor, an international relations at the american university. welcome to the program. so us extra stay on. same thing can, is on his tour of the region, but is this long see to make any difference to the flights of palestinians on the ground. thank you very much and good evening. i'm afraid not. so i'm afraid that this will have very limited impacts on the death and destruction that we'd been witnessing every day for now, 4 months and gathering the guys a strip of it. also in the occupied westbank. where is there any military rates are being increasing daily where is raging with so been increasing daily and where are violations of. busy the basic international legal norms and the international
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humanitarian law, or on a daily basis, the secretary state blinking is in israel and throughout the region. what is on for most on his mind is that of trying to contain the columns fixed. if we can say use this words avoid the regional spill over and particularly these are the headphone line 11 on the box of the reality of the of the situation is that unless there is a decisive direct call for an immediate cease fire and not a pause but to cease fires in gaza, it will be very difficult to be able to diplomatically resolve and, and in the tensions across the entire region. given what you say, i mean there's been a lot of talk about the so cool day off to the world but hasn't been enough focused on the suffering of civilians in gauze of right now. and i'm afraid, no, it's actually for the past again, 3 months. and now we're into the 4th month. we have been seeing the death town. so
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over a 100, the palestinians killed the by the, these radio army with the complete in communities. in fact, i would say that it's not only into unity, but it's also. busy complicity by the by didn't administer agent, but also a number of european member states. and this is absolutely unacceptable. it's all rages and the credibility of the international system of the u. n. system of the united states by the administration. first source is on the line and i think that we are well over the line by this point and we have huge rock bottom. busy and unfortunately the, the emphasis. busy of international diplomacy seems to have now moved from the destruction and i would say even ethnic cleansing, where we're seeing and guides us to an effort to different than regional tensions. we have heard of the statement of 12 nations on the visa beads threatening the hoops ease in the admin, but they have to stop their attacks on shipping lanes. wilford's,
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we have seen with the travels to 11 on to try and down contentions there. but the real central issue here is the home slot, one of the guys of scripts. uh, and this is not only an international issue, it is not only an issue for the palestinians, but i would say more broadly and indefinitely. it is also, it is an issue for israel itself. we shouldn't forget about the, the number of hostages, which are still in god's us. and we shouldn't forget that the if we want to imagine a day after, how can we imagine a day after and which is rainy's and palestinians will be living next to the side by side when there is all this death and destruction we are literally witnessing in front of our eyes, the creation of a new cycle of violence which will take generations to hear. you mentioned something that find that you mentioned as well. what do you make of the divisions within the is really government? could that lead to any kind of change of policy as well?
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actually, i believe the body is the central central issue that should be asked. it'd be pressed home by the us uh, by the ministration and secretary of state lincoln as well. he is also meeting with the opposition with the on the, the, the only on additional ways outside of the government or the police and government now. but the reality of the situation is that from the past years, if not decades within these really establishment and was really political establishment, there are very few. if any politicians were willing to do what is needed to, to allow for a political horizon to this, this conflict and this political horizon needs of start with an acknowledgement of the palestinians. right to self determination in the west bank and gaza strip and east jerusalem. and enough to begin with dismantling of a 56 year old military occupation until this happens. it is very difficult to
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imagine a. busy a future in which the region can be integrated and can, can prosper in beast, which are the words that blend can use the just now, you know, just today inside your regular of the party. so the array of yes, the tragedy is that of the resort, the level of the us, i ministration and secretary of state lynch and he's hitting the correct buttons. but in terms of action of the action is going in the opposite direction. the us is being. busy supporting israel with a blank check here without criticizing it's a. busy disease in public really in, in a, in a serious manner. and this situation provides. busy only a cover and the into unity to this really government to continue what it is doing and okay, and i have forgive me and we're going to have to leave it to andrea dessie. we appreciate your time that thank you very much for joining us there. and i'll just here, thank you as well. so the head on now is, is there an investigation into the door below? oh, uh, it's on an alaska airlines across, reveals loose boats on several other things
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the the brought to you by visit capital color. we have a waiting to store moving across the us really nice the weather setting in this mass of cloud that is producing some big down polls and some snow. this, the power of flight pressure will bump this area of high pressure out of the way. and that's it sweeps through, we're looking at some really heavy rain flooding potential across the southern areas. and the tornado damaging winds on the north. is that what most, no, pushing up towards the, the lakes, into the northeast. in cold weather, 2 spots could take a 15 centimeters or more of snow for one consolation is it does move for pretty quickly. we go one through wednesday and you can see how that when she makes, makes is fine. that is to sort of kind of the warming up in new york,
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around 14 sales. it's a really nice way for the next system. it comes out next area so that the spinning across the western pos for the 2nd half of the way we monitor the camera pans at the training system. when it features a little bit of weather into northern parts of the you can tom financial and the areas of k, but much of the caribbean, sticking $5.00 and $5.00 lovely sunny weather is the dry season. of course they, we should be enjoying some very pleasant sunshine. so also one or 2 showers over towards the restaurant is that just around the waiting list, but for most it will be fine and study the same is true for good. past the central america the weather brought to you by visit castle, the the, the
