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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the for the, i'm for the back to the, this is and use our life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes is around the bombs more residential areas in southern gaza homes in rafa and connie and as are
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among those hates, is there any forces of killed 3 palestinians into correct refugee camp during raids in the occupied westbank. the us secretary of state antony blinking is on a 5th visit to israel since the one guys have begun. his again, calls for is really restraint and the entry of humanitarian aides. and in other news, ecuador declared as a state of emergency. after a convicted gang leader goes missing from a high security press. the thank you for joining as israel saw me is continuing it's offensive in central and southern gaza despite claims. it's shifting to a low intensity phase of the war is radio strikes have targeted residential neighborhoods in rafa. and con eunice in the south leading palestinians searching for survivors under the russell. more than 23000 people have been killed since
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october. the 7th casualties are also mounting for these really military as how my side is confront troops across the strip. these are the military says, 4 more soldiers have been killed in the battle front. while have my says 9 were killed. that brings a number of soldiers killed since the ground invasion began 10 weeks ago. to more than a 180 has kept the laces from a correspondent in guys a honey my mode. we joins us live from rough fight in 7 guys a honey. so is really claims that aids began a new, less intense phase of its war on the ground. but that's not what we're seeing. what's the latest? the yes, fall, the labor very was expecting these collation in the uh, the air strikes campaign on the artillery southern. but on the contrary, what were seeing is a more of a service on relentless airs. right?
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in the central area and the, and the southern part of the guys tripping mainly talking about the city where more than $1500000.00 displaced, palestinians are now staying and sheltering and building tens across the roof has to be just running from the for the we're going on in, in the northern part then the central part of the gaza strip that we're seeing at increasingly a large scale of intensity and magnitude of the air strikes. and within just the past 24 hour, large number, if you would have been killed either in their cars or their residential homes or doors simply passing by the targeted areas over night. heavy artillery sitting at the eastern side, a rough last city. that is, i've been going on for the past 3 weeks and very consistent with these really plan of the creating a buffer zone that which requires the raising of much of the area of agriculture and farmland,
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today's to part and the many residential homes at the eastern part of the city that very consistent with the narrative of establishing this buffer zone along the borders of from the tunnel and all the way through. i city, you're the close to the guys. a gyptian, a boarded an over a nearly 8 hours of this morning, particularly a drawn time, an air strike targeted the residential homes. so far, we are confirmed about their reports. we're getting all these injuries of from that residential homes, nor reports about people. and they got killed in the residential homes, which is really strange and unusual right of mazda, very striped, only leave injuries inside residential home. but most of the, a killing at the mass going is taking place right now in the central part of the rest. as you can see on han you and a city. yeah. so intense bombing of central and southern garza honey. and i understand you were supposed to be reporting for my field hospital in rockford
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today, but it's becoming more difficult for people to move around and even medical staff in some of the hospitals are having to pull out yes, this is exactly what happened. it's becoming increasingly difficult to move around the roof. i city simply because it's becoming increasingly risky and dangerous than just the fact within less than a 24 hours. uh yes, 32 cars were hit. one that was our colleague comes and his, his other journalist, the car police journalists, were in the car, were targeted and another car was targeted of just on the main road leading to the way the hospital just 700 meters away. from here, there is a growing concerned that this is part of the, the 3rd phase of the world,
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which is the target killing of people that they are moving on the road or uh, in their, in their residential home. so there is a rest involved in, in, in part of what, what's going on, and what's being done in terms of going into fields, worked with trying to minimize that and assess the security in terms of the situation in terms of safety. net for us to continue working and deliver at a quality work and doing our jobs. but the thing is, it's also over crowded throughout the has the coming over it crowded beyond imagination. there are so many people who are now sleeping in the street. it's hard for people to walk for people to drive their cars as well, while the roads are packed with people. yeah, very difficult to work in these conditions and, and we appreciate your reporting honey. thank you very much, honey. my mode life for us, the in rock fi in southern gaza. this area we heard from dr. nick main onto his a surgeon with the charity medical aid for palestinians. he left the guys on monday
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morning after working at a locks the hospital for 2 weeks. there was several 100 people being admitted every day. the emergency development was uh, unmanageable. without enough stuff with a huge number of patients coming in. the uprising fits as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have cool receipts far except for the united states and out of them through the united kingdom. so the most important thing by far, is by our government in the united kingdom, dakota, for an immediate unequivocal cease fire. it is there all many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this,
