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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the 95th nights of terra for the people of guys right in discriminate is really a tax skills dozens. with a residential building hit in the rough play
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. you're watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back to also coming up is read orders, evacuation of medical staff from us. the hospital, one of the last remaining medical facilities in the central got us secretary of state on to me blinking says the dating death rate in gaza is far too high, but still opposes a ceasefire. and in having use gunmen in ecuador storm, a tv station during a live broadcast, countries in a state of emergency after in a toy ass gunk, cert escapes from prison. the a guy that has enjoyed another night of terra is ready for stuff. target is a residential building in roughly in the south. at least 8 people were killed in this latest attack. the wounded were taken to nearby hospitals, which remain overwhelmed and on the brink of collapse is really strikes also destroyed
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a mosque and several houses in con eunice diary capitalism. reports of attacks on every hour on site gauze, a strip and one of the latest military strikes was conducted against roughly the district where a multiple stuart building had been attacked to where a number of palestinians have been injured. and one woman till now had arrived. being killed now, impedances have gone to brook to bring me victims from the location of the targeting. and the location of the targeting had been an adult assault on a neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated areas in a rough ends, which is only a few meters away from the mass. make shift 10 chill test that is close to milwaukee area. and this area is very densely populated, with the factories had been evacuated from separate parts of galls of strip. and they are right now living in that very crowded area. and also we can say that the attack had been carried out to our residential building,
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a decent one of the main central most of tell us will to on neighborhood. and this is one of the attacks that had been carried out in an area that supposed to be safe zone for palestinians as the majority of guns are being great. now living in site, this area and also in the outskirts of color. so ton of that is very close to a monty, which is the main mass shields for residents in the south of the territory. as you can see right now, the becky ground. i'm shannon's as a hitting to bring more victims and more injuries from the location of the targeting. as the attacks continue to hit the gaza strip from the north to the south and in particular, it had been expanded in the middle of an 8th of the 2 or 3 in the past. few hours were full palestinians being killed in under. so wrecked with your discount, and $1.00 of the latest attacks had been carried on in the last hour it is there at least intensifying a tax on the locks. the hospital in central guys are
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a forcing medical staff to evacuate. the maternity and intensive care units have been attacked. thousands of people taking shelter in the vicinity have been ordered to leave him towards the re is at the hospital in del bella. we are in the hospital in venezuela, where most of the medical team evacuated after the quad officer fires live by munition on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical person on the left are under the nursing see where most of them are volunteers and live in the middle area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that they were go, our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families work in size
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. this hospice us also the administrative team is completely empty, where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are still also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleanings, a hospice in and uh, 2 days ago. some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors and its emergency departments more than 90 percent of the men. because a team in the opposite hosp put the evacuating through the after i myself. also evacuated the hospitals and it's not only doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than 10 media organizations less than evacuated, $1200.00 units entered
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a. we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more than 3 months. in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it's has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic for as data, gaza after 4 visits to israel, 3 months of war and the killing of 23000 people, us secretary of state and to me blinking as repeated a familiar message, a call for israel restraint. but he still refuses to call for a cease fire. he's a junior to a lot more humanitarian aid into casa, so hi ross, re, for some teletubbies. he canes is row with a message from some arab leaders. normalization of relations is still possible, but with conditions they're ready to support the last thing solution,
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the end is the long running cycle of violence and ensures israel's security. but the underscore the this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a palestinian state. i see if there's no sign that is right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is willing to allow a policy pinion state. it's anthony blinking again just and to allow more age into the cause of strip. any seem to convince is ralph and now to consider allowing people that the space from northern gauze to return. we agreed today on a plan for the un to carry out an assessment mission. it will determine what needs to be done to allow this place pallets and palestinians to return safely to homes in the north. now this is not going to happen overnight. are there a serious security infrastructure and humanitarian challenges? 70 percent of the goal is the strips infrastructure has been destroyed. the majority of the population is hungry with farm instead to be around the corner and
