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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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hit pretty badly by check us. there has to be serious consultations on a weekly basis with detailed coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's what we'll cross and fill this jen. it isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. it's the latest direct attack fight is really forces on media. what? cuz i'll just say i'm a journalist comes, i'll talk to a colleague, killed it, and is really struggling. comes as calm way as israel targeting so many journalists . and what's the reaction of the world's media? this is inside story, the
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hello. welcome to the program on adrian finnegan, as well as war on gaza has made everyone the targets that's reflected in the disproportionately high number of children who have been killed around 10000 are there along the 26000 palestinians, slaughtered by israel, a bit of free that's on supported by the us and european allies. media work has been in the front line with more killed during this world than in any of the recent conflict. on sunday. i'll just say what journalist comes i'll talk to was killed in it is really striking along with a half the news agency journalist mustafah tornado. i'm just father while is i'll just heroes guns, a bureau chief. he was wounded in a previous strike that killed his camera on some boot, doc. that followed and attracted which 3 generations of wiles, family, including his wife, were killed. more journalists have died reporting or filming, and garza, and just 3 months and the 63 journalist scale during the 6 years of world war 2
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more true than the 69 killed in the vietnam war. that high death told and gaza comes despite the journalist being protected under international law, making a tax on them. a war crime. the committee to protect the journalist says that an unprecedented number of reporters were killed in the 1st 10 weeks of the will. gone, says media office as documented the killing of at least 110 media workers. since the conflict started, the is where the government has restricted entry to foreign journalists seeking to cover the conflicts from within the gaza strip. the foreign press association in jerusalem has gone to the supreme court to ask for immediate access, and there's been no ruling sofa. and the early stages of the world is really ministry released the statement to reuters and i was y'all's falls. press saying that it couldn't guarantee the safety of journalists is the 1st. let's go to what and i'll put out a, a journalist without a 0 in that goes
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a hand. what's the mood like the today? following the latest depths of on june of his colleagues were all side, we are all heartbroken. we're angry and you see raised as every single day, we're losing either a colleague or of harmony over calling or the doctor's or sons at the college. today is a very sad day yesterday was also very sad where our tears did not stop after that, the cleaning and the murder of homes. that most of what we're talking about at least one or 9 pilots in new jersey and the 2 have been killed in more than 90 days. and all of these german is are in their twenties or in their thirty's. and there are parts of our lives. we're not only the people i'm covering this war and people own the whole, the cameras and the 4th thing we have lives, we are, we have, we are friends, we have the jolts. we have secrets, it's beyond words,
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and tell us about the circumstances under which you're working. you're not just reporting on this where you are living it. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. the hor surrounds you. constantly. you tell us about the dangers that your face and why you do it up on the only living gets where, where being displays just like the millions of people in the car, lester, for also starving. we're also losing our memories and beyond the light on things, our houses were bombed, our families were killed. and we are a part of the story. and we are the story just like the 2500000 palestinians in the causal strip. but choice of going is we still believe that we have to continue to report and to story tend and to tell me what's going on in gaza. as we also see, like in the north, there has not a lot of media coverage because there are a lot of journalists evacuated. and now again, people in the middle are, you are,
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if ask you anything. and a lot of journalists are, is that's the way to, but so far we believe that we need to stay in the middle, the area to report and not to next to it, like silence from the area. there has been a lot of threats. there has been a lot of shooting. there has been a lot of art under shunning, but we continue to report because we believe we are born to reports and this is not only our passion we are interviewing at the journey of our colleagues that have been killed by is written in the past. 90 days and would you a message be to the international community of journalists around the world in terms of support for, for journalists who are working in ga. so right now to and every conflict. there is a global and international protection for, for, during and this we are being killed on our duties covering these atrocities. so we