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the only solution is an immediate unequivocal cease. far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that. now fading to do so at the moment and is there any forces have been conducting more raids in the occupied westbank? 3 side of cities were killed by troops when they stormed the northwest and city of 2 korean. and they've also rated the nearby city of called k, yet $345.00 students have been killed in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. as find out the latest with ben as smith, who is live for us in ramallah in the occupied westbank bennett, these raids really ramping up and he's reading media reporting that 5 minutes. and it's you always being worn to that the occupied westbank is on the brink of expulsion. the story of the series of raids again in the occupied westbank, the most consequential of those that right and told come with 3 palestinians were killed. now the tucker and the rapid response battalion is it causes so says one of
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those was killed was one of his fights is sold from a real center of uh, a lot of raids since october. the 7th i've been to the 90 just in that area since october the 7th. and now we've had more than $340.00 palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. and the rates are still going on today. and east east of novelist on that comes as the chief, the military chief of staff and senior officers, again over several days. and they've done this before wall and the prime minister on the cabinet of a slippery slope. they say, and westbank cities, which may result in another from the day as well. we'll have to deal with. we could end up, they say with a 3rd. and she found it caused by economic hardship. 2 major issues affecting the west bank, those palestinians who are not allowed to travel to the, to israel, to work since october, the 7th, causing the economic hardship and the increasing number of raids on check points and run them check points really constricting life here in the occupied westbank, making that really dangerous cocktail, but these military officers very could explode. thank you, ben,
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and for the update finished may apply for a say in ramallah in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, the us secretary of state antony blinking has arrived in israel life to stop insides. uribe a is on a regional diplomatic tour that began on thursday. his already visited kata. jordan and the united arab emirates producible as live in occupied east jerusalem for more on lincoln's visit. so the us state department has and i'm bishops. wish list for this visit was on the agenda. what will be the focus well, this is glen, confess. this had been a period of 3 months, so there's not sufficiently that are going to be the discussed among them is what is going to happen in guys after the war and governance in gaza. for example. also how to diminish the number of civilian casualties that has been happening in guys on him now. and also how to increase the number of amounts of humanitarian aid,
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but it's desperately needed in the gaza strip when this is happening just as well said that they're moving forward into the 3rd stage off before they're saying that attacks are going to be more strategic using special forces, especially in the southern part of the gas a strip. however, this is not something that we're seeing on the ground that we're hearing from our colleagues. thing as the bombardment fee attacks are ongoing. there's also, you know, i've had several discussions between the united states and it's really about what should happen were hearing, for example, that the united states would like the refugees, though to have been displaced from northern gas, a heading towards the southern part of this trip to be allowed back to wherever we left off of their homes. this is something that is well, does not agree with the united states, saying that they're not ready for the state to the other issue that is going to be discussed right now is what's happening in northern is with, with it has 4 law and live and then we have seen in the past week the killing of that top leader i. how is that from us in very well. it's also
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a top leader from his 4 lines southern living on. and this is something that worries the united states, but it's a turn into a regional war. so by the link and we'll be discussing a several things with is rarely officials later today with the precedent 5 minister, the will cabinets among many other things in it. but it's important to know that even though the united states has been a storm, a supporter of what is well, has been doing and goes on till now is fine. so what we have been seeing, it's very, very unlikely that we're going to see a very big change in policy it, whatever happens today. teresa, thank you very much. and of course, we'll be following bank and visit with you throughout the day here on a just sierra teresa of all live there, you know, occupied east jerusalem. and as teresa mentioned, they are growing fee is of an escalation in finding between israel and hezbollah. after one of the groups senior commanders was assassinated and then as striking $711.00 on, we some i'll tell you was killed when israel targeted the call he was traveling and it comes less than a week after a senior mosque leader was killed in
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a striking beveled him on con, before some southern 11 on around 11 am local time and is really dre strike hits the car, traveling in the village of kind of it's selling 10 kilometers inside the lebanese territory. his bullet has confirmed seeing if he will come on with the elite law. enforced was killed with all of the wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock come on that note you have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response, the assassination of how much lead us allow rory last week is death will be a blown to as below the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter and has been less supporters of shed pitches across social media. of him. we've seen you come on,
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has some show him with cost him. so the money the lead to the ronnie and could suppose who was killed in the us trying to strike 4 years ago. it is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task bar and a message to his release living place to live in a cool, we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those comments coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and it will that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute in both the area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday. and also this week, a top of the diplomats from the united states amos hochstein, also arrives now he was in israel last week. these res gave him