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diseases already spreading. bodies continued throats underneath the rubble and then the st. anthony blinking says that several hour of countries already to support causes reconstruction off to the wall. but it's hard to tell when that will be is this rose says it will continue the will throughout the year. and the so called say off the plan is still not clear, but goals and may not have been these riley sides. main concern. brinkman's flurry of me, things admitted treat updates focused on escalating tensions along as well as northern border with uranium. but group has, by law in southern lebanon. lincoln's next stop is egypt with the revival of a sci fi deal. and another round of hostage release is set to be taught of his agenda boxes. this trip has highlighted anything. it's how far away from a real settlement, all the policies to this conflict, still all sort of fight altamira. tel aviv earlier we heard from our senior
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political analyst smile on bushera any details. what he says is us complicity in his roswell, on guys that in light of lincoln's visit center, you got on my other man, right? these quite persistent. i mean, you know, no change of tone now for 3 months. continues to repeat as lies even though the yeah that the is reported in plain sight. every day he talks about as far as one thing on the war, we just reported the past week more than a 1000 killed the guys on whitening down the war. just a bit to a 150 the day before 250 killed white thing down to what, what does the talking about? you don't know. and you said repeating the same live kind of thing. the same lies about how much fighting from hospice was cool. when we noticed was the bunks already said, i'm headquarters on hospitals. now? i gave you the secretary of defense. awesome. so talking about the vicinity of hospitals. no one is talking about in the auto hospitals and schools, you know,
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basically it gets a little files up on thousands of staff, teachers and students, some doctors in more crimes. and you just click repeating that as a business fact when it's in fact section. and then the point that was really quite annoying, you know, you and you expect from a sector. so to be a bit forthcoming, since he's speaking out of his right. he said that's out of the dentist and location the that was he met all interested in potentially joining in, you know, and finding a solution to the issue. and the recon says do costs. i think guys are, if there's a fast towards a comprehensive solution to stay to install so forth. when he was asked whether the video agrees to that. he said i cannot speak for him. the us and u. k. military say they have shot down a series of drones and miss signs in the red sea. us central command says 18 jones were launched,
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as well as to close my size and one ballistic miss side is get the latest from heidi's real castro, who's in washington dc. for his heidi, this is being described as one of the largest who is the attacks to take place in the red sea in recent months. what were you hearing about it to that are fully more details from us central command to describe it as a complex attack. of this barrage of objects of object tiles and rows were launched from young men toward international shipping ways. as dozens of merchant ships were traversing through the southern red c, u. s. and u. k. fighter jazz responded according to the pentagon and they worked in tandem shooting down 18 drones to cruise missiles and one ballistic missile. there was no reported damage or injuries as a result of these attacks. and the response here part of that naval coalition that now counts 20 nations as participants led by the us that was formed back in
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december and response to this escalation from the ryan back to sees that have continued as we've seen this now to be the 26th such attack since november 19th. yeah. and the launch coming heidi as the secretary of state down to the blinking is in the lease in an attempt to contain this war on gaza and prevent the original escalation it absolutely, and even as we've seen it, different us officials travel to the region always with that same message warning from regional escalation, this happens, and even as blank is presence is there in the middle east, which makes us attack more brazen. and so what response has there been from the us to this well over repetition. in fact, they quoted of a previous statement by 14 coalition countries, including the us again, telling that who these quote that they will bear the responsibility for the quite
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consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy or the freeflow of commerce in the regions. critical waterways. so what more will result besides these words, we're not sure we know that this coalition continues to shoot down attacks from who sees as far as whether it will escalate further appears to be in the sixty's hands . heidi, thank you for the update heidi's real cost or life force. the in washington, dc and $711.00 on a target. it is really strike is killed. 3 members of the group has by law. it comes a day after israel assassinated senior has bullock amanda. we some to will a 2nd these really strike on tuesday targeted his funeral, killing. another member of the group is in a hot every for some tire instead of 11 on lines. continue to be close in this conflict as well. targeted a car at a funeral of a senior has the law field commander killed
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a day before and an a parent is really drawn strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is really straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese arms group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battlefield along the border. and the few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed. since the group opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally hum us in garza toria was killed a week after. how masses? number 2, solid, rudy was assassinated in as well as strong hold, invaded as well as trying as much as i can to improve the cause of belonging to presentation. but once it carries on another story, like in the capital, i think that's when we can say because the laws policy determines, as by open that it's the terms as indeed rudy has the law has we tell you to to the
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killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and suffered some 12 kilometers from the border. the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, it targeted an air traffic control base as well says the strikes cause minor damage . but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. how's the law is promising to fight back without restraint, if, as well launches an all out war. but it's secretary general pass on the sweller didn't commit to a major escalation, cation to that has gl uh, would be open to negotiations with as well. on clarifying the borderline with lab and on the us has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion. so to as well stops, it's