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the, the without just a reminder of the headlines now. a high level has the feel come on and the husband assassinated in an is really s try can something 11 and some of how it was killed when the call he was travelling and was targeted. relentless is rarely of tax. and guys that have forced doctors, patients an age groups to fleet, one of it's not functioning hospitals, access hospital has been overwhelmed with my knowledge numbers of that into us
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secretary of state. and to me, blinking is arrived in israel, off to stuff in saudi arabia. is again called for multi monetary and aid on the protection of civilians. in casa, you and us senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinates of, of gauze as thoughts her role today. so you would call is a former deputy prime minister of the netherlands and was appointed last month to speed up the entry of 8 into garza. i'm the previous head of humanitarian operations in the occupied palestinian church. you left israel on a visa was not there. and so something you know is a spokes person for the you and the chief antonio gutierrez, she told elders it was different, not to get it to james bass that congress will be working from amman. jordan for now has the un applied for a visa for her to travel to israel and the palestinian territories. all these riley's guaranteeing that she can do so at the moment she event, i think,
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as i mentioned to you last week, she will start her her post in amman and jordan with a view to later move to egypt and israel. so she'll be in, i'm on for now. she won't be requiring that be so for now, is there any developments? what have you brought given insurances, from the permanent mission of israel, that she will be allowed to travel that not that i know protest is quoting for a ceasefire and gaza interrupted us present. joe biden, during a speech in south carolina biden, was visiting on historic church in charleston as it begins to run puppies, reelection campaign curious as a result in america. as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well light, there is no pass from this darkness the
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that's all right. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do the let's take a look at some of the world news now as
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a preliminary investigation by united airlines has found loose boats on dual plugs of several, boeing 737, max 9 planes. a share as an american thing that could be having a down at a 7 percent in early training. often incident on one of its commercial jets a door from a building at 737 max across, blew out to me. there on friday. no one was injured in the incident left a hole in the side of the craft. he was, a vision regulates his ground, a $171.00 that boeing at 737 mex jetliners. following that incident, this morning is supposed to be to montana, now he joins his life in washington dc. might just how concerning is this for the young passengers? a like well, united's initial investigation indicates that this was not a one of incident. the alaskan airlines plane united engineers are now saying that they have discovered several plains with loose plugs. these solve the plugs that
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hold the side tool in place, and these all will have to be tightened. now this does appear to be a common defect to the some $179.00. boeing was set united runs. so this is a great problem full them. they are still trying to establish exactly how long it is going to to take to check each plane. uh, the united airlines says that the, you know, those have been removed the in the panels and they have not opened up all the, those the outside doors, the plugs for inspection. so this process is continuing throughout united suite, and no doubt will be applied to other fleets that around these. boeing 737, max nines. for more details. here's heidi su. castro, the days after part of the door flew out. and the boeing airliner. investigators make a discovery, i am excited to announce that we found at the door plug. a teacher found the
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aircraft missing part in his garden, and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight. or am i the we are the pressure i or returned back to we have the drama unfolded on friday after alaska airlines flight 1280 to suffer the blow out shortly after taking off from the city of portland in oregon and external door plug blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters. many passengers feared they would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like a loud thing and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping or 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off on the plane carrying 177 passengers and crew members made a safe emergency landing back in portland,
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a cockpit voice recording considered crucial for an investigation, was found to have been over written and its data could not be retrieved and inquiry found pilots had reported warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated, they flip the switch to all mode, which is normal. there's a backup, it was very benign, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance, and then reset. the aircraft was new delivered by boeing to alaska airlines just 2 months ago. a total of $215.00 of the $737.00 max 9 jets are an operation around the world. the vast majority of them here in the united states and all have been grounded pending safety inspections. regulators in the u and brazil
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are following suit. high digital, castro, alj a 0, arlington virginia. at least 4 people have been killed across ukraine. lots of thought is described as a large scale russian miss all the time. i said back reports from keith. pulled from the rubble folding get another day of strikes, carjacked by the russian military, ukrainian authority to say cities across the country were targeted. that is that the reach of the residential building was damaged, forced and gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore for sure, i saw that they was going to be in error rate and bump. and so we quickly, quickly are on to the bumps held up late to they've got the phone call and found out what's happened to the building. but feel by itself that at 7 am easily over at home. nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital.
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this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it last month. keep us head to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential building. so i hate ukraine says 59 crews and ballistic themselves as well as draws a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 of intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his ministry sides were hit or if it suffered any minute you lost his. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area of the tax contact by both sides, and there's no sign that there will be a laptop and strikes any time soon. as i bake, i 0 piece. and while russia says it's moved, 300 people from the board, a city of elk or hold because of ukrainian showing is the biggest evacuation from a major russian city. since a conflict began at least 6 please.


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