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have been calling for protection, meaning my says, i called for protection. i called up for protection as a german, as more than one time because i, i really believe that i report this, but there's nothing that i refuse my, my life. nothing guarantees my projection. and it's not only me, you're talking about thousands of other policy and journalists who are sent into another area, risking their lives. and we're also talking about people in the middle area, mc foot and, and dropped off at a lot of during, and this gave up to be honest. they gave up on the for thing and they feel that they're, they, they are very scared on their families and they do not want their families to get charged because they believe that journalists are literally being targeted. we called for protection, just like any journalist working as since normally in this world. good to talk to you and i'll be thinking of your many things in date for doing this
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for us. all right, let's bring it out. guess for today's discussion from london, we're joined by 10 dawson deputy secretary general of the international federation of journalists in amman is ali. i will name up who is the founder of the electronic intifada. and from new york, we're joined by jody ginsburg, who is president of the committee to protect the journal. the simple and welcome to your template. stop with you. why on western journalist unions and media organizations showing more solidarity with palestinian journalists working in gauze of many of whom is we heard of paid with the lives well doing the jobs. you heard him the just a few moments ago. reporting from cause are these people are heroes? surely they should be loaded as such. i completely agree with you and i do think the kids are changing. clearly, as this complex started to the people whose default sympathies would be to the palestinians, or with the as writers, as, as the complex has continued them,
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particularly as the mortality writers, the death told of journalists has mounted up. and all people have increasingly come to realize something truly terrible is happening here. i'm actually i'm going to in this tokenize ations in the united states in the united kingdom. and one of the year that has been a significant support for jen listed in palestine and funds has been traveling through the published an engine the syndicate say that the union represents the dentist and in public. so i think that unit organizations have perhaps been a little ahead of the media within many western countries, but i think that's changing the washington post races around. a very important piece i saw highlighting just how monstrously posted in doing this to being treated . i don't think it'll be the last. why same is that not reflected more? why the venue say about that the, the new york times the you say, attitudes are changing, but these people, as the nation, put it in body, the most exalted ideals of our craft, operating through unimaginable pain,
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danger and trauma, to perform that most basic and essential function. of journalism, i ain't telling us what is happening in a place that we cannot access ourselves as well. i agree with that. sentiment is kind of like, i think i think the issue is the, the horror of what has happened in gaza across the board. the, the 20000 people who lost their lives have seen, you know, it's hard for people to take in as part of people to calculate what kind of domains . and exactly when you start considering the dentist as a proportion of the 1000 or subjects that starts out, that, that you get some idea or just how extraordinarily terrible has been the prices i paid. they died at something like 3 times 4 times the rates of health work, as for example, 5 times the rate of teachers. he's only when you, when you look at that, and you start to realize the full hara of what has happened. i'm going to come to alley and just a moment. bear with me. i want to speak to jody 1st,
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jody. a palestinian journalist somehow seen a 2nd clause by a journalist in the west. not up to the correct stand by western media organizations. the citizen journalist inside is we here is the western media prejudiced you think it's view of palestinian journalist. i'm not sure whether it's printed as soon as view of kind of sending done and is but i think what is true is that tradition in a, in some parts of the media, but not just the media. perhaps the, the journalist to come in to report on was those who are power cheated. incremental is wherever, somehow seen is kind of more legitimate done. so local janice and i think what we don't talk about enough is the fact that palestinian john is all the only people who are able to uphold on this. well no one else has guessing it. and these are not people who have necessarily trained as well. correspondence they have people to
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whom all has come. they have become jo, jody. why why, why don't, why aren't they getting in? it's because israel will not allow them in because he wants to control the narrative. a. hi the israel. no. egypt is allowing janice in absolutely what sent me those douglas who have been allowed in i will be permitted to go in to isabella . have had to insight to be in bed with the is ready on me and any go on a very sort of 2 rates. it's 2 of the country. so yes, absolutely. that's why no one else is getting in to cover this a western media organizations. jodi afraid of being accused of anti semitism if they stand up and speak out and support a palestinian journalist, so they afraid that they they go to be accused of taking sides. first of us and we have seen west to meet the organization, stand up and support. we have the washington post very recently for example, b. s. i think absolutely what we've seen in this war is that people have been