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a question how the fee is right and has lost hope and god's done in living and, and thought this way to forward. and then it gets coming to live on the try to start negotiations on what happens after the war. despite the attacks has below went ahead with the bearing, it's commander so far the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their interest data. so there's nothing on to, is there any forces of, again, re, did janine city and his refugee camp in the northern occupied westbank? these really ami has both those votes and infrastructure. 341 policy needs have been killed by is really forces in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. the days of in use is coming up on alger 0, including nothing wrong,
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absolutely. working for the country. donald trump, back in federal court, asking for immunity. the outcome could have a major impact on this is us presidential election and a changing face of francis political landscape. the youngest fine ministries appointed i made promises of reform. the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that and so to international law. and one of the issues that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok, finds people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most
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will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera hearing the have you had to be late, he says he has the support of 15 m samantha shell pick one moment. then asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection reporting from the action. not just give you a sense of what is the target displaces. i'll just see it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, the the knowledge is here,
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where the you're watching out you 0 live from doha. recap of our top stories is really a tax on the gaza strip. continue. they've targeted a residential building any time also, time area in the state, people were killed in the state just attacked. the wounded were taken to i will use this on my shot hospital. and israel is camera on target. it strikes on has for law in southern lebanon, and killing at least 4 members of the group, as well as retaliated by hitting a military command center in northern israel. the us secretary of state, and to me, blinking admits the tone. a visitor has worn civilians in gaza is far too high, but it still hasn't called for a desktop when he says that he's real has the right to ensure that an attack similar to the one on october. the 7th never happens to get a group of rob buys, have been protesting against the us, his position on gaza,
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the how the sitting at un headquarters in new york. the general assembly was meeting to discuss the us as recent decision to v to a cease fire amendment diplomatic as a jane space reports, or the array of protest inside an empty un security council chamber. a group, rabbis for a piece which represents about $200.00 us rabbis, sang chon seed, and made speeches in support of a cease fire and gauze to pray for compassion and mercy. and to honor all life un security officers arrived and then a score to the group who being on tour of un headquarters out of the building. what we're here to say to president biden enter the us ambassador to very nations is you do not speak for the jewish community. and so in, in blocking this call for cease fire, some of the rabbis also made the presence known the un general assembly,
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which on like the security council was in session. the assembly meeting was triggered because at the end of last year, the us use the pizza to block an amendment to a security council. resolution would have demanded a c, slow oregon. so it would be good if there was a strong international voice, pressing him off as leaders to do what is necessary to end the conflict that they set in motion. on october 7th, in a fiery speech, these riley ambassador attacked the un itself. you don't have the courage sadly to come by terror and radically them. you don't have the result to totally care about human rights to fight the women fight for children will fight for their hostages. this from the representative of the country is ami, who is killed well over 20000 palestinians, about half of them children. this assault is without precedent in modern history,
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in the scale and pace of getting of children of you and person on of medical and the rescued teens of journalists. and a busy week here at the you and the security council will meet twice in the coming days. to discuss the situation in gaza, james bayes out to 0 at the united nations. the, let's take a look at some of the days having use now informing us present. donald trump has spent the day in court is facing full federal charges over his attempt to with turn the 2020 presidential election, but his lawyers argue he should be exempted from prosecution. political henry for some washington dc. another trip to the d. c. courthouse for a former president, donald trump, facing for felony charges for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. his
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attorney is trying to convince 3 appellate judges, that he is immune from prosecution. because although he wasn't pitched over his actions on january 6th, he was not convicted by the us senate. the judges seemed skeptical. and the yes no, yes or no question. could have president to ordered still team steps to assassinate a political bible was not in peach. can you be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and conducted 1st and say your answer is, is, oh, my answer is qualified. yes, prosecutor called that extraordinarily frightening, arguing it would allow future presidents to commit a raft of crimes. and in fact, during the senate impeachment trial, trump's own lawyers argued that he shouldn't be impeached because he could later be charged. and some senators agreed. we have a criminal justice system in this country. we have civil litigation and former