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a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibility river. but that proposal was already rejected by his bull as bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to his beloved. i want to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we've seen in gaza, his influence is limited. and hezbollah is clay the war wrong. garza must in wrong con. how does it or it will? saki suddenly a hand i'd speak to another of our correspondents in southern lebanon, zayna hondo who joins us live from 5 romano zayna. so growing fields of an escalation, tell us about the situation along about 11 on his route border. well, the lebanese arms group has but law is in
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a very difficult position. if it does not respond, then it's the terence is eroding. this is the 2nd high level assassination in just under a week, you mentioned the palestinian how mass number 2 sided has already killed in b roots. and then the parent is really strike in the heart of hezbollah stronghold and yesterday hezbollah field commander, a senior field commander, killed. so how's the law house the respond though it didn't respond initially it's called at the initial response to do this killing by hitting and it's really air traffic control base. but it doesn't seem to have deterred as well and has but law has been trying to avoid an all out war calibrating its attacks because at the end of the day, yes. how's the blocking hurts as well as can hits. it can fire rockets that can land in tel aviv, hey, for anywhere in israel, but as well to can hurt lebanon and destroy the country. the secretary general of has bought
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a house on the sort lot himself has said we have to take into account lebanon's national interests, but no doubt the 5th high level assassination in just 2 weeks of a commander belonging to a run, so called access of resistance. so has bella, for, it's the terence to restore, it's the turns we'll have to respond, but we have to wait to see whether it's still going to be calibrated, or it could lead to a possible escalation. zayna, thank you for that is in a hotel reporting deadline from 711 on. and is there any forces say they've killed a mass commander in the southern syrian town of bay jane near the occupied golden heights. according to these really on a house on a kasha helps launch walk at a tax on israel from syria is really military has intensified attacks in syria after october. the 7th fueling fee is of an escalation across the region. let's discuss all these latest developments. i wouldn't promise you a collie who is a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. thank
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you so much for joining us on audra 0. so a lot of issues, as we've heard, full blinking on this latest visit to israel. and the focus for the americans right now seems to be escalating for violence along the israel lebanon border. they're worried about that. so what can he realistically achieve on this visit? and what would he bring to the table? he thinks as the logic of diplomacy and conflict resolution says that sort of splits, put the 1st file out, which is god's war, and then prevent a would be escalation on the is that are and it has beloved front, which is the 2nd fire. for some reason mr, blinking is focused too much on a wood with the studies ation in them is because washington doesn't want to shake up the financial aid of studies school, but also follow these of his beloved. he's a viewing on how everyone there must be somebody that is ation, somehow, within his clothes advises that the day is
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a strong and organic connection between the goals of war and the the war on the northern part of the northern fund. therefore, he is not to bring in a framework of a lease that says file order wouldn't be the pro logic i would come of the goes, it will because now we're looking at the 2nd trial condition from the is what it is, which is political, say, nation the number to man in how mess one of the leading figures and has about law so has well as boys do what has to take some recently ation research my corresponding to say they have to respond even though they don't want to know a lot more with israel, how might their response look like you think has, well know where they can guess, but definitely this is a very high intensity situation, though between is that right and as of a law, we then bailed and we've been live on. and therefore, it's not just the,
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the have the has butler is the right name with a retaliation x, but the whole. so we should into take into consideration the there are all the, the phone to is about a lea own to american sections within the middle east. look at the facilities, look at the all the munitions in a rock and city. so those non state actors via their anonymous number of them now. but it grew printer world, one object. if we have to stop is what are a leak is aggression and is really u. s. collaboration and this right. let's talk about what's happening in gaza right now. we've heard these really say yesterday that they're moving into a new phase, a less intense phase of the war. even though what's happening on the ground points to the contrary. i mean, the bombing of central and southern guys are, continues that announcement. interesting. lee was made to coincide with the arrival of blink into the region. by them says, the quietly trying to convince the israel to pull out all they are the americans really putting pressure on is riley. think when it comes to guys, there is
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a huge difference between speech, the schools and pragmatism in politics. if the white house is strongly convinced, the feeling must be an and put to this one doesn't work. and i think the white house has enough muscles has enough political pressure enough for leverage to convince me nothing either one of the other. however, the same white house is also given us another escalation warming, which is basically the decision of from that. then you know, to, for somebody gave of the is what are any out of the, from a g a. this is not the reduction of the military approach. however, it is more to what degree balancing his man doesn't mean that nothing else is focusing on. would be buckley with his butler, therefore, the united states,