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fighting to speak out even simply to stay fast for having and a natural being accuse of anti semitism and taking sides and not certainly to not just of the media but more broadly. probably what do you make of what you've heard so far? are largely agree. this is a longstanding problem. the 1st thing i want to say of course, is to you and your colleagues that i just need a to offer my condolences for the of times a doctor. and of course, for most of us who do i yeah. only the latest of just this journalist to be targeted and by the, by israel. and i think that support that has to be made. this is clearly deliberate . israel is not somebody targeting the john list themselves, but the families, it's exterminating that families as revenge for them going out and doing the jobs. and i would say that the general, while i'm glad to hear that there's most solid,
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dire t. now, in general, that has been really quite a deafening silence. and when you compare that to the fuss that's made when a weston journalist, for example, that washington, that wall street journal journalist who's arrested and who's arrested in russia, the foss that's made in the west you hear about at night and day on n p r on cnn and the new york times, the washington post. i'm here we are reduced to celebrating a single article with the washington post, as if that is enough attention for more than a 100 journalist target to the murdered by the united states. and israel. i say that very deliberately, because none of this would be going on without the decision in the white house of the united states to assess the israel to mother these journalist. and so we need to say international journalist organizations and individual journalist raising this instead of the,
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the display of cow towing. we always say at the white house press conferences, we need to see john list standing up for the colleagues who are being murdered in gaza. or let me tell you that uh yes, today and uh when uh, anthony blink to the website, us secretary of state, what standing next to the prime minister of puts on him. he was asked about the of problems at the door. he said, oh, i am deeply, deeply sorry, and wrung his hands as if but as of times at the door had all the other journalists had died of some natural disaster or misfortune. instead of being murdered with the weapons that antony blinking is bypassing congress in order to make sure that israel has a contrast start with his comments. in march of 2022, when the allegations that russia was targeting journalists and ukraine, and we got this gray lecture from time to me blinking about the sanctity of the
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work of journalists and how targeting journalist would be a wall crime. it's absolutely disgraceful and horrifying. and for too long palestinian journalists have being 2nd class citizens. they are the so called string, those who do the hard work whose, whose lives are exposed to real danger. and they are lucky to get a 2nd or 3rd place on the by line, no, simply or no to the bottom wall. it is the uh, the american and european power issue test is one of your other guess. call the who get all the glory. nobody knows because that back to the palace didn't janice and no one is more objective about the reality. that doesn't say all. i mean i'll come back to you just a moment tim. um do you wanna pick up on that? a western journalists running skid of the government's pro is ready politicians in the muted the sofa muted support. a palestinian jew unlisted in spite of the
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tide of public opinion. it seems cutting against israel's actions in gaza as well. i think i would distinguish between the actions of the news platforms who make any sort of decisions based on their own. editorial outlook on, i'm not for a moment saying that one option in the washington post distinction. i'm saying that it's a, a useful sign. oh, i could keeps changing. i actually believe the journalist organizations, a union come from the 8th of october, being working because of course, journalist in palestine in both practical and immoral ways. we signed the letter in the 2nd week of the conflict, a 2 different national journalist associations of unions from around the world cooling on greg's protections, the goss, i'm jealous, we have re significant sums of money. i know that to the secretary has also been very generously being driven this organizations. so i think the accusation of those people who represent just this just having for them. sure. in terms of that,
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that the best as full project let's do gaza is, is slightly winded. the more i think in terms of the news platform is there's no question that many of them come from political or audiological positions. we've done some, you know, due to by default, support, wisdom house and particularly the united states. but i sense of that is changing and i think we should be encouraging that to change. i think we should be encouraging everybody to look really closely at what's happening in, gosh, i think we should, we should be asking questions that these are the governments and the idea we should be saying when a country has highly sophisticated us artificially as such and kind of just track individuals geographically and by that move ones around the place. and they have telephone surveillance systems and the most sophisticated of any other in the world and bottoms track individuals. quite so many generally stop being killed . what exactly all these robots being allowed to do? how can it be that the mortality rate is so high? when the targeting is apparently so sophisticated?