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presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one trumpet. didn't need to appear in person, but he has been able to use his court cases to increase his fundraising by claiming he's being politically persecuted. they feel this is the way the way president, whatever the appeals court decides, it will likely be appealed to the us supreme court. and some legal analysts say that is likely the point. trump is absolutely trying to drag this out as long as possible in the hope that if he's elected, he can make all of this go away. if he were to be elected, all the prosecutions would immediately stop because there is case law providing that you can't prosecute, that you can't have a criminal trial just sitting president. now the outcome of this case is significant, not just for donald trump and his future, but for the presidential election. in a recent poll, 24 percent of his supporters said that if he is convicted in this case, his name should not be on the ballot in
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a close election. a number that big couldn't matter. patty claim, elder 0, washington in ecuador, a group of on demand have broken into a television station and threatened staff, a live broadcast, had the t. c channel was interrupted by people carrying guns and wearing foods. stuff where forced to the floor before the live feed was cut off. the government has now been invested. the attack comes a day after the size it indicated 2 months long, state of emergency in response to the escape of in a toy gun leader from prison. a france has a new prime minister present the value of my coal has a pointed 34 year old gabriela tyler, who becomes the youngest person to fill that position prison. my call is hoping a time will bring new momentum. today's administration, latasha butler reports impasse, one of the rising stalls of french politics, gabriela tile is now from his youngest prime minister. the 34 year old took over from elizabeth phone at
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a ceremony powers of to being appointed by the french president emmanuel. my call. the present because you don't like the youngest president in the history of the republic has appointed the youngest prime minister in the history of the republic. and in this i see a sign of all destitute and change. and also a symbol of confidence in youth. director shows that's all began his career with a socialist party with joint micro centuries movement a year before my goal is elected in 2017. his career has accelerated onto the president from government spokes person, a budget minister, the he's a recent posters education minister, in which he controversially bound a bias in schools for the pointing gabriel as how present mike role will be hoping to revitalize his government and turn the page on what has been a very difficult and challenging year for months of pension reform protests to divisions and the president's policy over new immigration. new macro is clearly
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keen for fresh thoughts about the change of prime minister doesn't change the fact that the president doesn't have a majority in the french, paul, and i'm pushing ahead with this reform agenda. wouldn't get any easier. also because the difficulty is that when you want to push through major reforms, you need the majority, we measure, we don't see how he's going to a cheaper as well. so it's a cause method, okay? dates past results, the indices public on particularly on the monitoring my chromebook, so it's effectively the, the, the site, everything up here. so it's a new uptime in the same role. that's all well now for the head with the president's reforms and or to see the power. so let me pick a games and also need to rebuild trust with the public ahead of june. you elections and stave off the rising threat from the far right policies. the opinion polls suggest this a tile is one of phones is most popular politicians, but he'll be able to with that in politics, things can change fost, latasha butler, which is 0 power as scientists have confirmed that 2023 was, well,
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it's hard to see it on record data from the company cuz climate change service shows 2023 was the odyssey of by substantial margin. and likely the was warmest in the last 100000 years since june 2023 every month has been the wells hottest on record compared with corresponding months in previous years. and the weather is next on. i'll just hear that inside story examines the pakistan to reinforce decisions describe a lifetime done on trying to stay with the color. we got a little bit of everything gotten on across north america at the moment. we have police that's moving through the plains. we have tonight, i flooding lanes down towards the south and we have see some power outages. there's really not the area of low pressure continues to drift this way by the east with
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type of tools. the west is another one that'll bring some outside of weather into the pacific north, west, west and positive canada as we go through the next couple of days. but let's concentrate on that. one of the tools he used wednesday sees that clearing away from the eastern seaboard as we go on a through the close of the diaper the know, still a fabulous night without having to go back into the can i get maritimes at that stage try to or was it coming back a good time for a type that is that next area? snow, as you can see, it stands across the good parts of the western side of us right across the rockies . and that'll continue to make his way further east, which as we go through this day, so quite a mobile picture set top across the good parts of north america. so look out and write also affecting the far north of cuba and northern pots, sofa the company. instead of a much a, the car business looking good over the next few days more in the way of sunshine, then sure how much you might just catch your sha, where to whether it's a said lot it to be across new, impossible of the region for central america again, lottie, set fast with temperatures about what they should be,
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the, the latest news as it breaks. so you creating a full says that this is one of the largest attacks on civilian interest such as since the days of the war with detailed coverage. the price of the center by audit, for example, has gone up 73 percent in just one week from around the world. the conservative use on your government has emphasized that piece is all right to military strength, dismissing his predecessors, policy of engagement with the north. the quickest on the supreme court scraps a lifetime panel. politicians with convictions from holding office. that's welcome, useful form of payment as of knowledge shalise. you cannot run again but not for jailed formerly to him wrong. com. why? and what's behind this really. this is inside store
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