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even though between a rock on the hot place it has the will. it has the intention, but it doesn't have the final phase, how to put it, or how to turn it into. if for them, a lot has to convince us any has to contain himself. and also to find that the products to visa, visa, visa, visible and visiting with the info rich. very interesting stuff to you about this. and i look forward to discussing other issues as well. mama check holly from george mason university. joining us here in the pen to more ahead on this, i'll just share and use our including on during the holiday, the bundle of a capital dot com with a locked and trusted headquarters of a manual position. the property is a testament to a country in which democracy is all new to me and taiwan spies eventually, election campaign enters its final days, will tell you what the morning parties candidate has been saying about shines the
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best to into out of world news now. and united airlines in alaska airlines say they have found loose parts of multiple boeing, 737, max, 9 planes, a door from an alaska airlines, a cross blue lot meta on friday. my counter has the latest, the missing piece that caused the mid flight blow out has been recovered. the dual plug that blew off from alaska airlines flight 1282, landed in a school, teaches you out. the whole of left behind. now being combed over by federal investigators and the questions that's raised, multiplying by like monday, the 2 main us airlines flying boeing 737, max 9 had grounded the plane. so have some carriers outside the us. united airlines said that found it loose, bolts on multiple aircraft, and boeing announced that will hold an employee town whole meeting tuesday to address the issue. flight safety experts say luck played
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a large role in preventing casualties on the alaska airlines plane. the seats next to the hole and the fuselage with vacant and the plane was still climbing. i've had the, i across the that's higher altitude, a cruising altitude, for example, maybe more cost. you just wanna unbundle the about creating a big movie about the cabinet and stuff even when you're going to risk. all the loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sent out of the vehicle. but questions remain about whether the plane should have been a bone at all. investigate to say a pressure arise ation warning. lights had turned on during 3 recent flights. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they slipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance and then reset. but the issue was never fully resolved. and alaska airlines limited project to show to trip such
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a precaution until friday's incident. boeing has come on the increased scrutinise and small, then 300 people were killed in 2737, next crashes in 20182019. those were linked to a software dfcs. now the company faces another crisis, and the company, airlines and the government are working to understand the problem and restore tests and just confident my kinda, i'll just sierra arlington virginia. the president of ecuador has declared a state of emergency after and atoria is gone. leader escaped from the prison on sunday. police of launch a $900.00 for jose adolfo macias. he was serving as 34 year sentence for drug trafficking and med list on the run p t reports. this is jose ad or for my cs, better known to speak to the leader of the powerful list to nero's gang in ecuador . he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime in this maximum security prison in the port city of wyatt keel
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. but on sunday, when soldiers rated the sensor as part of the government crackdown, oh tory too said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched a major operation to recapture him so far with no results and will not be in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most wanted prisoner. and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having played the role in the assassination of presidential candidates that amount of the same. so last year, he to us off the list by deltore these docs. he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped, incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were
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seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside printing them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement or you won't be, i'm waiting for them. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president, the noble, a banana empire. here with little political experience we took over the november promising to reduce violence of i guess i won't be in again. on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency, a look at some of the end. and i've got to say that both we're seeing that in the countries prisons is the result of, of decision to confront the buses. why the government has taken action, so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost and recent years. but some analysts say the president's plan is failing document tucker, $150.00 level. it seems like the face in the crisis repeating the same reset, pay of the previous government,
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and it has been proven that declaring the state of emergency is nothing efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there is a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america in 2024 by in recent years, equity, or has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking and that out, tori. these, if failed to address these latest developments seem to suggest more troubles ahead . less than that, i get the address either the presidential candidate from taiwan zoning party has voice concerned about the future of the self governing island ahead of elections on saturday. leaching dot also warned of threats from china. his democratic progressive party is facing a strong challenge from the k m. t party, which favors closer ties to badging. tony chain has more from type a, the vice president line had a message for the international community. and that was the piece in the taiwan