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i think the more of a, to turn our attention to cooling on the idea to display that technology is to publish the site and just come, come by this. so this and to show how they're being forced, the more the, the sooner about what happened. okay, a, jody the committee to protect you on the list says that a deadly pattern that began with the killing of my colleague sherry. and actually last year has become clear journalists, like, i'll just say it was while dr. a being deliberately targeted by israel. others have received threats from the is really ministry to cease the work. i mean, on the international law, these are, these are crimes. there's a war crimes. why hasn't that been more of an outcry about this in the western media? well, when you think about it, that the person actually is it puts and that goes back unfortunately. well before the killing of sure, you know, blocked a report that was published in may. so before the coming war found over the cost trends 2 years 20 done this had been killed by the is there any army and no one had
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ever been held accountable or not. so good a pass and that we see it. and to tim's point, what we really need to understand and interrogate is how it is that so many done is a being killed. when we understand that the is where the army has all of this precision weaponry which might to, which is being provided by the united states. and as you say, if it is the case that as well is deliberately targeting done this. that would be a little crime, and it is extremely consenting to us that we see this a power passing of done it is including of has ever done this. being killed by is really forces. i'm no accounts dependency until the israel claims not to be targeting journalists. that's clearly not the case. um it is commission will crimes . what's the threat to journalists like wow, dr. posed as well. why is it going to such links to silence?
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people like him and others well, if i can just say before addressing that, the fact that israel household is tracking technology and it can track individuals through that phones and so on. is precisely how it's killing journalists. i mean, the, it's not using these technologies to avoid killing journalists. it's using them to kill journalist. and that's uh, you know, i, i know of people in gaza who for you, you know, if the dead or alive because they won't go near a telephone for fear that that phone will be used to track them and tell them such the point it's gotten to uh, but what watches the fear that israel has of what the door and all the other journalist, is it better exposing the genocide? this is a german side and it's
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a genocide been conducted in front of the whole world. well, we don't need to guess at the intentions of israel because they is riley leaders at every level. are proud of talking about exterminating the so called human animals and human beast. a talking about how there are no the president of israel said there are no civilians in gaza. the military spokes person said that tab was that uh, you know, they were focusing on damage rather than then precision and we had a will recall a few weeks ago the situation where it's rarely even said that it was going to talk it to them, tell openly i mean, it's doing it any way, but they said ultimately that they would be targeting and killing journalist who had failed defense on october 7th. so the threat the journalist present to israel is to expose the truth of this genocide, this genocide organized planned and executed by the white house and the
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it's client presuming tel aviv. only briefly before we go back to, to tim and jody. just tell us about the work if you haven't tried to get it for the journalist and engage the pressure that they're working on the right now. oh, yes, we are an independent publication, a news publication, and we work. we've worked for years with freelance journalist and photographers and gaza videographers and we've continued to do our best to support them in gaza during this time and send so of toby's 7th score of our writers have been killed, a fraternal order. i had arrived at the door on the home with her mother and her daughter, sushi, and another one of our writers was attacked and his son was killed. and almost all of our rights and contributors are displaced. all of them have lost multiple family
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members. and i marvel at the dedication to continue to report what is coming out of gaza. i don't know that i would have the, the, the sort of coverage and the sort of dedication that the journalists and gaza have right now. they are truly heroes. they are the finest among us. and i cannot say enough about how much admiration i have for all of them to, as i said at the beginning of the, the program a la has just said these people hear us and she'll be loaded as such. what would media coverage of what's happening in gaza be like without these people we just simply wouldn't don't what was going on, would we we would have no idea. no, i mean it is quite hard to get your head around default prime patients that go to, to bring us the news. there is very little fluid in gaza, so most all very hungry. there's very little books. there's always no fuel. so most of them are looking to assignments, often carrying heavy equipment on their shoulder some many miles. since if you're