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strait is an international issue. he said this is going to be the most anticipated election for 2024. and of course from his perspective is he also conceded the want aspiring to peace. we have no illusions a reference to many people's concern. here in taiwan, china is applying a very important part. in this election, he said that if elected on saturday, he would work to build up defense. the parents is and he said the piece is priceless war has no when it's china or to to return to the rules based global order. that said, it is going to be a very tough last couple of days of campaigning. the t p p, which has been in power for the last 2 tons space is a very stiff challenge from the woman dung, the cam t. there's also as the policy and the selection, the t p p. and they have been doing surprisingly well, particularly with young purchase. we could be very important in the selection. so
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while the international community may well be looking taiwan, chinese issues over the next couple of days. those standing on the pallets, we're looking very much the domestic audience. tony chang al jazeera type. this impulse i've opened in baton in an election dominated by economic challenges around 800000 people are expected to cast their ballots. the government traditionally measures its success by the happiness and well being of the people. but both main parties say, as induction needs to be taken on economy, what times use unemployment rate stands at 29 percent. still ahead on, i'll just hear a more about coverage of israel as well on guys, including at your protests as calling for sci fi in guys are interrupt to us present, joe biden, as he gives a speech in south carolina and on investigation into the adult blow out on an
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alaska airlines, spain video spigot pump and simple ins, trouble. 737. not the the hello, sorry about the case, the voltage across here but got a stormy weather across central parts of the mediterranean northville area of life precious welding away. here we use a very wet when the weather is a good positive italy and that'll make its way the east was just spinning out to process a little big area of high pressure. this will build fed if you go through the next couple of days. so it's dry now, despite the fact one is the course of the part of england a well as we do have a lot of dry weather to come. and it's very cold as well. the coldest dies and bicycles much of northern and central. you see single figures except below freezing full many further south. that's where it's seems like less cold. got to cold enough
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for some snow been to the yet to kentucky. i mountains as we go on through the next couple of days. meanwhile showers continue across the good parts of that western side of the meadow. we'll see some snow to come and get across the pier with nice. so i don't know if it stays dry, but on the cold side folk and frost increase the any issue here as we go through the next few days. so some of the weather but when the weather that'll take the final 15 is yeah. libby, pushing further east, which as we go through the next day or 2 and notice of what the weather to just come and get across. the northern positive morocco into algae area for west africa is totally fine. and pooled of the sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tri, hoses down to. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on diesel shipped in
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a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations, binding co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china, but the government remains committed to colon guess on counting the cost, the world is drowning in the rec. what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, poor nations, and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so
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here's the claim for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, the, you're watching out you 0 line from bill. hi, reminder about top stories. these rouse armies continuing. it's offensive in guys despite claims, it's shifting to less intense welfare is really strikes. i've hit residential neighborhoods in vol. find the south and con units. more than $23000.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. and is really forces have been conducting rates in cities across the occupied westbank street. palestinians were killed in an operation in tow, correct? and one wounded man was detained. and the us secretary of state on to me blinking is in israel ways meeting is really need is as he tries to prevent the war on guys from escalating him to a wide, a conflict he's got a meeting would be, is there any president? isaac has long before talks with prime minister netanyahu. nate, the international aid agencies are accusing, is right of using food as a weapon of war,
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out to 0. as john stratford reports on the hunger crisis policy need is a facing in gus. for hundreds of thousands of palestinians who flayed israel, relentless bombardments of the guns of strip, the struggle to find food gets worse every day. i am home at the this is the only bread we have. we have the quote, but we don't have food without the arab around the world, newport america, and these are in have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot, we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the bread we eat. we eat bread that is covered with dustin sent you and says one in full people is goals, starving, 90 percent of families in some areas. a lucky you say, once a day international agencies accuse is using food as a,
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with the violation of international national. i swear to god, i have no more bland could flow. so food for my children, this is my son and i have nothing for him who suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers, i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i call even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat. i put the juice of one tomato and a piece of bread until it becomes soft. and then i think my baby is what i was punch the plain view in agencies for the show cooling food and medicine. getting into a garza you and says that's a baseless lie and accuses as well to continuously restricting the entry of all supplies, including food, water, medicine, fuel. well, the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we was very sick. we came here 2 months ago,
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so we have nothing here. we can find food. i didn't even drink tea for 3 days, only to get little lentils for some peace love without you and says in the last week of december, food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing by the de jumpstart, but i'll just 0. protest is calling for a ceasefire in guys i have interrupted us present, joe biden, as he was making a speech in south carolina. curious as a result in america, as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth. so there's no light one light, there's no past friend, this darkness, the
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chart. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do as a now hutchinson is the director of development and expansion of the american and tie discrimination committee, she says biden has lost the trust and support of many muslims and americans wish
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will be reflected in this year's presidential election. a primary is are coming up in many states early on in virginia. here it's march 3rd, march 5th, forgive me and other places it's earlier and, and then it goes, it continues until november. so this is not a far, far away from the symptoms in the air. american newsome community is that they will not be voting for the binding harris administration or campaign moving forward. it has become very clear where the standards are for leadership in the world and where we as americans, air of americans, most of the americans and americans of all walks of life want to see us rep, reflected in our government. and this government not only does not reflect as it is in conducting something, although a genocide, it's killing people. and i really think a whole population trying to play it down in order to get the votes. i have said this at the beginning of the year, and i will continue sending this, the closer we get to the elections, the less confrontational, and they get to now as you are presenting earlier,
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the tone is changing. they are starting to talk about. he said, well, i'm going to put pressure, we're going to slow down the small. so basically, what we see through this, this is also again the, this is all the political move to try to get the vote, the police to me and americans, most americans, every americans are all united a, or, or for the vast majority are united in are called for an immediate cease fire and then ended up piecing that into the system, allowing a complete, allowing aids to come into the cause of stripping, to rebuild the bottom of the system has a lot to make up for. and right now they are extremely slow and the outlook is not looking good for the buy them harris administration, moving forward to the white house and the pentagon, se they'll investigate why present. joe biden wasn't informed for several days that the us defense secretary was in hospital. lloyd austin is recovering from complications following recent surgery. as defense g p is expected to be available at any moment's notice in case of
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a national security emergency. some republicans have demanded his resignation. the pentagon says he has no plans to step down. i whitehouse correspondent kimberly hawk it has. the pentagon is releasing new details about secretary of defense, lloyd austin's hospital stay last week. it's a hospital stay following routine. elective surgery, the secretary's defense started to experience complications prompting return to the hospital and the stay and i see you following feelings of severe pain. the problem is, is that the white house was not aware that the secretary of defense was in the hospital because he did not disclose it. instead he transferred his responsibility to his deputy. and that is the problem for many of the critics on capitol hill, including top republicans in the senate armed services committee,
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who say that this is something that was deliberately withheld and that the white house also withheld this information in defiance of us law. they're calling this unacceptable that are demanding a briefing from the pentagon. still, the white house says that they have the full confidence of the secretary of defense . the pentagon is saying that there are no plans for the secretary of defense to in fact resign. they say that they will be investigating and the white house says it will look into what procedures and protocols need to be followed in the future. but for now, secretary lloyd austin will remain on the job. kimberly helped get l g 0 white house. earlier we spoke to robert hunter, who's a former us ambassador to nato. he says, the incident is being used by opponents of the, by mid ministration. he went back to the hospital on the 1st of january and into the intensive care unit. that's not a trivial matter,
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but nobody father telling the president he obviously had some age with him. he wouldn't go off to walter reed hospital all by himself, but nobody bothered pulling the president as a deputy editor called we're kathleen. heck, she's how would it be a normal thing? she's a deputy secretary to pass. she didn't do anything either. so suddenly we have an issue here about the competence of the methodology within the, by the ministration where somebody is rather critical, the secretary of defense. after all, in such a chain of command, what would have happened automatically almost? is that the power of the office, which of all to the deputy, the deputy a secretary of defense? plain hicks. oh,
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but apparently she wasn't told what was wrong with the secretary and either she or some a should have all my life. i picked up the phone on the white house, talked at least to the national security advisor to make sure that the president no, no, even that one page saw i bought it ship, that this is an election year. and this is being used already. our investor trial comment has for 112 to questions or accomplish has a mr. pod and official operation and show coming right after mister vide made his a big speech about democracy and how our trump wouldn't be able to run things. have this evidence coming up that his people were running since that is becoming a serious problem for mr. bud is coming up on al jazeera and jessica washington in a change in egypt for an increase in arrivals or for single refugees is fueling among some local. and we look back on the korea of one of the grace of german