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trying to quote the news, i was speaking with a, a guy, some jen, this deal, the guy who said to me that there isn't a square inch of, gosh, the weather isn't the story to be told we've determined to. so actually one of them, i don't know, that's kinda what they're doing. great personal costs. i mean, quite apart from the dangers of the shuttle main seems to continue in working 3 months and with almost almost all of last a home so that they've been tempted to combination which in many cases they've not had to move 2 or 3 times. tenants are in very short supply sleeping bag during very short supply. if we were able to, we would shift them through the, through the crossing to at least provide the most basic accommodations. but that has not been possible. believe me, we are trying daily. so these are people doing that job to come to the hall. there's multiple conditions. joe, did you want to pick up on, on, on what both tim and ali have been saying? it would actually be we would have nothing if it weren't for those. a lot of the documentation work is now being taken on by janice because we've also lost so many
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aid workers and others who often take on some of this documentation work too. so we are on tiny, reliant on these done, and this to be honest and is to bring us the information and the images of what's happening. and i'm an unimaginable thing that they can still be doing is 3 months into the war. if you think that quite often, if in, in what correspondence will be cycled in and out, they might go in for a month and come out for a month with that being built in by international organizations. these people are day in day out in clinic. well, that's true, i saw this morning a good reposing i. i cannot even imagine what it takes to have seen so many of your family members killed your son also into unless killed and to be able to get up the next day and report because it is that it's important to bring the information to make well see what is happening in goal is that we have a low end to and done is to do that. look, ali, how much longer can journalists and goals are keep doing. this work? many of the most prominent of them, of already been forced to take a step back to,
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to concerns with the, with the own and the families safety. i'm amazed at how they've continue doing what they do for this long. and that goes to everyone in gaza. whether it's medical workers, whether it's simply people trying to capture their loved ones to get them food every day. i mean, think of, i think think about how exhausting this is for those of us who are not in garza, but who are following it closely. who, who have friends and loved ones that, and then multiply that by amelia. and for those who are in casa, who have no way that there's no respite, there's no way to take a break. there's no way to take a break from the hung from the cold, from the fair, from the fairfield loved ones who your card said because i, they are separated from the geographically or as tend to hold out. a said,
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journalists are reluctant to be with the families because they're afraid they will be pocketed and their families will be killed along with them. imagine the dedication it takes to be away from your parents or your grand parents, or your children or your partner. just because you're dedicated to bringing the news to the world and feeling you have that duty to your people a to manage to, to sacrifice yourself with your own well being. and even that's of your family in order to make sure that the world can see this genocide and can never say we did no answer. and for all those hypocrites who lecture us again again, never again, never again who are supporting this genocide the the, the european governments of the united states, the ones that cry the loudest about never again loving the lessons of history, are the ones openly perpetrating another holocaust in gaza, but they also tried to murder the world's eyes. it is who are reporting on this
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genocide, who are the journalist? i don't have enough words to convey my and my disgust and my heart and what we're witnessing and real time staff. we must end up discussing manufacture date to old tim dawson, ali, about email, and jody guns, but thank you for watching suffolk, as you can see the program again at any times by going to the websites. i'll just do a dot com for further discussion. you can join us on facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash h a inside story. out of course, you can join the conversation on x on handle at a inside story from the adrian fund again and the team here in bo. lucy, again, i filled out the examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to
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an alternative view of the world today. on al jazeera, hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something go cause a problem to exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm for the back to the this is in use our life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes is around the bombs more residential areas in southern gaza. homes in vol, front and con. units are among those hates. is there any forces of killed 3 palestinians


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