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football who has died at the age of 17. the the welcome back. more now from the full lot of that incident, a bought an alaska airlines slides a few days ago. the us national transportation safety board says it cannot yet determine whether a cabin panel that blew off on that alaska airlines building 737, macs time thing had been promptly attached. the comments came off to alaska
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airlines and united said that found loose parts on multiple ground at craft. the federal aviation administration has grounded a 171 box 9 plains. the disclosures have heightened concerns about the production process of the ground objects and the us and the u. k. c. elections in bandwidth dash that gave from it. it's a she has seen a 4 consecutive time. we're not free or fan. the nation is party boy kind of the vote saying thousands of its members and supporters have been jailed during the whole report. some back. first little rough man died in hospital one of the in police custody 2 weeks ago. he's widow believes he was tortured and didn't receive proper care. a shot kind of losing the government is responsible. they tortured my husband and i want justice, but i don't expect it from them. a shot like the, i mean visa site, the above the bed, a make good size no longer in use, the essential equipment of an activist member of the opposition p. n. p. besides,
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the television news declares the victory of prime minister shakes a scene of the b n. p boy called at the election of to thousands of its local leaders like 5 lou with jail charged with plenty of pre election violence. the prime minister now describes the party with whom she's vied for power for decades. as a terrorist organizational, this is the headquarters building of the main opposition, bangladesh and nationalists parties. you can see it locks instructor that has seen since last october, when the police described it as a crime scene. it's hard to imagine a power like a republican party in the united states, or se for his labor party, completely shut them dead by somehow putting everyone who could take a decision in to town. he told satan was foreign secretary under a neutral, can take a government in the mid to thousands. he says,
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all semblance of democratic order in bangladesh has broken down. it was sort of a one party just like that's like that. so i want to say, i think we are very closely won by the state i have here, and you tell me that this woman is a b and the local lead, arrested, and badly beaten biplane clubs. police at a demonstration 2 months ago, the kid. but then they need to find out when they could and drag me into the waiting car, they hit me on my arms. one of them said, shoot her on the spot. another person said cut her tongue out. we don't need to kill her. she lost a tooth, but go away with her life. but the dash the pregnancy is democracy itself. joe, now whole elder, 0 for india as foreign ministry has summons to him. all these different amounts. so for an escalating route between the 2 countries, it follows disparaging comments. about indian 5 minutes and a vendor multi posted by 3 multi as government ministers who relate to suspended. they described movie as a clown in response to
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a video pain promoting tourism to an indian, a group of islands near the monkeys. one of indiana's largest travel platforms, desktop, taking bookings to the monkeys. more than a $1700.00 running a refugee several arrived on the shores of j in indonesia since mid november, the largest influx since 2015. a 40 say it's increasingly difficult to accommodate them because of growing hostility from local residents. jessica washington before somebody gotcha. of this call talking bundle a cheese dog ends, dusty but it provides at least some semblance of a home for this group of 137 or hang the refugees. we are helpless, a country land and home were taken from us. then we came here to seek peace as we have experienced nothing but pain on lives. for years, we're going to have fled persecution and mass killings by me and most security
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forces for nearby bunker dish. but overcrowding, intense cods to funding, i did increase in violence. this as prompt as thousands to flee again in recent years, traveling by boat to southeast asia for a month, dose as she was tortured in me and my husband was murdered by an armed gang in bundle dish, which he doesn't feel safe here either. december university students, storm to the car, pug, demanding the deportation of the refugees. and forcing the group made up mostly of women and children out with a shelter and onto the truck. but the, when they have talked to us, i was scared that they might kill my children. we are already victims of torture on to that it. we're going to have traveled by boat to a chain for years and had long been tolerated, and often even welcomed by the local community. but some social media posts accused the refugees of spreading disease adult that said they have come to take over. i
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see some residents have expressed and at the rank of the taking up resources which they see as this. that's despite the fact that the money for the food medicine and other essentials doesn't come from the invitation government or even the local government. here in j of the u. n. refugee agency is responsible for their and these costs and says a coordinated online campaign of misinformation. this information and hate is responsible for the growing hostility. i mean, when the weather, my dad. okay, cool. so this hatred doesn't just happen. we suspect there were people framing the mist information the times on social media. it doesn't happen by itself. but the local authorities acknowledge the spread of hatred towards the ringa, but say they don't know who is behind it. when would in that yeah, so that would be our che, government's been trying to provide temporary shelter, but in many places that were thinking of putting them the local people rejected them. so asking for them to be taken out of that che data be,
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did you that is called park is fall from an ideal place to live and remote doses. she spends all her time worrying about where they may have to go next. she says her life has been in ruins since the day she was born until only dream is for her children to be safe and happy. jessica washington, the i'll to 0 bundle g indonesia. at least 4 people have been killed across ukraine in what a 40 is described as a large scale russian. miss tyler, todd, cassandra, guys. the details from keith pulled from the rebel folder and get another day of strikes. carjacked, but the russian military, ukrainian authorities say cities across the country were targeted. that is that the reach of a residential building was damaged, forcing gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore through, by says that they, it was going to be an error rate and bump. and so we quickly, quickly, or until they bump shelter late to they've got a phone call and found out what happened to the building by the way of white and
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shelter at 7 am easily, but at home, nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the cafeteria . this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it last month. keep us head to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential buildings were head. ukraine says 59 cruise and ballistic themselves as well as draws a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 are intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his ministry sites were hit or if it's stuff at any minute your losses. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area. the tech's car died by both sides and there's no sign that there will be
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a laptop and strikes any time soon. i started bake. i 0 piece. cuba is government has announced a 5 fold increase in fuel prices from next month. fed spot of a series of tough economic measures aimed at reducing the deficit. energy price is also set to increase by as much as 25 percent. cuba is economy shrunk by 2 percent last year, while the official estimates put inflation at 30 percent. it's a force by just court documents in the case of sex offender and convicted pete of 5, jeffrey epstein has been released. the papers show one accuse a claim to have seen sex dave's feeling by a scene involving britain sprint sandro, former us president bill clinton, and businessman richard bronson, became squared retracted soon after they if they were 1st made. the witness also made accusations against when we us present donald trump. a commercial us mission to the moon appears to have failed. 543. we have ignition
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the rocket experience, technical problems a few hours after launch. the last time the us launch and landing mission was with a portal in 1972. you and right is a broadcaster and space common data was close the following the spacecraft journey . you said that a loss of hill could spell the end for the time. is the latest on communications is the news is good. i'm watching it as i'm talking to you. and the madrid tracking station is talking to the little para green, the lender. however, i'm sorry to report that within the last 30 minutes, the company behind this, plucky little lender has issued a very, very down beat statement, saying that the little lander is losing rocket fuel. that is bad, bad news because of course they need that fuel to land on the moon. so everything points, unfortunately, to
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a sales commission. and this was paid for principally by nasa, but built by a private company. and it's part of a new nasa strategy that will have to come under review if there is a failure on as far as mission. it makes an awful lot of sense. if you can get people private individuals are large corporation to, to pay to send things into space because nasa could then piggyback on these commercial launches. and that's really the, the lunar economy that nasa is trying to spark. the idea that people wouldn't be prepared to pay to have things sent to the moon. and that's a scientist because then send their instruments at much lower cost in principal, it's a great idea. but if there are consistent failures, they would have to obviously review the program. german football legend finance beckoned bower has died at the age of 78. he won a hat,
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trick of european cup titles with by munich in total, back and by $104.00 caps for the old west germany. it kept in this country to walk up to 319741 home soil in 1991 again as the coach of the west, jeff will have more news coming up for you on august here in just a few minutes to stay with the as the world is increasingly good to know mental health epidemic. i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was hard if i knew full parties spilled in diverse corners of the globe. ask big questions about how we can improve on well be remove those unconscious images. i've never felt anything lock it meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcomed people and we offer the many things here. you can just be
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yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health coming on. i'll just it is a tenant of journalist to produce objective news company, which is true. i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial of the presentation. the listening post covers how the news is what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's the home of the united nations. it's a center of international finance, international culture. to make these stories resonate requires talking to every day to both normal people. not just power brokers, and that's for algebra is different from me or the city and now said you was doing away with the curfew. that was supposed to get everybody off of this international
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perspective with a human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again. the, [000:00:00;00] the of israel bombs, small residential areas in southern gaza homes in vasa and con eunice among those.
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the play you're watching l g 0 live from july with me for the back. people also ahead


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